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  • weejonnieweejonnie Posts: 3,820

    Financier said:

    TGOHF said:

    rcs1000 said:

    TGOHF said:

    Seems to be a big divergence between the GDP construction figures and the PMI construction figures.

    PMIs are forward looking.
    GDP is backward looking.
    Construction PMI was over 60 earlier in the year - the wheels of the brickies barrow must move slowly...
    Apparently there is a shortage of bricks
    Wherewithal to make them, or labour?
    House rebuilding index is currently 5.37% per annum - meaning the cost to rebuild property has gone up - due to prices of raw materials as wages are obviously not increasing by much.

    This will impact on your home insurance premiums.
  • Could well turn out to be a masterful strategy by the Blues.

    @thei100: Fear of the SNP is putting voters off Labour
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786

    antifrank said:

    Roger said:
    Bizarre. That's one of the rare occasions when using a scantily clad woman in an advert is entirely justifiable. Have we really reached the point when encouraging people to buy a product to be fitter is offensive?
    Disagree with you here. It's got nothing to do with encouraging fitness and everything to do with objectification and figure fascism. The company know this and are using the image specifically to provoke, and thereby garner publicity and sales.
    There is no reason or need to look like that, or look like the male version of the poster to go to the beach. You're beach ready when you put your trunks or bikini on, regardless of your shape.
    Still, long live the patriarchy and everything.
    "Objectification", "figure fascism", "patriarchy".

    What a lot of nonsense.
    Or, alternatively, a worldview you profoundly disagree with.
    I certainly disagree with that worldview. God knows what sort of warped, inhuman and paranoid society we'd end up with if you had your way.
    Fortunately for you, it's not something we will see in our lifetime.
  • AlastairMeeksAlastairMeeks Posts: 30,340

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
  • trubluetrublue Posts: 103
    The GDP figures are solid enough. There's certainly no argument to be had that its time for change, especially change that puts Miliband in with the SNP.

    I know from the hundreds of Labour supporters I have spoken to that they want to vote red but are terrified it could be the end for the country as they know it. I'd say about 80% of them are privately planning on voting blue to save the union and keep the economy on track. But because their family would disown them for voting tory, they are very private about their intentions. The rest are going to vote red regardless or unknown probably about a 50/50 split in that camp.
  • JonCisBackJonCisBack Posts: 911
    FalseFlag said:

    Patrick said:

    DavidL said:

    Patrick said:

    Scott_P said:

    @toadmeister: If @Ed_Miliband really is seeking a celebrity endorsement from @RustyRockets, he must be absolutely desperate

    What on earth can Miliband hope to gain from meeting a gimp like Russell Brand? I think I know. He's an utter loon - but a loon who's able to put his finger on something that detects quite well the various issues that get lefties wound up. Ed's general weakness is that he's very good at sensing where issues lie and what people worry about - just mindbogglingly shite at deciding what the right policy response should be. Brand will help him deepen his sensing strength - but also exacerbate his policy weakness.
    How can you say that? The next Labour government is going to preside over a new housing construction boom.

    I don't want any new housing built, no demand from me., I like my environment as it is. Disgraceful what the coalition has done with planning laws, surely driven by campaign contributions by developers.

    Prefer to see demand tackled by taxing away foreign investor demand and enforcing immigration laws. All those 'luxury' flats are driven by foreign investors not locals desiring modest houses.
    Take a flight from Stansted, Luton or pretty much any airport in fact.

    89% of England is not built on at all. The population is growing; demand for housing is huge. We need to build a lot more just to stand still, and a smart approach could see housebuilders still able to make a profit, avoiding a price crash but with a gradual increase in affordability. Many people under 35 are locked out of buying a house altogether, many more can buy but at vast cost, not just to them but to the whole economy given the loss of disposal income, and the mortgage burden lessens very little year by year, unlike in the past.

    Planning takes far too long and is too restrictive. Needs to change.
  • Blue_rog said:
    *Spoiler Alert*

    He's been in a recent Marvel Film.
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786

    Lennon said:

    Top Tier Football Grounds in traditional Counties: Somerset has had one. (Bristol City were top flight late 70's)

    Nottingham Forest is in Nottinghamshire (just), Notts County is in Nottingham City, although the name suggests otherwise.
    Norfolk has but one football league club - the Canaries. No other team higher than the blue square league (Kings Lynn)
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited April 2015
    trublue said:

    The GDP figures are solid enough. There's certainly no argument to be had that its time for change, especially change that puts Miliband in with the SNP.

    I know from the hundreds of Labour supporters I have spoken to that they want to vote red but are terrified it could be the end for the country as they know it. I'd say about 80% of them are privately planning on voting blue to save the union and keep the economy on track. But because their family would disown them for voting tory, they are very private about their intentions. The rest are going to vote red regardless or unknown probably about a 50/50 split in that camp.

    0.3% is not solid at all.....We need to be growing at least 2% a year really just to be standing still, and the budget figures have been based up 5 years of exceeding even that.
  • Simon Hughes has a Yellow Taxi

    @Charlotte_LGA: @bbclaurak Simon Hughes' big yellow taxi
  • anotherDaveanotherDave Posts: 6,746

    Financier said:

    RE: Renting post WW2

    In the village where I was brought up (post WW2), less than 10% of people owned their houses - most were rented from two dynastic private landlords who charged modest rents.

    Also had an aunt who with her sister had inherited streets of houses (In Bristol) from their father and employed a rent collector. However in the 1950s, they sold of all their property as the cost of repairs and maintenance was greater than the receipts from the controlled rents.

    Wasn’t L S Lowry a rent collector in Salford?

    I had an aunt who rented a house in Banstead. She and her partner originally took it during the war at what was then a reasonable, but in the 50’s became a modest rent. Controls stayed for those who were already tenants for a long time after that and by the time they had to move, although the rent had gone up a bit, the landlord was losing money on the place, or would have been if he’d actually done any work on it.
    In 19th contrary fiction, middle class families typically rent their homes. Home ownership seems to be a relatively recent thing.

