NP - it is just that the population of England massively outweighs the population elsewhere. Of equal concern to Leave is the fact that Greater London (8.5 Million) is so pro-remain. If we factor that in at the same rate then the rest of England would have to vote 54-46.
The sole reason why the progressive lobby in England is so desperate to hang onto freedom of movement and mass immigration.
Where would the progressive cause in England be without London's portalectorate?
Where would the rest of the UK be without London?
F**ked. That's where.
London is the cash cow of the UK - it's earnings go to make everyone else have a better quality of life.
Which is EXACTLY what we could say about the UK and the EU.
Which is exactly why London should cut out the middle man. London should leave the rest of the UK in the left luggage office and join the EU on its own.
Will be tricky feeding everyone who lives there - won't it? That's the problem when you have too many people in too small an area.
It would be ironic if Lufthansa had to organise a London Airlift to bring in supplies.
Why would London want to stay in a union with people who threaten and blackmail us in such a way? I'd rather be part of an INDEPENDENT LONDON than have to submit to such threats.
Oh dear its the Passport to Pimlico remake.
Are you saying that London is too small and too stupid to survive on its own?
More to the point, if it's a Leave result, what are the chances of independence within the EU for Gibraltar?
Pretty much nil. Spain gets first right of refusal if Gibraltar leaves the UK. I can't imagine them not exercising it.
The position of Gibraltar if we leave does concern me greatly. However, it seems to me that Leaving is the right thing to do, and, if Leave wins, we will just have to do the best we can with what follows on from that.
When I become directly elected dictator, I plan to administer the UK into several large city states who would pay me an annual tribute for my brilliant leadership.
The capital of the U.K. would move to Sheffield and the capital of England would be Manchester.
North East: Sunderland (NEVER Newcastle for a Mackem) Yorkshire & The Humber : Leeds (or I'll let the Tykes fight over this one) North West: Manchester East Midlands : Nottingham West Midlands: Coventry East of England : Cambridge (better have a Europhilic capital) South West : Bristol South East : Thanet London : Tower Hamlets
Wow. Bang on the money there. The reason things have gone so badly wrong is that Cameron and REMAIN have stood for nothing other than the status quo and more of the same.
That's why Cameron renegotiation disaster is so baffling. Did he seriously think he could get away, in 2016, with the same tactics Wilson deployed in 1975? Or was it that Germany just underestimated the British desire for change and to stick it to the elites?
Cameron/Merkel could/should have had a genuine and serious renegotiation. If they had. If Cameron had been able to take a deal to the British people was the genuinely radical and had been able to present himself as an "outsider" taking on the elites, while at the same time allowing people to keep the security of REMAIN, Cameron would be romping home to a big IN win.
Whether it's a narrow "in" or a narrow "out" Cameron's non-negotiation re-negotiation will go down as one of the greatest blunders in UK political history.
Mr. Gin, worth noting Cameron may well win the referendum. I think both sides, especially Leave, are at risk of getting carried away. There's over a fortnight to go, and many votes will have been cast already.
Regarding who might take over from David Cameron as prime minister, I think that the last time someone became prime minister other than by winning a general election, who had not previously been chancellor or foreign secretary, was Balfour in 1902. Is that right?
What particularly troubles me about this poster is that the creators had space to clarify exactly what they meant by "Turkey is joining the EU" but rather than use it for that purpose they decided to include the words "(population 76 million)" instead. I wonder why they might have done that?
Its sort of hard to take pleas of "mendacious" seriously when Remain led the way and abandoned the moral high ground.
I'm reminded of the old adage of arguing with idiots. Remain are now down at Leave's level and being beaten on experience.
Or on refelction is it Remain who are now the idiots ?
The Remain camp need a fresh leader to front the media. Cameron and Osborne are past their Referendum sell by date. You get that listening to people talking. I know he is maddening to some but Farron could and would do this well.
