The pollsters have tried to fix their tendency to overstate Labour and undertstate the Tories by drastically reweighting. So if there is an unexpected youth surge, these weighting changes are likely to cause a large error in the other direction, overstating Tories and understating Labour.
What if there's never been a Tory landslide on the cards, and it's all been artefact of pollsters experimenting with differential turnout adjustments?
Good news for May I guess, then at least she won't have blown a nailed on Tory supermajority by being godawful at politics.
The most obvious thing is that if it looks like Labour are going to win their voters are less likely to bother to vote. The same doesn't apply to the Tories
In 1964 Tory Chancellor Reginald Maulding left a note to his successor James Callaghan,''Good luck,old cock.Sorry to leave it in such a mess!'' Ditto Liam Byrne who followed the tradition.
The national debt has gone up from £1trillion in 2011 to £1.73 trillion in 2017, this is in a time of supposed austerity.
Are we to assume that austerity has not worked and we should try something else, whoever is in power?
The pollsters have tried to fix their tendency to overstate Labour and undertstate the Tories by drastically reweighting. So if there is an unexpected youth surge, these weighting changes are likely to cause a large error in the other direction, overstating Tories and understating Labour.
What if there's never been a Tory landslide on the cards, and it's all been artefact of pollsters experimenting with differential turnout adjustments?
Good news for May I guess, then at least she won't have blown a nailed on Tory supermajority by being godawful at politics.
I'm sure the men in grey suits will accept that analysis, unless they don't. Either way, I think Theresa May is finished because even a landslide will be seen by Conservative MPs to have been achieved despite her rather than because of her.
PB Tories: would we rather see Farron or Lucas lose their seat? I'm feeling conflicted here.
I guess I now count as a pb tory. Much prefer farron to Lucas, but Lucas losing doesn't effect if we get corbyn or not, which for me is the be all and end all.
In 1964 Tory Chancellor Reginald Maulding left a note to his successor James Callaghan,''Good luck,old cock.Sorry to leave it in such a mess!'' Ditto Liam Byrne who followed the tradition.
The national debt has gone up from £1trillion in 2011 to £1.73 trillion in 2017, this is in a time of supposed austerity.
Are we to assume that austerity has not worked and we should try something else, whoever is in power?
Maybe if not for austerity it would have gone from $1tn to £3tn?
How can we know what might-have-beens would have become reality if a different path was followed?
In 1964 Tory Chancellor Reginald Maulding left a note to his successor James Callaghan,''Good luck,old cock.Sorry to leave it in such a mess!'' Ditto Liam Byrne who followed the tradition.
The national debt has gone up from £1trillion in 2011 to £1.73 trillion in 2017, this is in a time of supposed austerity.
Are we to assume that austerity has not worked and we should try something else, whoever is in power?
I'm not sure you understand the difference between deficit and debt. The last two governments have reduced the deficit, but a deficit is an annual increase in debt. So debt has increased massively. It went up about 150bn in year 1 of the coalition, and without significant social unrest I am unsure how it could have been reduced. Osborne swiftly dropped his plans to eliminate the deficit.
PB Tories: would we rather see Farron or Lucas lose their seat? I'm feeling conflicted here.
I'd rather see Caroline Lucas lose. She's a sanctimonious see you next Tuesday and I rarely use that term. Farron on the first the other hand is ineffectual and should stay where he is.
In 1964 Tory Chancellor Reginald Maulding left a note to his successor James Callaghan,''Good luck,old cock.Sorry to leave it in such a mess!'' Ditto Liam Byrne who followed the tradition.
The national debt has gone up from £1trillion in 2011 to £1.73 trillion in 2017, this is in a time of supposed austerity.
Are we to assume that austerity has not worked and we should try something else, whoever is in power?
A tradition that was done twice with a 45 year gap? I know most British traditions are made up but really. We are not Americans where it is a tradition, or an old charter or something.
In 1964 Tory Chancellor Reginald Maulding left a note to his successor James Callaghan,''Good luck,old cock.Sorry to leave it in such a mess!'' Ditto Liam Byrne who followed the tradition.
The national debt has gone up from £1trillion in 2011 to £1.73 trillion in 2017, this is in a time of supposed austerity.
Are we to assume that austerity has not worked and we should try something else, whoever is in power?
We should assume that insider political jokes like Byrne's note will be used against the joker in these more ruthless times. There was another recent case in America, I think, where a defeated politician quoted that old chestnut, "the people have spoken, the bastards," and was lambasted for insulting voters. We live in humourless, partisan times.
Has Mrs Weak and Wobbly promised to give us back the 20,000 police she cut . The narrative of cuts in police numbers is really toxic for the Conservatives at this late stage in the campaign . Rightly or wrongly whether cutting the numbers was right to do or wrong or affects crime/terrorism or not is immaterial . 20,000 is a neat round number which voters on Thursday will remember as their pencil wavers away from putting a cross in the Conservative box .
