Imagine if John McCain was the GOP nominee in 2000, would he have become POTUS, defeating Al Gore?
McCain's double misfortune was Bush winning on 2000 largely on the basis of Gore detaching himself from Bill Clinton and then in 08 coming up against the brilliant campaigner in Obama and the financial crisis.
He can't withdraw, his name would still go forward as the Republican candidate.
The idea is that Trump resigns the nomination and the RNC nominates someone else, there is precedent from 1912 and 1972 but for VP's.
I can't see that working politically because half of republican voters are Trump fanatics, only if they replaced Trump with another Trump would it work.
Best case right now, Trump resigns but the nomination stays in the Trump family and goes to Ivanka.
She is well liked by the media, is seen as the most political savvy of the Trump family and as a woman she would get Hillary's only card.
But the only ones who can convince Trump of doing this is probably his own family. It's probably for the better of them since the Trump family name is going through the gutter right now, and Trump is facing a hostile and politically charged Jury on his trial.
I never though that my 10000th comment would be speculation of Trump withdrawing from the GOP nomination, but there you go.
I expect Farage will start a new populist anti immigration party which Woolfe will lead and UKIP will be left with Carswell, Neil Hamilton and whichever nonentity they now elect to lead them and wither on the vine
Since the EU is no longer an issue they should just concentrate on being British ...
Sounds like you want them to be rather nationalist, they should put National in their name too ...
Obviously they are a Party ...
Now what name could they go for ...
When May agrees to continue free movement with controls to get some access to the single market that will be the time for an anti immigration party and the British Nationalists is as good a name as any
Why not just add the word Socialist on the end. British national socialist party. Has a nice ring to it, plus if they are going to try and appeal to traditional Labour voters then saying they are socialist is a must.
They also need to mention Workers. British Workers National Socialist Party.
Workers & National Kipper, English Regions & Socialist party?
I wonder what acronym we could use for that?
How about the Local Occasionally Socialist English Regions Syndicate?
Imagine if John McCain was the GOP nominee in 2000, would he have become POTUS, defeating Al Gore?
McCain's double misfortune was Bush winning on 2000 largely on the basis of Gore detaching himself from Bill Clinton and then in 08 coming up against the brilliant campaigner in Obama and the financial crisis.
He can't withdraw, his name would still go forward as the Republican candidate.
The idea is that Trump resigns the nomination and the RNC nominates someone else, there is precedent from 1912 and 1972 but for VP's.
I can't see that working politically because half of republican voters are Trump fanatics, only if they replaced Trump with another Trump would it work.
Best case right now, Trump resigns but the nomination stays in the Trump family and goes to Ivanka.
She is well liked by the media, is seen as the most political savvy of the Trump family and as a woman she would get Hillary's only card.
But the only ones who can convince Trump of doing this is probably his own family. It's probably for the better of them since the Trump family name is going through the gutter right now, and Trump is facing a hostile and politically charged Jury on his trial.
I never though that my 10000th comment would be speculation of Trump withdrawing from the GOP nomination, but there you go.
Imagine if John McCain was the GOP nominee in 2000, would he have become POTUS, defeating Al Gore?
McCain's double misfortune was Bush winning on 2000 largely on the basis of Gore detaching himself from Bill Clinton and then in 08 coming up against the brilliant campaigner in Obama and the financial crisis.
He can't withdraw, his name would still go forward as the Republican candidate.
The idea is that Trump resigns the nomination and the RNC nominates someone else, there is precedent from 1912 and 1972 but for VP's.
I can't see that working politically because half of republican voters are Trump fanatics, only if they replaced Trump with another Trump would it work.
Best case right now, Trump resigns but the nomination stays in the Trump family and goes to Ivanka.
She is well liked by the media, is seen as the most political savvy of the Trump family and as a woman she would get Hillary's only card.
But the only ones who can convince Trump of doing this is probably his own family. It's probably for the better of them since the Trump family name is going through the gutter right now, and Trump is facing a hostile and politically charged Jury on his trial.
I never though that my 10000th comment would be speculation of Trump withdrawing from the GOP nomination, but there you go.
The Larry Sabato tweet post.
10000th and 10001st then. But agreed, barmy times.
"You should have come over to Pembrokeshire. Better beaches but less crowded. Mind you, the mobile signal is shit."
We had a holiday in North Devon a few years ago and I thought then why isn't there a ferry across to Wales? If done in the holiday season I would have thought it could be done at a profit and benefit both sides.
