I see this site continues to have a large number of contributors who know better than the Chief Medical Officer and Public Health England. You should all apply for jobs there.
Well, Boris Johnson stood between the Chief Medical Officer and Some Other Major Doctor and literally said "handshaking is fine, I'm doing it" to the British people.
The medical bigwigs did not contradict his obviously stupid and foolish advice.
Five days later he bashfully admitted that the advice was wrong.
Does that inspire you with confidence?
There remains no reason not to shake hands, unless you’re also refraining from touching anything else another person just touched.
Edit - Apart from, as some have said, the fact of not shaking hands reminding people of the need to wash hands and not touch faces etc.
It still reduces one possible route of transmission. Just because a risk isnt reduced from 100% to 0% doesn't mean it isn't worth doing. Why does anyone absolutely need to shake hands with anyone else? If it reduces the risk by even 0.1%, and costs nothing to do so, what possible reason is there for not following it?
As many as '60 to 70 per cent' of Germans will be infected with the deadly coronavirus, Chancellor Angela Merkel warned today, as the contagion threatened to rip through Europe.
She is therefore predicting that, on a conservative estimate, 480,000 Germans will die, and 4 million will require critical care in hospital. In the next few weeks.
83 million living in Germany and by my maths 70% of that is 58 million
Am I missing something or is she predicting 58 million Germans will be infected ?
Yes, she is predicting that
Maybe I misread your post - you seemed to say 4 million
She was referring to the WHO worst case scenario: - up to 70% infected - 5-10% in critical care i.e. 4 million - 1% fatalities
She didn't make a prediction.
Why did she say it in the first place. Hostage to fortune
Are you suggesting that the political leadership of the country stays silent about the impending crisis? She had refrained from comment thus far, largely.
She already caused chaos with her open invitation to migrants when prudence would have been wise, so the same with this
Why did her open invitation to migrants cause chaos?
Did your life become more chaotic?
It is accepted that she made a huge error which continues to be played out on the Greek border
No it isn't.
How did your life become more chaotic?
It did for millions of migrants and communitues around Europe
And why have the EU done nothing about the Greeks opening fire on the migrants
Exactly on whose behalf are you speaking? Are you intimately acquainted with "millions of migrants and communities around Europe"?
No of course you're not.
You have precisely zero basis upon which to opine. A period of silence would be welcome now from you.
Who on earth do you think you are.
And many on this forum would endorse my views
I will not be silent
STFU Big G. Tell us about cruises and big armchairs. That's about it.
Pathetic and sad - such intolerance and arrogance
And no answer on why the EU are not preventing the Greeks firing on the migrants
I suspect Topping has had a fine day at the Cheltenham races, and is now feeling a little, er, giddy.
It is a rather embarrassing spectacle and he will likely apologise, with a hangover, tomorrow.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy such a disaster?
It helped leave win the referendum. Some see that as a disaster
True. It motivated those who don't like foreigners.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
That is right but "Don't panic" never means "Don't panic", it's an oblique insult meaning "You are (unnecessarily) panicking in expressing the view that x is serious when in my superior judgment it is not serious", usually backed up with some hebephrenic fuckwittery about the relative prevalence of flu and the risk of being run over.
I see this site continues to have a large number of contributors who know better than the Chief Medical Officer and Public Health England. You should all apply for jobs there.
Well, Boris Johnson stood between the Chief Medical Officer and Some Other Major Doctor and literally said "handshaking is fine, I'm doing it" to the British people.
The medical bigwigs did not contradict his obviously stupid and foolish advice.
Five days later he bashfully admitted that the advice was wrong.
Does that inspire you with confidence?
There remains no reason not to shake hands, unless you’re also refraining from touching anything else another person just touched.
Edit - Apart from, as some have said, the fact of not shaking hands reminding people of the need to wash hands and not touch faces etc.
You're a blithering idiot. Hand shaking is idiotic. Everyone now accepts this.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
That is right but "Don't panic" never means "Don't panic", it's an oblique insult meaning "You are (unnecessarily) panicking in expressing the view that x is serious when in my superior judgment it is not serious", usually backed up with some hebephrenic fuckwittery about the relative prevalence of flu and the risk of being run over.
As many as '60 to 70 per cent' of Germans will be infected with the deadly coronavirus, Chancellor Angela Merkel warned today, as the contagion threatened to rip through Europe.
She is therefore predicting that, on a conservative estimate, 480,000 Germans will die, and 4 million will require critical care in hospital. In the next few weeks.
83 million living in Germany and by my maths 70% of that is 58 million
Am I missing something or is she predicting 58 million Germans will be infected ?
Yes, she is predicting that
Maybe I misread your post - you seemed to say 4 million
She was referring to the WHO worst case scenario: - up to 70% infected - 5-10% in critical care i.e. 4 million - 1% fatalities
She didn't make a prediction.
Why did she say it in the first place. Hostage to fortune
Are you suggesting that the political leadership of the country stays silent about the impending crisis? She had refrained from comment thus far, largely.
She already caused chaos with her open invitation to migrants when prudence would have been wise, so the same with this
Why did her open invitation to migrants cause chaos?
Did your life become more chaotic?
It is accepted that she made a huge error which continues to be played out on the Greek border
No it isn't.
How did your life become more chaotic?
It did for millions of migrants and communitues around Europe
And why have the EU done nothing about the Greeks opening fire on the migrants
Exactly on whose behalf are you speaking? Are you intimately acquainted with "millions of migrants and communities around Europe"?
No of course you're not.
You have precisely zero basis upon which to opine. A period of silence would be welcome now from you.
Who on earth do you think you are.
And many on this forum would endorse my views
I will not be silent
STFU Big G. Tell us about cruises and big armchairs. That's about it.
Pathetic and sad - such intolerance and arrogance
And no answer on why the EU are not preventing the Greeks firing on the migrants
Your ignorance knows no bounds. Time for you to go to bed.
No point in responding to ignorance
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
Maybe time for you to close your own keyboard
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
You answered your own question and hence Brexit
And I voted remain before you have another go
I didn't answer anything.
But you seem to be saying that enacting a humanitarian policy was bad because it allowed racist fucks to be racist fucks.
Have I got that right?
Of course not otherwise I would not be complaining of the Greeks firing on migrants
You are acting very weird and maybe time to have a rest
The paper’s reporting that Dorries has “met hundreds of people in parliament in the past week and attended a reception at No 10 with Boris Johnson”. She is said to be recovering...
Also reported she first felt ill at the weekend while holding a constituency surgery....
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Masks provide little protection and using a tissue the throwing it away avoids spread just as well
You haven't grasped the point of masks. They offer some protection against infection, but it isn't pivotal, partly because they are often misused; where they are vital, is the way they prevent SPREADING: by carriers not coughing and sneezing over everyone.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Masks provide little protection and using a tissue the throwing it away avoids spread just as well
You haven't grasped the point of masks. They offer some protection against infection, but it isn't pivotal, partly because they are often misused; where they are vital, is the way they prevent SPREADING: by carriers not coughing and sneezing over everyone.
This is such a simple point, and yet so crucial.
Only problem is this:
"U.S. Surgeon General @Surgeon_General · Mar 5 for sharing the facts about #Coronavirus- 👉🏽Wash hands 👉🏽Cover cough 👉🏽Clean surfaces 👉🏽Masks not recommended for general public! @WhiteHouse @VP @POTUS"
As many as '60 to 70 per cent' of Germans will be infected with the deadly coronavirus, Chancellor Angela Merkel warned today, as the contagion threatened to rip through Europe.
She is therefore predicting that, on a conservative estimate, 480,000 Germans will die, and 4 million will require critical care in hospital. In the next few weeks.
83 million living in Germany and by my maths 70% of that is 58 million
Am I missing something or is she predicting 58 million Germans will be infected ?
Yes, she is predicting that
Maybe I misread your post - you seemed to say 4 million
She was referring to the WHO worst case scenario: - up to 70% infected - 5-10% in critical care i.e. 4 million - 1% fatalities
She didn't make a prediction.
