Since the election has been called Theresa May and Corbyn have been featured constantly in the broadcast media and also to a lesser extent Nicola. I genuinely have seen virtual nothing of Tim Farron other than a report re his views on gay sex.
I don't believe that gay sex is a sin," [Tim Farron] said.
Me: Then why the hell were you so cagey about it before?
I take the view though that as a political leader, my job is not to pontificate on theological matters.
Me: Well now a lot of people will think that you think gay sex is a sin. Was the reticence on this 'theological matter' worth it?
If they pick Zac, the Conservatives deserve to lose. "I'd like to be your Conservative MP, and if they go ahead with Heathrow expansion, which is government policy, I'll resign. Again."
Has he not got anything better to do with his life?
Possibly not. The problem for the Tories is that if they don't select him, he then stands as an independent and the LibDems hold the seat, not that I should worry with my 25/1 punt on them.
Hasn't he been all supportive of the Tories still? And he doesn't need the job, so why stand against the Tories if they don't select him?
"All supportive"? - Hardly, he succeeded in losing them a seat with an erstwhile 23,000 majority.