The way the parliamentary colleagues of Jo Cox immediately reacted to her death with an appreciation of how it could help their voting campaign was disgusting. The timing of a memorial just before the vote is the latest in the long line of things they have done to exploit her killing. It is sickening.
If Dave is reading this (I understand he might be a bit busy at the moment, so perhaps one of his SPADs could give him a copy later), here are some recommendations for a post-referendum unity reshuffle, assuming a Remain result:
- Osborne to Foreign Sec - Theresa to Chancellor - Hammond to Home Office - Gove to remain as Justice Sec with a brief to get on with his reforms, and if possible with extra responsibilities - Andrea Leadsom to Treasury Sec - Jeremy Hunt, Chris Grayling, Micahel Fallon, Stephen Crabb, Patrick McLoughlin, Priti Patel, Whittingdale to remain in place
- Demotion for Sajid Javid and Nicky Morgan on grounds of general uselessness. Maybe Amber Rudd to BIS in order to kick some a**. Perhaps Greg Hands to Education?
- Maybe release Theresa Villiers from her exile to NI?
- Boris to the least damaging post Cammo can think of.
Agreed, but FWIW - if you look at the 10/10 certain to votes (on an implied 77% turnout): 47.53% Remain vs 52.47% Leave, with heavy rain and thunderstorms forecast over London after work tomorrow. It could come down to Gibraltar...! ;-o
There have been plenty of people (including Curtice) saying it has been shown not to make a difference, unless it is a seriously disruptive weather event.
Kay Burley of Sky saying to Boris latest poll says 70% of labour voters are remain and he seemed taken aback. Where is this poll as I haven't seen it
Would that be enough for Remain? If high turnout in the shires, which will be heavily for Leave, happens, Labour areas need to both turnout high and have overwhelming Remain stakes.
70% Labour for Remain would mean Remain win IMHO.
85% LD/SNP/Green for Remain 70% Labour 40% Conservative 1% UKIP
= Remain 53-53%
Putting that into my 2015 data model, with the following additions, is one of the few permutations that I've tried that gives Remain a majority if Remain/Leave was ever to be a big wedge factor in consistuencies too - 332/318
Basically, if Labour Leave vote is more than 30%, they're going to be in trouble unless more of the party's MPs become less enamoured of the EU.
Party Remain Leave
CON 0.4 0.6 LAB 0.7 0.3 LIB DEM 0.85 0.15
APNI 0.95 0.05 BNP 0.5 0.5 DUP 0.15 0.85 GREEN 0.85 0.15 INDPT 0.5 0.5 PC 0.85 0.15 SF 0.95 0.05 SDLP SNP 0.85 0.15 UUP 0.15 0.85 UKIP 0.01 0.99
stellacreasy @stellacreasy · 5m5 minutes ago .@voteleave flying your plane over the memorial tribute to Jo Cox in Trafalgar Square is beyond low. Have some self respect and disappear!
I don't think anyone gives a, um, flying f*ck any more. I couldn't believe, when I got back from Calabria, yesterday, that the news was still banging on about poor Jo Cox, this time it was her husband crying on TV.
It was a horrible murder, and a terrible crime, and those motherless kids deserve all the hugs in the universe, but, really, get a grip. Her death is now very clearly being exploited, indeed over-exploited, by the REMAINIANS.
A memorial tribute to her, in Trafalgar Square, THE DAY BEFORE THE VOTE??
Eww. Ugh. Pfff. Enuff. They can fly a zillion zeppelins for all I care. We have a nation's future to decide.
Her husband has an er "interesting" recent past. All for charity of course.
People can read about the allegations about Brendan Cox through a search if they wish. I choose not to post a link.
stellacreasy @stellacreasy · 5m5 minutes ago .@voteleave flying your plane over the memorial tribute to Jo Cox in Trafalgar Square is beyond low. Have some self respect and disappear!
That is looking towards the Thames from Trafalgar Square. That being said, I suspect the pilot of the plane said something like "oooohhhh... there's a large crowd of people, let's fly near it"
I very much doubt it. It costs a lot of time and money to get a pilots licence. Breaking air traffic control regulations and CAA regulations, and the criminal law is is damn fast way of losing that licence. Professional pilots just don't do it.
