I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
I saw that live. Dan brought the house down.
If you look very closely you can see Clegg and Kendall, smiling, as they (ever so slightly jealously) admire the sheer skill and power of his oratory.
6 minutes of pure brilliance encapsulating my view exactly - only Ronnie O'Sullivan's 147 in 5 minutes and 20 seconds back in 1997 compares with such a contribution over a similar time period!
Spot on. Dan is awesome and quite wasted being in Brussels (apart from the time he kebabbed Gordon Brown). I would love to see him in Westminster.
Sheer fantasy. Just as all attempts to artificially dilute economic power by creating manmade capitals have failed (see Brasilia), making a new UK capital with an independent London would also fail. London would still dominate as a internationalist, open, free market, europhile city, pulling in talent like a magnet.
The issue isn't London falling in to the sea, it's that the place would grow at a different pace and gradually suffer from losing its hinterland.
Lots of those companies HQd in London would need to move their jurisdiction. All of government would move out including the BoE. So where the money goes people follow.
Surrey CC HQ is actually in Kingston, which is now in London.
You can keep it and have Osborne thrown in for free
Iain Martin @iainmartin1 The Remain campaign seems to be melting. Plot lost. The astonishment and growing fury that perhaps half the country disagrees is revealing.
Off topic, I'm thinking (only thinking, mind) of starting to twat.
What do I need to know?
Don't. It's an old medium. Snapchat's where it's at...
It's not though is it? If you're into politics or news, then Twitter is where it's at. Everyone is on it.
If you're 17 and want to gossip or sext then, yes, Snapchat.
Facebook is for cat gifs and mawkish family crap.
Tumblr for porn
Pinterest - ??
He'll be just in time for the lights to turn off when they run out of money.
It is remarkable that Twitter have been unable to monetise, in any way, the most politically powerful and important social medium.
Whenever something big happens, people go to Twitter for reactions, debate, public opinion (from the Arab Spring to the new Top Gear).
Yet they make a loss year after year.
They only go to Twitter because its publicly visible unlike Facebook. The fact it's publicly visible is also why it's been far harder to monetise compared to Facebook
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
I saw that live. Dan brought the house down.
If you look very closely you can see Clegg and Kendall, smiling, as they (ever so slightly jealously) admire the sheer skill and power of his oratory.
6 minutes of pure brilliance encapsulating my view exactly - only Ronnie O'Sullivan's 147 in 5 minutes and 20 seconds back in 1997 compares with such a contribution over a similar time period!
I met Dan Hannan in Manchester a few weeks ago. Found him to be extremely charming and well mannered. Knows his stuff as well. He's been working his socks off in this campaign and I see he was in Northern Ireland over the weekend. I hope he gets recognised for his efforts.
Mr. T, it is weird. There's a massive userbase, it's where a lot of news breaks, and yet, as you say, they've not found a way to turn a profit.
Twitter's advertising is rubbish. I get all kinds of irrelevant junk, even though I follow a small number of people around a narrow range of topics. Twitter also want too much control of their services, and so they have made it almost impossible for third parties to create apps that use Twitter as an even a moderately successful app will quickly run into a user limit.
Twitter could have been a really big deal, now it is relegated to being an up-to-date news feed and they haven't yet figured out how to make money from that.
No-one's mentioned Instagram - back to social media college for you all.
Facebook has it all covered...they own instagram which is big with the youth, old people / family Facebook (and now more video views than YouTube), messaging WhatsApp, VR ocluous .
Off topic, I'm thinking (only thinking, mind) of starting to twat.
What do I need to know?
Don't. It's an old medium. Snapchat's where it's at...
It's not though is it? If you're into politics or news, then Twitter is where it's at. Everyone is on it.
If you're 17 and want to gossip or sext then, yes, Snapchat.
Facebook is for cat gifs and mawkish family crap.
Tumblr for porn
Pinterest - ??
He'll be just in time for the lights to turn off when they run out of money.
It is remarkable that Twitter have been unable to monetise, in any way, the most politically powerful and important social medium.
Whenever something big happens, people go to Twitter for reactions, debate, public opinion (from the Arab Spring to the new Top Gear).
Yet they make a loss year after year.
Yes. Very much like the Guardian, Twitter have cultivated a user base full of whiny babies who want everything for free, then they alienated the last few consumers who they could have monetised by introducing their Orwellian censorship council full of crazy feminists and leftists.
