"I have repeatedly said that I do not want to be Prime Minister. That has always been my view. But events since last Thursday have weighed heavily with me."
Oops, Gove is running after all.... I'm so pleased. I suspect that at the 11th hour he realised that Boris wasn't going to win this contest, thereby giving him a real chance. It would be good if he received Cameron's endorsement, although if the PM publicly favours anyone, I suspect this will be Mrs May as a supposed, albeit luke warm member of his Remain team
Liam Fox and Stephen Crabb are declared runners. Boris Johnson and Theresa May are certain to enter the race today. Will there be any others? Andrea Leadsom and Nicky Morgan have flirted with the idea but are they actually going to stand? Any others?
I think that is plenty. Indeed in the case of Fox and Morgan rather too many.
I am not a fan of Liam Fox but he speaks for a grouping of the Conservative party. It would be helpful to see its Parliamentary strength.
I wonder whether we might see one or two more unanticipated names come forward. Jeremy Hunt was musing on his own position. Has Phillip Hammond yet said what he is doing?
Jeremy Hunt has done a good job keeping the NHS off the agenda during the election and then taking on the most reactionary unions in the UK today but I don't think he would have a chance. I am still struggling to see what is so wonderful about Hammond. He has a good backstory but his performance in Defence was nothing to write home about (admittedly he inherited a total shambles) and he has been unusually invisible as Foreign Secretary at a time when foreign affairs have been playing a rather more significant part than usual in our affairs. He seems to have nothing to say.
I think that electing a PM is different from electing a leader of the opposition where it is possible to take more of a chance and see how we go (very, very badly in Corbyn's case of course). We need safer hands in government.
It would be helpful if Gove would clarify his position.
It is very simple, for years we have been unable to restrict immigration, now we can. If we don't the politicians will pay the consequences.
Its called democracy, its what we voted for.
If these ones, arguably the most right wing set of Conservatives in a while, don't deliver immigration restriction, who on earth are you expecting to?
Who are you referring to?
You want to restrict immigration. You say that if the government doesn't, they will "pay the consequences" which, short of armed uprising or swinging from the Cenotaph, presumably means voting them out.
In which case which set of politicians are you expecting to be voted in to deliver your desired restriction of immigration? Labour? UKIP? Green? SDP2?
I meant which right wing tories are you referring to? The govt has the ability to reduce immigration, it was implicitly told to by the electorate, if it doesn't they'll be replaced.
You lot are in such a muddle its hilarious.
I am certainly not in a muddle.
You, meanwhile, have not answered my question. If the forthcoming set of Conservatives don't restrict immigration, who are you expecting them to be replaced by who will restrict it?
Give me some names here, so I can get a handle on your thinking. The Moggster, John Redwood and Bill Cash at his side? Douglas Carswell and an expected other 325 UKIP MPs?
I've been ticked of by Leavers on here for daring to suggest that immigration was the reason for Leaves triumph. Apparently it was all about sovereignty, despite the campaign . So maybe not just remain in a muddle?
I wasn't and still am not entirely convinced of that, but, assuming that is correct for the bulk of the Leave vote and we negotiate access to the single market with freedom of movement but crucially resolve the sovereignty issue does that not mean that all ukip can campaign on is immigration? I can see that being a step to far for a lot of voters. Or is that just wishful thinking?
It bears repeating - you're quite right I'm sure. Many, many Leavers would have been motivated by immigration, particularly the traditional DNVers and the working classes (whatever the heck that means these days).
The issue is that you're not going to find those people well represented on PB. As the referendum was based on a single question, I could only vote based on my personal position. It was tragic to be on the same side as Nigel Farage, but it didn't (and shouldn't have) influence my decision.
"I have repeatedly said that I do not want to be Prime Minister. That has always been my view. But events since last Thursday have weighed heavily with me."
None of the Tory runners want to leave the single market (and ergo end free movement).
@kle4 Yes, it'll be interesting to see if Gove and Boris being both in the mix splits the vote among LEAVERS.
It's AV.
Indeed - what matters is not being last at each ballot... Presumably John Baron and his 3 votes or whatever will fall first, so we have until Thursday next week and will see where everyone stands relative to each other initially on Tuesday.
"I have repeatedly said that I do not want to be Prime Minister. That has always been my view. But events since last Thursday have weighed heavily with me."