The Remain camp need a fresh leader to front the media. Cameron and Osborne are past their Referendum sell by date. You get that listening to people talking. I know he is maddening to some but Farron could and would do this well.
Mr. Gin, worth noting Cameron may well win the referendum. I think both sides, especially Leave, are at risk of getting carried away. There's over a fortnight to go, and many votes will have been cast already.
I'm still expecting REMAIN to win in the end but I think it will be a much more narrow victory and cause way more lasting damage to the Tory Party than it needed to, if only Cameron had been serious with his renegotiation.
I mean, win or lose it seems Cameron is probably finished... That tells you how badly he has played this.
What particularly troubles me about this poster is that the creators had space to clarify exactly what they meant by "Turkey is joining the EU" but rather than use it for that purpose they decided to include the words "(population 76 million)" instead. I wonder why they might have done that?
Leave aren't campaigning exclusively on immigration.
But one gets the impression that any campaign to control it would incur your ire anyway.
That was your opportunity to condemn that poster. Don't bleat next time Leavers are described as xenophobic and reactionary.
Tell me, do you practice your pomposity in front of the mirror each morning, or does it just come naturally to you?
Yes Gisela stuart and Andrea will be good Boris not so much, I suspect Nicola will steal the show.
I find Gisela Stuart quite a poor speaker. Much too quiet and has trouble getting her points across. I think she will be overshadowed by the more strident speakers, like Angel Eagle and Nicola Sturgeon. Amber Rudd is no shrinking violet either.
Her native language is German mind so she's doing pretty well!
Sheer fantasy. Just as all attempts to artificially dilute economic power by creating manmade capitals have failed (see Brasilia), making a new UK capital with an independent London would also fail. London would still dominate as a internationalist, open, free market, europhile city, pulling in talent like a magnet.
It's looking more and more like Cameron has been almost the perfect useful idiot for Brexit. He took the leadership of an increasingly Euro-hostile party, propelled it into government, waited for the worst possible circumstances to make the pro-EU case and then called an in-out referendum. To top it all, he gets to have his personal legacy trashed into the bargain so he won't even get the thanks of the people whose cause would never have prospered without him.
''Are you saying that London is too small and too stupid to survive on its own? ''
Without the South East, yes. So many of the workers who power London forward commute and live there.
So a London/south east independence it is.
Permanently wealthy. Permanently tory.
Suit you down to the ground, Alistair.
There are plenty of examples of people commuting across national borders. No need to lumber ourselves with dormitory towns.
We can just plant minefields and watchtowers around the M25 to stop you all escaping when it all goes wrong (secure borders are very important as you may have noticed) and move the capital to Shrewsbury.
Better still divide it up by postcode with the more sensible SW, W WC and NW areas are still in England and you have to do your airlift from City Airport.
Don't forget Sarf East London! I'd be surprised if we don't vote to leave...
As long as it dosent include the newly gentrified bits inner bits with single digit postcodes & yoghurt knitters
The amount of digits in a London postal district has zero geographical relevance, unless that single digit is 1.
The 1s are the central zone (SE1, W1 etc), and all others numbers are allocated alphabetically by the name of the head district.
SE2, A for Abbey Wood, is towards the outer rim, on the way to Kent.
The idea that the capital of Europe, London, gets dragged out of the EU against its wishes is so palpably preposterous it makes me even more confident of a Remain victory. Sometime in the next fortnight, the public will surely see sense and vote against this wrecking madness.
Mr. Theakes, issue is that there's no-one in politics with the stature of the PM, simply because he's the head of government. Corbyn clearly isn't that into the Remain campaign, which leaves (ahem) who?
Mr. Gin, indeed. If Cameron wins it'll be the modern definition of Pyrrhic.
Offtopic: Migration and a rising population is good business for a certain sector...
"Limited local availability of burial plots and demographic change mean that there is particular demand for new cemetery provision in east London. The development will help relieve the strain on existing cemeteries."
Wow. Bang on the money there. The reason things have gone so badly wrong is that Cameron and REMAIN have stood for nothing other than the status quo and more of the same.
