politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Mr. Corbyn is fortunate that LAB’s selectorate doesn’t appear to prioritise winning the next election
Voting packs start going out on Monday in Labour’s election in which Mr. Corbyn is attempting to hang onto his job in the face of a challenge from Owen Smith who was almost a total unknown a month ago.
I cribbed the essence of a comment from Carlotta on the previous thread to for this tweet, which has since become my most liked / retweeted tweet ever. Seems to have struck a chord.
Not that I've been watching superstars today, not at all.
I Superstars.
What a brilliant show that was back then. Who can forget Supermac's stunningly fast sprinting over 100m or Keagan's awful ash track grazes. Even now I wince and haven't seen it in decades.
BBC's Rishi very understanding interview with the Womens K4. Great way of handling the minor dissappointment. They had only been together as a 4 for a year and have age on their side.
I cribbed the essence of a comment from Carlotta on the previous thread to for this tweet, which has since become my most liked / retweeted tweet ever. Seems to have struck a chord.
Hits the nail on the head. But we do need to see the eastern EU countries invest in their own defence up to and above the 2% figure. NATO does need to consider some form of penalty - maybe a tax - on those who do not meet the minimum.
To give a nod to the thread topic, a huge chunk of the "selectorate" didn't join to vote in the Labour Party leadership contest, in the sense of wanting to vote for the individual best suited to the job. They joined to vote for Jeremy Corbyn.
Not that I've been watching superstars today, not at all.
Saw a tweet earlier saying Nick Skelton is so old - he first competed in an Olympics before Trott was born...
He's my favourite Gold medallist so far. What an epic achievement by him and Big Star. A broken neck, retired and came back to win Individual Showjumping. He was part of TeamGB Showjumping team win in London too after decades of 12th/14th...
Corbyn's NATO comments alarm me, but you are right they won't be fatal. I said at the time, even outside the Labour selectorate plenty of people will agree, secretly or otherwise, that they actually don't care enough about, say, Estonia, to defend it should it be attacked, or even care enough about the consequences of letting Estonia fall, to defend it.
See how many will avoid answering by shifting to how it 'will never happen' and I would bet good money those people would agree about not meeting commitments on NATO.
Corbyn's NATO comments alarm me, but you are right they won't be fatal. I said at the time, even outside the Labour selectorate plenty of people will agree, secretly or otherwise, that they actually don't care enough about, say, Estonia, to defend it should it be attacked, or even care enough about the consequences of letting Estonia fall, to defend it.
Not that I've been watching superstars today, not at all.
Saw a tweet earlier saying Nick Skelton is so old - he first competed in an Olympics before Trott was born...
He's my favourite Gold medallist so far. What an epic achievement by him and Big Star. A broken neck, retired and came back to win Individual Showjumping. He was part of TeamGB Showjumping team win in London too after decades of 12th/14th...
And then had a wobbly bottom lip on the podium as the anthem played. The emotions that must have gone through him at that point: extraordinary.
Corbyn's NATO comments alarm me, but you are right they won't be fatal. I said at the time, even outside the Labour selectorate plenty of people will agree, secretly or otherwise, that they actually don't care enough about, say, Estonia, to defend it should it be attacked, or even care enough about the consequences of letting Estonia fall, to defend it.
Has the reason for disqualification of the relay team been made known? If we did something then fine not a problem we are out under "thems the rules" No argument done and sorted. However, the longer it is unclear or a formal statement and clarification of what the transgression was has not been made the more suspicious I become. It probably was a proper DQ but they do no favours by not formally clarifying.
Either way it would be churlish of me not to offer formal congratulations to the much slower and home team Brazil for sneaking securing a place in the final as a result of the Team GB disqualification.
Corbyn's NATO comments alarm me, but you are right they won't be fatal. I said at the time, even outside the Labour selectorate plenty of people will agree, secretly or otherwise, that they actually don't care enough about, say, Estonia, to defend it should it be attacked, or even care enough about the consequences of letting Estonia fall, to defend it.
See how many will avoid answering by shifting to how it 'will never happen' and I would bet good money those people would agree about not meeting commitments on NATO.
