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Labour’s useless strategy? –



  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    The Hogwarts Legacy Boycott That Wasn’t
    If the public response to the game was truly a referendum on J. K. Rowling, she won.
  • Andy_JS said:

    I spent most of the 1990s trying to convince the people I was at school with that Apple products were far better than Windows or any other type of computer, and almost none of them listened to me, even though everyone now admits that their products were better. So I'm used to being in a small minority as far as technology is concerned.

    I've always wondered what the appeal of Apple is to some people. My first experience with a Mac was in 1985 and I quickly concluded it was over-expensive, difficult to upgrade and only marginally useful. In the years since I've seen nothing from Apple to change my mind on their computers.

    And these days 'irreparable' is rapidly becoming another negative of Apple products.
  • Jim_MillerJim_Miller Posts: 2,860
    Speaking of Apple, Inc., recently I sent a letter to Tim Cook, offering him a small present, with a condition:

    The present? A colorful "Free Tibet" bumper sticker.
    The condition? That he display it prominently.

    He hasn't replied, so I will offer it to another supporter of the ChiCom dictatorship -- though I haven't decided who, just yet.

    When I decided on this small protest, I ordered three bumper stickers. I don't expect to run out of them before the end of the year, even if I send out a letter once a week.
  • Horse_BHorse_B Posts: 106

    Andy_JS said:

    I spent most of the 1990s trying to convince the people I was at school with that Apple products were far better than Windows or any other type of computer, and almost none of them listened to me, even though everyone now admits that their products were better. So I'm used to being in a small minority as far as technology is concerned.

    I've always wondered what the appeal of Apple is to some people. My first experience with a Mac was in 1985 and I quickly concluded it was over-expensive, difficult to upgrade and only marginally useful. In the years since I've seen nothing from Apple to change my mind on their computers.

    And these days 'irreparable' is rapidly becoming another negative of Apple products.
    Actually Apple's recent products have become more repairable and indeed they now sell you the parts they use so you can repair them yourself.
  • Jim_MillerJim_Miller Posts: 2,860
    For some years now, I have advised people that, if they want to learn about computers and operating systems, they should spend some time with Linux. (I am taking my own advice and learning to access the Linux underlying the Chromebook shell in an Acer Chromebook I bought recently.)
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,730

    The Hogwarts Legacy Boycott That Wasn’t
    If the public response to the game was truly a referendum on J. K. Rowling, she won.

    "“Much of the current divergence between elite discourse and popular preference can be reduced to a simple heuristic: Most critics are on Twitter; most consumers are not,” my Atlantic colleague Yair Rosenberg argued last year."
  • MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 48,420
    edited April 2023

    For some years now, I have advised people that, if they want to learn about computers and operating systems, they should spend some time with Linux. (I am taking my own advice and learning to access the Linux underlying the Chromebook shell in an Acer Chromebook I bought recently.)

    Run Linux in a Docker container - that way if you break anything, you don’t affect your actual machine.
  • MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 48,420
    Horse_B said:

    Andy_JS said:

    I spent most of the 1990s trying to convince the people I was at school with that Apple products were far better than Windows or any other type of computer, and almost none of them listened to me, even though everyone now admits that their products were better. So I'm used to being in a small minority as far as technology is concerned.

    I've always wondered what the appeal of Apple is to some people. My first experience with a Mac was in 1985 and I quickly concluded it was over-expensive, difficult to upgrade and only marginally useful. In the years since I've seen nothing from Apple to change my mind on their computers.

    And these days 'irreparable' is rapidly becoming another negative of Apple products.
    Actually Apple's recent products have become more repairable and indeed they now sell you the parts they use so you can repair them yourself.
    The M series processors are game changers - streets ahead of the competition.
  • Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 32,089
    Leon said:

    TimS said:

    Leon said:

    TimS said:

    Horse_B said:

    Incredible 26 per cent poll lead for Labour sweeping all red wall seats - and being pro EU would increase their lead more. Labour could win increased majority by turning against Brexit, new poll finds - The Constitution Society

    You can see what’s going to happen can’t you. The Tories are Britain’s great political survivors and chameleons. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that they’ll rediscover pro-Europeanism before Labour do.

