I see two of our most respected correspondents have this afternoon touted Dan Jarvis as a Labour leader in the early twenties, and one that would be successful in reviving his party's fortunes. What I don't understand is why they should think that. To be sure he seems a nice chap, understands leadership and has a very good back-story, but what are his politics? Where is the evidence for political acumen, the ability to formulate and deliver policies that non-labour people find attractive. I think he gave a speech a couple of months back that was reported in the papers but other than that he has been invisible.
He reminds me of Rory Stewart another new politician with a good back-story and on whom such high hopes were once pinned. Stewart seems to have sunk without trace too.
A good story to tell about your past and a eing a blank sheet of paper on which everyone can project their own wishes is not sufficient.
I'd go further. This obsession with back stories is positively harmful. It is another example of the nonsense that is identity politics. A person's background is a part of what they are but by no means the major part. What is of much more importance is what they believe, what they say and what they do. And that will be influenced by many things.
Having a particular background does not mean that you are automatically good at empathizing with or understanding or communicating with others of a similar background. Authenticity, a refusal to patronize people, really listening to them, huge dollops of emotional intelligence, curiosity and imagination are more important.
We need to see people for what they are and for what they can be. We need to see past the outside cover. We need to stop making assumptions based on superficial characteristics and really look at people. If we don't, we risk missing good people and we are simply making lazy assumptions just as our forefathers did, even if the targets and assumptions are different.
Well said stuff. While I would welcome more representative, er, representation, for example, there's nothing to say it is essential in order to get people who understand the issues of all people.
As silly as it is to take wisdom from movies, I've often reflected on a line from Gladiator. 'I don't pretend to be a man of the people, senator. But I do try to be a man for the people'.
I see two of our most respected correspondents have this afternoon touted Dan Jarvis as a Labour leader in the early twenties, and one that would be successful in reviving his party's fortunes. What I don't understand is why they should think that. To be sure he seems a nice chap, understands leadership and has a very good back-story, but what are his politics? Where is the evidence for political acumen, the ability to formulate and deliver policies that non-labour people find attractive. I think he gave a speech a couple of months back that was reported in the papers but other than that he has been invisible.
He reminds me of Rory Stewart another new politician with a good back-story and on whom such high hopes were once pinned. Stewart seems to have sunk without trace too.
A good story to tell about your past and a eing a blank sheet of paper on which everyone can project their own wishes is not sufficient.
I'd go further. This obsession with back stories is positively harmful. It is another example of the nonsense that is identity politics. A person's background is a part of what they are but by no means the major part. What is of much more importance is what they believe, what they say and what they do. And that will be influenced by many things.
Having a particular background does not mean that you are automatically good at empathizing with or understanding or communicating with others of a similar background. Authenticity, a refusal to patronize people, really listening to them, huge dollops of emotional intelligence, curiosity and imagination are more important.
We need to see people for what they are and for what they can be. We need to see past the outside cover. We need to stop making assumptions based on superficial characteristics and really look at people. If we don't, we risk missing good people and we are simply making lazy assumptions just as our forefathers did, even if the targets and assumptions are different.
Well said stuff. While I would welcome more representative, er, representation, for example, there's nothing to say it is essential in order to get people who understand the issues of all people.
As silly as it is to take wisdom from movies, I've often reflected on a line from Gladiator. 'I don't pretend to be a man of the people, senator. But I do try to be a man for the people'.
"We mortals are but shadows and dust. Shadows and dust, Maximus!"
Are they not all earning 3x the average wage? – What criteria are you setting?
Competence, lack thereof.
People who attend Grammar schools are clearly overrated and have an unfair advantage in the job market over those who attended Secondary moderns and comprehensives.
We can close the grammar schools at the same time as all fee paying schools are closed. Deal?
Or, we could just improve the Secondary moderns and Comprehensives. Just a thought...
That's fine as well, what bothers me is public school educated twats who want to pull the ladder up because they can't stand the competition.
