Unless the tories reveal their intentions for the next 5 years with concrete policies then on june 9th we have one truth
Anyone voting Tory cares solely about their party and not their country.
The rest of the UK cannot take 5 years of doing nothing but cut taxes for the 1% and cuts for everyone else.
I'm convinced. I'm now going to vote Labour.
Me too. I cared solely about the Tory party and put them above my wife and children, worshipped at a the shrine of St Theresa thrice daily and flagellated each time a bad poll was published. Now thanks purely to Travel Junkie I renounce my selfish ways and pledge eternal loyalty to Jeremy and his acolytes... I can only hope more of the PB Tories will see the light and follow me in my journey.
On Sunday, on this site somebody mentioned the LibDems using an Egyptian call Center, I was dismissive at the time as it did not seem logical, but I now see that Guido Fawlks is making the same allegation (without much evidence)
I am skeptical but intrigued, it does not seem like a sensible thing to do, because 1) it has a big risk of negative publicity 2) its relatively expensive for a party without much cash 3) Unless the callers are first language English seekers with a reasonable knowledge of UK politics it has the risk of being counter productive.
Does anybody know what is happening? at a push I can see the party paying for some privet poling to see how they are doing in a handful of seats, and using the lowest bidder not realizing that they are Egyptian based, but if this was the case how would the callers know who had called?
Privet polling?
Very useful if you are looking to hedge your bets, I suppose.
I don't understand how they can be even close. UKIP total still leaves them 2k short on the most optimistic model. Unless Skinner's done f-all for the last few years ?
Whilst I don't think it will happen, I can kind of understand why it might be in play given the demographics of the area. The pits have been shuts a long time now, times have changed.
But Skinner was a staunch Leaver in a strong Leave constituency. I genuinely can't see any way the Tories will prise him out.
Tories confident they can win in Bolsover - doubt YouGov will show that
Oh Boy...if Skinner loses......
For Skinner to lose, surely the polls even when the election was called would have to be on the low side for the Tories? I've never considered it remotely in play, couldn't work out why they were jerking around in the seat (unless it was purely payback to piss off Skinner).
Be astonishing if they get within 3,000. And if Skinner gets back by even one vote, he will be insufferable! "All those Tory bankers giving millions to their corrupt friends in the Tory party, and even then when they spent it all in Bolsover, they couldn't budge me....[continued ad infinitum]"
Labour won the locals there quite handily (Though a definite swing to the Tories).
I watched this Tony Benn interview from 1980 last night. Amazingly similar MO to 2017 Corbyn. The way he spoke reminded me a lot of McDonnell actually. The crisis in Labour, worth a watch
The Tories always assumed that Corbyn himself would be the electoral poison. This may or may not be true, but it seems he is reinventing himself as a cuddly grandpa with a jam hose. But I think Diane Abbot is indeed emerging as a truly toxic individual. The Tories should make more of it.
Tory attacks on Corbyn have been over the top and I think have been preaching to the faithful. Abbott on the other hand doesn't need to be attacked - she is destroying her credibility fine on her own.
Plus now journalists see it as an easy win to ask her moderately difficult questions she will crash and burn on. They don't even need to be tough questions - just ones that are specific enough.
I think she is ill or something more serious with her memory.
I think she's fine.
It was just a case that she hadn't read the report and tried to blag her way through the interview (as as with the LBC where she hadn't thought to find out how much her police policy would cross)
Basically she's just a waste of space... But then most MP's (of all parties) are to be fair...
She will never be Home Secretary, even in then unlikely event of Corbyn leading a minority government. It wouldn't surprise me if we get an announcement about her health in the next 24 hours.
The campaign to demonise Corbyn has failed, dismally. We now have an attempt to demonise a woman who in the unlikely event of a Corbyn Government is unlikely to become Home Secretary.
This is what passes for a campaign? This is what a snap election was called for?
The fact that she has been so obviously sidelined may even play to Corbyn's advantage now, if the Tories keep banging on about her. It is pretty pathetic stuff from the Tories, once again inventing red herrings late in the campaign in order to shoot them down, but this time I don't think it's even going to be effective.
