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Another tricky by-election defence for the Tories –



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    turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 15,743
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    QM is a way of perceiving the universe. It is a model. As Newtonian physics was. It will be superseded. They always are. Ask Isaac Newton

    The idea we - this bipedal ape on a little planet, living here in 2023 and eating fried chicken - have now achieved a perfect understanding of the entire multiverse is risible
    Not answering the question then?
  • Options
    WestieWestie Posts: 426

    If UFOs are real, then why are they predominantly an American / British thing?

    Some possibilities:
    *) UFO hysteria is mainly a product of the English-speaking world;
    *) Despite the preponderance worldwide of the Internet, people elsewhere do not report them.
    *) Aliens are only interested in English-speaking peoples.

    It could also be that it's the US military, as still the world's most advanced, that is doing the largest number of odd things, ofcourse ; that might partly account for the greater number of sightings.

    Again that could be intra-terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or involving blue and green camembert set fire to, for instance.
    Or it's just a hysteria; people trying to explain things they see or mis-see in the sky.

    One thing it isn't: aliens.

    And having discounted aliens, we've got some really great stuff to research. Hopefully increased usage of mobile phone cameras will help get more data - though sadly, so will forgeries (especially with cameras that do a massive amount of preprocessing of captured images).
    Just as I don't think there's any way to know for sure as yet, I don't think there's any grounds to discount it out of hand.

    As much as there can be hysterical confirmation bias in favour of things of people have seen in popular culture, there can also be another kind of confirmation bias that humans have suffered from millennia; anything outside the parameters of current understanding is axiomatically mad, laughable or dangerous. This is because anything challenging basic precepts of current physical understanding also has the capacity to jolt all sorts of other social and intellectual precepts across the board, and so present a threat to existing societies and politico-social orders.
    No. I'm perfectly open to the existence of odd phenomenon. They're great and interesting, as they can further knowledge and scientific understanding.

    As an example: the orbit of Mercury cannot be predicted by Newtonian physics. This was a big problem, and various problematic solutions were proposed: including an unknown planet called 'Vulcan'. Then Einstein came up with General Relativity, which explained Mercury's orbit perfectly.

    Now, a hidden planet called 'Vulcan' is cool. It's brilliant. It's easy for the layman to understand, and it's exciting: imagine what might be on it! The real answer, general relativity, is complex, difficult to understand and, frankly, unexciting to the layman.

    But if you're talking about aliens travelling vast distances to come to Earth, to remain mostly hidden, to be seen mainly by people in one or two countries, to kidnap and probe people from the American MidWest, and leave *zero* evidence that is conclusively alien:

    Then I'd argue that's like Vulcan. It's lazy thinking. It takes science and knowledge no further. It's like saying a Willo-the-wisp is a fairy.

    The threat to "existing societies and politico-social orders" comes from people looking for lazy answers for complex things. And sadly, politics does try to sell lazy answers to the public far too often.
    What on earth is "scientific understanding"? Science is a research methodology of a certain usefulness for investigating certain limited kinds of questions. Only a "so religious he's not religious" bonehead thinks it's the right way to look at the universe and everything in it.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 40,571
    edited June 2023

    If UFOs are real, then why are they predominantly an American / British thing?

    Some possibilities:
    *) UFO hysteria is mainly a product of the English-speaking world;
    *) Despite the preponderance worldwide of the Internet, people elsewhere do not report them.
    *) Aliens are only interested in English-speaking peoples.

    It could also be that it's the US military, as still the world's most advanced, that is doing the largest number of odd things, ofcourse ; that might partly account for the greater number of sightings.

    Again that could be intra-terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or involving blue and green camembert set fire to, for instance.
    Or it's just a hysteria; people trying to explain things they see or mis-see in the sky.

    One thing it isn't: aliens.

    And having discounted aliens, we've got some really great stuff to research. Hopefully increased usage of mobile phone cameras will help get more data - though sadly, so will forgeries (especially with cameras that do a massive amount of preprocessing of captured images).
    Just as I don't think there's any way to know for sure as yet, I don't think there's any grounds to discount it out of hand, either.

    As much as there can be hysterical confirmation bias in favour of things of people have seen in popular culture, there can also be another kind of confirmation bias that humans have suffered from millennia; anything outside the parameters of current understanding is axiomatically mad, laughable or dangerous. This is partly because anything challenging basic precepts of current physical understanding also has the capacity to jolt all sorts of other social and intellectual precepts across the board, and so presents a threat to existing societies and socio-political orders.
    On the Alien visitors thing.

    In the 19th cent. mysterious balloons, often crewed by weird, slightly non humans were frequently reported. Where have they gone? Or did the Aliens upgraded their technology?
    Just look at this - nice ecample of technology [edit] since upgraded. How many equivalent examples today have not gone onto electric wiring and now also 5G and tinfoil hats? None of that old-fashioned pneumaticks.

  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,503
    edited June 2023

    If UFOs are real, then why are they predominantly an American / British thing?

    Some possibilities:
    *) UFO hysteria is mainly a product of the English-speaking world;
    *) Despite the preponderance worldwide of the Internet, people elsewhere do not report them.
    *) Aliens are only interested in English-speaking peoples.

    It could also be that it's the US military, as still the world's most advanced, that is doing the largest number of odd things, ofcourse ; that might partly account for the greater number of sightings.

    Again that could be intra-terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or involving blue and green camembert set fire to, for instance.
    Or it's just a hysteria; people trying to explain things they see or mis-see in the sky.

    One thing it isn't: aliens.

    And having discounted aliens, we've got some really great stuff to research. Hopefully increased usage of mobile phone cameras will help get more data - though sadly, so will forgeries (especially with cameras that do a massive amount of preprocessing of captured images).
    Just as I don't think there's any way to know for sure as yet, I don't think there's any grounds to discount it out of hand.

    As much as there can be hysterical confirmation bias in favour of things of people have seen in popular culture, there can also be another kind of confirmation bias that humans have suffered from millennia; anything outside the parameters of current understanding is axiomatically mad, laughable or dangerous. This is because anything challenging basic precepts of current physical understanding also has the capacity to jolt all sorts of other social and intellectual precepts across the board, and so present a threat to existing societies and politico-social orders.
    No. I'm perfectly open to the existence of odd phenomenon. They're great and interesting, as they can further knowledge and scientific understanding.

    As an example: the orbit of Mercury cannot be predicted by Newtonian physics. This was a big problem, and various problematic solutions were proposed: including an unknown planet called 'Vulcan'. Then Einstein came up with General Relativity, which explained Mercury's orbit perfectly.

    Now, a hidden planet called 'Vulcan' is cool. It's brilliant. It's easy for the layman to understand, and it's exciting: imagine what might be on it! The real answer, general relativity, is complex, difficult to understand and, frankly, unexciting to the layman.

    But if you're talking about aliens travelling vast distances to come to Earth, to remain mostly hidden, to be seen mainly by people in one or two countries, to kidnap and probe people from the American MidWest, and leave *zero* evidence that is conclusively alien:

    Then I'd argue that's like Vulcan. It's lazy thinking. It takes science and knowledge no further. It's like saying a Willo-the-wisp is a fairy.

    The threat to "existing societies and politico-social orders" comes from people looking for lazy answers for complex things. And sadly, politics does try to sell lazy answers to the public far too often.
    Grusch doesn't give simple answers ; he claims something that many other insiders have, over the years ; that this technology is interdimensional rather than interstellar, and the number of crashes are tiny compared to the number of visits. He also claims that part of his motivation in coming forward, as Greer's witnesses do, is to advance this level of understanding of physics which is not being shared beyond a few defence contractors.

    I have no idea if this is true, or if in fact US contractors and government are hiding their own independent discoveries at the expense of others, or neither of these, but Grusch's now long involvement with the US inspectorate of intelligence and Congress suggests something much more complex, than simple or easily explained.
  • Options
    StuartinromfordStuartinromford Posts: 15,019

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    Was Schrödinger referring to his cat?
    Did he even have a cat? The main place the thought experiment fails is the absurdity of the idea that any cat would be prepared to be put in a sealed box.

    Anyway, here's a towards-the-end-of-his-life Feynman quote on QM. It didn't start life as a poem, but works best that way.

    You know how it always is,
    every new idea.
    It takes a generation or two until it becomes obvious that there's no real problem.
    It has not yet become obvious to me that there's no real problem.

    I cannot define the real problem,
    therefore I suspect there's no real problem,
    but I'm not sure there's no real problem.
  • Options
    kjhkjh Posts: 10,820

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
  • Options
    JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 39,520

    If UFOs are real, then why are they predominantly an American / British thing?

    Some possibilities:
    *) UFO hysteria is mainly a product of the English-speaking world;
    *) Despite the preponderance worldwide of the Internet, people elsewhere do not report them.
    *) Aliens are only interested in English-speaking peoples.

    It could also be that it's the US military, as still the world's most advanced, that is doing the largest number of odd things, ofcourse ; that might partly account for the greater number of sightings.

    Again that could be intra-terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or involving blue and green camembert set fire to, for instance.
    Or it's just a hysteria; people trying to explain things they see or mis-see in the sky.

    One thing it isn't: aliens.

