Why do we have to have Raab when Gove, Sunak or Hunt are available ?!
Sunak probably has enough on his plate, especially being so new to the job. Gove is probably better at being behind the scenes. Hunt is not a member of the government. So in terms of seniority Raab or Patel would be the obvious choices.
How quickly could Cameron be given a peerage? Asking for a friend.
He doesn't need one. Anyone can be Prime Minister.
Not like any of them will be addressing the House of Commons any time soon, eh?
Does anyone know the survival rates for this once you get to ICU? I'm hoping someone of his age has a good chance of getting through it.
I've read this weekend that it's 50%.
And Boris isn't fit. BMI is one of the factors relating to mortality.
Anyway I'm not putting the mockers on him. I shall head away for the night in a state of deep shock and desperately desperately desperately hoping that he makes it.
James Gallagher Health and science correspondent, BBC News
"Intensive care is where doctors look after the sickest patients – so Boris Johnson's admission to ICU is the clearest indication of how ill the prime minister is.
We do not know the full details of his condition, but we have been told he is conscious and not being ventilated.
Not every patient in intensive care is ventilated, but around two-thirds are within 24 hours of admission with Covid-19.
This is a disease that attacks the lungs and can cause pneumonia and difficulty breathing.
This leaves the body struggling to get enough oxygen into the blood and to the body’s vital organs.
There is no proven drug treatment for Covid-19, although there are many experimental candidates.
But the cornerstone of the prime minister’s care will depend on getting enough oxygen into his body and supporting his other organs while his immune system fights the virus."
I also hope he gets better but we don't have time to suspend politics, the government needs to make a lot of important decisions at very high speed and the opposition needs to hold them to account in real time to make it harder for them to bollocks them up.
I wonder if the Queen already knew more about Boris Johnson's condition on Friday.
No...of course not...
That's not at all clear, in fact. The broadcast was first announced and apparently recorded on Friday. If Boris Johnson was doing significantly worse than had been publicly announced by that time, the Queen is likely to have known about that.
If people are looking for a slightly lighter story, the New Zealand Health minister has been caught doing a Calderwood (went to the beach). Is just about hanging on to his job for now...
Why do we have to have Raab when Gove, Sunak or Hunt are available ?!
I know.
From what I've seen (admittedly very little) of them all up close, I would have chosen Raab as my deputy too.
He has empathy and warmth. And a sense of humour
Hunt has some of those qualities too.
For cold, hard, political operator. Gove is all you need. But at a time of national crisis, empathy wins.
Really? I'm not seeing that in him but I don't really know him.
I don't think it comes across publicly.
I agree, it doesn't come across publicly.
One on one, he is very warm. Wasn't there an interview with him where he defended one of his staff members to the hilt, as well? An all round good egg.
F##king hell....BBC still saying well the rules aren't clear enough and did Boris work too hard.
We have the PM at death's door and they are still acting like cretins.
Another excuse for the media to whinge. The older I get, the more I think its not the politicians but the journos who are out of touch...
Adam Boulton was complaining that we were told the PM was "fine" at the press conference... Some insider journalists seem to think they ought to be inside the ward with him.
Be kind to each other. What people may or may not have said earlier has no bearing on the current situation. A man is critically ill. We must hope for the best.
In the meantime, there are legitimate questions around
1. the Number 10 press handling of this. Did they lie to us all day? 2. the constitutional position occupied by Raab. He can chair a meeting, but can he command the armed forces, for example?
Care to take the opportunity to apologise for calling him ‘Bozo’ all day today?
I think you are being unfair. With the benefit of what we now know (which isn't very much) curbing the cut and thrust of partisanship is appropriate. No one really expected or wanted the current situation to prevail.
Boris was taken to hospital last night after having the virus for 10 days. It was way past the time to stop trying to mock him, ridiculous as that attempt was. Tonight, on this thread, he posted comments that have provoked angry replies, not from me. I think it is the right thing to say ‘I overstepped the mark’ when you’ve done so, and it would calm feelings.
Perhaps dialling back on the sanctimony might also help in the calming feelings stakes, enjoyable as it is for you.
Bore yourself.
