A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
Cannot understand the praise being heaped on Douglas Carswell and Gisela Stuart today.
From where I'm standing, they've led the country down a dark path, and are running away before the consequences become known. If they really believe this is right for Britain they should stay and make it happen and take the credit / blame properly.
I'm sure they are both decent constituency MPs, and I've always admired Douglas Carswell's views on democracy (other than the EU) but this comes across as running scared from any accountability for what they've done.
You only don't understand because of your warped view of Brexit. Anyone who has any sense appreciates what they have done and is grateful for it.
The symbolism of that poster is all wrong. If Corbyn has the qualities claimed, he should be the shining light, not turning away from the mysterious source of light in front of him and casting a shadow.
I rather suspect she is jumping before the electorate pushes her. However, she leaves with rather a nasty side-swipe at Corbyn delivered to the media in the middle of his campaign launch.
Should say that my Tory voting, but considering going LD acquaintance was also uncertain because they'd read Tim Farron thinks homosexuality is sinful - seems like they still need to get ahead of that whole issue and clarify his position some more, or it might cost a few crucial votes.
Sad to see Douglas Carswell will not be standing again. Personally I think he has been one of the very best MPs in the last 20 years and has made a massive positive contribution to changing our country for the better by his campaigning over Brexit. A great loss to Parliament and the country.
On the other hand, maybe his talents are best suited to developing new ideas and writing books like 'The Plan', rather than being an MP in a parliamentary system based on party whips (I know you don't like this system, but it is how it is).
It takes around 3 months for a Labour leadership election, so his exit could be in time for the Labour conference, So Q3 is the best option
Slightly poorly worded market. I read it as you did, as the date he no longer holds the office, but could "formally steps down" mean the date on which he tenders his resignation to the NEC? I'd be worried they'd not pay out on Q3.
Labour often has an interim leader, so he may go immediately after the election. But I agree it's less likely this time as the interim leader would presumably be Watson, and Corbyn won't want that as he seeks to secure a successor in his own image.
... Most notably, member states have challenged Britain’s requirement that EU migrants complete an 85-page form to prove that they are permanently resident in the UK.
I can't believe that that is going to be an issue. Still, it's a nice one for us graciously to concede, if they are looking for a 'win'.
It does seem rather over-engineered - I trust Rudd is working on something very much simpler
Cannot understand the praise being heaped on Douglas Carswell and Gisela Stuart today.
From where I'm standing, they've led the country down a dark path, and are running away before the consequences become known. If they really believe this is right for Britain they should stay and make it happen and take the credit / blame properly.
I'm sure they are both decent constituency MPs, and I've always admired Douglas Carswell's views on democracy (other than the EU) but this comes across as running scared from any accountability for what they've done.
You only don't understand because of your warped view of Brexit. Anyone who has any sense appreciates what they have done and is grateful for it.
Goodness me. I know I have been on this site much less recently but I always thought you were one of the most thoughtful and persuasive Leavers ahead of the referendum. Not someone who would resort to "warped view" and "anyone who has any sense" lightly.
I've been clear that my real concern for months has been how to unite the country after the divisiveness of the referendum, and these comments just show how far there is to go. The election may or may not be part of the healing process, too early to say but it may be a necessary step.
It's an interesting issue. They mocked Ed M, then tried to make him seem scary, but that didn't work on its own as he was supposed to be a joke, according to Tory statements up to then. The SNP hand pulling his strings made him seem a it scarier. Corbyn? Well...
So if the scare tactics can't work, bring on the carrot. Try giving people a reason to vote FOR something for a change ... OK, that's fantasy land too, I admit.
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
I tend to agree with @tpfkar on Carswell. Stuart is 61 so perhaps she feels that now is the time to go having been and MP since 1997, but Carswell is 45 and has only been an MP since 2005. My guess is he's backed himself into a position that he knows he won't win his seat and doesn't want the humiliation of losing.
It's an interesting issue. They mocked Ed M, then tried to make him seem scary, but that didn't work on its own as he was supposed to be a joke, according to Tory statements up to then. The SNP hand pulling his strings made him seem a it scarier. Corbyn? Well...
So if the scare tactics can't work, bring on the carrot. Try giving people a reason to vote FOR something for a change ... OK, that's fantasy land too, I admit.
In their defence they are doing that too - vote for the strong and stable party, or whatever the slogan is. But obviously scare tactics are used for a reason, usually it works.