Sheer fantasy. Just as all attempts to artificially dilute economic power by creating manmade capitals have failed (see Brasilia), making a new UK capital with an independent London would also fail. London would still dominate as a internationalist, open, free market, europhile city, pulling in talent like a magnet.
How would it do without the vast sums of public money lavished on 'the countries' infrastructure and huge public sector wages of the civil service?
Mr. Royale, follow MorrisF1 (me, though I should stress it's more writing, blogging and history than politics).
You'll get more likes and retweets if you respond quickly (I got, relatively, tons when commenting swiftly on Verstappen's promotion). Also, you may like to use lists. I follow quite a lot of people, but it's the lists I check (you can make your own and add or remove anyone, whether you follow them or not, so I've got one for writers, one for F1, and subscribe to a third which someone else made).
Off topic, I'm thinking (only thinking, mind) of starting to twat.
What do I need to know?
Don't. It's an old medium. Snapchat's where it's at...
It's not though is it? If you're into politics or news, then Twitter is where it's at. Everyone is on it.
If you're 17 and want to gossip or sext then, yes, Snapchat.
Facebook is for cat gifs and mawkish family crap.
Tumblr for porn
Pinterest - ??
He'll be just in time for the lights to turn off when they run out of money.
It is remarkable that Twitter have been unable to monetise, in any way, the most politically powerful and important social medium.
Whenever something big happens, people go to Twitter for reactions, debate, public opinion (from the Arab Spring to the new Top Gear).
Yet they make a loss year after year.
People who look for those things are probably in the above-1-sigma part of the population distribution. Facebook is used by the lowest common denominator that seriously believes This One Weird Trick Could Make You Lose Weight.
Iain Martin @iainmartin1 The Remain campaign seems to be melting. Plot lost. The astonishment and growing fury that perhaps half the country disagrees is revealing.
They are looking shambolic. Leave have a top table of five. Remain is just Cameron. The look isn't a good or reassuring one. It's really time somebody got a grip of the campaign.
I can imagine how angry he is having pulled his Party single handedly to victory and how pissed off he must feel at the betrayal
Also, you may like to use lists. I follow quite a lot of people, but it's the lists I check (you can make your own and add or remove anyone, whether you follow them or not, so I've got one for writers, one for F1, and subscribe to a third which someone else made).
I made it onto Wings "people you should block" list
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
Tremendous. I really hope he stands for parliament soon. He now sits alongside Gove in my post-Brexit dream cabinet.
My better half listened to Gove the other day from Sky without the video picture and said he sounded chuchillian at the end. Hannan is even better and LEAVE are blessed with better orators.
Hannan doesn't appeal to everyone that Leave needs to vote for them. He will get a lot of love from the right in much the same way as Corbyn receives love from his tribe on the left. Watched his speech, I was personally put off, but can understand why you and Sean like him.
Probably true. I have no idea how he is rated by the working class voters.
Skype us going down the tubes...Facebook own instagram & whattapps & they are eating into Youtube for video. They also have Facebook live being rolled out & targeting yet another market with messenger. The market isn't fragmenting as such, it is brands, of which Facebook own all the best ones.
Iain Martin @iainmartin1 The Remain campaign seems to be melting. Plot lost. The astonishment and growing fury that perhaps half the country disagrees is revealing.
They are looking shambolic. Leave have a top table of five. Remain is just Cameron. The look isn't a good or reassuring one. It's really time somebody got a grip of the campaign. I can imagine how angry he is having pulled his Party single handedly to victory and how pissed off he must feel at the betrayal But the best Generals know how to delegate
Roger it is remarkable at how bad REMAIN have become. I wonder if it is that problem where the client thinks that they know the best way of promoting their product and start writing the copy, directing the videos and getting in front of the camera?
Mr. Urquhart, worth noting there are lots of rival firms into VR. Be interesting to see if co-existence occurs (as per gaming consoles) or there can be only one (as per betamax vs VHS and HD-DVD vs blu-ray).
No-one's mentioned Instagram - back to social media college for you all.
Facebook has it all covered...they own instagram which is big with the youth, old people Facebook, messaging WhatsApp, VR ocluous .
Facebook has been very clever in its acquisitions. Personally I find the main site quite off-putting. You can't have a decent argument without lefties crying. Twitterers are much more robust.
