My view is that if Corbyn does win again, Labour is bound to split, if only because a number of current Labour MPs are going to be deselected and will no longer sit on the labour benches. Others will join them. Corbyn and his allies will welcome that split. They want to take Labour onto the streets. Parliament is bourgeois. Socialism will only be delivered when the proletariat rise up. A few more years of Tory rule should hasten that. I'd laugh at the stupidity if it were not so sad.
You have to see it from the perspective of the likes of the SWP, the Socialist Party, Left Unity, the CPGB, the Peoples Assemblies and all the other myriad of utterly unelectable far left groups that Corbyn would have been perfectly at home in had he not chosen to stick in the Labour Party. Securing a revolution within the Labour Party to transform it irreversably into their image but with a residual 15% of support at the ballot box after a split will still count as a triumph for them.
I'm wonderIng if Lord (Neil) Kinnock might put himself forward. In good health, only a year or two older than Corbyn, widely respected in party. Could serve a couple of years implement reforms to sort the mess out and stand down in late 2018 to give his sucsessor time to bed in before 2020 election?
I cant think of anyone else who could avoid utter disaster. Batley means he could resign from Lords and be parachuted into commons unopposed.
Any odds available?
No, I proposed the same idea a few days ago. No sign of a book available on it. It is a good idea.
Louise Mensch @LouiseMensch 10m10 minutes ago Cameron humming is so great. I love it and him. Thank you @David_Cameron you were a transformative and wonderful Prime Minister
Meanwhile, it's a bit ironic that the leader of the party which was the architect of the Fixed Term Parliaments Act is now calling for an early general election.
Should we consider possibly Andrea Leadsom as next Chancellor for the betting markets? She's come out of this with some credit and the one thing everyone seems to agree is she is very financially literate and aware which could be useful for a Chancellor in these times.
Are you being serious ?
Yes. Leader is a step too far, but she could do a good job as a cabinet member and her expertise is in finance which could be useful in these times.
No - as she herself has said she spent 10 years at Invesco writing compensation agreements i.e. her expertise is in HR. We need a real expert to deal with financial services. If she has to be in Cabinet, somewhere where she can do no harm is the best bet. She's shown she can't deal with even the tiniest bit of pressure. We don't need a flaky drama queen in an important role.
Surely the point of having worked in financial services isnt what youve done ( it's a massively wide brief ) but knowing which questions to ask and who to trust for advice ?
"Its purpose is to organise and maintain in Parliament AND in the country a political Labour Party"
The 'AND' suggests that this should never have come to a one vs the other choice. It could be argued that Labour in government never cared much for Labour in the country (and I don't just mean 97-10), sometimes out of necessity of the party's rules at the time, and that contributed to Corbyn ending up leader. Perhaps the ultimate answer lies in finding a way to cherish both goals enough but, then again, I'm not sure any political party of power has ever fully cracked that nut.
credit to the Conservatives TSE, second female PM and no dicking about.
labour on the other hand.......
What matters is not actually having female PMs, but how much you desire to have one. As such, a pink bus is worth at least one female PM; t-shirts stating 'this is what a feminist looks like' are worth at least three.
As such, Labour have had more female PMs than the Conservatives without ever having had one.
Meanwhile, it's a bit ironic that the leader of the party which was the architect of the Fixed Term Parliaments Act is now calling for an early general election.
I'm wonderIng if Lord (Neil) Kinnock might put himself forward. In good health, only a year or two older than Corbyn, widely respected in party. Could serve a couple of years implement reforms to sort the mess out and stand down in late 2018 to give his sucsessor time to bed in before 2020 election?
I cant think of anyone else who could avoid utter disaster. Batley means he could resign from Lords and be parachuted into commons unopposed.
Any odds available?
Sadiq Khan would be another option. Shame that the Tooting by-election's been and gone - he could have stood!
I'm wonderIng if Lord (Neil) Kinnock might put himself forward. In good health, only a year or two older than Corbyn, widely respected in party. Could serve a couple of years implement reforms to sort the mess out and stand down in late 2018 to give his sucsessor time to bed in before 2020 election?
I cant think of anyone else who could avoid utter disaster. Batley means he could resign from Lords and be parachuted into commons unopposed.
Any odds available?
Interesting post. Kinnock is a very skilful operator, and wears the stripes from his defeat of militant in the 1980s. Hmm.