The European Commission wants Britain to pick up the tab for any costs related to its departure from the EU, such as the relocation of agencies now hosted by the U.K., and bear the currency risk by paying in euros, according to a draft of Brussels’ negotiating plan....
...But it is the Commission’s approach to the U.K.’s ongoing financial obligations to the EU that stands out in the document, suggesting that Brussels wants to make it very clear that leaving the bloc doesn’t come cheap.
“The United Kingdom should fully cover the specific costs related to the withdrawal process such as the relocation of the agencies or other Union bodies,” the Commission wrote, adding that the U.K.’s financial obligations to the EU “should be defined in euro” rather than sterling.
Of course, there could be no downside to announcing this in the middle of an election campaign.......the danger is that leaving the EU, initially at least, could be very cheap....
What's the right age to give a child his first mobile phone?
It won't be an iPhone/smartphone, just a basic phone with a sim only deal so he can call his Dad or his grandparents in emergencies.
Is 7 years old too soon?
A cheap Nokia and see how he gets along with it? Plus if he loses it, it is no big deal.
Good idea in principle. Unfortunately what would happen is all his mates with smartphones would take the piss and you'd end up having to get him one too. From a kid's point of view no phone is better than a basic cheap phone.
Sad to see Douglas Carswell will not be standing again. Personally I think he has been one of the very best MPs in the last 20 years and has made a massive positive contribution to changing our country for the better by his campaigning over Brexit. A great loss to Parliament and the country.
I quite agree, Mr. Tyndall. An honest and principled politician who will be missed.
Might I recommend that people read Tim Shipman's book "All out war" which gives an account into the deep background of the Referendum campaign in which a clear insight is given into the mindset of Carswell and his defection to UKIP (along with that of Reckless). An eye-opener of a book.
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
Sad to see Douglas Carswell will not be standing again. Personally I think he has been one of the very best MPs in the last 20 years and has made a massive positive contribution to changing our country for the better by his campaigning over Brexit. A great loss to Parliament and the country.
Brilliant news. Teaches the c**t not to trust the Tories. Now he is maroooooooooooned.
@ChrisMasonBBC: A spokesman for the Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn has said 'a second (EU) referendum is not our policy and it won't be in our manifesto'
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
The European Commission wants Britain to pick up the tab for any costs related to its departure from the EU, such as the relocation of agencies now hosted by the U.K., and bear the currency risk by paying in euros, according to a draft of Brussels’ negotiating plan....
...But it is the Commission’s approach to the U.K.’s ongoing financial obligations to the EU that stands out in the document, suggesting that Brussels wants to make it very clear that leaving the bloc doesn’t come cheap.
“The United Kingdom should fully cover the specific costs related to the withdrawal process such as the relocation of the agencies or other Union bodies,” the Commission wrote, adding that the U.K.’s financial obligations to the EU “should be defined in euro” rather than sterling.
Of course, there could be no downside to announcing this in the middle of an election campaign.......the danger is that leaving the EU, initially at least, could be very cheap....
Who are they saying this stuff for? Everyone agrees we should full cover our costs, surely, we just argue over what costs are our responsibility, and public sentiment on either side means little so why air in public to put pressure on?
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
Sad to see Douglas Carswell will not be standing again. Personally I think he has been one of the very best MPs in the last 20 years and has made a massive positive contribution to changing our country for the better by his campaigning over Brexit. A great loss to Parliament and the country.
Brilliant news. Teaches the c**t not to trust the Tories. Now he is maroooooooooooned.
I tend to agree with @tpfkar on Carswell. Stuart is 61 so perhaps she feels that now is the time to go having been and MP since 1997, but Carswell is 45 and has only been an MP since 2005. My guess is he's backed himself into a position that he knows he won't win his seat and doesn't want the humiliation of losing.
Personally, I doubt it's that. I suspect he'd win but, if he didn't, it will be a footnote on election night anyway.
Seems to me more likely that he's more worried about the prospect of winning than losing. It's easier to get a new job and start a new chapter at 45 than 50 or 55. It's not like there's much of a career for him in politics now that he's burned not one bridge but two, and to be fair to him, he's not the sort of bloke to do it just for the pay packet.
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
Sad to see Douglas Carswell will not be standing again. Personally I think he has been one of the very best MPs in the last 20 years and has made a massive positive contribution to changing our country for the better by his campaigning over Brexit. A great loss to Parliament and the country.