Exactly. The EU doesn't work well — most Remainers essentially concede this by claiming we can still reform it — but we know a Remain vote will mean more EU not less. Remain are trying to sell us something that we wouldn't buy today.
Sheer fantasy. Just as all attempts to artificially dilute economic power by creating manmade capitals have failed (see Brasilia), making a new UK capital with an independent London would also fail. London would still dominate as a internationalist, open, free market, europhile city, pulling in talent like a magnet.
The issue isn't London falling in to the sea, it's that the place would grow at a different pace and gradually suffer from losing its hinterland.
Lots of those companies HQd in London would need to move their jurisdiction. All of government would move out including the BoE. So where the money goes people follow.
The idea that the capital of Europe, London, gets dragged out of the EU against its wishes is so palpably preposterous it makes me even more confident of a Remain victory. Sometime in the next fortnight, the public will surely see sense and vote against this wrecking madness.
It will delight me greatly when Nuneaton, Havering, Stockton and Plymouth vote to drag our country out of the EU against the screams of Camden and Islington.
Offtopic: Migration and a rising population is good business for a certain sector...
"Limited local availability of burial plots and demographic change mean that there is particular demand for new cemetery provision in east London. The development will help relieve the strain on existing cemeteries."
I used to do quite a lot of work on needs assessments for crematoria. The demographics are actually quite interesting: the rise in population is almost exactly balanced by increased longevity - for the next twenty years or so. After that, demand shoots up. Developers therefore tend to make their case on qualitative grounds: limited existing choice, large areas outside a reasonable drivetime (at funereal speeds) from existing facilities, and so on.
Reading this site you would think that leave is a 1/10 shot. Can anyone explain why it is still 9/4. Is it the best bet there has ever been?
No. Sean Fear said the other day this is a panicky website that alternates between triumph and despair.
I agree with him, and am also a culprit.
We've had a few polls with small Leave leads, and there are well over 2 weeks left. I expect all sorts of interventions and counterattacks as soon as the Government and Remain realise this is serious.
One of the many things that confuses me with what will happen if we leave is the Ireland situation. Apparently there will remain free movment of people between ROI and NI. What is to stop EU citizens travelling to ROI then catching the train to NI and then the ferry to Liverpool? They will not need a passport to enter the UK.
One of the many things that confuses me with what will happen if we leave is the Ireland situation. Apparently there will remain free movment of people between ROI and NI. What is to stop EU citizens travelling to ROI then catching the train to NI and then the ferry to Liverpool? They will not need a passport to enter the UK.
It can be arranged. You already do de facto if you fly.
''Are you saying that London is too small and too stupid to survive on its own? ''
Without the South East, yes. So many of the workers who power London forward commute and live there.
So a London/south east independence it is.
Permanently wealthy. Permanently tory.
Suit you down to the ground, Alistair.
There are plenty of examples of people commuting across national borders. No need to lumber ourselves with dormitory towns.
We can just plant minefields and watchtowers around the M25 to stop you all escaping when it all goes wrong (secure borders are very important as you may have noticed) and move the capital to Shrewsbury.
Better still divide it up by postcode with the more sensible SW, W WC and NW areas are still in England and you have to do your airlift from City Airport.
Don't forget Sarf East London! I'd be surprised if we don't vote to leave...
As long as it dosent include the newly gentrified bits inner bits with single digit postcodes & yoghurt knitters
The amount of digits in a London postal district has zero geographical relevance, unless that single digit is 1.
The 1s are the central zone (SE1, W1 etc), and all others numbers are allocated alphabetically by the name of the head district.
SE2, A for Abbey Wood, is towards the outer rim, on the way to Kent.
Although there are some fun ones.
EC1A 1HQ, for instance, is the former HQ of the post office SW1A 0AA is the Palace of Westminster, etc.
