@Richard_Nabavi After I criticised Amber Augusta Rudd the other night, you came back with a very cheap Finchley Road jibe at me.
And why do you think that is?
I honestly don't know!
It's because you've wasted about as much bandwidth boring on with your conspiracy theories as you have with your chartist bullshit.
Conspiracy theories out of Companies House documents, when you've never even looked at them!
I looked at what you posted here and there was nothing out of the ordinary with any of it.
But then, I've run companies and spent a lot of time looking at Companies House documents...
So 265,000 companies setup out of one address with many of them dissolved shell companies raises no alarms then?
Go look into 145-157 St John Street next.
I've looked at plenty of companies out of that address too. Labour friends of Israel are out of that address if IIRC. You better be careful though, I get my posts deleted by the moderators if I mention the addresses!
What bit is better than what? This gig is unbelievably brilliant from start to when it finishes. The tempo, the arrangement, the vibrancy, the energy, the sheer brilliance of the music, the eclectic vocals....
Radiohead make you a better person. Full stop.....
I'm sorry, but Tom's voice is not all there tonight. He got Nude spot on, but some of the others he really struggled.
I'm upto No Surprises...you might have something RCS...the vocals are a bit flat.....
You get some weirdness and conspiracy theories on here. Some people will believe anything. Some people even thought Theresa May was good. Amazing.
I'm not normally one for conspiracy theories but I think we can all agree that the real May has been replaced by a pod person. It's the only explanation.
@Richard_Nabavi After I criticised Amber Augusta Rudd the other night, you came back with a very cheap Finchley Road jibe at me.
And why do you think that is?
I honestly don't know!
It's because you've wasted about as much bandwidth boring on with your conspiracy theories as you have with your chartist bullshit.
Conspiracy theories out of Companies House documents, when you've never even looked at them!
I looked at what you posted here and there was nothing out of the ordinary with any of it.
But then, I've run companies and spent a lot of time looking at Companies House documents...
So 265,000 companies setup out of one address with many of them dissolved shell companies raises no alarms then?
Go look into 145-157 St John Street next.
I've looked at plenty of companies out of that address too. Labour friends of Israel are out of that address if IIRC. You better be careful though, I get my posts deleted by the moderators if I mention the addresses!
Companies Made Simple - which sells off the shelf private companies - is based there!
You get some weirdness and conspiracy theories on here. Some people will believe anything. Some people even thought Theresa May was good. Amazing.
I'm not normally one for conspiracy theories but I think we can all agree that the real May has been replaced by a pod person. It's the only explanation.
Maybe the pod person was replaced by the real thing. Has anyone actually met Theresa May. She might be bad CGI
Wonderful stuff Sunil. A serious amount of land got flooded on the peninsular down from the modern day Singapore down through to Java. They reckon the east coast of the US went out around a further 100 miles on average into the Atlantic compared to today. What do you make of the theory of the equator once joining Easter Island, Giza and Angkor Wat, with them all separated by 72 degrees of longitude? IIRC the line goes through the Nazca lines / Ollayantaytumbo in Peru as well.
I'm not too sure at all about Earth Crust Displacement (as espoused by Charles Hapgood, and made famous by the movie "2012"!), but Angkor is not too far from Sunda Shelf at all. It is the sacred site closest to the inundated areas, and also there's the mysterious Gunung Padang monument in Java, which radar scanning has shown to have an artificial chamber within what was long thought to be natural hillock.
Street Spirit, No Surprises, Paranoid Android. All glorious stuff. If Radiohead play Creep then it was worth sitting through all of the tracks that sound like elevator music for the borderline suicidal.
I've never said that there aren't some legitimate businesses out of 'those addresses'. I feel sorry for those that are, as they can all too easily be tarred with the same brush as those out to commit fraud, theft and money laundering.
And what do you make of Roberto Saviano's comments about London?, himself an expert in financial corruption:
@Richard_Nabavi After I criticised Amber Augusta Rudd the other night, you came back with a very cheap Finchley Road jibe at me.
And why do you think that is?
I honestly don't know!
It's because you've wasted about as much bandwidth boring on with your conspiracy theories as you have with your chartist bullshit.
Conspiracy theories out of Companies House documents, when you've never even looked at them!
I looked at what you posted here and there was nothing out of the ordinary with any of it.
But then, I've run companies and spent a lot of time looking at Companies House documents...
So 265,000 companies setup out of one address with many of them dissolved shell companies raises no alarms then?
Go look into 145-157 St John Street next.
I've looked at plenty of companies out of that address too. Labour friends of Israel are out of that address if IIRC. You better be careful though, I get my posts deleted by the moderators if I mention the addresses!
Companies Made Simple - which sells off the shelf private companies - is based there!
I've used that particular service which is why I know there's nothing intrinsically dodgy about it!
