politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » At 11am the Crown Prosecution Service announces what it is doing about the CON GE2015 expenses investigation
It was reported last month that the CPS was looking into cases involving about 30 individuals.
Read the full story here
1) Charges are bought against all 30 individuals and my FB feed does not shut up about EVVILLLL Tories.
2) Charges are bought against some of the individuals, but people on my FB feed still refer to the 30 cheating EVVILLLL Tories.
3) No charges are bought, but by FB feed says they were guilty and it's all a cover-up by EVVILLLL Tories.
This generally makes my FB feed unreadable at times.
It'll be interesting to see if the rumours involving the charges posted on here in the last week were accurate.
Not being a lawyer, it'll be interesting to see how much detail the CPS given about charges that are bought and not bought and their reasoning.
Also, if none are bought, Crick might himself be in a slightly difficult position. Though I doubt that will happen.
(Surprised we're not covering May's landmark One Show interview in more depth)
OK, Labour Uncut, the clue's in the name. But have a read of this article by one of the few people who correctly predicted Miliband would get hammered:
I'm sure the focus groups say it goes down well with a certain audience, but I really don't care to watch politicians doing soft-soap daytime TV interviews. I'd much rather they spent more time talking to the likes of Andrew Neil.
Before 11.00, I now need to get my son to nursery, do a run, prepare dinner for later, and pick up some plants for the garden.
(I'm going out for a while this afternoon, so need to get all the chores done early).
May is David Brent in lizard form.
Hopefully the whole business will lead to much closer control of election expenditure including limiting as it happens, how much parties can raise in total.
You won't miss much.
In other news apparently Pogba's agent made £41 million from his transfer. Not bad work if you can get it
I now have a surreal mental image involving the good Mr Jessop and a nun.
Then again, one of Mrs J's ex-colleagues is addicted to it: whenever he goes out he puts where he is on an FB status, and even photographs the food in pubs and posts the pics.
But who's the 'good' Mr Jessop?
As an aside, many years ago Radio 5 had a discussion on corruption in football. On the panel they had an ex-footballer, a manager, and an agent. They all agreed that there was absolutely no corruption at all ...
Edit - perhaps he's a creature of habit?
I walked into a scruffy office with a counter and on the other side was a man in uniform sitting on a wooden chair reading a newspaper. He glanced up and saw me with my parcel and went back to his fag and his newspaper. After several minutes he carefully folded his paper stood up and said "Is this what you're sending....."
I was an ardent lefty back then and I loathed the Tories but I don't want to go back to those days and I'm afraid that's what Corbyn spells to me and many who were alive in the 70's.
His time has gone and though I sympathise with his ideals the thought of service and the related problems with the unions in those days makes me shiver.
"No, I told them I would carry on as leader because we’ll have won the election by then."
Tricky for him, then, that BuzzFeed had a recording of the interview in which Corbyn said what BuzzFeed said he had said. BuzzFeed reports it has now been told its access to Labour campaign events will be “limited”.
Looks like Corbyn is reading from the Trump playbook. Says one thing, then immediately contradicts himself, and when picked up on it, simply starts banning media outlets - he will soon be crying Fake News nonstop on the campaign (or maybe he has already started that?).
I had a court case last Friday where FB entries have probably won it for us. They came from the other side, inevitably.
There are a few heavy users, but many who hardly ever post. I think probably the number of active users is a small fraction of total accounts.
Otherwise, nothing other than the usual heartwarming stories of dogs recognising their long lost owners and inspirational maxims for women of a certain age.
The next Parliament is going to be seriously busy with Brexit related legislation but I do hope they find time to revisit this.
The job of an election agent for the next few weeks is going to be like whoever gets to hand out the Oscars next year.
That being said:
(1) I think Comey was in an impossible situation where there was no 'good' choice;
(2) No matter what he had or had not done, and separately from the question of whether the actual decision was right, Trump's method of firing him - by a note through a third party - was utterly wrong and completely reprehensible. It should have been in a personal meeting. If that was the way he ran his businesses no wonder they kept getting into trouble.
There is nothing more tedious. Except perhaps babies.
As I said last week when the Macron hacking story broke, if I were in charge of IT for a political party I'd be seriously looking at dusting off the old conference call equipment and fax machines for the most sensitive conversations. The email server would need to be hiding behind a vpn and the firewall would be run by a 24/7 team of ex-GCHQ and MI6 guys. It's no longer a case of if you're hacked, but when you're hacked.
Does this become a non-issue? If no charges are brought, nothing to see. If charges are brought, it's sub judice.
I was more amused by the "back then", as in "I was an ardent lefty back then and I loathed the Tories"...
E-mails form a major strand of the evidence in most commercial litigations these day and very rarely are they to the advantage of the sender.
IIRC Osborne's ratings were uniformly dire......
You could never call the CONSERVATIVE party progressive but in spite of them we've moved on since Corbyn's nirvana.
"Otherwise, nothing other than the usual heartwarming stories of dogs recognising their long lost owners and inspirational maxims for women of a certain age."
Thank God for that. I though it was only my FB page that was cluttered with stuff like that. At least, it stops me looking at it too much.
Time for my shower.
Conservatives and independents to run Scottish Borders Council
Including PB ramblings in that too...
One's a Conservative, the other is a Liberal Democrat
I got better, though.
That it doesn't even consider these issues, let alone provide a rationale renders its appeal to "regaining the public trust" utterly ridiculous.
I'm more inclined to agree with this comment:
“The rationale is transparently absurd,” Waldman said. “Does anyone actually believe that Trump fired Comey because Comey was unfair to Hillary Clinton during the campaign?
One time I decided to re follow everyone as a second chance, that didnt last long
Then think about how an arsey barrister or litigation counsel would parse the punctuation. It's a letter not an ephemeral phone call.