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It’s only a sub-sample but.. –



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    TimSTimS Posts: 11,091

    Bravo Tories


    Bravo Tories


    Or in the style of their Super Mario wearing a beret Angela Rayner attack ad earlier, fantastique!
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    TweedledeeTweedledee Posts: 583
    algarkirk said:

    Legal/Reform. A tale of two Nigels

    We were interested to see Nigel Farage hiring the devil's own law firm, Carter-Ruck, to respond to the Mail on Sunday's story that claimed Farage was personally "infected with Putinism".

    While Farage doesn't look out of place on Carter-Ruck's client list (The Church Of Scientology, Simon Cowell, Chelsea FC, Qatar, etc) we're not sure they're the best firm to hire if you're looking to scrub the taint of Putin.

    Not least because, Carter-Ruck head honcho Nigel Tait was specifically named in the House of Commons in 2022 as one of the "amoral" lawyers in the profession aiding Russian interests in the UK courts at the expense of British citizens.

    if there is something wrong with what lawyers do (except of course breaking the law, or acting contrary to professional standards, which is different), blame lawmakers not those who have a go at doing the job of being a lawyer.

    Having said that, there is a group of lawyers who make you sit up and wonder a bit. Lawyers/firms who specialise in crime and only do privately paid work - no legal aid.
    Perhaps they have a perverse desire to make more than about 70% of the minimum wage.
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    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,160

    I fear we are going to see a classic England collapso....and of course we don't have a Stokes to single handedly win one of those games.

    At least start with a little optimism!!
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    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,195

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    They were upset there after the majority of them voted for Brexit and the EU redrew their funding. And they do not like the grockels. They should move to Paris and get the Parisans to run Cornwall and insist on speaking French to tourists.
    We don't have grockels that is devon we have emmets named after a small species of ant....annoying and hard to get rid of
  • Options
    LostPasswordLostPassword Posts: 16,780
    edited June 27
    On Topic.

    It's interesting to compare the Tory age split in the YouGov poll with how Britain voted in 1997. Then, 27% of 18-24s voted Conservative, and 36% of those 65+. YouGov now have these at 7% and 41%.

    It will be absolutely astounding if the Tories receive a higher share of the vote from those aged 65+ in 2024, then they did in 1997.

    Much as I might criticise Major's government it is hard to see why anyone would think the 2019-24 wasn't several orders of magnitude more shambolic and inept.
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    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 48,492
    edited June 27


    Burgessian said:
    » show previous quotes
    This is not a good time to be in government! (As Sir Keir may fairly soon find out). So far as I can see only Meloni seems to be bucking trend in the major countries - apart from Biden who has Trump to thank for that.

    SSI - Has something to do with Trudeau the Younger's problem, as with Sunak.

    HOWEVER think two other factors are at play in the Great White North:

    > Justin Trudeau has been PM since 2015, thus significant fatigue with him AND his Liberal Party; similar to UK voter fatigue with CUP.

    > Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, is WAY more of an electoral asset than his predecessor who lost last election to JT; similar to Starmer compared to Corbyn.

    We Brits have some understanding of how the Celts came to be driven back to the mountainous fringes of our own country, but quite how and when all the more sensible compassionate folk came to be driven north by the American barbarians and left to inhabit only the northern sub-arctic tundra of Canada is a bit of history that seems to have passed most of us by?
  • Options
    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,194

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    The only problem with 10 years of socialist government is that it isn't 20 years of socialist government.

    I know you are a natural conservative, but we aren't really that scary. We want a better society, where all can prosper. A nation at ease with itself. And, importantly to you, we are fundamentally Unionist. It is the SNP who have raised your taxes, not us!

    Don't believe all of the nonsense being spewed out by Sunak and the children at CCHQ (I don't think you do); a Labour government, in the hands of a lawyer and a city insider, in the form of Starmer and Reeves, isn't going to do anything madcap. And, with a "super-majority", they can ignore the lefty fringe on the back benches. Twenty rebels? So what?

    You should also be contented in the demise of the SNP, something to be repeated in the next Holyrood elections, I suspect.

    The conservatives will regroup. It will take a decade, but a sensible centre-right alternative to Labour will re-emerge. The Tories won't be controlled by Farage; perhaps by Priti or Suella in the short term, but common sense will prevail. You'll get your party back.
    Much in that I agree with. Particularly the breaking of the SNP monopoly in Scotland. I also agree Starmer and Reeves are no Corbyn and Macdonald. I expect quite centrist policies from them.

    I also think the Tories are intellectually exhausted and need a break. But you can still have too much of a good thing!
  • Options
    TweedledeeTweedledee Posts: 583
    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    Difficult crowd here
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,971
    Pagan2 said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    Question - what is the difference between "socialist government" and the Conservatives?

    Punative taxes to record levels? Tick
    Wasting billions on crap public services? Tick
    Open door migration letting anyone in? Tick
    Nanny state nonsense about what we eat and smoke? Tick

    People don't fear "socialist government" or any of the idiotic threats Sunak and the press team are making, because we live that every day already.
    Socialist governement always results in two members and serfs. Capitalism for all its faults has never in any country produced zil lanes for the party faithful
    I am prepared to eat my words on this, but though many such governments have been atrocious, I think I am confident Starmer will not be quite to that level.
  • Options
    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 48,492
    DavidL said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    So, you must be in favour of proportional representation?
    What you are complaining of is a feature of FPTP.
    No what I am complaining about is the inbicility of those who don’t seem to understand the implications of FPTP.
    Diddums. Go lie in the bed that you made.
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    No_Offence_AlanNo_Offence_Alan Posts: 4,106

    Legal/Reform. A tale of two Nigels

    We were interested to see Nigel Farage hiring the devil's own law firm, Carter-Ruck, to respond to the Mail on Sunday's story that claimed Farage was personally "infected with Putinism".

    While Farage doesn't look out of place on Carter-Ruck's client list (The Church Of Scientology, Simon Cowell, Chelsea FC, Qatar, etc) we're not sure they're the best firm to hire if you're looking to scrub the taint of Putin.

    Not least because, Carter-Ruck head honcho Nigel Tait was specifically named in the House of Commons in 2022 as one of the "amoral" lawyers in the profession aiding Russian interests in the UK courts at the expense of British citizens.

