Betfair Tory maj drifting from 1.15 to now 1.21 in last hour.
Might be popping out for some pampers for the first time..... or more popcorn.
We had all this in the previous recent elections. Didn't that geezer Sean T say he was heading off to bed on the basis of some early anecdotal reports?
I think the wobbles are coming from the fact we have had a couple of elections where the results were unexpected. What people are not realising is those elections had favourable demographics for the winner i.e older white voters. Labour have a 40%+ deficit with older voters which is much worse then the 24% deficit they had in 2015. This is only going one way, question is the size of May's majority.
Demographics are destiny. You just need the right demographics....
Young don't vote but will vote Labour a bit more than usual. Old do vote and will vote Tory a bit more than usual. Old voters massively outnumber young voters.
That's this election in it's simplest terms before we get stuck into vote efficiency.
If the youngsters do vote and we end up w PM Corbyn, so be it. We cant complain about democracy.
I really cant believe it will come to pass though. Noisy students are usually all mouth and no trousers
When I went to vote this morning there was a queue outside of the polling station!
Almost 150 young people were there, waiting patiently, holding hands and singing an uplifting song about Jeremy Corbyn and his love for people of all creeds and colours. They made space for me towards the front of the queue, calling me "Sir" and offering to hold my laptop bag because it looked very heavy. One of them ran to the local coffee shop to fetch me a coffee, they all insisted on chipping in so I didn't have to pay for it myself.
I wept with pride at our glorious youth and decided, right there and then, that I too would vote for Jeremy and the wonderful future that he embodies.
I live in Surrey Heath
I hope the coffee was:
a) A latte b) Fair Trade c) Made with soya milk
If not, that sounds like a Tory hold to me.
Sounds borderline as to whether it technically constitutes a criminal offence..
Bloody Hell, Alastair Matlock is back! As if my nerves weren't already shredded by last night's Reverse Herdson. Welcome back, Alastair!
Many thanks, Cookie! Nothing like a General Election to stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood and raise old commenters like me from the dead.
For our younger members here, His Grace The Duke of Beaconsfield was Leader of the (dominant) pb Conservative Group from 2005-8. I was honoured to serve as his loyal chief whip.
My dear John - you are too kind! Sadly, I am still waiting for my peerage to come through... must have been held up in the scrutiny committee! I hope you are well? Commiserations on last year, though I am sure you are long since on to bigger and better things. Best of luck for today in your patch!
Bloody Hell, Alastair Matlock is back! As if my nerves weren't already shredded by last night's Reverse Herdson. Welcome back, Alastair!
Many thanks, Cookie! Nothing like a General Election to stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood and raise old commenters like me from the dead.
For our younger members here, His Grace The Duke of Beaconsfield was Leader of the (dominant) pb Conservative Group from 2005-8. I was honoured to serve as his loyal chief whip.
David Miliband was doing GOTV in Ilford North earlier, now moved to Ealing Central
Part of West Ham CLP decamped to Ilford North
Shouldnt he be in NY saving the world?
This is key, labour are DEFENDING seats.
2015 Lab Maj 589 and 274 respectively. Golly.
It is interesting, Labour must think they have a chance of holding those.
Would be an interesting night if Labour hold those seats.
I am not going to be shocked if labour do well on London.
also Labour have no doubt a lot of resources in london to actually use.
I live in Hornchurch and Upminster, and spend some time in Dagenham and Rainham. I've not seen one political sign on a house at all. The Conservatives have been on the streets in Upminster but that aside youd never know there was an election on.
Just been to vote in Henley constituency and have lunch in view of the entry of the polling station. Two interesting observations: firstly in 2010 & 2015 the LDs and Cons (as well as UKIP in 2015) had tellers at the town hall. None today, perhaps a sign that all resources have been diverted to a very intense OW&Ab battle. Secondly, over the time while I had lunch I was the only one under 50 that went into the polling station, despite the fact that there were a surprising amount under-50 wandering round the town centre.
Betfair Tory maj drifting from 1.15 to now 1.21 in last hour.
Might be popping out for some pampers for the first time..... or more popcorn.