    And having discounted aliens, we've got some really great stuff to research. Hopefully increased usage of mobile phone cameras will help get more data - though sadly, so will forgeries (especially with cameras that do a massive amount of preprocessing of captured images).
    Just as I don't think there's any way to know for sure as yet, I don't think there's any grounds to discount it out of hand.

    As much as there can be hysterical confirmation bias in favour of things of people have seen in popular culture, there can also be another kind of confirmation bias that humans have suffered from millennia; anything outside the parameters of current understanding is axiomatically mad, laughable or dangerous. This is because anything challenging basic precepts of current physical understanding also has the capacity to jolt all sorts of other social and intellectual precepts across the board, and so present a threat to existing societies and politico-social orders.
    No. I'm perfectly open to the existence of odd phenomenon. They're great and interesting, as they can further knowledge and scientific understanding.

    As an example: the orbit of Mercury cannot be predicted by Newtonian physics. This was a big problem, and various problematic solutions were proposed: including an unknown planet called 'Vulcan'. Then Einstein came up with General Relativity, which explained Mercury's orbit perfectly.

    Now, a hidden planet called 'Vulcan' is cool. It's brilliant. It's easy for the layman to understand, and it's exciting: imagine what might be on it! The real answer, general relativity, is complex, difficult to understand and, frankly, unexciting to the layman.

    But if you're talking about aliens travelling vast distances to come to Earth, to remain mostly hidden, to be seen mainly by people in one or two countries, to kidnap and probe people from the American MidWest, and leave *zero* evidence that is conclusively alien:

    Then I'd argue that's like Vulcan. It's lazy thinking. It takes science and knowledge no further. It's like saying a Willo-the-wisp is a fairy.

    The threat to "existing societies and politico-social orders" comes from people looking for lazy answers for complex things. And sadly, politics does try to sell lazy answers to the public far too often.
    Grusch doesn't give simple answers ; he claims something that many other insiders have ; that this technology is inter-dimensional rather than interstellar, and the number of crashes are tiny compared to the number of visits.

    And that's the 'fairy' approach.

    Note that inter-dimensional / mutiverse stuff is very popular in films atm. Riding the zeitgeist.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 40,571

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    Was Schrödinger referring to his cat?
    Did he even have a cat? The main place the thought experiment fails is the absurdity of the idea that any cat would be prepared to be put in a sealed box.

    Anyway, here's a towards-the-end-of-his-life Feynman quote on QM. It didn't start life as a poem, but works best that way.

    You know how it always is,
    every new idea.
    It takes a generation or two until it becomes obvious that there's no real problem.
    It has not yet become obvious to me that there's no real problem.

    I cannot define the real problem,
    therefore I suspect there's no real problem,
    but I'm not sure there's no real problem.
    Point of order: the cat can't be put into a sealed box, by definition, without unsealing the box. First get the moggy into the box. Very easy, as a million YouTube videos testify, then whip out the Gorilla Tape.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,251

    Leon said:

    Aqua p.m.

    If UFOs are real, then why are they predominantly an American / British thing?

    Some possibilities:
    *) UFO hysteria is mainly a product of the English-speaking world;
    *) Despite the preponderance worldwide of the Internet, people elsewhere do not report them.
    *) Aliens are only interested in English-speaking peoples.

    It could also be that it's the US military, as still the world's most advanced, that is doing the largest number of odd things, ofcourse ; that might partly account for the greater number of sightings.

    Again that could be intra-terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or involving blue and green camembert set fire to, for instance.
    Or it's just a hysteria; people trying to explain things they see or mis-see in the sky.

    One thing it isn't: aliens.

    And having discounted aliens, we've got some really great stuff to research. Hopefully increased usage of mobile phone cameras will help get more data - though sadly, so will forgeries (especially with cameras that do a massive amount of preprocessing of captured images).
    Just as I don't think there's any way to know for sure as yet, I don't think there's any grounds to discount it out of hand.

    As much as there can be hysterical confirmation bias in favour of things of people have seen in popular culture, there can also be another kind of confirmation bias that humans have suffered from millennia; anything outside the parameters of current understanding is axiomatically mad, laughable or dangerous. This is because anything challenging basic precepts of current physical understanding also has the capacity to jolt all sorts of other social and intellectual precepts across the board, and so present a threat to existing societies and politico-social orders.
    No. I'm perfectly open to the existence of odd phenomenon. They're great and interesting, as they can further knowledge and scientific understanding.

    As an example: the orbit of Mercury cannot be predicted by Newtonian physics. This was a big problem, and various problematic solutions were proposed: including an unknown planet called 'Vulcan'. Then Einstein came up with General Relativity, which explained Mercury's orbit perfectly.

    Now, a hidden planet called 'Vulcan' is cool. It's brilliant. It's easy for the layman to understand, and it's exciting: imagine what might be on it! The real answer, general relativity, is complex, difficult to understand and, frankly, unexciting to the layman.

    But if you're talking about aliens travelling vast distances to come to Earth, to remain mostly hidden, to be seen mainly by people in one or two countries, to kidnap and probe people from the American MidWest, and leave *zero* evidence that is conclusively alien:

    Then I'd argue that's like Vulcan. It's lazy thinking. It takes science and knowledge no further. It's like saying a Willo-the-wisp is a fairy.

    The threat to "existing societies and politico-social orders" comes from people looking for lazy answers for complex things. And sadly, politics does try to sell lazy answers to the public far too often.
    If non human intelligence exists and is visiting us - and I am highly skeptical but not entirely dismissive - it is far more likely that we are being visited by AI drones than living organisms (as we understand them) or that - as Grusch alludes - they are from a parallel dimension we cannot generally perceive. Both solutions solve the faster-than-light problem
    Why do 'AI drones' stop the faster-than-light problem?
    One theory of how to explore the galaxy is a self replicating Von Neumann machine. At each solar system, it builds x copies of itself and each heads off to other solar systems. This creates a communication network of intelligence gathering, which could cover the galaxy in a few tens of thousands of years.

    We are probably a number of decades await from doing something like that ourselves.
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,503
    edited June 2023

    If UFOs are real, then why are they predominantly an American / British thing?

    Some possibilities:
    *) UFO hysteria is mainly a product of the English-speaking world;
    *) Despite the preponderance worldwide of the Internet, people elsewhere do not report them.
    *) Aliens are only interested in English-speaking peoples.

    It could also be that it's the US military, as still the world's most advanced, that is doing the largest number of odd things, ofcourse ; that might partly account for the greater number of sightings.

    Again that could be intra-terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or involving blue and green camembert set fire to, for instance.
    Or it's just a hysteria; people trying to explain things they see or mis-see in the sky.

    One thing it isn't: aliens.

    And having discounted aliens, we've got some really great stuff to research. Hopefully increased usage of mobile phone cameras will help get more data - though sadly, so will forgeries (especially with cameras that do a massive amount of preprocessing of captured images).
    Just as I don't think there's any way to know for sure as yet, I don't think there's any grounds to discount it out of hand.

    As much as there can be hysterical confirmation bias in favour of things of people have seen in popular culture, there can also be another kind of confirmation bias that humans have suffered from millennia; anything outside the parameters of current understanding is axiomatically mad, laughable or dangerous. This is because anything challenging basic precepts of current physical understanding also has the capacity to jolt all sorts of other social and intellectual precepts across the board, and so present a threat to existing societies and politico-social orders.
    No. I'm perfectly open to the existence of odd phenomenon. They're great and interesting, as they can further knowledge and scientific understanding.

    As an example: the orbit of Mercury cannot be predicted by Newtonian physics. This was a big problem, and various problematic solutions were proposed: including an unknown planet called 'Vulcan'. Then Einstein came up with General Relativity, which explained Mercury's orbit perfectly.

    Now, a hidden planet called 'Vulcan' is cool. It's brilliant. It's easy for the layman to understand, and it's exciting: imagine what might be on it! The real answer, general relativity, is complex, difficult to understand and, frankly, unexciting to the layman.

    But if you're talking about aliens travelling vast distances to come to Earth, to remain mostly hidden, to be seen mainly by people in one or two countries, to kidnap and probe people from the American MidWest, and leave *zero* evidence that is conclusively alien:

    Then I'd argue that's like Vulcan. It's lazy thinking. It takes science and knowledge no further. It's like saying a Willo-the-wisp is a fairy.

    The threat to "existing societies and politico-social orders" comes from people looking for lazy answers for complex things. And sadly, politics does try to sell lazy answers to the public far too often.
    Grusch doesn't give simple answers ; he claims something that many other insiders have ; that this technology is inter-dimensional rather than interstellar, and the number of crashes are tiny compared to the number of visits.

    And that's the 'fairy' approach.

    Note that inter-dimensional / mutiverse stuff is very popular in films atm. Riding the zeitgeist.
    It's popular because of the increasingly wide and common speculative thrust of it from theoretical physicists, though.

    That didn't arise spontaneously out of folklore.
  • Options
    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 68,066
    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    Was Schrödinger referring to his cat?
    Did he even have a cat? The main place the thought experiment fails is the absurdity of the idea that any cat would be prepared to be put in a sealed box.

    Anyway, here's a towards-the-end-of-his-life Feynman quote on QM. It didn't start life as a poem, but works best that way.

    You know how it always is,
    every new idea.
    It takes a generation or two until it becomes obvious that there's no real problem.
    It has not yet become obvious to me that there's no real problem.