    "In Britain, the period of rent controls between 1915 and 1989 was associated with the private rental sector collapsing from close to nine-tenths of the housing stock at the start of the 20th century to close to one-tenth by the late 1980s and early 1990s" ceilings.pdf
  • Blue_rogBlue_rog Posts: 2,019

    Blue_rog said:
    *Spoiler Alert*

    He's been in a recent Marvel Film.
    Yep, after the credits in GotG
  • Flightpath1Flightpath1 Posts: 207

    Financier said:

    TGOHF said:

    rcs1000 said:

    TGOHF said:

    Seems to be a big divergence between the GDP construction figures and the PMI construction figures.

    PMIs are forward looking.
    GDP is backward looking.
    Construction PMI was over 60 earlier in the year - the wheels of the brickies barrow must move slowly...
    Apparently there is a shortage of bricks
    Yes, try buying some, in a substantial quantity of over a thousand. Long lead to delivery last time I tried at the end of last year, and gave up.

    So many brick works and cement plants in the South East, have been 'mothballed' i.e. scrapped.

    Anyone suggesting we can build 100,000's of houses is talking utter crap.
    Bricks are not vital to construction generally, but house buyers prefer even timber framed houses to be faced in brick. Its because we are building more houses now that the shortage is now.
    Nevertheless concrete blocks or cladding can be rendered. If EdM wants to build social housing then the appearance will not be a prime concern. Skills to lay the bricks are another point - probably have to import bricklayers.

    The point is that when artificial booms are created by governments the manufacturers, bricks in this case, are not keen to invest only to see their work undercut by the following bust.
  • Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 59,026

    antifrank said:

    Roger said:
    Bizarre. That's one of the rare occasions when using a scantily clad woman in an advert is entirely justifiable. Have we really reached the point when encouraging people to buy a product to be fitter is offensive?
    Disagree with you here. It's got nothing to do with encouraging fitness and everything to do with objectification and figure fascism. The company know this and are using the image specifically to provoke, and thereby garner publicity and sales.
    There is no reason or need to look like that, or look like the male version of the poster to go to the beach. You're beach ready when you put your trunks or bikini on, regardless of your shape.
    Still, long live the patriarchy and everything.
    "Objectification", "figure fascism", "patriarchy".

    What a lot of nonsense.
    Or, alternatively, a worldview you profoundly disagree with.
    I certainly disagree with that worldview. God knows what sort of warped, inhuman and paranoid society we'd end up with if you had your way.
    Fortunately for you, it's not something we will see in our lifetime.
    Thank Goodness.
  • Philip_ThompsonPhilip_Thompson Posts: 65,826

    Mr. Thompson, it's curious how fatness isn't attacked nearly so vigorously as excessive skinniness [indeed, 'bullying' the fat is more likely to elicit sympathy. Not that I've conducted personal research on the matter].

    Indeed it seems almost like its perfectly acceptable to "bully" the skinny, even if the skinny person is in a healthy range.
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Perhaps I'm being unkind. Not everyone has the muscular, lean, fit body of a morris dancer.

    Personally, I loathe exercise, but force myself to do it as otherwise I'd spend almost the entire day sat in a chair, staring at a screen. On the other hand, I'm much better than most people at refusing to eat my own bodyweight in pie every day.

    I've seen the poster now [just checked Twitter]. Attractive woman in a bikini used by fitness firm shocker. Does anyone care when incredibly ripped (and invariably shirtless) men are used this way? A fitness firm is hardly going to use a fat bastard or a scrawny person to advertise their wares, are they?
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786

    Mr. Thompson, it's curious how fatness isn't attacked nearly so vigorously as excessive skinniness [indeed, 'bullying' the fat is more likely to elicit sympathy. Not that I've conducted personal research on the matter].

    Indeed it seems almost like its perfectly acceptable to "bully" the skinny, even if the skinny person is in a healthy range.
    If they are skinny, they are not in a healthy range. Same as fat. Healthy range lies between skinny and fat.
  • Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 59,026
    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    I don't particularly want to see grossly obese types, either men or women, on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect they don't want to be obese either.

    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
  • TheWatcherTheWatcher Posts: 5,262
    edited April 2015

    FalseFlag said:

    Patrick said:

    DavidL said:

    Patrick said:

    Scott_P said:

    @toadmeister: If @Ed_Miliband really is seeking a celebrity endorsement from @RustyRockets, he must be absolutely desperate

    What on earth can Miliband hope to gain from meeting a gimp like Russell Brand? I think I know. He's an utter loon - but a loon who's able to put his finger on something that detects quite well the various issues that get lefties wound up. Ed's general weakness is that he's very good at sensing where issues lie and what people worry about - just mindbogglingly shite at deciding what the right policy response should be. Brand will help him deepen his sensing strength - but also exacerbate his policy weakness.
    How can you say that? The next Labour government is going to preside over a new housing construction boom.

    I don't want any new housing built, no demand from me., I like my environment as it is. Disgraceful what the coalition has done with planning laws, surely driven by campaign contributions by developers.

    Prefer to see demand tackled by taxing away foreign investor demand and enforcing immigration laws. All those 'luxury' flats are driven by foreign investors not locals desiring modest houses.
    Take a flight from Stansted, Luton or pretty much any airport in fact.

    89% of England is not built on at all. The population is growing; demand for housing is huge. We need to build a lot more just to stand still, and a smart approach could see housebuilders still able to make a profit, avoiding a price crash but with a gradual increase in affordability. Many people under 35 are locked out of buying a house altogether, many more can buy but at vast cost, not just to them but to the whole economy given the loss of disposal income, and the mortgage burden lessens very little year by year, unlike in the past.

    Planning takes far too long and is too restrictive. Needs to change.
    Curtail immigration first, and then look at what, and where, homes and the infrastructure to support them need to built.

    There's no point in plonking 10,000 houses in a field somewhere if the local water supply and treatment works are running to capacity, and the power grid is overloaded. Never mind over crowded transport networks.

  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    Re Red Ed talking to Brand....

    I am sure he will be able to spout £8 minimum wage, living wage, rent controls, grind bankers into the dust, clamp down on tax dodging, standing up to Murdoch...all of which Brand is a big supporter.

  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,726

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    I don't particularly want to see grossly obese types, either men or women, on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect they don't want to be obese either.

    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Human beings objectify each other. That's as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    ''As a follower of Russell Brand's podcast, I would say Ed is in extremely dangerous territory speaking to him. I don't for one second think Brand will endorse any mainstream politician as it goes against his entire image and brand.''

