Mr. T, be interesting to say if fantasy is more or less crowded. I think the cash pulls people towards thrillers, but lots of would-be writers are into SFF and naturally gravitate that way.
I've got stuff to do for the short term (need to finish three novels and have short stories lined up too), but if I did actually have a crack at writing a thriller, do you reckon it's something I should do after reading several recent ones, or go in fresh? [That might sound like a stupid question, but I remember reading Joe Abercrombie say he didn't read that much fantasy and he liked mingling genres, most specifically the Western in Red Country. Unsure if that would apply for thrillers].
Of course, the other money market is erotica. Ahem. Maybe a political erotic story?
"I'm going to stuff your ballot box!" the candidate for Underbush Now told him. etc etc
[For the record, being rather more serious about the thriller talk. I find frisky stories too amusing to try and write seriously, hence Sir Edric's cocking about].
I've often thought the same question. Every now and then, I think of writing a future world, dystopia political/spy thriller. And should I read examples of good authors in the genre, or seek something completely new and me.
On balance, I strongly dislike novels I recognize as following a formula, so I'd probably opt for the completely new approach, if I could force myself to start.
PS Yes, I know I am the wrong Mr T for you question ...
So at most only a third are hardline remoaners, and probably less than that as there'll be the weird leavers that think the parliament vote is just a harmless rubber-stamping.
Welcome, pinkrose. Your different take is welcome. I spend a lot of time with Muslims with higher levels of scientific education, probably more women than men on balance. The niqab or no veil seems preferred over burqa. Do you have a preference and, if burqa, why?
Why is a practicing Muslim on a betting forum? Just curious.
Im into politics (shock horror) and have read this site for a long time, even before i reverted. I dont normally have time to post. I dont even think of this site as betting just reaction/analysis.
@Pinkrose I think you'd be happier living in Syria.
LOL MI5 is dat you yeah?
why though? Im just a regular Muslim, nothing i have said or done is radical or extreme, it's just that Islamophobia is so engrained now, you lot dont even hide it.
It's a bit embarrassing to watch all the rightwingers on here ganging up on you. Personally I wouldn't wish anyone to be in a war zone or get mutilated. I find it hard to believe in any supernatural being and if by chance I'm wrong and one does exist, I bet she's quite peaceloving.
@Pinkrose I think you'd be happier living in Syria.
LOL MI5 is dat you yeah?
why though? Im just a regular Muslim, nothing i have said or done is radical or extreme, it's just that Islamophobia is so engrained now, you lot dont even hide it.
It's a bit embarrassing to watch all the rightwingers on here ganging up on you. Personally I wouldn't wish anyone to be in a war zone or get mutilated. I find it hard to believe in any supernatural being and if by chance I'm wrong and one does exist, I bet she's quite peaceloving.
@Pinkrose I think you'd be happier living in Syria.
I don't give a flying stuff where Pinkrose would be happier.
*I* would be happier if he/she was living in Syria. Aleppo is nice this time of year.
Pinkrose is no threat to either of you and she is clearly happier living in Britain. Imagine if someone told you that they'd be happier if you left the country and lived somewhere run by the Klu Klux Klan.
That would be the Ku Klux Klan. Used to make the same mistake meself ...
@Pinkrose I think you'd be happier living in Syria.
LOL MI5 is dat you yeah?
why though? Im just a regular Muslim, nothing i have said or done is radical or extreme, it's just that Islamophobia is so engrained now, you lot dont even hide it.
It's a bit embarrassing to watch all the rightwingers on here ganging up on you. Personally I wouldn't wish anyone to be in a war zone or get mutilated. I find it hard to believe in any supernatural being and if by chance I'm wrong and one does exist, I bet she's quite peaceloving.
It's embarrassing... but also a little scary.
Isn't Islam a bit of a right-wing religion?
Never really thought of a religion as left or right wing really.
@Pinkrose I think you'd be happier living in Syria.
LOL MI5 is dat you yeah?
why though? Im just a regular Muslim, nothing i have said or done is radical or extreme, it's just that Islamophobia is so engrained now, you lot dont even hide it.
It's a bit embarrassing to watch all the rightwingers on here ganging up on you. Personally I wouldn't wish anyone to be in a war zone or get mutilated. I find it hard to believe in any supernatural being and if by chance I'm wrong and one does exist, I bet she's quite peaceloving.
It's embarrassing... but also a little scary.
Isn't Islam a bit of a right-wing religion?
Never really thought of a religion as left or right wing really.