Why did she say it in the first place. Hostage to fortune
Are you suggesting that the political leadership of the country stays silent about the impending crisis? She had refrained from comment thus far, largely.
She already caused chaos with her open invitation to migrants when prudence would have been wise, so the same with this
Why did her open invitation to migrants cause chaos?
Did your life become more chaotic?
It is accepted that she made a huge error which continues to be played out on the Greek border
No it isn't.
How did your life become more chaotic?
It did for millions of migrants and communitues around Europe
And why have the EU done nothing about the Greeks opening fire on the migrants
Exactly on whose behalf are you speaking? Are you intimately acquainted with "millions of migrants and communities around Europe"?
No of course you're not.
You have precisely zero basis upon which to opine. A period of silence would be welcome now from you.
Who on earth do you think you are.
And many on this forum would endorse my views
I will not be silent
STFU Big G. Tell us about cruises and big armchairs. That's about it.
Pathetic and sad - such intolerance and arrogance
And no answer on why the EU are not preventing the Greeks firing on the migrants
Your ignorance knows no bounds. Time for you to go to bed.
No point in responding to ignorance
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
Maybe time for you to close your own keyboard
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
You answered your own question and hence Brexit
And I voted remain before you have another go
I didn't answer anything.
But you seem to be saying that enacting a humanitarian policy was bad because it allowed racist fucks to be racist fucks.
Have I got that right?
Of course not otherwise I would not be complaining of the Greeks firing on migrants
You are acting very weird and maybe time to have a rest
So.... What was the problem with Angela Merkel's immigration policy?
As many as '60 to 70 per cent' of Germans will be infected with the deadly coronavirus, Chancellor Angela Merkel warned today, as the contagion threatened to rip through Europe.
She is therefore predicting that, on a conservative estimate, 480,000 Germans will die, and 4 million will require critical care in hospital. In the next few weeks.
83 million living in Germany and by my maths 70% of that is 58 million
Am I missing something or is she predicting 58 million Germans will be infected ?
Yes, she is predicting that
Maybe I misread your post - you seemed to say 4 million
She was referring to the WHO worst case scenario: - up to 70% infected - 5-10% in critical care i.e. 4 million - 1% fatalities
She didn't make a prediction.
Why did she say it in the first place. Hostage to fortune
Are you suggesting that the political leadership of the country stays silent about the impending crisis? She had refrained from comment thus far, largely.
She already caused chaos with her open invitation to migrants when prudence would have been wise, so the same with this
Why did her open invitation to migrants cause chaos?
Did your life become more chaotic?
It is accepted that she made a huge error which continues to be played out on the Greek border
No it isn't.
How did your life become more chaotic?
It did for millions of migrants and communitues around Europe
And why have the EU done nothing about the Greeks opening fire on the migrants
Exactly on whose behalf are you speaking? Are you intimately acquainted with "millions of migrants and communities around Europe"?
No of course you're not.
You have precisely zero basis upon which to opine. A period of silence would be welcome now from you.
Who on earth do you think you are.
And many on this forum would endorse my views
I will not be silent
STFU Big G. Tell us about cruises and big armchairs. That's about it.
Pathetic and sad - such intolerance and arrogance
And no answer on why the EU are not preventing the Greeks firing on the migrants
I suspect Topping has had a fine day at the Cheltenham races, and is now feeling a little, er, giddy.
It is a rather embarrassing spectacle and he will likely apologise, with a hangover, tomorrow.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy such a disaster?
It helped leave win the referendum. Some see that as a disaster
True. It motivated those who don't like foreigners.
There you go then. No need to ask again
Surely leave winning was a huge success not a disaster?
I see this site continues to have a large number of contributors who know better than the Chief Medical Officer and Public Health England. You should all apply for jobs there.
Well, Boris Johnson stood between the Chief Medical Officer and Some Other Major Doctor and literally said "handshaking is fine, I'm doing it" to the British people.
The medical bigwigs did not contradict his obviously stupid and foolish advice.
Five days later he bashfully admitted that the advice was wrong.
Does that inspire you with confidence?
There remains no reason not to shake hands, unless you’re also refraining from touching anything else another person just touched.
Edit - Apart from, as some have said, the fact of not shaking hands reminding people of the need to wash hands and not touch faces etc.
It still reduces one possible route of transmission. Just because a risk isnt reduced from 100% to 0% doesn't mean it isn't worth doing. Why does anyone absolutely need to shake hands with anyone else? If it reduces the risk by even 0.1%, and costs nothing to do so, what possible reason is there for not following it?
It does no harm to refuse to shake hands, but it’s a complete side issue and red herring.
As many as '60 to 70 per cent' of Germans will be infected with the deadly coronavirus, Chancellor Angela Merkel warned today, as the contagion threatened to rip through Europe.
She is therefore predicting that, on a conservative estimate, 480,000 Germans will die, and 4 million will require critical care in hospital. In the next few weeks.
83 million living in Germany and by my maths 70% of that is 58 million
Am I missing something or is she predicting 58 million Germans will be infected ?
Yes, she is predicting that
Maybe I misread your post - you seemed to say 4 million
She was referring to the WHO worst case scenario: - up to 70% infected - 5-10% in critical care i.e. 4 million - 1% fatalities
She didn't make a prediction.
Why did she say it in the first place. Hostage to fortune
Are you suggesting that the political leadership of the country stays silent about the impending crisis? She had refrained from comment thus far, largely.
She already caused chaos with her open invitation to migrants when prudence would have been wise, so the same with this
Why did her open invitation to migrants cause chaos?
Did your life become more chaotic?
It is accepted that she made a huge error which continues to be played out on the Greek border
No it isn't.
How did your life become more chaotic?
It did for millions of migrants and communitues around Europe
And why have the EU done nothing about the Greeks opening fire on the migrants
Exactly on whose behalf are you speaking? Are you intimately acquainted with "millions of migrants and communities around Europe"?
No of course you're not.
You have precisely zero basis upon which to opine. A period of silence would be welcome now from you.
Who on earth do you think you are.
And many on this forum would endorse my views
I will not be silent
STFU Big G. Tell us about cruises and big armchairs. That's about it.
Pathetic and sad - such intolerance and arrogance
And no answer on why the EU are not preventing the Greeks firing on the migrants
I suspect Topping has had a fine day at the Cheltenham races, and is now feeling a little, er, giddy.
It is a rather embarrassing spectacle and he will likely apologise, with a hangover, tomorrow.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy such a disaster?
It helped leave win the referendum. Some see that as a disaster
True. It motivated those who don't like foreigners.
There you go then. No need to ask again
Surely leave winning was a huge success not a disaster?
A fairly even split between those opinions I’d say
- the theory that this virus won't like the hot weather. We don't know yet, but MERS -another coronavirus - comes from Saudi Arabia, and its host is the camel.
- in addition to the elderly a major at risk group is the obese - highly relevant in the States.
Interesting that he thinks obesity will raise the US fatality rate over China despite China smoking more.
Also interesting that he pins the men v women thing on Chinese men smoking and women not, rather than any gender propensity to get the virus.
Yes. This does for Big Tobacco as an investment proposition what it does for Big Cruising. It was already on the ropes because the pivot into vaping wasn't looking great. All they need now is a finding that vaping is a corona risk factor.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Rather convenient then the health minister becoming infected.
The first famous person to die from this will be a huge wake up.
The paper’s reporting that Dorries has “met hundreds of people in parliament in the past week and attended a reception at No 10 with Boris Johnson”. She is said to be recovering...
Also reported she first felt ill at the weekend while holding a constituency surgery....
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Masks provide little protection and using a tissue the throwing it away avoids spread just as well
You haven't grasped the point of masks. They offer some protection against infection, but it isn't pivotal, partly because they are often misused; where they are vital, is the way they prevent SPREADING: by carriers not coughing and sneezing over everyone.
This is such a simple point, and yet so crucial.
