Some tactical voting pointers from last night's Scottish by-elections - Lab vote transfers seem to be splitting roughly 60/40 LDem/SNP. Transfers to Con are minimal, in the c. 5% range
BXP not standing in Newcastle East means Nick Brown is safer than his already safe position, Chi Onuwrah is safe in central, Catherine McKinnel in North loses her seat on some flavible projections of the 12% plus leads but I think that's extremely unlikely, Newcastle was barely leave overall. Lab to hold all 3 Geordie city seats. May lose out in Blyth Valley on a bad night, should be easily OK in Tynemouth, Blaydon etc
They show libdems having 20 seats on Dec 13th not 40"
And hence the betting opportunities!
so the swings you saw in Tunbridge wells and Shap last night don't count?
Tunbridge is 85 on the LD target list.
I don't expect the LDs to win 85 seats. I do expect their results to be patchy. They may well miss some fairly easy looking ones (Cheltenham?) whilst picking up some longshots. On yesterday's council result, you'd have to think Tunbridge might be one.
My parents live in Tunbridge Wells, the council funding a vast white elephant new theatre complex was partly to blame for the LD gain locally
Tunbridge Wells won't go yellow, they are a distant 3rd and will end up a distant 2nd. People really need to stop pretending local council elections on tiny turnouts in wards they don't know are indicators for a general election.
People also need to stop 'pretending' the facts aren't pointing to something. The Labour vote share is rising, the tory lead is far from robust and there are going to be huge regional and local variations with parties doing really well in some areas and really badly in others.
If the Conservatives do win an overall majority it doesn't look from here as if it will be a big one.
Perhaps you should stop 'pretending' to be a Lib Dem when you're a Corbyn supporter.
Wealthy expatriate Brit resident in California likes Brexit. No shit. Chuck it on the pile, we're stacking them.
Rod had a home in Epping Forest until about 2 years ago
It's rather sweet that you think he had only one house. I imagine him popping to the shops in slippers for a carton of milk "You OK there Rod?" "Yes, fine: I'm just buying milk for my only house and I don't live in the States honestly, Hyufd" "Righty-ho, Rod".
A very long time ago, I used to live in John Redwood's constituency. I never voted for him, though.
What rather puzzles me about these ex-Conservative MPs who are standing as Lib Dems is, what are they, really? They only crossed the floor because of their beliefs about Brexit, and there's more to a political stance than that. Will the new intake of Lib Dem MPs end up undermining the Lib Dem philosophy?
Good afternoon, everyone.
What is Lib Dem philosophy now apart from bollocks to Brexit?
The LDs are really just an upper middle class protest vehicle.
Perhaps someone can explain to me why they now have a policy of allowing people to self-select their gender for official purposes. How will they address the gender pay gap if the authorities don't really know what someone's gender is? I can imagine a few CEOs reassigning themselves to manipulate the data in the 'right' direction.
This is possibly the most preposterous thing I have ever read on PB, even when set against the Collected Works of HYUFD. Congratulations.
Mr McDonnell said that if other broadband providers did not want to give access to British Broadband, then they would also be taken into public ownership. what the government say or we will seize your business.
The SNP for big Nige demographic. I guess its the Jim Sillars wing of the Nats
Would be interesting to see the actual proportions. We know that ~1% of 2017 Lib Dems have a Brexit VI. Anything within a few percentage points is basically noise. I would hazard a guess TBP will hurt the Cons the most, followed by Labour, then SNP, then Green, then Lib Dem.
Wealthy expatriate Brit resident in California likes Brexit. No shit. Chuck it on the pile, we're stacking them.
Rod had a home in Epping Forest until about 2 years ago
It's rather sweet that you think he had only one house. I imagine him popping to the shops in slippers for a carton of milk "You OK there Rod?" "Yes, fine: I'm just buying milk for my only house and I don't live in the States honestly, Hyufd" "Righty-ho, Rod".
No he had more but he had a residence in the area and supported church fundraising and shopped in Epping High Street sometimes
"What is Lib Dem philosophy now apart from bollocks to Brexit?
The LDs are really just an upper middle class protest vehicle."
I cling on to the belief that the LDs adhere albeit loosely to liberalism and all the principles and aims that this implies.
Yes, exactly. The Lib Dems represent liberal values and social democracy, far superior to the bigotry and state socialism of Labour.
Perhaps someone can explain to me why they now have a policy of allowing people to self-select their gender for official purposes. How will they address the gender pay gap if the authorities don't really know what someone's gender is? I can imagine a few CEOs reassigning themselves to manipulate the data in the 'right' direction.
TudorRose said: "Perhaps someone can explain to me why they now have a policy of allowing people to self-select their gender for official purposes."
You`ve alighted on one of the reasons that my bond with the LibDems is now a tenuous one. I`m afraid that LibDems have, like much the establishment and businesses, succumbed to the vicious transgender lobby. Someone needs to have the courage to stand up to this shit. See Spiked Online.
Nice to see more science denial here. There has been detailed understanding about transgenderism for a long time, with gender reaffirming surgeries taking place post WW1 / pre WW2 in Germany (one of the most famous pictures of book burning by Nazis were works from a doctor who had done much research into the health of trans people). We also know of many cultures that recognised more than two genders in the past and still do today, from Native American Two Spirit people to Torahnic references to around six gender identities / expressions.