The great religions tend to be morally conservative (e.g. on issues like marriage, abortion and LBGT) but very socially equitable (e.g. on welfare and racial equality). Thus they don't fit into the standard left right. Depending on which issues are more important to them, they can fall either side of the divide - hence evangelicals moving en masse for the GOP, and liberal Jews for the Dems. Catholics seem to be in the process of moving from Dem to GOP, albeit with national traditions doing so a different rates (e.g. Latinos less so because of immigration).
@Pinkrose I think you'd be happier living in Syria.
I don't give a flying stuff where Pinkrose would be happier.
*I* would be happier if he/she was living in Syria. Aleppo is nice this time of year.
Pinkrose is no threat to either of you and she is clearly happier living in Britain. Imagine if someone told you that they'd be happier if you left the country and lived somewhere run by the Klu Klux Klan.
Why would they suggest that? The KKK is a creation of the Democrat Party.
@Pinkrose I think you'd be happier living in Syria.
LOL MI5 is dat you yeah?
why though? Im just a regular Muslim, nothing i have said or done is radical or extreme, it's just that Islamophobia is so engrained now, you lot dont even hide it.
It's a bit embarrassing to watch all the rightwingers on here ganging up on you. Personally I wouldn't wish anyone to be in a war zone or get mutilated. I find it hard to believe in any supernatural being and if by chance I'm wrong and one does exist, I bet she's quite peaceloving.
It's embarrassing... but also a little scary.
Isn't Islam a bit of a right-wing religion?
Never really thought of a religion as left or right wing really.
The great religions tend to be morally conservative (e.g. on issues like marriage, abortion and LBGT) but very socially equitable (e.g. on welfare and racial equality). Thus they don't fit into the standard left right. Depending on which issues are more important to them, they can fall either side of the divide - hence evangelicals moving en masse for the GOP, and liberal Jews for the Dems. Catholics seem to be in the process of moving from Dem to GOP, albeit with national traditions doing so a different rates (e.g. Latinos less so because of immigration).
To switch the argument around, you are much more likely to find atheists on the Left than on the Right.
@Pinkrose I think you'd be happier living in Syria.
LOL MI5 is dat you yeah?
why though? Im just a regular Muslim, nothing i have said or done is radical or extreme, it's just that Islamophobia is so engrained now, you lot dont even hide it.
It's a bit embarrassing to watch all the rightwingers on here ganging up on you. Personally I wouldn't wish anyone to be in a war zone or get mutilated. I find it hard to believe in any supernatural being and if by chance I'm wrong and one does exist, I bet she's quite peaceloving.
It's embarrassing... but also a little scary.
Isn't Islam a bit of a right-wing religion?
Never really thought of a religion as left or right wing really.
The great religions tend to be morally conservative (e.g. on issues like marriage, abortion and LBGT) but very socially equitable (e.g. on welfare and racial equality). Thus they don't fit into the standard left right. Depending on which issues are more important to them, they can fall either side of the divide - hence evangelicals moving en masse for the GOP, and liberal Jews for the Dems. Catholics seem to be in the process of moving from Dem to GOP, albeit with national traditions doing so a different rates (e.g. Latinos less so because of immigration).
To switch the argument around, you are much more likely to find atheists on the Left than on the Right.
@Pinkrose I think you'd be happier living in Syria.
LOL MI5 is dat you yeah?
why though? Im just a regular Muslim, nothing i have said or done is radical or extreme, it's just that Islamophobia is so engrained now, you lot dont even hide it.
It's a bit embarrassing to watch all the rightwingers on here ganging up on you. Personally I wouldn't wish anyone to be in a war zone or get mutilated. I find it hard to believe in any supernatural being and if by chance I'm wrong and one does exist, I bet she's quite peaceloving.
It's embarrassing... but also a little scary.
Isn't Islam a bit of a right-wing religion?
Never really thought of a religion as left or right wing really.
The great religions tend to be morally conservative (e.g. on issues like marriage, abortion and LBGT) but very socially equitable (e.g. on welfare and racial equality). Thus they don't fit into the standard left right. Depending on which issues are more important to them, they can fall either side of the divide - hence evangelicals moving en masse for the GOP, and liberal Jews for the Dems. Catholics seem to be in the process of moving from Dem to GOP, albeit with national traditions doing so a different rates (e.g. Latinos less so because of immigration).
To switch the argument around, you are much more likely to find atheists on the Left than on the Right.
Atheism is against Islam!
Generally speaking, people who don't want their head cut off or to be blown up by a bomb in a backpack aren't keen on Islam either!
Maybe its me but how is May backing down to a group of Tory backbenchers threatening to rebel and conceding that the government will set out its plans for Brexit before the Article 50 notice in accordance with a Labour motion (a) clever (b) strong or (c) competent?