The pro's and con's of backing Estonia or Turkey in a scrap with a non-NATO state is one thing, but is there anyone anywhere that Corbyn would defend? I get the feeling that if IS were marching up Islington High St with captives hooded in chains that he would greet them with tea and sympathy.
I cribbed the essence of a comment from Carlotta on the previous thread to for this tweet, which has since become my most liked / retweeted tweet ever. Seems to have struck a chord.
Corbyn's NATO comments alarm me, but you are right they won't be fatal. I said at the time, even outside the Labour selectorate plenty of people will agree, secretly or otherwise, that they actually don't care enough about, say, Estonia, to defend it should it be attacked, or even care enough about the consequences of letting Estonia fall, to defend it.
See how many will avoid answering by shifting to how it 'will never happen' and I would bet good money those people would agree about not meeting commitments on NATO.
Possibly Smith has missed a trick by limiting the discussion to "would Corbyn defend the Baltics". I suspect that he could get him to equivocate about countries a lot closer to home if given the chance. The man is basically a pacifist, and because he finds it impossible to not answer questions honestly it probably would not be difficult to get him to say a lot worse. Given the chance he would probably admit to wanting to cut military expenditure to defending the Channel/Uk Border.
Corbyn's NATO comments alarm me, but you are right they won't be fatal. I said at the time, even outside the Labour selectorate plenty of people will agree, secretly or otherwise, that they actually don't care enough about, say, Estonia, to defend it should it be attacked, or even care enough about the consequences of letting Estonia fall, to defend it.
See how many will avoid answering by shifting to how it 'will never happen' and I would bet good money those people would agree about not meeting commitments on NATO.
The pro's and con's of backing Estonia or Turkey in a scrap with a non-NATO state is one thing, but is there anyone anywhere that Corbyn would defend? I get the feeling that if IS were marching up Islington High St with captives hooded in chains that he would greet them with tea and sympathy.
Leaving aside the 'IS in Islington' scenario for a moment, no I don't know that there is anywhere Corbyn would defend, but again I think a lot more people than we would like think that way. War is bad, therefore any military action is bad and makes things worse, no matter the circumstance is how large numbers of people feel. I expect only the Nazi example would be seen as justified. There are theoretical situations they might, but the conditions are such they would never come to pass.
Corbyn's NATO comments alarm me, but you are right they won't be fatal. I said at the time, even outside the Labour selectorate plenty of people will agree, secretly or otherwise, that they actually don't care enough about, say, Estonia, to defend it should it be attacked, or even care enough about the consequences of letting Estonia fall, to defend it.
See how many will avoid answering by shifting to how it 'will never happen' and I would bet good money those people would agree about not meeting commitments on NATO.
Possibly Smith has missed a trick by limiting the discussion to "would Corbyn defend the Baltics". I suspect that he could get him to equivocate about countries a lot closer to home if given the chance. The man is basically a pacifist, and because he finds it impossible to not answer questions honestly it probably would not be difficult to get him to say a lot worse. Given the chance he would probably admit to wanting to cut military expenditure to defending the Channel/Uk Border.
He is not a pacifist but a man who thinks we should live in a world without wars or violence. Or a simpleton as they are sometimes known.
Corbyn's NATO comments alarm me, but you are right they won't be fatal. I said at the time, even outside the Labour selectorate plenty of people will agree, secretly or otherwise, that they actually don't care enough about, say, Estonia, to defend it should it be attacked, or even care enough about the consequences of letting Estonia fall, to defend it.
See how many will avoid answering by shifting to how it 'will never happen' and I would bet good money those people would agree about not meeting commitments on NATO.
Possibly Smith has missed a trick by limiting the discussion to "would Corbyn defend the Baltics". I suspect that he could get him to equivocate about countries a lot closer to home if given the chance. The man is basically a pacifist, and because he finds it impossible to not answer questions honestly it probably would not be difficult to get him to say a lot worse. Given the chance he would probably admit to wanting to cut military expenditure to defending the Channel/Uk Border.