    Brand represents the 'what was I thinking' type of bad boy relationship many modern young ladies have in their 20s before the now traditional desperate search for somebody vaguely sensible as they approach 30.

    Not sure how that plays out, electorally.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    And the conversations with voters that are being logged and reported on by Labour activists in those kinds of seats, are a big part of the reason why - although Ed Miliband's team won't say it publicly - that the party believes it has some reasons to be cheerful, not about winning outright, but that hard graft may well pay off.

    Labour sources tell Newsnight that its ground campaign is, in many parts of the country, better run, and more fruitful than their opponents' efforts.

    They now have 200 organisers working in the field, have spoken to 2 million voters since the start of the year and are well on their way to speaking to more than 4 million voters by the time polling day comes.

    The belief, it is one to one contact, not the vigorous war being fought on our TV screens and in newspaper columns, that will shift opinions.
  • SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,757
    So the lib dems do have a yellow taxi...

    thats a meta joke if ever I saw one....
  • Philip_ThompsonPhilip_Thompson Posts: 65,826

    Mr. Thompson, it's curious how fatness isn't attacked nearly so vigorously as excessive skinniness [indeed, 'bullying' the fat is more likely to elicit sympathy. Not that I've conducted personal research on the matter].

    Indeed it seems almost like its perfectly acceptable to "bully" the skinny, even if the skinny person is in a healthy range.
    If they are skinny, they are not in a healthy range. Same as fat. Healthy range lies between skinny and fat.
    Maybe I should have put quote marks around the word "skinny".

    As a rough rule of thumb (with usual caveats) BMI 18.5-25 is considered healthy, but we're so used to overweight and obese being the new normal that people with BMI 19 can be considered "skinny" even if they're in the healthy range.
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Ahhhhh but there's the rub. It has both those things! Except the white male patriarchy isn't so much secret as just under a perception filter of society's unconscious conscious choice.
    Or, it doesn't and the world is predicated on equality of opportunity for all and it just happens that it's white western males in all the positions of power and influence, and black African countries that can't provide water for it's children.
  • SouthamObserverSouthamObserver Posts: 39,451
    I am just back from the gym. An hour doing aerobic exercise and lifting weights. I have been doing two or three times a week for years. But I am still a fit git. I enjoy eating and drinking too much. It's all my own fault. But I tell you want, I had a great time getting to the size I am :-)
  • For the first time ever Dorset will have a top flight football team next year. How many of the proper counties on their proper boundaries have not had one? Cornwall, Shropshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Cheshire, Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire and Somerset spring to mind (Devon if Plymouth have never made it). There must be a few others. Would Sunderland once have been in County Durham?

    On traditional boundaries, Dorset will still not have had a top flight team as Bournemouth was in Hampshire until the 70s.
  • Tissue_PriceTissue_Price Posts: 9,039
    Plato said:

    Batman IIRC is the only superhero with no special skills or powers. Its his gadgets.

    Possibly the best focus group ever

    Asked to depict the leaders as superheroes, two had Mr Cameron as Superman and one as Captain Economy, based on Captain America, with a shield protecting people from unemployment and economic chaos.

    For Mr Miliband, two chose Batman. “A lot of what he portrays isn’t visible, there’s a darkness.
    No one really knows [him],” said Ms Wright.

    When the group was asked to picture the leaders on a night out, they burst out laughing. Mr Miliband would be “playing with Lego”, said Mr Kenny, a Conservative, while others said he would be at home alone looking after the children.

    Nick Clegg, Liberal Democrat leader and deputy prime minister, fared better, with a trip to jazz club with his friends.

    Batman is also a bit of a prick, as per this brilliant cartoon.
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    ''Labour sources tell Newsnight that its ground campaign is, in many parts of the country, better run, and more fruitful than their opponents' efforts.''

    FFS they are hardly going to say its worse run are they Mr Francis.

    And it is of course totally beyond the BBC to do its own research to challenge labour's assertions.
  • Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 59,026
    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    I don't particularly want to see grossly obese types, either men or women, on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect they don't want to be obese either.

    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Human beings objectify each other. That's as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
    Straight males will be visually attracted to the smooth round curves of the female form from now until the ends of time.

    There is no social policy that any government can ever implement that will change that.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited April 2015
    taffys said:

    ''Labour sources tell Newsnight that its ground campaign is, in many parts of the country, better run, and more fruitful than their opponents' efforts.''

    FFS they are hardly going to say its worse run are they Mr Francis.

    And it is of course totally beyond the BBC to do its own research to challenge labour's assertions.

    From the same article....

    "In the first phase of the campaign numbers from the market research firm Opinium suggested Labour had talked to 40% of potential voters, nearly twice as many as the Tories, on 21%."

    Lord Ashcroft, the Conservative peer who has been behind enormous marginal polling studies has often reported a similar picture - that the Labour ground war seems in many parts of the country to be reaching more voters.

    I would be interested to know how they got this info, but as I said last week, I am not really sure what use the Tories have put their war chest...seems to be a lot on Facebook advertising and that is about it.

  • TheWatcherTheWatcher Posts: 5,262
    taffys said:

    ''As a follower of Russell Brand's podcast, I would say Ed is in extremely dangerous territory speaking to him. I don't for one second think Brand will endorse any mainstream politician as it goes against his entire image and brand.''

    Brand represents the 'what was I thinking' type of bad boy relationship many modern young ladies have in their 20s before the now traditional desperate search for somebody vaguely sensible as they approach 30.

    Not sure how that plays out, electorally.

    Multi millionaire Russell Brand, can swap stories with Ed about multi-kitchened mansions and cosseted lifestyles.

    What you see, is quite literally a brand, cleverly constructed and marketed.
  • TGOHFTGOHF Posts: 21,633
    DC getting there

    BBC Politics retweeted
    Gavin Hewitt ‏@BBCGavinHewitt 1m1 minute ago
    David Cameron says 'Russell Brand is a joke. Ed Miliiband hangs out with R Brand - he's a joke. I haven't time to hang out with R Brand.'
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Mr. F, *cough*Poldark*cough*
  • AlistairAlistair Posts: 23,670
    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    This isn't fat acceptance, this is perfectly normal body acceptance.
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,726

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Ahhhhh but there's the rub. It has both those things! Except the white male patriarchy isn't so much secret as just under a perception filter of society's unconscious conscious choice.
    Or, it doesn't and the world is predicated on equality of opportunity for all and it just happens that it's white western males in all the positions of power and influence, and black African countries that can't provide water for it's children.
    Plenty of white Western females; and Eastern Asian males and females, hold positions of immense power and privilege.