It looks to me like those aeroplanes are single engine jobs. It has been a good few years but there are serious height restrictions about flying single engine aeroplanes over built up areas and for london that basically means you can fly up and down the Thames but that is it. There will also be further restrictions because of central London being the flight path into Heathrow. Furthermore those aeroplanes would have been under positive control by the CAA.
So I think the idea that they were flying over Trafalgar Square is a complete nonsense.
No SEP (spitfires on fly past excepted...) would get permission to overfly central London; there is nowhere to land clear, which is a clear breach of air law. The aircraft in question must be a twin.
If Dave is reading this (I understand he might be a bit busy at the moment, so perhaps one of his SPADs could give him a copy later), here are some recommendations for a post-referendum unity reshuffle, assuming a Remain result:
- Osborne to Foreign Sec - Theresa to Chancellor - Hammond to Home Office - Gove to remain as Justice Sec with a brief to get on with his reforms, and if possible with extra responsibilities - Andrea Leadsom to Treasury Sec - Jeremy Hunt, Chris Grayling, Micahel Fallon, Stephen Crabb, Patrick McLoughlin, Priti Patel to remain in place
- Demotion for Sajid Javid and Nicky Morgan on grounds of general uselessness. Maybe Amber Rudd to BIS in order to kick some a**. Perhaps Greg Hands to Education?
- Maybe release Theresa Villiers from her exile to NI?
- Boris to the least damaging post Cammo can think of.
If Dave is reading this (I understand he might be a bit busy at the moment, so perhaps one of his SPADs could give him a copy later), here are some recommendations for a post-referendum unity reshuffle, assuming a Remain result:
- Osborne to Foreign Sec - Theresa to Chancellor - Hammond to Home Office - Gove to remain as Justice Sec with a brief to get on with his reforms, and if possible with extra responsibilities - Andrea Leadsom to Treasury Sec - Jeremy Hunt, Chris Grayling, Micahel Fallon, Stephen Crabb, Patrick McLoughlin, Priti Patel to remain in place
- Demotion for Sajid Javid and Nicky Morgan on grounds of general uselessness. Maybe Amber Rudd to BIS in order to kick some a**. Perhaps Greg Hands to Education?
- Maybe release Theresa Villiers from her exile to NI?
- Boris to the least damaging post Cammo can think of.
No SEP (spitfires on fly past excepted...) would get permission to overfly central London; there is nowhere to land clear, which is a clear breach of air law. The aircraft in question must be a twin.
Zooming into the photo it clearly is a twin - looks like an Islander to me.
stellacreasy @stellacreasy · 5m5 minutes ago .@voteleave flying your plane over the memorial tribute to Jo Cox in Trafalgar Square is beyond low. Have some self respect and disappear!
I don't think anyone gives a, um, flying f*ck any more. I couldn't believe, when I got back from Calabria, yesterday, that the news was still banging on about poor Jo Cox, this time it was her husband crying on TV.
It was a horrible murder, and a terrible crime, and those motherless kids deserve all the hugs in the universe, but, really, get a grip. Her death is now very clearly being exploited, indeed over-exploited, by the REMAINIANS.
A memorial tribute to her, in Trafalgar Square, THE DAY BEFORE THE VOTE??
Eww. Ugh. Pfff. Enuff. They can fly a zillion zeppelins for all I care. We have a nation's future to decide.
Her husband has an er "interesting" recent past. All for charity of course.
People can read about the allegations about Brendan Cox through a search if they wish. I choose not to post a link.
but you posted about it earlier and how to find more...
Reduce UKIP to 90% (nothing is ever 100%), LibDems to 25%, Labour to 35%, and deduct 1.5% for Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, and the ex-pats, and we're back to break even....
Kay Burley of Sky saying to Boris latest poll says 70% of labour voters are remain and he seemed taken aback. Where is this poll as I haven't seen it
Would that be enough for Remain? If high turnout in the shires, which will be heavily for Leave, happens, Labour areas need to both turnout high and have overwhelming Remain stakes.
70% Labour for Remain would mean Remain win IMHO.
85% LD/SNP/Green for Remain 70% Labour 40% Conservative 1% UKIP
= Remain 53-53%
The unknown is turnout. If it's higher than a general election, which way will the new voters break?
Exactly, differential turnout is highly likely to favour Leave.
I thought Comres said affluence is going to be more important than age, just slightly.
Yes, but others, Curtis I believe, say that LEAVE has the edge on turnout.