Only problem is this:
"U.S. Surgeon General @Surgeon_General · Mar 5 for sharing the facts about #Coronavirus- 👉🏽Wash hands 👉🏽Cover cough 👉🏽Clean surfaces 👉🏽Masks not recommended for general public! @WhiteHouse @VP @POTUS"
I already explained why they are giving this advice. I'll do it one more time.They are concerned that if people stockpile masks, then there will be none left for healthworkers.
Ask yourself, if masks don't work, why are they so concerned to reserve all the masks for health workers? Because they don't work?
I see this site continues to have a large number of contributors who know better than the Chief Medical Officer and Public Health England. You should all apply for jobs there.
Well, Boris Johnson stood between the Chief Medical Officer and Some Other Major Doctor and literally said "handshaking is fine, I'm doing it" to the British people.
The medical bigwigs did not contradict his obviously stupid and foolish advice.
Five days later he bashfully admitted that the advice was wrong.
Does that inspire you with confidence?
There remains no reason not to shake hands, unless you’re also refraining from touching anything else another person just touched.
Edit - Apart from, as some have said, the fact of not shaking hands reminding people of the need to wash hands and not touch faces etc.
It still reduces one possible route of transmission. Just because a risk isnt reduced from 100% to 0% doesn't mean it isn't worth doing. Why does anyone absolutely need to shake hands with anyone else? If it reduces the risk by even 0.1%, and costs nothing to do so, what possible reason is there for not following it?
It does no harm to refuse to shake hands, but it’s a complete side issue and red herring.
I am in favour of not shaking hands if everyone goes to shake hands and then swerves and thumbs their nose instead. Hilarity will ensue.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Masks provide little protection and using a tissue the throwing it away avoids spread just as well
You haven't grasped the point of masks. They offer some protection against infection, but it isn't pivotal, partly because they are often misused; where they are vital, is the way they prevent SPREADING: by carriers not coughing and sneezing over everyone.
This is such a simple point, and yet so crucial.
Are you wearing a mask day to day? Send us a photo.
Along with those orange gloves he was touting the other day. And gloves don’t really help, and aren’t being recommended.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Masks provide little protection and using a tissue the throwing it away avoids spread just as well
You haven't grasped the point of masks. They offer some protection against infection, but it isn't pivotal, partly because they are often misused; where they are vital, is the way they prevent SPREADING: by carriers not coughing and sneezing over everyone.
This is such a simple point, and yet so crucial.
Only problem is this:
"U.S. Surgeon General @Surgeon_General · Mar 5 for sharing the facts about #Coronavirus- 👉🏽Wash hands 👉🏽Cover cough 👉🏽Clean surfaces 👉🏽Masks not recommended for general public! @WhiteHouse @VP @POTUS"
I already explained why they are giving this advice. I'll do it one more time.They are concerned that if people stockpile masks, then there will be none left for healthworkers.
Ask yourself, if masks don't work, why are they so concerned to reserve all the masks for health workers? Because they don't work?
The healthworkers are rather more likely to use them effectively or indeed at all.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
You didn't answer my question.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
Ooh, ooh, I know this one!
Because it was in direct contravention of established EU protocols. Specifically, the so-called Dublin rules. She made the decision, apparently, on the spur of the moment, without consultation, because of some pictures she saw on the news.
What do I win?
The Dublin Convention would have obligated the arrival states to process asylum applications. Suspending the rules was intended to relieve the arrival states of that burden. And of course she received consultation, and not from the TV.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Masks provide little protection and using a tissue the throwing it away avoids spread just as well
You haven't grasped the point of masks. They offer some protection against infection, but it isn't pivotal, partly because they are often misused; where they are vital, is the way they prevent SPREADING: by carriers not coughing and sneezing over everyone.
This is such a simple point, and yet so crucial.
Only problem is this:
"U.S. Surgeon General @Surgeon_General · Mar 5 for sharing the facts about #Coronavirus- 👉🏽Wash hands 👉🏽Cover cough 👉🏽Clean surfaces 👉🏽Masks not recommended for general public! @WhiteHouse @VP @POTUS"
I already explained why they are giving this advice. I'll do it one more time.They are concerned that if people stockpile masks, then there will be none left for healthworkers.
Ask yourself, if masks don't work, why are they so concerned to reserve all the masks for health workers? Because they don't work?
Masks “work” in that they do what they are designed to do. They are not designed to be worn for long periods by members of the public going about their day. Read up on why they are worn and what they do - google is your friend.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Rather convenient then the health minister becoming infected.
The first famous person to die from this will be a huge wake up.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
You didn't answer my question.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
Ooh, ooh, I know this one!
Because it was in direct contravention of established EU protocols. Specifically, the so-called Dublin rules. She made the decision, apparently, on the spur of the moment, without consultation, because of some pictures she saw on the news.
What do I win?
The Dublin Convention would have obligated the arrival states to process asylum applications. Suspending the rules was intended to relieve the arrival states of that burden. And of course she received consultation, and not from the TV.
Obliged, not obligated. Not being patronising - your English is amazing. This is just a pet peeve of mine.
I see this site continues to have a large number of contributors who know better than the Chief Medical Officer and Public Health England. You should all apply for jobs there.
Well, Boris Johnson stood between the Chief Medical Officer and Some Other Major Doctor and literally said "handshaking is fine, I'm doing it" to the British people.
The medical bigwigs did not contradict his obviously stupid and foolish advice.
Five days later he bashfully admitted that the advice was wrong.
Does that inspire you with confidence?
There remains no reason not to shake hands, unless you’re also refraining from touching anything else another person just touched.
Edit - Apart from, as some have said, the fact of not shaking hands reminding people of the need to wash hands and not touch faces etc.
It still reduces one possible route of transmission. Just because a risk isnt reduced from 100% to 0% doesn't mean it isn't worth doing. Why does anyone absolutely need to shake hands with anyone else? If it reduces the risk by even 0.1%, and costs nothing to do so, what possible reason is there for not following it?
It does no harm to refuse to shake hands, but it’s a complete side issue and red herring.
I am in favour of not shaking hands if everyone goes to shake hands and then swerves and thumbs their nose instead. Hilarity will ensue.
I wonder if a joy buzzer would kill the virus on our hands? Will joke shops save the day?
No. He engaged in childish trolling then complained when it got the reaction he obviously wanted, sorry to say.
I agree I blame Big G as much as anyone else for tonight's hostilities on here.
Why BJO.
Is the EU so sacred it cannot be criticised
Here is Robert's reply to you fpt:
"The Greeks are firing on the migrants because the migrants are being used as a weapon of war by the Turks. It is a deliberate attempt to destabilize the Greek state.
I tend to steer clear of hyperbole on here, but your righteous anger would be better directed at Erdogan than the Greek government."
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Masks provide little protection and using a tissue the throwing it away avoids spread just as well
You haven't grasped the point of masks. They offer some protection against infection, but it isn't pivotal, partly because they are often misused; where they are vital, is the way they prevent SPREADING: by carriers not coughing and sneezing over everyone.
This is such a simple point, and yet so crucial.
Only problem is this:
"U.S. Surgeon General @Surgeon_General · Mar 5 for sharing the facts about #Coronavirus- 👉🏽Wash hands 👉🏽Cover cough 👉🏽Clean surfaces 👉🏽Masks not recommended for general public! @WhiteHouse @VP @POTUS"
I already explained why they are giving this advice. I'll do it one more time.They are concerned that if people stockpile masks, then there will be none left for healthworkers.
Ask yourself, if masks don't work, why are they so concerned to reserve all the masks for health workers? Because they don't work?
Do you wear a mask?
They only work if fitted correctly. They work for a very short period of time and then should be disposed off. If you keep wearing them - they actually become a problem in themselves.
It's a bit like the "Why isn't every seat in an airliner an ejection seat?"
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
You didn't answer my question.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
Ooh, ooh, I know this one!
Because it was in direct contravention of established EU protocols. Specifically, the so-called Dublin rules. She made the decision, apparently, on the spur of the moment, without consultation, because of some pictures she saw on the news.
What do I win?