I certainly do understand the difference between deficit and debt. The debt has increased massively since the Conservatives took office and deficit targets has been continually kicked into the long grass. Austerity has failed.
I agree with Mike. ICM and Comres have already added the 5% on for us. We can't get it twice.
True, but you'd be entitled to your 3 point MOE, as would those at the other end of the spectrum. So the real range of possible 'correct' results is plus fifteen to minus two.
Serious punters will be needing their brown trousers.
The key is turnout ie if turnout is the same as 2015 then ICM and Comres will be right and the Tories will be 11 or 12% ahead, if youth turnout really surges then yougov and Survation may be right. That is in the popular vote though, in the North and Scotland I expect to see a big swing to the Tories and for them to take a lot of Labour seats outside the big cities and SNP seats, in London barely any swing and the Tories to win no more than a handful and in the South a small swing to Labour but Labour only picking up a handful at most in areas like Brighton and Bristol
Perhaps my view on this is rather coloured by the fact that, from my perspective, I get to see the leg coming over rather than being the leg-over person.
>I never thought about womanhood as a cure for Jihadiism and I am not sure I approve of it.
Not womanhood; just the 21st century.
The Islamic heaven they are led to expect looks like a high-end brothel. Endless women. A river of wine.
Google Bernard Fayeur's The Islamic Hereafter for what they expect.
Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. The penis of the Elected never softens. the erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each Muslim will marry seventy houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetising vaginas. - 16th century Islamic scholar Al-Suyuti
It's not exactly Holy Living and Holy Dying, is it?
If they focused on earthly cars, Ibiza, girls, and making money, I suspect they'd be in less of a hurry to blow themselves up to get into the great knocking shop in the sky.
Perhaps my view on this is rather coloured by the fact that, from my perspective, I get to see the leg coming over rather than being the leg-over person.
>I never thought about womanhood as a cure for Jihadiism and I am not sure I approve of it.
Not womanhood; just the 21st century.
The Islamic heaven they are led to expect looks like a high-end brothel. Endless women. A river of wine.
Google Bernard Fayeur's The Islamic Hereafter for what they expect.
Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. The penis of the Elected never softens. the erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each Muslim will marry seventy houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetising vaginas. - 16th century Islamic scholar Al-Suyuti
It's not exactly Holy Living and Holy Dying, is it?
If they focused on earthly cars, Ibiza, girls, and making money, I suspect they'd be in less of a hurry to blow themselves up to get into the great knocking shop in the sky.
I certainly do understand the difference between deficit and debt. The debt has increased massively since the Conservatives took office and deficit targets has been continually kicked into the long grass. Austerity has failed.
You think the budget should have been balanced sooner? I agree. What would you have cut?
In 1964 Tory Chancellor Reginald Maulding left a note to his successor James Callaghan,''Good luck,old cock.Sorry to leave it in such a mess!'' Ditto Liam Byrne who followed the tradition.
The national debt has gone up from £1trillion in 2011 to £1.73 trillion in 2017, this is in a time of supposed austerity.
Are we to assume that austerity has not worked and we should try something else, whoever is in power?
Maybe if not for austerity it would have gone from $1tn to £3tn?
How can we know what might-have-beens would have become reality if a different path was followed?
We can see where Osborne flat-lined the recovery he inherited from Labour, and then where it continued as he abandoned Plan A. Before and after, we followed the American trend, so I guess it would be possible for an economist to measure the cost. It does not really seem pertinent now, with both Cameron and Osborne out of parliament, but if you have a niece looking for a thesis topic in economic history...
The key is turnout ie if turnout is the same as 2015 then ICM and Comres will be right and the Tories will be 11 or 12% ahead, if youth turnout really surges then yougov and Survation may be right. That is in the popular vote though, in the North and Scotland I expect to see a big swing to the Tories and for them to take a lot of Labour seats outside the big cities and SNP seats, in London barely any swing and the Tories to win no more than a handful and in the South a small swing to Labour but Labour only picking up a handful at most in areas like Brighton and Bristol
Is it just turnout though, or is it treatment of undecideds as well?
Has Mrs Weak and Wobbly promised to give us back the 20,000 police she cut . The narrative of cuts in police numbers is really toxic for the Conservatives at this late stage in the campaign . Rightly or wrongly whether cutting the numbers was right to do or wrong or affects crime/terrorism or not is immaterial . 20,000 is a neat round number which voters on Thursday will remember as their pencil wavers away from putting a cross in the Conservative box .
0 is also a neat round number. Perhaps we'll see the Lib Dem seats number fall to it by Friday morning......
Seriously Mark, your astroturfing is as pointless as this line of mine above. Why bother?
In 1964 Tory Chancellor Reginald Maulding left a note to his successor James Callaghan,''Good luck,old cock.Sorry to leave it in such a mess!'' Ditto Liam Byrne who followed the tradition.
The national debt has gone up from £1trillion in 2011 to £1.73 trillion in 2017, this is in a time of supposed austerity.
Are we to assume that austerity has not worked and we should try something else, whoever is in power?
Maybe if not for austerity it would have gone from $1tn to £3tn?
How can we know what might-have-beens would have become reality if a different path was followed?
We can see where Osborne flat-lined the recovery he inherited from Labour, and then where it continued as he abandoned Plan A. Before and after, we followed the American trend, so I guess it would be possible for an economist to measure the cost. It does not really seem pertinent now, with both Cameron and Osborne out of parliament, but if you have a niece looking for a thesis topic in economic history...
All our family seems to be in law or science. No economists in sight
We can see where Osborne flat-lined the recovery he inherited from Labour
I am not sure how you would reflect the fact that the markets looked at the polls and priced in a Conservative victory from 2008, though. There seems a good chance that Labour benefited from the markets' perception that they were going to lose the election - this was certainly the talk at the time.
I always highly doubted that Tories would get more than 45%, that is already sky high.
It is, but UKIP have collapsed from 13% to 4/5% or so, and the Tories will get most of that. Add on to 38% last time.....
That's in the polls now. It is not something new that will happen.
I've always thought (from my doorknocking under Brown and Cameron) that the polls were understating the shift from Labour to UKIP and overstating how many came from the Tories. I always assumed it was a vote which disgruntled ex-Labour could use without the physical sickness caused in many by voting Tory, sort of a gateway drug towards plucking up the courage to vote Tory and break the habit of generations. But maybe they're moving back.
The key is turnout ie if turnout is the same as 2015 then ICM and Comres will be right and the Tories will be 11 or 12% ahead, if youth turnout really surges then yougov and Survation may be right. That is in the popular vote though, in the North and Scotland I expect to see a big swing to the Tories and for them to take a lot of Labour seats outside the big cities and SNP seats, in London barely any swing and the Tories to win no more than a handful and in the South a small swing to Labour but Labour only picking up a handful at most in areas like Brighton and Bristol
Is it just turnout though, or is it treatment of undecideds as well?
Late deciding undecideds almost always favour the incumbent party
Has Mrs Weak and Wobbly promised to give us back the 20,000 police she cut . The narrative of cuts in police numbers is really toxic for the Conservatives at this late stage in the campaign . Rightly or wrongly whether cutting the numbers was right to do or wrong or affects crime/terrorism or not is immaterial . 20,000 is a neat round number which voters on Thursday will remember as their pencil wavers away from putting a cross in the Conservative box .
0 is also a neat round number. Perhaps we'll see the Lib Dem seats number fall to it by Friday morning......
Seriously Mark, your astroturfing is as pointless as this line of mine above. Why bother?
You clearly have not watched any of the political coverage today or talked to any non partisan voters in the last 2 days . The police numbers story is very very toxic for the Conservatives and at the wrong time for them at the end of the campaign .
I certainly do understand the difference between deficit and debt. The debt has increased massively since the Conservatives took office and deficit targets has been continually kicked into the long grass. Austerity has failed.
Labour left office with a deficit of 10% of GDP. For the debt not to increase, the government would have had to do abolish the NHS and the entire armed forces. Or double income tax and cut education spending to zero. Sound practical?
The deficit has been cut from 10% of GDP to 2.6% last year, without mass unemployment. It's been a long and painful grind, but a success in the end.
The key is turnout ie if turnout is the same as 2015 then ICM and Comres will be right and the Tories will be 11 or 12% ahead, if youth turnout really surges then yougov and Survation may be right. That is in the popular vote though, in the North and Scotland I expect to see a big swing to the Tories and for them to take a lot of Labour seats outside the big cities and SNP seats, in London barely any swing and the Tories to win no more than a handful and in the South a small swing to Labour but Labour only picking up a handful at most in areas like Brighton and Bristol
Is it just turnout though, or is it treatment of undecideds as well?
Late deciding undecideds almost always favour the incumbent party
What I mean is, do different treatments of undecideds account for a significant part of the differences between pollsters. If I remember correctly they used to, but I'm not up to date.
We are looking at a Conservative lead of between 6 and 12 on Mike's theory.
That 6 to 12 point lead is borne out in the projections posted on here.
On Sunday I thought Mrs May had played a blinder over the terrorist attacks. Since Monday, particularly with Steve Hilton's intervention the narrative has been wholly against the incumbent. Might this factor against the blue team come Thursday?
Another thought. Corbyn is an abomination? Could there be a raft of shy- Corbynites?