It's not about pulling the ladder, it is all about damaging those children outside of the grammar school system.
Look at what Sir Michael Wilshaw has said just this week. (I know he's an expert, but just look at the stats)
Look at the evidence Michael Gove saw, he was right, we need to improve the standards across all schools, not just a few.
Mrs Thatcher as Education Secretary abolished/merged more grammars than anyone else, and never reintroduced any as she saw the evidence.
As I said, we can close the grammars when we close the fee paying schools. I'm happy with that stalemate.
Not close them, just make sure we don't open any more grammar schools.
Grammar schools are free at the point of use, so working class kids can attend them.
If they can manage to get in without the £1,000s that rich parents shell out on tuition these days to get their offspring through the 11-plus, that is. Edit: And without having attended one of the outstanding primary schools that push up the nearby house prices.
At least that is not the only criteria, unlike the best comprehensives which are selected almost entirely on house price or under the radar selection
I wouldn't be astonished either way. Obviously Charlie Bean knows a lot more about this than I do, but the politics is quite opaque. We just don't know at the moment what the final settlement will be, there's quite a range of possibilities.
One incidental fact from that analysis is that the UK has the seen the greatest growth in income inequality of all the 27 OECD countries surveyed.
Not surprising, the nation is turning into two societies, haves and have nots. Property ownership is one of the major issues that needs to be addressed. We can't have a situation where a few hundred thousand private landlords own 4-5m rental properties and 3-4m people are unable to buy.
Osborne was doing some promising stuff in that area. Hopefully Hammond can continue, I have no doubt the likes of Phillip Davies will carry on as ever though.
Yes, I'm hoping Hammond will continue to dismantle the BTL sector and encourage a more professional private rental sector run by pension and investment funds instead of parasitical individuals.
On Euro clearing the ECB wanted clearing in the Euro area only and the U.K. had to take the ECB to the ECJ to keep clearing in the UK under single market freedoms.
If we leave the single market we would lose the benefit of those freedoms and thus clearing.
This suggests that BoE is planning on the basis of leaving the single market.
Jezza has been for LEAVE for 40 years! Why the surprise?
Is Faisal still running around London in a state of complete and utter blind, hysterical panic like he did in the days after the referendum?
Yes he even runs around internationally getting REMAIN propaganda leaked to him such as the paper from Japan.
The one the Jap gov published on their website? That's a weird leak.
It wasn't Remain propaganda. Some parties attempted to use it that way, but the document was addressed to both the EU and the UK.
It was simply a major stakeholder reminding the two parties that others have interests too. I can't believe that the same message isn't being conveyed by other G20 nations, just perhaps a little less publicly.
One incidental fact from that analysis is that the UK has the seen the greatest growth in income inequality of all the 27 OECD countries surveyed.
Not surprising, the nation is turning into two societies, haves and have nots. Property ownership is one of the major issues that needs to be addressed. We can't have a situation where a few hundred thousand private landlords own 4-5m rental properties and 3-4m people are unable to buy.
Osborne was doing some promising stuff in that area. Hopefully Hammond can continue, I have no doubt the likes of Phillip Davies will carry on as ever though.
Yes, I'm hoping Hammond will continue to dismantle the BTL sector and encourage a more professional private rental sector run by pension and investment funds instead of parasitical individuals.
The parasitical individuals are almost without exception funded by bank mortgages, so your suggestion that institutions are inherently unparasitic looks problematic.
That the conservative party is an illegal crime syndicate with no right even to exist is a fact held beyond doubt by all right thinking people.
That they are going to reintroduce Reactionary Toff Factories that they deceivingly call grammar schoolsis further proof that they are lickspittle boils on the noses of the proletariat.
The inevitable day when the glorious workers will leave their coal mines, steelworks and factories and rise up to crush the despicable tory serpent comes ever nearer.
The glorious red flag will fly over newly renamed Corbyn House at the end of The Mall, former residence of the arch reptilian and descendent of the Norman Oppresors.