It is not always a matter of wanting to answer honestly. It is that his answers have to fit his ideology. As that is obviously (in his eyes) incontrovertibly right.
An ideological answer is one that is set and requires no honesty, thought or intellect, just a belief. A bit like religion really.
Not that I've been watching superstars today, not at all.
I Superstars.
What a brilliant show that was back then. Who can forget Supermac's stunningly fast sprinting over 100m or Keagan's awful ash track grazes. Even now I wince and haven't seen it in decades.
Corbyn's NATO comments alarm me, but you are right they won't be fatal. I said at the time, even outside the Labour selectorate plenty of people will agree, secretly or otherwise, that they actually don't care enough about, say, Estonia, to defend it should it be attacked, or even care enough about the consequences of letting Estonia fall, to defend it.
See how many will avoid answering by shifting to how it 'will never happen' and I would bet good money those people would agree about not meeting commitments on NATO.
Possibly Smith has missed a trick by limiting the discussion to "would Corbyn defend the Baltics". I suspect that he could get him to equivocate about countries a lot closer to home if given the chance. The man is basically a pacifist, and because he finds it impossible to not answer questions honestly it probably would not be difficult to get him to say a lot worse. Given the chance he would probably admit to wanting to cut military expenditure to defending the Channel/Uk Border.
It is not always a matter of wanting to answer honestly. It is that his answers have to fit his ideology. As that is obviously (in his eyes) incontrovertibly right.
An ideological answer is one that is set and requires no honesty, thought or intellect, just a belief. A bit like religion really.
Call it what you want, the point is that he won't tailor his message because it won't go down well with the electorate. It is one reason why the Tories would have an absolute field day during a GE campaign.
A fairly standard Corbynista mantra is "Power without principle is worthless". I have pointed out that the opposite also applies, but they prefer their version .
A fairly standard Corbynista mantra is "Power without principle is worthless". I have pointed out that the opposite also applies, but they prefer their version .
I try to distinguish between the hardcore ones who think that and don't think they can ever win an election (who therefore are implicitly saying Tory government is preferable to less than ideal Labour government, and thus presumably that the Tories are not that bad) and the ones who believe it and think even if they lose the next time they will win from a principled position the one after that.
@alstewitn: #Rio2016 How many others will admit to a strategic plasticity to their patriotism? Supporting #Den against #Chn in #badminton for example..
Denmark has just beaten China for bronze medal in singles badminton 1st medal in badminton China ahead in gold medal match 1 set and 3 to 4 to China in second set. Could be a probable gold there for China
A fairly standard Corbynista mantra is "Power without principle is worthless". I have pointed out that the opposite also applies, but they prefer their version .
I try to distinguish between the hardcore ones who think that and don't think they can ever win an election (who therefore are implicitly saying Tory government is preferable to less than ideal Labour government, and thus presumably that the Tories are not that bad)
Or possibly that they think they can have more influence protesting against a Tory government that's afraid of them than colluding with a Labour government that's ashamed of them.
Can’t remember that event being highlighted on here as a possible Gold – Well done Sir.
I think he was always a likely medallist, but same as in 2012, Mckeever was streets ahead of his rivals in the same discipline. He got maybe a bit of hype of the day of the final?
Warsaw Treaty Organisation: founded 1955, dissolved 1991. NATO: founded 1949...and it's still here! It's about time Britain left, and left the UK-USA "Five Eyes" treaty too. Any objections to a referendum? Sure, supporters will call opponents "traitors", but many Brexiteers called Bremainers traitors too. OK, this time it will be defenders of the status quo who use the "T" word. The truth is that whatever the NATO treaty might say, a Russian attack on Estonia would NOT be an attack on British interests or security.
In other news, the LA Times-USC poll, data collected 13-19 Aug, is showing a TIE between Trump and Clinton.
Anyone know why the women's modern pentathlon was done and dusted in a day, but the Men's started two days ago and hasn't been finished yet?
As I understand it, the events all take place in a single day (women yesterday, men today) but there are preliminary ranking rounds that were on Thursday
Apart from Matthew Syed, can anyone name a British ping-pong bod?
