"This is of course all reflected in the polls. Upto GE2015 LAB could largely take the working class vote for granted but now large swathes of it have disappeared.
From what I can gather everything that was predicted about Corbyn’s leadership in a general election is actually happening. He is proving a massive negative and his supporters are left trying to find even more excuses."
Except that the headline VI now seems to show Labour doing little or no worse than in 2015. ICM excepted, all of the recent surveys now have Labour on 30-32% GB-wide.
All the more reason to suppose that said surveys are, in fact, bollocks.
This notion that Labour is doing as well as it got under Miliband in the polls is a complete myth and I don't understand where it is coming from.
In 2015 Labour got a bit over 31% of the GB (not UK) vote. Lets round down to 31% to keep it easy.
According to UK Polling Report of the 11 surveys completed in May, Labour has matched the 31% once (ORB) and scored less than 31% in 10 out of 11 surveys. There has not been a single survey where Labour outperformed 31%.
Labour is polling worse now than it achieved under Ed. That is without taking Labour's historical (including 2015) tendency to underperform polls into account.
There were two surveys over the weekend - ORB and Opinium - putting Labour on 32%. Moreover if 2015 methodologies were still being used the polls would be showing a range of 30% - 34%.
ICM and Kantar had them on 28%. Average of 9 polls with fieldwork end-dates during the week-ending 14th May = 30.2%.
I can't help feeling that, if Labour supporters want to claim the moral high ground, they would be well advised not to make jokes about children tortured to death.
RICHARD....Can you please refrain from being such a pompous, self righteous, pain in the arse, prig....just for a millisecond...thanks in advance. Kind regards Tyson....
If I were Labour Party counterintelligence, I'd be looking at how the three-quid policy came about. The party seems to have been spooked from several different angles.
I can't help feeling that, if Labour supporters want to claim the moral high ground, they would be well advised not to make jokes about children tortured to death.
RICHARD....Can you please refrain from being such a pompous, self righteous, pain in the arse, prig....just for a millisecond...thanks in advance. Kind regards Tyson....
Thank you, I'll continue as I am. If you don't like me thinking that it is tasteless beyond all the outermost limits of acceptability to make jokes about children, whose parents and siblings are still alive in some cases, being tortured to death, or to equate Ian Brady with foxhunters, then I'll have to try somehow to live without your approval. I expect I'll manage.
"...It is one reason why I am contemplating a serious career change.
In the end, you can only beat your head against a brick wall for so long before you decide that there are better things to do with your life - and head."
Are you still pondering, Mrs. Free? Is there anything to really ponder about? You children are grown up, so what is stopping you doing what you want to do? Is it money? It was for me when I was thinking about bailing out of the public sector do do what I really wanted to do. In the end I just went for it and hang the financial security. There are a lot more important things in life, like enjoying it, we only get one crack at it and there isn't much to be said for being a financially secure corpse.
I know that there are at least three others who regularly post on this site who have made similar life changing decisions and all of us seem to have done OK. Financially at the very least we have all kept the lupine pest from lolling around on the front doorstep and I think we have all been much happier doing what we wanted to do.
Dear Mr Llama: you are a very wise fellow.
But I will also admit to being a bit apprehensive. Like standing on the edge of the water wondering what it will be like to jump in.........
A friend of mine in publishing recently abandoned his quite lucrative but increasingly dispiriting career to become... an artisanal butcher and foodie dude in Kent.
He had the life, the Chiswick house, the private schools for the kids, etc
Cushioned by London property prices he was able to sell up at a fat profit, buy a nice four bedroom oast house in Sandwich, and use the capital to invest in samphire picking and kombucha pickling.
It wasn't the bravest decision by any means (that London property left him with half a million capital as a safety net). But nonetheless it was a big wrench in terms of friends, connections, lifestyle.
He's never been happier. He walks the dogs and smokes his own bacon and sells it at intriguingly increasing profit. He is fulfilling himself, creatively, after a lifetime of corporate obedience.
How interesting, I know the bloke you're talking about, not in person but he was recommended to me
His bacon is genuinely brilliant.
I live 5 miles from sandwich-where does he sell it??
Ash? Or Ham?
I used to spend a lot of time in Sandwich (Delf St)
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
What the Labour Party says now is of no importance whatsoever....
Sometimes impartial reporting where opposite sides are given equal credence is ludicrous....
This reminds me of Brexit when you had a sensible side, and the other that was just plain bollox..... In that case the British public didn't realise that one side was spouting drivel...
President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said that Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.
The information Trump relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.
The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said that Trump’s decision to do so risks cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and National Security Agency.
Re Corbyn and the IRA - let's look at now rather than the past.
Corbyn allies himself with anti-Semites at a time when there are increasing attacks on Jews, some of them viciously murderous. He takes money from Press TV, the propaganda arm of the Iranian regime, a regime which uses rape as a punishment and hangs gay men from cranes.
This is the leader of a party which claims to be in favour of gay rights, in favour of the rights of women and against racism. It has a leader who either simply does not understand the values he claims to believe in or is cynical about them or who believes that his enemy's enemy is his friend. I believe it to be the last. I think that the hard Left's belief in these values is skin deep and is chiefly used as a weapon against others. Certain victim groups are useful if they can be used to criticise others but can be - and are - dropped as soon as some other more fashionable "victim" group can trump them.