The Dublin Convention would have obligated the arrival states to process asylum applications. Suspending the rules was intended to relieve the arrival states of that burden. And of course she received consultation, and not from the TV.
Obliged, not obligated. Not being patronising - your English is amazing. This is just a pet peeve of mine.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Masks provide little protection and using a tissue the throwing it away avoids spread just as well
You haven't grasped the point of masks. They offer some protection against infection, but it isn't pivotal, partly because they are often misused; where they are vital, is the way they prevent SPREADING: by carriers not coughing and sneezing over everyone.
This is such a simple point, and yet so crucial.
Only problem is this:
"U.S. Surgeon General @Surgeon_General · Mar 5 for sharing the facts about #Coronavirus- 👉🏽Wash hands 👉🏽Cover cough 👉🏽Clean surfaces 👉🏽Masks not recommended for general public! @WhiteHouse @VP @POTUS"
I already explained why they are giving this advice. I'll do it one more time.They are concerned that if people stockpile masks, then there will be none left for healthworkers.
Ask yourself, if masks don't work, why are they so concerned to reserve all the masks for health workers? Because they don't work?
Masks “work” in that they do what they are designed to do. They are not designed to be worn for long periods by members of the public going about their day. Read up on why they are worn and what they do - google is your friend.
@eadric thinks that masks are the answer. He must do because he wears one every day all day. Right? Right?
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
You didn't answer my question.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
Ooh, ooh, I know this one!
Because it was in direct contravention of established EU protocols. Specifically, the so-called Dublin rules. She made the decision, apparently, on the spur of the moment, without consultation, because of some pictures she saw on the news.
What do I win?
The Dublin Convention would have obligated the arrival states to process asylum applications. Suspending the rules was intended to relieve the arrival states of that burden. And of course she received consultation, and not from the TV.
I meant consultation with her fellow EU heads of government, who were all affected by (what I remember as, although happy to be corrected) her unilateral decision.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Masks provide little protection and using a tissue the throwing it away avoids spread just as well
You haven't grasped the point of masks. They offer some protection against infection, but it isn't pivotal, partly because they are often misused; where they are vital, is the way they prevent SPREADING: by carriers not coughing and sneezing over everyone.
This is such a simple point, and yet so crucial.
Only problem is this:
"U.S. Surgeon General @Surgeon_General · Mar 5 for sharing the facts about #Coronavirus- 👉🏽Wash hands 👉🏽Cover cough 👉🏽Clean surfaces 👉🏽Masks not recommended for general public! @WhiteHouse @VP @POTUS"
I already explained why they are giving this advice. I'll do it one more time.They are concerned that if people stockpile masks, then there will be none left for healthworkers.
Ask yourself, if masks don't work, why are they so concerned to reserve all the masks for health workers? Because they don't work?
Masks “work” in that they do what they are designed to do. They are not designed to be worn for long periods by members of the public going about their day. Read up on why they are worn and what they do - google is your friend.
You're literally stupider than DONALD TRUMP so I shall not engage any further with you, as such dialogues would be about as useful as me arguing with a daffodil.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
That is right but "Don't panic" never means "Don't panic", it's an oblique insult meaning "You are (unnecessarily) panicking in expressing the view that x is serious when in my superior judgment it is not serious", usually backed up with some hebephrenic fuckwittery about the relative prevalence of flu and the risk of being run over.
Or it could just mean don't panic.
Not really, because genuine panic is a complete failure of rationality, and therefore inability to understand and act on rational instructions such as "Don't panic," so there is never any reason to use it in its literal sense. Like asking someone "Are you deaf?"
Slightly OT, this is probably the biggest test of his usefulness Cummings has ever experienced in his whole life. Rather than the arguably self-imposed chaos of Brexit, he has a chance to conclusively prove whether his ideas of brutally streamlining governmental functioning in line with science can make a difference.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
Masks provide little protection and using a tissue the throwing it away avoids spread just as well
You haven't grasped the point of masks. They offer some protection against infection, but it isn't pivotal, partly because they are often misused; where they are vital, is the way they prevent SPREADING: by carriers not coughing and sneezing over everyone.
This is such a simple point, and yet so crucial.
Only problem is this:
"U.S. Surgeon General @Surgeon_General · Mar 5 for sharing the facts about #Coronavirus- 👉🏽Wash hands 👉🏽Cover cough 👉🏽Clean surfaces 👉🏽Masks not recommended for general public! @WhiteHouse @VP @POTUS"
I already explained why they are giving this advice. I'll do it one more time.They are concerned that if people stockpile masks, then there will be none left for healthworkers.
Ask yourself, if masks don't work, why are they so concerned to reserve all the masks for health workers? Because they don't work?
Masks “work” in that they do what they are designed to do. They are not designed to be worn for long periods by members of the public going about their day. Read up on why they are worn and what they do - google is your friend.
You're literally stupider than DONALD TRUMP so I shall not engage any further with you, as such dialogues would be about as useful as me arguing with a daffodil.
I shall miss your calm, measured contributions. Anyone would think you were trying to wind us up....
- the theory that this virus won't like the hot weather. We don't know yet, but MERS -another coronavirus - comes from Saudi Arabia, and its host is the camel.
- in addition to the elderly a major at risk group is the obese - highly relevant in the States.
Interesting that he thinks obesity will raise the US fatality rate over China despite China smoking more.
On that note, I'm genuinely surprised "ARE YOU STILL SMOKING? IF SO, STOP ASAP!" hasn't been part of the COVID-19 messaging. It is a risk factor that people are able to modify, though I don't know (and probably the experts don't either yet) exactly how much help a couple of months of lung regeneration would be.
It may have been deemed a possible distraction from the "wash your hands" messaging, and risk being seen as too nanny-statish, so I'm not convinced it would have actually been a good idea, at least to spend too much attention on, but I remain surprised because (a) it's never bad advice, (b) it's unlike PHE to miss a chance to condemn smoking!
Nevertheless, the official guidance at a press conference (from memory, but I think I'm only slightly paraphrasing) was "if you were already thinking of giving up smoking, now would be a good time". I have a feeling that was in response to a reporter's question rather than something that was brought up spontaneously. Which struck me as yet another very wishy-washy recommendation, bearing in mind the strength of the evidence against smoking in general, and the fact smokers in China were known to be a high-risk group, and the fact this is more easily modified than many other risk factors are. This was one of the things that fed into my lament FPT, please just tell us what things we can do to protect ourselves and each other, bearing in mind you actually know a lot more about them than we do.
It's not as if telling people to give up the cigarettes is such a radical piece of health advice that it would likely stoke panic, nor is there any conceivable benefit to "timing it right" by only telling people to give up smoking later down the line. If you didn't want to distract from the main message of the campaign, some messaging specifically targeted at smokers (eg a website, or "COVID-19 and smoking" health advice posters to be compulsorily displayed at tobacco retail units) doesn't sound unreasonable. FWIW the Irish equivalent of PHE have made "COVID-19 and smoking" advice prominent on their website with a call to action to their Stop Smoking services.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
You didn't answer my question.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
Ooh, ooh, I know this one!
Because it was in direct contravention of established EU protocols. Specifically, the so-called Dublin rules. She made the decision, apparently, on the spur of the moment, without consultation, because of some pictures she saw on the news.
What do I win?
The Dublin Convention would have obligated the arrival states to process asylum applications. Suspending the rules was intended to relieve the arrival states of that burden. And of course she received consultation, and not from the TV.
I meant consultation with her fellow EU heads of government, who were all affected by (what I remember as, although happy to be corrected) her unilateral decision.
She was in permanent contact with Orban, Hungary being the main source. Other nations were, of course, affected, but in a positive way, weren't they? They had no burdens placed on them, they were relieved.
Slightly OT, this is probably the biggest test of his usefulness Cummings has ever experienced in his whole life. Rather than the arguably self-imposed chaos of Brexit, he has a chance to conclusively prove whether his ideas of brutally streamlining governmental functioning in line with science can make a difference.
An interesting thought occurs.