Church bells will ring except they wont as all churches will be razed to the ground and their bells turned into ploughshares.
Will, this do. Can I vote in the leadership election now?
One incidental fact from that analysis is that the UK has the seen the greatest growth in income inequality of all the 27 OECD countries surveyed.
Not surprising, the nation is turning into two societies, haves and have nots. Property ownership is one of the major issues that needs to be addressed. We can't have a situation where a few hundred thousand private landlords own 4-5m rental properties and 3-4m people are unable to buy.
Osborne was doing some promising stuff in that area. Hopefully Hammond can continue, I have no doubt the likes of Phillip Davies will carry on as ever though.
Yes, I'm hoping Hammond will continue to dismantle the BTL sector and encourage a more professional private rental sector run by pension and investment funds instead of parasitical individuals.
Here here.
A small minority of greatly disliked even despised people, sitting on very illiquid assets which are lightly taxed.
Research showing that renters are far less likely to vote Tory than owner occupiers.
What could possibly go wrong for buy to let landlords?
One incidental fact from that analysis is that the UK has the seen the greatest growth in income inequality of all the 27 OECD countries surveyed.
Not surprising, the nation is turning into two societies, haves and have nots. Property ownership is one of the major issues that needs to be addressed. We can't have a situation where a few hundred thousand private landlords own 4-5m rental properties and 3-4m people are unable to buy.
Osborne was doing some promising stuff in that area. Hopefully Hammond can continue, I have no doubt the likes of Phillip Davies will carry on as ever though.
Yes, I'm hoping Hammond will continue to dismantle the BTL sector and encourage a more professional private rental sector run by pension and investment funds instead of parasitical individuals.
The parasitical individuals are almost without exception funded by bank mortgages, so your suggestion that institutions are inherently unparasitic looks problematic.
Last academic year I was, via my son, paying about £350 per month to a private Landlord. This coming academic year it would seem I am paying £350 p.m. to a company run and owned by my son's university. As far as I can establish both sets of accommodation are about the same, crap, standard. According to Mr. Max the private landlord is a parasite and needs to be run out of town, but the company are jolly good eggs. From where I sit and from where my son sits I am buggered if I can see the difference.
Michael Crick Labour's 2016 conference brochure has not a single picture of Jeremy Corbyn but three of Tom Watson! https://t.co/CO7yDlYX3n
Will Corbyn even be attending the Conference, I thought he was lined up to do Momentum’s alternative ‘art and culture festival’ next door (if he can find a seat)
One incidental fact from that analysis is that the UK has the seen the greatest growth in income inequality of all the 27 OECD countries surveyed.
Actually, that's Belgium. UK is second worst, ahead of USA!
Switzerland best, with inequality actually declining substantially. Shows you can reduce inequality while growing economy.
Isn't the Swiss approach to send the poor to Dignitas?
That report shows that the UK is in the top four or five OECD countries in terms of growth since 1979.
But we are a very unequal society both in terms of income, and regionally - where we are on most measures *the* most unequal in the OECD, equiv. to developing countries like Brazil.
Also Hillary's decline on my average daily tracking poll has restarted, even if Trump has stagnated. Hillary's lead is now at it's lowest since July 30th at a bit more than 2 points.
One incidental fact from that analysis is that the UK has the seen the greatest growth in income inequality of all the 27 OECD countries surveyed.
Actually, that's Belgium. UK is second worst, ahead of USA!
Switzerland best, with inequality actually declining substantially. Shows you can reduce inequality while growing economy.
Isn't the Swiss approach to send the poor to Dignitas?
That report shows that the UK is in the top four or five OECD countries in terms of growth since 1979.
But we are a very unequal society both in terms of income, and regionally - where we are on most measures *the* most unequal in the OECD, equiv. to developing countries like Brazil.
Hence, Brexit.
Perhaps, and maybe you might want to try this as a thought experiment, people generally might be better off, that is to say have a better standard of life, if our politicians stopped obsessing about GDP and especially rates of GDP growth.