Damien Green struggling on Vine at the moment too? Not good when the magic money tree is wheeled out.
Nigel Marriott Forecast Do your own research but remember in last month's locals on 1st preference the largest party was Aberdeen: SNP SNP Hold North Con Gain South Aberdeenshire: SCon South Con Gain WA&K Con Gain Angus: SCon Con Gain Argyll: SNP SNP Hold Clackmannan: SNP SNP Hold Dumfries and Galloway: SCon Con Hold Dundee: SNP SNP Hold East Ayrshire: SNP SNP Hold East Dunbartionshire: SNP SNP Hold East Lothian: SLAB SNP Hold East Renfrewhshire: SCon Lab Gain Edinburgh: SCon: East/SW: SNP Hold North Lab Gain South Lab Hold Falkirk: SNP SNP Hold Fife: SNP SNP Hold Glasgow: SNP SNP Hold Highland, Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland: Indep LD Hold Inverclyde: SNP SNP Hold Midlothian: SNP SNP Hold Moray: SCon Con Gain North Ayrshire: SNP SNP Hold North Lanarkshire: SNP SNP Hold Perthshire: SCon SNP Hold Renfrewshire: SNP Paisley SNP Hold East Lab Gain Scottish Borders: SCon Con Gain South Ayrshire: SCon SNP Hold South Lanarkshire: SNP SNP Hold Stirling: SCon SNP Hold West Dunbartonshire: SNP SNP Hold West Lothian: SNP SNP Hold
Incidentally, my projection of 104 matches our favourite JacobiteW and Martin Robbins.
And if he decides on a real number for a majority, possible Goodwin too!!
No, you obviously can't with an even number of members in terms of the final result of the election as it's eventually reported in the history books. So I hope he's not bet on the exact number!
As has been mentioned, you could have MPs not taking their seats.
There was also the case the other year of a deferred election due to the death of a candidate which meant straight after the election that the majority was odd... but the eventual result was ultimately counted as a result of the General Election, just a "late score". If I recall correctly, however, the Tory MP (it was a safe seat) was quite annoyed as he'd rather fancied his chances of being Father of the House at some point, but it technically broke his continuous service record.
On topic, the inference of the thread header is surely that the polls that show 0 to 7% (or thereabouts) leads are understated and the ones that show 12% leads are about right?
I am thinking 100 seat majority and 10 point lead.
I certainly do understand the difference between deficit and debt. The debt has increased massively since the Conservatives took office and deficit targets has been continually kicked into the long grass. Austerity has failed.
Labour left office with a deficit of 10% of GDP. For the debt not to increase, the government would have had to do abolish the NHS and the entire armed forces. Or double income tax and cut education spending to zero. Sound practical?
The deficit has been cut from 10% of GDP to 2.6% last year, without mass unemployment. It's been a long and painful grind, but a success in the end.
Has Mrs Weak and Wobbly promised to give us back the 20,000 police she cut . The narrative of cuts in police numbers is really toxic for the Conservatives at this late stage in the campaign . Rightly or wrongly whether cutting the numbers was right to do or wrong or affects crime/terrorism or not is immaterial . 20,000 is a neat round number which voters on Thursday will remember as their pencil wavers away from putting a cross in the Conservative box .
0 is also a neat round number. Perhaps we'll see the Lib Dem seats number fall to it by Friday morning......
Seriously Mark, your astroturfing is as pointless as this line of mine above. Why bother?
You clearly have not watched any of the political coverage today or talked to any non partisan voters in the last 2 days . The police numbers story is very very toxic for the Conservatives and at the wrong time for them at the end of the campaign .
Au contraire.
I've watched much of it and been canvassing and delivering. Not a single person has mentioned it.
Not has a single person mentioned it on facebook, other than those who already insult me for being a Tory. Literally insult me. It is pretty repulsive.
I certainly do understand the difference between deficit and debt. The debt has increased massively since the Conservatives took office and deficit targets has been continually kicked into the long grass. Austerity has failed.
You think the budget should have been balanced sooner? I agree. What would you have cut?
I certainly do understand the difference between deficit and debt. The debt has increased massively since the Conservatives took office and deficit targets has been continually kicked into the long grass. Austerity has failed.
Hmm, except for the full employment, low inflation, lowest inequality for thirty years, reduction in child poverty, one of strongest growing economies in the west and a deficit of 2.6%.
Perhaps my view on this is rather coloured by the fact that, from my perspective, I get to see the leg coming over rather than being the leg-over person.
>I never thought about womanhood as a cure for Jihadiism and I am not sure I approve of it.
Not womanhood; just the 21st century.
The Islamic heaven they are led to expect looks like a high-end brothel. Endless women. A river of wine.
Google Bernard Fayeur's The Islamic Hereafter for what they expect.
Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. The penis of the Elected never softens. the erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each Muslim will marry seventy houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetising vaginas. - 16th century Islamic scholar Al-Suyuti
It's not exactly Holy Living and Holy Dying, is it?
If they focused on earthly cars, Ibiza, girls, and making money, I suspect they'd be in less of a hurry to blow themselves up to get into the great knocking shop in the sky.
Has Mrs Weak and Wobbly promised to give us back the 20,000 police she cut . The narrative of cuts in police numbers is really toxic for the Conservatives at this late stage in the campaign . Rightly or wrongly whether cutting the numbers was right to do or wrong or affects crime/terrorism or not is immaterial . 20,000 is a neat round number which voters on Thursday will remember as their pencil wavers away from putting a cross in the Conservative box .
0 is also a neat round number. Perhaps we'll see the Lib Dem seats number fall to it by Friday morning......
Seriously Mark, your astroturfing is as pointless as this line of mine above. Why bother?
You clearly have not watched any of the political coverage today or talked to any non partisan voters in the last 2 days . The police numbers story is very very toxic for the Conservatives and at the wrong time for them at the end of the campaign .
Au contraire.
I've watched much of it and been canvassing and delivering. Not a single person has mentioned it.
Not has a single person mentioned it on facebook, other than those who already insult me for being a Tory. Literally insult me. It is pretty repulsive.
Anecdata: only one person has mentioned it in my hearing. This was in the context of a conversation among colleagues to the effect that that burglaries seem to be rare because everything's so cheap now there's nothing in most houses that's worth nicking to sell. Hence police numbers are down because we need fewer.
Nigel Marriott Forecast Do your own research but remember in last month's locals on 1st preference the largest party was Aberdeen: SNP SNP Hold North Con Gain South Aberdeenshire: SCon South Con Gain WA&K Con Gain Angus: SCon Con Gain Argyll: SNP SNP Hold Clackmannan: SNP SNP Hold Dumfries and Galloway: SCon Con Hold Dundee: SNP SNP Hold East Ayrshire: SNP SNP Hold East Dunbartionshire: SNP SNP Hold East Lothian: SLAB SNP Hold East Renfrewhshire: SCon Lab Gain Edinburgh: SCon: East/SW: SNP Hold North Lab Gain South Lab Hold Falkirk: SNP SNP Hold Fife: SNP SNP Hold Glasgow: SNP SNP Hold Highland, Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland: Indep LD Hold Inverclyde: SNP SNP Hold Midlothian: SNP SNP Hold Moray: SCon Con Gain North Ayrshire: SNP SNP Hold North Lanarkshire: SNP SNP Hold Perthshire: SCon SNP Hold Renfrewshire: SNP Paisley SNP Hold East Lab Gain Scottish Borders: SCon Con Gain South Ayrshire: SCon SNP Hold South Lanarkshire: SNP SNP Hold Stirling: SCon SNP Hold West Dunbartonshire: SNP SNP Hold West Lothian: SNP SNP Hold
He misses Edinburgh West, where the LibDems were well in the lead on first preferences, including an astonishing 50% of the first preferences in Almond ward.
Has Mrs Weak and Wobbly promised to give us back the 20,000 police she cut . The narrative of cuts in police numbers is really toxic for the Conservatives at this late stage in the campaign . Rightly or wrongly whether cutting the numbers was right to do or wrong or affects crime/terrorism or not is immaterial . 20,000 is a neat round number which voters on Thursday will remember as their pencil wavers away from putting a cross in the Conservative box .
0 is also a neat round number. Perhaps we'll see the Lib Dem seats number fall to it by Friday morning......
Seriously Mark, your astroturfing is as pointless as this line of mine above. Why bother?
You clearly have not watched any of the political coverage today or talked to any non partisan voters in the last 2 days . The police numbers story is very very toxic for the Conservatives and at the wrong time for them at the end of the campaign .
Au contraire.
I've watched much of it and been canvassing and delivering. Not a single person has mentioned it.
Not has a single person mentioned it on facebook, other than those who already insult me for being a Tory. Literally insult me. It is pretty repulsive.
From a distance the only mention of it is from the resident Facebook bore who is de-friending people who have the temerity to challenge his view of the world - so familiar to that Daily Mash article - all my Tory Facebook friends have kept their heads down, while the Labour ones are signalling their virtue and agreeing with each other how dreadful Tories are....
But the Tories are not clearly ahead this time. Three companies .Survation, Mori, and YouGov suggest they will lose their majority -and these , rather than ICM and Comres are getting the headlines
Political gravity and reality have hit the Tories, seemingly very hard, across all of the polls. Yet, Labour, and Corbyn in particular, has appeared immune to everything that has been thrown at him.
May's credibility has been trashed, and Corbyn's has risen like a Phoenix. So the public only take notice of events in isolation, punish the sitting government and PM, and ignore the massive inadequacies presented by the alternative?