This is not about transgender surgery; this is about gender identity. LibDem policy includes the following statement;
'An increasing number of people in the UK identify as neither male nor female, or live part time in various gender roles. As well as giving people the ability to identify as they choose and not have the state impose an identity upon them, a perceived mismatch between gender roles and official ID can cause problems dealing with official organisations such as the DWP, Police or Border Agency.'
Re. The question of what the LDs are for. All I’m looking for from government is competence, willingness to make decisions guided by what is in the interests of wellbeing and prosperity, respect for the constitution and rule of law. In England it seems to me that it is the LDs that come closest to offering that: a no-brainier, as they say.
I see Ladbrokes has unnecessarily redesigned its website...
Not sure what the advantage is of making a Grand Prix's markets slightly harder to find is.
I agree - and viewing the betslip requires you to scroll up the page now for some unfathomable reason.
On a similar topic; I note that SpIn seem to have permanently suspended their constituency betting (at least they seem to have done it to the ones I've backed....) Is this normal?
Spin suspends frequently: so often in fact I stopped using it as a predictor. Every time I looked the odds were "SUSP".
I like SPIN and been with them since they started BUT they have a very bad habit of suspending political markets without warning or reason, and the suspensions can last a very long time. This has obvious dangers for serious political punters, so do take care when using them.
We are sailing, We are sailing, Home again, Across the sea,
We are sailing, Stormy waters, To be near you In my multibedroomed mansion in California within a gated community and my too-young wife who doesn't love me for my money honest.
Brexit is the biggest catalyst to breaking up the Union. So you can’t back Brexit at the same time as the Union. Rod Stewart should stick to making crap records and stop embarrassing himself with clueless nonsense .
"What is Lib Dem philosophy now apart from bollocks to Brexit?
The LDs are really just an upper middle class protest vehicle."
I cling on to the belief that the LDs adhere albeit loosely to liberalism and all the principles and aims that this implies.
Yes, exactly. The Lib Dems represent liberal values and social democracy, far superior to the bigotry and state socialism of Labour.
Perhaps someone can explain to me why they now have a policy of allowing people to self-select their gender for official purposes. How will they address the gender pay gap if the authorities don't really know what someone's gender is? I can imagine a few CEOs reassigning themselves to manipulate the data in the 'right' direction.
TudorRose said: "Perhaps someone can explain to me why they now have a policy of allowing people to self-select their gender for official purposes."
You`ve alighted on one of the reasons that my bond with the LibDems is now a tenuous one. I`m afraid that LibDems have, like much the establishment and businesses, succumbed to the vicious transgender lobby. Someone needs to have the courage to stand up to this shit. See Spiked Online.
Nice to see more science denial here. There has been detailed understanding about transgenderism for a long time, with gender reaffirming surgeries taking place post WW1 / pre WW2 in Germany (one of the most famous pictures of book burning by Nazis were works from a doctor who had done much research into the health of trans people). We also know of many cultures that recognised more than two genders in the past and still do today, from Native American Two Spirit people to Torahnic references to around six gender identities / expressions.
This is not about transgender surgery; this is about gender identity. LibDem policy includes the following statement;
'An increasing number of people in the UK identify as neither male nor female, or live part time in various gender roles. As well as giving people the ability to identify as they choose and not have the state impose an identity upon them, a perceived mismatch between gender roles and official ID can cause problems dealing with official organisations such as the DWP, Police or Border Agency.'
Take a little trip back with father Tiresias Listen to the old one speak of all he has lived through I have crossed between the poles, for me there's no mystery Once a man, like the sea I raged Once a woman, like the earth I gave But there is in fact more earth than sea
Wealthy expatriate Brit resident in California likes Brexit. No shit. Chuck it on the pile, we're stacking them.
Rod had a home in Epping Forest until about 2 years ago
It's rather sweet that you think he had only one house. I imagine him popping to the shops in slippers for a carton of milk "You OK there Rod?" "Yes, fine: I'm just buying milk for my only house and I don't live in the States honestly, Hyufd" "Righty-ho, Rod".
From memory it was on the market for £7.5m and sold for a little over £4m?
I see Ladbrokes has unnecessarily redesigned its website...
Not sure what the advantage is of making a Grand Prix's markets slightly harder to find is.
I agree - and viewing the betslip requires you to scroll up the page now for some unfathomable reason.
On a similar topic; I note that SpIn seem to have permanently suspended their constituency betting (at least they seem to have done it to the ones I've backed....) Is this normal?
Spin suspends frequently: so often in fact I stopped using it as a predictor. Every time I looked the odds were "SUSP".
I like SPIN and been with them since they started BUT they have a very bad habit of suspending political markets without warning or reason, and the suspensions can last a very long time. This has obvious dangers for serious political punters, so do take care when using them.
I do not understand this... I cannot see who the Bloomberg constituency is if it is not exactly the Biden constituency (minus the african american voters who do not like Bloomberg)
Bloomberg is not really interested in winning the Democratic nomination as he knows he has no chance, for starters he was a Republican New York Mayor 15 years ago, he is laying down a marker to run as an Independent in the general election if it ends up Trump v Warren or Sanders
Bloomberg will do what Bloomberg wants to do. Labels are nothing to him. He has been a Democrat, a Republican and an Independent. However, he will not win either a nomination, nor an election for President.