Brilliant news. Teaches the c**t not to trust the Tories. Now he is maroooooooooooned.
Not to trust them? He quit the party, and if reports are right they did not ease his way back in. If we accept his reasons for leaving as valid, then both sides would seem to be behaving very reasonably - if they did things that caused him reasonably to flounce off, fine, but having done so, why should they let him back in, without cost? If we ever ask to go back into the EU, expect us to be held over a barrel, and fair enough.
Sad to see Douglas Carswell will not be standing again. Personally I think he has been one of the very best MPs in the last 20 years and has made a massive positive contribution to changing our country for the better by his campaigning over Brexit. A great loss to Parliament and the country.
Brilliant news. Teaches the c**t not to trust the Tories. Now he is maroooooooooooned.
Stay classy Surbiton only seven weeks to go.
Where is Justin Kill'em All today? All that booze wearing off?
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
Personally, I doubt it's that. I suspect he'd win but, if he didn't, it will be a footnote on election night anyway.
Seems to me more likely that he's more worried about the prospect of winning than losing. It's easier to get a new job and start a new chapter at 45 than 50 or 55. It's not like there's much of a career for him in politics now that he's burned not one bridge but two, and to be fair to him, he's not the sort of bloke to do it just for the pay packet.
The story is that he couldn't win as an independent, and the Tories wouldn't have him back.
The European Commission wants Britain to pick up the tab for any costs related to its departure from the EU, such as the relocation of agencies now hosted by the U.K., and bear the currency risk by paying in euros, according to a draft of Brussels’ negotiating plan....
...But it is the Commission’s approach to the U.K.’s ongoing financial obligations to the EU that stands out in the document, suggesting that Brussels wants to make it very clear that leaving the bloc doesn’t come cheap.
“The United Kingdom should fully cover the specific costs related to the withdrawal process such as the relocation of the agencies or other Union bodies,” the Commission wrote, adding that the U.K.’s financial obligations to the EU “should be defined in euro” rather than sterling.
Of course, there could be no downside to announcing this in the middle of an election campaign.......the danger is that leaving the EU, initially at least, could be very cheap....
Who are they saying this stuff for? Everyone agrees we should full cover our costs, surely, we just argue over what costs are our responsibility, and public sentiment on either side means little so why air in public to put pressure on?
I think the UK may take the view that if the EU chooses to move agencies currently in the UK, that's their choice and their bill. They're running the risk of a very acrimonious break up - least of all doing it in the middle of a General Election.
Should say that my Tory voting, but considering going LD acquaintance was also uncertain because they'd read Tim Farron thinks homosexuality is sinful - seems like they still need to get ahead of that whole issue and clarify his position some more, or it might cost a few crucial votes.
Straight out the Tory Scumbag`s Handbook of Dirty Tricks, Mr Kle, following on from the baying pack of Tory MPs in the House of Commons yesterday. Keep repeating it often enough, and people will come to believe it.
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
Should say that my Tory voting, but considering going LD acquaintance was also uncertain because they'd read Tim Farron thinks homosexuality is sinful - seems like they still need to get ahead of that whole issue and clarify his position some more, or it might cost a few crucial votes.
Straight out the Tory Scumbag`s Handbook of Dirty Tricks, Mr Kle, following on from the baying pack of Tory MPs in the House of Commons yesterday. Keep repeating it often enough, and people will come to believe it.
And Tim's reply to the Tory hordes (and how hypocritical it was) was crystal clear. Even the guy who made the intervention looked humbled at the absolutely clear answer he got to his question.
Should say that my Tory voting, but considering going LD acquaintance was also uncertain because they'd read Tim Farron thinks homosexuality is sinful - seems like they still need to get ahead of that whole issue and clarify his position some more, or it might cost a few crucial votes.
Straight out the Tory Scumbag`s Handbook of Dirty Tricks, Mr Kle, following on from the baying pack of Tory MPs in the House of Commons yesterday. Keep repeating it often enough, and people will come to believe it.
The left have whole encyclopaedias of dirty tricks to stitch-up selections and elections and to ensure it's Buggin's turn.
Should say that my Tory voting, but considering going LD acquaintance was also uncertain because they'd read Tim Farron thinks homosexuality is sinful - seems like they still need to get ahead of that whole issue and clarify his position some more, or it might cost a few crucial votes.
