Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
A Tory MSP put it well recently. The Tories have a ceiling but Labour don't have a floor. How bad can it get? I would be genuinely surprised if Labour win a single constituency seat but I still think they will win enough list seats to pip the Tories. Could be close though.
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
Scottish labour have had a strong representation in labour govts that have made a horlicks of governing Brtain, so its no surprise they have collapsed in Scotland! I am not sure what the point is of voting for a non aligned party in westminster elections where it can never influence government and where an English electorate would be unlikely to vote for a party who offered to let it.
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
Sunil: Remember back to your early teachings. "All who gain power are afraid to lose it." Even the REMAINERS.
TSE: The REMAINERS use their power for good.
Sunil: Good is a point of view, Anakin, er, I mean TSE. The LEAVERS and the REMAINERS are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power.
TSE: The LEAVERS rely on their passion for their strength. They think inward, only about themselves.
Sunil: And the REMAINERS don't?
TSE: The REMAINERS are selfless... they only care about others.
Sunil: [looking a little frustrated] Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Smithson "the Wise"?
TSE: No.
Sunil: I thought not. It's not a story the LibDems would tell you. It's a political blogging legend. Darth Smithson was a Dark Lord of the Sith who lived many elections ago. He was so powerful and so wise that he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create... AV threads. He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying from boredom on Thursday Nights.
TSE: He could do that? He could actually save people from boring themselves to death?
Sunil: The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many policy platforms some consider to be unelectable.
TSE: What happened to him?
Sunil: He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, and then one night, his apprentice wiped his servers' hard drives while he slept. It's ironic that he could save others from obscurity, but not himself.
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Something like that. At least Zama was pretty hard-fought.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Paris? It was the British Expeditionary Force wot protected the French Left Flank in August 1914!
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Something like that. At least Zama was pretty hard-fought.
Hollande was absolutely right..there will be consequences for the UK if we leave..impossible for there not to be..anyone who thinks there wont be is a total fool. What the UK voters have to do is consider whether they are worth it..
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
not so much standing up for Britain as kneeling down and unzipping for Britain.
Cameron is nothing more than a Hollandaise sauce slurping surrender monkey. A national embarrassment and laughing stock. The sooner he's gone the better.
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
not so much standing up for Britain as kneeling down and unzipping for Britain.
We share an aircraft carrier with the French, they are our most loyal allies.
Remember Suez, an Anglo French partnership that was so memorable to a Tory PM, granted that PM was MacMillan and not Eden
Curious consequences. Eden left UK after resigning post Suez on a cruise to New Zealand. On his ship was a young steward who he got to know, and who he encouraged in his political interests. The steward was John Prescott.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Demonstrably true, but a non-sequitur given Hopkins's inaccurate account of Paris's history
Hollande was absolutely right..there will be consequences for the UK if we leave..impossible for there not to be..anyone who thinks there wont be is a total fool. What the UK voters have to do is consider whether they are worth it..
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
not so much standing up for Britain as kneeling down and unzipping for Britain.
Cameron is nothing more than a Hollandaise sauce slurping surrender monkey. A national embarrassment and laughing stock. The sooner he's gone the better.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Paris? It was the British Expeditionary Force wot protected the French Left Flank in August 1914!
This was during the successful defense of Paris? Which Hopkins denies ever having taken place
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Demonstrably true, but a non-sequitur given Hopkins's inaccurate account of Paris's history
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
not so much standing up for Britain as kneeling down and unzipping for Britain.
Cameron is nothing more than a Hollandaise sauce slurping surrender monkey. A national embarrassment and laughing stock. The sooner he's gone the better.
Hopkins may have a dodgy understanding of history but she is still right. The response of a UK PM should be how very dare you?
A new low for Cameron.
fraid so.