As an independent, his most likely impact will be to draw net votes (independents) away from a liberal Democrat if that is what the Dems nominate. Otherwise, he is a non-story.
Perhaps someone can explain to me why they now have a policy of allowing people to self-select their gender for official purposes. How will they address the gender pay gap if the authorities don't really know what someone's gender is? I can imagine a few CEOs reassigning themselves to manipulate the data in the 'right' direction.
This is possibly the most preposterous thing I have ever read on PB, even when set against the Collected Works of HYUFD. Congratulations.
It's my pleasure! I see you don't have an answer.
I have to agree with El Capitano. I often criticise HYUFD for not answering a question, but in fairness to him I just wouldn't know how to go about answering your question. You seem to have identified a completely non existent problem.
Perhaps someone can explain to me why they now have a policy of allowing people to self-select their gender for official purposes. How will they address the gender pay gap if the authorities don't really know what someone's gender is? I can imagine a few CEOs reassigning themselves to manipulate the data in the 'right' direction.
This is possibly the most preposterous thing I have ever read on PB, even when set against the Collected Works of HYUFD. Congratulations.
It's my pleasure! I see you don't have an answer.
I have to agree with El Capitano. I often criticise HYUFD for not answering a question, but in fairness to him I just wouldn't know how to go about answering your question. You seem to have identified a completely non existent problem.
The problem (and I ask it as a genuine policy question) is simply this; if the state allows someone to identify their gender however they choose how can the state then collect reliable data about gender inequality? And if they can't collect the data how can they then correct any inequalities that may exist?
I do not understand this... I cannot see who the Bloomberg constituency is if it is not exactly the Biden constituency (minus the african american voters who do not like Bloomberg)
Bloomberg is not really interested in winning the Democratic nomination as he knows he has no chance, for starters he was a Republican New York Mayor 15 years ago, he is laying down a marker to run as an Independent in the general election if it ends up Trump v Warren or Sanders
Bloomberg will do what Bloomberg wants to do. Labels are nothing to him. He has been a Democrat, a Republican and an Independent. However, he will not win either a nomination, nor an election for President.
As an independent, his most likely impact will be to draw net votes (independents) away from a liberal Democrat if that is what the Dems nominate. Otherwise, he is a non-story.
That's my reading of it, Tim. He doesn't like the way the Dem nomination is shaking out. He'd be particularly troubled by a Warren candidacy, so he's sticking his oar in now.
Btw, I do hope we will be hearing more from you as the big election approaches. One of the delights of the US Presidentials is the very high quality of contributions we normally receive from posters on your side of the big water.
Well we know they will be using public money to fund alternative media, but i think PB might be the wrong sort of alternative media.
Hey PB was the first place in the serious political comment world that said Corbyn should not be misunderestimated at a general election in this piece I wrote in 2016.
I mean where else would you get a closer like this?
Those expecting Jeremy Corbyn to comport himself at the next general election with all the dignity, competence, and elan of a man who has just accidentally inserted his penis and scrotum into a hornets’ nest might be surprised at just how well Corbyn does at the next general election, in the past year nobody has become rich by underestimating Jeremy Corbyn.
Matthew Howett, analyst and founder of Assembly, also said such a move would be extremely difficult to deliver.
"This is a spectacularly bad take by the Labour Party. The almost cut throat competition between broadband rivals has meant faster speeds, improved coverage and lower prices for consumers up and down the country.
"The current government, and independent regulator Ofcom, have spent the last three years incentivising alternative operators to BT to deploy faster fibre technologies. Companies such as Virgin, CityFibre and others have committed billions to rival Openreach. Those plans risk being shelved overnight.
"Only one other country in the world has come close to going down this route, and for a good reason – it’s hard, expensive and fraught with difficulty. Australia’s NBN is years late, massively over budget and offering speeds and technology a fraction of the original political intention."
BT say the cost of Commie Cable Co will be at least 40bn...twice Labours budgetting.
Taking into account pension liabilities, all other telecommunication companies they may have to nationalize and then the actual cost of giving everyone broadband access for "free" It could easily finish up at £100bn or more...
Well we know they will be using public money to fund alternative media, but i think PB might be the wrong sort of alternative media.
Hey PB was the first place in the serious political comment world that said Corbyn should not be misunderestimated at a general election in this piece I wrote in 2016.
I mean where else would you get a closer like this?
Those expecting Jeremy Corbyn to comport himself at the next general election with all the dignity, competence, and elan of a man who has just accidentally inserted his penis and scrotum into a hornets’ nest might be surprised at just how well Corbyn does at the next general election, in the past year nobody has become rich by underestimating Jeremy Corbyn.
A very long time ago, I used to live in John Redwood's constituency. I never voted for him, though.
What rather puzzles me about these ex-Conservative MPs who are standing as Lib Dems is, what are they, really? They only crossed the floor because of their beliefs about Brexit, and there's more to a political stance than that. Will the new intake of Lib Dem MPs end up undermining the Lib Dem philosophy?