Desmond Douglas
Douglas was 11 times English Table Tennis champion, who peaked at equal World No.7 and European No.3.
Saw him and Syed play live, Desmond was a bit good...Syed had the very uncommon approach of being total defensive player (there is a technical term for his approach but I can't remember what it is called off the top of my head).
Both did the fencing on the same day then completed the rest of the events in a single day.
So ... over three days
M&W, W only, M only
... if that makes sense?
Thanks, having just actually done some research, it appears they do fencing twice for some reason, which explains my confusion.
So, I'll be honest, I looked this up
"Unlike previous games, the fencing event consists of two rounds: the traditional round-robin stage plus a "bonus round." In the round-robin, each competitor faces every other competitor in a one-touch bout. The competitors are ranked according to how many victories they earn. The bonus round is held on one piste in a ladder, knock-out system. The two lowest-ranked competitors from the round-robin face each each other in another one-touch bout; the winner is credited with the additional victory and advances to face the next-lowest ranked competitor. This continues, up the ranking ladder, until all competitors have competed in the bonus round"
What? So ... last man standing fencing for bonus points?
You may laugh but in the local elections here the Tories put out a leaflet claiming they were the only thing stopping Corbyn storming to victory here. I laughed on and off for hours after I saw it. The Lib Dems got over 50% of the vote in the ward, Tories poor second, Labour miles behind. This is John Redwood's constituency. Similar to Corbyn taking Witney.
Can’t remember that event being highlighted on here as a possible Gold – Well done Sir.
I think he was always a likely medallist, but same as in 2012, Mckeever was streets ahead of his rivals in the same discipline. He got maybe a bit of hype of the day of the final?
A shame McKeever didn’t get to defend his Olympic title, but you can’t fault the choice of his replacement. – Now had the chance to see Liam Heath’s superb victory, not sure if that’s a fine pair of shoulders on him, or he’s left the coat hanger in his leotard.
Warsaw Treaty Organisation: founded 1955, dissolved 1991. NATO: founded 1949...and it's still here! It's about time Britain left, and left the UK-USA "Five Eyes" treaty too.
What are your objections to the Five Eyes, out of interest?
Apart from Matthew Syed, can anyone name a British ping-pong bod?
Desmond Douglas
Douglas was 11 times English Table Tennis champion, who peaked at equal World No.7 and European No.3.
Saw him and Syed play live, Desmond was a bit good...Syed had the very uncommon approach of being total defensive player (there is a technical term for his approach but I can't remember what it is called off the top of my head).
And @alex. Why did we get crap at it? It's not exactly expensive to play unless I've missed something.
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Drowning started. Shouldn't really joke, that does sometimes happen, i think.
In the mens race there was some serious dunking going on early on. Given the poor water quality, I can't imagine what nasty diseases some have picked up.
Apart from Matthew Syed, can anyone name a British ping-pong bod?
Desmond Douglas
Douglas was 11 times English Table Tennis champion, who peaked at equal World No.7 and European No.3.
Saw him and Syed play live, Desmond was a bit good...Syed had the very uncommon approach of being total defensive player (there is a technical term for his approach but I can't remember what it is called off the top of my head).
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Eskimos are a minority, so should pass any Guardianista test.
Apart from Matthew Syed, can anyone name a British ping-pong bod?
Desmond Douglas
Douglas was 11 times English Table Tennis champion, who peaked at equal World No.7 and European No.3.
Saw him and Syed play live, Desmond was a bit good...Syed had the very uncommon approach of being total defensive player (there is a technical term for his approach but I can't remember what it is called off the top of my head).
And @alex. Why did we get crap at it? It's not exactly expensive to play unless I've missed something.
Don't think we've ever been that good or that bad. We actually gave the Chinese a run for their money at Rio.
Warsaw Treaty Organisation: founded 1955, dissolved 1991. NATO: founded 1949...and it's still here! It's about time Britain left, and left the UK-USA "Five Eyes" treaty too.
What are your objections to the Five Eyes, out of interest?