It is what happens when values are chiefly seen as a way of proclaiming one's own virtue and moral superiority rather than as moral imperatives which should determine one's actions.
But whatever the explanation it shows - to me anyway - that Corbyn is not a principled or honest politician, that he has appalling judgment (as he did with the IRA), that he simply cannot be trusted to act in the interests of British citizens and that he is, therefore, unfit to be a leader of a major political party let alone Prime Minister.
Not that I ever believe these sub samples but could I just point out that today's polls have the SNP at 49% (ICM) and 47% (Survation).
I know that this is not what most PBeers want to hear but could SNP vote be hardening against the reports of a Tory surge?
Has to be possible. Add in confusion over who is the best unionist party to vote for tactically, even assuming even greater willingness to do so, and gains may well not reach the stratospheric highs some earlier polls suggested. Better than nothing though.
"...It is one reason why I am contemplating a serious career change.
In the end, you can only beat your head against a brick wall for so long before you decide that there are better things to do with your life - and head."
Are you still pondering, Mrs. Free? Is there anything to really ponder about? You children are grown up, so what is stopping you doing what you want to do? Is it money? It was for me when I was thinking about bailing out of the public sector do do what I really wanted to do. In the end I just went for it and hang the financial security. There are a lot more important things in life, like enjoying it, we only get one crack at it and there isn't much to be said for being a financially secure corpse.
I know that there are at least three others who regularly post on this site who have made similar life changing decisions and all of us seem to have done OK. Financially at the very least we have all kept the lupine pest from lolling around on the front doorstep and I think we have all been much happier doing what we wanted to do.
Dear Mr Llama: you are a very wise fellow.
But I will also admit to being a bit apprehensive. Like standing on the edge of the water wondering what it will be like to jump in.........
A friend of mine in publishing recently abandoned his quite lucrative but increasingly dispiriting career to become... an artisanal butcher and foodie dude in Kent.
He had the life, the Chiswick house, the private schools for the kids, etc
Cushioned by London property prices he was able to sell up at a fat profit, buy a nice four bedroom oast house in Sandwich, and use the capital to invest in samphire picking and kombucha pickling.
It wasn't the bravest decision by any means (that London property left him with half a million capital as a safety net). But nonetheless it was a big wrench in terms of friends, connections, lifestyle.
He's never been happier. He walks the dogs and smokes his own bacon and sells it at intriguingly increasing profit. He is fulfilling himself, creatively, after a lifetime of corporate obedience.
How interesting, I know the bloke you're talking about, not in person but he was recommended to me
His bacon is genuinely brilliant.
I live 5 miles from sandwich-where does he sell it??
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
What the Labour Party says now is of no importance whatsoever....
Sometimes impartial reporting where opposite sides are given equal credence is ludicrous....
This reminds me of Brexit when you had a sensible side, and the other that was just plain bollox..... In that case the British public didn't realise that one side was spouting drivel...
It does reinforce the fact that Corbyn is running on the most leftwing platform since Foot
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
"...It is one reason why I am contemplating a serious career change.
In the end, you can only beat your head against a brick wall for so long before you decide that there are better things to do with your life - and head."
Are you still pondering, Mrs. Free? Is there anything to really ponder about? You children are grown up, so what is stopping you doing what you want to do? Is it money? It was for me when I was thinking about bailing out of the public sector do do what I really wanted to do. In the end I just went for it and hang the financial security. There are a lot more important things in life, like enjoying it, we only get one crack at it and there isn't much to be said for being a financially secure corpse.
I know that there are at least three others who regularly post on this site who have made similar life changing decisions and all of us seem to have done OK. Financially at the very least we have all kept the lupine pest from lolling around on the front doorstep and I think we have all been much happier doing what we wanted to do.
Dear Mr Llama: you are a very wise fellow.
But I will also admit to being a bit apprehensive. Like standing on the edge of the water wondering what it will be like to jump in.........
A friend of mine in publishing recently abandoned his quite lucrative but increasingly dispiriting career to become... an artisanal butcher and foodie dude in Kent.
He had the life, the Chiswick house, the private schools for the kids, etc
Cushioned by London property prices he was able to sell up at a fat profit, buy a nice four bedroom oast house in Sandwich, and use the capital to invest in samphire picking and kombucha pickling.
It wasn't the bravest decision by any means (that London property left him with half a million capital as a safety net). But nonetheless it was a big wrench in terms of friends, connections, lifestyle.
He's never been happier. He walks the dogs and smokes his own bacon and sells it at intriguingly increasing profit. He is fulfilling himself, creatively, after a lifetime of corporate obedience.
How interesting, I know the bloke you're talking about, not in person but he was recommended to me
His bacon is genuinely brilliant.
I live 5 miles from sandwich-where does he sell it??
Ash? Or Ham?
I used to spend a lot of time in Sandwich (Delf St)
Where all the best London people live
One of the best summers of my childhood was spent at Stuart House, Sandwich!
So the morality of these things only matter when they pose a direct threat to us? Well, it's one view I guess.
I don't recall Pinochet trying to bomb London, Birmingham, Manchester etc. The IRA did it regularly.
