SNP say if Boris pulls the bill they will support the GE
Why continue with it
The problem for Boris is if he pulls the Brexit Bill and fails to get an election his authority and credibility will be in tatters.
Then must be very confident in getting an election, since after saying he'd pull it not doing so would shred any remaining credibility.
Presumably, BJ's thinking is that a continuing zombie parliament which has failed either to piss or get off the pot will become even more unpopular the longer it remains in that state.
My one word of caution (like he's listening to me ) is that he gets lumped in with all the rest after a while - "you said you could fix this, and you couldn't". I can see the others voting for an election, then fatally holing the bill with amendments (ones which feel reasonable to remainers and waverers), and leave him hobbling to polling day almost begging for votes to "get Boris over the line".
In any case, I think the "deal" he's offered today is an odd one: "give me an election and I'll bring back this bill you all love so much"? I guess he thinks the public loves the bill so much, the opposition will either back it or be punished for failing to. There's also a chance that a couple of months of forensic scrutiny (aka MPs flinging faeces at each other on TV) makes it look less attractive to the electorate.
Well after all this maybe time to see what happens tomorrow.
I have no idea but I find it inconceivable the SNP and Corbyn would turn down an election
I cannot even start to imagine the gift to the Scons.
All their birthdays at once in making the SNP look frit
If you were a labour my with no faith in corbyn saving them in the current climate you would vote against an election. All they can do is say no and wait to see what happens. Anything could happen so better to sit back and wait after all 2022 is the only date that matters. Not my view because I think a pre brexit resolution election is best for the lib dems and since everybody else is now doing I support what’s best for my party I’ll do the same. After all it’s served the Torys well for years.
Deal goes through then election == massive Tory Majority
Election triggered before October 31st October has passed == massive Tory Majority
Election triggered after Oct 31st with Brexit not sorted == Brexit Party resurgence.
That's the theory. But still leaves me wit hthe question of why Boris doesn't at least try to pass his deal in the interim, as it will show to BXP voters he is trying, just being defeated by the elitist remainers or whatever.
Well after all this maybe time to see what happens tomorrow.
I have no idea but I find it inconceivable the SNP and Corbyn would turn down an election
I cannot even start to imagine the gift to the Scons.
All their birthdays at once in making the SNP look frit
You forget the first rule about Boris. - He's a confirmed liar (remember he's been sacked for it twice) who can't be trusted.
My current thinking is that Boris will be left in limbo for a week and then there will be a VoNC on November 4th / 5th with an election after Christmas.
Interestingly, the DUP voted with the Government on the Queen’s Speech and the amendment.
They are clearly not interested in burning all bridges.
Suggests that with a few indies and the ex-Tories as a block, a VONC would fail I guess?
Edit - Or rather no chance Corbyn could gain confidence now No deal Brexit is off. So VONC passes with Gvt inactivity (via whipless Tories) and leads to GE?
As was predicted, the same method as last time in order to let Macron show how much he'd rather we take the first tier, without making it problematic for the others.
Well after all this maybe time to see what happens tomorrow.
I have no idea but I find it inconceivable the SNP and Corbyn would turn down an election
I cannot even start to imagine the gift to the Scons.
All their birthdays at once in making the SNP look frit
You forget the first rule about Boris. - He's a confirmed liar (remember he's been sacked for it twice) who can't be trusted.
My current thinking is that Boris will be left in limbo for a week and then there will be a VoNC on November 4th / 5th with an election after Christmas.
But that is not possible if this extension ends on the 31st January
I cannot see the EU extending further for a GE that like this one,if it takes place, has no certain outcome
Well after all this maybe time to see what happens tomorrow.
I have no idea but I find it inconceivable the SNP and Corbyn would turn down an election
I cannot even start to imagine the gift to the Scons.
All their birthdays at once in making the SNP look frit
You forget the first rule about Boris. - He's a confirmed liar (remember he's been sacked for it twice) who can't be trusted.
My current thinking is that Boris will be left in limbo for a week and then there will be a VoNC on November 4th / 5th with an election after Christmas.
But that is not possible if this extension ends on the 31st January
I cannot see the EU extending further for a GE that like this one,if it takes place, has no certain outcome
An election on January 9th allows everything to be done.
I’m calculating that if they vote down an election the french will veto the extension, because in all seriousness what would be the point in three more months of this.