    I cannot define the real problem,
    therefore I suspect there's no real problem,
    but I'm not sure there's no real problem.
    Point of order: the cat can't be put into a sealed box, by definition, without unsealing the box. First get the moggy into the box. Very easy, as a million YouTube videos testify, then whip out the Gorilla Tape.
    It's an old un, but a good un
  • Options
    malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,382
    DougSeal said:

    malcolmg said:

    ydoethur said:

    Malc, has it been a bad year for turnips? You've been getting really mad at everyone and not threatened to throw a single one.

    ydoethur, I am mad at only one person on here and if I could he would have several turnips inserted in every orifice and a few he did not realise he had.
    I am fully aware if your position regarding my good self Malc. I too will one day shuffle off this mortal coil. I hope it makes you feel better.
    Most certainly not you Doug, you are among the good guys. I am talking about the only scumbag on the site, a gammontastic arse at that.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,251

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    I did rather enjoy the letter a bunch of French philosophers wrote about how when they said we live in a post-truth world and there are no absolutes, they didn’t quite mean that….
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,503
    edited June 2023
    I'd also question that it's only lazy thinking that presents a challenge to current societies, because it's irrational.

    This is to be unable to escape our own prejudices ; there was nothing lazy about Gallileo's thinking, but he was considered not just mad and bad, and evil and dangerous, but axiomatically irrational, too, because the centrality of the Earth was thought to be the combined moral-rational summit of intellectual understanding, too. Now one could conceivably argue that Galileo provided much more worked-through scientific proof than David Grusch, and which eventually helped to expand our understanding and societies rather than muddy them, but that could just be because we're at the start of the process. I honestly have no idea, on that last point.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 63,737
    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

  • Options
    OmniumOmnium Posts: 9,919

    Leon said:

    Aqua p.m.

    If UFOs are real, then why are they predominantly an American / British thing?

    Some possibilities:
    *) UFO hysteria is mainly a product of the English-speaking world;
    *) Despite the preponderance worldwide of the Internet, people elsewhere do not report them.
    *) Aliens are only interested in English-speaking peoples.

    It could also be that it's the US military, as still the world's most advanced, that is doing the largest number of odd things, ofcourse ; that might partly account for the greater number of sightings.

    Again that could be intra-terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or involving blue and green camembert set fire to, for instance.
    Or it's just a hysteria; people trying to explain things they see or mis-see in the sky.

    One thing it isn't: aliens.

    And having discounted aliens, we've got some really great stuff to research. Hopefully increased usage of mobile phone cameras will help get more data - though sadly, so will forgeries (especially with cameras that do a massive amount of preprocessing of captured images).
    Just as I don't think there's any way to know for sure as yet, I don't think there's any grounds to discount it out of hand.

    As much as there can be hysterical confirmation bias in favour of things of people have seen in popular culture, there can also be another kind of confirmation bias that humans have suffered from millennia; anything outside the parameters of current understanding is axiomatically mad, laughable or dangerous. This is because anything challenging basic precepts of current physical understanding also has the capacity to jolt all sorts of other social and intellectual precepts across the board, and so present a threat to existing societies and politico-social orders.
    No. I'm perfectly open to the existence of odd phenomenon. They're great and interesting, as they can further knowledge and scientific understanding.

    As an example: the orbit of Mercury cannot be predicted by Newtonian physics. This was a big problem, and various problematic solutions were proposed: including an unknown planet called 'Vulcan'. Then Einstein came up with General Relativity, which explained Mercury's orbit perfectly.

    Now, a hidden planet called 'Vulcan' is cool. It's brilliant. It's easy for the layman to understand, and it's exciting: imagine what might be on it! The real answer, general relativity, is complex, difficult to understand and, frankly, unexciting to the layman.

    But if you're talking about aliens travelling vast distances to come to Earth, to remain mostly hidden, to be seen mainly by people in one or two countries, to kidnap and probe people from the American MidWest, and leave *zero* evidence that is conclusively alien:

    Then I'd argue that's like Vulcan. It's lazy thinking. It takes science and knowledge no further. It's like saying a Willo-the-wisp is a fairy.

    The threat to "existing societies and politico-social orders" comes from people looking for lazy answers for complex things. And sadly, politics does try to sell lazy answers to the public far too often.
    If non human intelligence exists and is visiting us - and I am highly skeptical but not entirely dismissive - it is far more likely that we are being visited by AI drones than living organisms (as we understand them) or that - as Grusch alludes - they are from a parallel dimension we cannot generally perceive. Both solutions solve the faster-than-light problem
    Why do 'AI drones' stop the faster-than-light problem?
    One theory of how to explore the galaxy is a self replicating Von Neumann machine. At each solar system, it builds x copies of itself and each heads off to other solar systems. This creates a communication network of intelligence gathering, which could cover the galaxy in a few tens of thousands of years.

    We are probably a number of decades await from doing something like that ourselves.
    And of course it's weird that nobody else seems to have done so. Thus proof of FTL travel for cleaning ladys! (We don't see these vn machines, but we know they must have been built, therefore somebody has managed to do a very effective cleanup, and that only works if cleaning ladys can travel ftl.)
  • Options
    WestieWestie Posts: 426

    If UFOs are real, then why are they predominantly an American / British thing?

    Some possibilities:
    *) UFO hysteria is mainly a product of the English-speaking world;
    *) Despite the preponderance worldwide of the Internet, people elsewhere do not report them.
    *) Aliens are only interested in English-speaking peoples.

    It could also be that it's the US military, as still the world's most advanced, that is doing the largest number of odd things, ofcourse ; that might partly account for the greater number of sightings.

    Again that could be intra-terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or involving blue and green camembert set fire to, for instance.
    I question your use of the word "hysteria". But it could be that the weight of the scientific religion is so strong, relatively, in the saddo cultural area that you mention, that the unconscious that obviously rejects the said religion has to force its way out in such a crystallised "WTF about this, then?" way. This doesn't happen so much in the Arab world, where most believe there are djinns and few have much of a problem with that belief, or in Latin America where most believe there are angels, ditto.
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 19,446

    Grusch doesn't give simple answers ; he claims...that this technology is interdimensional rather than interstellar, and the number of crashes are tiny compared to the number of visits. He also claims that part of his motivation in coming to advance this level of understanding of physics which is not being shared beyond a few defence contractors.

    I have no idea if this is true...

    I'll go with "it's false".


  • Options
    Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 7,981
    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics?
    The computer you are typing on uses semi-conductors that depend on QM.

    So, if quantum mechanics did not work, we would be deprived of your ravings as there would be no internet. The fact that you can post here proves QM works.

    If you want more proof, how about solar panels? That is what Einstein got his Nobel Prize for, not for relativity.

  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,251

    I'd also question that it's only lazy thinking that presents a challenge to current societies, because it's irrational.

    This is to be unable to escape our own prejudices ; there was nothing lazy about Gallileo's thinking, but he was considered not just mad and bad, and evil and dangerous, but axiomatically irrational, too, because the centrality of the Earth was thought to be the combined moral-rational summit of intellectual understanding, too. Now one could conceivably argue that Galileo provided much more worked-through scientific proof than David Grusch, and which eventually helped to expand our understanding and societies rather than muddy them, but that could just be because we're at the start of the process. I honestly have no idea, on that last point.

    With Galileo, it was more that he deliberately and gratuitously insulted the Pope. Insulting Renaissance Princes was not a brilliant plan.
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,503
    edited June 2023
    viewcode said:

    Grusch doesn't give simple answers ; he claims...that this technology is interdimensional rather than interstellar, and the number of crashes are tiny compared to the number of visits. He also claims that part of his motivation in coming to advance this level of understanding of physics which is not being shared beyond a few defence contractors.

    I have no idea if this is true...

    I'll go with "it's false".


    We need evidence either way. The US inspectorate of intelligence and Congress are interested and combing through evidence without making their minds up yet, so I don't think anyone else should necessarily yet, either.

    Otherwise there may be the precise danger of falling into the trap of axiomatic cultural prejudice over empirical evidence discussed. It sounds too far outside our current understanding, therefore move on.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,251
    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Among other things, it predicts the behaviour of nm scale silicon chips. Which we are all using to post on PB.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378
    edited June 2023
    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 63,737
    edited June 2023

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Among other things, it predicts the behaviour of nm scale silicon chips. Which we are all using to post on PB.
    A point many of us have made upthread.
    Leon simply doesn’t understand the difference between science - and scientific uncertainty - and random weird stuff.
    The latter might be interesting, but isn’t particularly useful.
  • Options
    Leon said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

  • Options
    MuesliMuesli Posts: 103
    dixiedean said:

    dixiedean said:

    IanB2 said:

    I see that there are now suggestions that there’s a super-injunction out regarding the lying clown’s honours list?

    So, please, no questions about any young seemingly unqualified people who are about to make it into the House of Lords.

    An attractive young blonde employed on maternity cover gets a seat in the House of Lords?
    What could that super injunction possibly be about?
    Who knows? The peerage for Ross Kempsell shows you don't have to be a fruity blonde to be given a life peerage by Bozza.

