As soon as a Govt starts getting the piss's a slippery slope. I remember the Cones Hotline, and Gordon Brown's election that never was.
This Tory Govt is decaying from the inside....and fast....
Your daily update twitter is not real life. This is the most popular government in a generation whether we like it or loathe it!
They`ll not remain popular for long at this rate. Interesting to see whether they remain "populist" when they become unpopular! If the populist tendency does drain away - perversely they may grow some balls and make some difficult decisions rather than behaving like the utimate political weathervanes.
They also need to start attacking Starmer (and Sturgeon).
We've been hearing this for weeks but still they poll at 50%. If Labour provided a decent opposition then things would be different. I would rather government moved forward and acted with the science than were timid like Sturgeon and refused to let the country come out of its shell.
That sounds odd. Staying alert is an ALTERNATIVE to staying at home. You need to be alert when you are out. When you're in you can allow your level of alertness to fall back to what it normally is for most people - not particularly alert.
When you're in you can allow your level of alertness to fall back - but by being alert you can choose to spend more time in.
But "alert" carries an air of strained activism. You alertly decide to stay at home so that you don't need to be alert? That doesn't scan.
On reflection, I much prefer "woke" - since this implies a constant state of enlightened awareness.
Stay Woke (to the virus). Save Lives.
You`re an arse kinabalu
That is a touch unfair! We must stay woke to the danger (at all times) but not be paralyzed by it. Is there a better way of putting it? Not sure there is.
I thought you were smuggling "woke" into it for devilish purposes.
Sure you weren`t?
Most sport remains closed down and the wording of the Government text doesn't bode well for an early resumption.