If Corbyn's idea is a one line motion, it gets over the problem of his mps abstaining or worse voting against the FTA and sees the GE pass
And the 1 line gets amended for votes at 16
I’ve wondered about that idea. Away from the pros and cons, is it practicably possible to affect that change in time? None of the paperwork would line up.
Even if it was, you’d surely only catch the really motivated few who applied, and you’d miss the millions(s) you get with the letter reminder.
Well after all this maybe time to see what happens tomorrow.
I have no idea but I find it inconceivable the SNP and Corbyn would turn down an election
I cannot even start to imagine the gift to the Scons.
All their birthdays at once in making the SNP look frit
You forget the first rule about Boris. - He's a confirmed liar (remember he's been sacked for it twice) who can't be trusted.
My current thinking is that Boris will be left in limbo for a week and then there will be a VoNC on November 4th / 5th with an election after Christmas.
But that is not possible if this extension ends on the 31st January
I cannot see the EU extending further for a GE that like this one,if it takes place, has no certain outcome
An election on January 9th allows everything to be done.
Will Macron do a huge favour for the PM of a departing nation at the risk of totally alienating 26 other EU members who he has to work with in the future .
I expect a ladder will be designed to allow Macron to climb down from .
Well after all this maybe time to see what happens tomorrow.
I have no idea but I find it inconceivable the SNP and Corbyn would turn down an election
I cannot even start to imagine the gift to the Scons.
All their birthdays at once in making the SNP look frit
You forget the first rule about Boris. - He's a confirmed liar (remember he's been sacked for it twice) who can't be trusted.
My current thinking is that Boris will be left in limbo for a week and then there will be a VoNC on November 4th / 5th with an election after Christmas.
But that is not possible if this extension ends on the 31st January
I cannot see the EU extending further for a GE that like this one,if it takes place, has no certain outcome
An election on January 9th allows everything to be done.
We are all going to start fighting. On a more serious point I would like to see peoples reasons as to why they think violence is acceptable, i certainly do not.
Clearly you are not talking to any Leave supporters. The fact that Boris has managed to get a deal and that it is only been blocked by Parliament because they don't want any sort of Brexit is what is angering Leavers. We are way passed the point at which any Leaver with the possible exception of Farage and Tice will make anything of this. Amongst Leave voters the hatred for Parliament and its games is all consuming.
There are two aspects - there is a WA which Parliament will accept (or did at Second Reading) but it simply wants time to carry out proper and appropriate scrutiny and the farcical notion such a key document should be rushed through Parliament in 72 hours just to satisfy one man's ego and promises is absurd.
The second is while I appreciate the pro-Government and pro-Johnson spin, there will also be the counter argument that Johnson made a promise and couldn't keep it. Some may wonder why he made the commitment if he thought it couldn't be kept and others might ask what other unachievable commitments and promises he has made - the one about making Britain "the greatest place on Earth" for example?
I am certainly not pro-Johnson. All I want is Brexit done. If both Johnson and Corbyn fall as a result then all the better.
But you are missing the basic point. No one on the Leave side cares about the Johnson promise anymore. They have seen us get within touching distance of Brexit thanks to Johnson and that has transformed Leaver's views. You even have Banks now supporting Johnson's plans.
The only people who still seem to care about the promise are Remainers - and they were never going to support him anyway.
The optics of this are entirely of Parliament preventing Brexit. Johnson may be a scumbag but he has played this one perfectly and got exactly the position he wants as far as Leave voters are concerned.
No sign of the Opposition parties being inclined to vote for the election motion.The Green , LDs , ChangeUK and many Labour MPs will vote against or abstain.
It is both sad and amusing to see the succession of Opposition MPs parading in front of the cameras to come up with their desperate excuses for why they don't want an election. Of course none of them will mention the real reason - that they are frightened of the verdict of the voters.
I they conspire to stop the GE or worse try to remove Boris I cannot imagine the fury heading their way in public opinion
<blockquote class="Quote" rel="Big_G_No
This is no conspiracy. The people knew what they were doing when they voted for a fixed term Parliament until 2022. How dare Johnson defy the will of the people?
Clearly you are not talking to any Leave supporters. The fact that Boris has managed to get a deal and that it is only been blocked by Parliament because they don't want any sort of Brexit is what is angering Leavers. We are way passed the point at which any Leaver with the possible exception of Farage and Tice will make anything of this. Amongst Leave voters the hatred for Parliament and its games is all consuming.