Both Blair and Cameron would have done yesterdays press conference alone. Just the PM at the podium. Having crammed a superficial knowledge of the subject - inhaling 1000 pages of briefing in an all nighter. The answers would have revealed to those who looked closely that they were simply cramming statements, lawyer style.
Boris chose to put the experts front and centre (well, left and right). To defer to them. In public.
This is straight out of Cummings ideas - the politicians we think we want, the Masters of The Brief. All answers and no knowledge. The Camerons and Blairs. Vs the enablers of the provable.
- the theory that this virus won't like the hot weather. We don't know yet, but MERS -another coronavirus - comes from Saudi Arabia, and its host is the camel.
- in addition to the elderly a major at risk group is the obese - highly relevant in the States.
Interesting that he thinks obesity will raise the US fatality rate over China despite China smoking more.
On that note, I'm genuinely surprised "ARE YOU STILL SMOKING? IF SO, STOP ASAP!" hasn't been part of the COVID-19 messaging. It is a risk factor that people are able to modify, though I don't know (and probably the experts don't either yet) exactly how much help a couple of months of lung regeneration would be.
It may have been deemed a possible distraction from the "wash your hands" messaging, and risk being seen as too nanny-statish, so I'm not convinced it would have actually been a good idea, at least to spend too much attention on, but I remain surprised because (a) it's never bad advice, (b) it's unlike PHE to miss a chance to condemn smoking!
Nevertheless, the official guidance at a press conference (from memory, but I think I'm only slightly paraphrasing) was "if you were already thinking of giving up smoking, now would be a good time". I have a feeling that was in response to a reporter's question rather than something that was brought up spontaneously. Which struck me as yet another very wishy-washy recommendation, bearing in mind the strength of the evidence against smoking in general, and the fact smokers in China were known to be a high-risk group, and the fact this is more easily modified than many other risk factors are. This was one of the things that fed into my lament FPT, please just tell us what we can do to protect ourselves and each other, bearing in mind you actually know a lot more about them than we do.
It's not as if telling people to give up the cigarettes is such a radical piece of health advice that it would likely stoke panic, nor is there any conceivable benefit to "timing it right" by only telling people to give up smoking later down the line. If you didn't want to distract from the main message of the campaign, some messaging specifically targeted at smokers (eg a website, or "COVID-19 and smoking" health advice posters to be compulsorily displayed at tobacco retail units) doesn't sound unreasonable. FWIW the Irish equivalent of PHE have made "COVID-19 and smoking" advice prominent on their website with a call to action to their Stop Smoking services.
There are a few reasons why asking people to stop smoking might not be a good idea. I doubt this is true, but you might even be less likely to contract it if you're on the fags constantly. A lot of people claim smoking stops them ever getting a cold.
- the theory that this virus won't like the hot weather. We don't know yet, but MERS -another coronavirus - comes from Saudi Arabia, and its host is the camel.
- in addition to the elderly a major at risk group is the obese - highly relevant in the States.
Interesting that he thinks obesity will raise the US fatality rate over China despite China smoking more.
On that note, I'm genuinely surprised "ARE YOU STILL SMOKING? IF SO, STOP ASAP!" hasn't been part of the COVID-19 messaging. It is a risk factor that people are able to modify, though I don't know (and probably the experts don't either yet) exactly how much help a couple of months of lung regeneration would be.
It may have been deemed a possible distraction from the "wash your hands" messaging, and risk being seen as too nanny-statish, so I'm not convinced it would have actually been a good idea, at least to spend too much attention on, but I remain surprised because (a) it's never bad advice, (b) it's unlike PHE to miss a chance to condemn smoking!
Nevertheless, the official guidance at a press conference (from memory, but I think I'm only slightly paraphrasing) was "if you were already thinking of giving up smoking, now would be a good time". I have a feeling that was in response to a reporter's question rather than something that was brought up spontaneously. Which struck me as yet another very wishy-washy recommendation, bearing in mind the strength of the evidence against smoking in general, and the fact smokers in China were known to be a high-risk group, and the fact this is more easily modified than many other risk factors are. This was one of the things that fed into my lament FPT, please just tell us what things we can do to protect ourselves and each other, bearing in mind you actually know a lot more about them than we do.
It's not as if telling people to give up the cigarettes is such a radical piece of health advice that it would likely stoke panic, nor is there any conceivable benefit to "timing it right" by only telling people to give up smoking later down the line. If you didn't want to distract from the main message of the campaign, some messaging specifically targeted at smokers (eg a website, or "COVID-19 and smoking" health advice posters to be compulsorily displayed at tobacco retail units) doesn't sound unreasonable. FWIW the Irish equivalent of PHE have made "COVID-19 and smoking" advice prominent on their website with a call to action to their Stop Smoking services.
Do health warnings have any effect on smokers ?
I mean you have to be pretty determined and/or addicted and/or stupid to smoke now.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
You didn't answer my question.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
Ooh, ooh, I know this one!
Because it was in direct contravention of established EU protocols. Specifically, the so-called Dublin rules. She made the decision, apparently, on the spur of the moment, without consultation, because of some pictures she saw on the news.
What do I win?
The Dublin Convention would have obligated the arrival states to process asylum applications. Suspending the rules was intended to relieve the arrival states of that burden. And of course she received consultation, and not from the TV.
Obliged, not obligated. Not being patronising - your English is amazing. This is just a pet peeve of mine.
Obligated in this sense is perfectly good English. Stacks of examples in OED, earliest 1668.
Will the transition period be extended if this virus causes even more problems with governments attention solely focused on that.
Would Leavers accept a delay ? Would they say fair enough , it was an unforeseen thing .
All normal world stuff is now suspended indefinitely. Nobody is going to complain if Boris / EU turns around and says this year is a wash, we will restart next year.
- the theory that this virus won't like the hot weather. We don't know yet, but MERS -another coronavirus - comes from Saudi Arabia, and its host is the camel.
- in addition to the elderly a major at risk group is the obese - highly relevant in the States.
Interesting that he thinks obesity will raise the US fatality rate over China despite China smoking more.
On that note, I'm genuinely surprised "ARE YOU STILL SMOKING? IF SO, STOP ASAP!" hasn't been part of the COVID-19 messaging. It is a risk factor that people are able to modify, though I don't know (and probably the experts don't either yet) exactly how much help a couple of months of lung regeneration would be.
It may have been deemed a possible distraction from the "wash your hands" messaging, and risk being seen as too nanny-statish, so I'm not convinced it would have actually been a good idea, at least to spend too much attention on, but I remain surprised because (a) it's never bad advice, (b) it's unlike PHE to miss a chance to condemn smoking!
Nevertheless, the official guidance at a press conference (from memory, but I think I'm only slightly paraphrasing) was "if you were already thinking of giving up smoking, now would be a good time". I have a feeling that was in response to a reporter's question rather than something that was brought up spontaneously. Which struck me as yet another very wishy-washy recommendation, bearing in mind the strength of the evidence against smoking in general, and the fact smokers in China were known to be a high-risk group, and the fact this is more easily modified than many other risk factors are. This was one of the things that fed into my lament FPT, please just tell us what we can do to protect ourselves and each other, bearing in mind you actually know a lot more about them than we do.
It's not as if telling people to give up the cigarettes is such a radical piece of health advice that it would likely stoke panic, nor is there any conceivable benefit to "timing it right" by only telling people to give up smoking later down the line. If you didn't want to distract from the main message of the campaign, some messaging specifically targeted at smokers (eg a website, or "COVID-19 and smoking" health advice posters to be compulsorily displayed at tobacco retail units) doesn't sound unreasonable. FWIW the Irish equivalent of PHE have made "COVID-19 and smoking" advice prominent on their website with a call to action to their Stop Smoking services.
There are a few reasons why asking people to stop smoking might not be a good idea. I doubt this is true, but you might even be less likely to contract it if you're on the fags constantly. A lot of people claim smoking stops them ever getting a cold.
I'd have thought a decent baseline lung capacity would be helpful against a nasty respiratory virus.