    Labour’s positioning on this weekend’s Dover delays has been pathetic. They are scaredy cats. Terrified of saying a single bad word about Brexit, convinced that’s what lost them the 2019 election rather than having a bearded loony left dipstick and his thicko cabal in charge.
    You want them to stand up and say We will reverse Brexit??
    They needn’t get anywhere close to that. Even the Lib Dems aren’t proposing rejoining (despite 60% in the polls saying they’d vote to rejoin). But they can and should shine a light on situations like this weekend when Brexit - and the particular Tory version of it complete with near-zero investment in Dover border infrastructure - is so obviously at fault. They just look silly and cowardly.

    As usual everyone is busy fighting the last war. Public opinion has turned full square behind declaring Brexit a load of shit. Not necessarily the concept in abstract, but the Tory fairground freak show Brexit reality. Nandy and Co going out of their way to avoid uttering the B word for fear of it triggering some ancestral hoodoo just makes them look like BBC-style patsies.
    I'm still amazed the Lib Dems aren't Full Fat Rejoin. It's trickier for Labour. Their obvious position is EEA/EFTA but they have to square the FoM circle, somehow. And that is not easy, as David Cameron discovered

    Also we are now diverging from the EU with increasing significance. CPTPP and AUKUS and the rest - it all takes us further away, bit by bit. Plus Brexit is accepted by the majority even if another majority regrets it or abhors it. Who wants ANOTHER referendum? Not many, I suspect

    I can see why Starmer is ultra-cautious
    More than that (though I agree with you) is what I have said on this before. Much of the resentment against Brexit and certainly the change in the polling since the referendum is tied with the fact that the Tories are in power and have made such a mess of both its implementation and a whole raft of other stuff unrelated to Brexit. Once the Tories are gone - and particularly the Johnson era Tories - and we have a government who just wants to make it work and then get on with other more important stuff (in their eyes) then much of the heat goes out of the debate and the pressure for rejoining will massively decrease. There will still be the lunatic irreconciled Remainers who will never accept the new situation but for most of the public, seeing the back of the Tories and seeing a Government dealing with our EU relationship from a point of mutual benefit rather than ideology will make a big difference.

    Under those circumstances who in the right mind would want to be the party advocating reopening the debate?
  • Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 32,089
    Andy_JS said:

    Lucky us, who won't be affected by this.

    "Fears for motorists over emergency siren test sent to everyone's phone
    Concerns ten-second warning blast to mobiles will distract drivers and reveal abuse victims' hidden devices"

    The abuse victim one is a bit of a red herring. It is possible to opt out of the warnings if you want. I assume anyone with a hidden device in that situation will choose to do that. This warning system is a good idea that is used in many other countries. It is about time we caught up with them.
  • WillGWillG Posts: 2,366
    eek said:

    Leon said:

    TimS said:

    Leon said:

    TimS said:

    Horse_B said:

    Incredible 26 per cent poll lead for Labour sweeping all red wall seats - and being pro EU would increase their lead more. Labour could win increased majority by turning against Brexit, new poll finds - The Constitution Society

    You can see what’s going to happen can’t you. The Tories are Britain’s great political survivors and chameleons. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that they’ll rediscover pro-Europeanism before Labour do.

    Labour’s positioning on this weekend’s Dover delays has been pathetic. They are scaredy cats. Terrified of saying a single bad word about Brexit, convinced that’s what lost them the 2019 election rather than having a bearded loony left dipstick and his thicko cabal in charge.
    You want them to stand up and say We will reverse Brexit??
    They needn’t get anywhere close to that. Even the Lib Dems aren’t proposing rejoining (despite 60% in the polls saying they’d vote to rejoin). But they can and should shine a light on situations like this weekend when Brexit - and the particular Tory version of it complete with near-zero investment in Dover border infrastructure - is so obviously at fault. They just look silly and cowardly.