    The central mystery pesists, though. If Ross Kempsell and Charlotte Owen are really such brilliant young talents, why dump them in the House of Hasbeens before they have the chance to change the world in their own right? If they're that good, they ought to be parachuted into safe seats in the Commons.
    Occam's razor suggests they aren't brilliant.
    But are owed something by someone.
    We can guess who easily.
    Speaking of rewarding people for their silence, was it ever confirmed that Sir Gavin Williamson returned to the cabinet after walking in on Boris Johnson teaching Carrie Symonds (as was) how to play the skin flute?
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 19,446
    edited June 2023

    viewcode said:

    Grusch doesn't give simple answers ; he claims...that this technology is interdimensional rather than interstellar, and the number of crashes are tiny compared to the number of visits. He also claims that part of his motivation in coming to advance this level of understanding of physics which is not being shared beyond a few defence contractors.

    I have no idea if this is true...

    I'll go with "it's false".


    We need evidence either way.
    Fair enough. I'll go with the assumption that "it's false" and wait for somebody to produce evidence that we are being visited by beings from another dimension in spherical interdimensional craft.

    Meanwhile I will leave you with this historical document of such a craft being opened in Canary Wharf in the 2000s.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378

    I'd also question that it's only lazy thinking that presents a challenge to current societies, because it's irrational.

    This is to be unable to escape our own prejudices ; there was nothing lazy about Gallileo's thinking, but he was considered not just mad and bad, and evil and dangerous, but axiomatically irrational, too, because the centrality of the Earth was thought to be the combined moral-rational summit of intellectual understanding, too. Now one could conceivably argue that Galileo provided much more worked-through scientific proof than David Grusch, and which eventually helped to expand our understanding and societies rather than muddy them, but that could just be because we're at the start of the process. I honestly have no idea, on that last point.

    With Galileo, it was more that he deliberately and gratuitously insulted the Pope. Insulting Renaissance Princes was not a brilliant plan.
    No it wasn’t. @WhisperingOracle is right. Galileo challenged the prevailing scientific orthodoxy - a process then known as “heresy” - and he barely escaped with his life. I’ve actually stayed in the villa where he was kept under house arrest during his trial for that heresy. Villa Medici in Rome. You could do worse
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378
    kamski said:

    Leon said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

    The 1970s just called, they want their pillock back
    I am a prophet without honour
  • Options
    Stark_DawningStark_Dawning Posts: 9,371

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Since when has Leon been a philosopher? I thought UCL let him in with one N in the 1980s and he spent the entire three years playing Pac Man.
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,503
    edited June 2023

    I'd also question that it's only lazy thinking that presents a challenge to current societies, because it's irrational.

    This is to be unable to escape our own prejudices ; there was nothing lazy about Gallileo's thinking, but he was considered not just mad and bad, and evil and dangerous, but axiomatically irrational, too, because the centrality of the Earth was thought to be the combined moral-rational summit of intellectual understanding, too. Now one could conceivably argue that Galileo provided much more worked-through scientific proof than David Grusch, and which eventually helped to expand our understanding and societies rather than muddy them, but that could just be because we're at the start of the process. I honestly have no idea, on that last point.

    With Galileo, it was more that he deliberately and gratuitously insulted the Pope. Insulting Renaissance Princes was not a brilliant plan.
    I wouldn't really agree with this. His central docrine was considered heretically irrational, and in fact, almost personally insulting, by many people.

    It was partly considered irrational because it was also immoral ; God had intended not just for all his priests but for all his scientists to be at the centre of things.
  • Options
    MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 37,686
    Leon said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

    That's not true, politicians masquerading as scientists said all that. Almost all of my university friends were on the lab leak side very early on, simply they work in labs and realise how difficult it is to maintain such a high level of biosecurity and that China's standards are lax.
  • Options
    malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,382
    malcolmg said:

    DougSeal said:

    malcolmg said:

    ydoethur said:

    Malc, has it been a bad year for turnips? You've been getting really mad at everyone and not threatened to throw a single one.

    ydoethur, I am mad at only one person on here and if I could he would have several turnips inserted in every orifice and a few he did not realise he had.
    I am fully aware if your position regarding my good self Malc. I too will one day shuffle off this mortal coil. I hope it makes you feel better.
    Most certainly not you Doug, you are among the good guys. I am talking about the only scumbag on the site, a gammontastic arse at that.
  • Options
    OmniumOmnium Posts: 9,919
    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong
    You'll really struggle to find differences between Newton's theory and reality. It might be the case that there are more than suspected because the other effects are large, but it was only really celestial mechanics where it failed.

    Quantum mechanics is an insanely more accurate theory - the merest wibble of a wobble is modelled apparently without error. And then something comes up that's wrong like Radiohead, pineapple pizza, and breakfast tv, all rolled into one.

    There is something deeply odd about the goodness of fit that Newton, then Einstein, and in parallel Schroedinger, Heisenberg, Einstein (again), etc managed to find.

    And none of it seems quite right! (My guess is that surely something in physics must be)
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 63,737
    Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday interrupted opening remarks by African leaders seeking to mediate in the Ukraine conflict to deliver a list of reasons why he believed many of their proposals were misguided.

    The ‘let’s settle with Putin’ crowd are, IMO, deluded.
  • Options
    Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 7,981

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Since when has Leon been a philosopher? I thought UCL let him in with one N in the 1980s and he spent the entire three years playing Pac Man.
    Leon on Physics is a great demonstration of another controversial theory - the Dunning Kruger Effect. An near perfect example... :D

  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378
    MaxPB said:

    Leon said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

    That's not true, politicians masquerading as scientists said all that. Almost all of my university friends were on the lab leak side very early on, simply they work in labs and realise how difficult it is to maintain such a high level of biosecurity and that China's standards are lax.
    Not true. Read the signatories of the Lancet letter or the authors of the Nature paper. Proper scientists - lying or deluded scientists, but scientists nonetheless

    However you were indeed one of the smarter PBers who realised lab leak was likely from the get go. So kudos

  • Options
    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
    What you are demonstrating is a spectacular lack of understanding of the way that science works. Did you sleep though your lectures on, for example, Karl Popper's theories of empirical falsification as the basis of science? You don't seem to have got past the "lol nerds" stage yet.

    Newtonian physics is only wrong in the sense that all models are only approximations of reality. In fact, Newton's theories of motion are still taught in schools and universities, and are widely used in many areas of engineering. They have not been superseded, rather, limits have been discovered to their applicability. Indeed, all models of the physical world have limits to their applicability, and one of the cornerstones of understanding a scientific field is an appreciation of these limits.

    But you won't learn from this. You're a philosopher and already know everything worth knowing. And have shagged lots of women.
  • Options
    TazTaz Posts: 11,806

    I wonder if the man heading this up is a Professor Stahlmann ?
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378

    I'd also question that it's only lazy thinking that presents a challenge to current societies, because it's irrational.

    This is to be unable to escape our own prejudices ; there was nothing lazy about Gallileo's thinking, but he was considered not just mad and bad, and evil and dangerous, but axiomatically irrational, too, because the centrality of the Earth was thought to be the combined moral-rational summit of intellectual understanding, too. Now one could conceivably argue that Galileo provided much more worked-through scientific proof than David Grusch, and which eventually helped to expand our understanding and societies rather than muddy them, but that could just be because we're at the start of the process. I honestly have no idea, on that last point.

    With Galileo, it was more that he deliberately and gratuitously insulted the Pope. Insulting Renaissance Princes was not a brilliant plan.
    I wouldn't really agree with this. His central docrine was considered heretically irrational, and in fact, almost personally insulting, by many people.

    It was partly considered irrational because it was also immoral ; God had intended not just for all his priests but for all his scientists to be at the centre of things.
    You’re absolutely right. Stick to your wicket. The idea Galileo got hassle simply because he “annoyed some Renaissance Princes” is total ahistorical bollocks. He fundamentally challenged central church doctrine
  • Options
    TazTaz Posts: 11,806

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Since when has Leon been a philosopher? I thought UCL let him in with one N in the 1980s and he spent the entire three years playing Pac Man.
    Leon on Physics is a great demonstration of another controversial theory - the Dunning Kruger Effect. An near perfect example... :D

    Rather akin to someone else here who was insistent an app cost 37 Billion quid in spite of evidence to the contrary.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 39,648

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
    What you are demonstrating is a spectacular lack of understanding of the way that science works. Did you sleep though your lectures on, for example, Karl Popper's theories of empirical falsification as the basis of science? You don't seem to have got past the "lol nerds" stage yet.

    Newtonian physics is only wrong in the sense that all models are only approximations of reality. In fact, Newton's theories of motion are still taught in schools and universities, and are widely used in many areas of engineering. They have not been superseded, rather, limits have been discovered to their applicability. Indeed, all models of the physical world have limits to their applicability, and one of the cornerstones of understanding a scientific field is an appreciation of these limits.

    But you won't learn from this. You're a philosopher and already know everything worth knowing. And have shagged lots of women.
    Patience of a saint.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
    What you are demonstrating is a spectacular lack of understanding of the way that science works. Did you sleep though your lectures on, for example, Karl Popper's theories of empirical falsification as the basis of science? You don't seem to have got past the "lol nerds" stage yet.

    Newtonian physics is only wrong in the sense that all models are only approximations of reality. In fact, Newton's theories of motion are still taught in schools and universities, and are widely used in many areas of engineering. They have not been superseded, rather, limits have been discovered to their applicability. Indeed, all models of the physical world have limits to their applicability, and one of the cornerstones of understanding a scientific field is an appreciation of these limits.