Slightly OT, this is probably the biggest test of his usefulness Cummings has ever experienced in his whole life. Rather than the arguably self-imposed chaos of Brexit, he has a chance to conclusively prove whether his ideas of brutally streamlining governmental functioning in line with science can make a difference.
An interesting thought occurs.
Both Blair and Cameron would have done yesterdays press conference alone. Just the PM at the podium. Having crammed a superficial knowledge of the subject - inhaling 1000 pages of briefing in an all nighter. The answers would have revealed to those who looked closely that they were simply cramming statements, lawyer style.
Boris chose to put the experts front and centre (well, left and right). To defer to them. In public.
This is straight out of Cummings ideas - the politicians we think we want, the Masters of The Brief. All answers and no knowledge. The Camerons and Blairs. Vs the enablers of the provable.
Yes. As soon as I saw the prominence of the Chief Medical Officer I thought Cummings.
Just thinking about Merkel's comments about 70% of Germans getting it. Perhaps they are talking about predictions that it will come in multiple waves and that over the course of the next 3 years that is the number that will be infected.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
You didn't answer my question.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
Ooh, ooh, I know this one!
Because it was in direct contravention of established EU protocols. Specifically, the so-called Dublin rules. She made the decision, apparently, on the spur of the moment, without consultation, because of some pictures she saw on the news.
What do I win?
The Dublin Convention would have obligated the arrival states to process asylum applications. Suspending the rules was intended to relieve the arrival states of that burden. And of course she received consultation, and not from the TV.
Obliged, not obligated. Not being patronising - your English is amazing. This is just a pet peeve of mine.
Obligated in this sense is perfectly good English. Stacks of examples in OED, earliest 1668.
It isn't good English in any sense. People made mistakes in 1668 too. You're welcome.
Slightly OT, this is probably the biggest test of his usefulness Cummings has ever experienced in his whole life. Rather than the arguably self-imposed chaos of Brexit, he has a chance to conclusively prove whether his ideas of brutally streamlining governmental functioning in line with science can make a difference.
An interesting thought occurs.
Both Blair and Cameron would have done yesterdays press conference alone. Just the PM at the podium. Having crammed a superficial knowledge of the subject - inhaling 1000 pages of briefing in an all nighter. The answers would have revealed to those who looked closely that they were simply cramming statements, lawyer style.
Boris chose to put the experts front and centre (well, left and right). To defer to them. In public.
This is straight out of Cummings ideas - the politicians we think we want, the Masters of The Brief. All answers and no knowledge. The Camerons and Blairs. Vs the enablers of the provable.
Yes. As soon as I saw the prominence of the Chief Medical Officer I thought Cummings.
Slightly OT, this is probably the biggest test of his usefulness Cummings has ever experienced in his whole life. Rather than the arguably self-imposed chaos of Brexit, he has a chance to conclusively prove whether his ideas of brutally streamlining governmental functioning in line with science can make a difference.
An interesting thought occurs.
Both Blair and Cameron would have done yesterdays press conference alone. Just the PM at the podium. Having crammed a superficial knowledge of the subject - inhaling 1000 pages of briefing in an all nighter. The answers would have revealed to those who looked closely that they were simply cramming statements, lawyer style.
Boris chose to put the experts front and centre (well, left and right). To defer to them. In public.
This is straight out of Cummings ideas - the politicians we think we want, the Masters of The Brief. All answers and no knowledge. The Camerons and Blairs. Vs the enablers of the provable.
Yes. As soon as I saw the prominence of the Chief Medical Officer I thought Cummings.
Let's see if he knows what he's doing.
So far the two egg heads have done incredibly well in their information and tone.
I think tomorrow is the big day. We have been nudged towards things, will it be more of the same or something more dramatic.
Slightly OT, this is probably the biggest test of his usefulness Cummings has ever experienced in his whole life. Rather than the arguably self-imposed chaos of Brexit, he has a chance to conclusively prove whether his ideas of brutally streamlining governmental functioning in line with science can make a difference.
An interesting thought occurs.
Both Blair and Cameron would have done yesterdays press conference alone. Just the PM at the podium. Having crammed a superficial knowledge of the subject - inhaling 1000 pages of briefing in an all nighter. The answers would have revealed to those who looked closely that they were simply cramming statements, lawyer style.
Boris chose to put the experts front and centre (well, left and right). To defer to them. In public.
This is straight out of Cummings ideas - the politicians we think we want, the Masters of The Brief. All answers and no knowledge. The Camerons and Blairs. Vs the enablers of the provable.
Yes. As soon as I saw the prominence of the Chief Medical Officer I thought Cummings.
Let's see if he knows what he's doing.
I think that putting Chris Whitty in charge of the response can be criticised in a number of ways, but not in terms of his expertise.
Probably at least 10% better than Damien McBride, for example.
- the theory that this virus won't like the hot weather. We don't know yet, but MERS -another coronavirus - comes from Saudi Arabia, and its host is the camel.
- in addition to the elderly a major at risk group is the obese - highly relevant in the States.
Interesting that he thinks obesity will raise the US fatality rate over China despite China smoking more.
On that note, I'm genuinely surprised "ARE YOU STILL SMOKING? IF SO, STOP ASAP!" hasn't been part of the COVID-19 messaging. It is a risk factor that people are able to modify, though I don't know (and probably the experts don't either yet) exactly how much help a couple of months of lung regeneration would be.
It may have been deemed a possible distraction from the "wash your hands" messaging, and risk being seen as too nanny-statish, so I'm not convinced it would have actually been a good idea, at least to spend too much attention on, but I remain surprised because (a) it's never bad advice, (b) it's unlike PHE to miss a chance to condemn smoking!
Nevertheless, the official guidance at a press conference (from memory, but I think I'm only slightly paraphrasing) was "if you were already thinking of giving up smoking, now would be a good time". I have a feeling that was in response to a reporter's question rather than something that was brought up spontaneously. Which struck me as yet another very wishy-washy recommendation, bearing in mind the strength of the evidence against smoking in general, and the fact smokers in China were known to be a high-risk group, and the fact this is more easily modified than many other risk factors are. This was one of the things that fed into my lament FPT, please just tell us what things we can do to protect ourselves and each other, bearing in mind you actually know a lot more about them than we do.
It's not as if telling people to give up the cigarettes is such a radical piece of health advice that it would likely stoke panic, nor is there any conceivable benefit to "timing it right" by only telling people to give up smoking later down the line. If you didn't want to distract from the main message of the campaign, some messaging specifically targeted at smokers (eg a website, or "COVID-19 and smoking" health advice posters to be compulsorily displayed at tobacco retail units) doesn't sound unreasonable. FWIW the Irish equivalent of PHE have made "COVID-19 and smoking" advice prominent on their website with a call to action to their Stop Smoking services.
Also, your life may depend on whether you get triaged into a ICU bed or not, and you can absolutely bet that being a smoker will be up there with advanced age and comorbidity in getting you in the wrong queue.
- the theory that this virus won't like the hot weather. We don't know yet, but MERS -another coronavirus - comes from Saudi Arabia, and its host is the camel.
- in addition to the elderly a major at risk group is the obese - highly relevant in the States.
Interesting that he thinks obesity will raise the US fatality rate over China despite China smoking more.
On that note, I'm genuinely surprised "ARE YOU STILL SMOKING? IF SO, STOP ASAP!" hasn't been part of the COVID-19 messaging. It is a risk factor that people are able to modify, though I don't know (and probably the experts don't either yet) exactly how much help a couple of months of lung regeneration would be.
It may have been deemed a possible distraction from the "wash your hands" messaging, and risk being seen as too nanny-statish, so I'm not convinced it would have actually been a good idea, at least to spend too much attention on, but I remain surprised because (a) it's never bad advice, (b) it's unlike PHE to miss a chance to condemn smoking!