As someone who has mostly voted conservative through my life I couldn't support them in 2015 with Cameron in charge for many reasons, Boris or May being selected would ensure that support would continue to be withheld. People like me (from talking to friends in similar situations) might support a Gove led tory party and definitely a Leadsom led one.
Our politicians in general currently however are a pretty mediocre lot and I do wonder if that is down to 40 years in the EU where far too often our politicians don't have to think about issues as Brussels does it for them
Gove really is the purist. Boris version of Brexit wasn't to his tastes so he's bringing the whole tent down. I am reminded of the Parris quote about the "smell of bonfires"
In many ways Gove is more pernicious than Johnson but still can't suppress a cackle at the Blond Bustard's expense.
Even more detrmined to vote May.
I think that's the moral. Gove and Boris just look SOOOOOOOOOO deceitful that I think the net effect is very much to boost Theresa... And possibly Andrea?
"I have repeatedly said that I do not want to be Prime Minister. That has always been my view. But events since last Thursday have weighed heavily with me."
Allow me to translate:
"I think Boris would fuck it up."
I did say that Sarah Vines fat finger was deliberate.
"I have repeatedly said that I do not want to be Prime Minister. That has always been my view. But events since last Thursday have weighed heavily with me."
Just had a feeling after yesterday. Close spouses would just not be on such different pages. I am a registered supporter but never felt the need to actually join. Is it too late?
Tottenham CLP GC passed the motion of confidence in Corbyn last night. I think it's the first CLP in Labour held seat that I've seen coming out in his favour.
But, the next step in the Tory leadership is to whittle gradually down to 2. Boris had 100+ MP supporters, plenty to get on the final membership ballot, and I'm not clear in my mind how many would hive off now Gove is in the picture.
Boris's task will be to be see off Gove in the round of 3 - I presume he will make it that far.
That still looks do-able to me. Anyone care to explain to me how this all transpires to fell Boris?
Theresa May, outlining her Conservative and prime ministerial leadership challenge says: "Brexit means Brexit. The campaign was fought, the vote was held, turnout was high and the public has given its verdict."
The home secretary says there should be no attempts to renege on that verdict and there should be no general election until 2020 and no emergency budget.
There should be no decision to invoke article 50 before the end of this year when Britain's negotiating terms are clear, she says.
There should be no change in Britain's trading arrangements with the EU or the legal status of overseas people living in the UK changed.
I really don't get why you persist with this line. The Leave campaign was about what our govt would be able to do if we left the EU, it is now the govt's responsibility to carry it out.
You can keep saying that till you are blue in the face but it doesn't make it so.
If we don't stop immigration then at least 70% of the electorate is going to believe the Brexiters perpetrated a massive fraud in order to pull us out of the EU. (The 25% of anti-immigration Leavers + the 48% of remainers)
There will be political consequences, particularly if Brexit is proving to be an expensive mistake by the time we each a deal
"I have repeatedly said that I do not want to be Prime Minister. That has always been my view. But events since last Thursday have weighed heavily with me."
Allow me to translate:
"I think Boris would fuck it up."
I did say that Sarah Vines fat finger was deliberate.
As someone who has mostly voted conservative through my life I couldn't support them in 2015 with Cameron in charge for many reasons, Boris or May being selected would ensure that support would continue to be withheld. People like me (from talking to friends in similar situations) might support a Gove led tory party and definitely a Leadsom led one.
Our politicians in general currently however are a pretty mediocre lot and I do wonder if that is down to 40 years in the EU where far too often our politicians don't have to think about issues as Brussels does it for them
And as someone who's always voted Conservative, I couldn't vote for a Gove led party however much I like my MP (and I do). Not over-competent zealotry doesn't really appeal.
But, the next step in the Tory leadership is to whittle gradually down to 2. Boris had 100+ MP supporters, plenty to get on the final membership ballot, and I'm not clear in my mind how many would hive off now Gove is in the picture.
Boris's task will be to be see off Gove in the round of 3 - I presume he will make it that far.
That still looks do-able to me. Anyone care to explain to me how this all transpires to fell Boris?
DO not confuse - as Mike pointed out - public backers with votes. They just don't tally.
The Tory Leavers dumping Boris as quickly as they're dumping working class Labour voters. Who'da thunk it?
