Eltham North (Lab defence) on Greenwich Result of council at last election (2014): Labour 43, Conservatives 8 (Labour majority of 35) Result of ward at last election (2014) : Emboldened denotes elected Conservatives 1,975, 1,823, 1,519 (32%) Labour 1,946, 1,942 1,556 (31%) United Kingdom Independence Party 1,221 (20%) Green Party 591 (10%) British National Party 307 (5%) Liberal Democrats 207, 205 (3%) EU Referendum Result: REMAIN 65,248 (56%) LEAVE 52,117 (46%) on a turnout of 70% Candidates duly nominated: Matt Browne (Green), Charlie Davis (Con), Sam Macauley (Lib Dem), Simon Peirce (Lab), Barbara Ray (UKIP)
LD Gain
Lab Hold
Con Gain
The electoral college is part of the constitution but how the states decide how the electoral votes are applied is up to each state. So if 270 electoral votes worth of states decide to give all votes to the winner of the national popular vote then that is that.
"Mussolini and Hitler only really started murdering people after they came to power (the latter much more than the former obviously). In fact I don't know if Musso had anyone murdered before he became PM."
Not so in the case of the Nazis - they were very very violent, long before they reached power. Apart from the attempted coup, which killed quite alot of people.... In fact one of Hitler's first acts was to pardon/let out of jail all the Nazis who had committed political murders.
The point still stands about Mussolini.
Con 44% 390
Lab 26.5% 174
Lib 8.4 7
UKIP 10.8 0
Green 4.3% 1
SNP 4.9% 56
Plaid 0.6% 4
I think May would clear 400 seats handily if there was an election now.
He just appears to be a jerk dangerously placed
Trump = Harambe.
I've often thought these websites are amongst the best arguments against nuclear weapons. Instead of 'wiping out Washington SC' - which for most people would be just a concept, if not welcomed, you can see the effect on a place you know and love.
That, and the piccies of 'shadows' of people against stone walls from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts.
Edit: http://i.imgur.com/yvw8ZG3.jpg
Wonder if Mike Pence might be 2024 pres ?
But not quite all.
Sunil will be pleased.
How many Wisconsin provisional ballots outstanding? Trump's margin is only 27K & likely to decrease. Could get inside 0.5% recount range
0 replies . 43 retweets 67 likes
Well, I don't think Farage would have been invited to speak at a Trump rally.
The other thing we don't know for 100% certain is who Trump will appoint. He obviously won't appoint liberals but how conservative will his appointments actually be?
There are already signs that he is moderating significantly compared to the campaign - and how confident can anyone be of his views?
The asteroid problem also suggests that keeping some around and functional has some utility.
(*) That, or the two guys from 'Weird Science' with easy access to Kelly Le Brock.
Which makes Farage the most influential politician of this era.
American media also saying trump really isn't following convention eg his transition team isn't asking or doing usual things.
'I doubt many Trump voters either knew or cared about Brexit.'
So that's why Trump kept on mentioning it Brexit plus plus,had Farage addressing rallies and US journalists referring to the rust belt states as the Brexit states ?
I don't disbelieve you - I haven't been to America in years - but I'm surprised they're that bothered.
Maury Litwack @mlitwack Nov 9
worst Democratic performance in the electoral college since Dukakis
0 replies . 15 retweets 18 likes
As for your second paragraph: AIUI the nuke-the-asteroid approach is frowned upon nowadays - there is a danger you'll just have two or three large chunks heading in on even more unpredictable trajectories. Instead, it is easier and safer to send up a rocket with a 'pusher' that will apply a small force to the asteroid. If it's far enough out, you only need a small delta-V to make it miss Earth completely. Even better, if it has enough fuel you can fire it multiple times.
In fact, this is one of the reasons behind the recent land-on-asteroid missions, such as Hayabosa.
(*) Better than 'indeed' ?
I don't 'care' about Trump winning. I do however recognise the symbolism.
Brexit is FU. Trump runs from the same stable.
The other thing he can do is borrow money for serious infrastructure spending, a lot of which goes to rural areas. This is another thing that Obama would probably have liked to do, had the GOP let him. It's been a key component of Japan's eternal conservative government ever since the 1970s: Take money from urban voters, spend it on job-creating construction projects in rural areas, a portion of that money comes back as political donations from construction companies.
Much depends on what happens next: if Brexit is a disaster, Farage will be remembered as a sort of anachronistic parody of post colonial decline.
Now... do you think we can convince Trump to resurrect Project Orion?
'He forced the referendum, and then he won it. The greatest rupture in British politics in 60 years. And now Brexit has led to Trump. Who knows where it will go from here.'
And achieved it with virtually no parliamentary representation.
He's now grovelling to the Donald.
8:00 minutes in
Trump & Brexit the natural byproducts.
It's a while since I've been in the States but I'd be amazed if Brexit had too much of an effect.
Of course The Donald noted and used it for his own end very effectively but that's a slightly different matter.
He and the Greeks didn't have the clout to really do anything about it.
We do though. And the Yanks do in multiples.
Almost unbelievable that the soon to be POTUS has made thousands of tweets like that.
How can the race be this close after everything Trump has said and done? Well maybe it’s because he’s said (correctly) that the Clintons’ support of NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. Trump is going to hammer Clinton on this and her support of TPP and other trade policies that have royally screwed the people of these four states. When Trump stood in the shadow of a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, he threatened the corporation that if they did indeed go ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. It was sweet, sweet music to the ears of the working class of Michigan Michael Moore - 5 Reasons why Trump will win
That 35% tariff will destroy NAFTA and quite possibly the WTO too. But I think he will do it. Why should he care about International rules that have brought the country to its knees? He's there for America.
Error in my spreadsheet. She is instead heading for 0.98%, I had accidentally projected Oregon's results with California high percentage of remaining votes to cast
My immediate thought that (probably soon to be Lord) Farage might be appointed as the UK ambassador to Washington is (probably) daft, but this headline is no surprise.