    What is the source of Farange-Reform funding?????

    Pretty obvious that NF himself doesn't have more than a medium-sized pot to piss in. In theory the libel suit gives him a shot at refueling his personal exchequer. PLUS doubling-down on his rhetoric, which IMHO is most pleasing to yet another potential source of sustenance = Trump.
    Tice is the main funder of Reform.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,418
    Pagan2 said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    Question - what is the difference between "socialist government" and the Conservatives?

    Punative taxes to record levels? Tick
    Wasting billions on crap public services? Tick
    Open door migration letting anyone in? Tick
    Nanny state nonsense about what we eat and smoke? Tick

    People don't fear "socialist government" or any of the idiotic threats Sunak and the press team are making, because we live that every day already.
    Socialist governement always results in two members and serfs. Capitalism for all its faults has never in any country produced zil lanes for the party faithful
    Yes, this is all true. It's one of the defining features of capitalism that there is no stratification in the allocations of goods and services. Nobody gets to skip the queue or consume resources unavailable to the masses.
    In socialist countries, you can actually buy access to play tennis with ministers, pay to get healthcare faster than a person who needs it more, buy your way into parliament, and much more. Socialism is awful.
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,195
    kle4 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    Question - what is the difference between "socialist government" and the Conservatives?

    Punative taxes to record levels? Tick
    Wasting billions on crap public services? Tick
    Open door migration letting anyone in? Tick
    Nanny state nonsense about what we eat and smoke? Tick

    People don't fear "socialist government" or any of the idiotic threats Sunak and the press team are making, because we live that every day already.
    Socialist governement always results in two members and serfs. Capitalism for all its faults has never in any country produced zil lanes for the party faithful
    I am prepared to eat my words on this, but though many such governments have been atrocious, I think I am confident Starmer will not be quite to that level.
    I didn't claim he would but then I don't believe he will be the leader of a socialist governement because he wants more than one term
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,971

    Legal/Reform. A tale of two Nigels

    We were interested to see Nigel Farage hiring the devil's own law firm, Carter-Ruck, to respond to the Mail on Sunday's story that claimed Farage was personally "infected with Putinism".

    While Farage doesn't look out of place on Carter-Ruck's client list (The Church Of Scientology, Simon Cowell, Chelsea FC, Qatar, etc) we're not sure they're the best firm to hire if you're looking to scrub the taint of Putin.

    Not least because, Carter-Ruck head honcho Nigel Tait was specifically named in the House of Commons in 2022 as one of the "amoral" lawyers in the profession aiding Russian interests in the UK courts at the expense of British citizens.

    What is the source of Farange-Reform funding?????

    Pretty obvious that NF himself doesn't have more than a medium-sized pot to piss in. In theory the libel suit gives him a shot at refueling his personal exchequer. PLUS doubling-down on his rhetoric, which IMHO is most pleasing to yet another potential source of sustenance = Trump.
    Tice is the main funder of Reform.
    Ah, so that's why he gets the honour of being Farage's stand in when the latter is too bored to do something, like be Leader between elections.
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    SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,398
    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
  • Options
    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    They were upset there after the majority of them voted for Brexit and the EU redrew their funding. And they do not like the grockels. They should move to Paris and get the Parisans to run Cornwall and insist on speaking French to tourists.
    We don't have grockels that is devon we have emmets named after a small species of ant....annoying and hard to get rid of
    I stand corrected. I went to school in Devon. Rivals. Devon and Cornwall.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,429

    ukelect said:

    Just to note for anyone interested in forecasts who didn't see this one mentioned on an earlier thread, the latest UK-Elect forecast has now been released at (UK-Elect has been one of the most accurate pre-election forecasts at several past elections.)

    It shows Labour 429 seats, Conservative 125, Liberal Democrat 50, SNP 17, Plaid Cymru 4, Reform UK 3, and Green 3, giving an overall Labour majority of 210.

    That forecast uses the current UK-Elect default forecasting settings, using the actual candidate list and taking some account of constituency opinion polls, by-elections since 2019, Brexit referendum leave/remain percentages, incumbency, and tactical voting among other factors. This forecast combines various methods, including both proportional and UNS elements. Although the algorithm is targeted at forecasting the overall situation more than individual seats the forecast top three in every constituency can be found here:

    That looks like a pretty sound forecast to me. Around what I’m expecting at the moment.
    Overall maybe but at a seat level?

    No way is North Dorset finishing
    Simon Hoare Conservative 17029 31.85%
    Ash Leaning Reform UK 11642 21.77%
    James Coldwell Labour 10693 20.00%

    Yes Simon Hoare will probably win (but not if Reform get 21% btw).

    LDs will be in the top two for sure. In the recent locals it was Con 48%, LD 38%, others 14%.
  • Options
    DavidL said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    The only problem with 10 years of socialist government is that it isn't 20 years of socialist government.

    I know you are a natural conservative, but we aren't really that scary. We want a better society, where all can prosper. A nation at ease with itself. And, importantly to you, we are fundamentally Unionist. It is the SNP who have raised your taxes, not us!

    Don't believe all of the nonsense being spewed out by Sunak and the children at CCHQ (I don't think you do); a Labour government, in the hands of a lawyer and a city insider, in the form of Starmer and Reeves, isn't going to do anything madcap. And, with a "super-majority", they can ignore the lefty fringe on the back benches. Twenty rebels? So what?

    You should also be contented in the demise of the SNP, something to be repeated in the next Holyrood elections, I suspect.

    The conservatives will regroup. It will take a decade, but a sensible centre-right alternative to Labour will re-emerge. The Tories won't be controlled by Farage; perhaps by Priti or Suella in the short term, but common sense will prevail. You'll get your party back.
    Much in that I agree with. Particularly the breaking of the SNP monopoly in Scotland. I also agree Starmer and Reeves are no Corbyn and Macdonald. I expect quite centrist policies from them.

    I also think the Tories are intellectually exhausted and need a break. But you can still have too much of a good thing!
  • Options
    SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 16,234

    Farooq said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Channel 4 have a had ago against Reform tonight in Clacton.

    What happened?
    It's perfectly clear. Channel 4. Have. A Had a go ago. Farrago. Tango vertigo mango lumbago Clacton. Learn to read.
    Nige received some more publicity.
    Not as good as when Sky bugged Gordo and showed the recording to the lady in Rochdale, one of his supporters. She was not amused. Sky on the button.
    Racist abuse is NOT GOOD period. And NOT in same league as Gordon Browns gaffe way back when.