We had all this in the previous recent elections. Didn't that geezer Sean T say he was heading off to bed on the basis of some early anecdotal reports?
I think the wobbles are coming from the fact we have had a couple of elections where the results were unexpected. What people are not realising is those elections had favourable demographics for the winner i.e older white voters. Labour have a 40%+ deficit with older voters which is much worse then the 24% deficit they had in 2015. This is only going one way, question is the size of May's majority.
Demographics are destiny. You just need the right demographics....
Young don't vote but will vote Labour a bit more than usual. Old do vote and will vote Tory a bit more than usual. Old voters massively outnumber young voters.
That's this election in it's simplest terms before we get stuck into vote efficiency.
If the youngsters do vote and we end up w PM Corbyn, so be it. We cant complain about democracy.
I really cant believe it will come to pass though. Noisy students are usually all mouth and no trousers
There was a fear/some talk that we could see a revenge movement by the youth against the Brexit result in this election. Young voters wanting to punish the older generation who tend to lean Conservative by voting for Labour.
Imagine if it did happen and the amount of divide and resentment it would cause across society.
David Miliband was doing GOTV in Ilford North earlier, now moved to Ealing Central
Part of West Ham CLP decamped to Ilford North
Shouldnt he be in NY saving the world?
This is key, labour are DEFENDING seats.
2015 Lab Maj 589 and 274 respectively. Golly.
It is interesting, Labour must think they have a chance of holding those.
Would be an interesting night if Labour hold those seats.
Surely the expectation is to hold those seats, Labour should be out in Tory marginals looking for gains, but defending London marginals is a bad sign for them.
Worth noting most people vote between 5pm-7pm. In cities, an hour or two later.
So any anecdotes about turnout should really wait until then.
So you're going to take our misleading anecdotes away? Killjoy!
"My gran at polling station X just told a queue of Y voters that she would tell Z to f*ck off, and all voters let out a hearty cheer/started boo'ing her (delete as appropriate)"
Bloody Hell, Alastair Matlock is back! As if my nerves weren't already shredded by last night's Reverse Herdson. Welcome back, Alastair!
Many thanks, Cookie! Nothing like a General Election to stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood and raise old commenters like me from the dead.
For our younger members here, His Grace The Duke of Beaconsfield was Leader of the (dominant) pb Conservative Group from 2005-8. I was honoured to serve as his loyal chief whip.
My dear John - you are too kind! Sadly, I am still waiting for my peerage to come through... must have been held up in the scrutiny committee! I hope you are well? Commiserations on last year, though I am sure you are long since on to bigger and better things. Best of luck for today in your patch!
Many thanks and having spent a year in the wilderness I was recalled to serve my beloved Hersham in its distress on May 4th by being elected as their Surrey County Councillor. I'll write to you tomorrow. Shortly out to rouse the good denizens of Kingston and Surbiton for their day of destiny at the polling station.
David Miliband was doing GOTV in Ilford North earlier, now moved to Ealing Central
Part of West Ham CLP decamped to Ilford North
Shouldnt he be in NY saving the world?
This is key, labour are DEFENDING seats.
2015 Lab Maj 589 and 274 respectively. Golly.
It is interesting, Labour must think they have a chance of holding those.
Would be an interesting night if Labour hold those seats.
Surely the expectation is to hold those seats, Labour should be out in Tory marginals looking for gains, but defending London marginals is a bad sign for them.
remember 2015 labours fantastic ground game .......
Nottingham East is the constituency where Nottingham Trent Uni is, so that's held by Labour.
That's the city centre campus, so should be Notts east...I think.
When it comes to Nottingham, all I know is where Trent Bridge is.
There's posh.
I love my cricket.
Last time I was there, England set a new world record, it was glorious.
TB is the nicest place in Nottingham, i remember going there as a kid and the change has been huge over the years. I was there in 2005 when Hoggard and Giles were getting the last runs against Warne, the tension was awful.
David Miliband was doing GOTV in Ilford North earlier, now moved to Ealing Central
Part of West Ham CLP decamped to Ilford North
Shouldnt he be in NY saving the world?
