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    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,418
    kinabalu said:

    Farooq said:

    TimS said:

    On Farage and Putingate. It seems most people haven't noticed. Probably a story limited to the extremely online:

    Which makes him a twat for keeping it going with Bojo.

    He should be talking about cost of living.
    You said he'd fucked it. On this evidence you were wrong.
    He has fucked it. Appealing to a limited audience supporting a murderer and thief is not going to carry the country.
    This is not the States. Frankly I would see it as our job to face off to cnts like Mad Vlad I'd be disappointed in a PM who wouldnt.

    The evidence will be how he can convince voters they might like Marmite after all. He will have to reverse ferret pretty quickly.
    To be analytical about it, Farage does seem to arrive in the same place as the MAGA crowd - Biden loves Ukraine, so we hate Ukraine - from a different Journey? Farage journey is EU hatred. He hates the concept of the EU superstate, so is tough on the expansion of the EU superstate. Farage is not selling Putin as good ol tough guy Conservative can’t do any harm, as MAGA leans toward, he is trying to say EU bad, EU expansion kicks someone’s apple cart over and disrupts the order of things.

    But kicking apple carts over and disrupting the world order is why EU fans love the EU project isn’t it? That’s its selling point, not weakness?
    All they have done is recreate the Austro Hungarian empire - with the Hungarians still being the people who like to mess things up.
    Shrewd point. The EU is very much like the Austro-Hungarian empire. Apart from the geographic and temporal extent, the governance structure, the wider political context, the demographics, technology, provenance, economy, culture, and the rights of its peoples... it's basically identical.
    Bit of vibrant pubtalk from Alan there, and here comes you with your sparkling water ...
    Did you spill my cranberry and lemonade?
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    MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    ANME update: I posted the wife's ballot paper (no dog poo bins were harmed in the casting of this ballot).
    Mine remains resolutely unfilled in. I'm waiting for the maximum amount of evidence on who's likeliest to beat the Tories here but it's still looking likely to be the nationalists for me.
    Still no posters visible anywhere, and no new letters after the flurry that arrived about a week ago. The talk in the pub and the shops has been all football and how nice the weather is, but that might change now Scotland have limped out.

    Reject the division of the Nationalists and vote for the Lib Dems.
    If the Lib Dems are likeliest to win here, I will. Same with Labour.

    I've made it clear for years now that my vote is going to be whatever I feel is best to shift the Tories out.
    I voted Lib Dem last time and I have no regrets even though they had no hope in that election in my seat. "Bollocks to Brexit" was the right message for me.

    But this time it's a punishment vote. Tories out. Show me evidence that puts one party ahead of the others, and I'll listen.
    Hi Farooq. Question is this - how will you feel on Friday week if you vote SNP and Seamus Logan is going around saying that you voted for independence? That you voted to blame Westminster for the state of public services whilst not actually doing anything to fix things?

    I understand the desire to punish beat the Tories - I want ELE. But uniquely in our corner of Scotland we have this perverse choice, where one party of chaos, cuts and incompetence says you have to vote for them or you get the other party of incompetence, cuts and chaos.

    I am the only candidate actually engaging with people on the issues being raised on the doorstep. The NHS. Schools. Energy, connectivity. With policies to match.

    Can I win? Absolutely - if enough people vote for me. Remember that its less than a decade since parties were winning from 4th. And there is a mood in the constituency the like of which I've never seen before. Spoke to a lady in Pennan earlier who came up to me. "We're completely scunnered, and the other two don't get it". She's voting for me, a first time LibDem. She isn't alone...
    I knew there would be this point, where you would start to get high on your own “hopia”

    Your publicity photo’s are still frightening my sheep.
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    MJWMJW Posts: 1,551

    I just got an email from Theresa May.

    I just got an email from Imelda Staunton (seriously).

    If the (late) Queen is supporting Labour, the Tories really are in trouble.
    I'm amused by celebs screeching their support of *any* political party, and LOL at anyone whose vote is actually swayed by such an endorsement.

    If a celeb say "Go out and vote; it's important!!"; that's great. Kudos to them. It's the idea that someone who once played Doctor Who (as a random example) may have a better idea than me about who is best to run the country...
    With the odd exception of people who own an issue - e.g. Feargal Sharkey or Martin Lewis - political parties that use celebs to try and persuade voters are fools. As Labour have found out to their cost in the past.

    They do, however, work to drive engagement among existing supporters - you're far more likely to notice and respond to an email 'from' Imelda Staunton than a generic email from Labour HQ. If you can get them out canvassing or at a phonebank too more's the better - as it's rather a nice bonus that those who do some hard work get to meet a star while doing it.
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    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,418

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    ANME update: I posted the wife's ballot paper (no dog poo bins were harmed in the casting of this ballot).
    Mine remains resolutely unfilled in. I'm waiting for the maximum amount of evidence on who's likeliest to beat the Tories here but it's still looking likely to be the nationalists for me.
    Still no posters visible anywhere, and no new letters after the flurry that arrived about a week ago. The talk in the pub and the shops has been all football and how nice the weather is, but that might change now Scotland have limped out.

    Reject the division of the Nationalists and vote for the Lib Dems.
    If the Lib Dems are likeliest to win here, I will. Same with Labour.

    I've made it clear for years now that my vote is going to be whatever I feel is best to shift the Tories out.
    I voted Lib Dem last time and I have no regrets even though they had no hope in that election in my seat. "Bollocks to Brexit" was the right message for me.