Nigel Marriott Forecast Do your own research but remember in last month's locals on 1st preference the largest party was Aberdeen: SNP SNP Hold North Con Gain South Aberdeenshire: SCon South Con Gain WA&K Con Gain Angus: SCon Con Gain Argyll: SNP SNP Hold Clackmannan: SNP SNP Hold Dumfries and Galloway: SCon Con Hold Dundee: SNP SNP Hold East Ayrshire: SNP SNP Hold East Dunbartionshire: SNP SNP Hold East Lothian: SLAB SNP Hold East Renfrewhshire: SCon Lab Gain Edinburgh: SCon: East/SW: SNP Hold North Lab Gain South Lab Hold Falkirk: SNP SNP Hold Fife: SNP SNP Hold Glasgow: SNP SNP Hold Highland, Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland: Indep LD Hold Inverclyde: SNP SNP Hold Midlothian: SNP SNP Hold Moray: SCon Con Gain North Ayrshire: SNP SNP Hold North Lanarkshire: SNP SNP Hold Perthshire: SCon SNP Hold Renfrewshire: SNP Paisley SNP Hold East Lab Gain Scottish Borders: SCon Con Gain South Ayrshire: SCon SNP Hold South Lanarkshire: SNP SNP Hold Stirling: SCon SNP Hold West Dunbartonshire: SNP SNP Hold West Lothian: SNP SNP Hold
He misses Edinburgh West, where the LibDems were well in the lead on first preferences, including an astonishing 50% of the first preferences in Almond ward.
He's calling Edinburgh West very tight - Lib Dem 29, SNP 31
I am uncomfortable with ComRes and ICM adding percentages to vote shares "for luck". This is not to say their figures match the reality less than the other pollsters. I think there has to be an objectivity and you go with your data. In principle, if people feel all polling underestimates a particular party they can add it themselves. Otherwise it's just soothsaying.
But the Tories are not clearly ahead this time. Three companies .Survation, Mori, and YouGov suggest they will lose their majority -and these , rather than ICM and Comres are getting the headlines
Welcome stevef - what generates headlines doesn't necessarily imply greater accuracy - and what might be the effect? Motivate Tories to get out & vote? Reassure Labour voters that they don't need to?
The key is turnout ie if turnout is the same as 2015 then ICM and Comres will be right and the Tories will be 11 or 12% ahead, if youth turnout really surges then yougov and Survation may be right. That is in the popular vote though, in the North and Scotland I expect to see a big swing to the Tories and for them to take a lot of Labour seats outside the big cities and SNP seats, in London barely any swing and the Tories to win no more than a handful and in the South a small swing to Labour but Labour only picking up a handful at most in areas like Brighton and Bristol
Is it just turnout though, or is it treatment of undecideds as well?
The ICM treatment of undecideds tends to only change the figures by around a percent for the main parties, the vast majority of the difference is in the modelling.
Compare Table 4 "THIS TABLE DOES NOT INCLUDE ADJUSTMENT FOR DON'T KNOW/REFUSERS" to Table 5 which is their adjustment for DK/Refusers.
I always highly doubted that Tories would get more than 45%, that is already sky high.
It is, but UKIP have collapsed from 13% to 4/5% or so, and the Tories will get most of that. Add on to 38% last time.....
That's in the polls now. It is not something new that will happen.
What we don't know is how many UKIP intenders will get to the polling booth & find there isn't a candidate to vote for - and what they'll do then.....
Forget why they went to the polling booth, go home to watch Countdown, fall asleep in front of the 6 o'clock news and dream of England before the Windrush...
Has Mrs Weak and Wobbly promised to give us back the 20,000 police she cut . The narrative of cuts in police numbers is really toxic for the Conservatives at this late stage in the campaign . Rightly or wrongly whether cutting the numbers was right to do or wrong or affects crime/terrorism or not is immaterial . 20,000 is a neat round number which voters on Thursday will remember as their pencil wavers away from putting a cross in the Conservative box .
0 is also a neat round number. Perhaps we'll see the Lib Dem seats number fall to it by Friday morning......
Seriously Mark, your astroturfing is as pointless as this line of mine above. Why bother?
You clearly have not watched any of the political coverage today or talked to any non partisan voters in the last 2 days . The police numbers story is very very toxic for the Conservatives and at the wrong time for them at the end of the campaign .
Ordinary police numbers cut and ordinary crime is down.
Terrorist police budget increased. That is what matters.
But the Tories are not clearly ahead this time. Three companies .Survation, Mori, and YouGov suggest they will lose their majority -and these , rather than ICM and Comres are getting the headlines
There are people of all parties who have witnessed the opening of postal votes for verification across the country. The parties know how things are panning out.