I just use FB for kids and kittens now, for that it is good. A massive shared family photo album.
FB is also very good for advertising. My publishers target it ruthlessly.
This is where Twitter fails.
But who knows what will survive. Someone could come along tomorrow with a killer app that blows them all out of the water. A treacherous business.
Barrier to entry for a social network is pretty low. The big reason your publisher targets Facebook is the user demographics BUT (and here is where Facebook is great / twitter crap) their knowledge and targeting of users.
Also, you may like to use lists. I follow quite a lot of people, but it's the lists I check (you can make your own and add or remove anyone, whether you follow them or not, so I've got one for writers, one for F1, and subscribe to a third which someone else made).
I made it onto Wings "people you should block" list
That deserves enrollment in some PB Tory order, surely
One of the many things that confuses me with what will happen if we leave is the Ireland situation. Apparently there will remain free movment of people between ROI and NI. What is to stop EU citizens travelling to ROI then catching the train to NI and then the ferry to Liverpool? They will not need a passport to enter the UK.
Ireland would need to check peoples passports at their border with the same diligence that we do. I believe that is also the current arrangement.
EU citizens would have the right to come to the UK to visit but not to work here without meeting the rules in the new points system.
Presumably (honest) employers would face the same responsibility to ensure they don't employ any illegal migrants as they already do. Just an EU passport will no longer automatically make you legal.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
I saw that live. Dan brought the house down.
If you look very closely you can see Clegg and Kendall, smiling, as they (ever so slightly jealously) admire the sheer skill and power of his oratory.
6 minutes of pure brilliance encapsulating my view exactly - only Ronnie O'Sullivan's 147 in 5 minutes and 20 seconds back in 1997 compares with such a contribution over a similar time period!
I met Dan Hannan in Manchester a few weeks ago. Found him to be extremely charming and well mannered. Knows his stuff as well. He's been working his socks off in this campaign and I see he was in Northern Ireland over the weekend. I hope he gets recognised for his efforts.
Mr. P, I got blocked by someone for reasons beyond me. We'd had some (completely civil) disagreements and I'd replied to a few of his tweets, then I was blocked.
One can only imagine he was jealous of my wiffle stick.
No-one's mentioned Instagram - back to social media college for you all.
I love Instagram. It's by a massive margin the friendliest place in social media. Facebook is a bit tedious these days and I never go anywhere near Twitter.
The UK could well vote "Remain", England "Leave" and London "Remain".
It'll be like a Brexit Russian doll.
Recent polls have had Wales and provoncial England voting Leave, Scotland and NI and London Remain
It is worth bearing in mind that many European countries had visa free travel arrangements with the UK long before we joined the EEC. France and the UK signed a treaty on visa free travel in 1946. The fact that we didn't join Schengen means that for the overwhelming number of travellers in Europe absolutely nothing will change if we leave the EU.
Mr. Urquhart, worth noting there are lots of rival firms into VR. Be interesting to see if co-existence occurs (as per gaming consoles) or there can be only one (as per betamax vs VHS and HD-DVD vs blu-ray).
I have little hope for VR success...I have had used HTC vive etc with the best pc available in perfect environment & it still really isn't all that, let alone somebody with £1000 pc in their tiny bedroom.
Also tried Hololens & is better, but has big problems that Microsoft dont like to shout out.
There is magic leap that is very secretive & huge investment, but nowhere near ready.
It is 3d tv all over again. MR / AR is the future, not VR, but years off yet.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
Tremendous. I really hope he stands for parliament soon. He now sits alongside Gove in my post-Brexit dream cabinet.
My better half listened to Gove the other day from Sky without the video picture and said he sounded chuchillian at the end. Hannan is even better and LEAVE are blessed with better orators.
Hannan doesn't appeal to everyone that Leave needs to vote for them.
He will get a lot of love from the right in much the same way as Corbyn receives love from his tribe on the left.
Watched his speech, I was personally put off, but can understand why you and Sean like him.
True. I liked his speech in that clip, but don't know much about his wider political beliefs.
What the URL doesn't mention is she was a Stanford grad and surgeon, to boot.
These days, she thinks that hoarding gold will insulate us from a looming financial meltdown, and recruits people to sell bits of gold bullion called “Karatbars.”