    Brown was certainly dumb in instance you cite. Whereas the Farage "volunteer" is likely a toxic asshole 24/7, based on his "apology" to NF.

    Who(m) he thinks - for some reason - shares his bigotry.
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,195

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    They were upset there after the majority of them voted for Brexit and the EU redrew their funding. And they do not like the grockels. They should move to Paris and get the Parisans to run Cornwall and insist on speaking French to tourists.
    We don't have grockels that is devon we have emmets named after a small species of ant....annoying and hard to get rid of
    I stand corrected. I went to school in Devon. Rivals. Devon and Cornwall.
    Devon and cornwall have never been rivals, devon is accrington stanley to cornwalls manchester united
  • Options
    SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,398
    Pagan2 said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    The only problem with 10 years of socialist government is that it isn't 20 years of socialist government.

    I know you are a natural conservative, but we aren't really that scary. We want a better society, where all can prosper. A nation at ease with itself. And, importantly to you, we are fundamentally Unionist. It is the SNP who have raised your taxes, not us!

    Don't believe all of the nonsense being spewed out by Sunak and the children at CCHQ (I don't think you do); a Labour government, in the hands of a lawyer and a city insider, in the form of Starmer and Reeves, isn't going to do anything madcap. And, with a "super-majority", they can ignore the lefty fringe on the back benches. Twenty rebels? So what?

    You should also be contented in the demise of the SNP, something to be repeated in the next Holyrood elections, I suspect.

    The conservatives will regroup. It will take a decade, but a sensible centre-right alternative to Labour will re-emerge. The Tories won't be controlled by Farage; perhaps by Priti or Suella in the short term, but common sense will prevail. You'll get your party back.
    This is because you believe socialism is a utopia where as for the vast majority of people would find it a dystopian hellscape
    We survived that hellscape from 1997 to 2010 OK. And you didn't have to wait over a year for a hospital appointment.
  • Options
    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    They were upset there after the majority of them voted for Brexit and the EU redrew their funding. And they do not like the grockels. They should move to Paris and get the Parisans to run Cornwall and insist on speaking French to tourists.
    We don't have grockels that is devon we have emmets named after a small species of ant....annoying and hard to get rid of
    I stand corrected. I went to school in Devon. Rivals. Devon and Cornwall.
    Devon and cornwall have never been rivals, devon is accrington stanley to cornwalls manchester united
    One thing they both agree on is some folk in both counties are not mad about tourists.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,418

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    Difficult crowd here
    I actually get a lot of satisfaction from slipping a joke past people. 0 likes is better than 10 for this kind of thing.
  • Options
    algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 11,450
    edited June 27

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    Question - what is the difference between "socialist government" and the Conservatives?

    Punative taxes to record levels? Tick
    Wasting billions on crap public services? Tick
    Open door migration letting anyone in? Tick
    Nanny state nonsense about what we eat and smoke? Tick

    People don't fear "socialist government" or any of the idiotic threats Sunak and the press team are making, because we live that every day already.
    The Overton window is so narrow there is almost nothing substantive to discuss. Once you have a welfare state, free state education, NHS, industrial policy, consumer protection, regulation about everything, and a few other things a social democrat state with highly regulated capitalism is the only option. State managed expenditure has increased every year and this will continue. It is unavoidable.

    The left have one further option - this + socialist state control of all commerce too. No serious right wing option has emerged with a working model in Europe yet. This is one of the most remarkable and underestimated facts of political policy. The Conservative party's two biggest fails since the war are: Lack of European statecraft, leading to the disaster of Brexit; and the failure to practice conservatism in any respects at all.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,160
    Arshdeep in boundaries!
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,195

    Pagan2 said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    The only problem with 10 years of socialist government is that it isn't 20 years of socialist government.

    I know you are a natural conservative, but we aren't really that scary. We want a better society, where all can prosper. A nation at ease with itself. And, importantly to you, we are fundamentally Unionist. It is the SNP who have raised your taxes, not us!

    Don't believe all of the nonsense being spewed out by Sunak and the children at CCHQ (I don't think you do); a Labour government, in the hands of a lawyer and a city insider, in the form of Starmer and Reeves, isn't going to do anything madcap. And, with a "super-majority", they can ignore the lefty fringe on the back benches. Twenty rebels? So what?

    You should also be contented in the demise of the SNP, something to be repeated in the next Holyrood elections, I suspect.

    The conservatives will regroup. It will take a decade, but a sensible centre-right alternative to Labour will re-emerge. The Tories won't be controlled by Farage; perhaps by Priti or Suella in the short term, but common sense will prevail. You'll get your party back.
    This is because you believe socialism is a utopia where as for the vast majority of people would find it a dystopian hellscape
    We survived that hellscape from 1997 to 2010 OK. And you didn't have to wait over a year for a hospital appointment.
    New labour were nowhere near socialist is perhaps the clue here?
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,429
    DavidL said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    So, you must be in favour of proportional representation?
    What you are complaining of is a feature of FPTP.
    No what I am complaining about is the inbicility of those who don’t seem to understand the implications of FPTP.
    No one thinks the Tories can win; Labour are nailed-on for government. Ergo if you're inclined to the Right I can see the logic in voting for Reform as a protest vote.
  • Options

    Farooq said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Channel 4 have a had ago against Reform tonight in Clacton.

    What happened?
    It's perfectly clear. Channel 4. Have. A Had a go ago. Farrago. Tango vertigo mango lumbago Clacton. Learn to read.
    Nige received some more publicity.
    Not as good as when Sky bugged Gordo and showed the recording to the lady in Rochdale, one of his supporters. She was not amused. Sky on the button.
    Racist abuse is NOT GOOD period. And NOT in same league as Gordon Browns gaffe way back when.

    Brown was certainly dumb in instance you cite. Whereas the Farage "volunteer" is likely a toxic asshole 24/7, based on his "apology" to NF.

    Who(m) he thinks - for some reason - shares his bigotry.
    Spot on.
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 19,800

    MattW said:

    I wonder what first attracted him to Reform?

    Interesting he apologises to Farage and Reform but not to Sunak?