That said I spent most of the crossing to and from Lundy Island trying not to spew my ring and that on a lovely, if somewhat blowy, day in August.
I expect Farage will start a new populist anti immigration party which Woolfe will lead and UKIP will be left with Carswell, Neil Hamilton and whichever nonentity they now elect to lead them and wither on the vine
Since the EU is no longer an issue they should just concentrate on being British ...
Sounds like you want them to be rather nationalist, they should put National in their name too ...
Obviously they are a Party ...
Now what name could they go for ...
When May agrees to continue free movement with controls to get some access to the single market that will be the time for an anti immigration party and the British Nationalists is as good a name as any
Why not just add the word Socialist on the end. British national socialist party. Has a nice ring to it, plus if they are going to try and appeal to traditional Labour voters then saying they are socialist is a must.
They also need to mention Workers. British Workers National Socialist Party.
Workers & National Kipper, English Regions & Socialist party?
I wonder what acronym we could use for that?
How about the Local Occasionally Socialist English Regions Syndicate?
Freedom Regained Upon Independence To Conservative And Kipper English Socialists
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Reminds me of the lawyers and peers trying to block Brexit.
What time of day. I know that in that part of the world the biggies tend to take off in the wee hours of the morning for the heavier air.
12:45 local, 08:45GMT. Horrible weather today, seriously hot and humid. Pressure was 988mb and temp 49C. Rumour is that there was a wind shear and he tried to go around but fell into the hole in the air. Very unfortunate, and reminiscent of the BA crash in a similar 777 at LHR a few years back, although it for different reasons. Those Boeings are very well built indeed.
I think there was a domestic US crash in the mid 80s which led to the discovery of microbursts.
"You should have come over to Pembrokeshire. Better beaches but less crowded. Mind you, the mobile signal is shit."
We had a holiday in North Devon a few years ago and I thought then why isn't there a ferry across to Wales? If done in the holiday season I would have thought it could be done at a profit and benefit both sides.
That said I spent most of the crossing to and from Lundy Island trying not to spew my ring and that on a lovely, if somewhat blowy, day in August.
Tides are a problem - that's why there are no marinas along that coast.
"he committed the party to pushing the minimum wage up to £8.25 and forcing employers to give it to all adults on the payroll, not just those over 25 - to be funded by tax increases for the highest-earners in society and businesses." tax businesses more to pay for businesses to pay their employees more. How does that one work then?
Well if business will not pay their people enough even for a very minimal standard of living and expect the taxpayers to pick up the difference, what can you expect? Some businesses might have a leg to stand on if they were not paying their senior executives very large sums indeed whilst the junior staff cannot afford to keep a roof over their heads on the wages that they are paid.
In work benefits always strike me as pernicious as they are, in effect a subsidy, from the marginal net taxpayer the larger companies and the very well off. If a company's business model relies on employing people on the minimum legal wage knowing that those wages will be topped up from taxpayers then that company does not deserve to survive.
Wages are not topped up for employees on the minimum legal wage. If somebody is working 40 hours a week on 7.20 an hour then that is an income of just over £15000 per year. If a couple are doing that then they are on a minimum wage of over £30,000 per year.
Please show me an automatic subsidy given to all families on more than £30,000 per year.
Those on benefits are typically getting benefits for children and/or are part timers. If the government wants to pay more for children or people working part time hours then that is not the employers fault. Quite the opposite in fact as an employer it can be a real challenge to get people to agree to work more than 16 hours per week sometimes.
Housingg benefit, tax credits
A good move would be to abolish housing benefit entirely, starting in London.
I agree Mr, Mede but can you imagine the screaming? All those landlords who would suddenly be underwater on their BTL loans. Doesn't bear thinking about. However, I suspect until such distorting payments are abolished then we will never get of the structural deficit and the SE will continue to attract more people than it can properly cope with.
That said what I would rather like to see in the next couple of years is a government scheme to encourage elderly people to move out of large family houses in the SE into smaller, but not small, houses in the North, places like Hexham. Need not be too expensive, zero stamp duty, a government grant towards moving costs, that sort of thing. Trivial amounts of money in the great scheme of things but perhaps of useful benefit for North, South and me.
As I said, bad news shouldn't be ignored, but nor should it be exaggerated or manufactured.