If there are postcode experts on the site, I would very much appreciate an explanation why Old Street east of the tube station is EC1 while every street on its north side is in N1 and every street on its south side is in EC2.
There's no doubt a historical explanation but it has long puzzled me.
One of the many things that confuses me with what will happen if we leave is the Ireland situation. Apparently there will remain free movment of people between ROI and NI. What is to stop EU citizens travelling to ROI then catching the train to NI and then the ferry to Liverpool? They will not need a passport to enter the UK.
Ireland would need to check peoples passports at their border with the same diligence that we do. I believe that is also the current arrangement.
EU citizens would have the right to come to the UK to visit but not to work here without meeting the rules in the new points system.
This is absolutely fantastic from Daniel Hannan. Watch it to the end. Great oratory.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
Above all what it shows is how shallow the debate on the Remain side has been. Even Ted Heath could have countered that kind of rhetoric with more force that Cameron is able to come up with.
Well what another extraordinary day. And I think its been the standout day of the campaign so far. Are Kinnock jnr and Harriet Harman secret leavers?!!
What an extraordinary thing for Harriet to do criticising Cameron today. Loved Cameron's face when she turned to him! And then Corbyn not being there alongside Natalie Bennett, Farron and Cameron made Harriet's presence look incredibly stupid anyway. It was noticeable how the cameraman had been told to focus in on all the red including the red mini at the remain set piece as well. But this just serves to highlight the problem of just how facile and childish the remain campaign has become.
And then Kinnock jnr - well talk about proving the anti-democratic nature of the EU for your opponents - was he trying to outdo his father and the Sheffield rally moment 24 years ago?!
And then the look of delight on the faces of Boris and Gove et al at the soap factory leave event today - could the contrast in the fortune of the campaigns on view have been any clearer today?
One of the many things that confuses me with what will happen if we leave is the Ireland situation. Apparently there will remain free movment of people between ROI and NI. What is to stop EU citizens travelling to ROI then catching the train to NI and then the ferry to Liverpool? They will not need a passport to enter the UK.
@patrickwintour: Nigel Farage admits there will be open border with EU via Northern Ireland & Ireland. He says "It's something that would have to be watched"
One of the many things that confuses me with what will happen if we leave is the Ireland situation. Apparently there will remain free movment of people between ROI and NI. What is to stop EU citizens travelling to ROI then catching the train to NI and then the ferry to Liverpool? They will not need a passport to enter the UK.
@patrickwintour: Nigel Farage admits there will be open border with EU via Northern Ireland & Ireland. He says "It's something that would have to be watched"
Sheer fantasy. Just as all attempts to artificially dilute economic power by creating manmade capitals have failed (see Brasilia), making a new UK capital with an independent London would also fail. London would still dominate as a internationalist, open, free market, europhile city, pulling in talent like a magnet.
The issue isn't London falling in to the sea, it's that the place would grow at a different pace and gradually suffer from losing its hinterland.
Lots of those companies HQd in London would need to move their jurisdiction. All of government would move out including the BoE. So where the money goes people follow.
Or we could just switch off the water supply to an independent London.
If there are postcode experts on the site, I would very much appreciate an explanation why Old Street east of the tube station is EC1 while every street on its north side is in N1 and every street on its south side is in EC2.
There's no doubt a historical explanation but it has long puzzled me.
If you want to really go into this there is the issue of whst hwppened to tbe NE and S postcodes.
There are still a few streets in northeast London which hwve streetsigns with NE written after them
Just popping in to say that this is getting close to becoming exciting, in a wonkish sort of way.
It'll be interesting to see how Hilary B performs this evening. On the one hand as I'm a Leaver I want him to be shite, but on the other I want him as next Labour leader, so hope he repeats his stellar performance over the bombing vote. Dilemmas, dilemmas.
Now back to reading the 1000+ posts I missed today.
If there are postcode experts on the site, I would very much appreciate an explanation why Old Street east of the tube station is EC1 while every street on its north side is in N1 and every street on its south side is in EC2.