There are two aspects - there is a WA which Parliament will accept (or did at Second Reading) but it simply wants time to carry out proper and appropriate scrutiny and the farcical notion such a key document should be rushed through Parliament in 72 hours just to satisfy one man's ego and promises is absurd.
The second is while I appreciate the pro-Government and pro-Johnson spin, there will also be the counter argument that Johnson made a promise and couldn't keep it. Some may wonder why he made the commitment if he thought it couldn't be kept and others might ask what other unachievable commitments and promises he has made - the one about making Britain "the greatest place on Earth" for example?
I am certainly not pro-Johnson. All I want is Brexit done. If both Johnson and Corbyn fall as a result then all the better.
But you are missing the basic point. No one on the Leave side cares about the Johnson promise anymore. They have seen us get within touching distance of Brexit thanks to Johnson and that has transformed Leaver's views. You even have Banks now supporting Johnson's plans.
The only people who still seem to care about the promise are Remainers - and they were never going to support him anyway.
The optics of this are entirely of Parliament preventing Brexit. Johnson may be a scumbag but he has played this one perfectly and got exactly the position he wants as far as Leave voters are concerned.
Well after all this maybe time to see what happens tomorrow.
I have no idea but I find it inconceivable the SNP and Corbyn would turn down an election
I cannot even start to imagine the gift to the Scons.
All their birthdays at once in making the SNP look frit
You forget the first rule about Boris. - He's a confirmed liar (remember he's been sacked for it twice) who can't be trusted.
My current thinking is that Boris will be left in limbo for a week and then there will be a VoNC on November 4th / 5th with an election after Christmas.
But that is not possible if this extension ends on the 31st January
I cannot see the EU extending further for a GE that like this one,if it takes place, has no certain outcome
An election on January 9th allows everything to be done.
No sign of the Opposition parties being inclined to vote for the election motion.The Green , LDs , ChangeUK and many Labour MPs will vote against or abstain.
It is both sad and amusing to see the succession of Opposition MPs parading in front of the cameras to come up with their desperate excuses for why they don't want an election. Of course none of them will mention the real reason - that they are frightened of the verdict of the voters.
I they conspire to stop the GE or worse try to remove Boris I cannot imagine the fury heading their way in public opinion
This is no conspiracy. The people knew what they were doing when they voted for a fixed term Parliament until 2022. How dare Johnson defy the will of the people?
What fraction of the public has heard of the FTPA? Must be near zero.
No sign of the Opposition parties being inclined to vote for the election motion.The Green , LDs , ChangeUK and many Labour MPs will vote against or abstain.
It is both sad and amusing to see the succession of Opposition MPs parading in front of the cameras to come up with their desperate excuses for why they don't want an election. Of course none of them will mention the real reason - that they are frightened of the verdict of the voters.
I they conspire to stop the GE or worse try to remove Boris I cannot imagine the fury heading their way in public opinion
Tories get furious if Tory leader doesnt get his way shocker!
The Tories changed the rules and brought in the FTPA when it suited them, now, only a few short years later they are having a tantrum and throwing their toys out the pram because it no longer suits them. Hoist by their own petard seems to describe the situation perfectly. That and schadenfreude.
It was the Coalition that brought in the FTPA because that was the only ay the Lib Dems would go into Government. If anyone is to blame it is Clegg. This was his abortion.
Well after all this maybe time to see what happens tomorrow.
I have no idea but I find it inconceivable the SNP and Corbyn would turn down an election
I cannot even start to imagine the gift to the Scons.
All their birthdays at once in making the SNP look frit
You forget the first rule about Boris. - He's a confirmed liar (remember he's been sacked for it twice) who can't be trusted.
My current thinking is that Boris will be left in limbo for a week and then there will be a VoNC on November 4th / 5th with an election after Christmas.
But that is not possible if this extension ends on the 31st January
I cannot see the EU extending further for a GE that like this one,if it takes place, has no certain outcome
An election on January 9th allows everything to be done.
Not if it is another hung parliament
You cannot know the outcome without holding the election (unless you get Asimov's Multivac involved)
Since hung parliaments are less common than "un-hung" ones, the probability is that the deadlock will be broken.