Perhaps, a country that was not growing its economy based on growing its population and in which the benefits of growth did not go, at least mostly, to the already well off might just be a place that was nicer to live for most of the people.
"Mrs. May, like all mainstream politicians in Europe today, is a social democrat, a social engineer, and a statist. She is more open about this than her predecessors."
Mr. Speedy, I forget if this was PS2 or PS3 (probably the latter) but when fighting The End in Metal Gear Solid 3, if you add a year to the date (or just wait a year) having saved, upon loading he dies of old age.
No surprise to see Trump doing well in Rhode Island. It's the most working-class state in the north-east if I remember correctly. That used to make it one of the Democrats' safest states.
Mr. Rentool, you cynic. Next you'll be saying my tiger-deterring rock doesn't do anything.
Ha! That would be a stupid thing to declare. It would be like saying my cat does not keep those bastard elves away from house and garden (everyone knows elves hate and are terrified of cats). I have had at least one cat in the house for the last thirty-odd years and have never been bothered by elves, or any other sort of vermin.
Hillary doesn't seem to be getting much bang for her campaign bucks in key states.
She's getting much less broadcast coverage for one, I presume that the US doesn't have the equivalent of our rules on that. There were competing rallies yesterday, for example, and all cable news companies carried Trump's. Up to now that's been fine as he has regularly produced outrages to negate that benefit. Put simply, the media currently need to make it look close to satisfy the narrative and create interest/money. When it comes down to it, virtually none of these will want Trump to win, however, so the stuff they are not yet promoting, such as the Bondi pay for play scandal, Trump lining his own coffers with money from donors, what his tax history shows and so on will be blitzed at some point a few weeks from now. We saw it with both Obama wins, look at the polling for both 2008 and .2012.
"Mrs. May, like all mainstream politicians in Europe today, is a social democrat, a social engineer, and a statist. She is more open about this than her predecessors."
Polls coming thick and fast at state level now. Clinton up by a couple in Arizona in this one, maybe reinforcing the suggestion of differing priorities in the south.
One incidental fact from that analysis is that the UK has the seen the greatest growth in income inequality of all the 27 OECD countries surveyed.
Not surprising, the nation is turning into two societies, haves and have nots. Property ownership is one of the major issues that needs to be addressed. We can't have a situation where a few hundred thousand private landlords own 4-5m rental properties and 3-4m people are unable to buy.
Osborne was doing some promising stuff in that area. Hopefully Hammond can continue, I have no doubt the likes of Phillip Davies will carry on as ever though.
Yes, I'm hoping Hammond will continue to dismantle the BTL sector and encourage a more professional private rental sector run by pension and investment funds instead of parasitical individuals.
I don't know why you consider it bad thing for private owners to let out property, nor why you consider it a good thing if they choose to incorporate.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
Polls coming thick and fast at state level now. Clinton up by a couple in Arizona in this one, maybe reinforcing the suggestion of differing priorities in the south.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
Polls coming thick and fast at state level now. Clinton up by a couple in Arizona in this one, maybe reinforcing the suggestion of differing priorities in the south.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
Polls coming thick and fast at state level now. Clinton up by a couple in Arizona in this one, maybe reinforcing the suggestion of differing priorities in the south.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
Polls coming thick and fast at state level now. Clinton up by a couple in Arizona in this one, maybe reinforcing the suggestion of differing priorities in the south.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Which bits of Oxford?
I have never been a fan of parts of the Cowley Road at night and George Street area most nights can be quite intimidating later in the evening when the alcohol has been flowing for a long time.
Nothing to do with the ethnic background of either of those areas - but rather the behaviour that can be found there.
With Northampton, I would never go down Bridge Street in the evening.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Sharia patrols. Lol. Much exaggerated.
There may be some exaggeration in the reporting - but they have still existed.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Which bits of Oxford?
I have never been a fan of parts of the Cowley Road at night and George Street area most nights can be quite intimidating later in the evening when the alcohol has been flowing for a long time.