Warsaw Treaty Organisation: founded 1955, dissolved 1991. NATO: founded 1949...and it's still here! It's about time Britain left, and left the UK-USA "Five Eyes" treaty too. Any objections to a referendum? Sure, supporters will call opponents "traitors", but many Brexiteers called Bremainers traitors too. OK, this time it will be defenders of the status quo who use the "T" word. The truth is that whatever the NATO treaty might say, a Russian attack on Estonia would NOT be an attack on British interests or security.
In other news, the LA Times-USC poll, data collected 13-19 Aug, is showing a TIE between Trump and Clinton.
I'm against the increasing divergence between the hypothetical and reality.
Estonia is a member of NATO hence the UK has to support it if it's hypotheticaly attacked, in reality the geographical position of Estonia makes it undefensible.
Idealy the baltic states would not have become members of NATO, but they did for political reasons to poke Moscow, so now NATO has to defend territory that can't be defended.
NATO has another problem too recently, Turkey, chances are that they will backstab the alliance at the first opportunity.
Thankfully the NATO treaty doesn't specify the aid to be given to a member in need, it could range from nukes to tweets, but I don't like this whole mess that NATO is in to.
"What I find inexplicable is that Corbyn is so popular within the selectorate in the face of a huge amount of polling data that he would be a huge liability at a general election."
It's quite simple: because, however badly Corbyn's doing, there's no evidence that the alternative would be doing any better. Especially when the alternative would by all indicators be following the doomed Remain Campaign's playbook.
Reminds me of Corbyns "kinder gentler politics". This race is much closer than the national polls suggest with him close in Ohio Florida Nevada and Iowa.
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Eskimos are a minority, so should pass any Guardianista test.
"What I find inexplicable is that Corbyn is so popular within the selectorate in the face of a huge amount of polling data that he would be a huge liability at a general election."
It's quite simple: because, however badly Corbyn's doing, there's no evidence that the alternative would be doing any better. Especially when the alternative would by all indicators be following the doomed Remain Campaign's playbook.
Except there is. Smith is way out in front among voters as preferred Labour leader. But it's polls again, I guess.
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Posh - Kayaking comes under cultural misappropriation and thus considered as Imperialist.
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Liam Heath's from Guildford.
He eats a lot of Popeye spinach too by the looks of it.
"What I find inexplicable is that Corbyn is so popular within the selectorate in the face of a huge amount of polling data that he would be a huge liability at a general election."
It's quite simple: because, however badly Corbyn's doing, there's no evidence that the alternative would be doing any better. Especially when the alternative would by all indicators be following the doomed Remain Campaign's playbook.
The alternative to Corbyn supported peace talks with ISIS on national TV.
If that didn't convince OGH how much crappier Owen Smith is, well shame to him.
How can anyone with a brain support peace talks with ISIS on a BBC leaders debate like Owen Smith did ?
How can anyone with a brain continue to support him after that ?
The event starts from Owl Lane, outside the Royal Oak where both men and women race with a sack of coal, approx one mile, 1108. 25 yards to be precise, to secure the best time. To qualify for completion of the race, the sack must be dropped on the Village Green where the traditional Maypole is situated in the heart of the Gawthorpe.
The current male WORLD RECORD is 4mins. 6secs held by one DAVID JONES of Meltham.
me and a mate thought about entering in 2011, I think, we'd done a load of training for the Paras 10 which is 10 miles with a bergen, so it seemed like an evolution, I guess.
I went to Croatia and had a beery holiday and we never talked about it again.
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Eskimos are a minority, so should pass any Guardianista test.
Well now you come to mention it.....
Innuit ear pulling olympics
Are we allowed to say Eskimo anymore? I thought Innuit was the PC term. Nose-kissing and igloos will always be Eskimo to me.
Just watching these triathletes all swimming behind one another would they not be faster and easier to move slightly to the outside and swim in undisturbed water? Just wondering
"What I find inexplicable is that Corbyn is so popular within the selectorate in the face of a huge amount of polling data that he would be a huge liability at a general election."