I don’t really care if you think I am being sanctimonious. Grown men should know where the line is drawn and be big enough to realise when they’ve overstepped it.
Why do we have to have Raab when Gove, Sunak or Hunt are available ?!
I know.
From what I've seen (admittedly very little) of them all up close, I would have chosen Raab as my deputy too.
He has empathy and warmth. And a sense of humour
Hunt has some of those qualities too.
For cold, hard, political operator. Gove is all you need. But at a time of national crisis, empathy wins.
Really? I'm not seeing that in him but I don't really know him.
I don't think it comes across publicly.
I agree, it doesn't come across publicly.
One on one, he is very warm. Wasn't there an interview with him where he defended one of his staff members to the hilt, as well? An all round good egg.
Erm, I'm not sure all of his past young female staff would agree.
If the cabinet start fighting amongst themselves and trying toUndermine each other It will not be forgotten. They have an opportunity to behave like adults let’s make sure they do.
F##king hell....BBC still saying well the rules aren't clear enough and did Boris work too hard.
We have the PM at death's door and they are still acting like cretins.
Another excuse for the media to whinge. The older I get, the more I think its not the politicians but the journos who are out of touch...
Adam Boulton was complaining that we were told the PM was "fine" at the press conference... Some insider journalists seem to think they ought to be inside the ward with him.
It really just shows how pointless their questions were at the press conference. It's an evolving medical situation, and they were told as it evolved.
Hoping Boris improves, must be awful for his family at this time.
I believe Lloyd George spent two or three weeks in intensive care (or whatever the 1919 equivalent was) after picking up the Spanish flu in Manchester. I attach no particular significance to this.
I mean, this time half a decade ago all we were worried about was whether Ed Miliband ate a sandwich slightly funny.
I wish we could get back to taking the piss out of politicians pretending they go to Greggs for their lunch and Eton educated PMs regularly shop in Morrisons and supporting Aston Ham United.
Away from Boris for a minute: I don't know if other countries' equivalent data is available, but this data: https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections shows that the USA expects the whole shebang to be almost done and dusted by June, and down to zero deaths a day by July. Total predicted deaths for the USA about 90,000.
Suspect those London parks will be very empty tomorrow.
Raab was certainly suggesting the current restrictions are going to stay in place after the original April 15th deadline but gave little clue as to when and how they might be eased.
Is the Austrian "route map to normality" the way for the UK? I find it hard to see social distancing surviving when more shops are open and it's interesting to see barbershops mentioned specifically for re-opening on May 1st.
This is perhaps the most difficult public policy decision the Government will have to face - the line between the economic imperative of trying to get things moving again has to be set against the public health imperative of risking a new wave of cases triggering a renewed lock down which could prolong and exacerbate the economic damage.
Actually barber shops sound logical to me
Timed slots - maybe 2 barbers and 2 customers at once, socially distanced. Barbers in masks (and possibly customers as well).
Haircuts providing illusion of normality vs hair growing long and unkempt
Away from Boris for a minute: I don't know if other countries' equivalent data is available, but this data: https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections shows that the USA expects the whole shebang to be almost done and dusted by June, and down to zero deaths a day by July. Total predicted deaths for the USA about 90,000.
Might be interesting to compare the projection in a few weeks.
I believe Lloyd George spent two or three weeks in intensive care (or whatever the 1919 equivalent was) after picking up the Spanish flu in Manchester. I attach no particular significance to this.
Be kind to each other. What people may or may not have said earlier has no bearing on the current situation. A man is critically ill. We must hope for the best.
In the meantime, there are legitimate questions around
1. the Number 10 press handling of this. Did they lie to us all day? 2. the constitutional position occupied by Raab. He can chair a meeting, but can he command the armed forces, for example?
Care to take the opportunity to apologise for calling him ‘Bozo’ all day today?
I think you are being unfair. With the benefit of what we now know (which isn't very much) curbing the cut and thrust of partisanship is appropriate. No one really expected or wanted the current situation to prevail.
Boris was taken to hospital last night after having the virus for 10 days. It was way past the time to stop trying to mock him, ridiculous as that attempt was. Tonight, on this thread, he posted comments that have provoked angry replies, not from me. I think it is the right thing to say ‘I overstepped the mark’ when you’ve done so, and it would calm feelings.