I generally give Cameron the benefit of the doubt but having a foreign leader threaten his own people looks like something you'd expect from a banana republic dictator.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
A pretty shabby smear job. The Mail continues in its mucky furrow. Also announced at the meeting was that we the UK would be helping airlift support for French troops in peacekeeping operations in africa. The French also announced interest in buying the UK Brimstone missile. As well as the more widely announced co-operation to build an advanced pilotless plane. The meeting marked the beginning of Somme commemorations. No doubt sneering snobbish commentators egged on by a clearly ignorant public will want to underplay the French role in this but it was nonetheless significant.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Apart from 1940, 1815 and 1813 has Paris ever been captured by a foreign power?
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Hopkins may have a dodgy understanding of history but she is still right. The response of a UK PM should be how very dare you?
A new low for Cameron.
fraid so.
I generally give Cameron the benefit of the doubt but having a foreign leader threaten his own people looks like something you'd expect from a banana republic dictator.
Hollande was absolutely right..there will be consequences for the UK if we leave..impossible for there not to be..anyone who thinks there wont be is a total fool. What the UK voters have to do is consider whether they are worth it..
It's a truism. But, it sounded like Hollande was threatening the UK, and Cameron seemed happy for him to be threatening the UK.
On balance, I think Project Fear will work, but the danger for Remain is that they will come over as being unpatriotic if they emphasise how powerless we are when foreigners want to do nasty things to us.
Alanbrooke..There will be consequences for all of the EU..that is blindingly obvious..perhaps Cameron felt he didn't need to point that out and it may have been what Hollande actually meant..but pick your own translation of his comments..
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Apart from 1940, 1815 and 1813 has Paris ever been captured by a foreign power?
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Apart from 1940, 1815 and 1813 has Paris ever been captured by a foreign power?
well there was that time in the 15th Century when the english actually owned the place.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Apart from 1940, 1815 and 1813 has Paris ever been captured by a foreign power?
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Demonstrably true, but a non-sequitur given Hopkins's inaccurate account of Paris's history
If Hopkins's thesis was "Cameron has capitulated to the French" then that would have been a different article. But it was "Cameron has capitulated to the French and the French suck: here's some abuse regarding the French". Nitpicking her abuse against the French is therefore a valid response.
If she had resisted the temptation to have a go at the French and just stuck to the former point she would have had a stronger article. But she didn't and, having opened the door, it would have been impolite for me not to stroll thru it and doff my hat.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Paris? It was the British Expeditionary Force wot protected the French Left Flank in August 1914!
This was during the successful defense of Paris? Which Hopkins denies ever having taken place
The French could not defend Paris.... on their own.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Apart from 1940, 1815 and 1813 has Paris ever been captured by a foreign power?
The English held it from 1422-1435.
Arguably (I know not strictly correctly) Napoleon in 1815 was overthrown from within and he was thrown out of Paris, in the manner of Louis XVIII a few weeks earlier, rather than Paris invaded or surrendered. Davout recalled the King.
Its worth remembering the impact of the Franco Prussian war when considering the French psychology.
Hollande was absolutely right..there will be consequences for the UK if we leave..impossible for there not to be..anyone who thinks there wont be is a total fool. What the UK voters have to do is consider whether they are worth it..
It's a truism. But, it sounded like Hollande was threatening the UK, and Cameron seemed happy for him to be threatening the UK.
On balance, I think Project Fear will work, but the danger for Remain is that they will come over as being unpatriotic if they emphasise how powerless we are when foreigners want to do nasty things to us.
The purpose of the meeting amongst other things was to discuss all sorts of military co-operation. The point being made I would have thought was obvious.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Apart from 1940, 1815 and 1813 has Paris ever been captured by a foreign power?
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Apart from 1940, 1815 and 1813 has Paris ever been captured by a foreign power?
The English held it from 1422-1435.
Arguably (I know not strictly correctly) Napoleon in 1815 was overthrown from within and he was thrown out of Paris, in the manner of Louis XVIII a few weeks earlier, rather than Paris invaded or surrendered. Davout recalled the King.
Its worth remembering the impact of the Franco Prussian war when considering the French psychology.
Also captured by the Russians and Prussians and Austrians in 1814. A year before the Hundred Days
Hollande was absolutely right..there will be consequences for the UK if we leave..impossible for there not to be..anyone who thinks there wont be is a total fool. What the UK voters have to do is consider whether they are worth it..
It's a truism. But, it sounded like Hollande was threatening the UK, and Cameron seemed happy for him to be threatening the UK.
On balance, I think Project Fear will work, but the danger for Remain is that they will come over as being unpatriotic if they emphasise how powerless we are when foreigners want to do nasty things to us.
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Before WWII Paris hadn’t actually been “taken” had it since 1815 when Napoleon was defeated by a British/German alliance at Waterloo?
Apart from 1940, 1815 and 1813 has Paris ever been captured by a foreign power?
The English held it from 1422-1435.
Arguably (I know not strictly correctly) Napoleon in 1815 was overthrown from within and he was thrown out of Paris, in the manner of Louis XVIII a few weeks earlier, rather than Paris invaded or surrendered. Davout recalled the King.
Its worth remembering the impact of the Franco Prussian war when considering the French psychology.
Hollande was absolutely right..there will be consequences for the UK if we leave..impossible for there not to be..anyone who thinks there wont be is a total fool. What the UK voters have to do is consider whether they are worth it..
There will also be consequences for France.
Odd our PM didn't bring that up.
Why on earth would he? He supports remain. Some of the 'Leavers' on here need to get a grip.
'Note that this isn’t the start of daily EU referendum polling. We put the EU question on lots of polls in a row because it was the control question for an academic experiment. There will NOT be YouGov daily referendum polls for the next four months!'
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
not so much standing up for Britain as kneeling down and unzipping for Britain.
Cameron is nothing more than a Hollandaise sauce slurping surrender monkey. A national embarrassment and laughing stock. The sooner he's gone the better.
The anti-Cameron nonsense on here is understandable from Lab/LD sympathisers but simply crazy from Conservatives. Do you really want the likes of Fox/IDS or worse in charge? If so prepare for opposition.
'Note that this isn’t the start of daily EU referendum polling. We put the EU question on lots of polls in a row because it was the control question for an academic experiment. There will NOT be YouGov daily referendum polls for the next four months!'
'Note that this isn’t the start of daily EU referendum polling. We put the EU question on lots of polls in a row because it was the control question for an academic experiment. There will NOT be YouGov daily referendum polls for the next four months!'
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
not so much standing up for Britain as kneeling down and unzipping for Britain.
Cameron is nothing more than a Hollandaise sauce slurping surrender monkey. A national embarrassment and laughing stock. The sooner he's gone the better.
The anti-Cameron nonsense on here is understandable from Lab/LD sympathisers but simply crazy from Conservatives. Do you really want the likes of Fox/IDS or worse in charge? If so prepare for opposition.
Perhaps they don't want a disingenuous, vacuous, unprincepled nincompoop representing us abroad. Cameron is becoming an embarrassment, only the sycophants can't see it.
Hollande was absolutely right..there will be consequences for the UK if we leave..impossible for there not to be..anyone who thinks there wont be is a total fool. What the UK voters have to do is consider whether they are worth it..
Agree with the sentiment as you feel appropriate, but her assertions of facts are debatable. In the article she states that "Your [the French] countrymen have never successfully defended Paris from the Germans, a tradition you continue to this day". Paris was not taken nor fought on during World War 1. Bombed, certainly, but the same could be said of London.
Paris? It was the British Expeditionary Force wot protected the French Left Flank in August 1914!
This was during the successful defense of Paris? Which Hopkins denies ever having taken place
The French could not defend Paris.... on their own.
Well, they defended Paris on their own in "The Miracle of the Marne". The question is whether the miracle would have been possible, if not for British.
The anti-Cameron nonsense on here is understandable from Lab/LD sympathisers but simply crazy from Conservatives. Do you really want the likes of Fox/IDS or worse in charge? If so prepare for opposition.
The anti-Cameron nonsense here (and, to be fair, in the Mail and Telegraph sometimes) is stark, raving, 100%, fruitcake-rich, bonkers.
I particularly enjoyed the nonsense about the allegedly 'true' immigration figures, which the nutjobs think he is deliberately concealing because of the referendum. No-one seems to ask what conceivable relevance illegal immigration has to the question of whether the UK should stay in the EU or not.
'Most French people I know, especially the older ones, are enormously grateful for the help they received from both the British and the Americans.'
No doubt experiences vary, but I worked for a French firm for five years and got a very different impression. The contrast with the attitudes I've experienced in the Netherlands, Scandinavia and (perhaps surprisingly) eastern Europe was a strong one.
But my comment was in any case more about 'official' opinion than the opinions of ordinary folk.
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
not so much standing up for Britain as kneeling down and unzipping for Britain.
Cameron is nothing more than a Hollandaise sauce slurping surrender monkey. A national embarrassment and laughing stock. The sooner he's gone the better.
The anti-Cameron nonsense on here is understandable from Lab/LD sympathisers but simply crazy from Conservatives. Do you really want the likes of Fox/IDS or worse in charge? If so prepare for opposition.
Perhaps they don't want a disingenuous, vacuous, unprincepled nincompoop representing us abroad. Cameron is becoming an embarrassment, only the sycophants can't see it.
Oh I'm quite sure you are right but polling of both voters and members suggests otherwise. How popular would Fox/IDS be as a leader/PM? It is remarkable that 'they' would fit the profile of typical Corbyn supporters in the Labour party albeit in a mirrored reflection on the right.
I see the Leicester City fan who had £20 on at 5000-1 has accepted £29,000 payout from the bookie to void the bet. Debatable whether he will want them to win it now.
The anti-Cameron nonsense on here is understandable from Lab/LD sympathisers but simply crazy from Conservatives. Do you really want the likes of Fox/IDS or worse in charge? If so prepare for opposition.
The anti-Cameron nonsense here (and, to be fair, in the Mail and Telegraph sometimes) is stark, raving, 100%, fruitcake-rich, bonkers.
I particularly enjoyed the nonsense about the allegedly 'true' immigration figures, which the nutjobs think he is deliberately concealing because of the referendum. No-one seems to ask what conceivable relevance illegal immigration has to the question of whether the UK should stay in the EU or not.
The relevance to the EU debate is immaterial, it shows poor governance and prompts people to ask what they're hiding. If figures were down would he be refusing to release them?
The anti-Cameron nonsense on here is understandable from Lab/LD sympathisers but simply crazy from Conservatives. Do you really want the likes of Fox/IDS or worse in charge? If so prepare for opposition.
The anti-Cameron nonsense here (and, to be fair, in the Mail and Telegraph sometimes) is stark, raving, 100%, fruitcake-rich, bonkers.
I particularly enjoyed the nonsense about the allegedly 'true' immigration figures, which the nutjobs think he is deliberately concealing because of the referendum. No-one seems to ask what conceivable relevance illegal immigration has to the question of whether the UK should stay in the EU or not.
It has been an uncomfortable eye-opener to read the umitigated bile from people who fail to appreciate that what has happened to Labour could so easily be repeated elsewhere.
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
not so much standing up for Britain as kneeling down and unzipping for Britain.
Cameron is nothing more than a Hollandaise sauce slurping surrender monkey. A national embarrassment and laughing stock. The sooner he's gone the better.
The anti-Cameron nonsense on here is understandable from Lab/LD sympathisers but simply crazy from Conservatives. Do you really want the likes of Fox/IDS or worse in charge? If so prepare for opposition.
Perhaps they don't want a disingenuous, vacuous, unprincepled nincompoop representing us abroad. Cameron is becoming an embarrassment, only the sycophants can't see it.
Oh I'm quite sure you are right but polling of both voters and members suggests otherwise. How popular would Fox/IDS be as a leader/PM? It is remarkable that 'they' would fit the profile of typical Corbyn supporters in the Labour party albeit in a mirrored reflection on the right.
The chances of Fox/IDS leading the conservatives are zero, you're simply deflecting the issue.
The fact that you can see no wrong in Cameron says far more about you than his performance.
Just got back from 2 hours of leafleting for Vote Leave. It started chucking it down so I went home early, then as soon as I get home the sun comes out! Typical...
Just got back from 2 hours of leafleting for Vote Leave. It started chucking it down so I went home early, then as soon as I get home the sun comes out! Typical...
The relevance to the EU debate is immaterial, it shows poor governance and prompts people to ask what they're hiding. If figures were down would he be refusing to release them?
The ONS releases the national statistics, not David Cameron.
Just got back from 2 hours of leafleting for Vote Leave. It started chucking it down so I went home early, then as soon as I get home the sun comes out! Typical...
Evening Mr RoyalBlue,
How was the general reception on the door step and if not secret, where were you leafleting?
The relevance to the EU debate is immaterial, it shows poor governance and prompts people to ask what they're hiding. If figures were down would he be refusing to release them?
The ONS releases the national statistics, not David Cameron.
Cameron pledged to reduce immigration to tens of thousand, now the figures aren't released.
Your stance is becoming more ludicrous by the day.
I still think it will be 57% for leave..I have seen nothing to stop it apart from the fear factor..It would inconvenience me slightly but I think the UK will benefit in the long run..
The relevance to the EU debate is immaterial, it shows poor governance and prompts people to ask what they're hiding. If figures were down would he be refusing to release them?
The ONS releases the national statistics, not David Cameron.
Cameron pledged to reduce immigration to tens of thousand, now the figures aren't released.
Your stance is becoming more ludicrous by the day.
The figures are released. It is the statutory duty of the ONS to do so. There is a question about the number of NI numbers released compared with the immigration stats.
Cameron did not pledge to reduce immigration to the tens of thousands, it was an objective which still applies (forever?)
Scottish Labour are like Carthaginian soldiers just before the Battle of Zama. they are led by a numpty, facing a formidable opponent, they know they're in for the shellacking of their lives.
I think it's worse than that for them.
Like the Bulgars after Kleidion?
Like a briish PM standing sheepishly aside while a French President threatens his country ?
The British public loved it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
not so much standing up for Britain as kneeling down and unzipping for Britain.
Cameron is nothing more than a Hollandaise sauce slurping surrender monkey. A national embarrassment and laughing stock. The sooner he's gone the better.
The anti-Cameron nonsense on here is understandable from Lab/LD sympathisers but simply crazy from Conservatives. Do you really want the likes of Fox/IDS or worse in charge? If so prepare for opposition.
Perhaps they don't want a disingenuous, vacuous, unprincepled nincompoop representing us abroad. Cameron is becoming an embarrassment, only the sycophants can't see it.
Oh I'm quite sure you are right but polling of both voters and members suggests otherwise. How popular would Fox/IDS be as a leader/PM? It is remarkable that 'they' would fit the profile of typical Corbyn supporters in the Labour party albeit in a mirrored reflection on the right.
The chances of Fox/IDS leading the conservatives are zero, you're simply deflecting the issue.
The fact that you can see no wrong in Cameron says far more about you than his performance.
I prefer Cameron to the alternatives on offer. That says about me I'm a realist and pragmatic - I make no claims to sainthood. Try trolling someone else.
Or a very big piece of stone....
I am not sure what the point is of voting for a non aligned party in westminster elections where it can never influence government and where an English electorate would be unlikely to vote for a party who offered to let it.
YouGov has recorded four consecutive leads for Remain since the last published poll, suggesting a movement towards the Remain side in the first two weeks of campaigning
Remember Suez, an Anglo French partnership that was so memorable to a Tory PM, granted that PM was MacMillan and not Eden
"Can Donald Trump ever claim to be '100% clean'?"
TSE: The REMAINERS use their power for good.
Sunil: Good is a point of view, Anakin, er, I mean TSE. The LEAVERS and the REMAINERS are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power.
TSE: The LEAVERS rely on their passion for their strength. They think inward, only about themselves.
Sunil: And the REMAINERS don't?
TSE: The REMAINERS are selfless... they only care about others.
Sunil: [looking a little frustrated] Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Smithson "the Wise"?
TSE: No.
Sunil: I thought not. It's not a story the LibDems would tell you. It's a political blogging legend. Darth Smithson was a Dark Lord of the Sith who lived many elections ago. He was so powerful and so wise that he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create... AV threads. He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying from boredom on Thursday Nights.
TSE: He could do that? He could actually save people from boring themselves to death?
Sunil: The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many policy platforms some consider to be unelectable.
TSE: What happened to him?
Sunil: He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, and then one night, his apprentice wiped his servers' hard drives while he slept. It's ironic that he could save others from obscurity, but not himself.
TSE: Is it possible to learn this power?
Sunil: Not from a LibDem...
We have much for which to thank Antony Eden.
Odd our PM didn't bring that up.
A new low for Cameron.
I generally give Cameron the benefit of the doubt but having a foreign leader threaten his own people looks like something you'd expect from a banana republic dictator.
Also announced at the meeting was that we the UK would be helping airlift support for French troops in peacekeeping operations in africa. The French also announced interest in buying the UK Brimstone missile. As well as the more widely announced co-operation to build an advanced pilotless plane.
The meeting marked the beginning of Somme commemorations. No doubt sneering snobbish commentators egged on by a clearly ignorant public will want to underplay the French role in this but it was nonetheless significant.
I'm just offended on so many levels.
On balance, I think Project Fear will work, but the danger for Remain is that they will come over as being unpatriotic if they emphasise how powerless we are when foreigners want to do nasty things to us.
If she had resisted the temptation to have a go at the French and just stuck to the former point she would have had a stronger article. But she didn't and, having opened the door, it would have been impolite for me not to stroll thru it and doff my hat.
Its worth remembering the impact of the Franco Prussian war when considering the French psychology.
Also 1871 (as mentioned upthread)
Believe in BRITAIN!
It's the Sunil wot won it
(Tiptoes out of the room, tick, tick, tick...)
But it would have been had we not sacrificed countless lives to prevent that.
Not that they are remotely grateful - for that or being liberated in 1944/5. Indeed, I think they resent it.
'Note that this isn’t the start of daily EU referendum polling. We put the EU question on lots of polls in a row because it was the control question for an academic experiment. There will NOT be YouGov daily referendum polls for the next four months!'
I particularly enjoyed the nonsense about the allegedly 'true' immigration figures, which the nutjobs think he is deliberately concealing because of the referendum. No-one seems to ask what conceivable relevance illegal immigration has to the question of whether the UK should stay in the EU or not.
No doubt experiences vary, but I worked for a French firm for five years and got a very different impression. The contrast with the attitudes I've experienced in the Netherlands, Scandinavia and (perhaps surprisingly) eastern Europe was a strong one.
But my comment was in any case more about 'official' opinion than the opinions of ordinary folk.
The fact that you can see no wrong in Cameron says far more about you than his performance.
How was the general reception on the door step and if not secret, where were you leafleting?
Cameron pledged to reduce immigration to tens of thousand, now the figures aren't released.
Your stance is becoming more ludicrous by the day.
you (I think) had some good state sites before (apols if someone else)
Fruitcakes and loons hardly covers it.
Cameron did not pledge to reduce immigration to the tens of thousands, it was an objective which still applies (forever?)
I've spent the last few hours watching the first 6 episodes of House of Cards.
Think it is very good so far.