Though as SeanT points out China produced an excellent games with a much lower gdp per capita than Brazil
Fair point. I'm only arguing for the sake of it. I would imagine the Chinese authorities could more easily say "Full attendance please, or some of you will be goat herding in Xinjiang for the next eleventy billion years".
Indeed, China's government does at least know how to organise, unlike the present chaotic leaders in charge of Brazil
Democracies are rubbish at making big things happen because the mob demands that money be spent on mitigating human suffering rather than concrete for foreigners to admire. I would guess that in Brazil, people do not do the will of the government, if the government merely asks them to do so. No-one had to be told to go to the Olympics in London either, but London is one of the most massively wealthy cities in the world full of unburdened young professionals looking for conspicuous experiential consumption.
So future Olympics can either be held in wealthy democracies or dictatorships then? So Harare 2024? Damascus 2032? Pyongyang 2040? Rio may have been a better bet in the seventies when the generals were still in charge
How about Bangkok? Generals in charge there at the moment!
Yes, could be a strong contendor, will have to hold off Cairo and Havana though!
2024 from Constantinople? Got to be in with a shout now then given recent events
Yes, though whether the dictator is Erdogan or a general by then remains to be seen
Though as SeanT points out China produced an excellent games with a much lower gdp per capita than Brazil
Fair point. I'm only arguing for the sake of it. I would imagine the Chinese authorities could more easily say "Full attendance please, or some of you will be goat herding in Xinjiang for the next eleventy billion years".
Indeed, China's government does at least know how to organise, unlike the present chaotic leaders in charge of Brazil
Democracies are rubbish at making big things happen because the mob demands that money be spent on mitigating human suffering rather than concrete for foreigners to admire. I would guess that in Brazil, people do not do the will of the government, if the government merely asks them to do so. No-one had to be told to go to the Olympics in London either, but London is one of the most massively wealthy cities in the world full of unburdened young professionals looking for conspicuous experiential consumption.
So future Olympics can either be held in wealthy democracies or dictatorships then? So Harare 2024? Damascus 2032? Pyongyang 2040? Rio may have been a better bet in the seventies when the generals were still in charge
How about Bangkok? Generals in charge there at the moment!
Yes, could be a strong contendor, will have to hold off Cairo and Havana though!
A post PM allegedly tried to get an F1 street race organised three or four years ago.
If the BBC are going to channel hop then they should start the following channel a minute or so earlier. It's ridiculous that they force viewers to sit through their adverts and intros all the bloody time.
Edit, or just stick the news on BBC 2.
I really like the way sky do it, when they have a big sporting event they just change one of their channels to be Sky Ryder Cup etc.
What is also really annoying is if you watch the "main" live stream via the bbc sport website, when the tv changes channel, the bbc sport doesn't continue with the live sport, it starts showing like the news at 10. You have to refresh the stream for it to pick up the sport again.
If the BBC are going to channel hop then they should start the following channel a minute or so earlier. It's ridiculous that they force viewers to sit through their adverts and intros all the bloody time.
Edit, or just stick the news on BBC 2.
It is deeply frustrating. And made worse by a lot of empty-headed 'presenters'
Though having listened to Radio 5 earlier this evening, it would seem that there is no talent left for their presenting team. Utterly, utterly pointless to try to do radio coverage of a shooting competition!
Does it go....this bloke locally known as Dave, was a bad Muslim, and probably a bit gay, and with nothing to do with Islam, he became radicalized, but was not a terrorist?
Does it go....this bloke locally known as Dave, was a bad Muslim, and probably a bit gay, and with nothing to do with Islam, he became radicalized, but was not a terrorist?
Not bothered with any of the "official" BBC channels, just picked and chose what to watch on the BBC via the "schedule page".
The coverage has been excellent if you're technically savvy enough to find it all (Instead of listening to Hoy and Redgrave gas about Wiggins for an hour)
If the BBC are going to channel hop then they should start the following channel a minute or so earlier. It's ridiculous that they force viewers to sit through their adverts and intros all the bloody time.
Edit, or just stick the news on BBC 2.
It is deeply frustrating. And made worse by a lot of empty-headed 'presenters'
Though having listened to Radio 5 earlier this evening, it would seem that there is no talent left for their presenting team. Utterly, utterly pointless to try to do radio coverage of a shooting competition!