"David Cameron and other leading pro-European Union politicians were not able to travel away in matching Mini cars from a campaign event because Green party leader Natalie Bennett said she wanted to travel by bicycle. The Remain campaign had lined up the Minis for Mr Cameron and Ms Bennett as well as Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, former Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman." "The idea was that the four politicians would be driven away by volunteers in Minis that matched their party colour – blue for the Tories, red for Labour, yellow for the LibDems and green for the Green party." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/06/greens-natalie-bennetts-decision-to-campaign-by-bicycle-scuppers/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
That is one of the key factors in recent years that makes a targeted campaign so difficult. And we all consume different media these days. I simply could not imagine anybody consuming the same (and volume of) news media as me......and I've never met anyone that comes anywhere near me! My passion has been to go wherever I need to go to get to the bottom of the things and to the truth.....its led me to some pretty dark areas to say the least but I would never have found out otherwise about things such as 788 790 Finchley Road.
And political campaigns are still living in the old world.... on which there is such an age divide. I've noticed it with my parents - they watch the mainstream media and read the Telegraph, I'm not aware of them getting their news from any other source. When I tell them the things I've found out they look aghast at me as though I'm from a different planet, and even when you show them how mainstream media output has become so distorted they still continue to consume the mainstream out of a habit of 60 years plus. But the demographic changes over time and the immediate post war generation beginning to pass away will inevitably remorselessly drive the trend towards the new media.
Well what another extraordinary day. And I think its been the standout day of the campaign so far. Are Kinnock jnr and Harriet Harman secret leavers?!!
What an extraordinary thing for Harriet to do criticising Cameron today. Loved Cameron's face when she turned to him! And then Corbyn not being there alongside Natalie Bennett, Farron and Cameron made Harriet's presence look incredibly stupid anyway. It was noticeable how the cameraman had been told to focus in on all the red including the red mini at the remain set piece as well. But this just serves to highlight the problem of just how facile and childish the remain campaign has become.
And then Kinnock jnr - well talk about proving the anti-democratic nature of the EU for your opponents - was he trying to outdo his father and the Sheffield rally moment 24 years ago?!
And then the look of delight on the faces of Boris and Gove et al at the soap factory leave event today - could the contrast in the fortune of the campaigns on view have been any clearer today?
Kinnock Junior is just an ambitious little toad. Probably trying to go one better than his father no doubt and protecting the family EU pensions as well.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
I saw that live. Dan brought the house down.
If you look very closely you can see Clegg and Kendall, smiling, as they (ever so slightly jealously) admire the sheer skill and power of his oratory.
6 minutes of pure brilliance encapsulating my view exactly - only Ronnie O'Sullivan's 147 in 5 minutes and 20 seconds back in 1997 compares with such a contribution over a similar time period!
I met Dan Hannan in Manchester a few weeks ago. Found him to be extremely charming and well mannered. Knows his stuff as well. He's been working his socks off in this campaign and I see he was in Northern Ireland over the weekend. I hope he gets recognised for his efforts.
You mean like losing his job?
Now there's an interesting question. If MEPs lose their jobs through a country leaving the EU, will the EU pay them redundancy or a pension or whatever?
I gather that EU pensions are dependent on staying loyal to the EU (is that right?) but Remain MEPs will demonstrably have done so.
No-one's mentioned Instagram - back to social media college for you all.
I love Instagram. It's by a massive margin the friendliest place in social media. Facebook is a bit tedious these days and I never go anywhere near Twitter.
You get great engagement on Instagram. I like it a lot.
Skype us going down the tubes...Facebook own instagram & whattapps & they are eating into Youtube for video. They also have Facebook live being rolled out & targeting yet another market with messenger. The market isn't fragmenting as such, it is brands, of which Facebook own all the best ones.
I can see that Skype might be in trouble but Youtube? Nah. They're owned by Google, they are hugely successful, and they are expanding
"In January 2016, YouTube expanded its headquarters in San Bruno by purchasing an office park for $215 million. The complex has 554,000 square feet of space and can house up to 2,800 employees."
I wasn't saying YouTube in trouble. However, They have messed up their social network side eg YouTube gaming is a disaster. Twitch is super successful & talking to streamers on there they say YouTube just didn't get the social aspect that has made twitch big.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
I saw that live. Dan brought the house down.
If you look very closely you can see Clegg and Kendall, smiling, as they (ever so slightly jealously) admire the sheer skill and power of his oratory.