That map shows Bish turning Blue. With BoJo in Shildon today, they must fancy their chances.
There's also a red splodge in Sheffield where it is currently yellow, btw.
As someone who accurately called Sheffield Hallam in 2015 I'm calling Clegg hold.
Both the dementia tax and Labour's plans for those earning over 80k have not gone down well here.
But the Tories for Clegg have gone back to the blue meanies...
The extra tax for those earning 80k is something that many tell their mates and colleagues is right, and they wouldn't mind paying, but votes against in the privacy of the ballot box.
Two further problems for Labour: (1) plenty of professionals in the 40k+ salary bracket believe that they'll eventually be earning that, even if they never will be, and, (2) no-one really believes the 45p tax rate will end there.
Has Mrs Weak and Wobbly promised to give us back the 20,000 police she cut . The narrative of cuts in police numbers is really toxic for the Conservatives at this late stage in the campaign . Rightly or wrongly whether cutting the numbers was right to do or wrong or affects crime/terrorism or not is immaterial . 20,000 is a neat round number which voters on Thursday will remember as their pencil wavers away from putting a cross in the Conservative box .
0 is also a neat round number. Perhaps we'll see the Lib Dem seats number fall to it by Friday morning......
Seriously Mark, your astroturfing is as pointless as this line of mine above. Why bother?
You clearly have not watched any of the political coverage today or talked to any non partisan voters in the last 2 days . The police numbers story is very very toxic for the Conservatives and at the wrong time for them at the end of the campaign .
Ordinary police numbers cut and ordinary crime is down.
Terrorist police budget increased. That is what matters.
But the Tories are not clearly ahead this time. Three companies .Survation, Mori, and YouGov suggest they will lose their majority -and these , rather than ICM and Comres are getting the headlines
There are people of all parties who have witnessed the opening of postal votes for verification across the country. The parties know how things are panning out.
Didn't you say ahead of the 2016 local elections that you thought the Conservatives would win by the same margin as 2015? When in the event, Labour won by 1%?
I am uncomfortable with ComRes and ICM adding percentages to vote shares "for luck". This is not to say their figures match the reality less than the other pollsters. I think there has to be an objectivity and you go with your data. In principle, if people feel all polling underestimates a particular party they can add it themselves. Otherwise it's just soothsaying.
Who says they are adding percentages "for luck"? I don't think you understand what they are doing. The majority of the difference between them and the self-reporters is in the turnout modelling.
Has Mrs Weak and Wobbly promised to give us back the 20,000 police she cut . The narrative of cuts in police numbers is really toxic for the Conservatives at this late stage in the campaign . Rightly or wrongly whether cutting the numbers was right to do or wrong or affects crime/terrorism or not is immaterial . 20,000 is a neat round number which voters on Thursday will remember as their pencil wavers away from putting a cross in the Conservative box .
0 is also a neat round number. Perhaps we'll see the Lib Dem seats number fall to it by Friday morning......
Seriously Mark, your astroturfing is as pointless as this line of mine above. Why bother?
You clearly have not watched any of the political coverage today or talked to any non partisan voters in the last 2 days . The police numbers story is very very toxic for the Conservatives and at the wrong time for them at the end of the campaign .
Au contraire.
I've watched much of it and been canvassing and delivering. Not a single person has mentioned it.
Not has a single person mentioned it on facebook, other than those who already insult me for being a Tory. Literally insult me. It is pretty repulsive.
Anecdata: only one person has mentioned it in my hearing. This was in the context of a conversation among colleagues to the effect that that burglaries seem to be rare because everything's so cheap now there's nothing in most houses that's worth nicking to sell. Hence police numbers are down because we need fewer.
What if there's never been a Tory landslide on the cards, and it's all been artefact of pollsters experimenting with differential turnout adjustments?
Good news for May I guess, then at least she won't have blown a nailed on Tory supermajority by being godawful at politics.
Have we heard from Bunnco - our man on the spot - this election period?
Incidentally, my projection of 104 matches our favourite JacobiteW and Martin Robbins.
And if he decides on a real number for a majority, possible Goodwin too!!
The national debt has gone up from £1trillion in 2011 to £1.73 trillion in 2017, this is in a time of supposed austerity.
Are we to assume that austerity has not worked and we should try something else, whoever is in power?
If you can make head or tails of the polling right now, you're a better man than me Gunga Din.
PB Tories: would we rather see Farron or Lucas lose their seat? I'm feeling conflicted here.
How can we know what might-have-beens would have become reality if a different path was followed?
Farron on the first the other hand is ineffectual and should stay where he is.
Otherwise we'll all be murdered in our beds.
Serious punters will be needing their brown trousers.
The Islamic heaven they are led to expect looks like a high-end brothel. Endless women. A river of wine.