Of course it's the remotest of possibilities that Bolsover would go CON but in a Brexit election it is surely possible that LEAVE Bolsover could swing Con while Labour still pile up thousands of extra votes (and come away with a national vote share not too dissimilar to 2015) in REMAIN London, Manchester, etc?
I don't understand how they can be even close. UKIP total still leaves them 2k short on the most optimistic model. Unless Skinner's done f-all for the last few years ?
David Herdson wrote a thread that Ed Milliband would lose his seat in Doncaster to UKIP .Do not believe everything you read.
I haven't taken home grown jihadis at all seriously since I watched 4 Lions.
Rubber Dinghy Rapids.
That changed 2 weeks ago. Maybe for others too.
Yes, people often used to quote that film when there was an Islamic Extremist attack; make it seem like they're just "harmless bunglers" or take the mickey out of people who wondered whether the attack was carried out by a muslim.. "Did he have a beard?" etc implying anyone speculating was just a stupid racist. Politicians used to pooh-pooh the danger as well, I doubt many will again. Shame its too late for 35 or so people
The word I would use for Diane Abbot is not 'inept' so much as 'repellant'. Everything about her. Everything. The Tories will be praying for her as Labour leader if Jezza gets defenestrated.
I wonder what 'everything' encompasses?
I imagine Patrick was referring to her condescending mode of speech and political extremism. What crossed your mind?
I don't understand how they can be even close. UKIP total still leaves them 2k short on the most optimistic model. Unless Skinner's done f-all for the last few years ?
This may be an indication that Tory canvass returns and targeting are not as robust and flawless as most of us think - they may not be reading things correctly. Or they could just be on a wind-up.
I don't like to keep criticising YouGov's new method for forecasting seats, but this is what they've got for Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross, (central prediction):
SNP 38% Con 28% LD 22% Lab 16%
I can't imagine the Tories coming second. The result in 2015 was:
SNP 46% LD 35% Lab 9% Con 7% UKIP 3%
I think that's very plausible personally.
I think ALL the Scottish polls have the LibDems down on 2015 now, with the lion's share of their losses going to the Tories (unlike in England and Wales where their losses are mostly going to Labour). But already in 2015, the LibDems lost their deposits in 47 of 59 Scottish seats, so there's only so much more support they can lose in most of those seats -- therefore, most of the LibDems' losses must be coming from the seats where they remained strong in 2015.
Tories from 7% to 28%?
Why not? They're predicted to have a double-digit increase in Scotland votes overall, so it's not implausible that there'd be some 20% increases in certain seats.
That is pretty unfair of you. The intelligence services have a very difficulty job to do. They have to get it right 100% of the time whereas the terrorists need only get lucky once, as someone once said.
We don't know how many plots have been foiled. Nor do we know how many other people were higher on the priority list. It is a very difficult judgment call to assess who should be looked at more closely, especially in the absence of any evidence. Having a vehicle and a knife in your possession is hardly evidence.
These people do an incredibly hard job and they deserve our support not brickbats by people seeking to make cheap political points and who support a party led by a man who has never supported the intelligence and security services, who has sought out the very terrorists these people are trying to protect us from and who is on record saying that we should not criticize those expressing pro-IS views or doing anything about people returning from places like Syria.
I'm sure that the security services will be looking at what happened here and seeking to learn lessons. But you should be ashamed of attacking people who are doing the very best to protect all of us.
One small point: this person was on the Italian watchlist.
One further obvious point: all three of these terrorists were not born in Britain. Why did we let them into Britain? They were not badly needed research scientists. That too raises questions for Mrs May. But it also raises questions for Mr Corbyn who wants no limits on immigration and apparently wants to let even more low-skilled people from outside the EU into the country.
"Why did we let them into Britain?" I'm sure you know that answer. Another point, bearing in mind how hard it was for May to get rid of Hamza, who looked at this individual and said "EU citizen, Italians will refuse our wanting to deport, too much like hard work when there's another 29,999 to go, too much like hard work". I'm sure the security services want shot the same way they probably want the other 29,999 to be prosecuted, deported or until the Lib Dems got rid of them under some sort of Control Order, but they quite rightly don't make that decision. Of course this gets more tricky in one respect that if (or probably when) the talks collapse because we've had the temerity to put a major dint in "The Dream", the EU might refuse our deportations. Of course the counter to that is that they will no longer automatically have right of abode.