Hamas have never attacked the UK. So I guess no one will bother making reference to Corbyn's association with them during this campaign, it's not really relevant. Doesn't really matter what they do in their own backyard.
Read the Hamas Charter. They think that all Jews wherever they are in the world should be killed. That includes British citizens.
So the morality of these things only matter when they pose a direct threat to us? Well, it's one view I guess.
I don't recall Pinochet trying to bomb London, Birmingham, Manchester etc. The IRA did it regularly.
Hamas have never attacked the UK. So I guess no one will bother making reference to Corbyn's association with them during this campaign, it's not really relevant. Doesn't really matter what they do in their own backyard.
Read the Hamas Charter. They think that all Jews wherever they are in the world should be killed. That includes British citizens.
That sort of thing unfortunately gets taught in some mosques too.
I believe one in Denmark was in the news very recently for that.
In the case of Greece, they have relatively little debt maturing. The troika deal with them basically was the world's largest "extend and pretend", essentially a very large portion of their debt is close to zero interest and doesn't come due for decades. (I'm on a plane with a very slow connection so I can't check the exact numbers right now.) If all new debt was close to free for them, and this was replacing debt they were paying 6-7% on, then they would be able to use the difference to pay down their debt. (It's funny, we use "extend and pretend" a lot and imply it isn't sorting out a problem. But if someone says that debt equivalent to 100% of GDP is not repayable for 20 years and that there's no interest on it, then that's equivalent to a massive debt write off. After all., you save 20 years of debt repayments at - ooohhh... pick a numer - 3% of GDP.)
I'd also point out that our friends in Ireland had debt that peaked at 125-130% of GDP at the height of the Eurozone crisis and had to be bailed out by the ECB. Their debt-to-GDP is now below ours, and will likely be close to 50% by 2020.
The Eurozone's (outside Greece) big problem is not debt loadings. It's lack of growth. And low growth is largely a consequence of poor demographics and inflexible labour markets.
In a very similar way is the UK's debt/GDP ratio really all that high? Of the £1.73tn stock of debt £0.44tn has real net interest rate of zero, is it real debt if there is no interest payable and the owner/creditor of said debt is unlikely to ever call it in given that it is essentially just a branch of the debtor?
I would put it that the Greek bailout, all global QE (including ours) will eventually just be written off once enough time has passed in order to normalise the sovereign debt market.
I think that's absolutely right. I wrote a thought piece (in my previous life as a fund manager) that made exactly that point.
Which was why hunchman was always completely bat shit crazy. There is no global government debt crisis given the creditors (the central banks) will never demand repayment.
Where is hunchman, by the way? I haven't seen him on Finchley Road looking for the global centre of lizard government for some time.
I just finished up writing something fairly similar, though specifically for Japan rather than a global view.
As for hunchman, he's an Eliott Wave enthusiast iirc. Not a great time for them right now, but I'm sure the markets will turn one day and they'll all tell us they were right all along forgetting the opportunity costs of their decisions.
I can't help feeling that, if Labour supporters want to claim the moral high ground, they would be well advised not to make jokes about children tortured to death.
RICHARD....Can you please refrain from being such a pompous, self righteous, pain in the arse, prig....just for a millisecond...thanks in advance. Kind regards Tyson....
Is he muscling in on your territory?
Probably.....I am the king and prince of self righteous indignity...
but fuck me with a barge poll sideways, Richard Nebavi is a pompous prig of the highest calibre......
And SeanT....he's such a repulsive, pond life, narcissistic, old man, slug toad that likes to boast of his wrinkly sexual antics with much younger girls from time to time..meanwhile we ALL have to try to ignore his inane postings of the wonderful restaurants he eats in....yawn.....
So the morality of these things only matter when they pose a direct threat to us? Well, it's one view I guess.
I don't recall Pinochet trying to bomb London, Birmingham, Manchester etc. The IRA did it regularly.
No, he only murdered and tortured Jonny Foreigners, so no problem.
I'm trying to remember the chronology - were the Tories cosying up to Pinochet before, after, or at the same time as they were being apologists for Apartheid?
That would be about the same time that they were arming the Khymer Rouge and the Taliban of Aghanistan too, as I recall.
I thought Pakistan are the chief backers of the Taliban.
My memory is hazy.
I vaguely recall that they were fighting the Soviet Union who had many ICBMs pointing at the UK at the time. A trifle, no doubt.
That said, criminally insane is arbitrary....anyone who takes pleasure in killing living, breathing sentient life should not judge someone like Brady.....
I submit, ladies and gentlemen, the above post for your inspection. Savour it in all its full moral and political madness.
Lefties are evil scum. We knew this. Et voila.
Each day brings another round of Corbyn supporters defending links with the IRA, Islamists, Stalinists, and a huge amount of whataboutism. They are in the gutter and appear to be happier than ever wallowing in filth. Perhaps having to pretend to be mild-mannered sensible centre ground types was wearing them down, they can at last be true to their essentially treacherous far-left economically bonkers Marxist selves.
I can't help feeling that, if Labour supporters want to claim the moral high ground, they would be well advised not to make jokes about children tortured to death.
RICHARD....Can you please refrain from being such a pompous, self righteous, pain in the arse, prig....just for a millisecond...thanks in advance. Kind regards Tyson....
