politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » LAB leadership round-up on the afternoon the Appeal Court said the new members could NOT vote
Labour CAN Ban 130,000 Members From Voting In Leadership Contest, Rules Court of Appeal https://t.co/2t3oQZPM73
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Although I once read..... I think in a book abouut escaping from the Nazi’s .... that in Poland Jews are likely to be red-haired. Personally I’ve never met a red-haired Jew. At least AFAIK.
Maybe it's in the catchment area of a poor school. Especially if it's not detached, check up on neighbours and neighbour disputes. Is it near a noisy/smelly business or entertainment venue? Road with cuthrough traffic? Planning permissions for something that would affect it?
Make an offer, contingent on getting a full survey done. Back out if it comes back with problems. If it's been on the market for that time and it's okay, they should accept conditions on any offer I would think.
Most likely it's just overpriced. If things are wrongly prices they just aren't selling
If the agent didn't flinch at £525K, try below £500K... (although he now knows you have some flexibility). You could make an argument as to why £475K would be the "right" number, but I suspect that £495K will be a psychological level for the seller.
Assuming it's in Hampshire, then it will probably be fine - a standard survey (unless old) and understanding the local development plan will probably be all you need.
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I think CR's mentioned before that he has no children; if that's right, for such a large property it might be wise to think how people with kids would look at it.
In town, I guess it would not matter as much, as the property could be split into flats and gardens are smaller anyway.
(My acquaintance and his wife put a large extension on their house, changing it from a ?4? bed to a 6-bed, along with a massive kitchen. This ate up a significant chunk of the garden. When they came to sell, they were told it had only increased the house's price marginally as many potential buyers would prefer a larger garden).
Court of Appeal result sees backing for Owen Smith, 8/1 to 6/1 to win Labour leadership contest, with Corbyn out from 1/20 to 1/12. #Labour
It might easily be the railway, and if you like it, then you are laughing. I once lived over a pizza place. Couldn't have mattered less to me (I certainly ate more pizzas) but might have put others off, etc...
Presumably Labour will have to give refunds to any that want them?
Advertising misrepresentation would still apply, even if they're allowed to change their own rules at random.
But, of course, they don't want refunds; they want to vote.
Catchment areas really is an issue with larger houses. A large family might go smaller to get into a better school or, equally, save the money to use it for a private school. Maybe it's miles from the nearest schools. Most with no children would probably not want excess bedrooms so five beds might be seen as unnecessary.
Again, I'd be quite happy with a four or five bed, one property I'm looking at would be perfect for getting in a lodger (separate bathroom etc) and you can charge up to £7500 per year tax free.
Ahh. So that's where you get your screen name from....
It effectively gives Labour (and any other group with rules along similar lines) the right to act in a capricious manner to gerrymander an election result - and the courts will refuse to intervene.
Personally I would have thought the law of the land regarding contracts trumped anything in a party rule book. At least it should.
Those are extremely high odds.
I've never rated Smith more than a 10% chance since the beggining.
"This is partly out of profound hurt. I feel let down by him. Duped. Because it is inconceivable to me how someone so utterly ill-equipped to do such an important job, could have put himself forward for doing it."
"LABOUR'S PROBLEMS ARE HUGE, CORBYN ASIDE - Labour are probably shafted - at best, for a decade and, at worst, permanently. This is because they are currently the only truly UK-wide party. In order to ever win an election again, they would have to regain seats in Scotland from the SNP, from the Tories in the South of England, as well as defend seats against Plaid Cymru in Wales, UKIP in the North and the Liberal Democrats in urban areas.
Those electorates are so diverse and so easy to target by a party concentrating on only one or a few, they are almost impossible to reconcile. How does one even begin to formulate a policy on immigration that does not alienate the cosmopolitan London leftie while reengaging with enough working class white men in the North? How does one articulate an economic policy that is radical enough for Glasgow and moderate enough for Stevenage?"
Read more at:https://www.byline.com/column/11/article/1177
They maybe sure losers, but you wont be spending your money.
Mr. Topping, thanks I had not in fact seen that video before. Not too many moustaches though amongst, if I am not mistaken, the Irish Guards rehearsing for the Troop at Chelsea Barracks in the early-mid sixties.
Not a bad bunch the IG, second to the Grenadiers of course but in all respects along way ahead of the rest of the pack.
Pass the popcorn.