Agreed, but FWIW - if you look at the 10/10 certain to votes (on an implied 77% turnout): 47.53% Remain vs 52.47% Leave, with heavy rain and thunderstorms forecast over London after work tomorrow. It could come down to Gibraltar...! ;-o
Never leave out DKs!
On 10/10 it's Remain: 45.5% Leave: 49.1% DK: 4.5%
How many 10/10 DKs are going to go into the polling booth and put a cross next to Leave/MASSIVE CHANGE.
I presume that means the Won't Say are shy Leave which means it's a dead heat!
I'm struggling to imagine 100,000 people trotting out in Sunderland to vote for the EU mind.
Sunderland could see a higher turnout than usual because the parliamentary seats are as boring as possible in terms of outcome.
People in seats like Sunderland don't often have a chance for their vote to count for anything. "Leave" has a far bigger emotional pull than "Remain" too I reckon. This works for safe Tory seats too....
Back to campaigning. We're having a great reception on the doorstep. Heh
Do you have your jumper on?
Cross of St George cuff links & bow tie with my Dark Blue suit.
Tomorrow I might wear my European Union Flag tie.
I've already changed the ringtone on my phone to Ode to Joy.
I shall dress in my luminescent scarlet dragon suit with daffodil face hat, as I do every day of course. I find it invaluable in clearing a path through traffic on the M4 as everyone unaccountably gives me a wide berth.
No SEP (spitfires on fly past excepted...) would get permission to overfly central London; there is nowhere to land clear, which is a clear breach of air law. The aircraft in question must be a twin.
Zooming into the photo it clearly is a twin - looks like an Islander to me.
The chinnooks have two engines as well dont they as do those new SAS hybrid things and they have to fly over the river
Kay Burley of Sky saying to Boris latest poll says 70% of labour voters are remain and he seemed taken aback. Where is this poll as I haven't seen it
Would that be enough for Remain? If high turnout in the shires, which will be heavily for Leave, happens, Labour areas need to both turnout high and have overwhelming Remain stakes.
70% Labour for Remain would mean Remain win IMHO.
85% LD/SNP/Green for Remain 70% Labour 40% Conservative 1% UKIP
= Remain 53-53%
The unknown is turnout. If it's higher than a general election, which way will the new voters break?
Exactly, differential turnout is highly likely to favour Leave.
What's unusual about this referendum is that older people and professionals (more highly educated) are voting in different directions. Usually it is the same way (GE Conservative; Indyref No) So it's a question of which of the two keenest voting categories turn out more.
I suspect they will more or less cancel each other out. Back to MOE...
Also relative numbers, Mr. B2. At least I would have thought so. How many older people are there compare to the AB1s?
Furthermore, what percentage of each group will vote against the grain as it were? How many of those richer in years, who supposedly are for leave, will vote for remain? Visa versa for the AB1s.
I will say that this sort of identity, pigeon-holing sort politics leaves me cold. Whilst some may use it to make themselves seem clever, most of the time it only makes any sense, if at all, after the event. The best example of this was on here before the last general election, we had lots and lots of analysis of how different segments of society were going to break and people totaling up numbers and extravagant calculations explaining how the results of the polls were explainable. Culminating in one prominent poster on this site stating categorically it was impossible, not unlikely but downright impossible, for the Conservatives to get an overall majority because unless they were 10 point something ahead in the polls.
So all this pigeon-holing may be an indicator but I really can't get too excited about it.
I'm struggling to imagine 100,000 people trotting out in Sunderland to vote for the EU mind.
Sunderland could see a higher turnout than usual because the parliamentary seats are as boring as possible in terms of outcome.
People in seats like Sunderland don't often have a chance for their vote to count for anything. "Leave" has a far bigger emotional pull than "Remain" too I reckon. This works for safe Tory seats too....
I think this is where it will be interesting to see if the polling is correct or it falls down. A big group of people who at a GE have zero motivation to vote all of a sudden are in a position where every vote counts and if the polling is correct it really does matter.
Reduce UKIP to 90% (nothing is ever 100%), LibDems to 25%, Labour to 35%, and deduct 1.5% for Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, and the ex-pats, and we're back to break even....
The one talent Osborne excels at is rubbing people up the wrong way, even those on his side. He would be disastrous as foreign secretary, damaging our relations all over the globe. It could only be done for pure 'jobs for my mates' reasons.