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
If that person has expressed views in accordance with the outlook of the Klan, then it would be reasonable to ask them to sod off to Klan-land.
pinkrose (who I know is a bit mad, and is trolling us, but still), has said women are unequal to men, women should wear the niqab, has tacitly threatened Islamic terrorist violence, and has called us all kaffirs, which is basically the same as nigger.
So she's getting a reaction which is what she wants. Hey. Everyone's happy.
You're crazy!
I said women should BE ABLE to wear niqab or burka ie no to a ban, i dont tell others what to do, Allah swt guides whom He wants.
threatened terrorist violence? lol wut? I said a ban and attempted enforcement of said ban would radicalize some sections of the community. Read the researcher Will McCants, he wrote a research piece on increased radicalisation in the French part of Canada, France, Belgium and other Francophone regions after niqab/burka bans were introduced. So to be clear that's not me saying it but well educated, non Muslim experts.
Women and men are not equal, we are different and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. It's the western ideology forcing the myth we are the same that causes misery, societal and family breakdown.
You call yourself and unbeliever and the Arabic for unbeliever is kafir.
Why is a practicing Muslim on a betting forum? Just curious.
Im into politics (shock horror) and have read this site for a long time, even before i reverted. I dont normally have time to post. I dont even think of this site as betting just reaction/analysis.
Fair enough, would be the last place I'd go to avoid temptation!
@Pinkrose I think you'd be happier living in Syria.
LOL MI5 is dat you yeah?
why though? Im just a regular Muslim, nothing i have said or done is radical or extreme, it's just that Islamophobia is so engrained now, you lot dont even hide it.
It's a bit embarrassing to watch all the rightwingers on here ganging up on you. Personally I wouldn't wish anyone to be in a war zone or get mutilated. I find it hard to believe in any supernatural being and if by chance I'm wrong and one does exist, I bet she's quite peaceloving.
It's embarrassing... but also a little scary.
Isn't Islam a bit of a right-wing religion?
Never really thought of a religion as left or right wing really.
The great religions tend to be morally conservative (e.g. on issues like marriage, abortion and LBGT) but very socially equitable (e.g. on welfare and racial equality). Thus they don't fit into the standard left right. Depending on which issues are more important to them, they can fall either side of the divide - hence evangelicals moving en masse for the GOP, and liberal Jews for the Dems. Catholics seem to be in the process of moving from Dem to GOP, albeit with national traditions doing so a different rates (e.g. Latinos less so because of immigration).
To switch the argument around, you are much more likely to find atheists on the Left than on the Right.
I must be the exception that proves the rule ...
Oh, there are plenty of rightwing atheists, and plenty of believing socialists (Quakers in England etc).
But on the whole if I meet a leftwinger of a liberal leftie in the UK I tend to presume they are atheist or agnostic, and I am usually correct. If I meet a rightwinger I am much less swift to presume. You can't tell.
Fair enough. I think empirical evidence would probably support that observation. However, I find it hard to understand the logic of why it should be so.
Morality within an atheistic world has to be based on the golden rule - the enlightened self-interest of do unto they neighbour ... For that to work, absent a judgmental God, society and the individual both have to rely on personal responsibility.
At least in the US, it is precisely that parameter - self-responsibility - that is the clearest indicator of GOP vs Dem.
Why is a practicing Muslim on a betting forum? Just curious.
Im into politics (shock horror) and have read this site for a long time, even before i reverted. I dont normally have time to post. I dont even think of this site as betting just reaction/analysis.
Fair enough, would be the last place I'd go to avoid temptation!
Trump @ 1-2, Putin @ 25-1(Time betting), Tories 1-7 North Hykeham, Juppe 1.77 all good odds at the moment.
Maybe its me but how is May backing down to a group of Tory backbenchers threatening to rebel and conceding that the government will set out its plans for Brexit before the Article 50 notice in accordance with a Labour motion (a) clever (b) strong or (c) competent?
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
She's making a virtue of necessity at present. She doesn't have the votes to face them down.
Maybe its me but how is May backing down to a group of Tory backbenchers threatening to rebel and conceding that the government will set out its plans for Brexit before the Article 50 notice in accordance with a Labour motion (a) clever (b) strong or (c) competent?
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
She's making a virtue of necessity at present. She doesn't have the votes to face them down.
Maybe its me but how is May backing down to a group of Tory backbenchers threatening to rebel and conceding that the government will set out its plans for Brexit before the Article 50 notice in accordance with a Labour motion (a) clever (b) strong or (c) competent?
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
She's making a virtue of necessity at present. She doesn't have the votes to face them down.