    A volunteer Reform UK canvasser has been filmed calling Rishi Sunak a “f---ing P---” by an undercover reporter.

    Channel 4 News filmed the remarks in Clacton, where Nigel Farage is running to be MP, by Andrew Parker.

    “I’ve always been a Tory voter,” he said. “But what annoys me is that f---ing P--- we’ve got in. What good is he? You tell me, you know. He’s just wet. F---ing useless.”

    In a statement, Mr Parker said: “I would like to make it clear that neither Nigel Farage personally or the Reform Party are aware of my personal views on immigration.”

    He added: “I would therefore like to apologise profusely to Nigel Farage and the Reform Party if my personal views have reflected badly on them and brought them into disrepute as this was not my intention.

    Mr Farage said: “I am dismayed by the reported comments of a handful of people associated with my local campaign, particularly those who are volunteers. They will no longer be with the campaign.”

    I had to count the dashes.

    My immediate skim-read thought was "But Sunak *is* a fucking Prick".

    The observation that Fareham does not have a railway station in what I think is the same video is an interesting one.

    That was also Mansfield for 30 years (75k people), and Sutton-in-Ashfield (50k people) the same, and places like Washington (I think), Gosport, Peterlee, Ashington, Consett and others.

    The first two have had light rail since 1995, which on the whole line now carries 2-3 million passengers per annum and is a useful service.

    A useful indicator of neglect? Does someone have a list? Are these all 'ignored' places?
    Fareham does have a station...

    But I wonder if the principle has value ? :smile:
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,173
    edited June 27
    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,971
    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    Difficult crowd here
    I actually get a lot of satisfaction from slipping a joke past people. 0 likes is better than 10 for this kind of thing.
    Not me, I'm a slave to the likes. How else will I have self worth?
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,325
    DavidL said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    The only problem with 10 years of socialist government is that it isn't 20 years of socialist government.

    I know you are a natural conservative, but we aren't really that scary. We want a better society, where all can prosper. A nation at ease with itself. And, importantly to you, we are fundamentally Unionist. It is the SNP who have raised your taxes, not us!

    Don't believe all of the nonsense being spewed out by Sunak and the children at CCHQ (I don't think you do); a Labour government, in the hands of a lawyer and a city insider, in the form of Starmer and Reeves, isn't going to do anything madcap. And, with a "super-majority", they can ignore the lefty fringe on the back benches. Twenty rebels? So what?

    You should also be contented in the demise of the SNP, something to be repeated in the next Holyrood elections, I suspect.

    The conservatives will regroup. It will take a decade, but a sensible centre-right alternative to Labour will re-emerge. The Tories won't be controlled by Farage; perhaps by Priti or Suella in the short term, but common sense will prevail. You'll get your party back.
    Much in that I agree with. Particularly the breaking of the SNP monopoly in Scotland. I also agree Starmer and Reeves are no Corbyn and Macdonald. I expect quite centrist policies from them.

    I also think the Tories are intellectually exhausted and need a break. But you can still have too much of a good thing!

    As a good Unionist, you should be looking at Westminster as a whole. As for Holyrood, if this is a monopoly, what happ[ens when it isn't a minority administration, I wonder?
  • Options

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,325
    Leon said:

    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?

    More like they insist on having fresh bread and fresh fish and so on in local shops, not driving 8 miles from Accrington to some Tesidlda giant supermarket?

  • Options

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,195
    algarkirk said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    Question - what is the difference between "socialist government" and the Conservatives?

    Punative taxes to record levels? Tick
    Wasting billions on crap public services? Tick
    Open door migration letting anyone in? Tick
    Nanny state nonsense about what we eat and smoke? Tick

    People don't fear "socialist government" or any of the idiotic threats Sunak and the press team are making, because we live that every day already.
    The Overton window is so narrow there is almost nothing substantive to discuss. Once you have a welfare state, free state education, NHS, industrial policy, consumer protection, regulation about everything, and a few other things a social democrat state with highly regulated capitalism is the only option. State managed expenditure has increased every year and this will continue. It is unavoidable.

    The left have one further option - this + socialist state control of all commerce too. No serious right wing option has emerged with a working model in Europe yet. This is one of the most remarkable and underestimated facts of political policy. The Conservative party's two biggest fails since the war are: Lack of European statecraft, leading to the disaster of Brexit; and the failure to practice conservatism in any respects at all.
    Not something I advocate by any means just an observation on all governements of the past

    Wars used to cull the poor, now we no longer really have mass casualty wars its a new problem for governements of all stripes to have a burgeoning underclass and they have no idea how to deal with it
  • Options

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    Do not like it.
  • Options
    MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 50,810
    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    They were upset there after the majority of them voted for Brexit and the EU redrew their funding. And they do not like the grockels. They should move to Paris and get the Parisans to run Cornwall and insist on speaking French to tourists.
    We don't have grockels that is devon we have emmets named after a small species of ant....annoying and hard to get rid of
    I stand corrected. I went to school in Devon. Rivals. Devon and Cornwall.
    Devon and cornwall have never been rivals, devon is accrington stanley to cornwalls manchester united
    C'mon, Cornwall's not THAT bad....
  • Options
    Leon said:

    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?

    Taunton is about twenty times the size so the comparison is a little meaningless.

    There are plenty of towns in continental Europe with similar issues. Places just vary in how well they adapt to economic and social change, and there are both good and bad examples everywhere.
  • Options
    Leon said:

    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?

    I believe the internet in provincial France has not shut down retail to the same extent as it has here.
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,971

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    Do not like it.
    I love it. Terrible stuff, but tasty.
  • Options
    DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 25,554
    rcs1000 said:

    TimS said:

    18-24 year olds don’t vote though.


    They are idiots. Their demographic could swing entire elections. They could have prevented Brexit if they really wanted to. They could be the electoral counterweight to the grey vote, effectively neutralising it.
    Most 18-24s years old do vote, and the turnout gap isn't that big anymore . It is harder for them as they move more often so need ot be pro-active about registering and will have more restrictions on a particular Thursday between 10-10. This probably accounts for most of the variation rather than apathy.
    My daughter was away from home Monday-Friday for the May local elections on a work training course. So she applied for a postal vote. The postal vote did not arrive before she left home for the week, and the council were not sympathetic when she phoned to find out if there was any way she could arrange a last-minute proxy vote instead.