Good afternoon, everyone.
What is Lib Dem philosophy now apart from bollocks to Brexit?
The LDs are really just an upper middle class protest vehicle.
Maybe you should read their manifesto perhaps, rather than spouting uninformed "bollocks" yourself?
"What is Lib Dem philosophy now apart from bollocks to Brexit?
The LDs are really just an upper middle class protest vehicle."
I cling on to the belief that the LDs adhere albeit loosely to liberalism and all the principles and aims that this implies.
Well that is a traditional reading of the party. In more recent years it has followed its demographic and become more 'progressive'. Hence the significant crossover between the middle class Labour and Lib Dem vote despite Labour going far more authoritarian.
It isn't touchy, I am not a member of the LDs, though I will vote for them this time. It was more a commentary on the puerile partisanship of your post
If you are offended by partisanship then PB may not be the safe space you are looking for...
Sure it was a provocative comment but that's to break through the fourth wall of bollocks. The question remains apart from Brexit are the LDs about liberalism or progressivism or something else? If the former they could probably deal with economic liberal ex-tories. If the later these people are anathema.
BT say the cost of Commie Cable Co will be at least 40bn...twice Labours budgetting.
Taking into account pension liabilities, all other telecommunication companies they may have to nationalize and then the actual cost of giving everyone broadband access for "free" It could easily finish up at £100bn or more...
Broadband in this country is exceptionally good in aggregate, faster speeds than when I was in France and Germany this year for sure. Will be interested to see Musk's offering in the future through Starlink too. Definitely last on a "need to nationalise" list.
Well we know they will be using public money to fund alternative media, but i think PB might be the wrong sort of alternative media.
Hey PB was the first place in the serious political comment world that said Corbyn should not be misunderestimated at a general election in this piece I wrote in 2016.
I mean where else would you get a closer like this?
Those expecting Jeremy Corbyn to comport himself at the next general election with all the dignity, competence, and elan of a man who has just accidentally inserted his penis and scrotum into a hornets’ nest might be surprised at just how well Corbyn does at the next general election, in the past year nobody has become rich by underestimating Jeremy Corbyn.
Perhaps someone can explain to me why they now have a policy of allowing people to self-select their gender for official purposes. How will they address the gender pay gap if the authorities don't really know what someone's gender is? I can imagine a few CEOs reassigning themselves to manipulate the data in the 'right' direction.
This is possibly the most preposterous thing I have ever read on PB, even when set against the Collected Works of HYUFD. Congratulations.
It's my pleasure! I see you don't have an answer.
I have to agree with El Capitano. I often criticise HYUFD for not answering a question, but in fairness to him I just wouldn't know how to go about answering your question. You seem to have identified a completely non existent problem.
The problem (and I ask it as a genuine policy question) is simply this; if the state allows someone to identify their gender however they choose how can the state then collect reliable data about gender inequality? And if they can't collect the data how can they then correct any inequalities that may exist?
Because the numbers involved are going to be trivial in the overall statistics.
And the idea that CEO's are going to reassign to alter the balance is just bizarre.
Well we know they will be using public money to fund alternative media, but i think PB might be the wrong sort of alternative media.
Hey PB was the first place in the serious political comment world that said Corbyn should not be misunderestimated at a general election in this piece I wrote in 2016.
I mean where else would you get a closer like this?
Those expecting Jeremy Corbyn to comport himself at the next general election with all the dignity, competence, and elan of a man who has just accidentally inserted his penis and scrotum into a hornets’ nest might be surprised at just how well Corbyn does at the next general election, in the past year nobody has become rich by underestimating Jeremy Corbyn.
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
It is also good for democracy. Large majorities are just really bad as every crack pot idea by some minister gets voted through. Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
So far we've got Rod, Daltrey, Lydon & Morrisey, that Right Said Fred goon. Hasn't one or other of the Gallagher brothers said some dumb shit about Brexit in amongst the sewage farm of other dumb shit?
Lots of grappling over who gets the mike stand so some instrumentalists needed.
I wouldn't be quite so worried about Sky and Virgin, they can fall back on TV revenues.
I disagree, without the bundling of services (phone, TV, broadband, and mobile) they would be very vulnerable to OTT services like Netflix and Amazon.
Also, would anybody be shocked if Labour "nationalized" all tv sports broadcast rights. Only the Commie Cable.Co and the BBC can show them.
Jezza hates that rich people fund EPL clubs. Nationalize the league and the broadcast right and only allow supporter owned clubs.
That might be a stretch - but a review of the crown jewels list wouldn't surprise me.
The PB Tories just making up policies now.
FFS - I would support such a review. That luvvies are afforded wall to wall coverage of Wimbledon paid for in that most unique of ways really boils my piss.
Mr McDonnell said that if other broadband providers did not want to give access to British Broadband, then they would also be taken into public ownership. what the government say or we will seize your business.
Dammit. I'll add him to the list, along with Phillipa and Mark Senior.
Oh dear - is Mark Senior no longer with us? (I assume Philippa was Plato?)
Yup, mark died September 2017. Philippa (yes, @Plato_Says ) also died. I think it was 2018. Calum ( I don't know his alias ) died in 2019.