We've seen what the Conservative party does with people that won't face them down. Osborne never really recovered from his tax credit sops.
If that person has expressed views in accordance with the outlook of the Klan, then it would be reasonable to ask them to sod off to Klan-land.
pinkrose (who I know is a bit mad, and is trolling us, but still), has said women are unequal to men, women should wear the niqab, has tacitly threatened Islamic terrorist violence, and has called us all kaffirs, which is basically the same as nigger.
So she's getting a reaction which is what she wants. Hey. Everyone's happy.
You're crazy!
I said women should BE ABLE to wear niqab or burka ie no to a ban, i dont tell others what to do, Allah swt guides whom He wants.
threatened terrorist violence? lol wut? I said a ban and attempted enforcement of said ban would radicalize some sections of the community. Read the researcher Will McCants, he wrote a research piece on increased radicalisation in the French part of Canada, France, Belgium and other Francophone regions after niqab/burka bans were introduced. So to be clear that's not me saying it but well educated, non Muslim experts.
Women and men are not equal, we are different and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. It's the western ideology forcing the myth we are the same that causes misery, societal and family breakdown.
You call yourself and unbeliever and the Arabic for unbeliever is kafir.
LOL. SeanT is not an unbeliever. He has a different belief. In Arabic kafir is not unbeliever, which is infidel, but one who rejects Islam's prophets.
What an almighty f...-up is the actual process of an election in various States of the USA, that they can't recount a load of ballots, that the recount is taking a week, that different towns and counties use different methods of voting, have different rules on voting hours and absentee ballots etc etc.
This is exactly why I was in favour of the recount. Not because it might advantage one side or the other, but because it might show up flaws in the equipment and processes used.
If that person has expressed views in accordance with the outlook of the Klan, then it would be reasonable to ask them to sod off to Klan-land.
pinkrose (who I know is a bit mad, and is trolling us, but still), has said women are unequal to men, women should wear the niqab, has tacitly threatened Islamic terrorist violence, and has called us all kaffirs, which is basically the same as nigger.
So she's getting a reaction which is what she wants. Hey. Everyone's happy.
You're crazy!
I said women should BE ABLE to wear niqab or burka ie no to a ban, i dont tell others what to do, Allah swt guides whom He wants.
threatened terrorist violence? lol wut? I said a ban and attempted enforcement of said ban would radicalize some sections of the community. Read the researcher Will McCants, he wrote a research piece on increased radicalisation in the French part of Canada, France, Belgium and other Francophone regions after niqab/buka bans were introduced. So to be clear that's not me saying it but well educated, non Muslim experts.
Women and men are not equal, we are different and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. It's the western ideology forcing the myth we are the same that causes misery, societal and family breakdown.
You call yourself and unbeliever and the Arabic for unbelievers is kafir.
Imagine if you wrote that white people and black people are not equal, and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. That is no different, in any form, to what you are saying about gender: men are superior to women, and worth more, because that is what Allah tells you.
If you said this about blacks and whites, I imagine you would not get such a free pass from the witless liberals on here who welcome your "differing point of view". But they are too dim or vain to see what Islam represents, which is this: an increasingly crude, and backward religion which is a dead end for humanity, and a menace to western freedoms.
If I'm a kaffir I'm a proud kaffir and you remain a smelly fat freak in a bin bag.
Now I'm heading down to Sainsburys for some HAM. Shukran.
I never said men are superior to women. You said that, inadvertently revealing your own prejudice.
Can they not ask Zimbabwe to help? I mean this is totally embarrassing.
Indeed, if the ballots in Detroit were counted once instead of multiple times Trump could have actually won Michigan with an extra 150 thousand margin or more.
I wonder if that method of multiple counting of single ballots was going on in the past, but if it did then the Republicans might had actually won Michigan in 2004 only for Kerry to win it due to multiple counting.
Maybe its me but how is May backing down to a group of Tory backbenchers threatening to rebel and conceding that the government will set out its plans for Brexit before the Article 50 notice in accordance with a Labour motion (a) clever (b) strong or (c) competent?
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
I concur. The whole thing is a puzzle and feels like a mess. Not some wizard wheeze.
Brexit was, is and will be a massive calamity for this country. Totally needless (PS - I also blame Cameron and Blair for the calamitous outcome too).
What an almighty f...-up is the actual process of an election in various States of the USA, that they can't recount a load of ballots, that the recount is taking a week, that different towns and counties use different methods of voting, have different rules on voting hours and absentee ballots etc etc.
Wasn't there one controversial UK by-election where there could not be a recount as some list or other data had gone missing?
Perhaps the 2008 Glasgow East one. Someone'll know ...