There's no doubt a historical explanation but it has long puzzled me.
If you want to really go into this there is the issue of whst hwppened to tbe NE and S postcodes.
There are still a few streets in northeast London which hwve streetsigns with NE written after them
to go slightly further afield - Eton College has a Windsor address and a Slough post code...
Sheer fantasy. Just as all attempts to artificially dilute economic power by creating manmade capitals have failed (see Brasilia), making a new UK capital with an independent London would also fail. London would still dominate as a internationalist, open, free market, europhile city, pulling in talent like a magnet.
The issue isn't London falling in to the sea, it's that the place would grow at a different pace and gradually suffer from losing its hinterland.
Lots of those companies HQd in London would need to move their jurisdiction. All of government would move out including the BoE. So where the money goes people follow.
Admittedly, Alan, it didn't go well for Singapore, in the early years of its becoming independent from Malaysia. It suffered economically at first. Normal service was, many years later, resumed as Singapore became the preeminent city in the region.
Interestingly Singapore is the only example of a country being made independent against its wishes (it wanted to remain in Malaysia but the Malaysians kicked it out). Another possible parallel with London, should it be dragged out of the EU.
If there are postcode experts on the site, I would very much appreciate an explanation why Old Street east of the tube station is EC1 while every street on its north side is in N1 and every street on its south side is in EC2.
There's no doubt a historical explanation but it has long puzzled me.
If you want to really go into this there is the issue of whst hwppened to tbe NE and S postcodes.
There are still a few streets in northeast London which hwve streetsigns with NE written after them
to go slightly further afield - Eton College has a Windsor address and a Slough post code...
All of Windsor has a Slough postcode. Even Ascot does.
I was trying to think today which piece of classical music probably for me best sums up the extraordinary nature of British politics at the moment.......and after quite a bit of thought, I think it would have to be this one:
One person's comments could sum it up from the remain perspective:
"I'm learning the whole symphony for my A2 Music Level and as well as it being a privillage, it is also very painful. The exam board is so objective about the piece and tries so hard to use reasoning and analytical thinking into it. However, I feel as though this piece of music was not composed out of the rational mind but the irrational heart. The notes comes straight out of the feeling he was experiencing in this period. It is so hard to try and put this piece into words and logical reasoning..."
One of the many things that confuses me with what will happen if we leave is the Ireland situation. Apparently there will remain free movment of people between ROI and NI. What is to stop EU citizens travelling to ROI then catching the train to NI and then the ferry to Liverpool? They will not need a passport to enter the UK.
@patrickwintour: Nigel Farage admits there will be open border with EU via Northern Ireland & Ireland. He says "It's something that would have to be watched"
Sheer fantasy. Just as all attempts to artificially dilute economic power by creating manmade capitals have failed (see Brasilia), making a new UK capital with an independent London would also fail. London would still dominate as a internationalist, open, free market, europhile city, pulling in talent like a magnet.
The issue isn't London falling in to the sea, it's that the place would grow at a different pace and gradually suffer from losing its hinterland.
Lots of those companies HQd in London would need to move their jurisdiction. All of government would move out including the BoE. So where the money goes people follow.
Admittedly, Alan, it didn't go well for Singapore, in the early years of its becoming independent from Malaysia. It suffered economically at first. Normal service was, many years later, resumed as Singapore became the preeminent city in the region.
Interestingly Singapore is the only example of a country being made independent against its wishes (it wanted to remain in Malaysia but the Malaysians kicked it out). Another possible parallel with London, should it be dragged out of the EU.
Well you could do down the route of Singapore but there would be a bit of an adjustment first and I cant see the combination of authoritarian government and zero welfare being popular with Londoners.
Sheer fantasy. Just as all attempts to artificially dilute economic power by creating manmade capitals have failed (see Brasilia), making a new UK capital with an independent London would also fail. London would still dominate as a internationalist, open, free market, europhile city, pulling in talent like a magnet.