Straight out the Tory Scumbag`s Handbook of Dirty Tricks, Mr Kle, following on from the baying pack of Tory MPs in the House of Commons yesterday. Keep repeating it often enough, and people will come to believe it.
Like referring to any Tory action as a dirty trick?
I have absolutely no patience for party supporters complaining when they are the subject of political tactics, unless they cross over into unlawful - if people want to argue the Tories are the worst at using such tactics, that is fine, but if they argue the tactics themselves are Tory, as though others do not use the same tactics, I have no patience whatsoever.
Political behaviour, not partisan specific, I am afraid.
On Farron, seems to be he did not help himself by apparently being unclear, when given his later response seems like he could easily have avoided this - never expect your opponents to give you a fair ride, and avoid the easily avoidable!
In case you are wondering, I informed my acquaintance of Farron's later comments on the matter.
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
The European Commission wants Britain to pick up the tab for any costs related to its departure from the EU, such as the relocation of agencies now hosted by the U.K., and bear the currency risk by paying in euros, according to a draft of Brussels’ negotiating plan....
...But it is the Commission’s approach to the U.K.’s ongoing financial obligations to the EU that stands out in the document, suggesting that Brussels wants to make it very clear that leaving the bloc doesn’t come cheap.
“The United Kingdom should fully cover the specific costs related to the withdrawal process such as the relocation of the agencies or other Union bodies,” the Commission wrote, adding that the U.K.’s financial obligations to the EU “should be defined in euro” rather than sterling.
Of course, there could be no downside to announcing this in the middle of an election campaign.......the danger is that leaving the EU, initially at least, could be very cheap....
Who are they saying this stuff for? Everyone agrees we should full cover our costs, surely, we just argue over what costs are our responsibility, and public sentiment on either side means little so why air in public to put pressure on?
I think the UK may take the view that if the EU chooses to move agencies currently in the UK, that's their choice and their bill. They're running the risk of a very acrimonious break up - least of all doing it in the middle of a General Election.
It has become apparent in recent weeks that the EU wants an acrimonious break up, for whatever reason. May is going pretty hard, and the EU is prioritising punishment above all else.
Since were repeatedly told they know us but we don't know them, they will know taking hard lines will make us stick even harder to our lines, so it isn't about negotiating position which will soften either.
Should say that my Tory voting, but considering going LD acquaintance was also uncertain because they'd read Tim Farron thinks homosexuality is sinful - seems like they still need to get ahead of that whole issue and clarify his position some more, or it might cost a few crucial votes.
Straight out the Tory Scumbag`s Handbook of Dirty Tricks, Mr Kle, following on from the baying pack of Tory MPs in the House of Commons yesterday. Keep repeating it often enough, and people will come to believe it.
Indeed and testament to the fact the Conservatives can't quite believe they can win this on their own without having to stick the knife into their opponents.
Curious for a Party with a 20+point polling lead not to be accentuating a more positive message.
The message simply seems to be "Trust Theresa - she's better than Corbyn". Many will agree with the second part, I, for one, struggle with the first.
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
Cannot understand the praise being heaped on Douglas Carswell and Gisela Stuart today.
From where I'm standing, they've led the country down a dark path, and are running away before the consequences become known. If they really believe this is right for Britain they should stay and make it happen and take the credit / blame properly.
I'm sure they are both decent constituency MPs, and I've always admired Douglas Carswell's views on democracy (other than the EU) but this comes across as running scared from any accountability for what they've done.
You only don't understand because of your warped view of Brexit. Anyone who has any sense appreciates what they have done and is grateful for it.
Goodness me. I know I have been on this site much less recently but I always thought you were one of the most thoughtful and persuasive Leavers ahead of the referendum. Not someone who would resort to "warped view" and "anyone who has any sense" lightly.
I've been clear that my real concern for months has been how to unite the country after the divisiveness of the referendum, and these comments just show how far there is to go. The election may or may not be part of the healing process, too early to say but it may be a necessary step.
You are the one who came along with the moronic claims about 'leading the country down a dark path'. To my mind that is a thoroughly warped view of both Brexit and those who fought for it. If you want to start the healing process I would suggest you start with your own rather offensive views.
And Tim's reply to the Tory hordes (and how hypocritical it was) was crystal clear. Even the guy who made the intervention looked humbled at the absolutely clear answer he got to his question.