    As usual everyone is busy fighting the last war. Public opinion has turned full square behind declaring Brexit a load of shit. Not necessarily the concept in abstract, but the Tory fairground freak show Brexit reality. Nandy and Co going out of their way to avoid uttering the B word for fear of it triggering some ancestral hoodoo just makes them look like BBC-style patsies.
    I'm still amazed the Lib Dems aren't Full Fat Rejoin. It's trickier for Labour. Their obvious position is EEA/EFTA but they have to square the FoM circle, somehow. And that is not easy, as David Cameron discovered

    Also we are now diverging from the EU with increasing significance. CPTPP and AUKUS and the rest - it all takes us further away, bit by bit. Plus Brexit is accepted by the majority even if another majority regrets it or abhors it. Who wants ANOTHER referendum? Not many, I suspect

    I can see why Starmer is ultra-cautious
    Freedom of movement means fixing our income support and other schemes so that they are available only to those who have contributed for x years already.

    It wasn’t a difficulty thing for Labour to fix back in 2005 but because they didn’t it’s harder to solve it now but we really do need to find a way of doing so
    This was a never a solution. For a start it screws over young people graduating during a recession. Secondly, it doesn't stop the problem of cheap labour undermining low income wages.
  • Horse_B said:

    Actually Apple's recent products have become more repairable and indeed they now sell you the parts they use so you can repair them yourself.

    Apple will sell you parts at an inflated price to do a few, very minor repairs. Anything serious goes wrong and you will have to pay Apple whatever they charge, if they deign to do the repair at all - they'd much rather sell you a new computer than fix the old one.

    They are now designing their products to be next to impossible to repair outside of those few exceptions. Their main weapon is embedded serial numbers. When Apple builds a product various parts of it have serial numbers stored that can be read by the machine's 'security' chip. If you change any of those parts then the serial numbers no longer match what the security chip expects and the machine will refuse to power up.

    I see this has gotten so bad now that on the latest Mac laptops the switch that detects if you've closed the lid is serial-coded and can't be replaced by anyone other than Apple.
  • WillGWillG Posts: 2,366

    This talk of Churchill has got me wondering: Why are there no great orators these days?

  • Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,762
    WillG said:

    eek said:

    Leon said:

    TimS said:

    Leon said:

    TimS said:

    Horse_B said:

    Incredible 26 per cent poll lead for Labour sweeping all red wall seats - and being pro EU would increase their lead more. Labour could win increased majority by turning against Brexit, new poll finds - The Constitution Society

    You can see what’s going to happen can’t you. The Tories are Britain’s great political survivors and chameleons. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that they’ll rediscover pro-Europeanism before Labour do.

    Labour’s positioning on this weekend’s Dover delays has been pathetic. They are scaredy cats. Terrified of saying a single bad word about Brexit, convinced that’s what lost them the 2019 election rather than having a bearded loony left dipstick and his thicko cabal in charge.
    You want them to stand up and say We will reverse Brexit??
    They needn’t get anywhere close to that. Even the Lib Dems aren’t proposing rejoining (despite 60% in the polls saying they’d vote to rejoin). But they can and should shine a light on situations like this weekend when Brexit - and the particular Tory version of it complete with near-zero investment in Dover border infrastructure - is so obviously at fault. They just look silly and cowardly.

    As usual everyone is busy fighting the last war. Public opinion has turned full square behind declaring Brexit a load of shit. Not necessarily the concept in abstract, but the Tory fairground freak show Brexit reality. Nandy and Co going out of their way to avoid uttering the B word for fear of it triggering some ancestral hoodoo just makes them look like BBC-style patsies.
    I'm still amazed the Lib Dems aren't Full Fat Rejoin. It's trickier for Labour. Their obvious position is EEA/EFTA but they have to square the FoM circle, somehow. And that is not easy, as David Cameron discovered

    Also we are now diverging from the EU with increasing significance. CPTPP and AUKUS and the rest - it all takes us further away, bit by bit. Plus Brexit is accepted by the majority even if another majority regrets it or abhors it. Who wants ANOTHER referendum? Not many, I suspect

    I can see why Starmer is ultra-cautious
    Freedom of movement means fixing our income support and other schemes so that they are available only to those who have contributed for x years already.