    And, who believes opportunities are equal for all, worldwide? To be born a North American, or Western European, or South Korean, or Japanese, or Singaporean, or Taiwanese is to draw first prize in the lottery of life.
  • Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 59,026

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Ahhhhh but there's the rub. It has both those things! Except the white male patriarchy isn't so much secret as just under a perception filter of society's unconscious conscious choice.
    Or, it doesn't and the world is predicated on equality of opportunity for all and it just happens that it's white western males in all the positions of power and influence, and black African countries that can't provide water for it's children.
    Sorry. My bullshit meter just went off the scale.
  • Philip_ThompsonPhilip_Thompson Posts: 65,826
    Alistair said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    This isn't fat acceptance, this is perfectly normal body acceptance.
    Yes it's perfectly normal for people to want to lose weight before going to the beach. Nothing wrong with it at all.
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786
    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    I don't particularly want to see grossly obese types, either men or women, on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect they don't want to be obese either.

    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Human beings objectify each other. That's as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
    As was killing to secure dominance in the group, as it happens.
  • SouthamObserverSouthamObserver Posts: 39,451
    You can't have the UK's abysmal productivity and export rates and hope to keep on growing strongly and sustainably. At some point the brown stuff hits the fan. The next five years could be great fun for us all as a Tory-led government with a wafer thin majority battles a faltering economy and two self-inflicted constitutional crises. We certainly live in interesting times.
  • Philip_ThompsonPhilip_Thompson Posts: 65,826
    When do you think that dyedwoolie will cotton on to the fact that the "Leader of the free world" isn't one of his white male patriarchy?
  • weejonnieweejonnie Posts: 3,820

    FalseFlag said:

    Patrick said:

    DavidL said:

    Patrick said:

    Scott_P said:

    @toadmeister: If @Ed_Miliband really is seeking a celebrity endorsement from @RustyRockets, he must be absolutely desperate

    What on earth can Miliband hope to gain from meeting a gimp like Russell Brand? I think I know. He's an utter loon - but a loon who's able to put his finger on something that detects quite well the various issues that get lefties wound up. Ed's general weakness is that he's very good at sensing where issues lie and what people worry about - just mindbogglingly shite at deciding what the right policy response should be. Brand will help him deepen his sensing strength - but also exacerbate his policy weakness.
    How can you say that? The next Labour government is going to preside over a new housing construction boom.

    I don't want any new housing built, no demand from me., I like my environment as it is. Disgraceful what the coalition has done with planning laws, surely driven by campaign contributions by developers.

    Prefer to see demand tackled by taxing away foreign investor demand and enforcing immigration laws. All those 'luxury' flats are driven by foreign investors not locals desiring modest houses.
    Take a flight from Stansted, Luton or pretty much any airport in fact.

    89% of England is not built on at all. The population is growing; demand for housing is huge. We need to build a lot more just to stand still, and a smart approach could see housebuilders still able to make a profit, avoiding a price crash but with a gradual increase in affordability. Many people under 35 are locked out of buying a house altogether, many more can buy but at vast cost, not just to them but to the whole economy given the loss of disposal income, and the mortgage burden lessens very little year by year, unlike in the past.

    Planning takes far too long and is too restrictive. Needs to change.
    Curtail immigration first, and then look at what, and where, homes and the infrastructure to support them need to built.

    There's no point in plonking 10,000 houses in a field somewhere if the local water supply and treatment works are running to capacity, and the power grid is overloaded. Never mind over crowded transport networks.

    And where do we grow the increased food for the increased population? The UK is very susceptible to something cutting off our food imports?
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786
    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Ahhhhh but there's the rub. It has both those things! Except the white male patriarchy isn't so much secret as just under a perception filter of society's unconscious conscious choice.
    Or, it doesn't and the world is predicated on equality of opportunity for all and it just happens that it's white western males in all the positions of power and influence, and black African countries that can't provide water for it's children.

    And, who believes opportunities are equal for all, worldwide? To be born a North American, or Western European, or South Korean, or Japanese, or Singaporean, or Taiwanese is to draw first prize in the lottery of life.
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Ahhhhh but there's the rub. It has both those things! Except the white male patriarchy isn't so much secret as just under a perception filter of society's unconscious conscious choice.
    Or, it doesn't and the world is predicated on equality of opportunity for all and it just happens that it's white western males in all the positions of power and influence, and black African countries that can't provide water for it's children.
    Sorry. My bullshit meter just went off the scale.
    I suggest you have it calibrated.
  • SouthamObserverSouthamObserver Posts: 39,451
    TGOHF said:

    DC getting there

    BBC Politics retweeted
    Gavin Hewitt ‏@BBCGavinHewitt 1m1 minute ago
    David Cameron says 'Russell Brand is a joke. Ed Miliiband hangs out with R Brand - he's a joke. I haven't time to hang out with R Brand.'

    Nope, Dave does Heat instead.

  • SouthamObserverSouthamObserver Posts: 39,451

    For the first time ever Dorset will have a top flight football team next year. How many of the proper counties on their proper boundaries have not had one? Cornwall, Shropshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Cheshire, Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire and Somerset spring to mind (Devon if Plymouth have never made it). There must be a few others. Would Sunderland once have been in County Durham?

    On traditional boundaries, Dorset will still not have had a top flight team as Bournemouth was in Hampshire until the 70s.


  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    Plenty of white Western females; and Eastern Asian males and females, hold positions of immense power and privilege.

    The world's most powerful person is black.

    Angela Merkel is the most powerful European and Hilary Clinton may become the world's most powerful person shortly.

  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786

    When do you think that dyedwoolie will cotton on to the fact that the "Leader of the free world" isn't one of his white male patriarchy?

    Lol. Touché
  • DadgeDadge Posts: 2,052

    So the lib dems do have a yellow taxi...

    thats a meta joke if ever I saw one....