Street Spirit, No Surprises, Paranoid Android. All glorious stuff. If Radiohead play Creep then it was worth sitting through all of the tracks that sound like elevator music for the borderline suicidal.
Some of their later stuff is outstanding too:
How to Disappear Completely Nude True Love Waits The Gloaming The National Anthem Present Tense
Hang on. Did thst election actually happen. I might have nodded off and dreamt that May blew a 20% lead and Jeremy Corbyn got over 40%. Can't have been real. Not a chance.
So, to be clear: I'm out of touch because I've barely heard of some ancient and mediocre rock group, but you lot who know nothing about supremely talented and future world-class stars aren't?
@Richard_Nabavi After I criticised Amber Augusta Rudd the other night, you came back with a very cheap Finchley Road jibe at me.
And why do you think that is?
I honestly don't know!
It's because you've wasted about as much bandwidth boring on with your conspiracy theories as you have with your chartist bullshit.
Conspiracy theories out of Companies House documents, when you've never even looked at them!
I looked at what you posted here and there was nothing out of the ordinary with any of it.
But then, I've run companies and spent a lot of time looking at Companies House documents...
So 265,000 companies setup out of one address with many of them dissolved shell companies raises no alarms then?
It's exactly what you'd expect of a firm that sells off the shelf private companies. And indeed, it turns out that's exactly what it was.
Or we could believe that the company formation service was just a front.
Your call.
Many company formation services agents are legitimate. And I feel genuinely sorry for them given the corrupt ones. The Panama Papers exposed a lot of the corruption. And it got rather too close to a lot of Rt Hon members for their own comfort.
Hang on. Did thst election actually happen. I might have nodded off and dreamt that May blew a 20% lead and Jeremy Corbyn got over 40%. Can't have been real. Not a chance.
No, it can't be true, obviously. I mean, how on earth could Jeremy Corbyn ever have become leader of a party of which you're a member?
Wonderful stuff Sunil. A serious amount of land got flooded on the peninsular down from the modern day Singapore down through to Java. They reckon the east coast of the US went out around a further 100 miles on average into the Atlantic compared to today. What do you make of the theory of the equator once joining Easter Island, Giza and Angkor Wat, with them all separated by 72 degrees of longitude? IIRC the line goes through the Nazca lines / Ollayantaytumbo in Peru as well.
I'm not too sure at all about Earth Crust Displacement (as espoused by Charles Hapgood, and made famous by the movie "2012"!), but Angkor is not too far from Sunda Shelf at all. It is the sacred site closest to the inundated areas, and also there's the mysterious Gunung Padang monument in Java, which radar scanning has shown to have an artificial chamber within what was long thought to be natural hillock.
I'm open minded about it. It seems one heck of a coincidence that all those places are on a line around the earth, but some aspects of the theory I find somewhat far fetched.
I'll look up Gunung Padang when I get chance - thanks.
Hang on. Did thst election actually happen. I might have nodded off and dreamt that May blew a 20% lead and Jeremy Corbyn got over 40%. Can't have been real. Not a chance.
You get some weirdness and conspiracy theories on here. Some people will believe anything. Some people even thought Theresa May was good. Amazing.
I'm not normally one for conspiracy theories but I think we can all agree that the real May has been replaced by a pod person. It's the only explanation.
Maybe the pod person was replaced by the real thing. Has anyone actually met Theresa May. She might be bad CGI
From a few threads back! Re - decline of 4th Recount at NEFife 'The party did consider taking legal action. I'm not sure if the postal votes we part of it, I know the refusal of a 4th re-count was, this was declined even though none of the 4 results were the same and at least 1 had LDs ahead, the 2nd recount I believe had just 1 vote in it. I don't think that they will go ahead due to cost of the action and the cost involved in a subsequent election re-run with by-election spending limits. '
Whilst I recognize that recounts are at the discretion of the Returning Officer a candidate refused a recount in the circumstances described here would surely be well placed to publicly criticize the conduct of the count immediately after the declaration. The threat of such remarks made in public to the media would surely deter a Returning Officer from acting unreasonably. Inevitably it would raise questions regarding his/her professional impartiality. I hope the LibDems push this further..
The author of this article has obviously learnt nothing from the mistakes made in Scotland, if he had he would have worked out who the real winners and losers are when a Government provides 'free tuition'.... Clue, its not the poorest students who require the most financial support or the Universities/colleges who decide and provide the number of places available.
I have been a vocal critic of grammar schools for the exact same reasons.
...And remember a year ago tonight - the first 90 minutes the Remoaner's gloating in delight about their 'assumed' victory, and then their nightmare of the results coming in, first that declaration of 60pc out in Sunderland to start things off. Oh what a night that was.