On Sunday, on this site somebody mentioned the LibDems using an Egyptian call Center, I was dismissive at the time as it did not seem logical, but I now see that Guido Fawlks is making the same allegation (without much evidence)
I am skeptical but intrigued, it does not seem like a sensible thing to do, because 1) it has a big risk of negative publicity 2) its relatively expensive for a party without much cash 3) Unless the callers are first language English seekers with a reasonable knowledge of UK politics it has the risk of being counter productive.
Does anybody know what is happening? at a push I can see the party paying for some privet poling to see how they are doing in a handful of seats, and using the lowest bidder not realizing that they are Egyptian based, but if this was the case how would the callers know who had called?
Does the political party exemption from certain Data Protection laws (including those of EU provenance) enable them to export personal data outside the EEA?
In the city after this election, watch the number of voluntary redundancies will be offered to staff in the finance sector. 3 months pay tax free take it or leave it.
Unless the tories reveal their intentions for the next 5 years with concrete policies then on june 9th we have one truth
Anyone voting Tory cares solely about their party and not their country.
The rest of the UK cannot take 5 years of doing nothing but cut taxes for the 1% and cuts for everyone else.
I'm convinced. I'm now going to vote Labour.
Me too. I cared solely about the Tory party and put them above my wife and children, worshipped at a the shrine of St Theresa thrice daily and flagellated each time a bad poll was published. Now thanks purely to Travel Junkie I renounce my selfish ways and pledge eternal loyalty to Jeremy and his acolytes... I can only hope more of the PB Tories will see the light and follow me in my journey.
The Tory ad campaign on the right hand side of Facebook I'm going to guess has been very very effective. You can almost feel the brainwashing going on.
On Sunday, on this site somebody mentioned the LibDems using an Egyptian call Center, I was dismissive at the time as it did not seem logical, but I now see that Guido Fawlks is making the same allegation (without much evidence)
I am skeptical but intrigued, it does not seem like a sensible thing to do, because 1) it has a big risk of negative publicity 2) its relatively expensive for a party without much cash 3) Unless the callers are first language English seekers with a reasonable knowledge of UK politics it has the risk of being counter productive.
Does anybody know what is happening? at a push I can see the party paying for some privet poling to see how they are doing in a handful of seats, and using the lowest bidder not realizing that they are Egyptian based, but if this was the case how would the callers know who had called?
My daughter has had persistent calls from this number. It is counter productive and a bit weird. Hard to believe it is the LibDems. I'm stuck for an explanation, unless it is a dirty tricks operation to piss people off with the LibDems. The caller does no canvassing but mentions the LibDems and calls persistently.
I haven't taken home grown jihadis at all seriously since I watched 4 Lions.
Rubber Dinghy Rapids.
That changed 2 weeks ago. Maybe for others too.
The brilliance of that film was and is that although it was cryingly funny, its essence was literally deadly serious. Chris Morris did a lot of research around the subject and I think he has nailed the jumbled hodge-podge of motives and hopes and ideals and circumstances of those who become involved perfectly.
I don't understand how they can be even close. UKIP total still leaves them 2k short on the most optimistic model. Unless Skinner's done f-all for the last few years ?
This may be an indication that Tory canvass returns and targeting are not as robust and flawless as most of us think - they may not be reading things correctly. Or they could just be on a wind-up.
I think Grayling visiting rules out the latter ...
For the record, I think it would be tattifilarious.
Bang goes my hopes of Skinner becoming the father of the house…
Nah, no matter the result in Bolsover, Ken Clarke's going to be the father of the House.
Rushcliffe would make a good constituency for your friend Mr Osbourne when he makes a comeback.
He's not coming back to Parliament.
Actually I think that's quite sad if true; if ever we needed a Tory party of all the talents it's surely over the next five years (regardless of what happens on Thursday).