Google Bernard Fayeur's The Islamic Hereafter for what they expect.
Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. The penis of the Elected never softens. the erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each Muslim will marry seventy houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetising vaginas. - 16th century Islamic scholar Al-Suyuti
It's not exactly Holy Living and Holy Dying, is it?
If they focused on earthly cars, Ibiza, girls, and making money, I suspect they'd be in less of a hurry to blow themselves up to get into the great knocking shop in the sky.
Seriously Mark, your astroturfing is as pointless as this line of mine above. Why bother?
If we had 601 seats and Party A won 301 while the other won 300, A would have a majority of 1.
The deficit has been cut from 10% of GDP to 2.6% last year, without mass unemployment. It's been a long and painful grind, but a success in the end.
That 6 to 12 point lead is borne out in the projections posted on here.
On Sunday I thought Mrs May had played a blinder over the terrorist attacks. Since Monday, particularly with Steve Hilton's intervention the narrative has been wholly against the incumbent. Might this factor against the blue team come Thursday?
Another thought. Corbyn is an abomination? Could there be a raft of shy- Corbynites?
Damien Green struggling on Vine at the moment too? Not good when the magic money tree is wheeled out.
Do your own research but remember in last month's locals on 1st preference the largest party was
Aberdeen: SNP SNP Hold North Con Gain South
Aberdeenshire: SCon South Con Gain WA&K Con Gain
Angus: SCon Con Gain
Argyll: SNP SNP Hold
Clackmannan: SNP SNP Hold
Dumfries and Galloway: SCon Con Hold
Dundee: SNP SNP Hold
East Ayrshire: SNP SNP Hold
East Dunbartionshire: SNP SNP Hold
East Lothian: SLAB SNP Hold
East Renfrewhshire: SCon Lab Gain
Edinburgh: SCon: East/SW: SNP Hold North Lab Gain South Lab Hold
Falkirk: SNP SNP Hold
Fife: SNP SNP Hold
Glasgow: SNP SNP Hold
Highland, Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland: Indep LD Hold
Inverclyde: SNP SNP Hold
Midlothian: SNP SNP Hold
Moray: SCon Con Gain
North Ayrshire: SNP SNP Hold
North Lanarkshire: SNP SNP Hold
Perthshire: SCon SNP Hold
Renfrewshire: SNP Paisley SNP Hold East Lab Gain
Scottish Borders: SCon Con Gain
South Ayrshire: SCon SNP Hold
South Lanarkshire: SNP SNP Hold
Stirling: SCon SNP Hold
West Dunbartonshire: SNP SNP Hold
West Lothian: SNP SNP Hold
As has been mentioned, you could have MPs not taking their seats.
There was also the case the other year of a deferred election due to the death of a candidate which meant straight after the election that the majority was odd... but the eventual result was ultimately counted as a result of the General Election, just a "late score". If I recall correctly, however, the Tory MP (it was a safe seat) was quite annoyed as he'd rather fancied his chances of being Father of the House at some point, but it technically broke his continuous service record.
I am thinking 100 seat majority and 10 point lead.
I've watched much of it and been canvassing and delivering. Not a single person has mentioned it.
Not has a single person mentioned it on facebook, other than those who already insult me for being a Tory. Literally insult me. It is pretty repulsive.
Granted I doubt Labour would have met their target either.
What we don't know is how many UKIP intenders will get to the polling booth & find there isn't a candidate to vote for - and what they'll do then.....
Hmm, except for the full employment, low inflation, lowest inequality for thirty years, reduction in child poverty, one of strongest growing economies in the west and a deficit of 2.6%.
There's also a red splodge in Sheffield where it is currently yellow, btw.
It's about inputs versus outputs.
Both the dementia tax and Labour's plans for those earning over 80k have not gone down well here.
But the Tories for Clegg have gone back to the blue meanies...
You need to point out to people that they can not have free everything provided by the government and everybody else will pay for it.
The 'everybody else' is you.
May's credibility has been trashed, and Corbyn's has risen like a Phoenix. So the public only take notice of events in isolation, punish the sitting government and PM, and ignore the massive inadequacies presented by the alternative?
Is this credible?
The British security service under May is useless
Welcome stevef - what generates headlines doesn't necessarily imply greater accuracy - and what might be the effect? Motivate Tories to get out & vote? Reassure Labour voters that they don't need to?
Compare Table 4 "THIS TABLE DOES NOT INCLUDE ADJUSTMENT FOR DON'T KNOW/REFUSERS" to Table 5 which is their adjustment for DK/Refusers.
Terrorist police budget increased. That is what matters.
Two further problems for Labour: (1) plenty of professionals in the 40k+ salary bracket believe that they'll eventually be earning that, even if they never will be, and, (2) no-one really believes the 45p tax rate will end there.
Terrorist success up