Thank you, I'll continue as I am. If you don't like me thinking that it is tasteless beyond all the outermost limits of acceptability to make jokes about children, whose parents and siblings are still alive in some cases, being tortured to death, or to equate Ian Brady with foxhunters, then I'll have to try somehow to live without your approval. I expect I'll manage.
Not just foxhunters, Tyson has expressed similar sentiment towards anyone who eats meat.
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
What the Labour Party says now is of no importance whatsoever....
Sometimes impartial reporting where opposite sides are given equal credence is ludicrous....
This reminds me of Brexit when you had a sensible side, and the other that was just plain bollox..... In that case the British public didn't realise that one side was spouting drivel...
Agreed 52 % choose to ignore the scare mongering Bo!!ocks
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
I can't help feeling that, if Labour supporters want to claim the moral high ground, they would be well advised not to make jokes about children tortured to death.
RICHARD....Can you please refrain from being such a pompous, self righteous, pain in the arse, prig....just for a millisecond...thanks in advance. Kind regards Tyson....
Thank you, I'll continue as I am. If you don't like me thinking that it is tasteless beyond all the outermost limits of acceptability to make jokes about children, whose parents and siblings are still alive in some cases, being tortured to death, or to equate Ian Brady with foxhunters, then I'll have to try somehow to live without your approval. I expect I'll manage.
Not just foxhunters, Tyson has expressed similar sentiment towards anyone who eats meat.
Tender hearted Tyson has no problem with late ( very late ) abortions.
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
What the Labour Party says now is of no importance whatsoever....
Sometimes impartial reporting where opposite sides are given equal credence is ludicrous....
This reminds me of Brexit when you had a sensible side, and the other that was just plain bollox..... In that case the British public didn't realise that one side was spouting drivel...
To be fair they did since the side spouting drivel like an immediate post-referendum recession if we voted Leave did lose afterall. They came close, but the drive side still lost.
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Indeed, why bother to earn a good salary or preserve wealth for your children if Corbyn's government will take half of it for themselves, if Corbyn did by some miracle get in there would almost certainly be the biggest rise in tax exiles since the 70s
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
I'm hoping that by next week, Jeremy's Marxist mate will have persuaded him to ban mobile phones and return to the good old days of waiting five months for a phone to be stuck on your hall wall......
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
I hope we get to see a realistic costing of Labour's manifesto, as I do not for a moment believe that the tax changes they plan would be sufficient in practice. They seem to be based on an assumption of little to no avoidance or change of behaviour by companies and individuals, whereas in reality a large chunk of the profits and trade Labour want to get their hands on will simply move offshore.
"This is of course all reflected in the polls. Upto GE2015 LAB could largely take the working class vote for granted but now large swathes of it have disappeared.
From what I can gather everything that was predicted about Corbyn’s leadership in a general election is actually happening. He is proving a massive negative and his supporters are left trying to find even more excuses."
Except that the headline VI now seems to show Labour doing little or no worse than in 2015. ICM excepted, all of the recent surveys now have Labour on 30-32% GB-wide.
All the more reason to suppose that said surveys are, in fact, bollocks.
This notion that Labour is doing as well as it got under Miliband in the polls is a complete myth and I don't understand where it is coming from.
In 2015 Labour got a bit over 31% of the GB (not UK) vote. Lets round down to 31% to keep it easy.
According to UK Polling Report of the 11 surveys completed in May, Labour has matched the 31% once (ORB) and scored less than 31% in 10 out of 11 surveys. There has not been a single survey where Labour outperformed 31%.
Labour is polling worse now than it achieved under Ed. That is without taking Labour's historical (including 2015) tendency to underperform polls into account.
There were two surveys over the weekend - ORB and Opinium - putting Labour on 32%. Moreover if 2015 methodologies were still being used the polls would be showing a range of 30% - 34%.
At the time I wrote that they were not included in UK Polling Report's list. A few more have been added to that list and it shows that since the start of May there have now been 19 polls. In those 19 polls Labour have underperformed 2015 on 14 occasions, met that figure 3 times and beat it twice. So that still indicates they're doing worse than 2015.
As for if the methodology hadn't changed, I fail to see how that is relevant. The methodology has changed and the reason for that is because the methodology was broken.
I can't help feeling that, if Labour supporters want to claim the moral high ground, they would be well advised not to make jokes about children tortured to death.
RICHARD....Can you please refrain from being such a pompous, self righteous, pain in the arse, prig....just for a millisecond...thanks in advance. Kind regards Tyson....
Thank you, I'll continue as I am. If you don't like me thinking that it is tasteless beyond all the outermost limits of acceptability to make jokes about children, whose parents and siblings are still alive in some cases, being tortured to death, or to equate Ian Brady with foxhunters, then I'll have to try somehow to live without your approval. I expect I'll manage.
Not just foxhunters, Tyson has expressed similar sentiment towards anyone who eats meat.
Tender hearted Tyson has no problem with late ( very late ) abortions.
None at all..... what the hell is the problem with terminating late stage human pregnancies especially when there are so many billions of us on the planet causing irrevocable harm? We are hardly an endangered species.
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
That kind of taxation just kills aspiration. WTF....
I'm more in favour of going after tax avoiders and evaders than this kind of punitive taxation.