The one talent Osborne excels at is rubbing people up the wrong way, even those on his side. He would be disastrous as foreign secretary, damaging our relations all over the globe. It could only be done for pure 'jobs for my mates' reasons.
I'm not sure you need to be a salesman to be an effective foreign secretary. Someone like Kissinger wouldn't be thought of as the nicest guy but he's one of the greatest Western diplomats. Osborne has guile and a sense of humour so he might do a good job.
Anything could happen but Remain has to be firm favourite.
Remember what was said a few weeks ago - Leave needs to be 5% to 7% ahead to be confident of victory - to allow for polling station swingback + Northern Ireland. It's nowhere near that.
The Opinium survey included Northern Ireland (source), and polling station swingback to status quo doesn't apply. Not when voting Remain means voting for change (continuing high immigration) and the Sun tells people that voting Leave is doing what the queen wants.
I will vote Remain, but I think Leave is far more likely to win.
If Dave is reading this (I understand he might be a bit busy at the moment, so perhaps one of his SPADs could give him a copy later), here are some recommendations for a post-referendum unity reshuffle, assuming a Remain result:
- Osborne to Foreign Sec - Theresa to Chancellor - Hammond to Home Office - Gove to remain as Justice Sec with a brief to get on with his reforms, and if possible with extra responsibilities - Andrea Leadsom to Treasury Sec - Jeremy Hunt, Chris Grayling, Micahel Fallon, Stephen Crabb, Patrick McLoughlin, Priti Patel, Whittingdale to remain in place
- Demotion for Sajid Javid and Nicky Morgan on grounds of general uselessness. Maybe Amber Rudd to BIS in order to kick some a**. Perhaps Greg Hands to Education?
- Maybe release Theresa Villiers from her exile to NI?
- Boris to the least damaging post Cammo can think of.
Surely in the event of a Remain win, in order to assure Leavers we'll be as skeptic as possible within the EU, a Leaver needs to be Foreign Secretary?
I'm not convinced Osborne will retain a Cabinet place - I think he went so hard last week so that he could be the sacrifice.
I'm struggling to imagine 100,000 people trotting out in Sunderland to vote for the EU mind.
Sunderland could see a higher turnout than usual because the parliamentary seats are as boring as possible in terms of outcome.
People in seats like Sunderland don't often have a chance for their vote to count for anything. "Leave" has a far bigger emotional pull than "Remain" too I reckon. This works for safe Tory seats too....
I think this is where it will be interesting to see if the polling is correct or it falls down. A big group of people who at a GE have zero motivation to vote all of a sudden are in a position where every vote counts and if the polling is correct it really does matter.
Unless the majority is actually 1 it will be a record number of people voting whose vote does not matter/count
Kay Burley of Sky saying to Boris latest poll says 70% of labour voters are remain and he seemed taken aback. Where is this poll as I haven't seen it
Would that be enough for Remain? If high turnout in the shires, which will be heavily for Leave, happens, Labour areas need to both turnout high and have overwhelming Remain stakes.
70% Labour for Remain would mean Remain win IMHO.
85% LD/SNP/Green for Remain 70% Labour 40% Conservative 1% UKIP
= Remain 53-53%
The unknown is turnout. If it's higher than a general election, which way will the new voters break?
Exactly, differential turnout is highly likely to favour Leave.
What's unusual about this referendum is that older people and professionals (more highly educated) are voting in different directions. Usually it is the same way (GE Conservative; Indyref No) So it's a question of which of the two keenest voting categories turn out more.
I suspect they will more or less cancel each other out. Back to MOE...
Also relative numbers, Mr. B2. At least I would have thought so. How many older people are there compare to the AB1s?
Furthermore, what percentage of each group will vote against the grain as it were? How many of those richer in years, who supposedly are for leave, will vote for remain? Visa versa for the AB1s.
I will say that this sort of identity, pigeon-holing sort politics leaves me cold. Whilst some may use it to make themselves seem clever, most of the time it only makes any sense, if at all, after the event. The best example of this was on here before the last general election, we had lots and lots of analysis of how different segments of society were going to break and people totaling up numbers and extravagant calculations explaining how the results of the polls were explainable. Culminating in one prominent poster on this site stating categorically it was impossible, not unlikely but downright impossible, for the Conservatives to get an overall majority because unless they were 10 point something ahead in the polls.