Louise Mensch @LouiseMensch 10m10 minutes ago Cameron humming is so great. I love it and him. Thank you @David_Cameron you were a transformative and wonderful Prime Minister
Ha, listening to Huw Edwards talking about Conservatives being 'vicious' about each other over the weekend. One suspects reuniting the Conservatives will be a shade easier than reuniting Labour.
I'm wonderIng if Lord (Neil) Kinnock might put himself forward. In good health, only a year or two older than Corbyn, widely respected in party. Could serve a couple of years implement reforms to sort the mess out and stand down in late 2018 to give his sucsessor time to bed in before 2020 election?
I cant think of anyone else who could avoid utter disaster. Batley means he could resign from Lords and be parachuted into commons unopposed.
Any odds available?
Interesting post. Kinnock is a very skilful operator, and wears the stripes from his defeat of militant in the 1980s. Hmm.
Haha. Apart from a trot rump in the big cities the Labour Party is finished.
Should we consider possibly Andrea Leadsom as next Chancellor for the betting markets? She's come out of this with some credit and the one thing everyone seems to agree is she is very financially literate and aware which could be useful for a Chancellor in these times.
Are you being serious ?
Yes. Leader is a step too far, but she could do a good job as a cabinet member and her expertise is in finance which could be useful in these times.
No - as she herself has said she spent 10 years at Invesco writing compensation agreements i.e. her expertise is in HR. We need a real expert to deal with financial services. If she has to be in Cabinet, somewhere where she can do no harm is the best bet. She's shown she can't deal with even the tiniest bit of pressure. We don't need a flaky drama queen in an important role.
Surely the point of having worked in financial services isnt what youve done ( it's a massively wide brief ) but knowing which questions to ask and who to trust for advice ?
You don't go to someone in HR for that. In my experience, they are absolutely incapable of doing either, with v rare exceptions. Leadsom is not one of them. Someone as good as bullshitting as she is is not the person you need to ask the right questions, have an appropriately sceptical mind and make the right judgment calls. You need someone who is prepared to be good at the detail because a lot of the issues are to do with detail and unintended consequences and understanding how other issues impact on financial services or are impacted by them e.g. what sort of deal we get on data protection will have a very important effect on financial services.
Leadsom has blown her own financial credibility out of the water with her stupidity. I'd keep her well away. She didn't shine as City Minister when she was in that role.
Meanwhile, it's a bit ironic that the leader of the party which was the architect of the Fixed Term Parliaments Act is now calling for an early general election.
The FTPA was necessary for a coalition to work.
And a simple majority in the Commons can repeal it. Simples.
credit to the Conservatives TSE, second female PM and no dicking about.
labour on the other hand.......
What matters is not actually having female PMs, but how much you desire to have one. As such, a pink bus is worth at least one female PM; t-shirts stating 'this is what a feminist looks like' are worth at least three.
As such, Labour have had more female PMs than the Conservatives without ever having had one.
that's like all those Oxbridge dorks who preach diversity except when it applies to them. :-)
Labour are as progressive as a wheelless cart in a swamp powered by 2 legless mules.
Congratulations to Theresa May on her elevation to party leader – now sign the bloody A50.
She will
The A50's long; surely she's got better things to do than graffiting 100 miles of road. Mind you, she could always divert off to drop in for a cup of tea with my parents (or at the excellent Salt Box cafe at Hatton - past winner of the best transport cafe in Britain).
Labour MP Jon Trickett on Sky News repeats his belief that there will be an early general election at which he hopes Jeremy Corbyn will be elected prime minister.
I think that's what certain PBers will be thinking;). I have a positive view of May so it's more TIPM!
EDIT: Do you mean TICIPM = Theresa is coronated is Prime Minister? As opposed to what was my first thought = Theresa is Crap is Prime Minister (from EICIPM).
Meanwhile, it's a bit ironic that the leader of the party which was the architect of the Fixed Term Parliaments Act is now calling for an early general election.
The FTPA was necessary for a coalition to work.
And a simple majority in the Commons can repeal it. Simples.
Labour MP Jon Trickett on Sky News repeats his belief that there will be an early general election at which he hopes Jeremy Corbyn will be elected prime minister.
I'm wonderIng if Lord (Neil) Kinnock might put himself forward. In good health, only a year or two older than Corbyn, widely respected in party. Could serve a couple of years implement reforms to sort the mess out and stand down in late 2018 to give his sucsessor time to bed in before 2020 election?