Maybe its me but how is May backing down to a group of Tory backbenchers threatening to rebel and conceding that the government will set out its plans for Brexit before the Article 50 notice in accordance with a Labour motion (a) clever (b) strong or (c) competent?
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
I concur. The whole thing is a puzzle and feels like a mess. Not some wizard wheeze.
She's utterly clueless, when in doubt stand on a warship and say something meaningless and patriotic. And mop head boy is no better. What an utter shower.
I said women should BE ABLE to wear niqab or burka ie no to a ban, i dont tell others what to do, Allah swt guides whom He wants.
threatened terrorist violence? lol wut? I said a ban and attempted enforcement of said ban would radicalize some sections of the community. Read the researcher Will McCants, he wrote a research piece on increased radicalisation in the French part of Canada, France, Belgium and other Francophone regions after niqab/buka bans were introduced. So to be clear that's not me saying it but well educated, non Muslim experts.
Women and men are not equal, we are different and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. It's the western ideology forcing the myth we are the same that causes misery, societal and family breakdown.
You call yourself and unbeliever and the Arabic for unbelievers is kafir.
Imagine if you wrote that white people and black people are not equal, and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. That is no different, in any form, to what you are saying about gender: men are superior to women, and worth more, because that is what Allah tells you.
If you said this about blacks and whites, I imagine you would not get such a free pass from the witless liberals on here who welcome your "differing point of view". But they are too dim or vain to see what Islam represents, which is this: an increasingly crude, and backward religion which is a dead end for humanity, and a menace to western freedoms.
If I'm a kaffir I'm a proud kaffir and you remain a smelly fat freak in a bin bag.
Now I'm heading down to Sainsburys for some HAM. Shukran.
I never said men are superior to women. You said that, inadvertently revealing your own prejudice.
Shariah law tells us that male testimony is worth more in a court than female testimony. Presumably you agree with this, or did Allah get that bit wrong?
Of course i agree with it, as it protects women. We are different in Islam with differing rights and responsibilities, Allahu Alam.
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands).
Maybe its me but how is May backing down to a group of Tory backbenchers threatening to rebel and conceding that the government will set out its plans for Brexit before the Article 50 notice in accordance with a Labour motion (a) clever (b) strong or (c) competent?
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
I think the idea is that the amendment itself is so vague that it won't oblige the government to do much at all. And they've also added their own amendment calling on the government 'to invoke Article 50 by 31 March 2017'. So that appears to tie Labour's hands, although they weren't going to block Article 50 anyway. All in all - probably all a load of parliamentary flim flam.
This is exactly why I was in favour of the recount. Not because it might advantage one side or the other, but because it might show up flaws in the equipment and processes used.
Hopefully these flaws will be fixed.
But who am I kidding? )
I have this crazy idea, why don't they mark an X next to the name of the candidate they want with a pencil on a piece of paper then put that bit of paper in a box amd then later a bunch of humans come along and count all the bits of paper in the box.
I said women should BE ABLE to wear niqab or burka ie no to a ban, i dont tell others what to do, Allah swt guides whom He wants.
threatened terrorist violence? lol wut? I said a ban and attempted enforcement of said ban would radicalize some sections of the community. Read the researcher Will McCants, he wrote a research piece on increased radicalisation in the French part of Canada, France, Belgium and other Francophone regions after niqab/buka bans were introduced. So to be clear that's not me saying it but well educated, non Muslim experts.
Women and men are not equal, we are different and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. It's the western ideology forcing the myth we are the same that causes misery, societal and family breakdown.
You call yourself and unbeliever and the Arabic for unbelievers is kafir.
Imagine if you wrote that white people and black people are not equal, and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. That is no different, in any form, to what you are saying about gender: men are superior to women, and worth more, because that is what Allah tells you.
If you said this about blacks and whites, I imagine you would not get such a free pass from the witless liberals on here who welcome your "differing point of view". But they are too dim or vain to see what Islam represents, which is this: an increasingly crude, and backward religion which is a dead end for humanity, and a menace to western freedoms.
If I'm a kaffir I'm a proud kaffir and you remain a smelly fat freak in a bin bag.
Now I'm heading down to Sainsburys for some HAM. Shukran.
I never said men are superior to women. You said that, inadvertently revealing your own prejudice.
Shariah law tells us that male testimony is worth more in a court than female testimony. Presumably you agree with this, or did Allah get that bit wrong?
Of course i agree with it, as it protects women. We are different in Islam with differing rights and responsibilities, Allahu Alam.
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands).
[al-Nisaa’ 4:34]
Do you agree with Sharia Law? Do you wish to live under Sharia Law?