No sign of the Opposition parties being inclined to vote for the election motion.The Green , LDs , ChangeUK and many Labour MPs will vote against or abstain.
It is both sad and amusing to see the succession of Opposition MPs parading in front of the cameras to come up with their desperate excuses for why they don't want an election. Of course none of them will mention the real reason - that they are frightened of the verdict of the voters.
I they conspire to stop the GE or worse try to remove Boris I cannot imagine the fury heading their way in public opinion
This is no conspiracy. The people knew what they were doing when they voted for a fixed term Parliament until 2022. How dare Johnson defy the will of the people?
What fraction of the public has heard of the FTPA? Must be near zero.
I suppose the same proportion that have a clue about any deal that has been negotiated with the Eu and the same proportion that understand the implications of leaving the EU.
I am certainly not pro-Johnson. All I want is Brexit done. If both Johnson and Corbyn fall as a result then all the better.
But you are missing the basic point. No one on the Leave side cares about the Johnson promise anymore. They have seen us get within touching distance of Brexit thanks to Johnson and that has transformed Leaver's views. You even have Banks now supporting Johnson's plans.
The only people who still seem to care about the promise are Remainers - and they were never going to support him anyway.
The optics of this are entirely of Parliament preventing Brexit. Johnson may be a scumbag but he has played this one perfectly and got exactly the position he wants as far as Leave voters are concerned.
I apologise for making you a Johnson supporter - that was uncalled for. You have far more intelligence than to support that charlatan.
You may be surprised I want Brexit done too but I want a WA which works for the whole of the UK and a WA which has been subject to proper and adequate scrutiny.
I'm not buying some old pig in a poke from the snake oil salesman without a touch of due diligence and I'm already seeing from those who have scrutinised it in detail some worrying concerns as to whether it's even as good a treaty as May's.
To leave just for the sake of leaving with a WA which will harm the UK in the medium to longer terms is stupid.
I'm guessing Cummings' strategy is that MPs will reject an election on 12th December and that as a result the Tories' poll ratings wilo continue to go up.
Clearly you are not talking to any Leave supporters. The fact that Boris has managed to get a deal and that it is only been blocked by Parliament because they don't want any sort of Brexit is what is angering Leavers. We are way passed the point at which any Leaver with the possible exception of Farage and Tice will make anything of this. Amongst Leave voters the hatred for Parliament and its games is all consuming.
There are two aspects - there is a WA which Parliament will accept (or did at Second Reading) but it simply wants time to carry out proper and appropriate scrutiny and the farcical notion such a key document should be rushed through Parliament in 72 hours just to satisfy one man's ego and promises is absurd.
The second is while I appreciate the pro-Government and pro-Johnson spin, there will also be the counter argument that Johnson made a promise and couldn't keep it. Some may wonder why he made the commitment if he thought it couldn't be kept and others might ask what other unachievable commitments and promises he has made - the one about making Britain "the greatest place on Earth" for example?
There seems to be a lot of mis-understanding as to what the purpose of a second reading is.
It does not mean that the bill will be passed - it merely shows that Parliament believes the bill is worthy of more detailed discussion.
An MP voting for a bill in it's second reading does not mean they will vote for it in a the third reading - they may only want to vote for it to add some amendments (say a CU, or referendum) and only if those amendments are added vote for it in the final reading.
I am certainly not pro-Johnson. All I want is Brexit done. If both Johnson and Corbyn fall as a result then all the better.
But you are missing the basic point. No one on the Leave side cares about the Johnson promise anymore. They have seen us get within touching distance of Brexit thanks to Johnson and that has transformed Leaver's views. You even have Banks now supporting Johnson's plans.
The only people who still seem to care about the promise are Remainers - and they were never going to support him anyway.
The optics of this are entirely of Parliament preventing Brexit. Johnson may be a scumbag but he has played this one perfectly and got exactly the position he wants as far as Leave voters are concerned.
I apologise for making you a Johnson supporter - that was uncalled for. You have far more intelligence than to support that charlatan.
You may be surprised I want Brexit done too but I want a WA which works for the whole of the UK and a WA which has been subject to proper and adequate scrutiny.
I'm not buying some old pig in a poke from the snake oil salesman without a touch of due diligence and I'm already seeing from those who have scrutinised it in detail some worrying concerns as to whether it's even as good a treaty as May's.