I cant think of anyone else who could avoid utter disaster. Batley means he could resign from Lords and be parachuted into commons unopposed.
Any odds available?
Interesting post. Kinnock is a very skilful operator, and wears the stripes from his defeat of militant in the 1980s. Hmm.
Haha. Apart from a trot rump in the big cities the Labour Party is finished.
I'm actually sad about that. Rather them than UKIP.
Should we consider possibly Andrea Leadsom as next Chancellor for the betting markets? She's come out of this with some credit and the one thing everyone seems to agree is she is very financially literate and aware which could be useful for a Chancellor in these times.
Also Nicky Morgan could be Home Secretary with Theresa Villiers as Foreign Secretary making it 4 out of 4 for women in the top jobs.
Is she auditioning to be on X Factor or something? Perhaps wants a place on the panel of Loose Women?
It looks like a cheap perfume logo.
Angela by Angela Eagle.
Tis all very er, pink! – Some party members not enamoured by Eagle decision to stand against Corbyn have described it as resembling more a tampax commercial than a campaign launch. Harsh but true…
Well done to Andrea Leadsom for doing the sensible thing. Well done to the Tory party for ruthlessly squishing a 12-week scrap into a two-week one (Labour - take note!) Well done Theresa May* on becoming leader Well done David Cameron for being a good PM during very tough times, and for being brave enough to call a referendum.
Today was a good day for the country.
*My only reservation is Chris Grayling. I hope he doesn't become Chancellor. He's not a politician who fills me with a great deal of confidence!
My view is that if Corbyn does win again, Labour is bound to split, if only because a number of current Labour MPs are going to be deselected and will no longer sit on the labour benches. Others will join them. Corbyn and his allies will welcome that split. They want to take Labour onto the streets. Parliament is bourgeois. Socialism will only be delivered when the proletariat rise up. A few more years of Tory rule should hasten that. I'd laugh at the stupidity if it were not so sad.
You have to see it from the perspective of the likes of the SWP, the Socialist Party, Left Unity, the CPGB, the Peoples Assemblies and all the other myriad of utterly unelectable far left groups that Corbyn would have been perfectly at home in had he not chosen to stick in the Labour Party. Securing a revolution within the Labour Party to transform it irreversably into their image but with a residual 15% of support at the ballot box after a split will still count as a triumph for them.
She didn't shine as City Minister when she was in that role.
From the gossip I heard, that's something of an understatement.
I was being kind!
She simply is not up to being in Cabinet in my view. IMO. May needs to be ruthless. We need the best people available to deal with some very tricky issues. We don't need Cabinet jobs handed out as consolation prizes to those who have been tested and found wanting. There are others on the Brexit side who can be promoted in Cabinet who have behaved more competently and with more integrity than Leadsom has (other than when she finally pulled out of the race).
Is she auditioning to be on X Factor or something? Perhaps wants a place on the panel of Loose Women?
It looks like a cheap perfume logo.
Angela by Angela Eagle.
Tis all very er, pink! – Some party members not enamoured by Eagle decision to stand against Corbyn have described it as resembling more a tampax commercial than a campaign launch. Harsh but true…
It's serious vs bullshit. Look at hoe May launched her leadership bid, in a library being very serious about the headwinds facing the country. Eagle has a pink bus poster.
Meanwhile, it's a bit ironic that the leader of the party which was the architect of the Fixed Term Parliaments Act is now calling for an early general election.
The FTPA was necessary for a coalition to work.
And a simple majority in the Commons can repeal it. Simples.
No, 50%. In any case you don't need to repeal it, you just need the Government to pass a vote of no confidence in itself and then wait for two weeks.
Should we consider possibly Andrea Leadsom as next Chancellor for the betting markets? She's come out of this with some credit and the one thing everyone seems to agree is she is very financially literate and aware which could be useful for a Chancellor in these times.
Also Nicky Morgan could be Home Secretary with Theresa Villiers as Foreign Secretary making it 4 out of 4 for women in the top jobs.
Morgan is useless.
Not her. Please.
Let's stop worrying about gender and concentrate on competence.
Should we consider possibly Andrea Leadsom as next Chancellor for the betting markets? She's come out of this with some credit and the one thing everyone seems to agree is she is very financially literate and aware which could be useful for a Chancellor in these times.