This is key, labour are DEFENDING seats.
2015 Lab Maj 589 and 274 respectively. Golly.
It is interesting, Labour must think they have a chance of holding those.
Would be an interesting night if Labour hold those seats.
I am not going to be shocked if labour do well on London.
also Labour have no doubt a lot of resources in london to actually use.
I live in Hornchurch and Upminster, and spend some time in Dagenham and Rainham. I've not seen one political sign on a house at all. The Conservatives have been on the streets in Upminster but that aside youd never know there was an election on.
My UK house is in a safe Conservative constituency but even so I still wouldn't have a poster up.
Betfair Tory maj drifting from 1.15 to now 1.21 in last hour.
Might be popping out for some pampers for the first time..... or more popcorn.
We had all this in the previous recent elections. Didn't that geezer Sean T say he was heading off to bed on the basis of some early anecdotal reports?
I think the wobbles are coming from the fact we have had a couple of elections where the results were unexpected. What people are not realising is those elections had favourable demographics for the winner i.e older white voters. Labour have a 40%+ deficit with older voters which is much worse then the 24% deficit they had in 2015. This is only going one way, question is the size of May's majority.
Demographics are destiny. You just need the right demographics....
Young don't vote but will vote Labour a bit more than usual. Old do vote and will vote Tory a bit more than usual. Old voters massively outnumber young voters.
That's this election in it's simplest terms before we get stuck into vote efficiency.
If the youngsters do vote and we end up w PM Corbyn, so be it. We cant complain about democracy.
I really cant believe it will come to pass though. Noisy students are usually all mouth and no trousers
There was a fear/some talk that we could see a revenge movement by the youth against the Brexit result in this election. Young voters wanting to punish the older generation who tend to lean Conservative by voting for Labour.
Imagine if it did happen and the amount of divide and resentment it would cause across society.
Seems to me that the kind of kids that feel a real grievance about that were those who did vote? The ones who weren't that bothered aren't that bothered
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
David Miliband was doing GOTV in Ilford North earlier, now moved to Ealing Central
Part of West Ham CLP decamped to Ilford North
Shouldnt he be in NY saving the world?
This is key, labour are DEFENDING seats.
2015 Lab Maj 589 and 274 respectively. Golly.
It is interesting, Labour must think they have a chance of holding those.
Would be an interesting night if Labour hold those seats.
Surely the expectation is to hold those seats, Labour should be out in Tory marginals looking for gains, but defending London marginals is a bad sign for them.
The mood music since QT has been poor for Labour. Not brilliant for May either, especially on police numbers, but the scrutiny of Labour on security matters and the past comments of their top triumvirate are poisonous. I can envisage a sizeable late return to May as people think to themselves "Do I want to risk Prime Minister Corbyn? Nah....." This poll might perhaps be catching the start of it.
Perhaps this election won't even be remotely close in the end?
Done the deed. Rural polling station in Sleaford and N. Hykeham constituency so not really expecting any surprises here. Polling station was very quiet. One young couple coming out as we went in. One bloke followed in after us.
Regarding placards, this GE there are two on one house on the main road 0.5 miles away.(We are a solidly Tory constituency (was solidly Labour 20 years ago).. The house with the placards is on a smart road populated by largeish detached houses plus bungalows. The single house with Labour placards has an overgrown garden and 4-5 scrap cars in the front garden - if you can see them for the foliage.. and is delapidated and has got steadily worse since we came here 30 odd years ago..
I was tempted to photo it and post it with the slogan "Vote Labour and the entire road will be like this in 5 years time"
I find you can predict the voting intention of the householder with 80% accuracy by looking at the garden.
Once found a pristine garden, Jaguar in the drive, and a Union Jack flying up a flagpole.
I didn't even bother knocking on the door.
What about one where the garden has been turned into a bricked driveway, with sporadic weeds/grass growing out of the brickwork?
Depends on whether there is an oil spot where a van is parked at night, or not.
No, just brickworth with some grass in the gaps, and newish Mini. Which way would they vote based on that 'garden'?