Perhaps dialling back on the sanctimony might also help in the calming feelings stakes, enjoyable as it is for you.
Bore yourself.
I don’t really care if you think I am being sanctimonious. Grown men should know where the line is drawn and be big enough to realise when they’ve overstepped it.
Sermons on a Monday, a tedious new development. Let's hope Tues-Sat aren't encroached upon.
I believe Lloyd George spent two or three weeks in intensive care (or whatever the 1919 equivalent was) after picking up the Spanish flu in Manchester. I attach no particular significance to this.
I mean, this time half a decade ago all we were worried about was whether Ed Miliband ate a sandwich slightly funny.
I wish we could get back to taking the piss out of politicians pretending they go to Greggs for their lunch and Eton educated PMs regularly shop in Morrisons and supporting Aston Ham United.
It has to be Gove. He isn't an election winner (nor would I want him as full time PM), but come on he is smart, experienced and rarely rattled. That is what we need now.
I wonder if Boris's viral load was Uber just simply because of the hands he shoke and people he met.
It's definitely a possibility and Cummings, Whitty and Hancock all got it less badly because they got it from him or from surface contact in No. 10 rather than from meeting lots of people with it.
Be kind to each other. What people may or may not have said earlier has no bearing on the current situation. A man is critically ill. We must hope for the best.
In the meantime, there are legitimate questions around
1. the Number 10 press handling of this. Did they lie to us all day? 2. the constitutional position occupied by Raab. He can chair a meeting, but can he command the armed forces, for example?
Care to take the opportunity to apologise for calling him ‘Bozo’ all day today?
I think you are being unfair. With the benefit of what we now know (which isn't very much) curbing the cut and thrust of partisanship is appropriate. No one really expected or wanted the current situation to prevail.
Boris was taken to hospital last night after having the virus for 10 days. It was way past the time to stop trying to mock him, ridiculous as that attempt was. Tonight, on this thread, he posted comments that have provoked angry replies, not from me. I think it is the right thing to say ‘I overstepped the mark’ when you’ve done so, and it would calm feelings.
Perhaps dialling back on the sanctimony might also help in the calming feelings stakes, enjoyable as it is for you.
Bore yourself.
I don’t really care if you think I am being sanctimonious. Grown men should know where the line is drawn and be big enough to realise when they’ve overstepped it.
Sermons on a Monday, a tedious new development. Let's hope Tues-Sat aren't encroached upon.
If I want to do them , they’ll be done when I like
Away from Boris for a minute: I don't know if other countries' equivalent data is available, but this data: https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections shows that the USA expects the whole shebang to be almost done and dusted by June, and down to zero deaths a day by July. Total predicted deaths for the USA about 90,000.
If you go for supression, as the US belatedly is, you likely have to deal with a second wave. A chart that stops at August is quite possibly hiding a tsunami of cases later in the year.
From the FAQ:
By the end of the first wave of the epidemic, an estimated 97% of the population of the United States will still be susceptible to the disease and thus measures to avoid a second wave of the pandemic prior to vaccine availability will be necessary. Maintaining some of the social distancing measures could be supplemented or replaced by nation-wide efforts such as mass screening, contact tracing, and selective quarantine.
Prof Derek Hill, Professor of Medical Imaging, University College London (UCL), said:
“It seems clear that the Prime Minister went to hospital because he had difficulty breathing. It seems he was initially put on oxygen, and was conscious.
"One of the features of COVID-19 in all countries seems to be that many more men become seriously ill than women - especially in the over 40 age group. Also we know that people under about 60 seem to have a higher chance of making a recovery from critical illness with COVID-19 than older people. But there is no doubt this turn of events means Boris Johnson is extremely sick."
"It seems clear". Is this actually based on anything, or just an assumption?
The fact we are told he is having difficulty breathing and "not on a ventilator yet"?
You can be on oxygen without being on a ventilator? Sorry, I had assumed they were the same.
Yes. Ventilator is intubation and sedation. Oxygen is a mask that you can take off.
Suspect those London parks will be very empty tomorrow.