To leave just for the sake of leaving with a WA which will harm the UK in the medium to longer terms is stupid.
There are serious problems in the WA the least of which is the boarder in the Irish Sea, but there are some seriously anti democratic issues within the WAIB which could fundamentally alter the balance between executive and parliament but I’m afraid most people can’t be arsed. We actually need this election so that every day of the campaign the serious issues of these proposals are scrutinized which at the moment the government seem reluctant to do. Yes you’ll say remainer crap but please look at what they are trying to slide past you.
Anyway, enough of this nonsense (as PP would say) and we've all forgotten the Thuringia Landtag election this weekend.
Latest polls show the ruling Linke with 28% and AfD on 24% with the CDU well down on 24%. As we all know, the CDU topped the poll in the last State election but it was a LInke/SPD/Green coalition which took over with a bare majority of 46 seats in the 91 seat Landtag.
The polls suggest the ruling coalition will lose its majority as the SPD is down on last time but it seems unlikely the CDU and AfD will join forces so the key may be whether the FDP will break into the Landtag as the polls have them very close to the 5% threshold (last time they only got 2.5%).
Just a quick word on Canada after Monday's election. Trudeau may not have kept his majority but his losses were fewer than many had expected because of the strong Liberal performance in Ontario. In 2015, the Liberals won 80 seats, the Conservatives 33 and the NDP 8 but this time the Liberals won 79, the Conservatives 36 and the NDP 6. For all the huge Conservative vote on the prairies Ontario and Quebec failed to match that and that's why Scheer failed.
Half of Trudeau's MPs are from Ontario with another 35 from Quebec and holding that firewall kept Trudeau in power.
No sign of the Opposition parties being inclined to vote for the election motion.The Green , LDs , ChangeUK and many Labour MPs will vote against or abstain.
It is both sad and amusing to see the succession of Opposition MPs parading in front of the cameras to come up with their desperate excuses for why they don't want an election. Of course none of them will mention the real reason - that they are frightened of the verdict of the voters.
I they conspire to stop the GE or worse try to remove Boris I cannot imagine the fury heading their way in public opinion
This is no conspiracy. The people knew what they were doing when they voted for a fixed term Parliament until 2022. How dare Johnson defy the will of the people?
What fraction of the public has heard of the FTPA? Must be near zero.
Oh no. The electorate is all knowing. Apparently they voted for Brexit knowing EXACTLY what would happen. We cannot overturn either vote.
Labour are stupid. Without an alternative plan and the numbers to deliver if, this is all pointless. Boris will just go round the country ramping up hatred and division in his pretend GE campaign.
Labour are stupid. Without an alternative plan and the numbers to deliver if, this is all pointless. Boris will just go round the country ramping up hatred and division in his pretend GE campaign.
It also doesn't get us any closer to resolving the Brexit issue.
If Corbyn's idea is a one line motion, it gets over the problem of his mps abstaining or worse voting against the FTA and sees the GE pass
And the 1 line gets amended for votes at 16
Not enough time
A couple of days ago Tories were arguing that you could get Brexit done in days. Now there is no time for anything.
Seriously, make up your mind.
How do you achieve votes for 16s for a GE on the 12th December
In exactly the same way that you get Brexit done by 31st October.
" to dedicate ourselves again to that simple proposition that we are here to serve the democratic will of the British people
and if we do that with optimism and confidence then I tell you we will not go wrong"
How in the practical sense. They would need to be on the electoral register
16 and 17 year olds can put themselves on the register. They just don’t get polling cards until they are 18. You just send polling cards to the ones who are registered same as everyone else. Easy compared to getting Brexit through in 7 days
Just call it for 31 Jan then FFS. This ain't passing by then. Boris's fans are openly acknowledging that the deal won't pass, that's why he is doing this.
The Brexit virus has destroyed this country. Can we ever come back?
I'm starting to think this might be headed towards an actual civil war. At the very least, this election, assuming it's happening, is going to be grim AF. Happy Christmas everyone.
My one word of caution (like he's listening to me
In any case, I think the "deal" he's offered today is an odd one: "give me an election and I'll bring back this bill you all love so much"? I guess he thinks the public loves the bill so much, the opposition will either back it or be punished for failing to. There's also a chance that a couple of months of forensic scrutiny (aka MPs flinging faeces at each other on TV) makes it look less attractive to the electorate.