Can we be told Calum's alias (anyone). It would be nice to know who we are missing and pay tribute (or not) accordingly.
He posted as Calum
Thanks TSE. Not the most difficult alias to crack! Sorry for being so stupid. I am afraid I don't know him from posts here, but it is very sad to lose anyone.
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
It is also good for democracy. Large majorities are just really bad as every crack pot idea by some minister gets voted through. Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
Indeed I'd be happy with that, the one worrying me is the idea of a 10% chance of a Labour majority - wondering how they're coming to that calculation given the polls?
I wouldn't be quite so worried about Sky and Virgin, they can fall back on TV revenues.
I disagree, without the bundling of services (phone, TV, broadband, and mobile) they would be very vulnerable to OTT services like Netflix and Amazon.
Also, would anybody be shocked if Labour "nationalized" all tv sports broadcast rights. Only the Commie Cable.Co and the BBC can show them.
Jezza hates that rich people fund EPL clubs. Nationalize the league and the broadcast right and only allow supporter owned clubs.
That might be a stretch - but a review of the crown jewels list wouldn't surprise me.
The PB Tories just making up policies now.
Nobody is saying it is policy. There is nothing wrong with hypothesizing eg. I think labour will introduce medical marijuana or something along those lines.
Before brexit, thats that we did on here most days. Analyze policy and predict future direction.
Following analysis of the closed candidate nominations, it has turned out the Brexit Party – having announced they will stand down in 317 tory-held seats – will not be standing in an additional 39 seats
I wouldn't be quite so worried about Sky and Virgin, they can fall back on TV revenues.
I disagree, without the bundling of services (phone, TV, broadband, and mobile) they would be very vulnerable to OTT services like Netflix and Amazon.
Also, would anybody be shocked if Labour "nationalized" all tv sports broadcast rights. Only the Commie Cable.Co and the BBC can show them.
Jezza hates that rich people fund EPL clubs. Nationalize the league and the broadcast right and only allow supporter owned clubs.
That might be a stretch - but a review of the crown jewels list wouldn't surprise me.
The PB Tories just making up policies now.
FFS - I would support such a review. That luvvies are afforded wall to wall coverage of Wimbledon paid for in that most unique of ways really boils my piss.
Agreed. My post was really aimed at Francis! It's ridiculous that events like the Cricket World Cup aren't crown jewels.
A very long time ago, I used to live in John Redwood's constituency. I never voted for him, though.
What rather puzzles me about these ex-Conservative MPs who are standing as Lib Dems is, what are they, really? They only crossed the floor because of their beliefs about Brexit, and there's more to a political stance than that. Will the new intake of Lib Dem MPs end up undermining the Lib Dem philosophy?
Good afternoon, everyone.
What is Lib Dem philosophy now apart from bollocks to Brexit?
The LDs are really just an upper middle class protest vehicle.
Maybe you should read their manifesto perhaps, rather than spouting uninformed "bollocks" yourself?
"What is Lib Dem philosophy now apart from bollocks to Brexit?
The LDs are really just an upper middle class protest vehicle."
I cling on to the belief that the LDs adhere albeit loosely to liberalism and all the principles and aims that this implies.
Well that is a traditional reading of the party. In more recent years it has followed its demographic and become more 'progressive'. Hence the significant crossover between the middle class Labour and Lib Dem vote despite Labour going far more authoritarian.
It isn't touchy, I am not a member of the LDs, though I will vote for them this time. It was more a commentary on the puerile partisanship of your post
If you are offended by partisanship then PB may not be the safe space you are looking for...
Sure it was a provocative comment but that's to break through the fourth wall of bollocks. The question remains apart from Brexit are the LDs about liberalism or progressivism or something else? If the former they could probably deal with economic liberal ex-tories. If the later these people are anathema.
I was not offended by it, I was just pointing out your post was puerile. They have a manifesto coming out. Maybe you should read it, or maybe a summary version; it might broaden your mind.
Mr McDonnell said that if other broadband providers did not want to give access to British Broadband, then they would also be taken into public ownership. what the government say or we will seize your business.
Now, about inwards business investment......
Just raising the prospect of nationalisation will have a chilling effect.
In fact a quick Google and I found this.
Labour broadband pledge stalls TalkTalk sale A deal to sell FibreNation to CityFibre has been postponed until after the general election, Sky News understands.
Perhaps someone can explain to me why they now have a policy of allowing people to self-select their gender for official purposes. How will they address the gender pay gap if the authorities don't really know what someone's gender is? I can imagine a few CEOs reassigning themselves to manipulate the data in the 'right' direction.
This is possibly the most preposterous thing I have ever read on PB, even when set against the Collected Works of HYUFD. Congratulations.
It's my pleasure! I see you don't have an answer.
I have to agree with El Capitano. I often criticise HYUFD for not answering a question, but in fairness to him I just wouldn't know how to go about answering your question. You seem to have identified a completely non existent problem.
The problem (and I ask it as a genuine policy question) is simply this; if the state allows someone to identify their gender however they choose how can the state then collect reliable data about gender inequality? And if they can't collect the data how can they then correct any inequalities that may exist?
Incredible as it might seem, they already do this for ethnicity where the categories are not just black and white.
I wouldn't be quite so worried about Sky and Virgin, they can fall back on TV revenues.