This is exactly why I was in favour of the recount. Not because it might advantage one side or the other, but because it might show up flaws in the equipment and processes used.
Hopefully these flaws will be fixed.
But who am I kidding? )
I have this crazy idea, why don't they mark an X next to the name of the candidate they want with a pencil on a piece of paper then put that bit of paper in a box amd then later a bunch of humans come along and count all the bits of paper in the box.
Get out of here! Next you'll be saying the count can be done in one night.
I said women should BE ABLE to wear niqab or burka ie no to a ban, i dont tell others what to do, Allah swt guides whom He wants.
threatened terrorist violence? lol wut? I said a ban and attempted enforcement of said ban would radicalize some sections of the community. Read the researcher Will McCants, he wrote a research piece on increased radicalisation in the French part of Canada, France, Belgium and other Francophone regions after niqab/buka bans were introduced. So to be clear that's not me saying it but well educated, non Muslim experts.
Women and men are not equal, we are different and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. It's the western ideology forcing the myth we are the same that causes misery, societal and family breakdown.
You call yourself and unbeliever and the Arabic for unbelievers is kafir.
Imagine if you wrote that white people and black people are not equal, and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. That is no different, in any form, to what you are saying about gender: men are superior to women, and worth more, because that is what Allah tells you.
If you said this about blacks and whites, I imagine you would not get such a free pass from the witless liberals on here who welcome your "differing point of view". But they are too dim or vain to see what Islam represents, which is this: an increasingly crude, and backward religion which is a dead end for humanity, and a menace to western freedoms.
If I'm a kaffir I'm a proud kaffir and you remain a smelly fat freak in a bin bag.
Now I'm heading down to Sainsburys for some HAM. Shukran.
I never said men are superior to women. You said that, inadvertently revealing your own prejudice.
Shariah law tells us that male testimony is worth more in a court than female testimony. Presumably you agree with this, or did Allah get that bit wrong?
Of course i agree with it, as it protects women. We are different in Islam with differing rights and responsibilities, Allahu Alam.
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands).
[al-Nisaa’ 4:34]
OK, so women protect themselves by submitting totally to men. Yeah, right ...
This is exactly why I was in favour of the recount. Not because it might advantage one side or the other, but because it might show up flaws in the equipment and processes used.
Hopefully these flaws will be fixed.
But who am I kidding? )
I have this crazy idea, why don't they mark an X next to the name of the candidate they want with a pencil on a piece of paper then put that bit of paper in a box amd then later a bunch of humans come along and count all the bits of paper in the box.
I posted a link to an article yesterday making much the same point - recounts very rarely change outcomes because both human and machine counts are usually very accurate. The value in the recounts comes from gaining a better insight into issues of count accuracy.
This is exactly why I was in favour of the recount. Not because it might advantage one side or the other, but because it might show up flaws in the equipment and processes used.
Hopefully these flaws will be fixed.
But who am I kidding? )
I have this crazy idea, why don't they mark an X next to the name of the candidate they want with a pencil on a piece of paper then put that bit of paper in a box amd then later a bunch of humans come along and count all the bits of paper in the box.
You can blame the Chartist movement for inventing the crazy methods of voting in America:
This is exactly why I was in favour of the recount. Not because it might advantage one side or the other, but because it might show up flaws in the equipment and processes used.
Hopefully these flaws will be fixed.
But who am I kidding? )
I have this crazy idea, why don't they mark an X next to the name of the candidate they want with a pencil on a piece of paper then put that bit of paper in a box amd then later a bunch of humans come along and count all the bits of paper in the box.
I posted a link to an article yesterday making much the same point - recounts very rarely change outcomes because both human and machine counts are usually very accurate. The value in the recounts comes from gaining a better insight into issues of count accuracy.
After the presidential election several posters claimed they were unnecessary as the machines were fine (e.g. "they don't even connect to the Internet"). Every time, with just a few minutes Googling, it was easy to prove that the machines were far from fit for purpose.
At the same time, the re-emergence of ethnic divisions in a post-Fukuyama world often overlaps with religion. Thus, the break-up of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria have all been on ethno-religious lines.
The combination of these interacts. Thus Chechnya, for example, traditionally had a very different brand of Islam based on Sufism. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the re-emergence of nationalism sees ethnically Chechen vs. ethnically Russian, which morphs into Muslim vs. Christian. The existing structures around an extremist Sunni interpretation that has had military success in Afghanistan etc. makes that attractive to Chechen fighters. Chechen nationalism then becomes wedded to this particular type of Islamic extremism, contrary to Chechnya's own religious traditions.