It's quite simple: because, however badly Corbyn's doing, there's no evidence that the alternative would be doing any better. Especially when the alternative would by all indicators be following the doomed Remain Campaign's playbook.
Except there is. Smith is way out in front among voters as preferred Labour leader. But it's polls again, I guess.
That wasn't a voting intention poll -- there was another poll earlier in the leadership campaign asking people how they would vote under different leaders, and it had a Corbyn-led Labour doing (slightly) better in an election than a Smith-led Labour or an Eagle-led Labour. Essentially because Tory voters who would "prefer" Smith still wouldn't switch to Labour even if he was leader, whereas people who "prefer" Corbyn actually would desert the party if he wasn't leader anymore.
In any case, for the "preferred Labour leader" you're referring to, many people who answered Smith would've had no clue who he was, and specifically would not have known he planned to ignore the EU referendum result, that he's not exactly super-competent himself, etc.
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Posh - Kayaking comes under cultural misappropriation and thus considered as Imperialist.
Posh - Kayaking comes under cultural misappropriation and thus considered as Imperialist.
@JohnyHelzapopin: @JohnyHelzapopin Canoe/Kayak all non essential to industry boats are Tory, also cultural appropriation from Native Americans, über Tory
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Eskimos are a minority, so should pass any Guardianista test.
Well now you come to mention it.....
Innuit ear pulling olympics
Are we allowed to say Eskimo anymore? I thought Innuit was the PC term. Nose-kissing and igloos will always be Eskimo to me.
I am a fellow refusenik. Mind you, I still use Peking and Calcutta, so am definitely going to hell.
Posh - Kayaking comes under cultural misappropriation and thus considered as Imperialist.
@JohnyHelzapopin: @JohnyHelzapopin Canoe/Kayak all non essential to industry boats are Tory, also cultural appropriation from Native Americans, über Tory
Just watching these triathletes all swimming behind one another would they not be faster and easier to move slightly to the outside and swim in undisturbed water? Just wondering
Drafting >>> working on your own.
I might know very little about taekwondo and fencing details in modern pentathlon but I know my swimming.
There used to be no-drafting rules in the sport as it can help so much.
"What I find inexplicable is that Corbyn is so popular within the selectorate in the face of a huge amount of polling data that he would be a huge liability at a general election."
It's quite simple: because, however badly Corbyn's doing, there's no evidence that the alternative would be doing any better. Especially when the alternative would by all indicators be following the doomed Remain Campaign's playbook.
The alternative to Corbyn supported peace talks with ISIS on national TV.
If that didn't convince OGH how much crappier Owen Smith is, well shame to him.
How can anyone with a brain support peace talks with ISIS on a BBC leaders debate like Owen Smith did ?
How can anyone with a brain continue to support him after that ?
The difference is that even if Owen Smith is useless, he would only be there as the PLP nominee and as such, would be more likely to stand down if he in turn were No Confidenced - at which point, Labour might elect a half-sensible leader from among a small pool nominated from the centre and centre-right of the party.
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Eskimos are a minority, so should pass any Guardianista test.
Well now you come to mention it.....
Innuit ear pulling olympics
Are we allowed to say Eskimo anymore? I thought Innuit was the PC term. Nose-kissing and igloos will always be Eskimo to me.
I am a fellow refusenik. Mind you, I still use Peking and Calcutta, so am definitely going to hell.
"What I find inexplicable is that Corbyn is so popular within the selectorate in the face of a huge amount of polling data that he would be a huge liability at a general election."
It's quite simple: because, however badly Corbyn's doing, there's no evidence that the alternative would be doing any better. Especially when the alternative would by all indicators be following the doomed Remain Campaign's playbook.
The alternative to Corbyn supported peace talks with ISIS on national TV.
If that didn't convince OGH how much crappier Owen Smith is, well shame to him.
How can anyone with a brain support peace talks with ISIS on a BBC leaders debate like Owen Smith did ?
How can anyone with a brain continue to support him after that ?
The difference is that even if Owen Smith is useless, he would only be there as the PLP nominee and as such, would be more likely to stand down if he in turn were No Confidenced - at which point, Labour might elect a half-sensible leader from among a small pool nominated from the centre and centre-right of the party.