The BBC just love to make the news. I am all for proper investigative journalism but they have so many editors/commentators who love to make their comments into news stories that it has completely undermined any good work that real journalists have done.
I want news to be reported. I don't need someone to give me their opinion on it. I don't need it 'explaining' - just reported.
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
I agree Mr, Mede but can you imagine the screaming? All those landlords who would suddenly be underwater on their BTL loans. Doesn't bear thinking about. However, I suspect until such distorting payments are abolished then we will never get of the structural deficit and the SE will continue to attract more people than it can properly cope with.
That said what I would rather like to see in the next couple of years is a government scheme to encourage elderly people to move out of large family houses in the SE into smaller, but not small, houses in the North, places like Hexham. Need not be too expensive, zero stamp duty, a government grant towards moving costs, that sort of thing. Trivial amounts of money in the great scheme of things but perhaps of useful benefit for North, South and me.
Move elderly people away from their families and the area they've known all their life?
The head of the CPS said whoever goes to fight in Syria is breaking the law no matter what side they are fighting on buy we seem to turn a blind eye when it suits us.
"You should have come over to Pembrokeshire. Better beaches but less crowded. Mind you, the mobile signal is shit."
We had a holiday in North Devon a few years ago and I thought then why isn't there a ferry across to Wales? If done in the holiday season I would have thought it could be done at a profit and benefit both sides.
That said I spent most of the crossing to and from Lundy Island trying not to spew my ring and that on a lovely, if somewhat blowy, day in August.
Tides are a problem - that's why there are no marinas along that coast.
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
Huh, just checking her out on wikipedia, I had naively thought she was a Russian! (I've not heard her speak so I am sure that would have been a dead giveaway).
''The Trump resignation rumour is picking up steam:''
Here's what I don;t understand. If Trump's such a rotten candidate, then the dems should simply run against him and thump him.
No. They seem to want him out of the way.
The problem is that Trump has been attacking everybody but Hillary since the convention. He has attacked even his own team.
This has a feeling of the legal team of Richard Nixon pleading him to resign before it's too late.
Will Trump listen ? Would there be an ideal compromise, in that Trump steps down to allow his daughter to take over ? Should Hillary be afraid that Trump will listen ?
For those who cannot speak German, 69% of Germans say Merkel's policy on refugees did not contribute to the recent terrorist attacks in Germany, which makes sense.
The head of the CPS said whoever goes to fight in Syria is breaking the law no matter what side they are fighting on buy we seem to turn a blind eye when it suits us.
Looks like they would prosecute whoever went, so I'm not sure how we are turning a blind eye
Is Wolfe worth a punt at 6-1 on the basis this could be reversed?
Not at 6/1, I don't think. I would say at twice that it would be value.
I am certain (as much as one can be, knowing neither the facts nor the rules) there is scope for any amount of 'it depends what you mean by "submitted"/"received"' legal wiggling over the nomination, but Woolfe would have to go to court about it, and he is probably feeling a bit shy over the pcc non-disclosure issue, which hasn't officially reared its head yet but might do so in future.
For those who cannot speak German, 69% of Germans say Merkel's policy on refugees did not contribute to the recent terrorist attacks in Germany, which makes sense.
So the journo got his facts wrong then...lords is always stupid money but people seem to be willing to pay it in London.
£40 for a days cricket doesn't seem bad to me. Unfortunately i have meetings tomorrow & Friday, so my concern would be will we get a full day 4.
I always recall Tests starting on a Thursday (or the rare Friday). Since when was a Wednesday start so common?
It is because they used to play one week on, one week off, but now they try to get 2 test series plus one sayers & T20, so more back to back tests & general shift around of things.
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
I agree Mr, Mede but can you imagine the screaming? All those landlords who would suddenly be underwater on their BTL loans. Doesn't bear thinking about. However, I suspect until such distorting payments are abolished then we will never get of the structural deficit and the SE will continue to attract more people than it can properly cope with.
That said what I would rather like to see in the next couple of years is a government scheme to encourage elderly people to move out of large family houses in the SE into smaller, but not small, houses in the North, places like Hexham. Need not be too expensive, zero stamp duty, a government grant towards moving costs, that sort of thing. Trivial amounts of money in the great scheme of things but perhaps of useful benefit for North, South and me.
Move elderly people away from their families and the area they've known all their life?
Can't see a great number taking that up.
You might be surprised., Mr. Hopkins.