The division between Croats and Serbs was always religious. The idea that they speak different languages is less than 30 years old. During the various wars, you proved your "ethnicity" by showing children's baptismal certificates.
Some Russians in majority-Muslim areas of Russia and the former USSR have converted (or reverted) to Islam, and also some Kazakhs etc. have joined Russian orthodoxy although I doubt there's been a rush in Chechnya. On the other hand, Ramzan Kadyrov, head of the Chechen republic, is a Chechen nationalist through and through, commanding thousands of Chechen fighters, whom he has offered for example to send to Syria, and he backs Vladimir Putin all the way. Kadyrov has also joined the motorcycle gang run by Vladimir Putin's pal Alexander Zaldostanov. The macho posturing of all three of those guys makes me want to vomit!
Maybe its me but how is May backing down to a group of Tory backbenchers threatening to rebel and conceding that the government will set out its plans for Brexit before the Article 50 notice in accordance with a Labour motion (a) clever (b) strong or (c) competent?
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
I concur. The whole thing is a puzzle and feels like a mess. Not some wizard wheeze.
She's utterly clueless, when in doubt stand on a warship and say something meaningless and patriotic. And mop head boy is no better. What an utter shower.
I don't think she's clueless, I think she is doing her best, in a situation that is inherently dynamic and chaotic, like having a baby. An analogy I developed in a Spectator article -
Er, her two main pronouncements on the subject have been...
Brexit means brexit; and
We're going to have a red, white and blue Brexit.
Very profound.
And meanwhile we are all none the wiser, whilst the three brexiteers contradict each other on a daily basis or in Bozo's case fire off random salvos like a malfunctioning turret gun.
Meanwhile Europe and its negotiators are clearly losing its patience at having to deal with a bunch of incompetent buffoons. After all, they have their own problems to deal with.
The Tories should thank their stars that Labour is fucked because with a leader who knew what they were doing, even god help us a Tony Blair, they'd be getting excoriated by them.
Maybe its me but how is May backing down to a group of Tory backbenchers threatening to rebel and conceding that the government will set out its plans for Brexit before the Article 50 notice in accordance with a Labour motion (a) clever (b) strong or (c) competent?
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
I concur. The whole thing is a puzzle and feels like a mess. Not some wizard wheeze.
She's utterly clueless, when in doubt stand on a warship and say something meaningless and patriotic. And mop head boy is no better. What an utter shower.
I concur completely. They are a complete shower - the most incompetent government in my lifetime. It's not "hard or soft", it's "red white and blue". Next week it will be stripy or maybe spiky or she's out there batting for Britain. Top interviewers are good at verbal tone and at setting their jaws for the cameras, but I don't expect one of them to have the cojones to say "Mrs May, that shit you're talking has no substance whatsoever, does it?" or "Given that you're so unwilling to show any leadership whatsoever, why on earth did you want to be prime minister? Isn't it time for you to stop taking the piss and step down?"
Women and men are not equal, we are different and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. It's the western ideology forcing the myth we are the same that causes misery, societal and family breakdown.
You call yourself and unbeliever and the Arabic for unbelievers is kafir.
Imagine if you wrote that white people and black people are not equal, and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. That is no different, in any form, to what you are saying about gender: men are superior to women, and worth more, because that is what Allah tells you.
If you said this about blacks and whites, I imagine you would not get such a free pass from the witless liberals on here who welcome your "differing point of view". But they are too dim or vain to see what Islam represents, which is this: an increasingly crude, and backward religion which is a dead end for humanity, and a menace to western freedoms.
If I'm a kaffir I'm a proud kaffir and you remain a smelly fat freak in a bin bag.
Now I'm heading down to Sainsburys for some HAM. Shukran.
I never said men are superior to women. You said that, inadvertently revealing your own prejudice.
Shariah law tells us that male testimony is worth more in a court than female testimony. Presumably you agree with this, or did Allah get that bit wrong?
Islam teaches that men and women are not equal. It does not teach that men are better than women. There is a massive difference between issues of white people and black people and how they should relate to each other and issues of how men and women should relate to each other. It's good to try to ignore skin colour, but the same often doesn't apply to sex ("gender"). The feminism that stops at saying that every role a man can play a woman should also be able to play, and vice versa, is akin to Thatcherism as far as I am concerned, with its mantra that "there's no such thing as society". Yes there is such a thing as society and the state should encourage healthy sex roles, and that's not the same as stopping consenting adults from doing what they want with each other in private. Evolutionary biology should be in a positive feedback loop with culture. For a century the employers wanted to exploit more labour, so they shared it out and at the same time they reaped the benefits of a growing consumer market, so the family was weakened - as the youth market also developed, with "teenager" being invented by the same guy who invented ABC1 if I recall - and minds were weakened against the onslaught of advertising, consumerism and debt, and this is viewed by some as a positive thing.