His position is far from crystal clear. Unfortunately he was asked the wrong question, allowing him the easy get-out of saying that he didn't think 'being gay' was sinful. Well, of course not. That isn't the issue. The issue is whether he thinks gay sex is sinful, as many of his fellow evangelical Christians do.
Sad to see Douglas Carswell will not be standing again. Personally I think he has been one of the very best MPs in the last 20 years and has made a massive positive contribution to changing our country for the better by his campaigning over Brexit. A great loss to Parliament and the country.
Brilliant news. Teaches the c**t not to trust the Tories. Now he is maroooooooooooned.
Ah the reasoned logic of the lunatic. On a par with the rest of your dribblings these past few months.
Sad to see Douglas Carswell will not be standing again. Personally I think he has been one of the very best MPs in the last 20 years and has made a massive positive contribution to changing our country for the better by his campaigning over Brexit. A great loss to Parliament and the country.
On the other hand, maybe his talents are best suited to developing new ideas and writing books like 'The Plan', rather than being an MP in a parliamentary system based on party whips (I know you don't like this system, but it is how it is).
I would agree but changing the system needs champions inside Parliament not outside. Writing books does not get you anywhere if no one on the indside wants to change the system.
PM really means to attempt the electoral destruction of the Labour Party.
Well, I doubt the Conservatives will overturn Stephen Timms' majority of 35,000 or so.
More seriously, the Conservatives were down to 165 seats in 1997 and it took them eighteen years to effectively double it.
Labour have not been sub-200 since 1945. Even if they fall to 165 or lower, that doesn't mean electoral destruction by any stretch. It will mean the Conservatives having to defend a lot of seats in 2022.
A target for the London Lib Dem Remain focused campaign to aim at.
Vauxhall was 80.7% Remain according to Hanretty. The LibDems start at 6.9%, 43% behind Ms Hoey.
Mind you, if* they could pick up half the Remain vote, they'd be in with a chance.
I'll offer you 10-1 if you want.
* You can't see it, but that's a very big if.
Can I have £50 on that?
You want £50 at 10-1 on the LibDem's winning Vauxhall?
Sure, I'll take your money.
You can put me down for £10 if you are opening a book?
You are also a wild optimist. I'll take your £10 too.
Can I have a tenner too if you're that confident?
Yes, of course.
Much obliged. I think you underestimate the anger against her in the constituency. Nigel Farage with a red rosette in London is not an attractive proposition.
And Tim's reply to the Tory hordes (and how hypocritical it was) was crystal clear. Even the guy who made the intervention looked humbled at the absolutely clear answer he got to his question.
His position is far from crystal clear. Unfortunately he was asked the wrong question, allowing him the easy get-out of saying that he didn't think 'being gay' was sinful. Well, of course not. That isn't the issue. The issue is whether he thinks gay sex is sinful, as many of his fellow evangelical Christians do.
A liberal is allowed to think gay sex is sinful. The question is whether he imposes his view on other people.
Should say that my Tory voting, but considering going LD acquaintance was also uncertain because they'd read Tim Farron thinks homosexuality is sinful - seems like they still need to get ahead of that whole issue and clarify his position some more, or it might cost a few crucial votes.
he has, in the HoC. Done, over. You should now reinforce by pointing him at the contrast between Farron's liberal voting record and Mrs May's illiberal one.
Sad to see Douglas Carswell will not be standing again. Personally I think he has been one of the very best MPs in the last 20 years and has made a massive positive contribution to changing our country for the better by his campaigning over Brexit. A great loss to Parliament and the country.
I'm also sad, although I don't agree with him being "one of the very best MPs in the last 20 years".
I'm sad because he seemed a genuinely likeable bloke who could put his position politely and rationally, even if you disagreed with him. I'd also like to see more independents in parliament.
And Tim's reply to the Tory hordes (and how hypocritical it was) was crystal clear. Even the guy who made the intervention looked humbled at the absolutely clear answer he got to his question.
His position is far from crystal clear. Unfortunately he was asked the wrong question, allowing him the easy get-out of saying that he didn't think 'being gay' was sinful. Well, of course not. That isn't the issue. The issue is whether he thinks gay sex is sinful, as many of his fellow evangelical Christians do.
A liberal is allowed to think gay sex is sinful. The question is whether he imposes his view on other people.
Don't Christians believe everyone is a sinner or is that just Catholics?
And it's only day 2!