Nevertheless, the official guidance at a press conference (from memory, but I think I'm only slightly paraphrasing) was "if you were already thinking of giving up smoking, now would be a good time". I have a feeling that was in response to a reporter's question rather than something that was brought up spontaneously. Which struck me as yet another very wishy-washy recommendation, bearing in mind the strength of the evidence against smoking in general, and the fact smokers in China were known to be a high-risk group, and the fact this is more easily modified than many other risk factors are. This was one of the things that fed into my lament FPT, please just tell us what we can do to protect ourselves and each other, bearing in mind you actually know a lot more about them than we do.
It's not as if telling people to give up the cigarettes is such a radical piece of health advice that it would likely stoke panic, nor is there any conceivable benefit to "timing it right" by only telling people to give up smoking later down the line. If you didn't want to distract from the main message of the campaign, some messaging specifically targeted at smokers (eg a website, or "COVID-19 and smoking" health advice posters to be compulsorily displayed at tobacco retail units) doesn't sound unreasonable. FWIW the Irish equivalent of PHE have made "COVID-19 and smoking" advice prominent on their website with a call to action to their Stop Smoking services.
There are a few reasons why asking people to stop smoking might not be a good idea. I doubt this is true, but you might even be less likely to contract it if you're on the fags constantly. A lot of people claim smoking stops them ever getting a cold.
I'd have thought a decent baseline lung capacity would be helpful against a nasty respiratory virus.
So would I, but it's not beyond the realms of possibility that the authorities don't see asking long term smokers to give up now being a good idea, for all sorts of reasons.
I posted yesterday that Billy Bob who lives self sufficient life off-grid in a cabin in rural Idaho has to be a good outside shot for POTUS in the next few years.
So far all these stories from the US make me think it more likely than ever.
Will the transition period be extended if this virus causes even more problems with governments attention solely focused on that.
Would Leavers accept a delay ? Would they say fair enough , it was an unforeseen thing .
All normal world stuff is now suspended indefinitely. Nobody is going to complain if Boris / EU turns around and says this year is a wash, we will restart next year.
I do hope Boris hasn’t got meetings with any nonagenarians planned...
Every Wednesday with Her Majesty.
Surely Liz is going to locked away now for the next 6 months. And Prince Philip, he is already in terrible health.
Yes can't be long before they fly them up to Balmoral?
I think if they did succumb, we won't hear about it. I think it will be covered up for as long as possible, as it will just have people come out onto the streets.
- the theory that this virus won't like the hot weather. We don't know yet, but MERS -another coronavirus - comes from Saudi Arabia, and its host is the camel.
- in addition to the elderly a major at risk group is the obese - highly relevant in the States.
Interesting that he thinks obesity will raise the US fatality rate over China despite China smoking more.
On that note, I'm genuinely surprised "ARE YOU STILL SMOKING? IF SO, STOP ASAP!" hasn't been part of the COVID-19 messaging. It is a risk factor that people are able to modify, though I don't know (and probably the experts don't either yet) exactly how much help a couple of months of lung regeneration would be.
It may have been deemed a possible distraction from the "wash your hands" messaging, and risk being seen as too nanny-statish, so I'm not convinced it would have actually been a good idea, at least to spend too much attention on, but I remain surprised because (a) it's never bad advice, (b) it's unlike PHE to miss a chance to condemn smoking!
Nevertheless, the official guidance at a press conference (from memory, but I think I'm only slightly paraphrasing) was "if you were already thinking of giving up smoking, now would be a good time". I have a feeling that was in response to a reporter's question rather than something that was brought up spontaneously. Which struck me as yet another very wishy-washy recommendation, bearing in mind the strength of the evidence against smoking in general, and the fact smokers in China were known to be a high-risk group, and the fact this is more easily modified than many other risk factors are. This was one of the things that fed into my lament FPT, please just tell us what we can do to protect ourselves and each other, bearing in mind you actually know a lot more about them than we do.
It's not as if telling people to give up the cigarettes is such a radical piece of health advice that it would likely stoke panic, nor is there any conceivable benefit to "timing it right" by only telling people to give up smoking later down the line. If you didn't want to distract from the main message of the campaign, some messaging specifically targeted at smokers (eg a website, or "COVID-19 and smoking" health advice posters to be compulsorily displayed at tobacco retail units) doesn't sound unreasonable. FWIW the Irish equivalent of PHE have made "COVID-19 and smoking" advice prominent on their website with a call to action to their Stop Smoking services.
There are a few reasons why asking people to stop smoking might not be a good idea. I doubt this is true, but you might even be less likely to contract it if you're on the fags constantly. A lot of people claim smoking stops them ever getting a cold.
- the theory that this virus won't like the hot weather. We don't know yet, but MERS -another coronavirus - comes from Saudi Arabia, and its host is the camel.
- in addition to the elderly a major at risk group is the obese - highly relevant in the States.
Interesting that he thinks obesity will raise the US fatality rate over China despite China smoking more.
On that note, I'm genuinely surprised "ARE YOU STILL SMOKING? IF SO, STOP ASAP!" hasn't been part of the COVID-19 messaging. It is a risk factor that people are able to modify, though I don't know (and probably the experts don't either yet) exactly how much help a couple of months of lung regeneration would be.
It may have been deemed a possible distraction from the "wash your hands" messaging, and risk being seen as too nanny-statish, so I'm not convinced it would have actually been a good idea, at least to spend too much attention on, but I remain surprised because (a) it's never bad advice, (b) it's unlike PHE to miss a chance to condemn smoking!
Nevertheless, the official guidance at a press conference (from memory, but I think I'm only slightly paraphrasing) was "if you were already thinking of giving up smoking, now would be a good time". I have a feeling that was in response to a reporter's question rather than something that was brought up spontaneously. Which struck me as yet another very wishy-washy recommendation, bearing in mind the strength of the evidence against smoking in general, and the fact smokers in China were known to be a high-risk group, and the fact this is more easily modified than many other risk factors are. This was one of the things that fed into my lament FPT, please just tell us what we can do to protect ourselves and each other, bearing in mind you actually know a lot more about them than we do.
It's not as if telling people to give up the cigarettes is such a radical piece of health advice that it would likely stoke panic, nor is there any conceivable benefit to "timing it right" by only telling people to give up smoking later down the line. If you didn't want to distract from the main message of the campaign, some messaging specifically targeted at smokers (eg a website, or "COVID-19 and smoking" health advice posters to be compulsorily displayed at tobacco retail units) doesn't sound unreasonable. FWIW the Irish equivalent of PHE have made "COVID-19 and smoking" advice prominent on their website with a call to action to their Stop Smoking services.
There are a few reasons why asking people to stop smoking might not be a good idea. I doubt this is true, but you might even be less likely to contract it if you're on the fags constantly. A lot of people claim smoking stops them ever getting a cold.
I'd have thought a decent baseline lung capacity would be helpful against a nasty respiratory virus.
Tell that to the fecking Don't Panickers. They will end up killing us all.
Don’t panic is good advice. Just take it seriously.
No, mild panic is advisable, and has been advisable for weeks. The Chinese panicked, so did the Taiwanese, as did the Japanese, and it has worked.
Western nonchalance is going to be our downfall, if we are not very very careful.
"Meh, it's just the flu"
Losing control and acting irrationally helps no one. We need the Apollo 13 mindset and calmly work out the problem. Details matter and they’re the first to go when you panic.
I guess it depends how you define panic.
We certainly need a higher level of alarm, concern and fearful awareness amongst the general population, so they will adopt social distancing, wash their hands, wear masks, etc. Everything tells us that this works. We can beat this.
It is time to give the people a rather nasty wake up call.
You didn't answer my question.
Why was Angela Merkel's immigration policy so bad?
Ooh, ooh, I know this one!
Because it was in direct contravention of established EU protocols. Specifically, the so-called Dublin rules. She made the decision, apparently, on the spur of the moment, without consultation, because of some pictures she saw on the news.
What do I win?
The Dublin Convention would have obligated the arrival states to process asylum applications. Suspending the rules was intended to relieve the arrival states of that burden. And of course she received consultation, and not from the TV.