I am a raving lefty but consider it to be a crying shame that for a century most of the left hasn't got its head around this.
Maybe its me but how is May backing down to a group of Tory backbenchers threatening to rebel and conceding that the government will set out its plans for Brexit before the Article 50 notice in accordance with a Labour motion (a) clever (b) strong or (c) competent?
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
What were her alternatives?
Don't forget that Brexit isn't a matter of party politics. Or life and death. It's more important than that.
What an almighty f...-up is the actual process of an election in various States of the USA, that they can't recount a load of ballots, that the recount is taking a week, that different towns and counties use different methods of voting, have different rules on voting hours and absentee ballots etc etc.
Wasn't there one controversial UK by-election where there could not be a recount as some list or other data had gone missing?
Perhaps the 2008 Glasgow East one. Someone'll know ...
On balance, I strongly dislike novels I recognize as following a formula, so I'd probably opt for the completely new approach, if I could force myself to start.
PS Yes, I know I am the wrong Mr T for you question ...
So at most only a third are hardline remoaners, and probably less than that as there'll be the weird leavers that think the parliament vote is just a harmless rubber-stamping.
It seems to me that she is once again on the run trying to make it up as she goes along and not being especially coherent about it. But maybe I am missing, well, quite a lot actually.
You're crazy!
I said women should BE ABLE to wear niqab or burka ie no to a ban, i dont tell others what to do, Allah swt guides whom He wants.
threatened terrorist violence? lol wut? I said a ban and attempted enforcement of said ban would radicalize some sections of the community. Read the researcher Will McCants, he wrote a research piece on increased radicalisation in the French part of Canada, France, Belgium and other Francophone regions after niqab/burka bans were introduced. So to be clear that's not me saying it but well educated, non Muslim experts.
Women and men are not equal, we are different and Islam recognises this to the benefit of all of us. It's the western ideology forcing the myth we are the same that causes misery, societal and family breakdown.
You call yourself and unbeliever and the Arabic for unbeliever is kafir.
Morality within an atheistic world has to be based on the golden rule - the enlightened self-interest of do unto they neighbour ... For that to work, absent a judgmental God, society and the individual both have to rely on personal responsibility.
At least in the US, it is precisely that parameter - self-responsibility - that is the clearest indicator of GOP vs Dem.
Osborne never really recovered from his tax credit sops.
Edit: Hmm This is more than likely to have increased Hillary's numbers.
Hopefully these flaws will be fixed.
But who am I kidding? )
I wonder if that method of multiple counting of single ballots was going on in the past, but if it did then the Republicans might had actually won Michigan in 2004 only for Kerry to win it due to multiple counting.
Perhaps the 2008 Glasgow East one. Someone'll know ...
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands).
[al-Nisaa’ 4:34]
No spousal abuse in Islam.
The title markets have 8am 27th February, which I'd guess is the start of the first test.,_2008#Marked_register
If the Chartists had succeeded not only would Britain have a constitution like the USA but also the crazy voting counts of the USA.
Some Russians in majority-Muslim areas of Russia and the former USSR have converted (or reverted) to Islam, and also some Kazakhs etc. have joined Russian orthodoxy although I doubt there's been a rush in Chechnya. On the other hand, Ramzan Kadyrov, head of the Chechen republic, is a Chechen nationalist through and through, commanding thousands of Chechen fighters, whom he has offered for example to send to Syria, and he backs Vladimir Putin all the way. Kadyrov has also joined the motorcycle gang run by Vladimir Putin's pal Alexander Zaldostanov. The macho posturing of all three of those guys makes me want to vomit!
Brexit means brexit; and
We're going to have a red, white and blue Brexit.
Very profound.
And meanwhile we are all none the wiser, whilst the three brexiteers contradict each other on a daily basis or in Bozo's case fire off random salvos like a malfunctioning turret gun.
Meanwhile Europe and its negotiators are clearly losing its patience at having to deal with a bunch of incompetent buffoons. After all, they have their own problems to deal with.
The Tories should thank their stars that Labour is fucked because with a leader who knew what they were doing, even god help us a Tony Blair, they'd be getting excoriated by them.
I am a raving lefty but consider it to be a crying shame that for a century most of the left hasn't got its head around this.
Don't forget that Brexit isn't a matter of party politics. Or life and death. It's more important than that.,_2008
I'm sure it was coincidence that Labour did bizarrely well.
Edit: I see MD has got there first.