It's more boring than I wanted so I find myself going to and from London a lot because there's not a lot to do in Zurich over the weekends and I have loads of pre-existing social commitments back home. Luckily ZRH to LCY is really quick. My gf seems less happy in Zurich than she was in London despite being from Switzerland, but I think she'd grown very used to living in London and it's not been easy for her to adjust to the non-24/7 pace of a city that isn't London or NY. I expected a step down, but not this big. However, (and it's a big one) we both earn 3x what we did in London so it's worth it, at least for a while.
I think the main problem is that we're fairly isolated from our social circle who are all in London and Swiss people are notoriously difficult to socialise with, especially because I speak standard German rather than their oddball version.
I think the country - all nations, all regions, all political persuasions, all classes- is probably unified in being pleased to see the back of Ian Brady.
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Hey, Apocalypse! Don't worry! Me and my squad of ultimate PB Tories will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle-beam phalanx - Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy! We got tactical smart missiles, we got phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs! We got sonic electronic ball-breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp-sticks...
I think the country - all nations, all regions, all political persuasions, all classes- is probably unified in being pleased to see the back of Ian Brady.
I think the country - all nations, all regions, all political persuasions, all classes- is probably unified in being pleased to see the back of Ian Brady.
Holds breaths to see if Jezza once wrote him a letter....I mean he did after all write to a judge to get an ISIS funder raiser out of prison for Christmas.
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
Plus employer's NI, which should be included. After all, if you have an employee (let alone a director) earning £100K, you'd be stark raving bonkers to pay her a £10K bonus under those rules: out of the £11.38K it would cost, she'd get a miserable £2.8K. She'd take a pension contribution (tax rate: 0%), or work less days, or leave and incorporate as a business, or you'd simply accrue it until sanity returned.
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
That kind of taxation just kills aspiration. WTF....
I'm more in favour of going after tax avoiders and evaders than this kind of punitive taxation.
Labour needs to go after wealth and assets for redistribution not income.....
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
That kind of taxation just kills aspiration. WTF....
I'm more in favour of going after tax avoiders and evaders than this kind of punitive taxation.
I'd like to think Andrew Neil will be all over these pip squeaking rates in his interviews when the manifesto is finally published. It's madness.
Even if it's 45% at 80k then at 100k were talking 67% or 2/3 marginal taxation . That's enough for people to go 4 days a week....if affected.
It's more boring than I wanted so I find myself going to and from London a lot because there's not a lot to do in Zurich over the weekends and I have loads of pre-existing social commitments back home. Luckily ZRH to LCY is really quick. My gf seems less happy in Zurich than she was in London despite being from Switzerland, but I think she'd grown very used to living in London and it's not been easy for her to adjust to the non-24/7 pace of a city that isn't London or NY. I expected a step down, but not this big. However, (and it's a big one) we both earn 3x what we did in London so it's worth it, at least for a while.
I think the main problem is that we're fairly isolated from our social circle who are all in London and Swiss people are notoriously difficult to socialise with, especially because I speak standard German rather than their oddball version.
I had a friend who ran the Reuters office there for a few years. I think he found the same to some extent, but he was a keen skier and that was a big compensation.
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
That kind of taxation just kills aspiration. WTF....
I'm more in favour of going after tax avoiders and evaders than this kind of punitive taxation.
Labour needs to go after wealth and assets for redistribution not income.....
Interesting interview with Corbyn, including the revelation that he took part in debates at his grammar school calling for it to be made comprehensive
He absolutely hates his alma mater, and has slagged it off in the past numerous times...it is one of the best Grammar schools in the country....but the thicko could only manage 2 E's.
But 2 E's from the late 1960s would surely be worth 2C's today!
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
That kind of taxation just kills aspiration. WTF....
I'm more in favour of going after tax avoiders and evaders than this kind of punitive taxation.
Labour needs to go after wealth and assets for redistribution not income.....
IHT consistently polls as one of the least popular taxes
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
Plus employer's NI, which should be included. After all, if you have an employee (let alone a director) earning £100K, you'd be stark raving bonkers to pay her a £10K bonus under those rules: out of the £11.38K it would cost, she'd get a miserable £2.8K. She'd take a pension contribution (tax rate: 0%), or work less days, or leave and incorporate as a business, or you'd simply accrue it until sanity returned.
True... voters dont see that though..... also i presume the tapered annual allowance thresholds would be slashed too so pension contributions are fecked too.
In the case of Greece, they have relatively little debt maturing. The troika deal with them basically was the world's largest "extend and pretend", essentially a very large portion of their debt is close to zero interest and doesn't come due for decades. (I'm on a plane with a very slow connection so I can't check the exact numbers right now.) If all new debt was close to free for them, and this was replacing debt they were paying 6-7% on, then they would be able to use the difference to pay down their debt. (It's funny, we use "extend and pretend" a lot and imply it isn't sorting out a problem. But if someone says that debt equivalent to 100% of GDP is not repayable for 20 years and that there's no interest on it, then that's equivalent to a massive debt write off. After all., you save 20 years of debt repayments at - ooohhh... pick a numer - 3% of GDP.)
I'd also point out that our friends in Ireland had debt that peaked at 125-130% of GDP at the height of the Eurozone crisis and had to be bailed out by the ECB. Their debt-to-GDP is now below ours, and will likely be close to 50% by 2020.