    They won't need the big one much longer.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited April 2015

    taffys said:

    ''As a follower of Russell Brand's podcast, I would say Ed is in extremely dangerous territory speaking to him. I don't for one second think Brand will endorse any mainstream politician as it goes against his entire image and brand.''

    Brand represents the 'what was I thinking' type of bad boy relationship many modern young ladies have in their 20s before the now traditional desperate search for somebody vaguely sensible as they approach 30.

    Not sure how that plays out, electorally.

    Multi millionaire Russell Brand, can swap stories with Ed about multi-kitchened mansions and cosseted lifestyles.

    What you see, is quite literally a brand, cleverly constructed and marketed.
    What gets me is so many people don't see through. Sitting in the back of his chaffeur driven limo prattling on about the plight of the little people....while funding films via tax efficient vehicles and knobbing up in mansions with the landed gentry....

    Emperor's New Clothes is rather fitting title for his film, but not for the reason given....and of course available on Amazon Instant Steaming....
  • NickPalmerNickPalmer Posts: 21,460

    The belief, it is one to one contact, not the vigorous war being fought on our TV screens and in newspaper columns, that will shift opinions.

    I don't think there's much doubt about the relative scale of the ground war in our patch - for instance, we canvassed all postal voters some weeks ago (obviously not finding everyone in) and visited all the Labour-leaning ones in the 24 hours after the PVs landed. The Tories sent them a letter.

    Ground war doesn't change basic attitudes, of course - a Raving Loony ground war wouldn't get them very far, and I'd say that personal conversations on the doorstep only change 1-2% of voting intentions. What it probably does is improve differential turnout and help with very finely-balanced floating voter - enough to make a difference in a tight race, and insurance even if one thinks it's not that tight.

  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786
    taffys said:

    Plenty of white Western females; and Eastern Asian males and females, hold positions of immense power and privilege.

    The world's most powerful person is black.

    Angela Merkel is the most powerful European and Hilary Clinton may become the world's most powerful person shortly.

    I wonder if Angela is keen to be beach body ready
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    For those tired of political correctness, give the sample a crack and buy the book if it's your cup of tea:

    [I try not to blow my own trumpet too often, but it does fit the conversation].

    NB: it's due to be traditionally published with a re-release later this year.
  • Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 59,026
    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Ahhhhh but there's the rub. It has both those things! Except the white male patriarchy isn't so much secret as just under a perception filter of society's unconscious conscious choice.
    Or, it doesn't and the world is predicated on equality of opportunity for all and it just happens that it's white western males in all the positions of power and influence, and black African countries that can't provide water for it's children.
    Plenty of white Western females; and Eastern Asian males and females, hold positions of immense power and privilege.

    And, who believes opportunities are equal for all, worldwide? To be born a North American, or Western European, or South Korean, or Japanese, or Singaporean, or Taiwanese is to draw first prize in the lottery of life.
    Re-reading all his posts below, I'm convinced now he's just winding us up.

    If by some worrying sense of self-delusion he actually means what he says, he does have the option of voting for a major political party leader who probably shares his views: Ed Miliband.
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,726

    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    I don't particularly want to see grossly obese types, either men or women, on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect they don't want to be obese either.

    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Human beings objectify each other. That's as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
    As was killing to secure dominance in the group, as it happens.
    I hate to break the news to you, but humans reproduce through sex, and they have sex because they objectify each other. Without objectification, the human race dies out.
  • OblitusSumMeOblitusSumMe Posts: 9,143

    I am just back from the gym. An hour doing aerobic exercise and lifting weights. I have been doing two or three times a week for years. But I am still a fit git. I enjoy eating and drinking too much. It's all my own fault. But I tell you want, I had a great time getting to the size I am :-)

    As was said at my local parkrun last Saturday: you can't outrun a poor diet. I had high hopes that quintupling the distance of my cycle commute was going to have a beneficial impact on my waistline. Hasn't happened yet.
  • Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 59,026
    Sean_F said:

    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    I don't particularly want to see grossly obese types, either men or women, on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect they don't want to be obese either.

    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Human beings objectify each other. That's as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
    As was killing to secure dominance in the group, as it happens.
    I hate to break the news to you, but humans reproduce through sex, and they have sex because they objectify each other. Without objectification, the human race dies out.
    Yes, but that's preferable to a white male racist patriarchy, surely? You've got to look at the bigger picture here, Sean.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    edited April 2015
    Enoch talking about prescient issues...yes you guessed it...

    Interest rates, inflation and the ERM

    Interesting article on Clegg's troubles in Sheffield Hallam. I think its going to be a lot closer than the PB consensus has it.
  • One for Robert and everyone who thinks the Lib Dems might get the Dockside Hooker treatment.
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786
    Sean_F said:

    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    I don't particularly want to see grossly obese types, either men or women, on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect they don't want to be obese either.

    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Human beings objectify each other. That's as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
    As was killing to secure dominance in the group, as it happens.
    I hate to break the news to you, but humans reproduce through sex, and they have sex because they objectify each other. Without objectification, the human race dies out.
    Funny how that doesn't happen to any other species though. Unless female elephants are busy getting savannah body ready and we never noticed.
  • Philip_ThompsonPhilip_Thompson Posts: 65,826

    taffys said:

    Plenty of white Western females; and Eastern Asian males and females, hold positions of immense power and privilege.

    The world's most powerful person is black.

    Angela Merkel is the most powerful European and Hilary Clinton may become the world's most powerful person shortly.

    I wonder if Angela is keen to be beach body ready
    If people aren't keen on being beach body ready then the company won't have any customers. If it was an issue of Cosmo that had the phrase nobody would bat an eyelid.
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786

    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Ahhhhh but there's the rub. It has both those things! Except the white male patriarchy isn't so much secret as just under a perception filter of society's unconscious conscious choice.
    Or, it doesn't and the world is predicated on equality of opportunity for all and it just happens that it's white western males in all the positions of power and influence, and black African countries that can't provide water for it's children.
    Plenty of white Western females; and Eastern Asian males and females, hold positions of immense power and privilege.

    And, who believes opportunities are equal for all, worldwide? To be born a North American, or Western European, or South Korean, or Japanese, or Singaporean, or Taiwanese is to draw first prize in the lottery of life.
    Re-reading all his posts below, I'm convinced now he's just winding us up.