    But you won't learn from this. You're a philosopher and already know everything worth knowing. And have shagged lots of women.
    I’m driving as fast as I can to Lexington to get some cocktails and I have to admit I skimmed most of this but I did read the last paragraph, and, fair play, you are completely right
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 19,446
    Taz said:
    It would obviously generate an inferno of controversy... :)
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,251
    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
    No, the Newtonian model wasn’t wrong. It didn’t take into account forces and effects that only become evident at certain scales and energies.

    So when I build a trebuchet, all I need is Newton, because at that scale and energy, the answer is indistinguishable from the more advanced models.

    In fact the relativity and QM were and are, often applied as an additional correction to the basic Newtonian answer for orbital mechanics, for example.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 63,737
  • Options
    StuartinromfordStuartinromford Posts: 15,019

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
    No, the Newtonian model wasn’t wrong. It didn’t take into account forces and effects that only become evident at certain scales and energies.

    So when I build a trebuchet, all I need is Newton, because at that scale and energy, the answer is indistinguishable from the more advanced models.

    In fact the relativity and QM were and are, often applied as an additional correction to the basic Newtonian answer for orbital mechanics, for example.
    And even at Peak Physics Theory Hubris, around 1900 or so, the niggles that became relativity and quantum mechanics were known about- it was just that nobody really knew what to do with them. RIght now, there are bits of theory that don't really join up, but equally there aren't any observations crossing the join.

    It's obviously dangerous to say "We're finished, folks. Physics can take the summer off." but there's not much out there saying that we have to come up with a big new theory. After all, scientists don't just make up new theories for the hell of it.

    Unlike philosophers, for example.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,251
    Taz said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Since when has Leon been a philosopher? I thought UCL let him in with one N in the 1980s and he spent the entire three years playing Pac Man.
    Leon on Physics is a great demonstration of another controversial theory - the Dunning Kruger Effect. An near perfect example... :D

    Rather akin to someone else here who was insistent an app cost 37 Billion quid in spite of evidence to the contrary.
    It is very hard to tell something to someone who explicitly doesn’t want the correct answer
  • Options
    Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 7,981
    Taz said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Since when has Leon been a philosopher? I thought UCL let him in with one N in the 1980s and he spent the entire three years playing Pac Man.
    Leon on Physics is a great demonstration of another controversial theory - the Dunning Kruger Effect. An near perfect example... :D

    Rather akin to someone else here who was insistent an app cost 37 Billion quid in spite of evidence to the contrary.
    Well, for quite some time that was the information in circulation. It was almost as if the govt wanted us all to think that vast sums were being spent.

  • Options
    OmniumOmnium Posts: 9,919
    edited June 2023

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
    No, the Newtonian model wasn’t wrong. It didn’t take into account forces and effects that only become evident at certain scales and energies.

    So when I build a trebuchet, all I need is Newton, because at that scale and energy, the answer is indistinguishable from the more advanced models.

    In fact the relativity and QM were and are, often applied as an additional correction to the basic Newtonian answer for orbital mechanics, for example.
    And even at Peak Physics Theory Hubris, around 1900 or so, the niggles that became relativity and quantum mechanics were known about- it was just that nobody really knew what to do with them. RIght now, there are bits of theory that don't really join up, but equally there aren't any observations crossing the join.

    It's obviously dangerous to say "We're finished, folks. Physics can take the summer off." but there's not much out there saying that we have to come up with a big new theory. After all, scientists don't just make up new theories for the hell of it.

    Unlike philosophers, for example.
    "After all, scientists don't just make up new theories for the hell of it"

    I think they rather do, and it's their job.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
    No, the Newtonian model wasn’t wrong. It didn’t take into account forces and effects that only become evident at certain scales and energies.

    So when I build a trebuchet, all I need is Newton, because at that scale and energy, the answer is indistinguishable from the more advanced models.

    In fact the relativity and QM were and are, often applied as an additional correction to the basic Newtonian answer for orbital mechanics, for example.
    And even at Peak Physics Theory Hubris, around 1900 or so, the niggles that became relativity and quantum mechanics were known about- it was just that nobody really knew what to do with them. RIght now, there are bits of theory that don't really join up, but equally there aren't any observations crossing the join.

    It's obviously dangerous to say "We're finished, folks. Physics can take the summer off." but there's not much out there saying that we have to come up with a big new theory. After all, scientists don't just make up new theories for the hell of it.

    Unlike philosophers, for example.
    Except that serious physicists are suggesting we live in a simulation and other physics are seriously suggesting we live in one of an infinite series of parallel universes and others say this universe will end with eternal darkness and others say it’s in an eternal cycle of expansion and collapse and others say etc etc etc

    I’d say there’s still a TINY bit of work to be done. No?

    Lol. Scientists are always like this. Car mechanics. All you can see is the carburettor and say Look, it works
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,503
    edited June 2023

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
    No, the Newtonian model wasn’t wrong. It didn’t take into account forces and effects that only become evident at certain scales and energies.

    So when I build a trebuchet, all I need is Newton, because at that scale and energy, the answer is indistinguishable from the more advanced models.

    In fact the relativity and QM were and are, often applied as an additional correction to the basic Newtonian answer for orbital mechanics, for example.
    And even at Peak Physics Theory Hubris, around 1900 or so, the niggles that became relativity and quantum mechanics were known about- it was just that nobody really knew what to do with them. RIght now, there are bits of theory that don't really join up, but equally there aren't any observations crossing the join.

    It's obviously dangerous to say "We're finished, folks. Physics can take the summer off." but there's not much out there saying that we have to come up with a big new theory. After all, scientists don't just make up new theories for the hell of it.

    Unlike philosophers, for example.
    Hmm, not forgetting, though, that Einstein spent thirty-five fruitless years trying to come up with a unified field theory.

    He was very concerned that the current state of affairs, with unresolved conflicts between quantum physics and relativity was dangerously unsatisfactory, which played a major role in spurring so much speculative theoretical physics work afterwards, and which then has in turn ended up being represented in all sorts of ways in popular culture and science fiction. So in fact, much of this hunger for a more comprehensive universal theory in fact originally comes from the anxieties of physicists themselves, not from a need for simplicity over complexity in popular culture.
  • Options

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
    No, the Newtonian model wasn’t wrong. It didn’t take into account forces and effects that only become evident at certain scales and energies.

    So when I build a trebuchet, all I need is Newton, because at that scale and energy, the answer is indistinguishable from the more advanced models.

    In fact the relativity and QM were and are, often applied as an additional correction to the basic Newtonian answer for orbital mechanics, for example.
    And even at Peak Physics Theory Hubris, around 1900 or so, the niggles that became relativity and quantum mechanics were known about- it was just that nobody really knew what to do with them. RIght now, there are bits of theory that don't really join up, but equally there aren't any observations crossing the join.

    It's obviously dangerous to say "We're finished, folks. Physics can take the summer off." but there's not much out there saying that we have to come up with a big new theory. After all, scientists don't just make up new theories for the hell of it.

    Unlike philosophers, for example.
    Well, there is dark matter and dark energy: where's the missing mass that's holding the galaxies together, and why's the expansion of the universe accelerating? And how can we make QM and relativity compatible with one another? And what about consciousness - an emergent phenomenon, or something else?
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 50,316
    That’s a less than optimistic pitch inspection under the umbrella!
  • Options
    kjhkjh Posts: 10,820
    Leon said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

    This is like one of the conversations I have with my sister in law, an actress, who understands nothing about anything scientific., but is willing to have an argument. It is like banging your head against a brick wall. It is pointless. You are an arse. You talk about stuff that you don't have any knowledge of and argue with people who do. It is spectacularly arrogant.
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,503
    edited June 2023
    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

    This is like one of the conversations I have with my sister in law, an actress, who understands nothing about anything scientific., but is willing to have an argument. It is like banging your head against a brick wall. It is pointless. You are an arse. You talk about stuff that you don't have any knowledge of and argue with people who do. It is spectacularly arrogant.
    I don't think I'd entirely agree with this.

    There are also some whiffs of culturally scientistic, rather than purely scientfic, arrogance, every now and again on PB, which also just reflects our times, and is visible on plenty on other fora, too.
  • Options
    DougSealDougSeal Posts: 11,639
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    There is s difference between seeing how it works out and why it works. You were denying its very existence. Yet IO demonstrate its existence every time I switch on the light bulb.
    I didn’t deny its existence at all. I was making the point that we accept it is real because the scientists tell us it is real, despite it being very hard to understand even for expert physicists. As per the quotes adduced. Do keep up
    We accept it’s real because it predicts a whole mess of real world stuff, without which modern society wouldn’t function.
    You’re confusing the difference between an incomplete explanation of real world phenomena, and something which might (probably doesn’t, without new evidence) exist.

    Newtonian physics successfully predicted the world and offered great utilty for hundreds of years. We now know, in fundamental ways, that it was spectacularly wrong

    And in future we will learn that QM was about as accurate as malcolmg’s predictions of imminent Scottish independence
    No, the Newtonian model wasn’t wrong. It didn’t take into account forces and effects that only become evident at certain scales and energies.

    So when I build a trebuchet, all I need is Newton, because at that scale and energy, the answer is indistinguishable from the more advanced models.

