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AmericaNew Threads Great Again.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4191156/University-evacuated-student-concocts-explosive.html
There appears to be 3 bonus points for winning the grand slam.
What is the point of that? Is it mathematically to ensure a team can't come top despite losing to a team which wins all its matches?
The reality for your man is different.
If this is a "struggle for survival", I would be interested to know what you think success looks like.
Without the Slam Bonus, a team could win every match but lose the title to a team who lost one (against the team that won every match) yet win the championship purely on the bonus points.
Boris and Angela Merkel doing surprisingly well.
Else 5 wins x 4 points is beaten by 4 wins of 5 points + a losing 2 in the lost match to the GS victors.
Last I checked we had three branches of government.
May, rushing to prostrate herself at the feet of Trump is +13% points ahead of 'biding her time' (in truth, Trump wouldn't invite her) Angela?
How can that be possible, after we were repeatedly assured May had made a laughing stock of herself?
So I don't know that there was consensus May made a laughing stock of herself even among the left.
(diff vs no exclusion of DK)
Merkel: -9 (-2)
Johnson: -7 (-1)
Davis: -19 (-10)
Trump: -57 (-6)
Corbyn: -48 (-8)
Nuttall: -61 (-38)
Hammond: -29 (-14)
Starmer: -40 (-30)
May: +7 (+1)
Farron: -40 (-21)
Putin: -78 (-15)
Obviously not much difference for well known politicians like Merkel, May, Trump or Johnson - but lesser known politicians - among those who are aware of them see less flattering results
Given HD broadcasting was not a thing until relatively recently, it can also make something from 15 years ago look like it was 30-40 years ago. I don't know how we got by before HD.
At the moment with such a thin field there are few alternatives that wouldn't run the country like an out of control car.
Rugby is a totally different game now. Cricket on the other hand, watching Lillee, Thompson, Holding....nope I am still glad I am on my sofa and not 22 yards away.
In reality of course, most of the country didn't notice, a few that did acted as you suggest giving a slight nudge in ratings, the conference in Malta didn't contain too much controversial and several countries said pleasant and constructive things.
and Labour decided that caps of energy prices are the way to go, having learned nothing after the debacle of promising price caps on water before the last GE.
Her advisors were astonished that Leadsom had told her of her decision in that telephone call but that for nearly 24 hours she showed no hint or emotion that she was about to realise the job she had always wanted, but just concentrated on the work in hand. It was commented that it was a demonstration of enormous self discipline as most people would not have been able to contain themselves immediately on the ending of Leadsom's phone call
Or, Brits are all heading to Europe before the post-Brexit wall is erected?
But I've also landed at Miami airport, where the queues to the immigration hall itself were 200 or 300 meters long, and spent FIVE hours waiting to see someone. (There were perhaps two desks open to non-Americans, and at least 1,000 passengers. Because we arrived from Latin America they were quizzing lots of single men pretty hard about whether they were really there to work or were actually there for their cousin's wedding.)
If anyone has any great tips, do let me know.
Thank you!
Odds against I'd say.
Even if she is not elected the centre will be dragged towards her position.
and if she is, the Eu is only months away from ExU.
Every time you mention your kids I can't help thinking of Helena, Empress and Saint!
Incidentally, St Helen's Chapel is probably my favourite building in Colchester. An 11th/12th-century chapel dissolved by Henry VIII, then house, school, library, Quaker meeting-house and warehouse, done up by William Butterfield and now an Orthodox church. Worth popping inside if you ever get the chance.
Of course, whether you would actually want to survive is another matter.
On a tangent, probably because of their wartime experiences, both my mother and mother-in-law always kept a cupboard full of what they deemed as iron rations. That is to say lots of tinned and dried foodstuffs, just in case. My wife inherited the habit and even now keeps it up. If anything gets used from that cupboard, e.g. a tin of sardines, she makes sure it gets replaced the next time she goes shopping. I once calculated that, with care, we (including the cat) could survive for about five weeks solely from the contents of that cupboard. Of course, we would have died of thirst by then because in WW2 nobody worried about not being able to get water.
If you are going to do Vancouver, I would highly recommend heading down across the border to San Juan Islands...great chance to see Killer Whales in the wild....and Seattle is also worth a visit.
One thing to note...Canada it is bloody expensive for us Brits due to currency (and not just because of Brexit, been heading down for years now).
Are not all Orthodox churches? From tiny ones in out of the way parts of small Greek islands, to massive cathedrals and even St Dunstan in the West in Fleet Street (shared between CofE and Romanian Orthodox), they all repay a visit.
I visited the bunker myself, must be a couple of decades ago now! Was rather taken by the waxwork of Mrs T, is she still living down there? I understand they rent the place out now for teenage haunted sleepovers, perhaps she the Iron Lady is the star attraction! The museum exhibits looked rather tired and uncared for even when I visited, would rather hope the place has had a spruce-up since then but the TripAdvisor reports suggest not even if they are mostly positive. I've never been anywhere quite like it, so perhaps the atmosphere is worth the price of admission alone. Such a sense of armageddon in the place, set in one of plushest parts of the rural Essex commuter belt.
I understand TWW is one of the young'uns on here, in which case I suggest you try tracking down Protect and Survive on Youtube or similar - when I visited the Kelvedon Hatch Bunker, they had it playing on VCR, perhaps they still do! And if you can stomach it, When The Wind Blows by Raymond Briggs is haunting and beautiful, either in the original comic or the animated film. Makes the cryathon last scene of The Snowman look like a Disney happy ending. The idea that all these trusting "little people" quaintly following the nuclear protection rituals prescribed by their elders and betters (safely bunkered down beneath them) will achieve a jot of national or self-preservation by doing so is roundly put to the sword. I actually found it painted a bleaker and more cynical picture than Threads did, which is saying something. (If anything I thought it was overkill, since some of the recommended precautions were clearly scientifically sensible.)
And to @Roger and @FrancisUrquhart.
Not paying much attention to the rugby (indeed, come on the computer to do a spot of work) but that referee decision (It's out - although I will immediately penalise you if you go for it) was ridiculous.
Everything from how to put out fires to how to dispose of toilet waste to how not to get the fallout dust in your baked beans. Gloomy stuff.
Her poll rating are stratospheric and she would presumably get a big majority.
Perhaps trigger article 50 in march then go to country for a mandate to support her negotiating strategy.
I know people say with fixed term act it's harder to call election, but who is going to vote against the idea of an election?
I just cannot see any possible advantage to her in letting go the term run. Things are just bound to go downhill and risk unravelling.
She has also has perfect excuse to call it as she can say brexit most important decision since war etc...Important I have support for my strategy from British people...
I know she is very cautious but surely she would be insain not to take this opportunity to avoid being a 1 term premier?
2 weeks ago she could have run on a Brexit ticket.
Now she is running on a Trump ticket. That's waaayyyy too risky for Tezza
I think respectable City institutions and families understand this; seeing themselves a stewards and not plunderers but let us be honest the City has always, from time immemorial, been home to people who were looking to get rich. Sir John Crosby didn't get rich by helping the poor.
The overriding reason why there might be trouble in the South China Sea is because China continues to take islands that don't belong to it, and turn them into stationary missile bases and airfields. Sooner or later one of those countries is going to object strongly, and the USA has defense treaties with just about all of them. This would be true under Clinton or Trump. Clinton is the liberal interventionist hawk, Trump the isolationist. Who do you think is most likely to get an itchy trigger finger if their allies in the SCS start calling for help ?
If you ask nicely I could take you to our family crypt under the church
(And technically it's not "shared" - we let them use it, but they have no rights...)
RugbyFootball for my liking