And that is another of the reasons why Smith isn't winning -- because, even to the extent what he's saying is tolerable to some of the softer Corbyn voters, there's a fear that Smith himself would soon be ousted in favour of a Blairite ultra who will go back to the dark days of abstaining on benefit cuts (and at the same time being so useless in media interviews that they get slaughtered in an election even in spite of endless surrenders to the Tories on policy matters).
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Eskimos are a minority, so should pass any Guardianista test.
Well now you come to mention it.....
Innuit ear pulling olympics
Are we allowed to say Eskimo anymore? I thought Innuit was the PC term. Nose-kissing and igloos will always be Eskimo to me.
No not really apparently as Google tells me......
"Although the name "Eskimo" is commonly used in Alaska to refer to all Inuit and Yupik people of the world, this name is considered derogatory in many other places because it was given by non-Inuit people and was said to mean "eater of raw meat"
It can be applied to all of the Eskimo peoples in Canada and Greenland, that is not true in Alaska and Siberia. In Alaska the term 'Eskimo' is commonly used, because it includes both Yupik and Iñupiat.
Front-foot no-balls will be called by the third umpire in the upcoming England-Pakistan one-day international series, as part of an International Cricket Council (ICC) trial scheme.
The TV umpire will have a split-screen view of the four side-on cameras.
In regard to the men's kayak gold medal would someone be able clarify if this is considered a posh or a moderately working class sport on the widely acclaimed Tyson scale of sporting achievement?
Eskimos are a minority, so should pass any Guardianista test.
Well now you come to mention it.....
Innuit ear pulling olympics
Are we allowed to say Eskimo anymore? I thought Innuit was the PC term. Nose-kissing and igloos will always be Eskimo to me.
No not really apparently as Google tells me......
"Although the name "Eskimo" is commonly used in Alaska to refer to all Inuit and Yupik people of the world, this name is considered derogatory in many other places because it was given by non-Inuit people and was said to mean "eater of raw meat"
It can be applied to all of the Eskimo peoples in Canada and Greenland, that is not true in Alaska and Siberia. In Alaska the term 'Eskimo' is commonly used, because it includes both Yupik and Iñupiat.
I made the horrific PC faux pas of not calling Canadian native folk, "First Nation People", I was scolded by a white Canadian.
1 United States 38 35 32 105
2 Great Britain 25 22 14 61
3 China 22 18 25 65
4 Germany 15 8 14 37
5 Russia 13 16 19 48
Not that I've been watching superstars today, not at all.
What a brilliant show that was back then. Who can forget Supermac's stunningly fast sprinting over 100m or Keagan's awful ash track grazes. Even now I wince and haven't seen it in decades.
Old names - David Hemery... Mexico 1968!
He's my favourite Gold medallist so far. What an epic achievement by him and Big Star. A broken neck, retired and came back to win Individual Showjumping. He was part of TeamGB Showjumping team win in London too after decades of 12th/14th...
See how many will avoid answering by shifting to how it 'will never happen' and I would bet good money those people would agree about not meeting commitments on NATO.
#OTD 1991 A Soviet coup d'état was staged twenty-five years ago
Either way it would be churlish of me not to offer formal congratulations to the much slower and home team Brazil for
sneakingsecuring a place in the final as a result of the Team GB disqualification.In other news Jeremy Corbyn looks to extend his electoral map into Witney and Orkney & Shetland ....
" fuck yeah!"
An ideological answer is one that is set and requires no honesty, thought or intellect, just a belief. A bit like religion really.
maybe not to Coleman but it was a Bronze Medal for GB's John Sherwood.
Can’t remember that event being highlighted on here as a possible Gold – Well done Sir.
It's interesting that the recent poll swing to Clinton seems to have been almost all down to the 18-34 age group.
Oh yes, China denied another one
China ahead in gold medal match 1 set and 3 to 4 to China in second set. Could be a probable gold there for China
So ... over three days
M&W, W only, M only
... if that makes sense?