    In fact the relativity and QM were and are, often applied as an additional correction to the basic Newtonian answer for orbital mechanics, for example.
    And even at Peak Physics Theory Hubris, around 1900 or so, the niggles that became relativity and quantum mechanics were known about- it was just that nobody really knew what to do with them. RIght now, there are bits of theory that don't really join up, but equally there aren't any observations crossing the join.

    It's obviously dangerous to say "We're finished, folks. Physics can take the summer off." but there's not much out there saying that we have to come up with a big new theory. After all, scientists don't just make up new theories for the hell of it.

    Unlike philosophers, for example.
    Except that serious physicists are suggesting we live in a simulation and other physics are seriously suggesting we live in one of an infinite series of parallel universes and others say this universe will end with eternal darkness and others say it’s in an eternal cycle of expansion and collapse and others say etc etc etc

    I’d say there’s still a TINY bit of work to be done. No?

    Lol. Scientists are always like this. Car mechanics. All you can see is the carburettor and say Look, it works
    Newton was a profoundly serious physicist who was a Nontrinitarian Arian and spent a lot of time looking for codes in the Bible. He was absolutely right about physics at certain scales, his other beliefs would have put him in the fringe occult. The simulation thing likely belongs in the latter category. At a guess.
  • Options
    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 47,743
    Leon said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

    No, a twat is not the missing particle we are looking for to balance up the required mass of the universe. Especially one who has only been in the US for a short while but already forgotten how to spell properly.
  • Options
    FrankBoothFrankBooth Posts: 9,099
    Anyone know what has happened to
  • Options
    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 47,743

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Since when has Leon been a philosopher? I thought UCL let him in with one N in the 1980s and he spent the entire three years playing Pac Man.
    Leon on Physics is a great demonstration of another controversial theory - the Dunning Kruger Effect. An near perfect example... :D

    ” According to the metacognitive explanation, poor performers have not yet acquired the ability to distinguish between good and bad performances. They tend to overrate themselves because they do not see the qualitative difference between their performances and the performances of others. The statistical model explains the empirical findings based on two effects. It combines the statistical effect known as regression toward the mean with the cognitive bias known as the better-than-average effect. The rational model holds that overly positive prior beliefs about one's skills are the source of false self-assessment. Another explanation claims that self-assessment is more difficult and error-prone for low performers because many of them have very similar skill levels.”
  • Options
    OmniumOmnium Posts: 9,919
    It's pretty much all change in politics in the UK - certainly for the Tories the old guard are out, and it's long been the case that Labour have ejected the beard folk. The Greens move on a little too, and no doubt the LDs will follow.

    Who though are the future stars? I'll suggest two - for the Tories it's Alex Chalk, and for Labour, Matthew Pennycook.

    I don't view these as next leader material in either case, but one day. I'm not surprised that I can't name a possible Green star, but I am a little surprised that I can't find a good LD prospect.
  • Options
    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 47,743
    Omnium said:

    It's pretty much all change in politics in the UK - certainly for the Tories the old guard are out, and it's long been the case that Labour have ejected the beard folk. The Greens move on a little too, and no doubt the LDs will follow.

    Who though are the future stars? I'll suggest two - for the Tories it's Alex Chalk, and for Labour, Matthew Pennycook.

    I don't view these as next leader material in either case, but one day. I'm not surprised that I can't name a possible Green star, but I am a little surprised that I can't find a good LD prospect.

    With so few seats, it’s a thin pool, made thinner by the LibDem’s obsession with selection by identity.

    Daisy Cooper is almost certainly next leader.
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,503
    edited June 2023
    Omnium said:

    It's pretty much all change in politics in the UK - certainly for the Tories the old guard are out, and it's long been the case that Labour have ejected the beard folk. The Greens move on a little too, and no doubt the LDs will follow.

    Who though are the future stars? I'll suggest two - for the Tories it's Alex Chalk, and for Labour, Matthew Pennycook.

    I don't view these as next leader material in either case, but one day. I'm not surprised that I can't name a possible Green star, but I am a little surprised that I can't find a good LD prospect.

    Matthew Pennycook ? Almost as good a name as Miss Thangam Debonnaire.

    All we need now is a Paluvia Twennywinkle, to complete the Dickensian collection.
  • Options
    FoxyFoxy Posts: 45,413

    Omnium said:

    It's pretty much all change in politics in the UK - certainly for the Tories the old guard are out, and it's long been the case that Labour have ejected the beard folk. The Greens move on a little too, and no doubt the LDs will follow.

    Who though are the future stars? I'll suggest two - for the Tories it's Alex Chalk, and for Labour, Matthew Pennycook.

    I don't view these as next leader material in either case, but one day. I'm not surprised that I can't name a possible Green star, but I am a little surprised that I can't find a good LD prospect.

    Matthew Pennycook ? Almost as good a name as Miss Thangam Debonnaire.

    All we need now is a Paluvia Twennywinkle.
    Ms Debonnaire chose that name herself. It is a great moniker.
  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 10,264

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

    This is like one of the conversations I have with my sister in law, an actress, who understands nothing about anything scientific., but is willing to have an argument. It is like banging your head against a brick wall. It is pointless. You are an arse. You talk about stuff that you don't have any knowledge of and argue with people who do. It is spectacularly arrogant.
    I don't think I'd entirely agree with this.

    There are also some whiffs of culturally scientistic, rather than purely scientfic, arrogance, every now and again on PB, which also just reflects our times, and is visible on plenty on other fora, too.
    It’s something I think that reflects the times just gone, but not necessarily the present or future.

    For the best part of a century since WW2 we’ve been in this era of ever greater specialisation. The renaissance man, the intellectual decathlete, had never had it so bad. Business logic demanded it - the silo, the deep specialist, the precision technology - and academia required it. Any paper purporting to explore anything beyond the esoteric immediate study wasn’t worth its salt. That was as much the case in the arts and humanities as the sciences.

    Synthetic thinking was out. Even the archetype of the synthetic subjects, geography, attempted to specialise itself out of existence for a while.

    I’m not sure that’s the case now. Technology does much of the deeply technical scientific heavy lifting now. And in the arts few are interested in pure esoterica anymore. They want art that’s grounded and worldly. So I think we’re heading to a time where the renaissance person is valued again.

    Arts grads are founding tech start ups. Geography degrees are more popular than ever. Scientists have been taking to Twitter to discuss and debate with laypeople, and popular science publishing is booming. All of which is a good thing.

  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 10,264
    IanB2 said:

    Omnium said:

    It's pretty much all change in politics in the UK - certainly for the Tories the old guard are out, and it's long been the case that Labour have ejected the beard folk. The Greens move on a little too, and no doubt the LDs will follow.

    Who though are the future stars? I'll suggest two - for the Tories it's Alex Chalk, and for Labour, Matthew Pennycook.

    I don't view these as next leader material in either case, but one day. I'm not surprised that I can't name a possible Green star, but I am a little surprised that I can't find a good LD prospect.

    With so few seats, it’s a thin pool, made thinner by the LibDem’s obsession with selection by identity.

    Daisy Cooper is almost certainly next leader.
    Yes Daisy’s next in line. I think she’ll do well, better than Swinson, Cable or Farron (I think Davey’s quietly doing a very good job).

    But for dearth of star quality look at the greens. Even the clown show that is Refuk manages to turn out people with bucket loads more charisma than the current green crop, post Lucas.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 40,571

    Omnium said:

    It's pretty much all change in politics in the UK - certainly for the Tories the old guard are out, and it's long been the case that Labour have ejected the beard folk. The Greens move on a little too, and no doubt the LDs will follow.

    Who though are the future stars? I'll suggest two - for the Tories it's Alex Chalk, and for Labour, Matthew Pennycook.

    I don't view these as next leader material in either case, but one day. I'm not surprised that I can't name a possible Green star, but I am a little surprised that I can't find a good LD prospect.

    Matthew Pennycook ? Almost as good a name as Miss Thangam Debonnaire.

    All we need now is a Paluvia Twennywinkle, to complete the Dickensian collection.
    Actually a locality-derived name. Small town near Edinburgh.

    Anyone know what has happened to

    Seems to work fine ...
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 27,699
    Omnium said:

    It's pretty much all change in politics in the UK - certainly for the Tories the old guard are out, and it's long been the case that Labour have ejected the beard folk. The Greens move on a little too, and no doubt the LDs will follow.

    Who though are the future stars? I'll suggest two - for the Tories it's Alex Chalk, and for Labour, Matthew Pennycook.

    I don't view these as next leader material in either case, but one day. I'm not surprised that I can't name a possible Green star, but I am a little surprised that I can't find a good LD prospect.

    Alex Chalk will probably lose his Cheltenham seat to the LDs at the next election.
  • Options
    CorrectHorseBatCorrectHorseBat Posts: 1,761
    Was lovely to watch Hawks walk in against Surrey, who gave up about 5 minutes in
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 40,571
    edited June 2023
    Foxy said:

    Omnium said:

    It's pretty much all change in politics in the UK - certainly for the Tories the old guard are out, and it's long been the case that Labour have ejected the beard folk. The Greens move on a little too, and no doubt the LDs will follow.

    Who though are the future stars? I'll suggest two - for the Tories it's Alex Chalk, and for Labour, Matthew Pennycook.

    I don't view these as next leader material in either case, but one day. I'm not surprised that I can't name a possible Green star, but I am a little surprised that I can't find a good LD prospect.