6 minutes of pure brilliance encapsulating my view exactly - only Ronnie O'Sullivan's 147 in 5 minutes and 20 seconds back in 1997 compares with such a contribution over a similar time period!
I met Dan Hannan in Manchester a few weeks ago. Found him to be extremely charming and well mannered. Knows his stuff as well. He's been working his socks off in this campaign and I see he was in Northern Ireland over the weekend. I hope he gets recognised for his efforts.
I've always liked Dan Hannan, no messing about, tells it like it is with a wonderful sense of humour, and represents my strand of political thought to the letter. He'd be a great asset as an MP at Westminster.
Skype us going down the tubes...Facebook own instagram & whattapps & they are eating into Youtube for video. They also have Facebook live being rolled out & targeting yet another market with messenger. The market isn't fragmenting as such, it is brands, of which Facebook own all the best ones.
I can see that Skype might be in trouble but Youtube? Nah. They're owned by Google, they are hugely successful, and they are expanding
"In January 2016, YouTube expanded its headquarters in San Bruno by purchasing an office park for $215 million. The complex has 554,000 square feet of space and can house up to 2,800 employees."
I wasn't saying YouTube in trouble. However, They have messed up their social network side eg YouTube gaming is a disaster. Twitch is super successful & talking to streamers on there they say YouTube just didn't get the social aspect that has made twitch big.
Skype us going down the tubes...Facebook own instagram & whattapps & they are eating into Youtube for video. They also have Facebook live being rolled out & targeting yet another market with messenger. The market isn't fragmenting as such, it is brands, of which Facebook own all the best ones.
I can see that Skype might be in trouble but Youtube? Nah. They're owned by Google, they are hugely successful, and they are expanding
"In January 2016, YouTube expanded its headquarters in San Bruno by purchasing an office park for $215 million. The complex has 554,000 square feet of space and can house up to 2,800 employees."
I wasn't saying YouTube in trouble. However, They have messed up their social network side eg YouTube gaming is a disaster. Twitch is super successful & talking to streamers on there they say YouTube just didn't get the social aspect that has made twitch big.
I think Twitch is owned by YouTube.
No. Amazon.
Google have tried to copy the idea of live streaming / community / social network with YouTube & it is a massive flop.
Skype us going down the tubes...Facebook own instagram & whattapps & they are eating into Youtube for video. They also have Facebook live being rolled out & targeting yet another market with messenger. The market isn't fragmenting as such, it is brands, of which Facebook own all the best ones.
I can see that Skype might be in trouble but Youtube? Nah. They're owned by Google, they are hugely successful, and they are expanding
"In January 2016, YouTube expanded its headquarters in San Bruno by purchasing an office park for $215 million. The complex has 554,000 square feet of space and can house up to 2,800 employees."
I wasn't saying YouTube in trouble. However, They have messed up their social network side eg YouTube gaming is a disaster. Twitch is super successful & talking to streamers on there they say YouTube just didn't get the social aspect that has made twitch big.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
I saw that live. Dan brought the house down.
If you look very closely you can see Clegg and Kendall, smiling, as they (ever so slightly jealously) admire the sheer skill and power of his oratory.
6 minutes of pure brilliance encapsulating my view exactly - only Ronnie O'Sullivan's 147 in 5 minutes and 20 seconds back in 1997 compares with such a contribution over a similar time period!
I met Dan Hannan in Manchester a few weeks ago. Found him to be extremely charming and well mannered. Knows his stuff as well. He's been working his socks off in this campaign and I see he was in Northern Ireland over the weekend. I hope he gets recognised for his efforts.
I've always liked Dan Hannan, no messing about, tells it like it is with a wonderful sense of humour, and represents my strand of political thought to the letter. He'd be a great asset as an MP at Westminster.
He said he became an MEP as that was where the power is, if Leave win he could then switch to Westminster and be a potential future leader
Skype us going down the tubes...Facebook own instagram & whattapps & they are eating into Youtube for video. They also have Facebook live being rolled out & targeting yet another market with messenger. The market isn't fragmenting as such, it is brands, of which Facebook own all the best ones.
I can see that Skype might be in trouble but Youtube? Nah. They're owned by Google, they are hugely successful, and they are expanding
"In January 2016, YouTube expanded its headquarters in San Bruno by purchasing an office park for $215 million. The complex has 554,000 square feet of space and can house up to 2,800 employees."