    But this time it's a punishment vote. Tories out. Show me evidence that puts one party ahead of the others, and I'll listen.
    Hi Farooq. Question is this - how will you feel on Friday week if you vote SNP and Seamus Logan is going around saying that you voted for independence? That you voted to blame Westminster for the state of public services whilst not actually doing anything to fix things?

    I understand the desire to punish beat the Tories - I want ELE. But uniquely in our corner of Scotland we have this perverse choice, where one party of chaos, cuts and incompetence says you have to vote for them or you get the other party of incompetence, cuts and chaos.

    I am the only candidate actually engaging with people on the issues being raised on the doorstep. The NHS. Schools. Energy, connectivity. With policies to match.

    Can I win? Absolutely - if enough people vote for me. Remember that its less than a decade since parties were winning from 4th. And there is a mood in the constituency the like of which I've never seen before. Spoke to a lady in Pennan earlier who came up to me. "We're completely scunnered, and the other two don't get it". She's voting for me, a first time LibDem. She isn't alone...
    Well, as I've made clear I'm in the middle on independence. I could vote for it, or I could vote no. One thing the SNP is right about is that there should be mechanism for there to be another vote. That's democracy, but all avenues seem to be closed. That's not healthy. Whatever that mechanism is (and personally I favour the mechanism being that if Holyrood decides there should be one, there should be one) it should be made clear and everyone sticks to it.

    However, I'm only talking about that because you asked. For me, it's not the main issue. I have used my various votes in recent years in quite a balanced way on indy/union parties because I don't want to come down hard on one side or another. What I really want, and I know you understand this, is for the Tories to not win here, and not win anywhere.

    I set out my reasoning before. And your patter is nice and I get it, and if you knocked on my door I'd shake your hand and wish you luck. But I'm only going to vote for you if I think you're either coming first or second. But I don't think you are. But I've got a week and a bit to see some evidence. I'm going to hand my postal vote in since I'm not away with work, and I'm not in a hurry. I'll look at all the information available on the 3rd July, all the polls and MRPs and whatnot, and decide then.
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    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 19,895
    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    ANME update: I posted the wife's ballot paper (no dog poo bins were harmed in the casting of this ballot).
    Mine remains resolutely unfilled in. I'm waiting for the maximum amount of evidence on who's likeliest to beat the Tories here but it's still looking likely to be the nationalists for me.
    Still no posters visible anywhere, and no new letters after the flurry that arrived about a week ago. The talk in the pub and the shops has been all football and how nice the weather is, but that might change now Scotland have limped out.

    Reject the division of the Nationalists and vote for the Lib Dems.
    If the Lib Dems are likeliest to win here, I will. Same with Labour.

    I've made it clear for years now that my vote is going to be whatever I feel is best to shift the Tories out.
    I voted Lib Dem last time and I have no regrets even though they had no hope in that election in my seat. "Bollocks to Brexit" was the right message for me.

    But this time it's a punishment vote. Tories out. Show me evidence that puts one party ahead of the others, and I'll listen.
    Hi Farooq. Question is this - how will you feel on Friday week if you vote SNP and Seamus Logan is going around saying that you voted for independence? That you voted to blame Westminster for the state of public services whilst not actually doing anything to fix things?

    I understand the desire to punish beat the Tories - I want ELE. But uniquely in our corner of Scotland we have this perverse choice, where one party of chaos, cuts and incompetence says you have to vote for them or you get the other party of incompetence, cuts and chaos.

    I am the only candidate actually engaging with people on the issues being raised on the doorstep. The NHS. Schools. Energy, connectivity. With policies to match.

    Can I win? Absolutely - if enough people vote for me. Remember that its less than a decade since parties were winning from 4th. And there is a mood in the constituency the like of which I've never seen before. Spoke to a lady in Pennan earlier who came up to me. "We're completely scunnered, and the other two don't get it". She's voting for me, a first time LibDem. She isn't alone...
    Well, as I've made clear I'm in the middle on independence. I could vote for it, or I could vote no. One thing the SNP is right about is that there should be mechanism for there to be another vote. That's democracy, but all avenues seem to be closed. That's not healthy. Whatever that mechanism is (and personally I favour the mechanism being that if Holyrood decides there should be one, there should be one) it should be made clear and everyone sticks to it.

    However, I'm only talking about that because you asked. For me, it's not the main issue. I have used my various votes in recent years in quite a balanced way on indy/union parties because I don't want to come down hard on one side or another. What I really want, and I know you understand this, is for the Tories to not win here, and not win anywhere.

    I set out my reasoning before. And your patter is nice and I get it, and if you knocked on my door I'd shake your hand and wish you luck. But I'm only going to vote for you if I think you're either coming first or second. But I don't think you are. But I've got a week and a bit to see some evidence. I'm going to hand my postal vote in since I'm not away with work, and I'm not in a hurry. I'll look at all the information available on the 3rd July, all the polls and MRPs and whatnot, and decide then.
    I'd vote for ya @RochdalePioneers. But I don't live in ANME. Soz :(
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    RogerRoger Posts: 19,381
    Scott_xP said:


    8 years to the day since this happy couple expressed their unbridled joy at winning the referendum.

    Be careful what you wish for.

    These asshats are about to find out what happens when voters take back control...

    For waverers. Worth a second look
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