    Matthew Pennycook ? Almost as good a name as Miss Thangam Debonnaire.

    All we need now is a Paluvia Twennywinkle.
    Ms Debonnaire chose that name herself. It is a great moniker.
    Quite. Curiously, but distinctively, it is spelt that last little bit uniquely, too:

    "Thangam Debbonaire is the Labour MP for Bristol West ..."
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378
    Christ. Lexington
  • Options
    JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 39,520
    TimS said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

    This is like one of the conversations I have with my sister in law, an actress, who understands nothing about anything scientific., but is willing to have an argument. It is like banging your head against a brick wall. It is pointless. You are an arse. You talk about stuff that you don't have any knowledge of and argue with people who do. It is spectacularly arrogant.
    I don't think I'd entirely agree with this.

    There are also some whiffs of culturally scientistic, rather than purely scientfic, arrogance, every now and again on PB, which also just reflects our times, and is visible on plenty on other fora, too.
    It’s something I think that reflects the times just gone, but not necessarily the present or future.

    For the best part of a century since WW2 we’ve been in this era of ever greater specialisation. The renaissance man, the intellectual decathlete, had never had it so bad. Business logic demanded it - the silo, the deep specialist, the precision technology - and academia required it. Any paper purporting to explore anything beyond the esoteric immediate study wasn’t worth its salt. That was as much the case in the arts and humanities as the sciences.

    Synthetic thinking was out. Even the archetype of the synthetic subjects, geography, attempted to specialise itself out of existence for a while.

    I’m not sure that’s the case now. Technology does much of the deeply technical scientific heavy lifting now. And in the arts few are interested in pure esoterica anymore. They want art that’s grounded and worldly. So I think we’re heading to a time where the renaissance person is valued again.

    Arts grads are founding tech start ups. Geography degrees are more popular than ever. Scientists have been taking to Twitter to discuss and debate with laypeople, and popular science publishing is booming. All of which is a good thing.

    Incidentally, some of the best programmers I have known have had geography degrees. Some of the worst have had comp sci degrees. No idea why that is, aside from sample bias.
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 19,446
    edited June 2023
    Leon said:

    Christ. Lexington

    Well, at least it's not aliens. Go on. Regale us with your tale of another arse-end of the Confederacy-ish.
  • Options
    CiceroCicero Posts: 2,401
    Andy_JS said:

    Omnium said:

    It's pretty much all change in politics in the UK - certainly for the Tories the old guard are out, and it's long been the case that Labour have ejected the beard folk. The Greens move on a little too, and no doubt the LDs will follow.

    Who though are the future stars? I'll suggest two - for the Tories it's Alex Chalk, and for Labour, Matthew Pennycook.

    I don't view these as next leader material in either case, but one day. I'm not surprised that I can't name a possible Green star, but I am a little surprised that I can't find a good LD prospect.

    Alex Chalk will probably lose his Cheltenham seat to the LDs at the next election.
    That is a very high chance, but he is reputed to be looking for a different seat.
  • Options
    TazTaz Posts: 11,806

    Taz said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Since when has Leon been a philosopher? I thought UCL let him in with one N in the 1980s and he spent the entire three years playing Pac Man.
    Leon on Physics is a great demonstration of another controversial theory - the Dunning Kruger Effect. An near perfect example... :D

    Rather akin to someone else here who was insistent an app cost 37 Billion quid in spite of evidence to the contrary.
    Well, for quite some time that was the information in circulation. It was almost as if the govt wanted us all to think that vast sums were being spent.

    It wasn’t the information in circulation at any time from any official source. It was just conspiracy theory guff on social media that people happily accepted if it suited their agenda.
  • Options
    TazTaz Posts: 11,806
    viewcode said:

    Taz said:
    It would obviously generate an inferno of controversy... :)
    I wonder if they are all wearing eye patches. 😂
  • Options
    TazTaz Posts: 11,806
    Leon said:

    Christ. Lexington

    Sounds like the name of a US TV presenter from an episode of The Day Today.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378
    viewcode said:

    Leon said:

    Christ. Lexington

    Well, at least it's not aliens. Go on. Regale us with your tale of another arse-end of the Confederacy-ish.
    Remember this is where @SeaShantyIrish2 told me to go after he claimed I was seeking out American urban dystopia. He said this would be very different
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 19,446

    Incidentally, some of the best programmers I have known have had geography degrees. Some of the worst have had comp sci degrees. No idea why that is, aside from sample bias.

    Many, most, some...
    • How many people are in the set of "geography"
    • How many of those people are in the set of "best"
    • How many of those people are not in the set of "best"
    • How many people are in the set of "compsci"
    • How many of those people are in the set of "best"
    • How many of those people are not in the set of "best"
    • How many people are in the set of "people who applied with geography degrees"
    • How many people are in the set of "people who applied with comp-sci degrees"
    Alternate explanations include:
    • You have overlooked the number of best with compsci, and worst with geography
    • You had more geography applicants than comp-sci
    • You have more geography employees than comp-sci

  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 40,571
    edited June 2023
    IanB2 said:

    Leon said:

    kjh said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Well yeah. I’m not a physicist. And even physicists struggle to understand quantum physics

    “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”


    “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”


    No offence but I’ll go with them over “@stuartinromford”
    Your choice. After all, as I've alluded to before, I just make a living teaching people this stuff.

    And yes, if you're looking for a meaning in the symbols, you're going to have a struggle. If you're asking why it works that way, I don't think anyone has that good an answer. But that's not what you said to start with;

    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it...

    And the fact is that you can see it fairly easily if you look in the right place.

    (As for the quotes, I used to start QM lessons with a selection of them- my favourite is Erwin Schrödinger — I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. But most came from the early days, when there was still hope for a deep meaning to go with an accurate description of what happens. Nowadays, the attitute among physicists tends to be characterised more as David Mermin's Shut up and calculate.)
    I love the way idiots like Leon pontificate on stuff on which they haven't the first clue on the maths and feel confident to argue with, you know, actual experts and aren't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Just quote a few bits out of context or out of date will do.
    It's a trait that seems to be shared by many philosophy graduates, as least the ones I've met. They must all take a module titled "Why philosophers understand any subject better than anyone without having to actually study it".
    Or, Philosophy simply gives you a wider understanding of the world than a narrow field of science

    Scientists are no more than car mechanics. Guys with spanners under the hood. Except less macho

    Remember that “the science” told us it came from the wet market, and leading “science journals” published letters from “top scientists” that any other idea - like lab leak - was a baseless conspiracy

    Then another top science journal - Nature - published a pack of lies called proximal origins which dismissed any other idea than wet market, a position from which its authors are now awkwardly recanting

    The science. Lol

    This is why you need philosopher travelers with a wider and wiser grasp of the world, especially guys who have swived several hundred girls so they also understand the wiles of that devious and infernal creature: Woman

    No, a twat is not the missing particle we are looking for to balance up the required mass of the universe. Especially one who has only been in the US for a short while but already forgotten how to spell properly.
    On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence of particle-wave duality, and parallel reality multiplication, of the Leon quantum soliton.
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 19,446
    Taz said:

    viewcode said:

    Taz said:
    It would obviously generate an inferno of controversy... :)
    I wonder if they are all wearing eye patches. 😂
    What really worries me is that I know without Googling the anecdote you are referring to... :(
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378
    America is fucked
  • Options
    SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 15,908
    viewcode said:

    Leon said:

    Christ. Lexington

    Well, at least it's not aliens. Go on. Regale us with your tale of another arse-end of the Confederacy-ish.
    Er, a key factor in the course and outcome of the US Civil War, was fact that Kentucky did NOT secede from the Union.

    Though plenty of individual Kentuckians did support the Confederacy and joined the rebel army. And KY was represented (sorta) in the Confederate Congress.

    Following attack on Fort Sumter, Abraham Lincoln (KY born) made a point of NOT pushing things tooo far in Kentucky. Specifically NOT sending Union troops into the state, despite highly strategic geography of far western KY.

    Whereas Jefferson Davis (also KY born) authorized Confederate troops to invade Kentucky, specifically to occupy key locations at Columbus KY on the MIssissippi River, and the mouths of Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers on lower Ohio - gateways to Nashville and beyond further southward.

    This tipped the balance in Kentucky toward the Union, and though it was a battleground for much of Civil War, the Confederacy was contained - mostly - well south of the Ohio River, a major transportation artery AND the southern flank of the Midwestern states critical to Union manpower, logistics and morale.
  • Options
    TazTaz Posts: 11,806
    Leon said:

    America is fucked

    What makes you say that ?
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 19,446
    Leon said:

    viewcode said:

    Leon said:

    Christ. Lexington

    Well, at least it's not aliens. Go on. Regale us with your tale of another arse-end of the Confederacy-ish.
    Remember this is where @SeaShantyIrish2 told me to go after he claimed I was seeking out American urban dystopia. He said this would be very different
    People on YouTube don't seem to think it's rubbish, although it appears it has a lot in common with many mediocre US cities, like all the wiring is on poles instead of underground, and chain-link fences which are really ugly. Is it better or worse than you were anticipating?