LibDem or Labour
I am breaking the mould then - 2 Tory votes (previously LD and non-vote)
And I was thinking a twenty something girl lived in the hourse you described...
Between 11pm and 2am the seats he lists are the only ones that might change hands.
Can't see JC appealing to Nuneaton.
In my experience, Jezza puts off as many older Labour voters as he attracts young uns. My parents are 70, have voted Labour at every election since they were able to and have gone on holiday without bothering to vote
Between 11pm and 2am the seats he lists are the only ones that might change hands.
Can't see JC appealing to Nuneaton.
I can't see the Tories winning Tooting either. I think much like the EU ref the first result from Sunderland/Houghton will give us plenty to chew over. There were 8,000 UKIP votes in 2015, the first question of the night is can the Tories bag half of them?
I'm sorry but I remember seeing all this during EU Ref. infact Southam kept trolling us with pics of essex/kent being flooded and how this would be bad for LEAVE.....he was then almost unable to vote because the flooding had caused damage to some London commuter stations...LOL
Between 11pm and 2am the seats he lists are the only ones that might change hands.
Can't see JC appealing to Nuneaton.
If nuneaton is anywhere near to being close to in play then JCICIPM.
Which I think is Goodwin's point, surely?
I bloody well hope not, if it is then I may invest in some one-way plane tickets.
I don't think he's implying it will happen, but if it's going to, Nuneaton would be an indicator. That's all.. His forecast yesterday, iirc, was around a 60 Tory majority.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Bloody Hell, Alastair Matlock is back! As if my nerves weren't already shredded by last night's Reverse Herdson. Welcome back, Alastair!
Many thanks, Cookie! Nothing like a General Election to stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood and raise old commenters like me from the dead.
For our younger members here, His Grace The Duke of Beaconsfield was Leader of the (dominant) pb Conservative Group from 2005-8. I was honoured to serve as his loyal chief whip.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Every time I go into a polling station I first ask myself Who Would Lilly Allen Vote For?
She is apparently a singer of some type, and therefore Knows Stuff.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Every time I go into a polling station I first ask myself Who Would Lilly Allen Vote For?
She is apparently a singer of some type, and therefore Knows Stuff.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Who is the cook out of interest?
Ruby Tandoh seems to be experiencing some distress. Worth a trip to twitter, from behind a welding mask, to have a look.
Just voted in Gosport Tory stronghold are we allowed to say turnout "brisk". Cricket anecdote first trip to Trent bridge 1974 when sir Geoffrey ran out local hero Derek rags Randall if I recall ian Botham,s debut Happy Day's
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Interesting snippet on the Labour Uncut website comments section.
"nick says: June 7, 2017 at 11:58 am I’ve never lived in a marginal before but I’ve been telephone-polled by the Labour party and had stacks of flyers, including today a really ‘get the core vote out’ one featuring an ex miner and ‘save the NHS’. I’m in North-West Durham FFS! Curious experience."
North West Durham has a Lab majority of 10,056.
Generous interpretation is that Labour is trying to maximise its vote numbers as part of the "share of vote" strategy. Negative interpretation is they are concerned about the seat.
We know JC was in that neck of the woods a few days ago. Less publicised was that Angela Rayner had visited the North East a week before as what looked like part of a major tour of the Midlands, North West and North East.
Does make me wonder whether something is going on in the NE.
Between 11pm and 2am the seats he lists are the only ones that might change hands.
Can't see JC appealing to Nuneaton.
Exactly. Will show how big the swing away from Lab is in the Midlands. Current majority 4800. UKIP had 6,500. They are standing, but if 3,000 of that goes to Tories and there are 3,000 Lab to Tory switchers, then looking at a majority of maybe 14K.
An innocent man was beaten by cops after a police chase and shooting that ended in a fiery crash in Jersey City Sunday night, prosecutors say.
The man seen on video being kicked by officers on Tonnelle Avenue turned out to be a bystander who suffered burns in the crash -- not the driver that police officers were pursuing, according to the Hudson County prosecutor's office.
"Our investigators have reviewed the video and we believe with certainty that this man is the bystander from West New York who suffered burns, not Leo Pinkston, the individual pursued by police," said a spokesman for the prosecutor's office.
Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop says he wants the officers fired.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Every time I go into a polling station I first ask myself Who Would Lilly Allen Vote For?
She is apparently a singer of some type, and therefore Knows Stuff.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Who is the cook out of interest?
Ruby Tandoh seems to be experiencing some distress. Worth a trip to twitter, from behind a welding mask, to have a look.
Interesting snippet on the Labour Uncut website comments section.
"nick says: June 7, 2017 at 11:58 am I’ve never lived in a marginal before but I’ve been telephone-polled by the Labour party and had stacks of flyers, including today a really ‘get the core vote out’ one featuring an ex miner and ‘save the NHS’. I’m in North-West Durham FFS! Curious experience."
North West Durham has a Lab majority of 10,056.
Generous interpretation is that Labour is trying to maximise its vote numbers as part of the "share of vote" strategy. Negative interpretation is they are concerned about the seat.
We know JC was in that neck of the woods a few days ago. Less publicised was that Angela Rayner had visited the North East a week before as what looked like part of a major tour of the Midlands, North West and North East.
Does make me wonder whether something is going on in the NE.
So BBC or Sky at 10 pm? (Bearing in mind I am in love with Sophy Ridge).
iirc last time Sky blew BBC out of the water as far as actually having results, with plenty of live count announcements. BBC spent far too much time getting studio guests to say "Well, its early yet, lets see where we are in a couple of hours".
Just been to vote in Henley constituency and have lunch in view of the entry of the polling station. Two interesting observations: firstly in 2010 & 2015 the LDs and Cons (as well as UKIP in 2015) had tellers at the town hall. None today, perhaps a sign that all resources have been diverted to a very intense OW&Ab battle. Secondly, over the time while I had lunch I was the only one under 50 that went into the polling station, despite the fact that there were a surprising amount under-50 wandering round the town centre.
What, no HRG candidate/tellers?
One of my colleagues at work is a HRG Councillor, a prat of the first order. Spends most of his time chatting with his mates about the evil toreeees.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Every time I go into a polling station I first ask myself Who Would Lilly Allen Vote For?
She is apparently a singer of some type, and therefore Knows Stuff.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Who is the cook out of interest?
Ruby Tandoh seems to be experiencing some distress. Worth a trip to twitter, from behind a welding mask, to have a look.
Never heard of her but I'll have a look.
She's personally calling out TV chefs 'shaming' them for not speaking out
lots of big names staying suspiciously silent today despite their entire fortune/following being built on a ~kind and inclusive~ ethos
sorry but silence makes you a tory. if u think some ideological non-partisan thing is more valuable than getting a Labour govt in, get lost
So BBC or Sky at 10 pm? (Bearing in mind I am in love with Sophy Ridge).
iirc last time Sky blew BBC out of the water as far as actually having results, with plenty of live count announcements. BBC spent far too much time getting studio guests to say "Well, its early yet, lets see where we are in a couple of hours".
Bloody Hell, Alastair Matlock is back! As if my nerves weren't already shredded by last night's Reverse Herdson. Welcome back, Alastair!
Many thanks, Cookie! Nothing like a General Election to stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood and raise old commenters like me from the dead.
For our younger members here, His Grace The Duke of Beaconsfield was Leader of the (dominant) pb Conservative Group from 2005-8. I was honoured to serve as his loyal chief whip.
My dear John - you are too kind! Sadly, I am still waiting for my peerage to come through... must have been held up in the scrutiny committee! I hope you are well? Commiserations on last year, though I am sure you are long since on to bigger and better things. Best of luck for today in your patch!
Many thanks and having spent a year in the wilderness I was recalled to serve my beloved Hersham in its distress on May 4th by being elected as their Surrey County Councillor. I'll write to you tomorrow. Shortly out to rouse the good denizens of Kingston and Surbiton for their day of destiny at the polling station.
Jolly Good! You know - I think I did know that, but my memory isn't what it used to be. I had the misfortune of spending the first half of May in hospital and was thus deprived of access to my usual sources of information. They finally had enough of me and gave me the boot. This evening's viewing should be much more comfortable!