The Eurozone's (outside Greece) big problem is not debt loadings. It's lack of growth. And low growth is largely a consequence of poor demographics and inflexible labour markets.
In a very similar way is the UK's debt/GDP ratio really all that high? Of the £1.73tn stock of debt £0.44tn has real net interest rate of zero, is it real debt if there is no interest payable and the owner/creditor of said debt is unlikely to ever call it in given that it is essentially just a branch of the debtor?
I would put it that the Greek bailout, all global QE (including ours) will eventually just be written off once enough time has passed in order to normalise the sovereign debt market.
I think that's absolutely right. I wrote a thought piece (in my previous life as a fund manager) that made exactly that point.
Which was why hunchman was always completely bat shit crazy. There is no global government debt crisis given the creditors (the central banks) will never demand repayment.
Where is hunchman, by the way? I haven't seen him on Finchley Road looking for the global centre of lizard government for some time.
It's more boring than I wanted so I find myself going to and from London a lot because there's not a lot to do in Zurich over the weekends and I have loads of pre-existing social commitments back home. Luckily ZRH to LCY is really quick. My gf seems less happy in Zurich than she was in London despite being from Switzerland, but I think she'd grown very used to living in London and it's not been easy for her to adjust to the non-24/7 pace of a city that isn't London or NY. I expected a step down, but not this big. However, (and it's a big one) we both earn 3x what we did in London so it's worth it, at least for a while.
I think the main problem is that we're fairly isolated from our social circle who are all in London and Swiss people are notoriously difficult to socialise with, especially because I speak standard German rather than their oddball version.
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
Plus employer's NI, which should be included. After all, if you have an employee (let alone a director) earning £100K, you'd be stark raving bonkers to pay her a £10K bonus under those rules: out of the £11.38K it would cost, she'd get a miserable £2.8K. She'd take a pension contribution (tax rate: 0%), or work less days, or leave and incorporate as a business, or you'd simply accrue it until sanity returned.
Another huge advantage of Switzerland, personal taxation is very favourable, my effective tax rate is around half what it would be in the UK (though I have to pay for private health insurance which isn't cheap).
I think the country - all nations, all regions, all political persuasions, all classes- is probably unified in being pleased to see the back of Ian Brady.
Don't think they need to worry about the catering for his wake certainly
I'm hoping that by next week, Jeremy's Marxist mate will have persuaded him to ban mobile phones and return to the good old days of waiting five months for a phone to be stuck on your hall wall......
You joke, but if energy is partially nationalised, and water, trains, and the mail fully nationalised in time, then why would it stop there? Wouldn't BT be a target too?
True... voters dont see that though..... also i presume the tapered annual allowance thresholds would be slashed too so pension contributions are fecked too.
Yeah, they'd have to close off all the ways round it. But they can't force people to stay in the UK, unless they go the full East German experience, or force them to work for nothing much in return.
I'm hoping that by next week, Jeremy's Marxist mate will have persuaded him to ban mobile phones and return to the good old days of waiting five months for a phone to be stuck on your hall wall......
You joke, but if energy is partially nationalised, and water, trains, and the mail fully nationalised in time, then why would it stop there? Wouldn't BT be a target too?
BT Sport reporting on the supreme leaders first place in the world jam making championships...
It's more boring than I wanted so I find myself going to and from London a lot because there's not a lot to do in Zurich over the weekends and I have loads of pre-existing social commitments back home. Luckily ZRH to LCY is really quick. My gf seems less happy in Zurich than she was in London despite being from Switzerland, but I think she'd grown very used to living in London and it's not been easy for her to adjust to the non-24/7 pace of a city that isn't London or NY. I expected a step down, but not this big. However, (and it's a big one) we both earn 3x what we did in London so it's worth it, at least for a while.
I think the main problem is that we're fairly isolated from our social circle who are all in London and Swiss people are notoriously difficult to socialise with, especially because I speak standard German rather than their oddball version.
I had a friend who ran the Reuters office there for a few years. I think he found the same to some extent, but he was a keen skier and that was a big compensation.
I'm not a huge winter sports fan, neither is my partner but our place does have a swimming pool and a we've just got a decent gas fired BBQ so roll on summer.
It's more boring than I wanted so I find myself going to and from London a lot because there's not a lot to do in Zurich over the weekends and I have loads of pre-existing social commitments back home. Luckily ZRH to LCY is really quick. My gf seems less happy in Zurich than she was in London despite being from Switzerland, but I think she'd grown very used to living in London and it's not been easy for her to adjust to the non-24/7 pace of a city that isn't London or NY. I expected a step down, but not this big. However, (and it's a big one) we both earn 3x what we did in London so it's worth it, at least for a while.
I think the main problem is that we're fairly isolated from our social circle who are all in London and Swiss people are notoriously difficult to socialise with, especially because I speak standard German rather than their oddball version.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
I hope we get to see a realistic costing of Labour's manifesto, as I do not for a moment believe that the tax changes they plan would be sufficient in practice. They seem to be based on an assumption of little to no avoidance or change of behaviour by companies and individuals, whereas in reality a large chunk of the profits and trade Labour want to get their hands on will simply move offshore.