In the city after this election, watch the number of voluntary redundancies will be offered to staff in the finance sector. 3 months pay tax free take it or leave it.
It's the first £30k that's tax free.
Involuntary redundancies should be one month salary per year service tax free. So if you work five years it should be months salary gross x5 = redundancy. Big companies in the city are offering 3 months for staff over 5-10 years. Disgraceful.
20% of the worlds service jobs will be in India by 2040.
Do you work in the City?
Do you know anything about the legal requirements? Because you are talking tosh. The legal requirements on redundancy are pretty minimal. Anything more than that is in the gift of companies.
Generally redundancy programmes are usually much more generous than what you are claiming. It is quite common to have a redundancy programme offering one month's salary for every full year worked up to a maximum of 12 months. A year's salary with the first £30K tax free is equivalent to about 14 months salary. Not at all disgraceful. And then there is the notice period as well.
One bank (in which taxpayers have a rather large shareholding) offers a maximum of two years' salary.
There is a very big company in the city offering 3 month salary tax free redundancies take it or leave it. nobody has taken it.
the reason i know this is because my wife just got it today. her boss got an offer last week.
I don't understand how they can be even close. UKIP total still leaves them 2k short on the most optimistic model. Unless Skinner's done f-all for the last few years ?
This may be an indication that Tory canvass returns and targeting are not as robust and flawless as most of us think - they may not be reading things correctly. Or they could just be on a wind-up.
There was talk of there not having been much canvassing done by Skinner over the years, could it be an attempt to get Labour to sink in resources pulling them away from more realistic targets?
Such a criticism would have force coming from someone willing to say how they would reduce the deficit. But if they want to increase it then what problem do they have with it? In short, this is a criticism best made by those who want a smaller deficit not by people wanting to borrow even more.
The word I would use for Diane Abbot is not 'inept' so much as 'repellant'. Everything about her. Everything. The Tories will be praying for her as Labour leader if Jezza gets defenestrated.
I wonder what 'everything' encompasses?
I imagine Patrick was referring to her condescending mode of speech and political extremism. What crossed your mind?
Congratulations on being able to look beyond written language and read someone's mind. Being of a more limited interpretive bent, all I had to go on was 'repellant (sic). Everything about her. Everything'.
I haven't taken home grown jihadis at all seriously since I watched 4 Lions.
Rubber Dinghy Rapids.
That changed 2 weeks ago. Maybe for others too.
The brilliance of that film was and is that although it was cryingly funny, its essence was literally deadly serious. Chris Morris did a lot of research around the subject and I think he has nailed the jumbled hodge-podge of motives and hopes and ideals and circumstances of those who become involved perfectly.
The character of Barry was based on someone he met.
A racist/Islamophobe who used to go around obsessing/insulting/assaulting Pakis, then decided to study the Koran to learn more stuff to insult them, and he up accidentally converting himself.
Skinner really would be someone to stay up for; though if he's at risk then that puts a very odd chunk of South Yorkshire into play.
Really don't know what to make of these stories coming out of Labour and tory hqs. Bosolver would be huge.
But it makes yougov and survation horrendously wrong. I dont know.
And it's somewhat offset by the Yorkshire Post reporting Labour think Morley and Outwood is winnable. Of course both could be true and we're just in for one hell of a rollercoaster ride on Thursday/Friday.
I do not bet but it does seem that you gov forecasts may impact the betting considerably, so for their sake they had better be right otherwise it is 'Ratner' time for them
Survation subsidiaries now up, if you can wade through the Mail spin to get to the actual figures at the bottom. People are basically meh about Corbyn and Trident - on should he have refused to say he'd order nuclear retaliation, 25% say yes, 42% say no, the rest say dunno. A bit more critical on the alleged failure to criticise the IRA (which I'm surprised Survation agreed to ask, since it's not true): 22/58/20. Viewers of the May/Corbyn debate tended to be more pro-Labour and less pro-Tory as a result.
I don't understand how they can be even close. UKIP total still leaves them 2k short on the most optimistic model. Unless Skinner's done f-all for the last few years ?
This may be an indication that Tory canvass returns and targeting are not as robust and flawless as most of us think - they may not be reading things correctly. Or they could just be on a wind-up.