    Older people have more predictable lives and don't stray far from home as often.

    We might consider allowing early in-person voting on the weekend before the election.
    I think early in person the weekend before is a very sensible idea.
    Early in-person voting sounds appealing but would surely be a logistical nightmare. Our system is based on polling stations in schools and halls that would otherwise be used for their main purposes, and that are mostly within walking distance.
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 19,800
    edited June 27
    Leon said:

    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?

    I'd suggest that a part of it is hollowing out of local Government funding under all parties and therefore local services, which diverts all the resources from things of community local value to statutory requirements, out of town centres / retail parks, and local Government not being devolved to a properly local level.

    One reason my town has been challenged for a couple of decades is that we have a Macarthur Glen outlet centre about 2 miles away, literally metres over the County border (so business rates go to Bolsover and Derbyshire), which draws 4 million visitors a year. Difficult to compete with.

    I listened to a New Statesman podcast from a couple of months ago this morning, which was revealing. The current Government slashed central finding, whilst limiting local income, and took the guard rails of "entrepreneurship" whilst undermining expertise and capacity.
  • Options
    kle4 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    Difficult crowd here
    I actually get a lot of satisfaction from slipping a joke past people. 0 likes is better than 10 for this kind of thing.
    Not me, I'm a slave to the likes. How else will I have self worth?
    Really. Are you serious?
  • Options
    pigeonpigeon Posts: 4,550
    Leon said:

    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?

    AIUI the UK actually does have an unusually high proportion of total retail sales made online. Similar to China and well ahead of most other major economies. It may simply be that France is a little way behind on this metric, and will catch up in due course.
  • Options
    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 19,805
    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?

    More like they insist on having fresh bread and fresh fish and so on in local shops, not driving 8 miles from Accrington to some Tesidlda giant supermarket?

    Sounds like a retrograde 1950s hellscape.

    I suppose they want to live like its a Little House on the Prairie next.

    Getting fresh produce, fish, bread, meat or anything else all under the same roof with the same car park, or even better delivered to you, is so much more convenient than dicking around with half a dozen tiny stores.
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,195

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    They were upset there after the majority of them voted for Brexit and the EU redrew their funding. And they do not like the grockels. They should move to Paris and get the Parisans to run Cornwall and insist on speaking French to tourists.
    We don't have grockels that is devon we have emmets named after a small species of ant....annoying and hard to get rid of
    I stand corrected. I went to school in Devon. Rivals. Devon and Cornwall.
    Devon and cornwall have never been rivals, devon is accrington stanley to cornwalls manchester united
    C'mon, Cornwall's not THAT bad....
    I moved from slough to devon to look after my father, I preferred slough just saying
  • Options

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    They were upset there after the majority of them voted for Brexit and the EU redrew their funding. And they do not like the grockels. They should move to Paris and get the Parisans to run Cornwall and insist on speaking French to tourists.
    We don't have grockels that is devon we have emmets named after a small species of ant....annoying and hard to get rid of
    I stand corrected. I went to school in Devon. Rivals. Devon and Cornwall.
    Devon and cornwall have never been rivals, devon is accrington stanley to cornwalls manchester united
    C'mon, Cornwall's not THAT bad....
    It is ok. Used to be a lot cheaper for a holiday than it is now.
  • Options
    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 19,805
    2 down already. Not ideal.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,418
    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    The only problem with 10 years of socialist government is that it isn't 20 years of socialist government.

    I know you are a natural conservative, but we aren't really that scary. We want a better society, where all can prosper. A nation at ease with itself. And, importantly to you, we are fundamentally Unionist. It is the SNP who have raised your taxes, not us!

    Don't believe all of the nonsense being spewed out by Sunak and the children at CCHQ (I don't think you do); a Labour government, in the hands of a lawyer and a city insider, in the form of Starmer and Reeves, isn't going to do anything madcap. And, with a "super-majority", they can ignore the lefty fringe on the back benches. Twenty rebels? So what?

    You should also be contented in the demise of the SNP, something to be repeated in the next Holyrood elections, I suspect.

    The conservatives will regroup. It will take a decade, but a sensible centre-right alternative to Labour will re-emerge. The Tories won't be controlled by Farage; perhaps by Priti or Suella in the short term, but common sense will prevail. You'll get your party back.
    Much in that I agree with. Particularly the breaking of the SNP monopoly in Scotland. I also agree Starmer and Reeves are no Corbyn and Macdonald. I expect quite centrist policies from them.

    I also think the Tories are intellectually exhausted and need a break. But you can still have too much of a good thing!

    As a good Unionist, you should be looking at Westminster as a whole. As for Holyrood, if this is a monopoly, what happ[ens when it isn't a minority administration, I wonder?
    Anyone who thinks it a monopoly hasn't got a clue. It's just a person trying to scrabble around for something bad to say because they got the wrong result. Sorry, but it's an operation with diminishing returns to complain about one party doing well because they're popular. If there one thing to connect four opposition parties it's that they haven't been able to get over losing so many elections in a row.
  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 11,091
    Leon said:

    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?

    It’s happened in rural France too but in a slightly different way more redolent of Counties like Kent and Sussex.

    One settlement in an area - usually either the prettiest or most accessible - becomes a hub with the restaurants, decent shops and weekly market. These towns do much better than most of their English counterparts. The other similarly sized settlements in the immediate area get hollowed out and become dormitories with one or two bar-Tabacs and a proximarche.

    So around us Cluny and Cormatin - which are both pretty and well connected - get the market, the festivals, the restaurants and boutiques, and the tourists. Others like St Gengoux, St Bonnet de Joux, Salornay-sur-Guye make do with one of two shops (though Salornay does have a decent boulangerie a pizzeria).
  • Options
    kle4 said:

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    Do not like it.
    I love it. Terrible stuff, but tasty.
    The Big Mack index is always interesting.
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,195
    pigeon said:

    Leon said:

    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?

    AIUI the UK actually does have an unusually high proportion of total retail sales made online. Similar to China and well ahead of most other major economies. It may simply be that France is a little way behind on this metric, and will catch up in due course.
    Currently the eu is far worse for online snooping into its citizens than here though we are heading the same way
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,971

    kle4 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    Difficult crowd here
    I actually get a lot of satisfaction from slipping a joke past people. 0 likes is better than 10 for this kind of thing.
    Not me, I'm a slave to the likes. How else will I have self worth?
    Really. Are you serious?
    100%. Every post I make is finely crafted to secure the maximum return of anonymous acclaim.