At present in the SE the figures for downsizing just don't work and actually there are a lot of people who would very much like to downsize and whose children and families are spread all over the globe let alone the UK. So I think you might be surprised about how little attachment to place there is amongst the elderly in the SE.
Add into that the massive housebuilding that is going on in the SE without the concomitant investment in infrastructure (transport and health particularly) and it is not difficult to see how for the investment of, in relative terms, a few quid shifting the oldies up North, whilst leaving them with a wodge to pay for health/social care, might e a very attractive option.
I agree Mr, Mede but can you imagine the screaming? All those landlords who would suddenly be underwater on their BTL loans. Doesn't bear thinking about. However, I suspect until such distorting payments are abolished then we will never get of the structural deficit and the SE will continue to attract more people than it can properly cope with.
That said what I would rather like to see in the next couple of years is a government scheme to encourage elderly people to move out of large family houses in the SE into smaller, but not small, houses in the North, places like Hexham. Need not be too expensive, zero stamp duty, a government grant towards moving costs, that sort of thing. Trivial amounts of money in the great scheme of things but perhaps of useful benefit for North, South and me.
Move elderly people away from their families and the area they've known all their life?
Can't see a great number taking that up.
You might be surprised., Mr. Hopkins.
At present in the SE the figures for downsizing just don't work and actually there are a lot of people who would very much like to downsize and whose children and families are spread all over the globe let alone the UK. So I think you might be surprised about how little attachment to place there is amongst the elderly in the SE.
Add into that the massive housebuilding that is going on in the SE without the concomitant investment in infrastructure (transport and health particularly) and it is not difficult to see how for the investment of, in relative terms, a few quid shifting the oldies up North, whilst leaving them with a wodge to pay for health/social care, might e a very attractive option.
Why should the North have to deal with the South's problems?
"he committed the party to pushing the minimum wage up to £8.25 and forcing employers to give it to all adults on the payroll, not just those over 25 - to be funded by tax increases for the highest-earners in society and businesses." tax businesses more to pay for businesses to pay their employees more. How does that one work then?
Well if business will not pay their people enough even for a very minimal standard of living and expect the taxpayers to pick up the difference, what can you expect? Some businesses might have a leg to stand on if they were not paying their senior executives very large sums indeed whilst the junior staff cannot afford to keep a roof over their heads on the wages that they are paid.
In work benefits always strike me as pernicious as they are, in effect a subsidy, from the marginal net taxpayer the larger companies and the very well off. If a company's business model relies on employing people on the minimum legal wage knowing that those wages will be topped up from taxpayers then that company does not deserve to survive.
Wages are not topped up for employees on the minimum legal wage. If somebody is working 40 hours a week on 7.20 an hour then that is an income of just over £15000 per year. If a couple are doing that then they are on a minimum wage of over £30,000 per year.
Please show me an automatic subsidy given to all families on more than £30,000 per year.
Those on benefits are typically getting benefits for children and/or are part timers. If the government wants to pay more for children or people working part time hours then that is not the employers fault. Quite the opposite in fact as an employer it can be a real challenge to get people to agree to work more than 16 hours per week sometimes.
Housingg benefit, tax credits
A childless couple earning a family income of £30k pa are automatically entitled to Housing Benefit and Tax Credits are they? Are you sure? How much?
The head of the CPS said whoever goes to fight in Syria is breaking the law no matter what side they are fighting on buy we seem to turn a blind eye when it suits us.
Looks like they would prosecute whoever went, so I'm not sure how we are turning a blind eye
I agree Mr, Mede but can you imagine the screaming? All those landlords who would suddenly be underwater on their BTL loans. Doesn't bear thinking about. However, I suspect until such distorting payments are abolished then we will never get of the structural deficit and the SE will continue to attract more people than it can properly cope with.
That said what I would rather like to see in the next couple of years is a government scheme to encourage elderly people to move out of large family houses in the SE into smaller, but not small, houses in the North, places like Hexham. Need not be too expensive, zero stamp duty, a government grant towards moving costs, that sort of thing. Trivial amounts of money in the great scheme of things but perhaps of useful benefit for North, South and me.
Move elderly people away from their families and the area they've known all their life?
Can't see a great number taking that up.
You might be surprised., Mr. Hopkins.
At present in the SE the figures for downsizing just don't work and actually there are a lot of people who would very much like to downsize and whose children and families are spread all over the globe let alone the UK. So I think you might be surprised about how little attachment to place there is amongst the elderly in the SE.