Also Nicky Morgan could be Home Secretary with Theresa Villiers as Foreign Secretary making it 4 out of 4 for women in the top jobs.
Morgan is useless.
Not her. Please.
Let's stop worrying about gender and concentrate on competence.
Is she auditioning to be on X Factor or something? Perhaps wants a place on the panel of Loose Women?
It looks like a cheap perfume logo.
Angela by Angela Eagle.
Tis all very er, pink! – Some party members not enamoured by Eagle decision to stand against Corbyn have described it as resembling more a tampax commercial than a campaign launch. Harsh but true…
It's serious vs bullshit. Look at hoe May launched her leadership bid, in a library being very serious about the headwinds facing the country. Eagle has a pink bus poster.
I suspect it was an attempt to show how progressive it would be to elect a Lesbian - going for the pink vote.
Should we consider possibly Andrea Leadsom as next Chancellor for the betting markets? She's come out of this with some credit and the one thing everyone seems to agree is she is very financially literate and aware which could be useful for a Chancellor in these times.
Nah, it'll be Hammond. Dull accountant type exactly what is needed there imho.
As long as we do not get Osborne as Foreign Secretary. Personally dislikeable and prone to childish games. Completely unsuited for the role.
Mrs May needs to remove Osborne as a rival as her first act. He has the advantage of age. An EU commissioner or Ambassadorship would be a good idea.
She simply is not up to being in Cabinet in my view. IMO. May needs to be ruthless. We need the best people available to deal with some very tricky issues. We don't need Cabinet jobs handed out as consolation prizes to those who have been tested and found wanting. There are others on the Brexit side who can be promoted in Cabinet who have behaved more competently and with more integrity than Leadsom has (other than when she finally pulled out of the race).
Whilst I agree, there is a political necessity for Theresa May to be magnanimous in victory and to acknowledge that Angela Leadsom got a fair bit of support both from MPs and in the party. It's a tricky problem, made worse by the fact that the other leading Brexiteers are not without their drawbacks.
My view is that if Corbyn does win again, Labour is bound to split, if only because a number of current Labour MPs are going to be deselected and will no longer sit on the labour benches. Others will join them. Corbyn and his allies will welcome that split. They want to take Labour onto the streets. Parliament is bourgeois. Socialism will only be delivered when the proletariat rise up. A few more years of Tory rule should hasten that. I'd laugh at the stupidity if it were not so sad.
You have to see it from the perspective of the likes of the SWP, the Socialist Party, Left Unity, the CPGB, the Peoples Assemblies and all the other myriad of utterly unelectable far left groups that Corbyn would have been perfectly at home in had he not chosen to stick in the Labour Party. Securing a revolution within the Labour Party to transform it irreversably into their image but with a residual 15% of support at the ballot box after a split will still count as a triumph for them.
Should we consider possibly Andrea Leadsom as next Chancellor for the betting markets? She's come out of this with some credit and the one thing everyone seems to agree is she is very financially literate and aware which could be useful for a Chancellor in these times.
Also Nicky Morgan could be Home Secretary with Theresa Villiers as Foreign Secretary making it 4 out of 4 for women in the top jobs.
Morgan is useless.
Not her. Please.
Let's stop worrying about gender and concentrate on competence.
Morgan needs consigning to the backbenches asap.
I read a piece that said her value was "speaking Guardian". Rather like Ken Clarke.
Given May's speech - I expect her to get something just to cover that base. I find her very ordinary and more than off-putting when on the TV.
My view is that if Corbyn does win again, Labour is bound to split, if only because a number of current Labour MPs are going to be deselected and will no longer sit on the labour benches. Others will join them. Corbyn and his allies will welcome that split. They want to take Labour onto the streets. Parliament is bourgeois. Socialism will only be delivered when the proletariat rise up. A few more years of Tory rule should hasten that. I'd laugh at the stupidity if it were not so sad.
You have to see it from the perspective of the likes of the SWP, the Socialist Party, Left Unity, the CPGB, the Peoples Assemblies and all the other myriad of utterly unelectable far left groups that Corbyn would have been perfectly at home in had he not chosen to stick in the Labour Party. Securing a revolution within the Labour Party to transform it irreversably into their image but with a residual 15% of support at the ballot box after a split will still count as a triumph for them.
@JosiasJessop May actually wore that 'this is what a feminist looks like' t-shirt!