    If by some worrying sense of self-delusion he actually means what he says, he does have the option of voting for a major political party leader who probably shares his views: Ed Miliband.
    Natalie is the way forward,
  • Tissue_PriceTissue_Price Posts: 9,039

    Sean_F said:

    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    I don't particularly want to see grossly obese types, either men or women, on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect they don't want to be obese either.

    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Human beings objectify each other. That's as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
    As was killing to secure dominance in the group, as it happens.
    I hate to break the news to you, but humans reproduce through sex, and they have sex because they objectify each other. Without objectification, the human race dies out.
    Funny how that doesn't happen to any other species though. Unless female elephants are busy getting savannah body ready and we never noticed.
    Just because you don't fancy elephant cows doesn't mean the bulls don't. Check out the trunk on her!
  • BenMBenM Posts: 1,795
    GDP figures won't affect current pro Tory direction of voting intention.

    +0.3% is ok - can't expect the economy to rack up huge levels of growth every quarter.

    Sometimes the media goes overboard.
  • I am just back from the gym. An hour doing aerobic exercise and lifting weights. I have been doing two or three times a week for years. But I am still a fit git. I enjoy eating and drinking too much. It's all my own fault. But I tell you want, I had a great time getting to the size I am :-)

    As was said at my local parkrun last Saturday: you can't outrun a poor diet. I had high hopes that quintupling the distance of my cycle commute was going to have a beneficial impact on my waistline. Hasn't happened yet.
    I would recommend the fast diet. I think it's a great diet for men as you don't have to spend all the time calorie counting (you eat 600 calories for 2 days a week and eat normally for the other 5). I have lost a stone and a half since last August with 2 months off in Nov/Dec (when I put some weight back on)
  • Philip_ThompsonPhilip_Thompson Posts: 65,826

    Sean_F said:

    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    I don't particularly want to see grossly obese types, either men or women, on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect they don't want to be obese either.

    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Human beings objectify each other. That's as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
    As was killing to secure dominance in the group, as it happens.
    I hate to break the news to you, but humans reproduce through sex, and they have sex because they objectify each other. Without objectification, the human race dies out.
    Funny how that doesn't happen to any other species though. Unless female elephants are busy getting savannah body ready and we never noticed.
    Actually most animals do evolutionarily try and stay healthy and attractive to the opposite sex.

    Few animals go for an obese look.
  • Brand on Miliband in 2013: “I think we could do better. No seriously, I do think he is really kind, and it sounds like his Dad was wicked"

    Russell Brand on Ed Balls in January: he's a "clicky-wristed snidey ****"
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118

    Sean_F said:

    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    I don't particularly want to see grossly obese types, either men or women, on the beach or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect they don't want to be obese either.

    Society, such as it is, has a general fitness/activity and dietary challenge, that's driving the obesity, not a secret racist white male patriarchy pulling all the strings to maintain women in servitude.
    Human beings objectify each other. That's as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
    As was killing to secure dominance in the group, as it happens.
    I hate to break the news to you, but humans reproduce through sex, and they have sex because they objectify each other. Without objectification, the human race dies out.
    Funny how that doesn't happen to any other species though. Unless female elephants are busy getting savannah body ready and we never noticed.
    Jesus that is the most ignorant post I've read in a while

    Other species don't choose mates on the basis of physical appearance. Is that really what you are saying? Incredible
  • JohnLilburneJohnLilburne Posts: 6,153

    I am just back from the gym. An hour doing aerobic exercise and lifting weights. I have been doing two or three times a week for years. But I am still a fit git. I enjoy eating and drinking too much. It's all my own fault. But I tell you want, I had a great time getting to the size I am :-)

    As was said at my local parkrun last Saturday: you can't outrun a poor diet. I had high hopes that quintupling the distance of my cycle commute was going to have a beneficial impact on my waistline. Hasn't happened yet.
    Good to find another parkrunner. Unfortunately I find I eat and drink more to match the miles I run :-(

  • isamisam Posts: 41,118

    I am just back from the gym. An hour doing aerobic exercise and lifting weights. I have been doing two or three times a week for years. But I am still a fit git. I enjoy eating and drinking too much. It's all my own fault. But I tell you want, I had a great time getting to the size I am :-)

    As was said at my local parkrun last Saturday: you can't outrun a poor diet. I had high hopes that quintupling the distance of my cycle commute was going to have a beneficial impact on my waistline. Hasn't happened yet.
    I have been 13st 7 on New Year's Day and down to 11st 10 by August... It's all about diet. Have always done a lot of excercise, but diet change did the weight
  • calumcalum Posts: 3,046
    I think the few Scottish polls show that the relentless Tory/MSM SNP attackathon has started to awaken a new tide of support for the SNP, my sense is that this new SNP surge could well push the SNP above 55% on 7th May. I think David Cameron may well have just broken the Union in pursuit of power. Should his power grab fail it will be a classic Greek tragedy, perhaps Boris could publish it in Greek.

    The Survation trust ratings make interesting reading and will result in most of the don't knows who do vote, breaking for the SNP. It's very telling that the Tory BT supporters who flooded social media with relentless project fear drivel have now fallen completely silent, I think many of them are now waking up to the fact that they were conned by BT/MSM into joining in on Scottish bashing and trashing of iScotland's future prospects.
  • TomsToms Posts: 2,478
    edited April 2015

    I am just back from the gym. An hour doing aerobic exercise and lifting weights. I have been doing two or three times a week for years. But I am still a fit git. I enjoy eating and drinking too much. It's all my own fault. But I tell you want, I had a great time getting to the size I am :-)

    As was said at my local parkrun last Saturday: you can't outrun a poor diet. I had high hopes that quintupling the distance of my cycle commute was going to have a beneficial impact on my waistline. Hasn't happened yet.
    After 300 thousand miles of cycling you will have burned up the equivalent of something like two thousand pounds of fat, give or take a factor of two say.
  • SouthamObserverSouthamObserver Posts: 39,451

    I am just back from the gym. An hour doing aerobic exercise and lifting weights. I have been doing two or three times a week for years. But I am still a fit git. I enjoy eating and drinking too much. It's all my own fault. But I tell you want, I had a great time getting to the size I am :-)

    As was said at my local parkrun last Saturday: you can't outrun a poor diet. I had high hopes that quintupling the distance of my cycle commute was going to have a beneficial impact on my waistline. Hasn't happened yet.