Add into that the massive housebuilding that is going on in the SE without the concomitant investment in infrastructure (transport and health particularly) and it is not difficult to see how for the investment of, in relative terms, a few quid shifting the oldies up North, whilst leaving them with a wodge to pay for health/social care, might e a very attractive option.
Hurst, move to God's country you will get a nice mansion and plenty change for sure
I agree Mr, Mede but can you imagine the screaming? All those landlords who would suddenly be underwater on their BTL loans. Doesn't bear thinking about. However, I suspect until such distorting payments are abolished then we will never get of the structural deficit and the SE will continue to attract more people than it can properly cope with.
That said what I would rather like to see in the next couple of years is a government scheme to encourage elderly people to move out of large family houses in the SE into smaller, but not small, houses in the North, places like Hexham. Need not be too expensive, zero stamp duty, a government grant towards moving costs, that sort of thing. Trivial amounts of money in the great scheme of things but perhaps of useful benefit for North, South and me.
Move elderly people away from their families and the area they've known all their life?
Can't see a great number taking that up.
You might be surprised., Mr. Hopkins.
At present in the SE the figures for downsizing just don't work and actually there are a lot of people who would very much like to downsize and whose children and families are spread all over the globe let alone the UK. So I think you might be surprised about how little attachment to place there is amongst the elderly in the SE.
Add into that the massive housebuilding that is going on in the SE without the concomitant investment in infrastructure (transport and health particularly) and it is not difficult to see how for the investment of, in relative terms, a few quid shifting the oldies up North, whilst leaving them with a wodge to pay for health/social care, might e a very attractive option.
Why should the North have to deal with the South's problems?
It's not like there's a problem with house prices oop North.
Civil Wars have started over less.
An influx of people who are cash and time rich, in need of services but able to pay for them you think that is a bad idea. Weird folk in Sheffield. I suppose that is why it has been for many years been referred to as the People's Republic of South Yorkshire and has been a shit place and had shit services to match.
HurstLlama I've just entered into the government's tax credit calculator 15000 each for two people with no kids and funnily enough Tax Credits available was £0. So couples working full time in minimum wage are not entitled to Tax Credits.
Again if the government wants to give benefits to part timers or parents that's not a businesses responsibility. Unless you think perhaps we should have one minimum wage for childless people and a higher minimum wage if you employ a parent.
No still in trials and will be with you in a month or two, once they get round the right wing Junta kangaroo court ruling
Parents in the current trials are now considering court action, since the trials are probably illegal too
Yes can imagine there will be a few Tories involved. Nice to see reported in papers that the cretins that brought the last case are being investigated for misuse of charity funds.
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
You forgot ....
F. "Sun" endorsement as a former "glamour" girl ....
I agree Mr, Mede but can you imagine the screaming? All those landlords who would suddenly be underwater on their BTL loans. Doesn't bear thinking about. However, I suspect until such distorting payments are abolished then we will never get of the structural deficit and the SE will continue to attract more people than it can properly cope with.
That said what I would rather like to see in the next couple of years is a government scheme to encourage elderly people to move out of large family houses in the SE into smaller, but not small, houses in the North, places like Hexham. Need not be too expensive, zero stamp duty, a government grant towards moving costs, that sort of thing. Trivial amounts of money in the great scheme of things but perhaps of useful benefit for North, South and me.
Move elderly people away from their families and the area they've known all their life?
Can't see a great number taking that up.
You might be surprised., Mr. Hopkins.
At present in the SE the figures for downsizing just don't work and actually there are a lot of people who would very much like to downsize and whose children and families are spread all over the globe let alone the UK. So I think you might be surprised about how little attachment to place there is amongst the elderly in the SE.
Add into that the massive housebuilding that is going on in the SE without the concomitant investment in infrastructure (transport and health particularly) and it is not difficult to see how for the investment of, in relative terms, a few quid shifting the oldies up North, whilst leaving them with a wodge to pay for health/social care, might e a very attractive option.
Why should the North have to deal with the South's problems?
It's not like there's a problem with house prices oop North.
Civil Wars have started over less.
An influx of people who are cash and time rich, in need of services but able to pay for them you think that is a bad idea. Weird folk in Sheffield. I suppose that is why it has been for many years been referred to as the People's Republic of South Yorkshire and has been a shit place and had shit services to match.