  • Options
    SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 15,908
    Leon said:

    viewcode said:

    Leon said:

    Christ. Lexington

    Well, at least it's not aliens. Go on. Regale us with your tale of another arse-end of the Confederacy-ish.
    Remember this is where @SeaShantyIrish2 told me to go after he claimed I was seeking out American urban dystopia. He said this would be very different
    Last time I was in Lex it was OK, albeit with lots of suburban sprawl. Downtown was nice, as was campus of U of KY.
  • Options
    OmniumOmnium Posts: 9,919
    TimS said:

    Anyway, on the topic of art and science it’s open studios weekend in 2 weeks’ time and my wife has been hanging up her pieces today, all based in some way on either physics or meteorology, and I get to be the proud husband plying visitors with free wine.

    I really like the first one.
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 19,446

    viewcode said:

    Leon said:

    Christ. Lexington

    Well, at least it's not aliens. Go on. Regale us with your tale of another arse-end of the Confederacy-ish.
    Er, a key factor in the course and outcome of the US Civil War, was fact that Kentucky did NOT secede from the Union.

    Though plenty of individual Kentuckians did support the Confederacy and joined the rebel army. And KY was represented (sorta) in the Confederate Congress.

    Following attack on Fort Sumter, Abraham Lincoln (KY born) made a point of NOT pushing things tooo far in Kentucky. Specifically NOT sending Union troops into the state, despite highly strategic geography of far western KY.

    Whereas Jefferson Davis (also KY born) authorized Confederate troops to invade Kentucky, specifically to occupy key locations at Columbus KY on the MIssissippi River, and the mouths of Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers on lower Ohio - gateways to Nashville and beyond further southward.

    This tipped the balance in Kentucky toward the Union, and though it was a battleground for much of Civil War, the Confederacy was contained - mostly - well south of the Ohio River, a major transportation artery AND the southern flank of the Midwestern states critical to Union manpower, logistics and morale.
    [which is why I edited it to "Confederacy-ish". :smiley: ]
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,251
    Taz said:

    Taz said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    I recommend a full viewing of the UFO whistleblower interview

    It is extraordinary. For a start his CV checks out. He really is - or was until recently - a senior US intel officer. He was working on UFOs. He does have specialised scientific training

    And his claims are toys-in-the-attic insane. The Vatican knows about UFOs. Mussolini had one (it crashed in Italy). They may come from other dimensions. They have killed people. We are not alone!

    As you watch it your brain toggles between several different interpretations. Is he simply mad? No, he doesn’t seem mad. Is he being paid to do this, or ordered to, as part of some psy ops against China or whatever? Maybe - but then why make such outrageous claims that sound SO bonkers. The pope, really?

    Is it a joke? If it is - what’s the pay off? He is risking his reputation and career - his life, really - by saying this stuff. Does he actually believe everything he says? Perhaps. Perhaps it is true. But then you come back to the WTF stuff about the Vatican. It can’t be true

    Maybe he has been brilliantly manipulated, perhaps even drugged

    I confess I have no idea, no answer really covers all the bases. My point is: this level of insanity cannot be sustained and we are surely reaching the moment when the truth will out, whatever that might be

    A space YouTuber I've started watching again recently (angry astronaut) has started doing stuff on UFOs as well as his usual fare of space industry stuff. The reason? It gets a heck of a lot more hits and engagement. People like UFO stuff.

    And that might be your answer: this gentleman may be risking his career, but his reputation amongst the UFOlogists will be massive, and will keep him in lucre for a long time.

    Look at AA's video views:

    "If UFOs are alien, where are they from? What do they want?" - 125k views.
    "So you want to be a Martian? How to be a SpaceX colonist!" - 11k views
    "Government Whistleblower: Alien Craft recovered! Pentagon, NASA reveal more spherical UFOs!" - 321k views
    "Will China's new Starship clone bury NASA and Artemis?" - 17k views

    Basically, UFO ones get 10 time or more views.
    Similar story with the antivaxx stuff - there's a very good living indeed to be made out it for some.
    That explanation doesn’t cover 85% of the stuff coming from high levels of the US Establishment

    In fact, I don’t think it explains this guy. A highly respected, ambitious, intelligent intel officer with an extremely bright career ahead of him. He’s still young

    He throws that all away and comes out with absolutely ridiculous claims about the Vatican handing a crashed UFO to America after WW2. He exposes himself to global ridicule. His career is over. He risks prosecution by his own side. And he does all this because… he might make a few quid on niche UFO websites? Does that look like a good deal?

    It doesn’t. If he is simply a devious grifter he would not have made such outlandish statements that beggar any belief. He’d have reined it in

    Same goes for psy ops. This isn’t very good psy ops. It’s too surreal. “These beings may exist in parallel dimensions”. That’s not going to frighten Beijing

    We are left with two options: he is mad or he really believes all this. Or both. He doesn’t look mad
    Until some actual evidence of something
    comes out, I don't much care either way.
    Wake us up when it does.
    What “actual” evidence do you have for the truth of quantum physics? None. You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, and I doubt you even understand it (this is not a personal jibe, it is famously hard to understand even for mega brained boffins)

    Yet you believe it is true because experts tell you, despite quantum physics having some outrageous implications - Schrödingers cat, the uncertainty principle, superpositions, instantaneous transmission of info across the universe etc
    Greatest of respect, you're talking tosh. Because you're a philosopher and journalist, not a physicist.

    Many of the philosophical implications of QM are outrageous, but often that comes from asking questions that seem like they should have an
    answer but turn out not to. Take the uncertainty principle- you can't know where something is and how fast it's moving to perfect precision. Sounds outrageous, because we're used to doing that for big objects. But in the situation where QM matters, it turns out impossible anyway. If you have a single atom and shine light on it to see where it is, the knock of the light makes it wobble a bit, so we don't know position and speed exactly. Like QM says.

    And for proof that QM happens, all you need is coloured garden lights, preferably battery or solar powered. As the battery runs down, the blue goes first and the red last. That's because particles of blue light have more energy in them than for red. And that's the guts of QM. It works. It's just that the maths is hard.
    Since when has Leon been a philosopher? I thought UCL let him in with one N in the 1980s and he spent the entire three years playing Pac Man.
    Leon on Physics is a great demonstration of another controversial theory - the Dunning Kruger Effect. An near perfect example... :D

    Rather akin to someone else here who was insistent an app cost 37 Billion quid in spite of evidence to the contrary.
    Well, for quite some time that was the information in circulation. It was almost as if the govt wanted us all to think that vast sums were being spent.

    It wasn’t the information in circulation at any time from any official source. It was just conspiracy theory guff on social media that people happily accepted if it suited their agenda.
    But a Tweet from someone who has no actual information is The Truth.

    An actual set of accounts on an official website, detailing the actualise spending, Googleable in seconds, is Not Information.

    Didn’t you get the memo?
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,251
    viewcode said:

    viewcode said:

    Leon said:

    Christ. Lexington

    Well, at least it's not aliens. Go on. Regale us with your tale of another arse-end of the Confederacy-ish.
    Er, a key factor in the course and outcome of the US Civil War, was fact that Kentucky did NOT secede from the Union.

    Though plenty of individual Kentuckians did support the Confederacy and joined the rebel army. And KY was represented (sorta) in the Confederate Congress.

    Following attack on Fort Sumter, Abraham Lincoln (KY born) made a point of NOT pushing things tooo far in Kentucky. Specifically NOT sending Union troops into the state, despite highly strategic geography of far western KY.

    Whereas Jefferson Davis (also KY born) authorized Confederate troops to invade Kentucky, specifically to occupy key locations at Columbus KY on the MIssissippi River, and the mouths of Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers on lower Ohio - gateways to Nashville and beyond further southward.

    This tipped the balance in Kentucky toward the Union, and though it was a battleground for much of Civil War, the Confederacy was contained - mostly - well south of the Ohio River, a major transportation artery AND the southern flank of the Midwestern states critical to Union manpower, logistics and morale.
    [which is why I edited it to "Confederacy-ish". :smiley: ]
    It is fascinating how the myth of The Biggest Losers In American History* has spread beyond the actual Confederacy.

    *Native American culture has survived, a bit. The Confederacy, which lasted a shorter time than the presidency of B. Obama, was exterpated. The modern bullshit Lost Cause stuff has no actual relationship to it. Apart from the racism.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 48,378
    edited June 2023

    Leon said:

    viewcode said:

    Leon said:

    Christ. Lexington

    Well, at least it's not aliens. Go on. Regale us with your tale of another arse-end of the Confederacy-ish.
    Remember this is where @SeaShantyIrish2 told me to go after he claimed I was seeking out American urban dystopia. He said this would be very different
    Last time I was in Lex it was OK, albeit with lots of suburban sprawl. Downtown was nice, as was campus of U of KY.
    It’s obviously much richer than Charleston WV, and they have preserved more period buildings and there are far fewer bleak litter strewn car lots in the middle (the parking is multi storey and more discreet)

    So as an urban scape it’s OK, even nice

    But on the way in there is a five block slice of the inner city where clearly drugged up zombified homeless dudes and dudettes (fentanyl? Meth? Tranq) are wandering aimlessly about, sometimes in the middle of the road. You have to swerve to avoid hitting them

    And some of them are doing that mad crazy hand waving opioid crack ketamine whatever jitttery shouting thing

    And there’s a few of them right here in the middle as well. It is quite unnerving. For a European

    Is this new then?

    I’d take photos to prove what I’m saying but obvs that’s hard
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