So all this pigeon-holing may be an indicator but I really can't get too excited about it.
Some fair points - but the key 'mistake' in 2015 GE was that people didn't recognise how vulnerable the LibDems were in their Tory marginals under FPTP, once they lost tactical support from normally Labour voters. Without those 'unexpected' gains from the LibDems people were correct in assuming that the Tories could not get a majority.
In this referendum every vote counts, and therefore the sort of analysis you decry is probably a lot more useful...
You shuld take into account their strengths and inclinations, thus: Boris for Foreign Secretary or British Ambassador to the USA Gove for Deputy PM or Secretary of State for Screaming At Migrants
Kay Burley of Sky saying to Boris latest poll says 70% of labour voters are remain and he seemed taken aback. Where is this poll as I haven't seen it
Would that be enough for Remain? If high turnout in the shires, which will be heavily for Leave, happens, Labour areas need to both turnout high and have overwhelming Remain stakes.
70% Labour for Remain would mean Remain win IMHO.
85% LD/SNP/Green for Remain 70% Labour 40% Conservative 1% UKIP
= Remain 53-53%
The unknown is turnout. If it's higher than a general election, which way will the new voters break?
Exactly, differential turnout is highly likely to favour Leave.
What's unusual about this referendum is that older people and professionals (more highly educated) are voting in different directions. Usually it is the same way (GE Conservative; Indyref No) So it's a question of which of the two keenest voting categories turn out more.
I suspect they will more or less cancel each other out. Back to MOE...
Also relative numbers, Mr. B2. At least I would have thought so. How many older people are there compare to the AB1s?
Furthermore, what percentage of each group will vote against the grain as it were? How many of those richer in years, who supposedly are for leave, will vote for remain? Visa versa for the AB1s.
I will say that this sort of identity, pigeon-holing sort politics leaves me cold. Whilst some may use it to make themselves seem clever, most of the time it only makes any sense, if at all, after the event. The best example of this was on here before the last general election, we had lots and lots of analysis of how different segments of society were going to break and people totaling up numbers and extravagant calculations explaining how the results of the polls were explainable. Culminating in one prominent poster on this site stating categorically it was impossible, not unlikely but downright impossible, for the Conservatives to get an overall majority because unless they were 10 point something ahead in the polls.
So all this pigeon-holing may be an indicator but I really can't get too excited about it.
Fair enough, but the whole point of this site is to predict outcomes and to do that you have to generalise. That older people tend to vote Leave and better educated people tend to vote Remain is a measurable fact. It doesn't mean that they all do and it certainly isn't a value judgment. You can then drill down and say if you are a UKIP voter you will with 90% probability vote Leave. It doesn't matter how old or well educated you are in that case.
Does 60% Tories seem low to anyone else? I know the Tory voters will be less leave than the membership, but given the membership seems like 80%, I'd assumed more than 60% for the voters.
I have just had an email from yougov to tell me they will be polling me tomorrow after I have voted to find out how I voted. Or if I decide not to vote to let them know that. They will send me the link in the morning and I am to fill out the poll after I have voted.
Does 60% Tories seem low to anyone else? I know the Tory voters will be less leave than the membership, but given the membership seems like 80%, I'd assumed more than 60% for the voters.
Tory membership is about 1% of their voters. No reason to expect them to be in close alignment.
Suggesting he might sign for Rangers, the ultimate insult.
I thought their nickname now was Sevco
Huns is old school, The Sevs, Newco & Zombies are more recent. Some of them go ballistic if you dare to put the definite article 'The' in front of 'Rangers'. Safe to say a lot of them are on a hair trigger whatever you say them.
I have just had an email from yougov to tell me they will be polling me tomorrow after I have voted to find out how I voted. Or if I decide not to vote to let them know that. They will send me the link in the morning and I am to fill out the poll after I have voted.
Bleeding 'eck - you and Tissue.
They're either polling a HUGE number of people or its a mighty coincidence.
Does 60% Tories seem low to anyone else? I know the Tory voters will be less leave than the membership, but given the membership seems like 80%, I'd assumed more than 60% for the voters.
I don't think the membership is anything like 80% Remain. Certainly in our (rural shire) area it seems to be quite evenly balanced. I'd expect that to be the case generally, especially once you factor in the London areas.