The issue isn't London falling in to the sea, it's that the place would grow at a different pace and gradually suffer from losing its hinterland.
Lots of those companies HQd in London would need to move their jurisdiction. All of government would move out including the BoE. So where the money goes people follow.
Or we could just switch off the water supply to an independent London.
Thats what did for any ideas of hanging onto the non leased bits of Hong Kong after 1997
The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and King Abdullah of Jordan are among the dignitaries scheduled to speak at Muhammad Ali's funeral on Friday, a family spokesman says
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
Tremendous. I really hope he stands for parliament soon. He now sits alongside Gove in my post-Brexit dream cabinet.
Why would he want to stand down as an MEP? I understand that the Commission makes all our laws and the EP has power which the Commons does not have. It would be a step backwards.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
I saw that live. Dan brought the house down.
If you look very closely you can see Clegg and Kendall, smiling, as they (ever so slightly jealously) admire the sheer skill and power of his oratory.
I haven't seen it before. I loved Mr Hannan's comment about EU run, not just by people who weren't elected for the role, but by people whom their electorates have specifically rejected!
If there are postcode experts on the site, I would very much appreciate an explanation why Old Street east of the tube station is EC1 while every street on its north side is in N1 and every street on its south side is in EC2.
There's no doubt a historical explanation but it has long puzzled me.
If you want to really go into this there is the issue of whst hwppened to tbe NE and S postcodes.
There are still a few streets in northeast London which hwve streetsigns with NE written after them
to go slightly further afield - Eton College has a Windsor address and a Slough post code...
All of Windsor has a Slough postcode. Even Ascot does.
Postcodes follow postal towns and not administrative boundaries. I'm still angry about the jumped of t***** from WAG who expected Welsh Census questionnaires to be sent out to anyone with a Welsh postcode whether they were in Wales or not.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
Tremendous. I really hope he stands for parliament soon. He now sits alongside Gove in my post-Brexit dream cabinet.
Why would he want to stand down as an MEP? I understand that the Commission makes all our laws and the EP has power which the Commons does not have. It would be a step backwards.
I know you're trying to make a funny, but it is frankly hilarious that your logic doesn't accept that post Brexit there would not be any British MEPs.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
Tremendous. I really hope he stands for parliament soon. He now sits alongside Gove in my post-Brexit dream cabinet.
My better half listened to Gove the other day from Sky without the video picture and said he sounded chuchillian at the end. Hannan is even better and LEAVE are blessed with better orators.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
I saw that live. Dan brought the house down.
If you look very closely you can see Clegg and Kendall, smiling, as they (ever so slightly jealously) admire the sheer skill and power of his oratory.
6 minutes of pure brilliance encapsulating my view exactly - only Ronnie O'Sullivan's 147 in 5 minutes and 20 seconds back in 1997 compares with such a contribution over a similar time period!
The UK could well vote "Remain", England "Leave" and London "Remain".
It'll be like a Brexit Russian doll.
Recent polls have had Wales and provoncial England voting Leave, Scotland and NI and London Remain
It is worth bearing in mind that many European countries had visa free travel arrangements with the UK long before we joined the EEC. France and the UK signed a treaty on visa free travel in 1946. The fact that we didn't join Schengen means that for the overwhelming number of travellers in Europe absolutely nothing will change if we leave the EU.
Sheer fantasy. Just as all attempts to artificially dilute economic power by creating manmade capitals have failed (see Brasilia), making a new UK capital with an independent London would also fail. London would still dominate as a internationalist, open, free market, europhile city, pulling in talent like a magnet.
The issue isn't London falling in to the sea, it's that the place would grow at a different pace and gradually suffer from losing its hinterland.
Lots of those companies HQd in London would need to move their jurisdiction. All of government would move out including the BoE. So where the money goes people follow.
Surrey CC HQ is actually in Kingston, which is now in London.
I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling at least a tiny yearning for LEAVE.