I'm on a self-imposed PB exile for a few weeks as I plow thru some work, but tonight's work is not going well and the commute overwhelmed the painkillers, so I couldn't let that calumny go unremarked. This is the post I posted within that timeframe on Referendum night:
viewcode Posts: 3,949 June 2016 On a somewhat serious point for a moment. There are many people here on both sides who fought hard. I know TSE and Casino_Royale, and many others, have given up their time and have canvassed and campaigned, and that effort should be recognised.
By 6am tomorrow somebody will have lost. I won't patronise you: I hope REMAIN will win. But regardless of who wins, I would like to thank all those here on both sides, REMAIN and LEAVE, who took the time and effort to voice their thoughts and experiences. It would not have been the same without you, and even if you lose, I hope you all go on to greater success in life.
Some of us have the class your post failed to display, sir.
So, to be clear: I'm out of touch because I've barely heard of some ancient and mediocre rock group, but you lot who know nothing about supremely talented and future world-class stars aren't?
It's a view, I suppose.
Radiohead, one of the most overrated and boring rock bands in UK history.
There had long been a Cash-Rees-Mogg-Redwoodite faction to the Cons. No BBG speech, no commitment to the referendum, no overall majority.
Now, was that an error?
As an, ahem, spirited Remainer, I can't say that it was. It was politics. Analagous to the LDs getting into bed with the Cons. They were in power and politics is all about being in power.
Of course the subsequent Remain campaign was cackhanded, but, as with the recent GE, the "situation: no change" message is not a very persuasive one when the people are restless.
I'm being quite pedantic here, but I think Rees Mogg represents quite a different strand of the Tory right to Cash-Redwood.
Rees Mogg is an old fashioned High Tory whose beliefs bear a distinct resemblance to those of the pre-1832, or even 18th century Tory Party (at least in terms of attitude if not policy). That he is a Roman Catholic only strengthens the point - if you were to call him a crypto-Jacobite he probably wouldn't deny it.
Cash and Redwood are the ideological descendants of mid-19th century free trade, laissez faire Whigs/Liberals. I think Cash wrote a biography of Richard Cobden recently.
Or to put it simply: Rees-Mogg is a Cavalier, the other two are Roundheads.
I'm upto No Surprises...you might have something RCS...the vocals are a bit flat.....
Those of us in tune with 2017 are more excited about this combo:
And what do you make of Roberto Saviano's comments about London?, himself an expert in financial corruption:
(ok, that might be a bit of an open goal...)
How to Disappear Completely
True Love Waits
The Gloaming
The National Anthem
Present Tense
to name just a few
No recording of her singing it as far as I know, though.
It's a view, I suppose.
I'll look up Gunung Padang when I get chance - thanks.
'The party did consider taking legal action. I'm not sure if the postal votes we part of it, I know the refusal of a 4th re-count was, this was declined even though none of the 4 results were the same and at least 1 had LDs ahead, the 2nd recount I believe had just 1 vote in it.
I don't think that they will go ahead due to cost of the action and the cost involved in a subsequent election re-run with by-election spending limits. '
Whilst I recognize that recounts are at the discretion of the Returning Officer a candidate refused a recount in the circumstances described here would surely be well placed to publicly criticize the conduct of the count immediately after the declaration. The threat of such remarks made in public to the media would surely deter a Returning Officer from acting unreasonably. Inevitably it would raise questions regarding his/her professional impartiality. I hope the LibDems push this further..
Isn't this the opposite? They're actually closing their insolvent banks rather than allowing them to limp on.
They, like the Spanish with Banco Popular, are actually doing the right thing after a decade of inaction.
I have been a vocal critic of grammar schools for the exact same reasons.
viewcode Posts: 3,949
June 2016
On a somewhat serious point for a moment. There are many people here on both sides who fought hard. I know TSE and Casino_Royale, and many others, have given up their time and have canvassed and campaigned, and that effort should be recognised.
By 6am tomorrow somebody will have lost. I won't patronise you: I hope REMAIN will win. But regardless of who wins, I would like to thank all those here on both sides, REMAIN and LEAVE, who took the time and effort to voice their thoughts and experiences. It would not have been the same without you, and even if you lose, I hope you all go on to greater success in life.
Some of us have the class your post failed to display, sir.
Rees Mogg is an old fashioned High Tory whose beliefs bear a distinct resemblance to those of the pre-1832, or even 18th century Tory Party (at least in terms of attitude if not policy). That he is a Roman Catholic only strengthens the point - if you were to call him a crypto-Jacobite he probably wouldn't deny it.
Cash and Redwood are the ideological descendants of mid-19th century free trade, laissez faire Whigs/Liberals. I think Cash wrote a biography of Richard Cobden recently.
Or to put it simply: Rees-Mogg is a Cavalier, the other two are Roundheads.