Yes, it's odd how the LDs are basically a party full of old, white, straight men. Even the Tories are a more diverse bunch these days.
There were a fair number of gay, female and a Sikh LD MP, until the electorate chucked them out.
The survivors cannot be blamed if the electoate likes straight white men!
Rennard et al shows the atmosphere for competent women in the Lib Dems was poisonous. Many good candidates would have been out off dealing with that old toad.
Worse, the support for him within the Lib Dems would have put others off.
I'm sad about Andrea Leadsom. However, it is what it is and I trust it will be for the best. It will be interesting to see whether May will show some quality in terms of cabinet selection.
Should we consider possibly Andrea Leadsom as next Chancellor for the betting markets? She's come out of this with some credit and the one thing everyone seems to agree is she is very financially literate and aware which could be useful for a Chancellor in these times.
Nah, it'll be Hammond. Dull accountant type exactly what is needed there imho.
As long as we do not get Osborne as Foreign Secretary. Personally dislikeable and prone to childish games. Completely unsuited for the role.
Mrs May needs to remove Osborne as a rival as her first act. He has the advantage of age. An EU commissioner or Ambassadorship would be a good idea.
You haven't really thought through this Brexit business, have you?
labour on the other hand.......
Cameron humming is so great. I love it and him. Thank you @David_Cameron you were a transformative and wonderful Prime Minister
"Its purpose is to organise and maintain in Parliament AND in the country a political Labour Party"
The 'AND' suggests that this should never have come to a one vs the other choice. It could be argued that Labour in government never cared much for Labour in the country (and I don't just mean 97-10), sometimes out of necessity of the party's rules at the time, and that contributed to Corbyn ending up leader. Perhaps the ultimate answer lies in finding a way to cherish both goals enough but, then again, I'm not sure any political party of power has ever fully cracked that nut.
As such, Labour have had more female PMs than the Conservatives without ever having had one.
Kelly Tolhurst as well.
I didn't think things could any more surreal.
Leadsom has blown her own financial credibility out of the water with her stupidity. I'd keep her well away. She didn't shine as City Minister when she was in that role.
Labour are as progressive as a wheelless cart in a swamp powered by 2 legless mules.
Edit: oh, not that A50.
Angela by Angela Eagle.
EDIT: Do you mean TICIPM = Theresa is coronated is Prime Minister? As opposed to what was my first thought = Theresa is Crap is Prime Minister (from EICIPM).
Which is probably what is going through the minds of everyone in the Labour Party: "Argh Eagles!"
May Is Coronated Is Prime Minister
Well done to the Tory party for ruthlessly squishing a 12-week scrap into a two-week one (Labour - take note!)
Well done Theresa May* on becoming leader
Well done David Cameron for being a good PM during very tough times, and for being brave enough to call a referendum.
Today was a good day for the country.
*My only reservation is Chris Grayling. I hope he doesn't become Chancellor. He's not a politician who fills me with a great deal of confidence!
Mind you, that now means that we've had five female Conservative PMs
The Lib Dems really need to play catchup. I cannot help but partially blame Rennard for the fact that none of the eight MPs are female.
Electoral Calculus with:
C 40%, Lab 15%, Lib15%, UKIP 20%, G 3%
gives 131 Lab MPs and they are still, easily, the official opposition.
Comrade jez is still LoTO.
He just needs to hang in there. After the asteroid, he is PM.
She simply is not up to being in Cabinet in my view. IMO. May needs to be ruthless. We need the best people available to deal with some very tricky issues. We don't need Cabinet jobs handed out as consolation prizes to those who have been tested and found wanting. There are others on the Brexit side who can be promoted in Cabinet who have behaved more competently and with more integrity than Leadsom has (other than when she finally pulled out of the race).
Yes, it's odd how the LDs are basically a party full of old, white, straight men. Even the Tories are a more diverse bunch these days.
Not her. Please.
Let's stop worrying about gender and concentrate on competence.
Yes but they are feeling VERY guilty about all of the above, so its OK.
She could have had a great career...
Given May's speech - I expect her to get something just to cover that base. I find her very ordinary and more than off-putting when on the TV.
Buy Rudd, sell Boris
you could have let the one big happy family roll for just one evening instead we have the bitter dissonance of the remainer.
Cabinet clues?
Miniature of State for Rutland ??
But it was instructive watching the MPs filing out to acclaim Theresa May. or not.