    It wasn’t a difficulty thing for Labour to fix back in 2005 but because they didn’t it’s harder to solve it now but we really do need to find a way of doing so
    This was a never a solution. For a start it screws over young people graduating during a recession. Secondly, it doesn't stop the problem of cheap labour undermining low income wages.
    It wasn't a solution because most on this board are addicted to cheap labour. They either employ them in their companies or as skivvies in their home.

    The lies that immigration doesn't supress wages are becoming apparent as we cut it off and low end wages are rising as hospitality etc is having to compete for workers and the crap places to work are going out of business due to lack of workers.

    We saw this the other night with rochdale....machines cant pick soft fruit....links to machines that can....rochdale ok but they are too expensive.....yes but that cost is development cost no unit cost....rochdale goes silent.....he would prefer to bring in min wage fruit pickers rather than mechanise is my take away
  • WillGWillG Posts: 2,366
    HYUFD said:

    Fuckn hell, these people obviously feel empowered.
    Looking forward to some noise from the protectors of women's rights mob.

    The unborn child has rights too as well as the mother
    Does anyone have rights to consume resources from someone else's body?
  • eekeek Posts: 27,481
    edited April 2023
    WillG said:

    eek said:

    Leon said:

    TimS said:

    Leon said:

    TimS said:

    Horse_B said:

    Incredible 26 per cent poll lead for Labour sweeping all red wall seats - and being pro EU would increase their lead more. Labour could win increased majority by turning against Brexit, new poll finds - The Constitution Society

    You can see what’s going to happen can’t you. The Tories are Britain’s great political survivors and chameleons. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that they’ll rediscover pro-Europeanism before Labour do.

    Labour’s positioning on this weekend’s Dover delays has been pathetic. They are scaredy cats. Terrified of saying a single bad word about Brexit, convinced that’s what lost them the 2019 election rather than having a bearded loony left dipstick and his thicko cabal in charge.
    You want them to stand up and say We will reverse Brexit??
    They needn’t get anywhere close to that. Even the Lib Dems aren’t proposing rejoining (despite 60% in the polls saying they’d vote to rejoin). But they can and should shine a light on situations like this weekend when Brexit - and the particular Tory version of it complete with near-zero investment in Dover border infrastructure - is so obviously at fault. They just look silly and cowardly.

    As usual everyone is busy fighting the last war. Public opinion has turned full square behind declaring Brexit a load of shit. Not necessarily the concept in abstract, but the Tory fairground freak show Brexit reality. Nandy and Co going out of their way to avoid uttering the B word for fear of it triggering some ancestral hoodoo just makes them look like BBC-style patsies.
    I'm still amazed the Lib Dems aren't Full Fat Rejoin. It's trickier for Labour. Their obvious position is EEA/EFTA but they have to square the FoM circle, somehow. And that is not easy, as David Cameron discovered

    Also we are now diverging from the EU with increasing significance. CPTPP and AUKUS and the rest - it all takes us further away, bit by bit. Plus Brexit is accepted by the majority even if another majority regrets it or abhors it. Who wants ANOTHER referendum? Not many, I suspect

    I can see why Starmer is ultra-cautious
    Freedom of movement means fixing our income support and other schemes so that they are available only to those who have contributed for x years already.

    It wasn’t a difficulty thing for Labour to fix back in 2005 but because they didn’t it’s harder to solve it now but we really do need to find a way of doing so
    This was a never a solution. For a start it screws over young people graduating during a recession. Secondly, it doesn't stop the problem of cheap labour undermining low income wages.
    Nope - the sane plan was for it to start at 16 with UK based education included as part of the criteria so once you were 18 or having having finished your degree etc you had a two year claim window ( i.e. using the same tricks the rest of the eu use).