Hooray the next Parliament will be less bigoted.
I rather suspect she is jumping before the electorate pushes her. However, she leaves with rather a nasty side-swipe at Corbyn delivered to the media in the middle of his campaign launch.
Labour often has an interim leader, so he may go immediately after the election. But I agree it's less likely this time as the interim leader would presumably be Watson, and Corbyn won't want that as he seeks to secure a successor in his own image.
I've been clear that my real concern for months has been how to unite the country after the divisiveness of the referendum, and these comments just show how far there is to go. The election may or may not be part of the healing process, too early to say but it may be a necessary step.
So if the scare tactics can't work, bring on the carrot. Try giving people a reason to vote FOR something for a change ... OK, that's fantasy land too, I admit.
Given its location, it's likely the views are spectacular from there.
...But it is the Commission’s approach to the U.K.’s ongoing financial obligations to the EU that stands out in the document, suggesting that Brussels wants to make it very clear that leaving the bloc doesn’t come cheap.
“The United Kingdom should fully cover the specific costs related to the withdrawal process such as the relocation of the agencies or other Union bodies,” the Commission wrote, adding that the U.K.’s financial obligations to the EU “should be defined in euro” rather than sterling.
Of course, there could be no downside to announcing this in the middle of an election campaign.......the danger is that leaving the EU, initially at least, could be very cheap....
Might I recommend that people read Tim Shipman's book "All out war" which gives an account into the deep background of the Referendum campaign in which a clear insight is given into the mindset of Carswell and his defection to UKIP (along with that of Reckless). An eye-opener of a book.
My son had a crap Nokia for certain occasions until he turned 13 and now has a crap Android phone.
The crappyness of the device is a key feature for me. The less time he uses it, the better.
@ChrisMasonBBC: A spokesman for the Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn has said 'a second (EU) referendum is not our policy and it won't be in our manifesto'
A Mrs Brown's boys type spinoff featuring Hannan and Farage would be great on channel 5.
Seems to me more likely that he's more worried about the prospect of winning than losing. It's easier to get a new job and start a new chapter at 45 than 50 or 55. It's not like there's much of a career for him in politics now that he's burned not one bridge but two, and to be fair to him, he's not the sort of bloke to do it just for the pay packet.
Do you mean Chuka?
So he's running away
"Jeremy Corbyn has had a very good morning.,.he sounded like an effective campaigner. He delivered a speech that was focused, coherent and passionate"
Panic, panic. Stop Tory complacency urgently.
The TSH is but a pamphlet in comparison.
I have absolutely no patience for party supporters complaining when they are the subject of political tactics, unless they cross over into unlawful - if people want to argue the Tories are the worst at using such tactics, that is fine, but if they argue the tactics themselves are Tory, as though others do not use the same tactics, I have no patience whatsoever.
Political behaviour, not partisan specific, I am afraid.
On Farron, seems to be he did not help himself by apparently being unclear, when given his later response seems like he could easily have avoided this - never expect your opponents to give you a fair ride, and avoid the easily avoidable!
In case you are wondering, I informed my acquaintance of Farron's later comments on the matter.
Since were repeatedly told they know us but we don't know them, they will know taking hard lines will make us stick even harder to our lines, so it isn't about negotiating position which will soften either.
Curious for a Party with a 20+point polling lead not to be accentuating a more positive message.
The message simply seems to be "Trust Theresa - she's better than Corbyn". Many will agree with the second part, I, for one, struggle with the first.
PM really means to attempt the electoral destruction of the Labour Party.
the RebellionLabour Party with one swift stroke!More seriously, the Conservatives were down to 165 seats in 1997 and it took them eighteen years to effectively double it.
Labour have not been sub-200 since 1945. Even if they fall to 165 or lower, that doesn't mean electoral destruction by any stretch. It will mean the Conservatives having to defend a lot of seats in 2022.
Oh well, I suppose there's more money to be made betting on that than whether the Tories will win the GE here.
However, many Liberal Democrats and their voters are not liberal about such a view, equating it with homophobia.
I'm sad because he seemed a genuinely likeable bloke who could put his position politely and rationally, even if you disagreed with him. I'd also like to see more independents in parliament.
But wait...
Now the odds are now 4/1 and 7/2 respectively. That's better odds than the 11/4 I was going to put them on at...
Real issue for many Labour MPs is whether Karie Murphy will be handed a seat.