I disagree, without the bundling of services (phone, TV, broadband, and mobile) they would be very vulnerable to OTT services like Netflix and Amazon.
Also, would anybody be shocked if Labour "nationalized" all tv sports broadcast rights. Only the Commie Cable.Co and the BBC can show them.
Jezza hates that rich people fund EPL clubs. Nationalize the league and the broadcast right and only allow supporter owned clubs.
That might be a stretch - but a review of the crown jewels list wouldn't surprise me.
The PB Tories just making up policies now.
Nobody is saying it is policy. There is nothing wrong with hypothesizing eg. I think labour will introduce medical marijuana or something along those lines.
Before brexit, thats that we did on here most days. Analyze policy and predict future direction.
Yeah, fair enough, sorry. I'm very hungover and grumpy. Still, it is Friday.
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
It is also good for democracy. Large majorities are just really bad as every crack pot idea by some minister gets voted through. Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
Indeed I'd be happy with that, the one worrying me is the idea of a 10% chance of a Labour majority - wondering how they're coming to that calculation given the polls?
I wouldn't be quite so worried about Sky and Virgin, they can fall back on TV revenues.
I disagree, without the bundling of services (phone, TV, broadband, and mobile) they would be very vulnerable to OTT services like Netflix and Amazon.
Also, would anybody be shocked if Labour "nationalized" all tv sports broadcast rights. Only the Commie Cable.Co and the BBC can show them.
Jezza hates that rich people fund EPL clubs. Nationalize the league and the broadcast right and only allow supporter owned clubs.
That might be a stretch - but a review of the crown jewels list wouldn't surprise me.
The PB Tories just making up policies now.
FFS - I would support such a review. That luvvies are afforded wall to wall coverage of Wimbledon paid for in that most unique of ways really boils my piss.
Agreed. My post was really aimed at Francis! It's ridiculous that events like the Cricket World Cup aren't crown jewels.
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
It is also good for democracy. Large majorities are just really bad as every crack pot idea by some minister gets voted through. Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
Indeed I'd be happy with that, the one worrying me is the idea of a 10% chance of a Labour majority - wondering how they're coming to that calculation given the polls?
There’s more chance of a meteor hitting London than Labour getting a majority . The absolute best Labour could do is to be the biggest party and they’d need a perfect storm to deliver that . I’d be overjoyed to see the back of the Tories but the reality is they’d have to do something utterly stupid to not win the election with a decent majority .
Perhaps someone can explain to me why they now have a policy of allowing people to self-select their gender for official purposes. How will they address the gender pay gap if the authorities don't really know what someone's gender is? I can imagine a few CEOs reassigning themselves to manipulate the data in the 'right' direction.
This is possibly the most preposterous thing I have ever read on PB, even when set against the Collected Works of HYUFD. Congratulations.
It's my pleasure! I see you don't have an answer.
You're right, not a substantive one, in that my answer to "I can imagine a few CEOs reassigning themselves" is merely "what the blistering frick". But maybe you can tell me which CEOs you think are most likely to reassign their gender? Tim Martin from Wetherspoons, maybe? If Willie Walsh from IAG tries it, will he become Fanny Walsh? Will Philip Jansen from BT become Philippa Jansdottir? I mean, if I just mash my hands on the keyboard for four hours and headbutt the monitor repeatedly, will it help?
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
It is also good for democracy. Large majorities are just really bad as every crack pot idea by some minister gets voted through. Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
Indeed I'd be happy with that, the one worrying me is the idea of a 10% chance of a Labour majority - wondering how they're coming to that calculation given the polls?
There’s more chance of a meteor hitting London than Labour getting a majority . The absolute best Labour could do is to be the biggest party and they’d need a perfect storm to deliver that . I’d be overjoyed to see the back of the Tories but the reality is they’d have to do something utterly stupid to not win the election with a decent majority .
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
It is also good for democracy. Large majorities are just really bad as every crack pot idea by some minister gets voted through. Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
Indeed I'd be happy with that, the one worrying me is the idea of a 10% chance of a Labour majority - wondering how they're coming to that calculation given the polls?
There’s more chance of a meteor hitting London than Labour getting a majority . The absolute best Labour could do is to be the biggest party and they’d need a perfect storm to deliver that . I’d be overjoyed to see the back of the Tories but the reality is they’d have to do something utterly stupid to not win the election with a decent majority .
Mr McDonnell said that if other broadband providers did not want to give access to British Broadband, then they would also be taken into public ownership. what the government say or we will seize your business.
Now, about inwards business investment......
Just raising the prospect of nationalisation will have a chilling effect.
In fact a quick Google and I found this.
Labour broadband pledge stalls TalkTalk sale A deal to sell FibreNation to CityFibre has been postponed until after the general election, Sky News understands.
"Liberty Global, the owner of Virgin Media, is in the process of establishing a new joint venture in order to compete in a more expansive way in the broadband market. A number of smaller players, including Hyperoptic and Gigaclear, have also been set up, leading analysts to question how many of the new companies are likely to be financially successful."
So just as all these companies are set to roll out super fast internet to a much wider audience, the Commie Cable Co policy will kill this and we all have to wait 10+ years before we see this (and if the Australian example is anything to go by, it will be much longer than 10 years and shitter).