Nothing to do with the ethnic background of either of those areas - but rather the behaviour that can be found there.
With Northampton, I would never go down Bridge Street in the evening.
I lived on the Cowley Road for a year (2006-07) and while it is a bit of a dump I never had any trouble, though I did have my bike nicked (I stupidly forgot to bring it in through the back gate after getting in one night).
I live in inner city bradford and I wouldn't walk in some of the area's where I live and that's down to my skin colour.(racist attack and abuses I have suffered)
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Which bits of Oxford?
I have never been a fan of parts of the Cowley Road at night and George Street area most nights can be quite intimidating later in the evening when the alcohol has been flowing for a long time.
Nothing to do with the ethnic background of either of those areas - but rather the behaviour that can be found there.
With Northampton, I would never go down Bridge Street in the evening.
I lived on the Cowley Road for a year (2006-07) and while it is a bit of a dump I never had any trouble, though I did have my bike nicked (I stupidly forgot to bring it in through the back gate after getting in one night).
I guess we all have our own experiences of such places. I can't honestly say where my lack of love for Cowley Road comes from - but the concentration of bars, clubs, restaurants and lots of people just isn't my thing.
Having said that, I have had issues walking home to Jericho up St Giles. These days if I see a group that might be 'challenging', I will change route to avoid them.
New Jersey and Mississippi apparently both in play ?!
Election night threatens to be VERY interesting !
I don't believe they are, because no other poll has ever shown it.
Rhode Island on the other hand, it's the second after the Washington Post one a few days ago.
It has the same number of Electoral Votes as N.H. and it's much smaller in size geographically, even Trump with his non-existent ground forces could swamp it.
If Rhode Island looks increasingly close while N.H. is immovable, it could be an ideal replacement for N.H. in new england.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Sharia patrols. Lol. Much exaggerated.
There may be some exaggeration in the reporting - but they have still existed.
Not gonna lie parts of east London are a dump, a ghetto has been allowed to grow there since Thatcher, some things just need state intervention and integration (difficult to define) is needed after state sponsored multiculturalism.
The Buzzfeed article about SCOTUS is interesting if true, the SCOTUS nomination is only playing strongly in a few states, but they are all key swing states with Senate elections coming up.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Sharia patrols. Lol. Much exaggerated.
There may be some exaggeration in the reporting - but they have still existed.
Not gonna lie parts of east London are a dump, a ghetto has been allowed to grow there since Thatcher, some things just need state intervention and integration (difficult to define) is needed after state sponsored multiculturalism.
Wasn't we supposed to do the state sponsored multiculturalism in Bradford after the bradford riots ? What ever happened to that.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Which bits of Oxford?
I have never been a fan of parts of the Cowley Road at night and George Street area most nights can be quite intimidating later in the evening when the alcohol has been flowing for a long time.
Nothing to do with the ethnic background of either of those areas - but rather the behaviour that can be found there.
With Northampton, I would never go down Bridge Street in the evening.
I lived on the Cowley Road for a year (2006-07) and while it is a bit of a dump I never had any trouble, though I did have my bike nicked (I stupidly forgot to bring it in through the back gate after getting in one night).
I guess we all have our own experiences of such places. I can't honestly say where my lack of love for Cowley Road comes from - but the concentration of bars, clubs, restaurants and lots of people just isn't my thing.
Having said that, I have had issues walking home to Jericho up St Giles. These days if I see a group that might be 'challenging', I will change route to avoid them.
I have to say, I can't recall seeing Cowley Road in an episode of Morse or Lewis!
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Which bits of Oxford?
I have never been a fan of parts of the Cowley Road at night and George Street area most nights can be quite intimidating later in the evening when the alcohol has been flowing for a long time.
Nothing to do with the ethnic background of either of those areas - but rather the behaviour that can be found there.
With Northampton, I would never go down Bridge Street in the evening.
I lived on the Cowley Road for a year (2006-07) and while it is a bit of a dump I never had any trouble, though I did have my bike nicked (I stupidly forgot to bring it in through the back gate after getting in one night).