Sky sports have several dedicated Olympic channels covering the different sports. The guide to what on though rarely matches what they are showing. Select boxing and its horse dancing sort of thing.
Working for the BBC is such a prestigious job that they all should be utterly superb, right down to the continuity announcer at three o'clock in the morning on local radio. That's clearly not the case.
As befits a movement dedicated to reinventing democracy through new technology, it also aims to boost the youth vote by persuading the company developing Pokémon Go in Iceland to turn polling stations into Pokéstops.
Sometimes when the commentators talk about previous form which riders have inexplicably lost from a couple of years back I feel as though they are ignoring the elephant in the room in the shape of doping. It's obvious that some racers who were unbelievably strong a couple of years ago before the big bang of Armstrong's scandal have lost "form" because they can no longer dope their way to the top.
are you sure "inexplicable loss of form" isn't the commentators way of drawing attention to something they can't say?
Sometimes when the commentators talk about previous form which riders have inexplicably lost from a couple of years back I feel as though they are ignoring the elephant in the room in the shape of doping. It's obvious that some racers who were unbelievably strong a couple of years ago before the big bang of Armstrong's scandal have lost "form" because they can no longer dope their way to the top.
are you sure "inexplicable loss of form" isn't the commentators way of drawing attention to something they can't say?
I'd prefer them to just come out and say it foe those who have had doping bans.
But if you can't say with 100% certainty that a historic performance was drug-induced you'd be in a legal minefield
Indeed if we hadn't voted Brexit and achieved ever closer union then by 2024 Team EU on the present medal totals would be wiping the floor with the Yanks and the Chinese.
Tonight, you raised 100% of the funds needed for the 5 who were ruled against this afternoon. You are amazing.
Actually I think that is the right action to take. They shouldn't have been out of pocket for fighting for party democracy. If only the NEC had acted properly in the firs place....
Tonight, you raised 100% of the funds needed for the 5 who were ruled against this afternoon. You are amazing.
Actually I think that is the right action to take. They shouldn't have been out of pocket for fighting for party democracy. If only the NEC had acted properly in the firs place....
The NEC did act properly, or so it has been ruled. What they may not have done is acted decently.
I applaud all the athletes who win gold medals, but frankly really do not give a toss as to which country they come from. At the end of the day they are doing it for themselves!
I applaud all the athletes who win gold medals, but frankly really do not give a toss as to which country they come from. At the end of the day they are doing it for themselves!
Pretty sure they are doing it for Queen and Country.
I wonder why it is team GB can never seem to find people who are competitive in the hammer, shot, discus? We had the big lad who tried it for 2 years, got to Olympics then went off to play American football & that is about the only person we have had that was up there with the top 10 or so in the world.
Cycling's better
What is also really annoying is if you watch the "main" live stream via the bbc sport website, when the tv changes channel, the bbc sport doesn't continue with the live sport, it starts showing like the news at 10. You have to refresh the stream for it to pick up the sport again.
Though having listened to Radio 5 earlier this evening, it would seem that there is no talent left for their presenting team. Utterly, utterly pointless to try to do radio coverage of a shooting competition!
The coverage has been excellent if you're technically savvy enough to find it all (Instead of listening to Hoy and Redgrave gas about Wiggins for an hour)'_Party
neighbours been round to ask if I mind stop shouting!
why Lycra shorts should always be black
No doubt Tyson will be along in a minute to vomit more bile.
Tonight, you raised 100% of the funds needed for the 5 who were ruled against this afternoon. You are amazing.
There's a breath and depth to British sport that is quite superb, and we are THE global powerhouse of cycling now.
Guess who's third in the medal table? So proud of Team GB #rio2016 #BringOnTheGreat
But is cycling too Tory for Tyson
Indeed if we hadn't voted Brexit and achieved ever closer union then by 2024 Team EU on the present medal totals would be wiping the floor with the Yanks and the Chinese.
You have to win another medal to make a pair
Gold medal and a toast rack.... Cool
Amidst Wiggins' achievements: only rider to defend individual pursuit title, and first since 1936 to win gold on track and road. #Rio2016
Well done Bryony Page !!
Amidst Wiggins' achievements: only rider to defend individual pursuit title, and first since 1936 to win gold on track and road. #Rio2016 Murray in tennis, assume Mo in 5 plus 10k