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
It is also good for democracy. Large majorities are just really bad as every crack pot idea by some minister gets voted through. Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
A conservative majority somewhere around 30-50 seats is perfect. Its enough to get Brexit moving and allow the country to have a stable government for four or five years but it's not so big that Boris can go crazy and do anything he likes and it leaves the opposition still in the game should they get their act together for 2024.
Mr McDonnell said that if other broadband providers did not want to give access to British Broadband, then they would also be taken into public ownership. what the government say or we will seize your business.
Now, about inwards business investment......
Just raising the prospect of nationalisation will have a chilling effect.
In fact a quick Google and I found this.
Labour broadband pledge stalls TalkTalk sale A deal to sell FibreNation to CityFibre has been postponed until after the general election, Sky News understands.
Mr McDonnell said that if other broadband providers did not want to give access to British Broadband, then they would also be taken into public ownership. what the government say or we will seize your business.
Now, about inwards business investment......
Just raising the prospect of nationalisation will have a chilling effect.
In fact a quick Google and I found this.
Labour broadband pledge stalls TalkTalk sale A deal to sell FibreNation to CityFibre has been postponed until after the general election, Sky News understands.
"Liberty Global, the owner of Virgin Media, is in the process of establishing a new joint venture in order to compete in a more expansive way in the broadband market. A number of smaller players, including Hyperoptic and Gigaclear, have also been set up, leading analysts to question how many of the new companies are likely to be financially successful."
So just as all these companies are set to roll out super fast internet to a much wider audience, the Commie Cable Co policy will kill this and we all have to wait 10+ years before we see this (and if the Australian example is anything to go by, it will be much longer than 10 years and shitter).
I don't think the 30 or so days before we know the result is going to make much difference.
I for one welcome the Labour policy, I might vote Labour because of it! Cannot wait to see what else they are going to give us.
So there is a BXP in Durham North West. Tweeter got it wrong. Electoral Calculus gives Pidcock a ~4% lead on current polling, probably means she's safe as long as Labour continue to improve in the polls.
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
It is also good for democracy. Large majorities are just really bad as every crack pot idea by some minister gets voted through. Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
Indeed I'd be happy with that, the one worrying me is the idea of a 10% chance of a Labour majority - wondering how they're coming to that calculation given the polls?
There’s more chance of a meteor hitting London than Labour getting a majority . The absolute best Labour could do is to be the biggest party and they’d need a perfect storm to deliver that . I’d be overjoyed to see the back of the Tories but the reality is they’d have to do something utterly stupid to not win the election with a decent majority .
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
It is also good for democracy. Large majorities are just really bad as every crack pot idea by some minister gets voted through. Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
Indeed I'd be happy with that, the one worrying me is the idea of a 10% chance of a Labour majority - wondering how they're coming to that calculation given the polls?
There’s more chance of a meteor hitting London than Labour getting a majority . The absolute best Labour could do is to be the biggest party and they’d need a perfect storm to deliver that . I’d be overjoyed to see the back of the Tories but the reality is they’d have to do something utterly stupid to not win the election with a decent majority .
But the meteor would be less devastating!
Very funny . It’s weird seeing some Tories in here stressing out . This is not a 2017 repeat , different dynamics at play and Labour can’t sit on the fence and expect rewards this time .
Mr McDonnell said that if other broadband providers did not want to give access to British Broadband, then they would also be taken into public ownership. what the government say or we will seize your business.
Now, about inwards business investment......
Just raising the prospect of nationalisation will have a chilling effect.
In fact a quick Google and I found this.
Labour broadband pledge stalls TalkTalk sale A deal to sell FibreNation to CityFibre has been postponed until after the general election, Sky News understands.
"Liberty Global, the owner of Virgin Media, is in the process of establishing a new joint venture in order to compete in a more expansive way in the broadband market. A number of smaller players, including Hyperoptic and Gigaclear, have also been set up, leading analysts to question how many of the new companies are likely to be financially successful."
So just as all these companies are set to roll out super fast internet to a much wider audience, the Commie Cable Co policy will kill this and we all have to wait 10+ years before we see this (and if the Australian example is anything to go by, it will be much longer than 10 years and shitter).
I found that article because I wanted to see if CityFibre had said anything, as I already knew they were spending £2.5 billion to pass 5 million homes with fibre. As has been said earlier there is a lot more to broadband in the UK than just Openreach. This Labour policy is going to completely screw up such plans, and there are others with similar intent, which were on track to deliver fibre broadband to millions of homes over the next few years.
A prospect of a Labour government at this election or the next is going to put off a lot of telecoms investment.
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
It is also good for democracy. Large majorities are just really bad as every crack pot idea by some minister gets voted through. Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
Indeed I'd be happy with that, the one worrying me is the idea of a 10% chance of a Labour majority - wondering how they're coming to that calculation given the polls?
The Electoral Calculus latest projection will have some Tories in here ringing the Samaritan’s !
A 48 seat majority is pretty decent (certainly enough to get Brexit Done) and would give a stable five year government.
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
Having a majority of 40-50 means you actually have to convince MPs some what.