I guess we all have our own experiences of such places. I can't honestly say where my lack of love for Cowley Road comes from - but the concentration of bars, clubs, restaurants and lots of people just isn't my thing.
Having said that, I have had issues walking home to Jericho up St Giles. These days if I see a group that might be 'challenging', I will change route to avoid them.
I have to say, I can't recall seeing Cowley Road in an episode of Morse or Lewis!
Morse once had a meal at Hi Lo. And Lewis was seen eating a curry in one of the places up there. But it is not pretty enough to be a backdrop for a major scene...
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Which bits of Oxford?
With Northampton, I would never go down Bridge Street in the evening.
I lived on the Cowley Road for a year (2006-07) and while it is a bit of a dump I never had any trouble, though I did have my bike nicked (I stupidly forgot to bring it in through the back gate after getting in one night).
I guess we all have our own experiences of such places. I can't honestly say where my lack of love for Cowley Road comes from - but the concentration of bars, clubs, restaurants and lots of people just isn't my thing.
Having said that, I have had issues walking home to Jericho up St Giles. These days if I see a group that might be 'challenging', I will change route to avoid them.
I have to say, I can't recall seeing Cowley Road in an episode of Morse or Lewis!
Morse once had a meal at Hi Lo. And Lewis was seen eating a curry in one of the places up there. But it is not pretty enough to be a backdrop for a major scene...
That would almost have been on topic if you had been referring to Clive Lewis!
(Back in Leeds via York only 20 minute late - not enough for Delay Repay!)
Morse once had a meal at Hi Lo. And Lewis was seen eating a curry in one of the places up there. But it is not pretty enough to be a backdrop for a major scene...
I was chuffed to bits when my first year bedroom window was visible in a scene of Lewis!
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Sharia patrols. Lol. Much exaggerated.
There may be some exaggeration in the reporting - but they have still existed.
Not gonna lie parts of east London are a dump, a ghetto has been allowed to grow there since Thatcher, some things just need state intervention and integration (difficult to define) is needed after state sponsored multiculturalism.
Wasn't we supposed to do the state sponsored multiculturalism in Bradford after the bradford riots ? What ever happened to that.
No I mean after we tried state sponsored multiculturalism that failed.
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
You can say the same about practically any major town or city. There are parts that you would probably choose to avoid. I know that is true of Northampton where I grew up and Oxford where I have lived for many years now.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Sharia patrols. Lol. Much exaggerated.
There may be some exaggeration in the reporting - but they have still existed.
Not gonna lie parts of east London are a dump, a ghetto has been allowed to grow there since Thatcher, some things just need state intervention and integration (difficult to define) is needed after state sponsored multiculturalism.
Two thousand turned up to see Jezza speak today in my neck of the woods, I mean it didn't look like that number from the video they have up (and some of my mates posted on facebook) but...yeah. Awesome. Great. Uplifting. Nah. It's political onanism is what it is, a group of like minded people in a field, videoing each other and then posting it online for other people to like who already had the same likes and preferences. It's like furry porn.
Two thousand turned up to see Jezza speak today in my neck of the woods, I mean it didn't look like that number from the video they have up (and some of my mates posted on facebook) but...yeah. Awesome. Great. Uplifting. Nah. It's political onanism is what it is, a group of like minded people in a field, videoing each other and then posting it online for other people to like who already had the same likes and preferences. It's like furry porn.
As silly as it is to take wisdom from movies, I've often reflected on a line from Gladiator. 'I don't pretend to be a man of the people, senator. But I do try to be a man for the people'.
Guido Fawkes✔
1922 Committee Results - hearing Rehman Chishti & Andrew Turner missed the cut.
If we leave the single market we would lose the benefit of those freedoms and thus clearing.
This suggests that BoE is planning on the basis of leaving the single market.
It was simply a major stakeholder reminding the two parties that others have interests too. I can't believe that the same message isn't being conveyed by other G20 nations, just perhaps a little less publicly.