In my part of Sheffield, we were the second richest constituency in the UK until house prices went OTT (not that I'm complaining, I did very well out of the London house price boom)
There's a shortage of houses in Sheffield, so explain to me, how encouraging Southern Jessies, who water their alcohol to move to Sheffield will help Sheffielders, especially those who want to join the housing ladder?
HurstLlama I've just entered into the government's tax credit calculator 15000 each for two people with no kids and funnily enough Tax Credits available was £0. So couples working full time in minimum wage are not entitled to Tax Credits.
Again if the government wants to give benefits to part timers or parents that's not a businesses responsibility. Unless you think perhaps we should have one minimum wage for childless people and a higher minimum wage if you employ a parent.
Tell you what, Mr. Thompson, you come down to this part of the world with a family and see how far you get on £30k. Do that and let me know how you get on.
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
Here Ivanka is asked if she would ever run for public office.
HurstLlama I've just entered into the government's tax credit calculator 15000 each for two people with no kids and funnily enough Tax Credits available was £0. So couples working full time in minimum wage are not entitled to Tax Credits.
Again if the government wants to give benefits to part timers or parents that's not a businesses responsibility. Unless you think perhaps we should have one minimum wage for childless people and a higher minimum wage if you employ a parent.
Tell you what, Mr. Thompson, you come down to this part of the world with a family and see how far you get on £30k. Do that and let me know how you get on.
If only one works though and they have three kids, one person earning £15k full time creates £10k of tax credits.
HurstLlama I've just entered into the government's tax credit calculator 15000 each for two people with no kids and funnily enough Tax Credits available was £0. So couples working full time in minimum wage are not entitled to Tax Credits.
Again if the government wants to give benefits to part timers or parents that's not a businesses responsibility. Unless you think perhaps we should have one minimum wage for childless people and a higher minimum wage if you employ a parent.
Tell you what, Mr. Thompson, you come down to this part of the world with a family and see how far you get on £30k. Do that and let me know how you get on.
It is government's responsibility to set policy for the whole nation not just one part of it. Which is why £30k with no kids gets not a single penny of tax credits. Tell me how much you think is the minimum a business should be paying in any part of the country if that is not high enough.
'So come on John, list all the the terrorist attacks in Germany carried out by the recently arrived immigrants of Frau Merkel's policy.'
What difference does it make if the terrorists arrived last week or last year when innocent people are massacred ?
Two of the incidents last month, the Afghan axe man & the guy who blew himself up in the beer garden were both refugees that arrived in Germany during Merkel's administration. .
Are you claiming there are not thousands of ISIS terrorists now in Europe due to Merkel's open door policy ? The security forces must have got it badly wrong.
HurstLlama I've just entered into the government's tax credit calculator 15000 each for two people with no kids and funnily enough Tax Credits available was £0. So couples working full time in minimum wage are not entitled to Tax Credits.
Again if the government wants to give benefits to part timers or parents that's not a businesses responsibility. Unless you think perhaps we should have one minimum wage for childless people and a higher minimum wage if you employ a parent.
Tell you what, Mr. Thompson, you come down to this part of the world with a family and see how far you get on £30k. Do that and let me know how you get on.
If only one works though and they have three kids, one person earning £15k full time creates £10k of tax credits.
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
Here Ivanka is asked if she would ever run for public office.
" The businesswoman said while her father always told her "never to say never" on the possibility of running for elected office one day, she told Van Susteren the possibility of running is "not something I want to be doing." "
'So come on John, list all the the terrorist attacks in Germany carried out by the recently arrived immigrants of Frau Merkel's policy.'
What difference does it make if the terrorists arrived last week or last year when innocent people are massacred ?
Two of the incidents last month, the Afghan axe man & the guy who blew himself up in the beer garden were both refugees that arrived in Germany during Merkel's administration. .
Are you claiming there are not thousands of ISIS terrorists now in Europe due to Merkel's open door policy ? The security forces must have got it badly wrong.
Slow John, learn to use the reply button, your responses are incoherent
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
Here Ivanka is asked if she would ever run for public office.
" The businesswoman said while her father always told her "never to say never" on the possibility of running for elected office one day, she told Van Susteren the possibility of running is "not something I want to be doing." "
Open doors and windows.
She's a class act and is as adept at striking the right tone as her father is at doing the opposite. It's an intriguing thought.
A colleague suggested it, I do enjoy my visits to the South West of England.