I think Grayling visiting rules out the latter ...
For the record, I think it would be tattifilarious.
Not sure Grayling is that much of a draw, is he? As this is a presidential campaign, cabinet ministers can be deployed on a wind-up basis.
I don't like to keep criticising YouGov's new method for forecasting seats, but this is what they've got for Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross, (central prediction):
SNP 38% Con 28% LD 22% Lab 16%
I can't imagine the Tories coming second. The result in 2015 was:
SNP 46% LD 35% Lab 9% Con 7% UKIP 3%
LD target seats in Scotland will completely defy any kind of modelling. The LDs are a local party for local people. Nationally (Scotland wise) the Tories are getting up to 50% of the LD depending on the exact poll so that kind of Constituency level result is what you would expect.
Another good post Nick. However in my experience over 50 years conservatives have generally been reluctant to display posters
One street (the most affluent) in our town has suddenly sprouted posters for the first time ever, Conservative ones at that. A recent arrival in the street put one up in 2015. It seems to have emboldened others to do the same and there are now some quite massive ones.
But most amusing is the house on the same street belonging to a well-known right-of-centre political journalist. There's a Lib Dem diamond in the window.
Such a criticism would have force coming from someone willing to say how they would reduce the deficit. But if they want to increase it then what problem do they have with it? In short, this is a criticism best made by those who want a smaller deficit not by people wanting to borrow even more.
"Vote Corbyn for more of the thing I oppose." Hmmm.
So my wife makes 36k working for the same company for over 5 years and got an offer of 10k tax free voluntary redundancy. she has till monday to decide.
She does not seem to be a well woman. My first thought on watching that Sky inerview was to wonder if she was drunk. The Corbynista with me did not demur. As someone said downthread she does not seem to be the engaging, smart person who used to sit on the sofa with Portillo.
She does not seem to be a well woman. My first thought on watching that Sky interview was to wonder if she was drunk. The Corbynista with me did not demur. As someone said downthread she does not seem to be the engaging, smart person who used to sit on the sofa with Portillo.
Well that's ruined my Jo Swinson as next Lib Dem leader book.
Sounds like the Scottish Lib Dems are down to Orkney, and potentially Edi West & NE Fife if that is the case. Nicolson sounds confident anyway.
On a UK wide level Dunbartonshire East was always in my top ten on my models, so it is quite possible that this forbodes a truly dreadful result in England and Wales too.
Mr. Rose, Lab down to just over 3 for Morley and Outwood, from 5 until quite recently (Betfair Sportsbook).
It is, apparently, a bit of a one-off, perhaps due to there only being three parties standing and Labour's candidate being a long-term councillor. Had another piece of election literature from him today.
On Sunday, on this site somebody mentioned the LibDems using an Egyptian call Center, I was dismissive at the time as it did not seem logical, but I now see that Guido Fawlks is making the same allegation (without much evidence)
I am skeptical but intrigued, it does not seem like a sensible thing to do, because 1) it has a big risk of negative publicity 2) its relatively expensive for a party without much cash 3) Unless the callers are first language English seekers with a reasonable knowledge of UK politics it has the risk of being counter productive.
Does anybody know what is happening? at a push I can see the party paying for some privet poling to see how they are doing in a handful of seats, and using the lowest bidder not realizing that they are Egyptian based, but if this was the case how would the callers know who had called?
Does the political party exemption from certain Data Protection laws (including those of EU provenance) enable them to export personal data outside the EEA?
Skinner really would be someone to stay up for; though if he's at risk then that puts a very odd chunk of South Yorkshire into play.
Really don't know what to make of these stories coming out of Labour and tory hqs. Bosolver would be huge.
But it makes yougov and survation horrendously wrong. I dont know.
I think they could just be trying to put the fear into Labour and make them allocate resources poorly.
But that would mean they'd also allocated resources poorly which, given the relatively short campaign - and alleged closeness, doesn't make much sense to me.
Such a criticism would have force coming from someone willing to say how they would reduce the deficit. But if they want to increase it then what problem do they have with it? In short, this is a criticism best made by those who want a smaller deficit not by people wanting to borrow even more.