Perhaps this election won't even be remotely close in the end?
Value is betting on 100+ majority.
Labour are going to get beasted.
I think so. There's some big value on SkyBet on the Cons size of majority bands esp above 100+. It's far better than the 400+ seat total and the vote share etc. You can still get 13/2 on 100-124 and 12-1 on 125-149.
Thanks for that!
Anecdotally, I'm not sure if turnout will be high enough to justify betting. The staff at the polling station thought that it was the same as 2015.
Nationally, it could be different. This is a safe rural Tory seat and turnout is in the low 70s% anyway.
Just been to vote in Henley constituency and have lunch in view of the entry of the polling station. Two interesting observations: firstly in 2010 & 2015 the LDs and Cons (as well as UKIP in 2015) had tellers at the town hall. None today, perhaps a sign that all resources have been diverted to a very intense OW&Ab battle. Secondly, over the time while I had lunch I was the only one under 50 that went into the polling station, despite the fact that there were a surprising amount under-50 wandering round the town centre.
What, no HRG candidate/tellers?
One of my colleagues at work is a HRG Councillor, a prat of the first order. Spends most of his time chatting with his mates about the evil toreeees.
Nope, they don't run in General Elections. They're pretty upbeat at the moment after denying the Tories a majority on the CC & taking the town hall via two by-elections.
Yeah, I voted for them at the CC elections, but as far as I can tell both groups (HRG & Con) are just very childish and tit for tat.
It's hard to believe there is a GE on here. Just travelled into Bolton and not a single bus stop conversation, on or off the bus. Awful weather though, I have to say.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Every time I go into a polling station I first ask myself Who Would Lilly Allen Vote For?
She is apparently a singer of some type, and therefore Knows Stuff.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Who is the cook out of interest?
Ruby Tandoh seems to be experiencing some distress. Worth a trip to twitter, from behind a welding mask, to have a look.
Never heard of her but I'll have a look.
She's personally calling out TV chefs 'shaming' them for not speaking out
lots of big names staying suspiciously silent today despite their entire fortune/following being built on a ~kind and inclusive~ ethos
sorry but silence makes you a tory. if u think some ideological non-partisan thing is more valuable than getting a Labour govt in, get lost
She's also had a pop at Christopher Hope for not doing enough for charity. The same Christopher Hope whose charitable foundation has raised over £500K for charitable causes in Africa so far.
just bought and swiftly binned (recycled!) every last sun, express and mail in my local store and you should do the same if you can afford
This does confuse me, this sort of thing. Sometimes people say the headlines in papers like that are ineffective nonsense, but other times they act like the mob really will follow whatever the headlines say, and they are afraid of people seeing them, as here. Hence needing to pay the owners by buying the papers, rather than just say it won't work.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Every time I go into a polling station I first ask myself Who Would Lilly Allen Vote For?
She is apparently a singer of some type, and therefore Knows Stuff.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Who is the cook out of interest?
Ruby Tandoh seems to be experiencing some distress. Worth a trip to twitter, from behind a welding mask, to have a look.
Never heard of her but I'll have a look.
She's personally calling out TV chefs 'shaming' them for not speaking out
lots of big names staying suspiciously silent today despite their entire fortune/following being built on a ~kind and inclusive~ ethos
sorry but silence makes you a tory. if u think some ideological non-partisan thing is more valuable than getting a Labour govt in, get lost
She also called out Nigella Lawson, I wonder if she know's who her dad is?
Is there any website where we can get just the plain, unvarnished results as declared as they come in, without any commentary? Even better if the results are in a form which can be computer-read.
Wow. Kezia has had a good campaign, Nicola not so much.
In Scotland I will be cheering any SLAB victories tonight (except in East Renfrewshire where her claim only Labour can beat the SNP is...debatable). Not as loudly as Tory ones of course but cheering none the less.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Every time I go into a polling station I first ask myself Who Would Lilly Allen Vote For?
She is apparently a singer of some type, and therefore Knows Stuff.