Labour's 2016 conference brochure has not a single picture of Jeremy Corbyn but three of Tom Watson! https://t.co/CO7yDlYX3n
Switzerland best, with inequality actually declining substantially. Shows you can reduce inequality while growing economy.
Oh well, there is at least Delay Repay to compensate (quite literally).
On topic: Back all the women, lay all the men?
That they are going to reintroduce Reactionary Toff Factories that they deceivingly call grammar schoolsis further proof that they are lickspittle boils on the noses of the proletariat.
The inevitable day when the glorious workers will leave their coal mines, steelworks and factories and rise up to crush the despicable tory serpent comes ever nearer.
The glorious red flag will fly over newly renamed Corbyn House at the end of The Mall, former residence of the arch reptilian and descendent of the Norman Oppresors.
Church bells will ring except they wont as all churches will be razed to the ground and their bells turned into ploughshares.
Will, this do. Can I vote in the leadership election now?
A small minority of greatly disliked even despised people, sitting on very illiquid assets which are lightly taxed.
Research showing that renters are far less likely to vote Tory than owner occupiers.
What could possibly go wrong for buy to let landlords?
That report shows that the UK is in the top four or five OECD countries in terms of growth since 1979.
But we are a very unequal society both in terms of income, and regionally - where we are on most measures *the* most unequal in the OECD, equiv. to developing countries like Brazil.
Hence, Brexit.
New Hampshire and Pennsylvania not budging, but Florida is, and Rhode Island curiously (second consecutive poll that shows it) , N.Jersey is probably an outlier.
Hillary's lead is now at it's lowest since July 30th at a bit more than 2 points.
"But if it hadn't been for all of our hard work, all of that crap would have happened"
Perhaps, a country that was not growing its economy based on growing its population and in which the benefits of growth did not go, at least mostly, to the already well off might just be a place that was nicer to live for most of the people.
Trump's strategy without Pennsylvania and N.H. would obviously have to be Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Michigan + Romney .
Or replace Michigan with Wisconsin+Any other state (Nevada, R.Island, Maine, Colorado).
It's doable as long as Trump carries all of Romney's states, because Iowa is already leaning Trump.
Theodore Dalrymple writes about Theresa May:
"Mrs. May, like all mainstream politicians in Europe today, is a social democrat, a social engineer, and a statist. She is more open about this than her predecessors."
No impact, except the date reverted to 1980, it still works.
Advice from Air China on visiting London:
"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling."
Election night threatens to be VERY interesting !
' The chief executive who resigned as the head of a troubled mental health trust had a new £240,000-a-year job created for her, the BBC has learned.
Katrina Percy faced sustained calls to resign over Southern Health's failure to investigate hundreds of deaths.
The BBC has now discovered her new job did not exist previously and she was the only candidate for it. '
would be a bit more PC.
I guess you could say the same about staying away from Liverpool.
Pitsmoor, Burngreave, Manor Top, Parson Cross and Darnal of Sheffield where I do live.
And given that we have seen evidence of sharia patrols in part of the UK - I know I would feel uncomfortable in such areas and would avoid any where they were known to be operating.
Nothing to do with the ethnic background of either of those areas - but rather the behaviour that can be found there.
With Northampton, I would never go down Bridge Street in the evening.
Having said that, I have had issues walking home to Jericho up St Giles. These days if I see a group that might be 'challenging', I will change route to avoid them.
Rhode Island on the other hand, it's the second after the Washington Post one a few days ago.
It has the same number of Electoral Votes as N.H. and it's much smaller in size geographically, even Trump with his non-existent ground forces could swamp it.
If Rhode Island looks increasingly close while N.H. is immovable, it could be an ideal replacement for N.H. in new england.
(Back in Leeds via York only 20 minute late - not enough for Delay Repay!)
Nah. It's political onanism is what it is, a group of like minded people in a field, videoing each other and then posting it online for other people to like who already had the same likes and preferences. It's like furry porn.