    We fixed your argument years ago when the first person came up with it
  • eekeek Posts: 27,481
    edited April 2023
    WillG said:

    eek said:

    Leon said:

    TimS said:

    Leon said:

    TimS said:

    Horse_B said:

    Incredible 26 per cent poll lead for Labour sweeping all red wall seats - and being pro EU would increase their lead more. Labour could win increased majority by turning against Brexit, new poll finds - The Constitution Society

    You can see what’s going to happen can’t you. The Tories are Britain’s great political survivors and chameleons. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that they’ll rediscover pro-Europeanism before Labour do.

    Labour’s positioning on this weekend’s Dover delays has been pathetic. They are scaredy cats. Terrified of saying a single bad word about Brexit, convinced that’s what lost them the 2019 election rather than having a bearded loony left dipstick and his thicko cabal in charge.
    You want them to stand up and say We will reverse Brexit??
    They needn’t get anywhere close to that. Even the Lib Dems aren’t proposing rejoining (despite 60% in the polls saying they’d vote to rejoin). But they can and should shine a light on situations like this weekend when Brexit - and the particular Tory version of it complete with near-zero investment in Dover border infrastructure - is so obviously at fault. They just look silly and cowardly.

    As usual everyone is busy fighting the last war. Public opinion has turned full square behind declaring Brexit a load of shit. Not necessarily the concept in abstract, but the Tory fairground freak show Brexit reality. Nandy and Co going out of their way to avoid uttering the B word for fear of it triggering some ancestral hoodoo just makes them look like BBC-style patsies.
    I'm still amazed the Lib Dems aren't Full Fat Rejoin. It's trickier for Labour. Their obvious position is EEA/EFTA but they have to square the FoM circle, somehow. And that is not easy, as David Cameron discovered

    Also we are now diverging from the EU with increasing significance. CPTPP and AUKUS and the rest - it all takes us further away, bit by bit. Plus Brexit is accepted by the majority even if another majority regrets it or abhors it. Who wants ANOTHER referendum? Not many, I suspect

    I can see why Starmer is ultra-cautious
    Freedom of movement means fixing our income support and other schemes so that they are available only to those who have contributed for x years already.

    It wasn’t a difficulty thing for Labour to fix back in 2005 but because they didn’t it’s harder to solve it now but we really do need to find a way of doing so
    This was a never a solution. For a start it screws over young people graduating during a recession. Secondly, it doesn't stop the problem of cheap labour undermining low income wages.
    To add on your second point - there is little you can do about the latter unless you play the games the Swiss do where even a waiter requires a qualification - the problem is that English is so common we can’t (and shouldn’t) play the games over countries do that allows them to have hidden racism via language

    However your average low paid Brit can’t live on the minimum wage without tax credits and those tax credits simply won’t be available for recent immigrants
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,759
    Horse_B said:

    Andy_JS said:

    I spent most of the 1990s trying to convince the people I was at school with that Apple products were far better than Windows or any other type of computer, and almost none of them listened to me, even though everyone now admits that their products were better. So I'm used to being in a small minority as far as technology is concerned.

    I am an Apple user through and through...
    To the core.
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,759
    Thousands queue at Dover for second day as Braverman accused of denial
    Home secretary says Brexit did not cause chaos seen at port as angry customers see trips cancelled
  • StillWatersStillWaters Posts: 7,849
    Nigelb said:

    Thousands queue at Dover for second day as Braverman accused of denial
    Home secretary says Brexit did not cause chaos seen at port as angry customers see trips cancelled

    It’s strikes in France I believe

  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,759
    WillG said:

    HYUFD said:

    Fuckn hell, these people obviously feel empowered.
    Looking forward to some noise from the protectors of women's rights mob.

    The unborn child has rights too as well as the mother
    Does anyone have rights to consume resources from someone else's body?
    Nor does a foetus have legal personhood, so HYUFD is simply wrong.
  • DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 27,088
    New thread.
  • turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,910
    WillG said:

    This talk of Churchill has got me wondering: Why are there no great orators these days?

    People don't do speeches any more - its all soundbite based.
This discussion has been closed.