Some might say this is genius by the Tories. Boris gets tarred and feathered along with Farage with all the unrealistic promises of EU campaign and instead elect a middle way candidate that didn't say a word throughout the referendum.
As an aside, I notice the EU have just announced that following a meeting in March, talks with Turkey in the EU is starting again.
"I have repeatedly said that I do not want to be Prime Minister. That has always been my view. But events since last Thursday have weighed heavily with me."
None of the Tory runners want to leave the single market (and ergo end free movement).
The Leave manifesto was just like any Manifesto. Just to get votes.
I wonder if Cameron will put his hat in the ring. He will win 75% of the votes.
May currently sealing the Tory leadership election I reckon with speech of a lifetime. Solid, stable, proper background, no trips to bars, no idealogy. Old skool Tory.
The Tory Leavers dumping Boris as quickly as they're dumping working class Labour voters. Who'da thunk it?
Some might say this is genius by the Tories. Boris gets tarred and feathered along with Farage with all the unrealistic promises of EU campaign and instead elect a middle way candidate that didn't say a word throughout the referendum.
As an aside, I notice the EU have just announced that following a meeting in March, talks with Turkey in the EU is starting again.
That's OK - They have 984 years to complete matters.
The Tory Leavers dumping Boris as quickly as they're dumping working class Labour voters. Who'da thunk it?
Some might say this is genius by the Tories. Boris gets tarred and feathered along with Farage with all the unrealistic promises of EU campaign and instead elect a middle way candidate that didn't say a word throughout the referendum.
As an aside, I notice the EU have just announced that following a meeting in March, talks with Turkey in the EU is starting again.
May can then appoint Gove as Chancellor, who will dare to finish Thatcher's revolution, unencumbered by EU restrictions. This is going very well indeed.
"I have repeatedly said that I do not want to be Prime Minister. That has always been my view. But events since last Thursday have weighed heavily with me."
None of the Tory runners want to leave the single market (and ergo end free movement).
The Leave manifesto was just like any Manifesto. Just to get votes.
I wonder if Cameron will put his hat in the ring. He will win 75% of the votes.
At one point a few days ago, I was seriously considering 'spoiling' my ballot by a Cameron write-in vote.
Sparrow, snap analysis: - Last week Michael Gove’s Vote Leave campaign ended the career of David Cameron - a man that Gove has counted as a close friend for more than a decade.
Today the Gove career-destroying machine has turned on Boris Johnson, who until about half an hour ago was the favourite to win the Conservative leadership. Gove, who is respected by colleagues, Tory members and the media, has just published a damning character reference about the man with whom he jointly ran the victorious Vote Leave campaign. Here it is again:
" I respect and admire all the candidates running for the leadership. In particular, I wanted to help build a team behindBoris Johnson so that a politician who argued for leaving the European Union could lead us to a better future.
But I have come, reluctantly, to the conclusion that Boris cannot provide the leadership or build the team for the task ahead."
“First, Brexit means Brexit. The campaign was fought, the vote was held, turnout was high, and the public gave their verdict. There must be no attempts to remain inside the EU, no attempts to rejoin it through the backdoor, and no second referendum. The country voted to leave the European Union, and it is the duty of the government and Parliament to make sure we do just that.”
Theresa May, outlining her Conservative and prime ministerial leadership challenge says: "Brexit means Brexit. The campaign was fought, the vote was held, turnout was high and the public has given its verdict."
The home secretary says there should be no attempts to renege on that verdict and there should be no general election until 2020 and no emergency budget.
There should be no decision to invoke article 50 before the end of this year when Britain's negotiating terms are clear, she says.
There should be no change in Britain's trading arrangements with the EU or the legal status of overseas people living in the UK changed.
Is she saying that there will be informal discussions before ? The EU has flatly said there won't be.
“First, Brexit means Brexit. The campaign was fought, the vote was held, turnout was high, and the public gave their verdict. There must be no attempts to remain inside the EU, no attempts to rejoin it through the backdoor, and no second referendum. The country voted to leave the European Union, and it is the duty of the government and Parliament to make sure we do just that.”
Bravo Mrs May.
that is sensational from May and a guaranteed vote winner. she really is the one to beat even if i don't share her brand of conservatism.
Things seem to be moving at a dizzying pace, but Theresa May's speech leaps out of the chaos as the first, and so far only, serious plan by a grown-up.