Raab was certainly suggesting the current restrictions are going to stay in place after the original April 15th deadline but gave little clue as to when and how they might be eased.
Is the Austrian "route map to normality" the way for the UK? I find it hard to see social distancing surviving when more shops are open and it's interesting to see barbershops mentioned specifically for re-opening on May 1st.
This is perhaps the most difficult public policy decision the Government will have to face - the line between the economic imperative of trying to get things moving again has to be set against the public health imperative of risking a new wave of cases triggering a renewed lock down which could prolong and exacerbate the economic damage.
Actually barber shops sound logical to me
Timed slots - maybe 2 barbers and 2 customers at once, socially distanced. Barbers in masks (and possibly customers as well).
Haircuts providing illusion of normality vs hair growing long and unkempt
Depends if they can be run economically like that otherwise they won’t open at all
The other choices are likely to be the holders of the other Great Offices of State, it's a limited selection. Now, if someone else should have had one of those roles, well, that's another matter.
Raab will either need to show greater skills than many think he has, which is possible, or listen to the right people.
If it hasn't already happened, the Next PM and Exit Date markets should be voided. Now.
People on here have within the last weeks repeatedly and calmly discussed the probability of various candidates dying in the presidential election when arguing over best betting poistion. People sagely advised about checking the rules on assassination when Obama was running.
Chance of death has been factored in by the bettors on these markets. To void them because one of the possible events that people have been betting on is possibly going to happen is a bit rum.
Suspect those London parks will be very empty tomorrow.
Raab was certainly suggesting the current restrictions are going to stay in place after the original April 15th deadline but gave little clue as to when and how they might be eased.
Is the Austrian "route map to normality" the way for the UK? I find it hard to see social distancing surviving when more shops are open and it's interesting to see barbershops mentioned specifically for re-opening on May 1st.
This is perhaps the most difficult public policy decision the Government will have to face - the line between the economic imperative of trying to get things moving again has to be set against the public health imperative of risking a new wave of cases triggering a renewed lock down which could prolong and exacerbate the economic damage.
Actually barber shops sound logical to me
Timed slots - maybe 2 barbers and 2 customers at once, socially distanced. Barbers in masks (and possibly customers as well).
Haircuts providing illusion of normality vs hair growing long and unkempt
I see Varadkar is go back on the wards part-time to help with Ireland's effort.
Really poor use of time from a government perspective (he’s still interim Taoiseach I think?) but good politics. And we know which is more important to dear little Leo
If it hasn't already happened, the Next PM and Exit Date markets should be voided. Now.
People on here have within the last weeks repeatedly and calmly discussed the probability of various candidates dying in the presidential election when arguing over best betting poistion. People sagely advised about checking the rules on assassination when Obama was running.
Chance of death has been factored in by the bettors on these markets. To void them because one of the possible events that people have been betting on is possibly going to happen is a bit rum.
They weren't debating Obama's chances at election AFTER he'd been shot. That's where we are now.
I can't believe this coverage...Sky banging on about when will the lockdown end, as if this is like a decision over introducing some sort of change to tax policy.
I presume Putin is buggering about in the North Sea and Channel areas as we write.
With Moscow under lockdown he may have other things on his mind. He shook hands with a COVID19 positive doctor himself a few weeks back.
No, the navy has had a fair few ships on patrol in recent weeks - I have seen them sailing up and down - and my navy contact tells me the russian subs have been particularly active.
I see Varadkar is go back on the wards part-time to help with Ireland's effort.
That's nearly as stupid as Johnson shaking the hands of Covid-19 patients.
He never said he shook hands with Covid patients. He said he shook hands with everyone at the hospital and that there were Covid patients there.
Of course this was a mistruth, the hopsital Johnson visited did not have any Covid patients admitted at the time.
Of course literally everyone took that to mean he shook hands with Covid patients and that there was nothing to worry about. There was a lot of heavy implication.
I believe Lloyd George spent two or three weeks in intensive care (or whatever the 1919 equivalent was) after picking up the Spanish flu in Manchester. I attach no particular significance to this.
In one of my first jobs the ICU meant the bed nearest the nursing station.
I see Varadkar is go back on the wards part-time to help with Ireland's effort.