There's a whole series of them on youtube - Guards1, Guards2, etc. Sounds like you might recognise the person at 3'30" on this one...
Like I said I don't like changing the rules mid stream, the courts have changed the rules twice in 2 weeks, it's bad politics to mess with voting rules.
This is a farce, so of course Owen Smith should be behind it.
In the 1960s, Harold Wilson had more sense than to mainly pitch Labour as the party that legalised homosexuality and allowed mass migration from the Commonwealth, since he knew a party that defined itself by those things would be toast in the Hulls of the world. Instead he defined the party as the one who was bringing down people's prices at the local shop, fighting for increased wages, and taxing the greedy rich until the pips squeaked, because those were the only policies Labour had that could command broad support, whereas culturally left policies never have and never will be the basis of a winning party.
Looks like Hilary will win without Florida or Ohio at the moment.
"But it’s also easy to overstate the importance of Florida and Ohio. In the simulations our models run, Florida or Ohio prove crucial less than 30 percent of the time. Indeed, Clinton has some viable paths to the White House even if she loses Florida, Iowa, Nevada or Ohio — all states where her polling has been lackluster relative to her national numbers. That’s because she’s outperforming her national polls in Colorado and Virginia."
But that might still not give victory to Smith, since there is a chance that there are more than a single person in Labour called Owen Smith.
And this freeze (and massive price increase) should have been judged as to whether it was 'reasonable' within the framework of the rules (which Labour forgot to mention at the time of the first case)
And there is a strong case to be made that it was a clear attempt to manipulate the outcome of the election and was not reasonable - particularly in light of the votes for the Mayoral candidates which didn't have to be bought for £25 a go.
It is wrong. Everyone knows it is wrong. But the Appeal Court have relied on one very narrow view of a very poorly written rule - and denied people what was a clearly given role in party democracy.
Labour (and the lawyers) should be ashamed of themselves.
He wants to have a settlement of one million people on Mars. It may sound ridiculous, but this is Musk we're talking about ...
Their methodology is crap since February.
For instance they have Hillary winning N.C by 9 when just yesterday PPP who is based in N.C had it a tie, they have become the democratic equivalent of Rassmussen and for that reason I'm not using them.
If you want to use the N.C Marist numbers as a general guide to Marist polls, then subtract 7 from Hillary's lead.
So the real picture should be:
N.C Hillary +2
Virginia Hillary + 5
Colorado Hillary +5
Florida Trump +2
And since we had so many polls saying that Florida is a tie too, the above looks correct.
Nobody in their right mind ever wanted to go before a Court Martial, it was outside the regiment for one thing and no fixes could be put in (as we saw in the film, with the officer slipping in to see the colonel just before the hearing).
No, that's not a particularly fresh observation, but it bears repeating about every three seconds. I don't remember politics before the late 90s, but when was it ever this absurd?
Not sure about schools. Right now we're focussed on planning for maternity leave and nursery childcare.
Schools shouldn't be too bad in rural Hampshire and nothing that can't be supplemented with enthusiastic parenting and private tuition. I hope!
e.g. from yesterday:
Britain Elects @britainelects 17h17 hours ago
Ombersley (Worcestershire) result:
CON: 63.2% (+15.3)
LDEM: 14.8% (+9.7)
UKIP: 14.0% (-19.2)
IND: 7.9% (+7.9)
Lab and Grn didn't stand.
But I doubt he is going to find suckers for this.
Once I make my mind up to do something, and motivated to actually do it, I want to do it and get it out of the way asap.
Moving house is annoying because you are at the mercy and whim of a string of other people.
It makes me want to flog mine asap and buy the best fit I can find on the market at the time.
Why can't we get to Mars? Cost. So make it cheaper. Reuse rockets. Use less powerful but more reliable engines. Start small and build up. Finance through sales.
Though there are potential snags on the way: they have yet to refly any of their landed first stages (though they might fly two later this year), and they've had trouble lifting enough mass to orbit to fulfil their ISS resupply contract.
A big question is whether we can actually reproduce on the one-third gravity of Mars, and how the low gravity will affect development of children. As far as I'm aware, scientists have got no animal to reproduce in zero-G. Will the same be true for 1/3 G?
"Government interference in sport"
So is N.Korea not interfering in sport ?
How about China ?
They probably selected Kuwait from a lottery of small states that they can afford to ban.
Looked up the WR and it's been there since 1986! Set by a Bulgarian at 2.09m