Not sure how long you are down for, but if you are still around, the British Fireworks Championships in Plymouth on 16th-17th Aug are worth catching....
A colleague suggested it, I do enjoy my visits to the South West of England.
Not sure how long you are down for, but if you are still around, the British Fireworks Championships in Plymouth on 16th-17th Aug are worth catching....
Arriving this Friday and leaving the following Friday, sadly, I likes fireworks.
I'd like to make it Lewes for bonfire night one year
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
Ivanka cannot be president. She is only 34 and the consitution requires that the President is aged at least 45
A colleague suggested it, I do enjoy my visits to the South West of England.
Not sure how long you are down for, but if you are still around, the British Fireworks Championships in Plymouth on 16th-17th Aug are worth catching....
Arriving this Friday and leaving the following Friday, sadly, I likes fireworks.
I'd like to make it Lewes for bonfire night one year
Shame - it's one of the fixtures in the diary down here.
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
Ivanka cannot be president. She is only 34 and the consitution requires that the President is aged at least 45
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of 35 Years, and been 14 Years a Resident within the United States."
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
Ivanka cannot be president. She is only 34 and the consitution requires that the President is aged at least 45
35, not 45.
She will be 35 on October 30th, the election is on November 8th.
It's very historically convenient if she becomes the GOP nominee in the place of her father, just in the nick of time, if she was born 10 days later she would have been ineligible.
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
Ivanka cannot be president. She is only 34 and the consitution requires that the President is aged at least 45
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of 35 Years, and been 14 Years a Resident within the United States."
Ah, I stand corrected. Her 35th birthday is on 30 October so she just makes it!
A min age of 35 must still have been a relatively high barrier in 1788 given lower life expectancy. Probably equivalent to about 50 today.
Also, presumably George Washington was spared the 14 year rule?
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
Ivanka cannot be president. She is only 34 and the consitution requires that the President is aged at least 45
35, not 45.
She will be 35 on October 30th, the election is on November 8th.
It's very historically convenient if she becomes the GOP nominee in the place of her father, just in the nick of time.
Someone registered last October. That's forward planning!
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
Ivanka cannot be president. She is only 34 and the consitution requires that the President is aged at least 45
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of 35 Years, and been 14 Years a Resident within the United States."
Ah, I stand corrected. Her 35th birthday is on 30 October so she just makes it!
A min age of 35 must still have been a relatively high barrier in 1776 given lower life expectancy. Probably equivalent to about 50 today.
Pre-industrial life expectancy was heavily skewed by high child mortality.
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
Wasn't Ivanka Trump born in Kenya? ....
She is qualified by the constitution, she would be 35 years old by election day. She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump B. Not Donald C. A woman D. Is a young mother E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
Ivanka cannot be president. She is only 34 and the consitution requires that the President is aged at least 45
35, not 45.
She will be 35 on October 30th, the election is on November 8th.
It's very historically convenient if she becomes the GOP nominee in the place of her father, just in the nick of time.
Someone registered last October. That's forward planning!
True, but Donald Trump would have to make that decision (just like Nixon in 1974) in these few days. Or else it will be too late to save what can be saved of his reputation, his freedom and his influence.
The Larry Sabato tweet post.
"You should have come over to Pembrokeshire. Better beaches but less crowded. Mind you, the mobile signal is shit."
We had a holiday in North Devon a few years ago and I thought then why isn't there a ferry across to Wales? If done in the holiday season I would have thought it could be done at a profit and benefit both sides.
That said I spent most of the crossing to and from Lundy Island trying not to spew my ring and that on a lovely, if somewhat blowy, day in August.
The green velvet collar on his jacket made him look vaguely teutonic. Not exactly a 'man of the people' look...
As I mentioned, this trick could work only if then nomination stays in the Trump family (they can keep all the logos, the policies, Trump voters, but getting rid of Trump's manners), my recommendation would be to give it to Ivanka Trump.
@hendopolis: Also stunned the @bbctms guys cheerfully admit they don't know how much tickets cost. Hopelessly privileged?
Here's what I don;t understand. If Trump's such a rotten candidate, then the dems should simply run against him and thump him.
No. They seem to want him out of the way.
No storms in DXB today, but the low pressure (993mb) could well have contributed to the accident.
How much? A staggering 0.25% according to the feed (BBC front page says it's down 0.17%).
Talking up bad news? Surely not.
As I said, bad news shouldn't be ignored, but nor should it be exaggerated or manufactured.