And we will know that that side has smashed it out the park.
- Osborne to Foreign Sec
- Theresa to Chancellor
- Hammond to Home Office
- Gove to remain as Justice Sec with a brief to get on with his reforms, and if possible with extra responsibilities
- Andrea Leadsom to Treasury Sec
- Jeremy Hunt, Chris Grayling, Micahel Fallon, Stephen Crabb, Patrick McLoughlin, Priti Patel, Whittingdale to remain in place
- Demotion for Sajid Javid and Nicky Morgan on grounds of general uselessness. Maybe Amber Rudd to BIS in order to kick some a**. Perhaps Greg Hands to Education?
- Maybe release Theresa Villiers from her exile to NI?
- Boris to the least damaging post Cammo can think of.
so all those times you told me there would be no aftereffects and that I didn't know what was happening, it turns out I did.
Really Cameron has totally screwed himself on this whatever happens.
There have been plenty of people (including Curtice) saying it has been shown not to make a difference, unless it is a seriously disruptive weather event.
Or the winner in each case??
Basically, if Labour Leave vote is more than 30%, they're going to be in trouble unless more of the party's MPs become less enamoured of the EU.
Party Remain Leave
CON 0.4 0.6
LAB 0.7 0.3
LIB DEM 0.85 0.15
APNI 0.95 0.05
BNP 0.5 0.5
DUP 0.15 0.85
GREEN 0.85 0.15
INDPT 0.5 0.5
PC 0.85 0.15
SF 0.95 0.05
SNP 0.85 0.15
UUP 0.15 0.85
UKIP 0.01 0.99
I've heard reports saying it's all Cameron is getting whether we're in or out. Others saying to only applies if we Leave.
Whatever the case - it's muddied the waters
If "leave" get 100k+ then "remain" still have a sniff, but not much.
Tomorrow I might wear my European Union Flag tie.
I've already changed the ringtone on my phone to Ode to Joy.
On 10/10 it's
Remain: 45.5%
Leave: 49.1%
DK: 4.5%
How many 10/10 DKs are going to go into the polling booth and put a cross next to Leave/MASSIVE CHANGE.
I presume that means the Won't Say are shy Leave which means it's a dead heat!
This works for safe Tory seats too....
Furthermore, what percentage of each group will vote against the grain as it were? How many of those richer in years, who supposedly are for leave, will vote for remain? Visa versa for the AB1s.
I will say that this sort of identity, pigeon-holing sort politics leaves me cold. Whilst some may use it to make themselves seem clever, most of the time it only makes any sense, if at all, after the event. The best example of this was on here before the last general election, we had lots and lots of analysis of how different segments of society were going to break and people totaling up numbers and extravagant calculations explaining how the results of the polls were explainable. Culminating in one prominent poster on this site stating categorically it was impossible, not unlikely but downright impossible, for the Conservatives to get an overall majority because unless they were 10 point something ahead in the polls.
So all this pigeon-holing may be an indicator but I really can't get too excited about it.
Plus I love Die Hard 2
Lovely photo the BBC picked to go with this article.
However my question still stands - in GE IIRC it is by alphabetical order??
I will vote Remain, but I think Leave is far more likely to win.
I'm not convinced Osborne will retain a Cabinet place - I think he went so hard last week so that he could be the sacrifice.
In this referendum every vote counts, and therefore the sort of analysis you decry is probably a lot more useful...
Boris for Foreign Secretary or British Ambassador to the USA
Gove for Deputy PM or Secretary of State for Screaming At Migrants
Against the big teams and pro the underdog
Supporting the home teams until their inevitable early exits (perhaps excl Wales)
Calling for Roy to be fired and replaced by Mark Reckless
Dear Tissue,
You have been selected to take part in an ‘on the day’ election poll after you’ve voted tomorrow.
We will send out a link for you to take the survey once you have voted or have decided you probably won’t vote.
I have just had an email from yougov to tell me they will be polling me tomorrow after I have voted to find out how I voted. Or if I decide not to vote to let them know that. They will send me the link in the morning and I am to fill out the poll after I have voted.
That will be fun.
Safe to say a lot of them are on a hair trigger whatever you say them.
They're either polling a HUGE number of people or its a mighty coincidence.
turnout I'm gonna put a grand on it.
WTF did Brum do to deserve that?