Armstrong: "Overlooked part of Syria conflict is Genie Oil and all the oil found underneath the Golan Heights with Larry Summers and Dick Cheney on the board amongst others"
Hmmm: they are not on the board of Genie Oil & Gas, they are 'strategic advisory board' members.
Genie Energy owns Genie Oil & Gas, which has a very modest ($8m of well costs in the first quarter) exploration programme in Northern Israel (aka the Golan Heights). They also have a Colorado Oil shale programme.
I know Noble Energy very well (which has the massive Leviathan gas field off-shore Israel), and have been an investor in another Israeli oil & gas company. (Via the always excellent Martin Molyneaux at First Energy.)
The Golan Heights and the rest of Northern Israel has seen lots of cores drilled over the years, and there's been a lot of seismic shot. While there is evidence of natural gas, I am told that the geology (it's been extremely well cooked) mean it's very unlikely there are commercial quantities of oil in the area. Tight natural gas formations are not something there is any particular shortage of at the moment.
Genie Energy has a market capitalisation of $178m. If you really believe that uncommercial quantities of natural gas (that will be competing with cheap CH4 molecules from the Leviathan field) are a goer, you are welcome to waste your money.
Thanks rcs1000. I bow to your greater knowledge over this - I've been meaning to look into this and haven't had time thanks to being so tied up with that notorious address. I mean to have a look at i when I get chance.
Martin Molyneaux of First Energy probably knows more about the geology of Northern Israel than any man alive, and his advice helped make a lot of people a lot of money on Leviathan. If you want to talk to him, I can probably arrange a call, but my understanding is that any hydrocarbons locked under the Golan Heights have been too hot for too long, and therefore the long-chains (oil) have broken down into short-chains (natural gas).
Thanks rcs1000 - I'd love to but just haven't got time at the moment - will take you up on the offer when times are quieter. Thanks once again.
Someone on the Remain team had to take on the 'take back control' steamroller - the new long term economic plan. Rudd is the only one capable of taking them on.
Having a go at Little Englanders is not wise when the England flag is set to be flown everywhere over the next two weeks (until the quarter finals, probably).
Having a go at Little Englanders is not wise when the England flag is set to be flown everywhere over the next two weeks (until the quarter finals, probably).
Come on (not so little) England!
Maybe Dave will order the eu flag to fly above number 10 like sindyref and the St Andrew cross.
I still think Remain are going to win, but I'm encouraged that it appears that Remain have given no thought to tonight and left the three of them to get on with it.
I know the government is not at stake (well, not technically), but right now, I know which three I would want to run the country.
Looking at the comments on Sarah Wollaston's blog, I would guess that South Hams Conservatives are not a happy ship at the moment.
Picking up on some real local anger....
Mutiny in Dartmouth and the South Hams on the cards!
I read the comments. They're pretty evenly split between angry and supportive. She's going to be fine. I don't understand why she did what she did, but it's hardly the end of the world.
There are an infinite number of universes. In only one of those was Eagles a good choice to put on to this panel.
This is the Labour talent pool these days.
Well look at the top table...Jahadi Jez, McMao, Watson, the farting commie the city minister....
All the ones with brains either have left to work at the Beeb, International Rescue etc or keep themselves about as far away from anything Labour as possible.
Well that doesn't suggest people think Boris is performing at PM level.
I think Boris is being deliberately very measured, he's not rising to the bait and letting the ladies do the talking. I think it's working well.
Encouraging to see that Boris is a team player. Doesn't have to be scoring all the goals - not when he is putting pin-point crosses into the box for others to score.
I'd love to be sat with the pb.tory remainers watching Sturgeon and Eagle abusing tories.
Con MPs (both Leave and Remain) will be considering the matter - this is one of the biggest auditions he will do.
Come on (not so little) England!
Massive applause just.
I wouldn't dare ask Rudd - she'd give me a lecture.
(assuming that's representative)
I know the government is not at stake (well, not technically), but right now, I know which three I would want to run the country.
And this lot are in the same group as the Tories in EU parliament.
REALLY SHOCKED. I mean, what would Corbyn say?
All the ones with brains either have left to work at the Beeb, International Rescue etc or keep themselves about as far away from anything Labour as possible.
Compare her to Jess Philips, the Labour party's own Louise Mensch.
Remain, meanwhile, sound like ministerial show and tell 'when I went to eurppe'