    Given my post-like ratio not very successfully.
  • Options
    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,194

    kle4 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    Difficult crowd here
    I actually get a lot of satisfaction from slipping a joke past people. 0 likes is better than 10 for this kind of thing.
    Not me, I'm a slave to the likes. How else will I have self worth?
    Really. Are you serious?
    That’s ridiculous. I can sometimes go several hours without checking my like to comment ratio.
  • Options
    kle4 said:

    kle4 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    Difficult crowd here
    I actually get a lot of satisfaction from slipping a joke past people. 0 likes is better than 10 for this kind of thing.
    Not me, I'm a slave to the likes. How else will I have self worth?
    Really. Are you serious?
    100%. Every post I make is finely crafted to secure the maximum return of anonymous acclaim.

    Given my post-like ratio not very successfully.
    Fair enough!
  • Options
    Pagan2 said:

    pigeon said:

    Leon said:

    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?

    AIUI the UK actually does have an unusually high proportion of total retail sales made online. Similar to China and well ahead of most other major economies. It may simply be that France is a little way behind on this metric, and will catch up in due course.
    Currently the eu is far worse for online snooping into its citizens than here though we are heading the same way
    Yes on both comments.
  • Options
    FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 78,488
    edited June 27
    I did predict it.

    Game over now. Teams winning after losing 3 wickets in the powerplay is tiny....and England are short a top quality batter.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,418

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    They're ok, but a nice warm tin of Campbells on a winter's night is to die for.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,160
    We could run out of wickets here.
  • Options
    Farooq said:

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    They're ok, but a nice warm tin of Campbells on a winter's night is to die for.
  • Options
    kjhkjh Posts: 10,986
    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    That deserves more likes.
  • Options
    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,194
    Sandpit said:

    We could run out of wickets here.

    Or balls. India well on top.
  • Options
    DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 25,554
    Farooq said:

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    They're ok, but a nice warm tin of Campbells on a winter's night is to die for.
    Tomato soup with cheese on toast on a cold night...
  • Options
    solarflaresolarflare Posts: 3,676
    kle4 said:

    kle4 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    Difficult crowd here
    I actually get a lot of satisfaction from slipping a joke past people. 0 likes is better than 10 for this kind of thing.
    Not me, I'm a slave to the likes. How else will I have self worth?
    Really. Are you serious?
    100%. Every post I make is finely crafted to secure the maximum return of anonymous acclaim.

    Given my post-like ratio not very successfully.
    If it helps, I've mentally given your posts more likes than I have actually physically done. So you can create a secondary imagined post-like ratio.
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 116,249

    👀Westminster Voting Intention 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    LAB: 35%
    SNP: 29%
    LDM: 11%
    CON: 11%
    RFM: 8%
    GRN: 5%
    OTHER: 1%

    Source: YouGov/Sky News
    20-25 June
  • Options
    OnboardG1OnboardG1 Posts: 1,573

    Farooq said:

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    They're ok, but a nice warm tin of Campbells on a winter's night is to die for.
    Tomato soup with cheese on toast on a cold night...
    I like Campbell's Condensed Mushroom Soup (the only tinned mushroom soup that actually tastes of anything at this point) but it's a bugger to get around here. Whenever I see it in Tesco I buy six cans of it.
  • Options
    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Farooq said:

    kle4 said:

    Despite talking about Afro-Eurasia, I'd spring for five myself. But I'm not getting into submerged continents or microcontinents.

    Though what hapened to Oceania? When I was at school they told us to use that instead of Australasia.


    It's six: Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, America, Antarctica, Yorkshire.
    Seven you forgot cornwall
    Oh yes. The continent with the highest density of bakeries on the planet.
    Never liked the pasties.
    It's not the pasties.

    It's because everyone from Cornwall is really into bread.
    They were upset there after the majority of them voted for Brexit and the EU redrew their funding. And they do not like the grockels. They should move to Paris and get the Parisans to run Cornwall and insist on speaking French to tourists.
    We don't have grockels that is devon we have emmets named after a small species of ant....annoying and hard to get rid of
    I stand corrected. I went to school in Devon. Rivals. Devon and Cornwall.
    Devon and cornwall have never been rivals, devon is accrington stanley to cornwalls manchester united
    C'mon, Cornwall's not THAT bad....
    I moved from slough to devon to look after my father, I preferred slough just saying
    They get more rain down there. USA Hurricane season can Batter those two counties. Cornwall gets a battering more than Devon I believe.
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,195
    OnboardG1 said:

    Farooq said:

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    They're ok, but a nice warm tin of Campbells on a winter's night is to die for.
    Tomato soup with cheese on toast on a cold night...
    I like Campbell's Condensed Mushroom Soup (the only tinned mushroom soup that actually tastes of anything at this point) but it's a bugger to get around here. Whenever I see it in Tesco I buy six cans of it.
    make your own I use this recipe
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,971


    👀Westminster Voting Intention 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    LAB: 35%
    SNP: 29%
    LDM: 11%
    CON: 11%
    RFM: 8%
    GRN: 5%
    OTHER: 1%

    Source: YouGov/Sky News
    20-25 June

    Is it still though the Tories will hold any seats? I mean, the LDs held 4 on even less of the vote, but it does require extreme clustering of the vote.
  • Options


    👀Westminster Voting Intention 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    LAB: 35%
    SNP: 29%
    LDM: 11%
    CON: 11%
    RFM: 8%
    GRN: 5%
    OTHER: 1%

    Source: YouGov/Sky News
    20-25 June

    Sky. The font of all knowledge. Bless em!
  • Options
    OnboardG1OnboardG1 Posts: 1,573
    Pagan2 said:

    OnboardG1 said:

    Farooq said:

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    They're ok, but a nice warm tin of Campbells on a winter's night is to die for.
    Tomato soup with cheese on toast on a cold night...
    I like Campbell's Condensed Mushroom Soup (the only tinned mushroom soup that actually tastes of anything at this point) but it's a bugger to get around here. Whenever I see it in Tesco I buy six cans of it.
    make your own I use this recipe
    I do, quite regularly. Pretty sure I've made that one with mushroom that my missus has foraged.