They could ban the export of capital.
This 43-page leaked draft of the Labour manifesto that talks about IHT is different from the 41-paged leaked draft I have read, which doesn't.
What will be next? Will someone leak a videotape of every last manifesto meeting of the inner circle? The Labour Party has been utterly spooked.
If this gets pushed too far, and assuming there are some honourable people there, someone is going to walk out and film themselves storming into the Thames House lobby and asking to meet MI5 director Andrew Parker so that they can tell him to his face that he might as well come clean and write the whole manifesto.
I maybe in a meeting but can someone tweet Andrew Neil the effective marginal rate of tax once it's confirmed what labs new higher thresholds are especially at the 100k to 123k margin?
I'm hoping that by next week, Jeremy's Marxist mate will have persuaded him to ban mobile phones and return to the good old days of waiting five months for a phone to be stuck on your hall wall......
You joke, but if energy is partially nationalised, and water, trains, and the mail fully nationalised in time, then why would it stop there? Wouldn't BT be a target too?
BT Sport reporting on the supreme leaders first place in the world jam making championships...
Labour hate Sky, so nationalising their rival must look tempting.
I'm not a huge winter sports fan, neither is my partner but our place does have a swimming pool and a we've just got a decent gas fired BBQ so roll on summer.
The other thing which some people like very much about Zurich is that it is within easy reach of some wonderful places in Bavaria and Italy, so it's great for weekend breaks.
Newsnight reports Labour will announce tomorrow it will renationalise the water industry too
And the money will come from.....that magic money forest ain't half getting a bashing.
Income tax will rise to 50% for all those earning over £80 000 and the amount couples can give to their children free of inheritance tax will be halved
Totally disagree with both of those polices. I think it's morally wrong to take more 50% of the income of those on 80k. They are hardly millionaires. Also the inheritance tax policy is awful. Shouldn't punish success, we want as many families as possible to become middle class and stay middle class - we don't want kids being less successful than their parents.
Don't forget national insurance and tapered personal allowance ..... labour would have a marginal rate of tax of 72% on those between 100k and 123k pa....
That kind of taxation just kills aspiration. WTF....
I'm more in favour of going after tax avoiders and evaders than this kind of punitive taxation.
Labour needs to go after wealth and assets for redistribution not income.....
Tax property Tax wags
Its not the income of the rich which is resented but their lifestyles.
I'm hoping that by next week, Jeremy's Marxist mate will have persuaded him to ban mobile phones and return to the good old days of waiting five months for a phone to be stuck on your hall wall......
You joke, but if energy is partially nationalised, and water, trains, and the mail fully nationalised in time, then why would it stop there? Wouldn't BT be a target too?
BT Sport reporting on the supreme leaders first place in the world jam making championships...
Labour hate Sky, so nationalising their rival must look tempting.
Nationise the Premier League? I mean with the maximum wage it won't be worth very much anyway.
True... voters dont see that though..... also i presume the tapered annual allowance thresholds would be slashed too so pension contributions are fecked too.
Yeah, they'd have to close off all the ways round it. But they can't force people to stay in the UK, unless they go the full East German experience, or force them to work for nothing much in return.
It's more boring than I wanted so I find myself going to and from London a lot because there's not a lot to do in Zurich over the weekends and I have loads of pre-existing social commitments back home. Luckily ZRH to LCY is really quick. My gf seems less happy in Zurich than she was in London despite being from Switzerland, but I think she'd grown very used to living in London and it's not been easy for her to adjust to the non-24/7 pace of a city that isn't London or NY. I expected a step down, but not this big. However, (and it's a big one) we both earn 3x what we did in London so it's worth it, at least for a while.
I think the main problem is that we're fairly isolated from our social circle who are all in London and Swiss people are notoriously difficult to socialise with, especially because I speak standard German rather than their oddball version.
Do you tell them this? ;-)
Back in the late 80s there was a novel about a German settling in German-speaking Switzerland, which was essentially about how German-speaking Swiss look down on everyone else (including French-, Italian- and Romansh-speaking Swiss) and are impossible to get close to. Sorry, forget the name and author, and probably only funny if you live there.
Re Corbyn and the IRA - let's look at now rather than the past.
Corbyn allies himself with anti-Semites at a time when there are increasing attacks on Jews, some of them viciously murderous. He takes money from Press TV, the propaganda arm of the Iranian regime, a regime which uses rape as a punishment and hangs gay men from cranes.
This is the leader of a party which claims to be in favour of gay rights, in favour of the rights of women and against racism. It has a leader who either simply does not understand the values he claims to believe in or is cynical about them or who believes that his enemy's enemy is his friend. I believe it to be the last. I think that the hard Left's belief in these values is skin deep and is chiefly used as a weapon against others. Certain victim groups are useful if they can be used to criticise others but can be - and are - dropped as soon as some other more fashionable "victim" group can trump them.
It is what happens when values are chiefly seen as a way of proclaiming one's own virtue and moral superiority rather than as moral imperatives which should determine one's actions.
But whatever the explanation it shows - to me anyway - that Corbyn is not a principled or honest politician, that he has appalling judgment (as he did with the IRA), that he simply cannot be trusted to act in the interests of British citizens and that he is, therefore, unfit to be a leader of a major political party let alone Prime Minister.