I believe the incompetence is that she didn't borrow more and that she isn't ruling in tax rises.
So my wife makes 36k working for the same company for over 5 years and got an offer of 10k tax free voluntary redundancy. she has till monday to decide.
Skinner really would be someone to stay up for; though if he's at risk then that puts a very odd chunk of South Yorkshire into play.
Really don't know what to make of these stories coming out of Labour and tory hqs. Bosolver would be huge.
But it makes yougov and survation horrendously wrong. I dont know.
I'd be surprised about Bolsover because although on Brexit grounds it ought to show potential for the Tories, Skinner was himself a Leaver. Whether he still has that much of a personal vote I don't know. You'd have thought that he should but if he's taken the place for granted and preferred to grandstand about his own personal hobby horses instead, it might have evaporated. I saw that happen with Marcus Fox pre-1997 (that wasn't so much about grandstanding as putting the 1922 and his directorships ahead of his constituents but the principle's the same).
What I will say is that the reports I've had back from our activists in Hemsworth have been very positive. They've not been terribly scientific because we don't have the base data to be (it's not been a target in living memory and so resources have in the past been pulled into Wakefield, Morley & Outwood and Dewsbury), but if Hemsworth is thought to be in play then Bolsover - which I'd assume is demographically similar - might well be too.
Such a criticism would have force coming from someone willing to say how they would reduce the deficit. But if they want to increase it then what problem do they have with it? In short, this is a criticism best made by those who want a smaller deficit not by people wanting to borrow even more.
"Vote Corbyn for more of the thing I oppose." Hmmm.
Various economists argued for years that there were smarter ways of reducing the deficit. If one assumes that a different mix of cuts and tax rises, and a different pace, might have had less of an adverse impact on growth then the argument is perfectly logical. Whether it would have been achievable or not, who knows. It's certainly arguable.
@George_Osborne: Diane Abbott has pulled out of @EveningStandard hustings. It's not like someone who wants to be Home Sec has much to talk about these days..
I despise her, but I do feel sorry for now. This is public humiliation of biblical proportions
I suspect she has enough self-awareness and intelligence to realise she isn't up to the job of being Home Secretary. There's no shame in that. Not many people are.
Skinner really would be someone to stay up for; though if he's at risk then that puts a very odd chunk of South Yorkshire into play.
Really don't know what to make of these stories coming out of Labour and tory hqs. Bosolver would be huge.
But it makes yougov and survation horrendously wrong. I dont know.
I'd be surprised about Bolsover because although on Brexit grounds it ought to show potential for the Tories, Skinner was himself a Leaver. Whether he still has that much of a personal vote I don't know. You'd have thought that he should but if he's taken the place for granted and preferred to grandstand about his own personal hobby horses instead, it might have evaporated. I saw that happen with Marcus Fox pre-1997 (that wasn't so much about grandstanding as putting the 1922 and his directorships ahead of his constituents but the principle's the same).
What I will say is that the reports I've had back from our activists in Hemsworth have been very positive. They've not been terribly scientific because we don't have the base data to be (it's not been a target in living memory and so resources have in the past been pulled into Wakefield, Morley & Outwood and Dewsbury), but if Hemsworth is thought to be in play then Bolsover - which I'd assume is demographically similar - might well be too.
Hemsworth - Christ I'd written that off a while ago. That is truly "deep".
Well that's ruined my Jo Swinson as next Lib Dem leader book.
Sounds like the Scottish Lib Dems are down to Orkney, and potentially Edi West & NE Fife if that is the case. Nicolson sounds confident anyway.
On a UK wide level Dunbartonshire East was always in my top ten on my models, so it is quite possible that this forbodes a truly dreadful result in England and Wales too.
A little over seven years ago the Lib Dems were leading in the polls.
Two years ago a plurality/majority of voters would have voted for a continuation of the coalition.
Skinner really would be someone to stay up for; though if he's at risk then that puts a very odd chunk of South Yorkshire into play.
Really don't know what to make of these stories coming out of Labour and tory hqs. Bosolver would be huge.