Really poor use of time from a government perspective (he’s still interim Taoiseach I think?) but good politics. And we know which is more important to dear little Leo
He won't be in a week's time, and he may well choose to leave the government for the duration.
I can't believe this coverage...Sky banging on about when will the lockdown end, as if this is like a decision over introducing some sort of change to tax policy.
End ? We're barely under lockdown. It's probably got to tighten up further.
Away from Boris for a minute: I don't know if other countries' equivalent data is available, but this data: https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections shows that the USA expects the whole shebang to be almost done and dusted by June, and down to zero deaths a day by July. Total predicted deaths for the USA about 90,000.
Might be interesting to compare the projection in a few weeks.
Yes, it will. But Boris aside, it does feel as if Europe is peaking- though I don't know whether the downslope will be the same shape as the upslope. The big question is how many have actually had it (whether with symptoms or not). Current estimates seem to range from about 1% of UK population having had it to over half, all based on plausible assumptions. It will be fascinating when we start to get the tests to confirm this.
I suspect as the number of cases in Europe starts to wane we will see a third wave of cases (China being the first and Europe and the USA the second) of 'rest of the world' - so worldwide we are a long way from even halfway through yet.
James Gallagher
Health and science correspondent, BBC News
"Intensive care is where doctors look after the sickest patients – so Boris Johnson's admission to ICU is the clearest indication of how ill the prime minister is.
We do not know the full details of his condition, but we have been told he is conscious and not being ventilated.
Not every patient in intensive care is ventilated, but around two-thirds are within 24 hours of admission with Covid-19.
This is a disease that attacks the lungs and can cause pneumonia and difficulty breathing.
This leaves the body struggling to get enough oxygen into the blood and to the body’s vital organs.
There is no proven drug treatment for Covid-19, although there are many experimental candidates.
But the cornerstone of the prime minister’s care will depend on getting enough oxygen into his body and supporting his other organs while his immune system fights the virus."
Not to mention from an utterly different party.
We need to keep our PMs in isolation.
Maybe I know another Dominic Raab
Actually, yes they are
One on one, he is very warm. Wasn't there an interview with him where he defended one of his staff members to the hilt, as well? An all round good egg.
We have the PM at death's door and they are still acting like cretins.
If you go and look at the Worldometer Coronovirus country update page at the moment you will see that under New Deaths, Finland's count today is '-1'
Ignoring the question of how that can be, shouldn't that have been Israel next Sunday?
Hunt comes across best. Pity he is not in Cabinet.
I don’t really care if you think I am being sanctimonious. Grown men should know where the line is drawn and be big enough to realise when they’ve overstepped it.
But I like your version much more :-)
"How frustrated must Boris be that he can't led from the front"
The man is in ICU, he is in grave danger of dying, and you are prattling on about this shit.
Hoping Boris improves, must be awful for his family at this time.
Timed slots - maybe 2 barbers and 2 customers at once, socially distanced. Barbers in masks (and possibly customers as well).
Haircuts providing illusion of normality vs hair growing long and unkempt
What was Boris thinking?
We could be approaching the end of Ed’s quiet, uneventful first term now.
Of course this was a mistruth, the hopsital Johnson visited did not have any Covid patients admitted at the time.
From the FAQ:
24 hour rolling bollocks.
As Boris says, stay at home
Raab will either need to show greater skills than many think he has, which is possible, or listen to the right people.
We should just be hoping he gets better.
Can't the police move them on?
Chance of death has been factored in by the bettors on these markets. To void them because one of the possible events that people have been betting on is possibly going to happen is a bit rum.
But Boris aside, it does feel as if Europe is peaking- though I don't know whether the downslope will be the same shape as the upslope. The big question is how many have actually had it (whether with symptoms or not). Current estimates seem to range from about 1% of UK population having had it to over half, all based on plausible assumptions. It will be fascinating when we start to get the tests to confirm this.
I suspect as the number of cases in Europe starts to wane we will see a third wave of cases (China being the first and Europe and the USA the second) of 'rest of the world' - so worldwide we are a long way from even halfway through yet.
What are people supposed to do when they actually get it. Drinks loads of fluids? Stay in bed?