    But I can't always be bothered making my own sandwiches for lunch.
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 116,249


    👀Westminster Voting Intention 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    LAB: 35%
    SNP: 29%
    LDM: 11%
    CON: 11%
    RFM: 8%
    GRN: 5%
    OTHER: 1%

    Source: YouGov/Sky News
    20-25 June

    Sky. The font of all knowledge. Bless em!
    It's a YouGov poll, show some goddamn respect.
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,358


    👀Westminster Voting Intention 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    LAB: 35%
    SNP: 29%
    LDM: 11%
    CON: 11%
    RFM: 8%
    GRN: 5%
    OTHER: 1%

    Source: YouGov/Sky News
    20-25 June

    Tories should vote tactically for the SNP.
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,195
    OnboardG1 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    OnboardG1 said:

    Farooq said:

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    They're ok, but a nice warm tin of Campbells on a winter's night is to die for.
    Tomato soup with cheese on toast on a cold night...
    I like Campbell's Condensed Mushroom Soup (the only tinned mushroom soup that actually tastes of anything at this point) but it's a bugger to get around here. Whenever I see it in Tesco I buy six cans of it.
    make your own I use this recipe
    I do, quite regularly. Pretty sure I've made that one with mushroom that my missus has foraged.

    But I can't always be bothered making my own sandwiches for lunch.
    You have soup sandwiches?
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,160
    edited June 27
    Irrespective of the score, it’s a really poor show from the ICC that the stadium is half empty for a semi final.

    Apparently no hotel rooms left in town, and no flights out tonight.
  • Options
    FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 78,488
    edited June 27
    Shambles......making England footballer look good.

    All out for 99 incoming.
  • Options
    Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 50,157
    Football... must... have.. football...
  • Options


    👀Westminster Voting Intention 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    LAB: 35%
    SNP: 29%
    LDM: 11%
    CON: 11%
    RFM: 8%
    GRN: 5%
    OTHER: 1%

    Source: YouGov/Sky News
    20-25 June

    Sky. The font of all knowledge. Bless em!
    It's a YouGov poll, show some goddamn respect.
    Yes. The X Tory chancellor's outfit. I am not sure I trust them.
  • Options
    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,432
    Oh for god’s sake England.
  • Options
    OnboardG1OnboardG1 Posts: 1,573
    Pagan2 said:

    OnboardG1 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    OnboardG1 said:

    Farooq said:

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    They're ok, but a nice warm tin of Campbells on a winter's night is to die for.
    Tomato soup with cheese on toast on a cold night...
    I like Campbell's Condensed Mushroom Soup (the only tinned mushroom soup that actually tastes of anything at this point) but it's a bugger to get around here. Whenever I see it in Tesco I buy six cans of it.
    make your own I use this recipe
    I do, quite regularly. Pretty sure I've made that one with mushroom that my missus has foraged.

    But I can't always be bothered making my own sandwiches for lunch.
    You have soup sandwiches?
    You don't?
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 116,249


    👀Westminster Voting Intention 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    LAB: 35%
    SNP: 29%
    LDM: 11%
    CON: 11%
    RFM: 8%
    GRN: 5%
    OTHER: 1%

    Source: YouGov/Sky News
    20-25 June

    Tories should vote tactically for the SNP.

    Other than Corbyn being defeated the SNP getting gubbed and Scottish independence being killed stone dead for a generation will be the Tory highlight next week.
  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 11,091
    edited June 27
    Farooq said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    DavidL said:

    I am not getting a lot of joy out of this election but the thing I find most irritating is the number of muppets minded to vote for Reform and, indirectly, 10 years of socialist government. There have been suggestions for a while that IQs are falling but this is a jump off a tall bridge.

    You begin to wonder if democracy is just too hard for some people.

    The only problem with 10 years of socialist government is that it isn't 20 years of socialist government.

    I know you are a natural conservative, but we aren't really that scary. We want a better society, where all can prosper. A nation at ease with itself. And, importantly to you, we are fundamentally Unionist. It is the SNP who have raised your taxes, not us!

    Don't believe all of the nonsense being spewed out by Sunak and the children at CCHQ (I don't think you do); a Labour government, in the hands of a lawyer and a city insider, in the form of Starmer and Reeves, isn't going to do anything madcap. And, with a "super-majority", they can ignore the lefty fringe on the back benches. Twenty rebels? So what?

    You should also be contented in the demise of the SNP, something to be repeated in the next Holyrood elections, I suspect.

    The conservatives will regroup. It will take a decade, but a sensible centre-right alternative to Labour will re-emerge. The Tories won't be controlled by Farage; perhaps by Priti or Suella in the short term, but common sense will prevail. You'll get your party back.
    Much in that I agree with. Particularly the breaking of the SNP monopoly in Scotland. I also agree Starmer and Reeves are no Corbyn and Macdonald. I expect quite centrist policies from them.

    I also think the Tories are intellectually exhausted and need a break. But you can still have too much of a good thing!

    As a good Unionist, you should be looking at Westminster as a whole. As for Holyrood, if this is a monopoly, what happ[ens when it isn't a minority administration, I wonder?
    Anyone who thinks it a monopoly hasn't got a clue. It's just a person trying to scrabble around for something bad to say because they got the wrong result. Sorry, but it's an operation with diminishing returns to complain about one party doing well because they're popular. If there one thing to connect four opposition parties it's that they haven't been able to get over losing so many elections in a row.
    Isn’t Scotland simply the maths of one party on one side of a political divide and multiple parties on the other. Something which gives extreme results in FPTP but is also helpful in PR as coalitions are easier.

    The question is whether that’s a stable equilibrium. The Conservatives have benefited from this pattern in England and Wales since Brexit and arguably for much of the post-war period, but Reform potentially disrupts it. So far Alba and the Scottish Greens haven’t really disrupted the SNP hegemony but will someone eventually? In this social media era I think it’s more likely than not.