Nice to have you back Cyclefree. We have missed that clarity.
I'm not a huge winter sports fan, neither is my partner but our place does have a swimming pool and a we've just got a decent gas fired BBQ so roll on summer.
The other thing which some people like very much about Zurich is that it is within easy reach of some wonderful places in Bavaria and Italy, so it's great for weekend breaks.
I think Basel is better for that because the trains go to Germany, France and Italy from there. I contemplated moving to Basel a few years ago when my partner and I were going through a difficult patch because her workplace relocated her back to Basel for 9 months but thought better of it and then she decided to leave anyway to come back to London and do her PhD at UCL.
Nationise the Premier League? I mean with the maximum wage it won't be worth very much anyway.
Hmm, being serious I wouldn't be at all surprised in nationalising Openreach was considered, and I can see increasing the listed sporting events being a plausible tool for screwing Sky.
I'm hoping that by next week, Jeremy's Marxist mate will have persuaded him to ban mobile phones and return to the good old days of waiting five months for a phone to be stuck on your hall wall......
You joke, but if energy is partially nationalised, and water, trains, and the mail fully nationalised in time, then why would it stop there? Wouldn't BT be a target too?
I hope so. BTW the telegraph system was nationalised in 1870 under Gladstone.
Water should be nationalised. Some of the Chinese-owned water companies in Britain try and scam people into paying for five months of water in advance.
I live 5 miles from sandwich-where does he sell it??
this is surreal
There's a famous road sign locally that says
It was knicked so often that the Council had to take special measures to secure it !!
1. Trump doesn't believe he colluded with Russia.
2. Trump colluded with Russia.
Where all the best London people live
Sometimes impartial reporting where opposite sides are given equal credence is ludicrous....
This reminds me of Brexit when you had a sensible side, and the other that was just plain bollox..... In that case the British public didn't realise that one side was spouting drivel...
Corbyn allies himself with anti-Semites at a time when there are increasing attacks on Jews, some of them viciously murderous. He takes money from Press TV, the propaganda arm of the Iranian regime, a regime which uses rape as a punishment and hangs gay men from cranes.
This is the leader of a party which claims to be in favour of gay rights, in favour of the rights of women and against racism. It has a leader who either simply does not understand the values he claims to believe in or is cynical about them or who believes that his enemy's enemy is his friend. I believe it to be the last. I think that the hard Left's belief in these values is skin deep and is chiefly used as a weapon against others. Certain victim groups are useful if they can be used to criticise others but can be - and are - dropped as soon as some other more fashionable "victim" group can trump them.
It is what happens when values are chiefly seen as a way of proclaiming one's own virtue and moral superiority rather than as moral imperatives which should determine one's actions.
But whatever the explanation it shows - to me anyway - that Corbyn is not a principled or honest politician, that he has appalling judgment (as he did with the IRA), that he simply cannot be trusted to act in the interests of British citizens and that he is, therefore, unfit to be a leader of a major political party let alone Prime Minister.
(and so to bed)
I'm certain Wolf Blitzer has a bricker.
I believe one in Denmark was in the news very recently for that.
As for hunchman, he's an Eliott Wave enthusiast iirc. Not a great time for them right now, but I'm sure the markets will turn one day and they'll all tell us they were right all along forgetting the opportunity costs of their decisions.
but fuck me with a barge poll sideways, Richard Nebavi is a pompous prig of the highest calibre......
And SeanT....he's such a repulsive, pond life, narcissistic, old man, slug toad that likes to boast of his wrinkly sexual antics with much younger girls from time to time..meanwhile we ALL have to try to ignore his inane postings of the wonderful restaurants he eats in....yawn.....
I vaguely recall that they were fighting the Soviet Union who had many ICBMs pointing at the UK at the time. A trifle, no doubt.
52 % choose to ignore the scare mongering Bo!!ocks
As for if the methodology hadn't changed, I fail to see how that is relevant. The methodology has changed and the reason for that is because the methodology was broken.
On that rhetorical note, good night all...
I'm more in favour of going after tax avoiders and evaders than this kind of punitive taxation.
I think the main problem is that we're fairly isolated from our social circle who are all in London and Swiss people are notoriously difficult to socialise with, especially because I speak standard German rather than their oddball version.
Labour needs to go after wealth and assets for redistribution not income.....
Even if it's 45% at 80k then at 100k were talking 67% or 2/3 marginal taxation . That's enough for people to go 4 days a week....if affected.
Into the 90s my mother had a gas fridge. Didn't plug into the electricity at all. Seemed to work just fine.
This 43-page leaked draft of the Labour manifesto that talks about IHT is different from the 41-paged leaked draft I have read, which doesn't.
What will be next? Will someone leak a videotape of every last manifesto meeting of the inner circle? The Labour Party has been utterly spooked.
If this gets pushed too far, and assuming there are some honourable people there, someone is going to walk out and film themselves storming into the Thames House lobby and asking to meet MI5 director Andrew Parker so that they can tell him to his face that he might as well come clean and write the whole manifesto.
Tax wags
Its not the income of the rich which is resented but their lifestyles.
Water should be nationalised. Some of the Chinese-owned water companies in Britain try and scam people into paying for five months of water in advance.