    I should clarify that I am not a fit git. I am a fat git. I have a great diet. It's one I really enjoy. But it is not one that is conducive to a slim waistline and a double chin.

  • DadgeDadge Posts: 2,052

    For the first time ever Dorset will have a top flight football team next year. How many of the proper counties on their proper boundaries have not had one? Cornwall, Shropshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Cheshire, Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire and Somerset spring to mind (Devon if Plymouth have never made it). There must be a few others. Would Sunderland once have been in County Durham?

    On traditional boundaries, Dorset will still not have had a top flight team as Bournemouth was in Hampshire until the 70s.

    The most striking examples are Cheshire and Worcestershire. Both traditional counties had very large populations. Cheshire was/is in the shadow of Liverpool and Manchester and it's FL teams have always been a bit flaky. I'm not sure why Dudley's never had a FL team.
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,367
    edited April 2015
    I used to love this guy (and Orville)

    Ventriloquist Keith Harris dies aged 67
  • SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,757
    calum said:

    I think the few Scottish polls show that the relentless Tory/MSM SNP attackathon has started to awaken a new tide of support for the SNP, my sense is that this new SNP surge could well push the SNP above 55% on 7th May. I think David Cameron may well have just broken the Union in pursuit of power. Should his power grab fail it will be a classic Greek tragedy, perhaps Boris could publish it in Greek.

    The Survation trust ratings make interesting reading and will result in most of the don't knows who do vote, breaking for the SNP. It's very telling that the Tory BT supporters who flooded social media with relentless project fear drivel have now fallen completely silent, I think many of them are now waking up to the fact that they were conned by BT/MSM into joining in on Scottish bashing and trashing of iScotland's future prospects.

    The SNP surge happened well before the last few weeks.

    The state of the union is complex and fault for its demise or whatever will happen cannot fall on one person or party. This is history going back many many hundreds of years..
  • DadgeDadge Posts: 2,052

    Lennon said:

    Top Tier Football Grounds in traditional Counties: Somerset has had one. (Bristol City were top flight late 70's)

    Nottingham Forest is in Nottinghamshire (just), Notts County is in Nottingham City, although the name suggests otherwise.
    Named after the "city and county of Nottingham" no doubt.

    I know Bristolians who will be mighty cross if you suggest that their city is in Somerset.
  • Philip_ThompsonPhilip_Thompson Posts: 65,826

    calum said:

    I think the few Scottish polls show that the relentless Tory/MSM SNP attackathon has started to awaken a new tide of support for the SNP, my sense is that this new SNP surge could well push the SNP above 55% on 7th May. I think David Cameron may well have just broken the Union in pursuit of power. Should his power grab fail it will be a classic Greek tragedy, perhaps Boris could publish it in Greek.

    The Survation trust ratings make interesting reading and will result in most of the don't knows who do vote, breaking for the SNP. It's very telling that the Tory BT supporters who flooded social media with relentless project fear drivel have now fallen completely silent, I think many of them are now waking up to the fact that they were conned by BT/MSM into joining in on Scottish bashing and trashing of iScotland's future prospects.

    The SNP surge happened well before the last few weeks.

    The state of the union is complex and fault for its demise or whatever will happen cannot fall on one person or party. This is history going back many many hundreds of years..
    Sure it can. Tony Blair and his messed up devolution was a recipe for disaster and everything that's followed since is a consequence of attempting to gerrymander a Labour enclave.
  • SouthamObserverSouthamObserver Posts: 39,451
    Dadge said:

    For the first time ever Dorset will have a top flight football team next year. How many of the proper counties on their proper boundaries have not had one? Cornwall, Shropshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Cheshire, Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire and Somerset spring to mind (Devon if Plymouth have never made it). There must be a few others. Would Sunderland once have been in County Durham?

    On traditional boundaries, Dorset will still not have had a top flight team as Bournemouth was in Hampshire until the 70s.

    The most striking examples are Cheshire and Worcestershire. Both traditional counties had very large populations. Cheshire was/is in the shadow of Liverpool and Manchester and it's FL teams have always been a bit flaky. I'm not sure why Dudley's never had a FL team.

    Rugby League may also have had something to do with Cheshire's lack of top flight football teams: Warrington and Widnes were (are?) pretty big deals in the county and probably took a fair bit of working class support away from football.
  • Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 59,026

    Brand on Miliband in 2013: “I think we could do better. No seriously, I do think he is really kind, and it sounds like his Dad was wicked"

    Russell Brand on Ed Balls in January: he's a "clicky-wristed snidey ****"

    Isn't his definition of a snide anyone who doesn't worship Russell Brand?
  • SouthamObserverSouthamObserver Posts: 39,451
    Dadge said:

    Lennon said:

    Top Tier Football Grounds in traditional Counties: Somerset has had one. (Bristol City were top flight late 70's)

    Nottingham Forest is in Nottinghamshire (just), Notts County is in Nottingham City, although the name suggests otherwise.
    Named after the "city and county of Nottingham" no doubt.

    I know Bristolians who will be mighty cross if you suggest that their city is in Somerset.

    I always thought it was in Gloucestershire.

  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Mr. Observer, don't pay much attention to rugby league, but didn't Warrington win the Challenge Cup fairly recently?
  • TGOHFTGOHF Posts: 21,633

    Brand on Miliband in 2013: “I think we could do better. No seriously, I do think he is really kind, and it sounds like his Dad was wicked"

    Cam's response seems better spin than Ed being chauffered round to be granted an audience at Brand Towers. "Mr Brand will see you now Ed..."
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786
    isam said:

    Sean_F said:

    Sean_F said:

    antifrank said:

    antifrank said:

    Mr. Woolie, don't recall anyone complaining about the objectification of that Poldark chap.

    No, indeed, and male objectification is becoming an increasing problem. It's an underhand way to try and legitimatise female objectification IMO. However, in a patriarchy and fundamentally racist world, the plight of the white male is secondary, as they are the dominant ones, and the ones with the privilege. That's the unwritten understanding we all exist under.
    I don't think it's unreasonable for a company selling a fitness product to advertise that product using someone who is very fit. Whether the product is actually any good is a different matter.