Indeed I'd be happy with that, the one worrying me is the idea of a 10% chance of a Labour majority - wondering how they're coming to that calculation given the polls?
There’s more chance of a meteor hitting London than Labour getting a majority . The absolute best Labour could do is to be the biggest party and they’d need a perfect storm to deliver that . I’d be overjoyed to see the back of the Tories but the reality is they’d have to do something utterly stupid to not win the election with a decent majority .
But the meteor would be less devastating!
Very funny . It’s weird seeing some Tories in here stressing out . This is not a 2017 repeat , different dynamics at play and Labour can’t sit on the fence and expect rewards this time .
I don't know. I voted Tory last time but Labour are already offering good policies before the manifesto is rolled out. The Tories were desperate to have this election! They look well if they usher in a decade of socialism. I am seriously thinking of voting Labour this time as we need a more equal society. Free broadband is great as I cannot afford it at the moment.
Electoral calculus has Stroud as Tory 'ordered list' seat 389. I'd be very surprised if it's Labour seat 175, Tory seat 389 in the final ordered list after the election.
Mr McDonnell said that if other broadband providers did not want to give access to British Broadband, then they would also be taken into public ownership. what the government say or we will seize your business.
Now, about inwards business investment......
Just raising the prospect of nationalisation will have a chilling effect.
In fact a quick Google and I found this.
Labour broadband pledge stalls TalkTalk sale A deal to sell FibreNation to CityFibre has been postponed until after the general election, Sky News understands.
Comments what the government say or we will seize your business.
'An increasing number of people in the UK identify as neither male nor female, or live part time in various gender roles. As well as giving people the ability to identify as they choose and not have the state impose an identity upon them, a perceived mismatch between gender roles and official ID can cause problems dealing with official organisations such as the DWP, Police or Border Agency.'
We are sailing,
Home again,
Across the sea,
We are sailing,
Stormy waters,
To be near you
In my multibedroomed mansion in California within a gated community and my too-young wife who doesn't love me for my money honest.
Listen to the old one speak of all he has lived through
I have crossed between the poles, for me there's no mystery
Once a man, like the sea I raged
Once a woman, like the earth I gave
But there is in fact more earth than sea
As an independent, his most likely impact will be to draw net votes (independents) away from a liberal Democrat if that is what the Dems nominate. Otherwise, he is a non-story.
Btw, I do hope we will be hearing more from you as the big election approaches. One of the delights of the US Presidentials is the very high quality of contributions we normally receive from posters on your side of the big water.
Long may it continue.
I mean where else would you get a closer like this?
Those expecting Jeremy Corbyn to comport himself at the next general election with all the dignity, competence, and elan of a man who has just accidentally inserted his penis and scrotum into a hornets’ nest might be surprised at just how well Corbyn does at the next general election, in the past year nobody has become rich by underestimating Jeremy Corbyn.
Honestly this is my finest PB piece ever, contains a reference to AV and that Sion Simon piece.
"This is a spectacularly bad take by the Labour Party. The almost cut throat competition between broadband rivals has meant faster speeds, improved coverage and lower prices for consumers up and down the country.
"The current government, and independent regulator Ofcom, have spent the last three years incentivising alternative operators to BT to deploy faster fibre technologies. Companies such as Virgin, CityFibre and others have committed billions to rival Openreach. Those plans risk being shelved overnight.
"Only one other country in the world has come close to going down this route, and for a good reason – it’s hard, expensive and fraught with difficulty. Australia’s NBN is years late, massively over budget and offering speeds and technology a fraction of the original political intention."
Paying for the market capitalisation is before you do any development whatsoever!
Sure it was a provocative comment but that's to break through the fourth wall of bollocks. The question remains apart from Brexit are the LDs about liberalism or progressivism or something else? If the former they could probably deal with economic liberal ex-tories. If the later these people are anathema.
Will be interested to see Musk's offering in the future through Starlink too. Definitely last on a "need to nationalise" list.
It's the start of the 10% CORBYNISTA swing!
LD gain Wokingham nailed on!!
Watford staying up (ok that last one doesn't have any credibility)
Also much more realistic than the triple-digit majority they have been forecasting.
And the idea that CEO's are going to reassign to alter the balance is just bizarre.
are you OK, nico?
So far we've got Rod, Daltrey, Lydon & Morrisey, that Right Said Fred goon. Hasn't one or other of the Gallagher brothers said some dumb shit about Brexit in amongst the sewage farm of other dumb shit?
Lots of grappling over who gets the mike stand so some instrumentalists needed.
Before brexit, thats that we did on here most days. Analyze policy and predict future direction.
In fact a quick Google and I found this.
A deal to sell FibreNation to CityFibre has been postponed until after the general election, Sky News understands.
Damage already done by the Labour Party.
Yeah, fair enough, sorry. I'm very hungover and grumpy. Still, it is Friday.
You know something we don't?
The candidate himself is realistic about his chances
So just as all these companies are set to roll out super fast internet to a much wider audience, the Commie Cable Co policy will kill this and we all have to wait 10+ years before we see this (and if the Australian example is anything to go by, it will be much longer than 10 years and shitter).
I for one welcome the Labour policy, I might vote Labour because of it!
A prospect of a Labour government at this election or the next is going to put off a lot of telecoms investment.