But it makes yougov and survation horrendously wrong. I dont know.
I think they could just be trying to put the fear into Labour and make them allocate resources poorly.
But that would mean they'd also allocated resources poorly which, given the relatively short campaign - and alleged closeness, doesn't make much sense to me.
Mr. Rose, Lab down to just over 3 for Morley and Outwood, from 5 until quite recently (Betfair Sportsbook).
It is, apparently, a bit of a one-off, perhaps due to there only being three parties standing and Labour's candidate being a long-term councillor. Had another piece of election literature from him today.
I think it'll be close.
Edited extra bit: 4 on Ladbrokes.
And I think there may be 'concerns' about her relationship?
The best Brexit negotiating team would probably be Starmer, Gardiner & Davis.
A National Government?
It would unite the country...
I would have no problem with her inviting Starmer into the negotiating team. I wouldn't want Barry Gardiner anywhere near it though.
You could appoint Ant & Dec as your negotiating team for all the difference it is likely to make. We will get what we are given, no more no less. And why not? We left the Club, it didn't leave us.
The Prime Minister appeared to recognise this when appointing the Three Amigos - Johnson, Davis and Fox. Haven't heard much from them during the election, even though it was called ostensibly to strengthen our hand in the negotiations. Exactly how has never been made clear. This is presumably because it was all poppycock.
The election was called for Party advantage, nothing more nothing less. It's going to be embarrassing if it doesn't work out.
Now thanks purely to Travel Junkie I renounce my selfish ways and pledge eternal loyalty to Jeremy and his acolytes... I can only hope more of the PB Tories will see the light and follow me in my journey.
Very useful if you are looking to hedge your bets, I suppose.
High Peak?
Likely Labour:
Lab c.45%
Con c.38%
UKIP c.19%
You trash the centre, you get a Corbyn-led Party and the virtual extinction of Liberal Democrats.
I don't see Egypt on this list: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/international-transfers/adequacy/index_en.htm
Surely a least-cost-routing mess rather than the call centre being physically located in Egypt...
- What do you like or admire about Jeremy Corbyn?
Answer: “There were two questions. Normally we only allow one question.”
For the record, I think it would be tattifilarious.
But it makes yougov and survation horrendously wrong. I dont know.
the reason i know this is because my wife just got it today. her boss got an offer last week.
A racist/Islamophobe who used to go around obsessing/insulting/assaulting Pakis, then decided to study the Koran to learn more stuff to insult them, and he up accidentally converting himself.
Will be amazing of all those UKIPpers turned out to be closet marxists.
My model has the Tories taking Edinburgh West!
But most amusing is the house on the same street belonging to a well-known right-of-centre political journalist. There's a Lib Dem diamond in the window.
Labour 47%
Tory 33%
majority of almost 15%. Maybe we are heading back to a similar result to that.....
On a UK wide level Dunbartonshire East was always in my top ten on my models, so it is quite possible that this forbodes a truly dreadful result in England and Wales too.
It is, apparently, a bit of a one-off, perhaps due to there only being three parties standing and Labour's candidate being a long-term councillor. Had another piece of election literature from him today.
I think it'll be close.
Edited extra bit: 4 on Ladbrokes.
What I will say is that the reports I've had back from our activists in Hemsworth have been very positive. They've not been terribly scientific because we don't have the base data to be (it's not been a target in living memory and so resources have in the past been pulled into Wakefield, Morley & Outwood and Dewsbury), but if Hemsworth is thought to be in play then Bolsover - which I'd assume is demographically similar - might well be too.
I cannot think of another campaign where the insights from campaigners & forecasters is so clearly at odds with some of the polls"
Two years ago a plurality/majority of voters would have voted for a continuation of the coalition.
Just what has happened to the Lib Dems?
The Prime Minister appeared to recognise this when appointing the Three Amigos - Johnson, Davis and Fox. Haven't heard much from them during the election, even though it was called ostensibly to strengthen our hand in the negotiations. Exactly how has never been made clear. This is presumably because it was all poppycock.
The election was called for Party advantage, nothing more nothing less. It's going to be embarrassing if it doesn't work out.