Tremendous. I really hope he stands for parliament soon. He now sits alongside Gove in my post-Brexit dream cabinet.
My better half listened to Gove the other day from Sky without the video picture and said he sounded chuchillian at the end. Hannan is even better and LEAVE are blessed with better orators.
Hannan doesn't appeal to everyone that Leave needs to vote for them.
He will get a lot of love from the right in much the same way as Corbyn receives love from his tribe on the left.
Watched his speech, I was personally put off, but can understand why you and Sean like him.
If there are postcode experts on the site, I would very much appreciate an explanation why Old Street east of the tube station is EC1 while every street on its north side is in N1 and every street on its south side is in EC2.
There's no doubt a historical explanation but it has long puzzled me.
If you want to really go into this there is the issue of whst hwppened to tbe NE and S postcodes.
There are still a few streets in northeast London which hwve streetsigns with NE written after them
to go slightly further afield - Eton College has a Windsor address and a Slough post code...
All of Windsor has a Slough postcode. Even Ascot does.
Postcodes follow postal towns and not administrative boundaries. I'm still angry about the jumped of t***** from WAG who expected Welsh Census questionnaires to be sent out to anyone with a Welsh postcode whether they were in Wales or not.
Indeed, much of the West side of Lincolnshire have NG postcodes
Mr. Royale, follow MorrisF1 (me, though I should stress it's more writing, blogging and history than politics).
You'll get more likes and retweets if you respond quickly (I got, relatively, tons when commenting swiftly on Verstappen's promotion). Also, you may like to use lists. I follow quite a lot of people, but it's the lists I check (you can make your own and add or remove anyone, whether you follow them or not, so I've got one for writers, one for F1, and subscribe to a third which someone else made).
The position of Gibraltar if we leave does concern me greatly. However, it seems to me that Leaving is the right thing to do, and, if Leave wins, we will just have to do the best we can with what follows on from that.
Capitals : (my suggestions
North East: Sunderland (NEVER Newcastle for a Mackem)
Yorkshire & The Humber : Leeds (or I'll let the Tykes fight over this one)
North West: Manchester
East Midlands : Nottingham
West Midlands: Coventry
East of England : Cambridge (better have a Europhilic capital)
South West : Bristol
South East : Thanet
London : Tower Hamlets
I suggest PBers do the same.
Wow. Bang on the money there. The reason things have gone so badly wrong is that Cameron and REMAIN have stood for nothing other than the status quo and more of the same.
That's why Cameron renegotiation disaster is so baffling. Did he seriously think he could get away, in 2016, with the same tactics Wilson deployed in 1975? Or was it that Germany just underestimated the British desire for change and to stick it to the elites?
Cameron/Merkel could/should have had a genuine and serious renegotiation. If they had. If Cameron had been able to take a deal to the British people was the genuinely radical and had been able to present himself as an "outsider" taking on the elites, while at the same time allowing people to keep the security of REMAIN, Cameron would be romping home to a big IN win.
Whether it's a narrow "in" or a narrow "out" Cameron's non-negotiation re-negotiation will go down as one of the greatest blunders in UK political history.
I'm reminded of the old adage of arguing with idiots. Remain are now down at Leave's level and being beaten on experience.
Or on refelction is it Remain who are now the idiots ?
Farron and the Lib Dems are beyond irrelevant.
I mean, win or lose it seems Cameron is probably finished... That tells you how badly he has played this.
I wrote this thread whilst Tainted Love and 99 Luftballons were playing.
Sheer fantasy. Just as all attempts to artificially dilute economic power by creating manmade capitals have failed (see Brasilia), making a new UK capital with an independent London would also fail. London would still dominate as a internationalist, open, free market, europhile city, pulling in talent like a magnet.
I mean err Dave is really going for it isn't he
The 1s are the central zone (SE1, W1 etc), and all others numbers are allocated alphabetically by the name of the head district.
SE2, A for Abbey Wood, is towards the outer rim, on the way to Kent.