I guess they just didn't turn up? Same sort of numbers on the amendments.
They are clearly not interested in burning all bridges.
My current thinking is that Boris will be left in limbo for a week and then there will be a VoNC on November 4th / 5th with an election after Christmas.
Edit - Or rather no chance Corbyn could gain confidence now No deal Brexit is off. So VONC passes with Gvt inactivity (via whipless Tories) and leads to GE?
100% of Change UK abstained
Only the ones with customs posts on
I cannot see the EU extending further for a GE that like this one,if it takes place, has no certain outcome
The Brexit virus has destroyed this country. Can we ever come back?
Brexit Party resurgence in 3 comes from Labour though. Tory vote stays solid.
I’m calculating that if they vote down an election the french will veto the extension, because in all seriousness what would be the point in three more months of this.
Even if it was, you’d surely only catch the really motivated few who applied, and you’d miss the millions(s) you get with the letter reminder.
Can't see that going down well.
I expect a ladder will be designed to allow Macron to climb down from .
We are all going to start fighting. On a more serious point I would like to see peoples reasons as to why they think violence is acceptable, i certainly do not.
Seriously, make up your mind.
Johnson needs to miss his 31 Oct date and then let him percolate for a while.
But you are missing the basic point. No one on the Leave side cares about the Johnson promise anymore. They have seen us get within touching distance of Brexit thanks to Johnson and that has transformed Leaver's views. You even have Banks now supporting Johnson's plans.
The only people who still seem to care about the promise are Remainers - and they were never going to support him anyway.
The optics of this are entirely of Parliament preventing Brexit. Johnson may be a scumbag but he has played this one perfectly and got exactly the position he wants as far as Leave voters are concerned.
This is no conspiracy. The people knew what they were doing when they voted for a fixed term Parliament until 2022. How dare Johnson defy the will of the people?
Leave voters know perfectly well what's going on.
We will then see how many of those saying "We must respect democracy even if it wrecks the country" actually mean it when the rubber hits the road.
I suspect very few will think the price was worth paying once they face the consequences.
Since hung parliaments are less common than "un-hung" ones, the probability is that the deadlock will be broken.
You may be surprised I want Brexit done too but I want a WA which works for the whole of the UK and a WA which has been subject to proper and adequate scrutiny.
I'm not buying some old pig in a poke from the snake oil salesman without a touch of due diligence and I'm already seeing from those who have scrutinised it in detail some worrying concerns as to whether it's even as good a treaty as May's.
To leave just for the sake of leaving with a WA which will harm the UK in the medium to longer terms is stupid.
There seems to be a lot of mis-understanding as to what the purpose of a second reading is.
It does not mean that the bill will be passed - it merely shows that Parliament believes the bill is worthy of more detailed discussion.
An MP voting for a bill in it's second reading does not mean they will vote for it in a the third reading - they may only want to vote for it to add some amendments (say a CU, or referendum) and only if those amendments are added vote for it in the final reading.
" to dedicate ourselves again to that simple proposition that we are here to serve the democratic will of the British people
and if we do that with optimism and confidence then I tell you we will not go wrong"
Useless fecks
Latest polls show the ruling Linke with 28% and AfD on 24% with the CDU well down on 24%. As we all know, the CDU topped the poll in the last State election but it was a LInke/SPD/Green coalition which took over with a bare majority of 46 seats in the 91 seat Landtag.
The polls suggest the ruling coalition will lose its majority as the SPD is down on last time but it seems unlikely the CDU and AfD will join forces so the key may be whether the FDP will break into the Landtag as the polls have them very close to the 5% threshold (last time they only got 2.5%).
Just a quick word on Canada after Monday's election. Trudeau may not have kept his majority but his losses were fewer than many had expected because of the strong Liberal performance in Ontario. In 2015, the Liberals won 80 seats, the Conservatives 33 and the NDP 8 but this time the Liberals won 79, the Conservatives 36 and the NDP 6. For all the huge Conservative vote on the prairies Ontario and Quebec failed to match that and that's why Scheer failed.
Half of Trudeau's MPs are from Ontario with another 35 from Quebec and holding that firewall kept Trudeau in power.
Very unwise
A rather pathetic sop to Macron, that.
If Corbyn does reject the election then Macron should veto a longer extension. Technical extension only as there's no point dragging this out.