politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Voters would rather see their side win the referendum than see their team win the Euros
Fascinating by @YouGov. Voters would rather their side win the #EUref than win the Euros https://t.co/wVWiX1B1cI pic.twitter.com/S1asb8Nm3Q
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It's going to be my signature flourish from now on
(CNN)CIA chief John Brennan says that he believes 28 redacted pages of the 9/11 Commission report will soon be made public, and that they will prove that the government of Saudi Arabia had no involvement in the September 11 attacks
Remain, the true patriotic option.
The old, declining London had numerous Conservative voting areas in middle suburbia which it doesn't do now - the Ealings, the Lewishams, the Ilfords, Hornsey, Streatham etc.
Are your views on how London has improved too much influenced by central London ?
I'd certainly agree that Kings Cross is much improved these days over what it was in the 1980s and 1990s but you can probably say the same about every mainline railway station and its environs in the country.
By the way, to cheer all you monarchists out there - there was a royal street party off the Hornsey Road in Islington today - banners, scores of union Jacks. Really, what is the neighbourhood coming to? Don't they have an SWP meeting to go to or something?
Isn't cambozola designed to be a cross between camembert and gorgonzola ?
In which case a camembert version of cambozola would be almost full camembert.
What doesn't come across in the thread header (but is stated in the linked story) is that this Yougov poll samples football fans, not just any old voters.
I think that shows up a useful contrast to the continual assessments that the EU doesn't matter much to people.
What you need to understand is that in the teeny little PB bubble the "intelligentsia" have decided that despite the main motive of Leavers being to control immigration, and despite the Leave leaders stating they want to leave the Single Market, actually, apropos of nothing, what is best for the country is to immediately rejoin the EEA and apply the emergency brake (a temporary measure to be used as in exceptional circumstances), which will mean immigration just about unchanged from the status quo ante.
It is pure PB Leavers' fantasy.
this is a topic that I will be coming back to pop pickers.
Meanwhile, on topic - £25 gets you a decent every day 2005 claret. Why would you want to muck around with Italian or Californian wines?
Or people from other countries.
I suspect there's an element of Londoners bigging up their city.
Show some patriotism and drink some fine British ale. Or even some hipster 'craft' beer, if you will.
Then round things off with a single malt - unadulterated by ice or, what was it, scarlet?
Wait... Yes, yes, I see what you mean.
Don't be that guy.
1) It's from last year
2) The left are in power now
Since the question was directed at me your comment about controlling immigration simply does not apply as I have never claimed immigration was a reason for wanting Brexit. Indeed I have made very clear that I want to join the EEA and recognise that it will mean we still have freedom of movement.
You really must try harder.
Please vote Remain, so my holiday to America in two weeks' time isn't postponed.
Brexit means I might never go to America ever again.
We also know what Juncker has said about not allowing governments he considers not sufficiently on board to the European project to keep their voting rights.
This is why us on the Left should all be voting Leave.
It was because Richard, Earl of Clare was the first to import Bordeaux in sizeable amounts
FPT Cameron continually lies about the influence EFTA members of the EEA have over Single Market legislation. He claims they have to obey the laws but have no input. A lie.
Remain regularly say that we would have to pay as much per capita as we do now if we were to join the EEA. Again a lie.
Darth Gideon (aka Chancellor Osborne): You are fulfilling your destiny, TSE. Become my apprentice. Learn to use the Daft Side of the Force. There's no turning back now.
TSE: I will do whatever you ask. Just help me save Theresa's political career. I can't live without her. If she resigns, I don't know what I will do.
Darth Gideon: To cheat political osbcurity is a power only one has achieved through centuries of the study of the Force. But if we work together, I know we can discover the secret to eternal AV Threads!
TSE: I pledge myself to your teachings. To the ways of the REMAIN Campaign.
Darth Gideon: Good. Good! The Force is strong with you, TSE. A powerful REMAINER you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth... Eagles.
TSE: Thank you... my Master.
Darth Gideon: Lord Eagles... rise.
I wonder how it will change after the referendum; will people still refer to others as Tory Leavers, or BOOers or Eurosceptics? How impactful will a Remain victory on politics?
Despite what some of his very few advocates on here say the guys is totally and utterly unhinged. Loon central.
London outpaces the UK in tourism with the UK only the 8th most visited nation, New York is on a par with the US which is the second most visited nation after France
An elected government can't be too Left, or too Right, it's got to be just so. I commend him on keeping his mouth shut, while simultaneously hoping he has a drop too many and lets the UK proles have both barrels.
Mr Corbyn & Labour are backing this?
I shall show no mercy.
England the only non-winning favourite.
My employers have decided, as Brexit impacts the firm significantly, key staff will need to man the barricades, so no holidays to be honoured.
I am one of they key employees.
Is one of the reasons I have to go to Paris in the morning.
Sometimes it is a curse to be a French speaker.
Brexit means I have to spend more time in France.
The momentum has been with the Kippers/Sceptics since 2014.
Centrist mush is being rejected repeatedly.
This classic Ambrose Evans Pritchard bollocks from last year has already been debunked by reality. The right-wing party got the most votes, and their right-wing president obviously gave them the first shot at forming a government, but the centre-left majority in parliament voted it down. The guy AEP is claiming was banned from power by a shadowy EU conspiracy is THE ACTUAL CURRENT SERVING PRIME MINISTER.
At the time anti-EU people were also retweeting a picture of what they claimed was a mass demonstration against the imaginary EU coup, but was actually from the Lisbon marathon.
Only around half a million adults in the UK pay to attend professional football matches every week, that's barely one per cent of their population. Somewhere between 60% - 70% of registered electors are thought likely to vote on the referendum in 11 days' time.
Is it really at all surprising that we see see the sort of figures highlighted in this thread header?
You, in your munificence, are happy to have free movement of people.
However, had you a scintilla of intelligence (a big ask, I appreciate), you would have understood my point that despite what you and other PB Leavers' ideal version of Out may be, the electorate doesn't want it.
They want no free movement and, according to, um, the official Leave campaign, out of the Single Market.
But you know better, right?
AEP is a prat.