Obliged, not obligated. Not being patronising - your English is amazing. This is just a pet peeve of mine.
Obligated in this sense is perfectly good English. Stacks of examples in OED, earliest 1668.
It isn't good English in any sense. People made mistakes in 1668 too. You're welcome.
Sorry, I hadn't realised how unreliable the Oxford English Dictionary was.
Couldn't have found out at a better time; that's yards of shelf space cleared for hoarding and several years' worth of bumwipes in the bank. Thanks!
- the theory that this virus won't like the hot weather. We don't know yet, but MERS -another coronavirus - comes from Saudi Arabia, and its host is the camel.
- in addition to the elderly a major at risk group is the obese - highly relevant in the States.
Interesting that he thinks obesity will raise the US fatality rate over China despite China smoking more.
On that note, I'm genuinely surprised "ARE YOU STILL SMOKING? IF SO, STOP ASAP!" hasn't been part of the COVID-19 messaging. It is a risk factor that people are able to modify, though I don't know (and probably the experts don't either yet) exactly how much help a couple of months of lung regeneration would be.
It may have been deemed a possible distraction from the "wash your hands" messaging, and risk being seen as too nanny-statish, so I'm not convinced it would have actually been a good idea, at least to spend too much attention on, but I remain surprised because (a) it's never bad advice, (b) it's unlike PHE to miss a chance to condemn smoking!
Nevertheless, the official guidance at a press conference (from memory, but I think I'm only slightly paraphrasing) was "if you were already thinking of giving up smoking, now would be a good time". I have a feeling that was in response to a reporter's question rather than something that was brought up spontaneously. Which struck me as yet another very wishy-washy recommendation, bearing in mind the strength of the evidence against smoking in general, and the fact smokers in China were known to be a high-risk group, and the fact this is more easily modified than many other risk factors are. This was one of the things that fed into my lament FPT, please just tell us what we can do to protect ourselves and each other, bearing in mind you actually know a lot more about them than we do.
It's not as if telling people to give up the cigarettes is such a radical piece of health advice that it would likely stoke panic, nor is there any conceivable benefit to "timing it right" by only telling people to give up smoking later down the line. If you didn't want to distract from the main message of the campaign, some messaging specifically targeted at smokers (eg a website, or "COVID-19 and smoking" health advice posters to be compulsorily displayed at tobacco retail units) doesn't sound unreasonable. FWIW the Irish equivalent of PHE have made "COVID-19 and smoking" advice prominent on their website with a call to action to their Stop Smoking services.
There are a few reasons why asking people to stop smoking might not be a good idea. I doubt this is true, but you might even be less likely to contract it if you're on the fags constantly. A lot of people claim smoking stops them ever getting a cold.
I'd have thought a decent baseline lung capacity would be helpful against a nasty respiratory virus.
So would I, but it's not beyond the realms of possibility that the authorities don't see asking long term smokers to give up now being a good idea, for all sorts of reasons.
Slightly OT, this is probably the biggest test of his usefulness Cummings has ever experienced in his whole life. Rather than the arguably self-imposed chaos of Brexit, he has a chance to conclusively prove whether his ideas of brutally streamlining governmental functioning in line with science can make a difference.
An interesting thought occurs.
Both Blair and Cameron would have done yesterdays press conference alone. Just the PM at the podium. Having crammed a superficial knowledge of the subject - inhaling 1000 pages of briefing in an all nighter. The answers would have revealed to those who looked closely that they were simply cramming statements, lawyer style.
Boris chose to put the experts front and centre (well, left and right). To defer to them. In public.
This is straight out of Cummings ideas - the politicians we think we want, the Masters of The Brief. All answers and no knowledge. The Camerons and Blairs. Vs the enablers of the provable.
Yes. As soon as I saw the prominence of the Chief Medical Officer I thought Cummings.
'I told my chauffeur to speed because I was having sex in my Rolls': Tycoon who gave police the slip in his £405,000 Phantom blamed affair with his mistress
You are acting very weird and maybe time to have a rest
‘Recovering’ has a fairly broad range of possible interpretations.
"U.S. Surgeon General
Mar 5
for sharing the facts about #Coronavirus-
👉🏽Wash hands
👉🏽Cover cough
👉🏽Clean surfaces
👉🏽Masks not recommended for general public!
Is the EU so sacred it cannot be criticised
And of course she received consultation, and not from the TV.
"The Greeks are firing on the migrants because the migrants are being used as a weapon of war by the Turks. It is a deliberate attempt to destabilize the Greek state.
I tend to steer clear of hyperbole on here, but your righteous anger would be better directed at Erdogan than the Greek government."
It's a bit like the "Why isn't every seat in an airliner an ejection seat?"
@eadric thinks that masks are the answer. He must do because he wears one every day all day. Right? Right?
However, a lot of cases have reported this pattern, first few days, feel crappy like flu, feel better and then go downhill fast.
This time he's ordering cruise ships to quarantine people on.
What could possibly go wrong?
It may have been deemed a possible distraction from the "wash your hands" messaging, and risk being seen as too nanny-statish, so I'm not convinced it would have actually been a good idea, at least to spend too much attention on, but I remain surprised because (a) it's never bad advice, (b) it's unlike PHE to miss a chance to condemn smoking!
Nevertheless, the official guidance at a press conference (from memory, but I think I'm only slightly paraphrasing) was "if you were already thinking of giving up smoking, now would be a good time". I have a feeling that was in response to a reporter's question rather than something that was brought up spontaneously. Which struck me as yet another very wishy-washy recommendation, bearing in mind the strength of the evidence against smoking in general, and the fact smokers in China were known to be a high-risk group, and the fact this is more easily modified than many other risk factors are. This was one of the things that fed into my lament FPT, please just tell us what things we can do to protect ourselves and each other, bearing in mind you actually know a lot more about them than we do.
It's not as if telling people to give up the cigarettes is such a radical piece of health advice that it would likely stoke panic, nor is there any conceivable benefit to "timing it right" by only telling people to give up smoking later down the line. If you didn't want to distract from the main message of the campaign, some messaging specifically targeted at smokers (eg a website, or "COVID-19 and smoking" health advice posters to be compulsorily displayed at tobacco retail units) doesn't sound unreasonable. FWIW the Irish equivalent of PHE have made "COVID-19 and smoking" advice prominent on their website with a call to action to their Stop Smoking services.
Other nations were, of course, affected, but in a positive way, weren't they? They had no burdens placed on them, they were relieved.
Both Blair and Cameron would have done yesterdays press conference alone. Just the PM at the podium. Having crammed a superficial knowledge of the subject - inhaling 1000 pages of briefing in an all nighter. The answers would have revealed to those who looked closely that they were simply cramming statements, lawyer style.
Boris chose to put the experts front and centre (well, left and right). To defer to them. In public.
This is straight out of Cummings ideas - the politicians we think we want, the Masters of The Brief. All answers and no knowledge. The Camerons and Blairs. Vs the enablers of the provable.
Would Leavers accept a delay ? Would they say fair enough , it was an unforeseen thing .
I mean you have to be pretty determined and/or addicted and/or stupid to smoke now.
Let's see if he knows what he's doing.
For that matter given Missouri's gun laws it might not reach legal consequences.
Of course?
I think tomorrow is the big day. We have been nudged towards things, will it be more of the same or something more dramatic.
Probably at least 10% better than Damien McBride, for example.
So far all these stories from the US make me think it more likely than ever.
Couldn't have found out at a better time; that's yards of shelf space cleared for hoarding and several years' worth of bumwipes in the bank. Thanks!
V Good for Sanders - N Dakota instantly called for him, Mississippi and Missouri no calls
Good for Sanders Insta call ND, no call MO, MS called for Biden
Average - MS called for Biden, no call ND, no call on MO
What I expect (And poor for Sanders) : MO instantly called, MS instantly called, ND no call
Concede instantly time : ND called for Biden.
'I told my chauffeur to speed because I was having sex in my Rolls': Tycoon who gave police the slip in his £405,000 Phantom blamed affair with his mistress