I wasn't saying YouTube in trouble. However, They have messed up their social network side eg YouTube gaming is a disaster. Twitch is super successful & talking to streamers on there they say YouTube just didn't get the social aspect that has made twitch big.
That is one of the key factors in recent years that makes a targeted campaign so difficult.
Especially when people are keen to use Ad Blockers.
I've temporarily adjusted my settings on Facebook to see how much guff they're putting about on the EU referendum, as well as seeing which of my circle are actively supporting the remain campaign.
They'll promptly go back to the pre-referendum settings on the 24th June!
Mr. 1983, an alternative would be putting together a Twitter list called Tipstr featuring chaps who know their fields reasonably well. Rapid response to events can pave the way to victory as bookies take 15-30 minutes to respond to things (as well as a recent example, in 2012 I got about 5/1 on Maldonado and Alonso to lead lap of Spain. Both were on the front row after Hamilton was disqualified from his pole position).
Edited extra bit: for those wondering, I very rarely mention tipping or bets on Twitter, pb.com is where I ruminate on such things.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
Tremendous. I really hope he stands for parliament soon. He now sits alongside Gove in my post-Brexit dream cabinet.
My better half listened to Gove the other day from Sky without the video picture and said he sounded chuchillian at the end. Hannan is even better and LEAVE are blessed with better orators.
Hannan doesn't appeal to everyone that Leave needs to vote for them.
He will get a lot of love from the right in much the same way as Corbyn receives love from his tribe on the left.
Watched his speech, I was personally put off, but can understand why you and Sean like him.
True. I liked his speech in that clip, but don't know much about his wider political beliefs.
I can strongly recommend the book he and Douglas Carswell wrote called 'The Plan': 12 Months to renew Britain. Very thought provoking and a lot of the ideas appeal to me greatly.
No-one's mentioned Instagram - back to social media college for you all.
I love Instagram. It's by a massive margin the friendliest place in social media. Facebook is a bit tedious these days and I never go anywhere near Twitter.
You get great engagement on Instagram. I like it a lot.
Explain? Sincerely?
A lot more people interact in some way with your posts. As compared with Twitter. It's all 'liking' as opposed to actually retweeting, so there's less actual 'benefit', but it's very instantly gratifying.
If you've got a bit of an artistic streak and take fairly good photos on your mobile, you'd probably like Instagram and do quite well on it. Filters do the rest.
"David Cameron and other leading pro-European Union politicians were not able to travel away in matching Mini cars from a campaign event because Green party leader Natalie Bennett said she wanted to travel by bicycle. The Remain campaign had lined up the Minis for Mr Cameron and Ms Bennett as well as Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, former Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman." "The idea was that the four politicians would be driven away by volunteers in Minis that matched their party colour – blue for the Tories, red for Labour, yellow for the LibDems and green for the Green party." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/06/greens-natalie-bennetts-decision-to-campaign-by-bicycle-scuppers/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
When the mini-ice age kicks in, especially around 2019/2020 and we look back on this referendum in 4 or 5 years time, that insistence by Natalie Bennett will be a suitable monument to the utter stupidity and divisions of the remain campaign! And to think that 'hug a husky' Cameron, Islington luvvie Harriet or Farron couldn't tell her directly that she is spouting complete boll*x and just for once for the sake of their campaign get together as a united front speaks volumes of them as well.
Funny how Channel 4 were trying to pass off Eddie Izzard as young and appealing to the youth vote - he is 54 now and been on the block since 1982!
Also, he's a 54 year old man who wears a dress, red lipstick and wants to have breasts.
I applaud his bravery in being so open, but it is a tiny bit difficult to take him seriously when he sometimes looks like a pantomime dame
He is, or was, an absolutely brilliant comic. One of the best I have ever seen. Genius.
I am not sure the yuff even know he used to be a famous comic.
Admittedly a small sample size but I have just asked the two young ladies behind the bar at my local if they had heard of Eddie Izzard. One who is 21 has heard of him, the other who is 19 hasn't. Make of that what you will.
Car crash time for Benn jnr with Andrew Neil. I really wish his father was still around to witness these times - I never forget the day he died in March 2014 as it was on the same day as my nigh on 101 year old Grandma's funeral.
Funny how Channel 4 were trying to pass off Eddie Izzard as young and appealing to the youth vote - he is 54 now and been on the block since 1982!
