Andrew Cooper certainly doesn't emerge with honours in Tim Shipman's riveting 'All Out War'.
A superb book.
Very much so but I had to rush the last few chapters to avoid being overdue at the Library (and not able to renew!). Have never taken much to Steve Baker MP and the book confirmed the existing prejudice.
Really? I thought he comes over in it as far more capable than most MPs. The then PM and CofE included...
The grim reaper has also claimed the modern day Dr Pangloss, Hans Rosling.
Noooooooooo....that guy was ace. That's made me proper sad, as we need more people like that and less of those wedded to alternative facts.
Among many great talks he gave, the one on real absolute poverty (rather than all this relative nonsense) and where we should be targetting aid money to make a real difference to the world was fantastic.
It will be a 4-4 split, unless Gorsuch is confirmed and seated by the time the court hears the case at which point it goes 5-4 in Trump's favour.
A possible get out for the conservative justices is that the first amendment applies to citizens, whereas the liberal justices will go for a wider interpretation.
Paul Joseph Watson Le Pen To CNN Hack: "There Was A Coup D'etat In Ukraine, There Was No 'Invasion' of Crimea"
The Ukraine part is definitely wrong: If you describe the transfer of power as a "coup" then you should also describe the Callaghan, Brown and (first) Major govenments as coups.
The Crimea bit is more subtle. Let's concede that the Crimean transfer to Russia accurately represented the majority view in the Crimea and that Russian forces in Crimea did not wage battles in the traditional sense. However, Russian forces were present as advisors and suppliers of materiel to the native insurgents. Whether this constitutes an "invasion" I will leave up to you.
Paul Joseph Watson Le Pen To CNN Hack: "There Was A Coup D'etat In Ukraine, There Was No 'Invasion' of Crimea"
The Ukraine part is definitely wrong: If you describe the transfer of power as a "coup" then you should also describe the Callaghan, Brown and (first) Major govenments as coups.
The Crimea bit is more subtle. Let's concede that the Crimean transfer to Russia accurately represented the majority view in the Crimea and that Russian forces in Crimea did not wage battles in the traditional sense. However, Russian forces were present as advisors and suppliers of materiel to the native insurgents. Whether this constitutes an "invasion" I will leave up to you.
When you send troops over a border uninvited by the present government, stay and make a place part of your country.... What else can you call it?
The stat was faked up 'political data' from the charity Shelter to grab headlines.
The root of the misleading comparison is that they are comparing "golf courses" and all their ancillaries with the physical footprint of actual house buildings themselves, combined with some dodgy estimates even for those numbers.
Land allocated to housing in normal perception includes drives, gardens, roads etc.
Why doesn't the nation just realign on Leave/Remain lines? We'll have Greater London, the Cotswolds, all of Scotland, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle. Leave can have Doncaster and the rest.
Because the nice Remain voting areas wouldn't want you.
I don't grasp this obsession you have with AV voting areas. I couldn't give a toss about AV. It's the one election where I cannot even remember which way I voted.
The areas which voted YEStoAV are the only areas which would want to be in your 'progressive majority' statelet.
It sounds like the States are going to submit Trump's Twitter feed as evidence against him to overturn his Executive Order(s)
What's the word..?
One of the legal points that is being argued is intent. Did Trump intend to ban Muslims? Well, what did he say?
@drdow: astonishing that @realDonaldTrump 's inability to control himself on twitter creates a vast source of evidence to establish animus & intent.
Among many great talks he gave, the one on real absolute poverty (rather than all this relative nonsense) and where we should be targetting aid money to make a real difference to the world was fantastic.
Yes: 49% (+3)
No: 51% (-3)
(via BMG / 26 - 31 Jan)
Excluding DKs.
Changes with December.
Trump's ban will head to the Supreme court.
It will be a 4-4 split, unless Gorsuch is confirmed and seated by the time the court hears the case at which point it goes 5-4 in Trump's favour.
A possible get out for the conservative justices is that the first amendment applies to citizens, whereas the liberal justices will go for a wider interpretation.
The Crimea bit is more subtle. Let's concede that the Crimean transfer to Russia accurately represented the majority view in the Crimea and that Russian forces in Crimea did not wage battles in the traditional sense. However, Russian forces were present as advisors and suppliers of materiel to the native insurgents. Whether this constitutes an "invasion" I will leave up to you.
The root of the misleading comparison is that they are comparing "golf courses" and all their ancillaries with the physical footprint of actual house buildings themselves, combined with some dodgy estimates even for those numbers.
Land allocated to housing in normal perception includes drives, gardens, roads etc.
Original piece:
Doubling down by quibbling about side issues when they had been debunked on the main point: