@Conorpope: The Leave campaign need someone who can sell bad ideas to the public. Michael Gove can't even sell good ideas.
Says Conor Pope, a self-styled "political organization professional", and all-round Labour stooge.
They are rattled.
Gove is articulate and gives good Newsnight, but one of those pols who appeals only to his own. He is a great recruiting sergeant for Labour.
Whilst I agree, Conor Pope's sneering dismissal of the idea of wanting to leave the EU is irritating (and I would argue a potentially big political problem for Labour).
Yes. Guardianista Labour snobs who sneer at eurosceptics are playing a very dangerous game.
Lots of working class Labour voters will be instinctively drawn to LEAVE, for perfectly respectable reasons of self interest. EU migration has hurt them more than anyone.
I don't even think it's just limited to just Leave voters. IMO, even some people who grudgingly vote Remain (because they fear the consequences of leaving) will be suspicious of Labour if they seem to be slobbering unquestioning cheerleaders for the EU. Even many people who think the EU is the lesser of two evils are going to want leaders who don't just roll over to any demands.
I would argue one of Labour's main problems at last year's election was that they were seen as too soft to put "the country" first when it was needed (hence the fear they would sell out to Scotland).....if they keep up with this talk about how Europe is such an essential thing for the country, and how it's bonkers to think anything different, then they are setting themselves up for "don't let Juncker steal your cash" posters at the next election.
Yes. On this point, Corbyn is closer to the voters than the Labour right.
Yesterday I read some article saying Labour would support EU mmbership "whatever Cameron negotiated".
So, what, even if he got a deal where poor grannies were rendered into fat, or trade unions fobidden for eternity, the Labour party would still support membership?!
It's just weird. It's like the EU has become yet ANOTHER religion for lefties, along with multiculturalism, feminism, identity politics, etc etc
They're not keen on critical thinking. It's too much like hard work, and you don't get to feel continuous self-righteousness.
@Conorpope: The Leave campaign need someone who can sell bad ideas to the public. Michael Gove can't even sell good ideas.
Says Conor Pope, a self-styled "political organization professional", and all-round Labour stooge.
They are rattled.
Gove is articulate and gives good Newsnight, but one of those pols who appeals only to his own. He is a great recruiting sergeant for Labour.
For those who live and breathe nothing more than partisan politics, perhaps.
I put my country first.
The Leave campaign needs reach and gravitas. Gove adds nothing to reach,maybe a jot to gravitas, but only in comparison to Farage.
Do spare us the country first stuff. Its too early for that surely?. We all want the best for our country, we just might disagree how.
Stop with your partisan Labour bullshit, then.
It's not partisan bullshit, it's making the very real point that Gove doesn't add much to a Leave campaign that needs to extend its reach.
You're in the bag, they need to attract other voters unlike you to win . Gove, bless him, doesn't offer much there.
It's a perfectly valid point.
No, it's not that and well you know it. Richard Nabavi and I said we didn't particularly care for Dickens. You said "typical Tories".
You just can't help yourself having a dig whenever you think there's an opening, even if it's totally irrelevant and a completely innocent (and unpolitical) point of view.
You're wired like McBride.
The Dickens point was a joke. Not funny. I admit, but a joke nonetheless. The fact you took it seriously is actually quite funny.
No it wasn't, you meant it, and are just trying to wriggle out of it now as you realise it's misfired.
Which is also very telling.
It was a joke. Not wriggling at all. Was amused by the idea if someone not getting Dickens. . Clearly I got closer to the bone than I imagined possible. Apots for offence, none was intended. To make up for it I shall henceforth imagine you dressed as Bob Cratchett.
@Conorpope: The Leave campaign need someone who can sell bad ideas to the public. Michael Gove can't even sell good ideas.
Says Conor Pope, a self-styled "political organization professional", and all-round Labour stooge.
They are rattled.
Gove is articulate and gives good Newsnight, but one of those pols who appeals only to his own. He is a great recruiting sergeant for Labour.
For those who live and breathe nothing more than partisan politics, perhaps.
I put my country first.
The Leave campaign needs reach and gravitas. Gove adds nothing to reach,maybe a jot to gravitas, but only in comparison to Farage.
Do spare us the country first stuff. Its too early for that surely?. We all want the best for our country, we just might disagree how.
Stop with your partisan Labour bullshit, then.
It's not partisan bullshit, it's making the very real point that Gove doesn't add much to a Leave campaign that needs to extend its reach.
You're in the bag, they need to attract other voters unlike you to win . Gove, bless him, doesn't offer much there.
It's a perfectly valid point.
No, it's not that and well you know it. Richard Nabavi and I said we didn't particularly care for Dickens. You said "typical Tories".
You just can't help yourself having a dig whenever you think there's an opening, even if it's totally irrelevant and a completely innocent (and unpolitical) point of view.
You're wired like McBride.
The Dickens point was a joke. Not funny. I admit, but a joke nonetheless. The fact you took it seriously is actually quite funny.
No it wasn't, you meant it, and are just trying to wriggle out of it now as you realise it's misfired.
Which is also very telling.
It was a joke. Not wriggling at all. Was amused by the idea if someone not getting Dickens. . Clearly I got closer to the bone than I imagined possible. Apots for offence, none was intended. To make up for it I shall henceforth imagine you dressed as Bob Cratchett.
That's funny. Ok, my point is made; I agree, let's end this. Thanks.
I see the disease of somehow drawing links between negotiations with the EU with Hitler Germany is spreading beyond the usual suspects...
Mike Smithson @MSmithsonPB 32 secs32 seconds ago Cameron should return to Britain via the old Croydon aerodrome and hold the piece of paper in his hand as he gets off the plane
All the nonsense about benefits could easily solved by us without any new eu deal....contributary principal...like errh lots of EU countries.
Why should young British people be denied benefits just because they haven't "contributed" yet, when most of them would go onto repay everything they take out when they're employed in the future?
Simply make the the 14-17 year age bracket for education 'credits'.
@KateEMcCann: The special guest CAN'T actually be George Galloway... Can it?!
Forget Gove, that will get ALL the headlines. Galloway will rally a few of the hard left for leave but if he is on a platform with Farage it is a coup for Cameron, it will be Benn and Powell 1975 the sequel!
If that special guest is Galloway, I don't think there's been this much of a damp squib since Nigel Farage dragged everyone out to Gloucestershire during Tory conference to announce the defection of a medium-sized Tory donor.
@KateEMcCann: The special guest CAN'T actually be George Galloway... Can it?!
Forget Gove, that will get ALL the headlines. Galloway will rally a few of the hard left for leave but if he is on a platform with Farage it is a coup for Cameron, it will be Benn and Powell 1975 the sequel!
@KateEMcCann: The special guest CAN'T actually be George Galloway... Can it?!
Forget Gove, that will get ALL the headlines. Galloway will rally a few of the hard left for leave but if he is on a platform with Farage it is a coup for Cameron, it will be Benn and Powell 1975 the sequel!
Galloway, for real? He is on a platform with DAVID DAVIS you dimwit. I could not give a monkey's about Farage. DAVID DAVIS, Tim Momtgomerie's representative on earth.
@patrickwintour: "He is towering figure on the left of British politics" says Farage as he introduces George Galloway as surprise guest to GO rally. Suicide.
@stephenpollard: Have the organisers of the GO rally taken leave of their senses? Galloway! Have they got any senses? What bloody idiots.
@KateEMcCann: "He's an anti Semite, it's disgusting" says one v angry activist. Seriously let down people here. Very bad decision from Grassroots Out
At the moment my reaction is this. I feel about Galloway much as Mr Meeks feels about the Kippers. And his involvement will likely have the same effect on me as the Kippers have on Mr M.
A Britain where Galloway and his ilk play any sort of part is not a Britain I want to have anything to do with. It will be illiberal and nasty. For all its many faults, the EU is better than Galloway and his friends.
Domhnall Gleeson really needs to put on his General Hux (Star Wars VII) voice for "Earth's Greatest Spectacles" on BBC2 - his narration is making me fall asleep
@DavidRoe92: That confirms it. I'm voting to stay in.
@DavidRoe92: This is the only election in my life where I genuinely believed I was a key voter. I'm now virulently pro EU.
@AaronBell80: @DavidRoe92 wtf is wrong with these people? It's AV referendum all over again - I am going to be on the losing side with a bunch of tossers
@DavidRoe92: Getting Galloway on stage makes the Sheffield rally look like a PR coup
What made these people think Galloway would be a decent special guest. If he wants to campaign for Brexit, fine, just don't give him centre stage at a major event.
My personal view is they are taking the wrong approach. Employers complain about poor basic skills. My time on a PGCE showed that there was merit in their concerns. So surely it would be better to make sure everyone did the simple stuff, like arithmetic, really well rather than calculus very badly.
Actually this is precisely what the new GCSE spec is doing: there's a significant bumping up of the emphasis of basic numeracy, i.e. ability to do arithmetic and deal with "everyday" contextual problems (utility bills, shopping, exchange rates, interest rates etc).
And there's absolutely no suggestion that foundation tier students are going to be having calculus stuffed down their throat: pretty much as before, they're going to be limited to only the most basic of algebra.
In the old scheme, basic numeracy made up 25% of the syllabus (equally weighted with algebra, statistics and "shape and space" i.e. geometry). The new scheme splits out "ratio and proportion" as a separate topic in its own right, in addition to numerical work, and hence boosts the proportion of time and marks spent on basic skills.
As one of the more statistically-inclined of this parish (and I think Mr Viewcode will sympathise with me) I'm concerned that this is happening mostly at the expense of the data handling component. The GCSE syllabus is unusual, in global terms, for putting so much emphasis on interpreting data and graphs and performing basic statistical calculations. It's probably one of the reasons we do quite poorly on international standardised tests - other countries don't teach what we do, or don't teach it under "maths" - but in my view it's one of the strengths of our system. Data literacy is an incredibly valuable skill in an "information economy", and probably of more use to more people than the higher algebra is. For those people who need mathematical skills for more than just quotidien arithmetic, it's often because they need to handle data and interpret statistics. While I can see the argument for the need for greater focus on basic skills (and having worked as an FE lecturer, I can confirm that basic skills are a serious issue, and PBers whose circles of friends and colleagues are mostly graduates might have a shock at the levels of literacy and numeracy I'm talking about) I'm disappointed it's come at the expense of downgrading the statistics.
Having said that, pruning the algebra probably wasn't a realistic option since many A-level students already lack the skills required to succeed (skills which from a professional/academic point of view are pretty basic - things like dealing with algebraic fractions confidently, rearranging more complicated formulas or factorising and/or completing the square on quadratics - but which are above the "key skills" needed for everyday life).
So let me get this straight - just because Galloway backs LEAVE, you traitorous, perfidious REMAINERS are going to consign Britain to another 40 years of Brussels-Directive-Raj?
@David_Cameron: I have negotiated a deal to give the UK special status in the EU. I will be recommending it to Cabinet tomorrow. Press conference shortly.
Don't know why everyone is so surprised. If you've got kate hoey on your platform you can't be that choosy. Having said that george galloway. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
What made these people think Galloway would be a decent special guest. If he wants to campaign for Brexit, fine, just don't give him centre stage at a major event.
How many Kippers will change their mind because of Galloway?
Labour are currently going 70 - 30 remain. If Galloway (and like minded lefties, plenty of them about) moves that to 50-50....
At the moment my reaction is this. I feel about Galloway much as Mr Meeks feels about the Kippers. And his involvement will likely have the same effect on me as the Kippers have on Mr M.
A Britain where Galloway and his ilk play any sort of part is not a Britain I want to have anything to do with. It will be illiberal and nasty. For all its many faults, the EU is better than Galloway and his friends.
I absolutely share your view of Galloway but I have to ask, which side were you on in the Scottish Independence vote? If you were in favour of the Union then you were on the same side as Galloway who played a prominent role in the campaign.
This is a stupid, crass and self destructive move by GO but to be honest it is no more than I would expect from Farage and it won't make any difference to the fundamental arguments one way or another.
Reckon Farage will be on for 20 minutes. We should know the special guest by 9.45pm.
I think..
Mike Smithson @MSmithsonPB 32 secs32 seconds ago
Cameron should return to Britain via the old Croydon aerodrome and hold the piece of paper in his hand as he gets off the plane
As the BBC showed last night, most people in the street are clueless and apathetic about the current goings on.
This is bullshit.
Raheem Kassam @RaheemKassam 2 mins2 minutes ago
Ladies and Gents at @Grassroots_Out. Here's your special guest. It's @georgegalloway!
GO>! = idiots.
George Galloway!
These people are fucking idiots.
Next they'll be trumpeting an endorsement from Nick Griffin
Right, I'm leaving or my wife will divorce me.
Opinion Savvy/Augusta Chronicle 18-19 Feb
Jeb Bush (R) 11%
Ben Carson (R) 8%
Ted Cruz (R) 19%
John Kasich (R) 7%
Marco Rubio (R) 24%
Donald Trump (R) 27%
Undecided 4%
He is on a platform with DAVID DAVIS you dimwit. I could not give a monkey's about Farage. DAVID DAVIS, Tim Momtgomerie's representative on earth.
Grassroots out have shit the bed.
He was spot on with the left that now own Labour.
As the rare lesser-spotted pro-european tory, I will try and recover my poise shortly....
@stephenpollard: Have the organisers of the GO rally taken leave of their senses? Galloway! Have they got any senses? What bloody idiots.
@KateEMcCann: "He's an anti Semite, it's disgusting" says one v angry activist. Seriously let down people here. Very bad decision from Grassroots Out
Galloway has plenty of supporters and he's good in debates.
No..... this is a major coup and I am rattled..
He's not going to fancy spending the next four months touring the country with Galloway ahd Farage
They have the right, they have the left.
Over to Boris.
A Britain where Galloway and his ilk play any sort of part is not a Britain I want to have anything to do with. It will be illiberal and nasty. For all its many faults, the EU is better than Galloway and his friends.
You remember corbyn,the far left labour leader who supports remain.
Now I am going to have to completely re-write tomorrow's thread.
Stupid f*cking useless half-witted Leave muppets.
Domhnall Gleeson really needs to put on his General Hux (Star Wars VII) voice for "Earth's Greatest Spectacles" on BBC2 - his narration is making me fall asleep
Detroit News
Trump 25,
Cruz 15,
Rubio 12,
Kasich 11,
Carson 9,
Bush 5
Trump 41,
Cruz 11,
Rubio 10,
Kasich 11,
Carson 7,
Bush 5
Clinton 62
Sanders 27
@DavidRoe92: This is the only election in my life where I genuinely believed I was a key voter. I'm now virulently pro EU.
@AaronBell80: @DavidRoe92 wtf is wrong with these people? It's AV referendum all over again - I am going to be on the losing side with a bunch of tossers
@DavidRoe92: Getting Galloway on stage makes the Sheffield rally look like a PR coup
Actually, I don't think I have a insider sufficiently strong to place in front of 'stupid' that really captures the essence.
And there's absolutely no suggestion that foundation tier students are going to be having calculus stuffed down their throat: pretty much as before, they're going to be limited to only the most basic of algebra.
In the old scheme, basic numeracy made up 25% of the syllabus (equally weighted with algebra, statistics and "shape and space" i.e. geometry). The new scheme splits out "ratio and proportion" as a separate topic in its own right, in addition to numerical work, and hence boosts the proportion of time and marks spent on basic skills.
As one of the more statistically-inclined of this parish (and I think Mr Viewcode will sympathise with me) I'm concerned that this is happening mostly at the expense of the data handling component. The GCSE syllabus is unusual, in global terms, for putting so much emphasis on interpreting data and graphs and performing basic statistical calculations. It's probably one of the reasons we do quite poorly on international standardised tests - other countries don't teach what we do, or don't teach it under "maths" - but in my view it's one of the strengths of our system. Data literacy is an incredibly valuable skill in an "information economy", and probably of more use to more people than the higher algebra is. For those people who need mathematical skills for more than just quotidien arithmetic, it's often because they need to handle data and interpret statistics. While I can see the argument for the need for greater focus on basic skills (and having worked as an FE lecturer, I can confirm that basic skills are a serious issue, and PBers whose circles of friends and colleagues are mostly graduates might have a shock at the levels of literacy and numeracy I'm talking about) I'm disappointed it's come at the expense of downgrading the statistics.
Having said that, pruning the algebra probably wasn't a realistic option since many A-level students already lack the skills required to succeed (skills which from a professional/academic point of view are pretty basic - things like dealing with algebraic fractions confidently, rearranging more complicated formulas or factorising and/or completing the square on quadratics - but which are above the "key skills" needed for everyday life).
In it is.
Seriously guys?
While YEStoAV only wanted 'progressive majority' luvvies this LEAVE bunch are having a really big tent.
Labour are currently going 70 - 30 remain. If Galloway (and like minded lefties, plenty of them about) moves that to 50-50....
This is a stupid, crass and self destructive move by GO but to be honest it is no more than I would expect from Farage and it won't make any difference to the fundamental arguments one way or another.