NATO: founded 1949...and it's still here!
It's about time Britain left, and left the UK-USA "Five Eyes" treaty too. Any objections to a referendum? Sure, supporters will call opponents "traitors", but many Brexiteers called Bremainers traitors too. OK, this time it will be defenders of the status quo who use the "T" word. The truth is that whatever the NATO treaty might say, a Russian attack on Estonia would NOT be an attack on British interests or security.
In other news, the LA Times-USC poll, data collected 13-19 Aug, is showing a TIE between Trump and Clinton.
Douglas was 11 times English Table Tennis champion, who peaked at equal World No.7 and European No.3.
Saw him and Syed play live, Desmond was a bit good...Syed had the very uncommon approach of being total defensive player (there is a technical term for his approach but I can't remember what it is called off the top of my head).
"Unlike previous games, the fencing event consists of two rounds: the traditional round-robin stage plus a "bonus round." In the round-robin, each competitor faces every other competitor in a one-touch bout. The competitors are ranked according to how many victories they earn. The bonus round is held on one piste in a ladder, knock-out system. The two lowest-ranked competitors from the round-robin face each each other in another one-touch bout; the winner is credited with the additional victory and advances to face the next-lowest ranked competitor. This continues, up the ranking ladder, until all competitors have competed in the bonus round"
What? So ... last man standing fencing for bonus points?
Estonia is a member of NATO hence the UK has to support it if it's hypotheticaly attacked, in reality the geographical position of Estonia makes it undefensible.
Idealy the baltic states would not have become members of NATO, but they did for political reasons to poke Moscow, so now NATO has to defend territory that can't be defended.
NATO has another problem too recently, Turkey, chances are that they will backstab the alliance at the first opportunity.
Thankfully the NATO treaty doesn't specify the aid to be given to a member in need, it could range from nukes to tweets, but I don't like this whole mess that NATO is in to.
It's quite simple: because, however badly Corbyn's doing, there's no evidence that the alternative would be doing any better. Especially when the alternative would by all indicators be following the doomed Remain Campaign's playbook.
This race is much closer than the national polls suggest with him close in Ohio Florida Nevada and Iowa.
Innuit ear pulling olympics
If that didn't convince OGH how much crappier Owen Smith is, well shame to him.
How can anyone with a brain support peace talks with ISIS on a BBC leaders debate like Owen Smith did ?
How can anyone with a brain continue to support him after that ?
The event starts from Owl Lane, outside the Royal Oak where both men and women race with a sack of coal, approx one mile, 1108. 25 yards to be precise, to secure the best time. To qualify for completion of the race, the sack must be dropped on the Village Green where the traditional Maypole is situated in the heart of the Gawthorpe.
The current male WORLD RECORD is 4mins. 6secs held by one DAVID JONES of Meltham.
me and a mate thought about entering in 2011, I think, we'd done a load of training for the Paras 10 which is 10 miles with a bergen, so it seemed like an evolution, I guess.
I went to Croatia and had a beery holiday and we never talked about it again.
In any case, for the "preferred Labour leader" you're referring to, many people who answered Smith would've had no clue who he was, and specifically would not have known he planned to ignore the EU referendum result, that he's not exactly super-competent himself, etc.
What a witless goon.
I might know very little about taekwondo and fencing details in modern pentathlon but I know my swimming.
There used to be no-drafting rules in the sport as it can help so much.
Mr. M, must be said that the pinyin standard translation of Chinese symbols to English alphabet seems to work pretty well.
Huzzah for another gold!
We may exceed the London medal tally, which would be peculiar.
"Although the name "Eskimo" is commonly used in Alaska to refer to all Inuit and Yupik people of the world, this name is considered derogatory in many other places because it was given by non-Inuit people and was said to mean "eater of raw meat"
It can be applied to all of the Eskimo peoples in Canada and Greenland, that is not true in Alaska and Siberia. In Alaska the term 'Eskimo' is commonly used, because it includes both Yupik and Iñupiat.
Three Brits in front runners.
The TV umpire will have a split-screen view of the four side-on cameras.