Theresa May, outlining her Conservative and prime ministerial leadership challenge says: "Brexit means Brexit. The campaign was fought, the vote was held, turnout was high and the public has given its verdict."
The home secretary says there should be no attempts to renege on that verdict and there should be no general election until 2020 and no emergency budget.
There should be no decision to invoke article 50 before the end of this year when Britain's negotiating terms are clear, she says.
There should be no change in Britain's trading arrangements with the EU or the legal status of overseas people living in the UK changed.
Is she saying that there will be informal discussions before ? The EU has flatly said there won't be.
One candidate who never got on the fence. One candidate who sat on the fence and One candidate who tossed a coin to see which way to get off the fence.
I really would hurt myself laughing
A text arrives from a senior Team Boris figure: "Gove is a c*** who set this up form start". This is going to be bloody.
At least the torys properly do their fighting unlike labour....
My golden run continues!!
.@BorisJohnson may pull his leadership launch. Jesus
"Take the 7-4 on Osborne" >.>
"I have repeatedly said that I do not want to be Prime Minister. That has always been my view. But events since last Thursday have weighed heavily with me."
It would be good if he received Cameron's endorsement, although if the PM publicly favours anyone, I suspect this will be Mrs May as a supposed, albeit luke warm member of his Remain team
The issue is that you're not going to find those people well represented on PB. As the referendum was based on a single question, I could only vote based on my personal position. It was tragic to be on the same side as Nigel Farage, but it didn't (and shouldn't have) influence my decision.
Plan to try and sign up a few friends of mine for £3 to vote against Corbyn.
Even more detrmined to vote May.
I nearly put a covering bet on Gove last night, too. Thought it too fantastical.
I'm backing Gove if he gets into the final two.
"I think Boris would fuck it up."
Our politicians in general currently however are a pretty mediocre lot and I do wonder if that is down to 40 years in the EU where far too often our politicians don't have to think about issues as Brussels does it for them
Andrea Vs Theresa in the final two would be fun.
No election until 2020, invoke Article 50 once we have a position to negotiate.
@CMRanapia: There's so much man-on-man shafting going on in Westminster, the London Pride Parade was vanilla by comparison.
Boris's task will be to be see off Gove in the round of 3 - I presume he will make it that far.
That still looks do-able to me. Anyone care to explain to me how this all transpires to fell Boris?
Theresa May, outlining her Conservative and prime ministerial leadership challenge says: "Brexit means Brexit. The campaign was fought, the vote was held, turnout was high and the public has given its verdict."
The home secretary says there should be no attempts to renege on that verdict and there should be no general election until 2020 and no emergency budget.
There should be no decision to invoke article 50 before the end of this year when Britain's negotiating terms are clear, she says.
There should be no change in Britain's trading arrangements with the EU or the legal status of overseas people living in the UK changed.
I wonder if Boris even runs now....
As an aside, I notice the EU have just announced that following a meeting in March, talks with Turkey in the EU is starting again.
I wonder if Cameron will put his hat in the ring. He will win 75% of the votes.
Hope you backed it?
Somebody will have done well.
I have far too much of a habit of believing politicians when they say they aren't standing.
Today the Gove career-destroying machine has turned on Boris Johnson, who until about half an hour ago was the favourite to win the Conservative leadership. Gove, who is respected by colleagues, Tory members and the media, has just published a damning character reference about the man with whom he jointly ran the victorious Vote Leave campaign. Here it is again:
" I respect and admire all the candidates running for the leadership. In particular, I wanted to help build a team behindBoris Johnson so that a politician who argued for leaving the European Union could lead us to a better future.
But I have come, reluctantly, to the conclusion that Boris cannot provide the leadership or build the team for the task ahead."
Bojo is shafted.
Not blatant lies in giant letters on the side of a bus, perhaps?
The main weakness is that she wants no GE and will take the same route as Gordon Brown took in 2007.
The next four years will be tough, managing that as an "unelected PM", without a personal mandate will be tough.
Bravo Mrs May.
If there is a launch.
Stopping freedom of movement trumps the single market.
Anti Corbyn Cllrs
May - now laying into Boris deal making abilities using humour. Yes Boris, the joke is now on you.
One candidate who never got on the fence.
One candidate who sat on the fence and
One candidate who tossed a coin to see which way to get off the fence.