Also, he's a 54 year old man who wears a dress, red lipstick and wants to have breasts.
I applaud his bravery in being so open, but it is a tiny bit difficult to take him seriously when he sometimes looks like a pantomime dame
He is, or was, an absolutely brilliant comic. One of the best I have ever seen. Genius.
I am not sure the yuff even know he used to be a famous comic.
Admittedly a small sample size but I have just asked the two young ladies behind the bar at my local if they had heard of Eddie Izzard. One who is 21 has heard of him, the other who is 19 hasn't. Make of that what you will.
The one that had heard of him...did he know he used to be one.of the biggest comics or did he know him as the person who is part of LGBT community & bangs on about politics?
If there are postcode experts on the site, I would very much appreciate an explanation why Old Street east of the tube station is EC1 while every street on its north side is in N1 and every street on its south side is in EC2.
There's no doubt a historical explanation but it has long puzzled me.
Presumably it simply means Old Street in its entirety was served by the main post office in EC in 1917.
@LOS_Fisher: Van salesman told Osborne he'd same name as chancellor. Replying he was the chancellor, man was sceptical. "We had to stand there as he googled my face."
I would love to see him in Westminster.
The Remain campaign seems to be melting. Plot lost. The astonishment and growing fury that perhaps half the country disagrees is revealing.
Because that's a disaster waiting to happen.
'I know Cameron is Prime Minister......but is he a politician?'!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did he just land in from planet Mars!!!!!
Twitter could have been a really big deal, now it is relegated to being an up-to-date news feed and they haven't yet figured out how to make money from that.
"Other planned combinations include Sajid Javid, the business secretary, and one of his predecessors, Lord Mandelson. "
"Members of both sides say there are unlikely to be many new policy announcements."
"In total there are nine television setpieces remaining"
I can imagine how angry he is having pulled his Party single handedly to victory and how pissed off he must feel at the betrayal
But the best Generals know how to delegate
One can only imagine he was jealous of my wiffle stick.
Edited extra bit: np, Mr. Royale.
Of course, you don't know who mutes you.
Also tried Hololens & is better, but has big problems that Microsoft dont like to shout out.
There is magic leap that is very secretive & huge investment, but nowhere near ready.
It is 3d tv all over again. MR / AR is the future, not VR, but years off yet.
What the URL doesn't mention is she was a Stanford grad and surgeon, to boot.
These days, she thinks that hoarding gold will insulate us from a looming financial meltdown, and recruits people to sell bits of gold bullion called “Karatbars.”
"David Cameron and other leading pro-European Union politicians were not able to travel away in matching Mini cars from a campaign event because Green party leader Natalie Bennett said she wanted to travel by bicycle. The Remain campaign had lined up the Minis for Mr Cameron and Ms Bennett as well as Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, former Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman."
"The idea was that the four politicians would be driven away by volunteers in Minis that matched their party colour – blue for the Tories, red for Labour, yellow for the LibDems and green for the Green party."
And political campaigns are still living in the old world.... on which there is such an age divide. I've noticed it with my parents - they watch the mainstream media and read the Telegraph, I'm not aware of them getting their news from any other source. When I tell them the things I've found out they look aghast at me as though I'm from a different planet, and even when you show them how mainstream media output has become so distorted they still continue to consume the mainstream out of a habit of 60 years plus. But the demographic changes over time and the immediate post war generation beginning to pass away will inevitably remorselessly drive the trend towards the new media.
I gather that EU pensions are dependent on staying loyal to the EU (is that right?) but Remain MEPs will demonstrably have done so.
And Tipstr, very good!
Google have tried to copy the idea of live streaming / community / social network with YouTube & it is a massive flop.
I think someone bought Twitch, not sure it was Youtube.
That's the Labour Remain position.
They'll promptly go back to the pre-referendum settings on the 24th June!
Edited extra bit: for those wondering, I very rarely mention tipping or bets on Twitter, pb.com is where I ruminate on such things.
If you've got a bit of an artistic streak and take fairly good photos on your mobile, you'd probably like Instagram and do quite well on it. Filters do the rest.
Claimed there was no holiday pay in the UK before the EU.
It was introduced in 1938. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo6/1-2/70/enacted
Under a Conservative PM. Oops.
One who is 21 has heard of him, the other who is 19 hasn't.
Make of that what you will.