    We could call this Zuma’s law. The tendency that if one party enjoys control of one half of a political divide, it will eventually face a challenger on its own side. Zuma’s law because eventually, after a few decades of ANC rule, its control of black majority votes in S Africa is starting to fracture.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,418
    kle4 said:


    👀Westminster Voting Intention 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    LAB: 35%
    SNP: 29%
    LDM: 11%
    CON: 11%
    RFM: 8%
    GRN: 5%
    OTHER: 1%

    Source: YouGov/Sky News
    20-25 June

    Is it still though the Tories will hold any seats? I mean, the LDs held 4 on even less of the vote, but it does require extreme clustering of the vote.
    I think the Lib Dem vote is likely more efficient than the Conservative vote. Con on 11% is near wipeout territory.
    I've been predicting 2 seats for SCon which is very much on the bearish end. But 11% is below my expectations of vote share, so it might turn out that way.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,160

    Shambles......making England footballer look good.

    All out for 99 incoming.

    Okay you were right. Shambles.
  • Options
    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 19,805
    Sandpit said:

    We could run out of wickets here.

    That's like saying the Tories could lose the election now.
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,195
    OnboardG1 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    OnboardG1 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    OnboardG1 said:

    Farooq said:

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    They're ok, but a nice warm tin of Campbells on a winter's night is to die for.
    Tomato soup with cheese on toast on a cold night...
    I like Campbell's Condensed Mushroom Soup (the only tinned mushroom soup that actually tastes of anything at this point) but it's a bugger to get around here. Whenever I see it in Tesco I buy six cans of it.
    make your own I use this recipe
    I do, quite regularly. Pretty sure I've made that one with mushroom that my missus has foraged.

    But I can't always be bothered making my own sandwiches for lunch.
    You have soup sandwiches?
    You don't?
    I find soup makes the bread somewhat soggy
  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 11,091


    👀Westminster Voting Intention 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    LAB: 35%
    SNP: 29%
    LDM: 11%
    CON: 11%
    RFM: 8%
    GRN: 5%
    OTHER: 1%

    Source: YouGov/Sky News
    20-25 June

    Is that the @RochdalePioneers surge I see? 11%
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,971


    👀Westminster Voting Intention 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    LAB: 35%
    SNP: 29%
    LDM: 11%
    CON: 11%
    RFM: 8%
    GRN: 5%
    OTHER: 1%

    Source: YouGov/Sky News
    20-25 June

    Tories should vote tactically for the SNP.
    The Wings post on possible voting options was quite amusing, given his disdain for all the options. He obviously prefers Alba to some degree, but worries that would just help the SNP, so has no real clue what to do (though he's in Bath, so fine for him).

    In so far as we have any advice at all, then, it’s to use your vote to wreak as much destruction as you can, to shed the dead weight around our ankles and clear the launchpad for next time so that we can in future once more begin to dream of slipping the surly bonds of the Union
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,418
    ANME update:
    we've now had a leaflet from Reform. So that's all the main parties: Conservative, SNP, Lib Dem, and Reform. Still not a peep out of Labour.
  • Options
    RogerRoger Posts: 19,381

    Roger said:

    Channel 4 expose on racism in Farages Party just starting

    That must have taken 5 minutes to research

    Yes. I saw that one.
    Shooting into an empty net. As many goes as you want and everyone a winner. A bit like Trump. No embarrassment threshold at all
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,325
    Farooq said:

    ANME update:
    we've now had a leaflet from Reform. So that's all the main parties: Conservative, SNP, Lib Dem, and Reform. Still not a peep out of Labour.

  • Options
    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 19,805
    Sandpit said:

    Irrespective of the score, it’s a really poor show from the ICC that the stadium is half empty for a semi final.

    Apparently no hotel rooms left in town, and no flights out tonight.

    Doesn't help the absurdity that India knew if they were in the semis they'd be playing here today, but that England fans didn't know where England would be playing until a couple of days ago.

    Shame on the ICC for allowing such an abuse of process.
  • Options
    Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 57,556

    Bravo Tories


    We're not done yet, you Lib Dem turd.
  • Options
    FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 78,488
    edited June 27
    This is where there is a massive Stokes filled hole. Curran is no Ben Stokes.
  • Options
    another_richardanother_richard Posts: 25,560

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    The debate about tatty Taunton and hollowed out British market towns occurred as I was walking around Le Conquet in north Finistere. ANOTHER beautiful French town with a thriving centre and not an empty shop to be seen

    So this is in some ways a British thing. Or don’t the French use the internet?

    More like they insist on having fresh bread and fresh fish and so on in local shops, not driving 8 miles from Accrington to some Tesidlda giant supermarket?

    Sounds like a retrograde 1950s hellscape.

    I suppose they want to live like its a Little House on the Prairie next.

    Getting fresh produce, fish, bread, meat or anything else all under the same roof with the same car park, or even better delivered to you, is so much more convenient than dicking around with half a dozen tiny stores.
    Another problem with the 50s nostalgia of walking along the local High Street with a wicker basket visiting Mr Bun the baker, Mr Sole the fishmonger, Mr Bones the butcher etc is that these shops are shut by 5pm when people start leaving work.

    Whereas supermarkets are open all hours and are fully stocked.
  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 40,838
    edited June 27
    Farooq said:

    DavidL said:

    Jordan seriously expensive.

    Worse than Switzerland?
    How much is a Big Mac in Zurich? I do like Macdonalds though.
    I meant I do like Macdonalds.
    They're ok, but a nice warm tin of Campbells on a winter's night is to die for.
    Campbell’s what? I’m visualising tinned Wings over Scotland, a tad bitter but a big new market opened up with Yoons.
  • Options
    OnboardG1OnboardG1 Posts: 1,573

    "Referring to the legal spending limit for a campaign in a single seat, Mr Gravett says: “A short campaign you’ve got, I don’t know, twenty grand or whatever it is, the figure”.

    In response, Mr Bates is heard saying: “We’ve spent double that already, don’t worry”, before Mr Jones adds: “It’s twenty grand minus… It’s six for VAT. So actually it’s only f****** fifteen.”"

    Well. I for one am shocked, surprised and appalled. Vat on twenty grand is £4k you fucking waste of space. And 20-6 is 14 ffs.
  • Options
    FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 78,488
    I was being too optimistic with 99 all out.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,160
    Sandpit said:

    Irrespective of the score, it’s a really poor show from the ICC that the stadium is half empty for a semi final.

    Apparently no hotel rooms left in town, and no flights out tonight.

    If you’re going to fcuk up the local accommodation that badly, at least give the tickets to local kids.
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