    I get more annoyed by attempts to sell ice cream, chocolate and cars using skimpily dressed models.
    What particularly irks me is the phrase "beach body ready". It implies that if you don't look like the model in the ad that it's socially unacceptable for you to go to the beach and enjoy the sun.
    Oh come on. Where do people most want to look fit? I'd say the beach is very high on the list.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.
    Human beings objectify each other. That's as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.
    As was killing to secure dominance in the group, as it happens.
    I hate to break the news to you, but humans reproduce through sex, and they have sex because they objectify each other. Without objectification, the human race dies out.
    Funny how that doesn't happen to any other species though. Unless female elephants are busy getting savannah body ready and we never noticed.
    Jesus that is the most ignorant post I've read in a while

    Other species don't choose mates on the basis of physical appearance. Is that really what you are saying? Incredible
    Obviously not. I'm pointing out that whilst humans might, we haven't always and may well not in the future. Humans choosing on physical appearance is, in any case, more about sex than reproduction, that tends to be chosen on comparability and love, which come about through more than physical looks and attraction, although that is of course a part of it.
    Anyway, enough of this, I'm taking far too much incoming and I'm feeling oppressed ;-)
    Back to the polls and the looming GE
  • SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,757

    Dadge said:

    Lennon said:

    Top Tier Football Grounds in traditional Counties: Somerset has had one. (Bristol City were top flight late 70's)

    Nottingham Forest is in Nottinghamshire (just), Notts County is in Nottingham City, although the name suggests otherwise.
    Named after the "city and county of Nottingham" no doubt.

    I know Bristolians who will be mighty cross if you suggest that their city is in Somerset.

    I always thought it was in Gloucestershire.

    Parts of North Bristol are in 'South Gloucestershire' It's all due to re-carving back the hated 'Avon' county.
  • SouthamObserverSouthamObserver Posts: 39,451
    Labour's allegedly top class ground game is non-existent in the supposedly marginal Warwick & Leamington as far as I can tell. They must have given up on winning it back.
  • dyedwooliedyedwoolie Posts: 7,786
    Re diet. I've lost a stone since changing from Fosters to Coors Light. True story.
  • PeterCPeterC Posts: 1,274

    calum said:

    I think the few Scottish polls show that the relentless Tory/MSM SNP attackathon has started to awaken a new tide of support for the SNP, my sense is that this new SNP surge could well push the SNP above 55% on 7th May. I think David Cameron may well have just broken the Union in pursuit of power. Should his power grab fail it will be a classic Greek tragedy, perhaps Boris could publish it in Greek.

    The Survation trust ratings make interesting reading and will result in most of the don't knows who do vote, breaking for the SNP. It's very telling that the Tory BT supporters who flooded social media with relentless project fear drivel have now fallen completely silent, I think many of them are now waking up to the fact that they were conned by BT/MSM into joining in on Scottish bashing and trashing of iScotland's future prospects.

    The SNP surge happened well before the last few weeks.

    The state of the union is complex and fault for its demise or whatever will happen cannot fall on one person or party. This is history going back many many hundreds of years..
    Sure it can. Tony Blair and his messed up devolution was a recipe for disaster and everything that's followed since is a consequence of attempting to gerrymander a Labour enclave.

    This absolutely correct. Of the many destructive policies of the Blair government, devolution was among the very worst. Labour pandered to the nonsense that a Tory government was somehow 'illegitimate' in Scotland and so a pseudo-state needed to be created to shield the Scots from that. A pernicious system was set up by which not all UK citizens were governed according to the same democratic principles. Devolution was supposed to stop nationalism in it's tracks. Instead nationalism is now set to devour the fools who fed it.
  • PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,411
    antifrank said:

    You can't have your cake and eat it, but it seems that these fat acceptance types are giving it a bloody good go.

    Well you can :D
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,367
    edited April 2015

    LAB 33% (-1), CON 34% (+2), LIB DEM 7% (-1), UKIP 15% (0), GREEN 5% (0), OTHER 5% (-1)
  • ArtistArtist Posts: 1,892
    edited April 2015
    Con up two again.
  • Philip_ThompsonPhilip_Thompson Posts: 65,826

    Dadge said:

    For the first time ever Dorset will have a top flight football team next year. How many of the proper counties on their proper boundaries have not had one? Cornwall, Shropshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Cheshire, Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire and Somerset spring to mind (Devon if Plymouth have never made it). There must be a few others. Would Sunderland once have been in County Durham?

    On traditional boundaries, Dorset will still not have had a top flight team as Bournemouth was in Hampshire until the 70s.

    The most striking examples are Cheshire and Worcestershire. Both traditional counties had very large populations. Cheshire was/is in the shadow of Liverpool and Manchester and it's FL teams have always been a bit flaky. I'm not sure why Dudley's never had a FL team.

    Rugby League may also have had something to do with Cheshire's lack of top flight football teams: Warrington and Widnes were (are?) pretty big deals in the county and probably took a fair bit of working class support away from football.
    Definitely. I live in Warrington and the town's sporting support goes entirely to the Wolves (Rugby League), with football loyalties being divided between Liverpool and Man United (and to a lesser extent Everton and Man City). I believe we're one of the biggest towns without a League football club.

    I think its a mix between the dominance of Rugby League in Cheshire plus being sandwiched between some of the biggest cities and clubs in the country.
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Mr. Woolie, I've also lost a stone over the last year or so, for reasons that are strange and mysterious. I'd actually like to gain a bit.
  • SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,757


    LAB 33% (-1), CON 34% (+2), LIB DEM 7% (-1), UKIP 15% (0), GREEN 5% (0), OTHER 5% (-1)

    Pretty much all the polls have been good for the tories this week.....
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139
    weejonnie said:

    And where do we grow the increased food for the increased population? The UK is very susceptible to something cutting off our food imports?

    We import a smaller proportion of our food than we did 100 years ago.

    Food is just another commodity. The free market will deliver.

    It is the belief that agriculture and food is somehow different that results in abominations like the CAP>
  • SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,757
    Keith Harris has died... RIP Orville and Chuckles...
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Mr. C, and Mr. Thompson, spot on, and that's why any notion of regional assemblies being inflicted upon England are bloody stupid.
This discussion has been closed.