That said what I would rather like to see in the next couple of years is a government scheme to encourage elderly people to move out of large family houses in the SE into smaller, but not small, houses in the North, places like Hexham. Need not be too expensive, zero stamp duty, a government grant towards moving costs, that sort of thing. Trivial amounts of money in the great scheme of things but perhaps of useful benefit for North, South and me.
I want news to be reported. I don't need someone to give me their opinion on it. I don't need it 'explaining' - just reported.
Apparently it's cheaper "up north"...
Move elderly people away from their families and the area they've known all their life?
Can't see a great number taking that up.
£40 for a days cricket doesn't seem bad to me. Unfortunately i have meetings tomorrow & Friday, so my concern would be will we get a full day 4.
He has attacked even his own team.
This has a feeling of the legal team of Richard Nixon pleading him to resign before it's too late.
Will Trump listen ?
Would there be an ideal compromise, in that Trump steps down to allow his daughter to take over ?
Should Hillary be afraid that Trump will listen ?
In any case, I'm not sure many people would view him as a terrorist, despite the fact the law says it's illegal to fight in any foreign conflict.
'She only allowed the terrorists in for free.'
What else can they say,they know their stuffed ?
Only around 10,000 of the million Merkel allowed in are terrorists.
Is now either Tests starting Thursday and Friday or Wednesday and Thursday
She would probably beat Hillary by a landslide in that she is:
A. Trump
B. Not Donald
C. A woman
D. Is a young mother
E. Liked by media
Donald Trump would probably gain a pardon from his daughter in case of conviction on his Trump University trial and of course access to the White House.
At present in the SE the figures for downsizing just don't work and actually there are a lot of people who would very much like to downsize and whose children and families are spread all over the globe let alone the UK. So I think you might be surprised about how little attachment to place there is amongst the elderly in the SE.
Add into that the massive housebuilding that is going on in the SE without the concomitant investment in infrastructure (transport and health particularly) and it is not difficult to see how for the investment of, in relative terms, a few quid shifting the oldies up North, whilst leaving them with a wodge to pay for health/social care, might e a very attractive option.
It's not like there's a problem with house prices oop North.
Civil Wars have started over less.
Again if the government wants to give benefits to part timers or parents that's not a businesses responsibility. Unless you think perhaps we should have one minimum wage for childless people and a higher minimum wage if you employ a parent.
F. "Sun" endorsement as a former "glamour" girl ....
There's a shortage of houses in Sheffield, so explain to me, how encouraging Southern Jessies, who water their alcohol to move to Sheffield will help Sheffielders, especially those who want to join the housing ladder?
'She only allowed the terrorists in for free.'
What else can they say,they know their stuffed ?
'So come on John, list all the the terrorist attacks in Germany carried out by the recently arrived immigrants of Frau Merkel's policy.'
What difference does it make if the terrorists arrived last week or last year when innocent people are massacred ?
Two of the incidents last month, the Afghan axe man & the guy who blew himself up in the beer garden were both refugees that arrived in Germany during Merkel's administration.
Are you claiming there are not thousands of ISIS terrorists now in Europe due to Merkel's open door policy ?
The security forces must have got it badly wrong.
Open doors and windows.
It's only about four weeks until Explorations, the sci-fi anthology in which I have a short story, is released.
[For those who're into Chinese classics, there are one or two little bits inspired by that sort of thing].
I'd like to make it Lewes for bonfire night one year
Clinton 33 .. Trump 49
For that matter, both Jesus and Alexander would've died before becoming eligible [on age grounds, obviously neither were US citizens
Hannibal was in his thirties when he invaded Italy.
The Black Prince was 29 years too young when he gave the French a thrashing at Crecy.
'Slow John, learn to use the reply button, your responses are incoherent'
I can understand your reply after the absurd point you were trying to make.
She will be 35 on October 30th, the election is on November 8th.
It's very historically convenient if she becomes the GOP nominee in the place of her father, just in the nick of time, if she was born 10 days later she would have been ineligible.
A min age of 35 must still have been a relatively high barrier in 1788 given lower life expectancy. Probably equivalent to about 50 today.
Also, presumably George Washington was spared the 14 year rule?
That said, it's still relatively higher than it would be today.
Or else it will be too late to save what can be saved of his reputation, his freedom and his influence.
Contrary to appearances, the process of selecting a new leader for the UK Independence Party is not a joke
Ok then.