I'm experiencing a wobble. On my twitter feed many singers, musicians, TV personalities, writers, cartoonists, and one catastrophically overwrought TV cook are all breaking decisively for Labour. Surely PM Corbyn is nailed on?
Who is the cook out of interest?
Ruby Tandoh seems to be experiencing some distress. Worth a trip to twitter, from behind a welding mask, to have a look.
Betfair Tory maj drifting from 1.15 to now 1.21 in last hour.
Might be popping out for some pampers for the first time..... or more popcorn.
Now 1.26.....
Pile on.
There's no way the Blues are going to all Spursy today.
When was the last time Spurs were odds on for a trophy and blew it?
Against Coventry in 87?
Can we go back to Pampers please... this banter is not helping.
You reckon if Corbyn increases Labour's votes but loses seats, he'll feel like Spurs fans in 2012 when they finished fourth in the league but were denied a Champions League spot because Chelsea won the Champions League that season?
I really cant believe it will come to pass though. Noisy students are usually all mouth and no trousers
So any anecdotes about turnout should really wait until then.
Imagine if it did happen and the amount of divide and resentment it would cause across society.
I'd like to come back to a full set of windows!
All will be revealed in the next 12-14 hours or so...
Diane Abbott is not so unwell.
She is apparently a singer of some type, and therefore Knows Stuff.
Cricket anecdote first trip to Trent bridge 1974 when sir Geoffrey ran out local hero Derek rags Randall if I recall ian Botham,s debut Happy Day's
"nick says:
June 7, 2017 at 11:58 am
I’ve never lived in a marginal before but I’ve been telephone-polled by the Labour party and had stacks of flyers, including today a really ‘get the core vote out’ one featuring an ex miner and ‘save the NHS’.
I’m in North-West Durham FFS!
Curious experience."
North West Durham has a Lab majority of 10,056.
Generous interpretation is that Labour is trying to maximise its vote numbers as part of the "share of vote" strategy.
Negative interpretation is they are concerned about the seat.
We know JC was in that neck of the woods a few days ago. Less publicised was that Angela Rayner had visited the North East a week before as what looked like part of a major tour of the Midlands, North West and North East.
Does make me wonder whether something is going on in the NE.
The man seen on video being kicked by officers on Tonnelle Avenue turned out to be a bystander who suffered burns in the crash -- not the driver that police officers were pursuing, according to the Hudson County prosecutor's office.
"Our investigators have reviewed the video and we believe with certainty that this man is the bystander from West New York who suffered burns, not Leo Pinkston, the individual pursued by police," said a spokesman for the prosecutor's office.
Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop says he wants the officers fired.
I make the money midpoint ~66%
One of my colleagues at work is a HRG Councillor, a prat of the first order. Spends most of his time chatting with his mates about the evil toreeees.
lots of big names staying suspiciously silent today despite their entire fortune/following being built on a ~kind and inclusive~ ethos
sorry but silence makes you a tory. if u think some ideological non-partisan thing is more valuable than getting a Labour govt in, get lost
Jolly Good! You know - I think I did know that, but my memory isn't what it used to be. I had the misfortune of spending the first half of May in hospital and was thus deprived of access to my usual sources of information. They finally had enough of me and gave me the boot. This evening's viewing should be much more comfortable!
Anecdotally, I'm not sure if turnout will be high enough to justify betting. The staff at the polling station thought that it was the same as 2015.
Nationally, it could be different. This is a safe rural Tory seat and turnout is in the low 70s% anyway.
Yeah, I voted for them at the CC elections, but as far as I can tell both groups (HRG & Con) are just very childish and tit for tat.
This does confuse me, this sort of thing. Sometimes people say the headlines in papers like that are ineffective nonsense, but other times they act like the mob really will follow whatever the headlines say, and they are afraid of people seeing them, as here. Hence needing to pay the owners by buying the papers, rather than just say it won't work.
In Scotland I will be cheering any SLAB victories tonight (except in East Renfrewshire where her claim only Labour can beat the SNP is...debatable). Not as loudly as Tory ones of course but cheering none the less.
Final prediction GB:
Con 43.5%
Labour 33%
Libdem 10%
Turnout 67%
Majority 100.