Mr. Gin, indeed. If Cameron wins it'll be the modern definition of Pyrrhic.
"Limited local availability of burial plots and demographic change mean that there is particular demand for new cemetery provision in east London. The development will help relieve the strain on existing cemeteries."
Lots of those companies HQd in London would need to move their jurisdiction. All of government would move out including the BoE. So where the money goes people follow.
I agree with him, and am also a culprit.
We've had a few polls with small Leave leads, and there are well over 2 weeks left. I expect all sorts of interventions and counterattacks as soon as the Government and Remain realise this is serious.
Anything can happen.
I'm going to show her picture of me and Dave and George.
If that doesn't impress her...
It'll be like a Brexit Russian doll.
If you look very closely you can see Clegg and Kendall, smiling, as they (ever so slightly jealously) admire the sheer skill and power of his oratory.
I suggest it would need 60/40 overall to get a modest LEAVE vote in NI.
EC1A 1HQ, for instance, is the former HQ of the post office
SW1A 0AA is the Palace of Westminster, etc.
There's no doubt a historical explanation but it has long puzzled me.
Ireland would need to check peoples passports at their border with the same diligence that we do. I believe that is also the current arrangement.
EU citizens would have the right to come to the UK to visit but not to work here without meeting the rules in the new points system.
Well what another extraordinary day. And I think its been the standout day of the campaign so far. Are Kinnock jnr and Harriet Harman secret leavers?!!
What an extraordinary thing for Harriet to do criticising Cameron today. Loved Cameron's face when she turned to him! And then Corbyn not being there alongside Natalie Bennett, Farron and Cameron made Harriet's presence look incredibly stupid anyway. It was noticeable how the cameraman had been told to focus in on all the red including the red mini at the remain set piece as well. But this just serves to highlight the problem of just how facile and childish the remain campaign has become.
And then Kinnock jnr - well talk about proving the anti-democratic nature of the EU for your opponents - was he trying to outdo his father and the Sheffield rally moment 24 years ago?!
And then the look of delight on the faces of Boris and Gove et al at the soap factory leave event today - could the contrast in the fortune of the campaigns on view have been any clearer today?
There are still a few streets in northeast London which hwve streetsigns with NE written after them
A pro-Brexit MP has just likened their current poll position to "the bit when Puncheon scored in the FA Cup Final".
It'll be interesting to see how Hilary B performs this evening. On the one hand as I'm a Leaver I want him to be shite, but on the other I want him as next Labour leader, so hope he repeats his stellar performance over the bombing vote. Dilemmas, dilemmas.
Now back to reading the 1000+ posts I missed today.
Its beginning to look to me that against all expectations the crazy gang are going to beat the culture club.
Interestingly Singapore is the only example of a country being made independent against its wishes (it wanted to remain in Malaysia but the Malaysians kicked it out). Another possible parallel with London, should it be dragged out of the EU.
One person's comments could sum it up from the remain perspective:
"I'm learning the whole symphony for my A2 Music Level and as well as it being a privillage, it is also very painful.
The exam board is so objective about the piece and tries so hard to use reasoning and analytical thinking into it. However, I feel as though this piece of music was not composed out of the rational mind but the irrational heart. The notes comes straight out of the feeling he was experiencing in this period. It is so hard to try and put this piece into words and logical reasoning..."
1. Feel very sad for a while (may include crying).
2. Accept it and move on to other matters.
Quite radical, I know... but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Never looked at it that way.
What do I need to know?
He will get a lot of love from the right in much the same way as Corbyn receives love from his tribe on the left.
Watched his speech, I was personally put off, but can understand why you and Sean like him.
You'll get more likes and retweets if you respond quickly (I got, relatively, tons when commenting swiftly on Verstappen's promotion). Also, you may like to use lists. I follow quite a lot of people, but it's the lists I check (you can make your own and add or remove anyone, whether you follow them or not, so I've got one for writers, one for F1, and subscribe to a third which someone else made).