Has nobody done one of those Hitler downfall parody videos yet?
Not allowed any more, AIUI. Alas.
Did I miss something?
Some years back, on the grounds of copyright infringement, apparently, on Youtube and Facebook. This report is pleasantly self-referential up its own botty, like the arguments on PB on occasion ...
Been pondering. This is a potential mechanism for fast exorcism of Boris Corbyn.
1. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: the rebels are now a majority of the PCP. In a hypothetical vonc you would lose by a clear margin.
2. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: there will be an election to the 22. Because the rebels are a majority of the PCP, only pro-rule change candidates stand a chance of winning that 22 election. Therefore it is inevitable that there will be rule change to allow another vonc.
3. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: Go now, and resign in honour. Or you are certain to be removed by the 22 in dishonour via vonc before the recess.
I am going away for a while but I feel compelled to point out that it is not a soft cock flounce. I am going to Cairo to do an Arabic teaching course. You will be untroubled by photos of my breakfast from Umm al-Dunya.
Happy traveling
Tho I seem to remember you saying about three weeks ago “I have done my travelling and I have no fucking intention of fucking going fucking anywhere ever a-fucking-gain”
I am going away for a while but I feel compelled to point out that it is not a soft cock flounce. I am going to Cairo to do an Arabic teaching course. You will be untroubled by photos of my breakfast from Umm al-Dunya.
No it isn't. Wind turbines have to be manufactured (from steel?), using a lot of dirty, carbon belching processes, then shipped over (probably) from their country of manufacture, then installed, then at the end of their life, decommissioned. Leaving carbon aside (not the only measure of green) they also have an impact on fauna (bird life) and the landscape. So it's nowhere near that simple.
Predominantly steel but a fair bit of Resin/Plastic too. The Just Stop Oil Loons seem to forget oil also produces products other than much needed fossil fuels.
Of course Wind Energy is 100% green., the wind blows and energy is extracted from it. Producing the wind turbines isn't, but then neither is getting the oil out of the ground and transporting it across the world in supertankers (affecting wildlife when they spill) or pipelines and refining it. Then moving it around the country in tankers.
Nobody has argued that the accompanying processes of oil are environmentally friendly; that doesn't make those accompanying wind power any better.
But does anybody argue that getting our energy from fossil fuels is no worse for the planet than using renewables? There are negatives for any policy, but some negatives are hugely worse than others.
If I were Gove and wanted to be a bit naughty, I’d wait until 3.15pm and BJ safely in his chair with the Liaison Commitee. And then give a speech in the sun outside Parliament delivering the fatal blow. Like when the army undertake a coup while the dear leader is overseas.
Been pondering. This is a potential mechanism for fast exorcism of Boris Corbyn.
1. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: the rebels are now a majority of the PCP. In a hypothetical vonc you would lose by a clear margin.
2. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: there will be an election to the 22. Because the rebels are a majority of the PCP, only pro-rule change candidates stand a chance of winning that 22 election. Therefore it is inevitable that there will be rule change to allow another vonc.
3. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: Go now, and resign in honour. Or you are certain to be removed by the 22 in dishonour via vonc before the recess.
The big question now is whether the Torys have to end their run of "worst prime minister" at only 3. I reckon they could make it to 4 - certainly if they go for Priti or Nadine.
I was reminiscing with something approaching fondness the quiet dignity of Theresa May earlier today. Theresa May earns her place in the pantheon of ‘worst PMs of my life’ for one reason and one reason alone: the failure to win a majority against Jeremy Corbyn. Every failure of hers stemmed from that. I’d suggest almost anyone would have struggled as much as she did from 2017 onwards, and most would have struggled more. And her failure to win against Jeremy Corbyn was the result of many factors, but I’d suggest a big one was the Dementia Tax, which was a notable attempt to introduce an actual solution to the problem of adult social care which wasn’t either a) just putting it off, or b) extracting yet more from the working age population. It may not have been popular, but no-one’s yet made any better ideas work. So I retain some sympathy for her.
The unnecessarily election was one blunder. The failure to prepare seriously for a no deal was the other. To have been able to walk away and do WTO was vital to getting an acceptable deal. Her and 'spreadsheet Phil' buggered it up. Boris didn't do any better mind.
Been pondering. This is a potential mechanism for fast exorcism of Boris Corbyn.
1. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: the rebels are now a majority of the PCP. In a hypothetical vonc you would lose by a clear margin.
2. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: there will be an election to the 22. Because the rebels are a majority of the PCP, only pro-rule change candidates stand a chance of winning that 22 election. Therefore it is inevitable that there will be rule change to allow another vonc.
3. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: Go now, and resign in honour. Or you are certain to be removed by the 22 in dishonour via vonc before the recess.
4. Boris: blah blah blah General Election blah blah blah
5. Brady: blah blah blah rule change within the hour blah blah blah VONC at 6pm blah blah blah.....
Been pondering. This is a potential mechanism for fast exorcism of Boris Corbyn.
1. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: the rebels are now a majority of the PCP. In a hypothetical vonc you would lose by a clear margin.
2. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: there will be an election to the 22. Because the rebels are a majority of the PCP, only pro-rule change candidates stand a chance of winning that 22 election. Therefore it is inevitable that there will be rule change to allow another vonc.
3. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: Go now, and resign in honour. Or you are certain to be removed by the 22 in dishonour via vonc before the recess.
Counter argument
Bojo is a liar
He thinks everyone else is a liar
He says to Brady: I don't believe you
Brady has no comeback to that because letters are confidential
Boris takes it down to the wire in the hope something will turn up
Been pondering. This is a potential mechanism for fast exorcism of Boris Corbyn.
1. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: the rebels are now a majority of the PCP. In a hypothetical vonc you would lose by a clear margin.
2. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: there will be an election to the 22. Because the rebels are a majority of the PCP, only pro-rule change candidates stand a chance of winning that 22 election. Therefore it is inevitable that there will be rule change to allow another vonc.
3. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: Go now, and resign in honour. Or you are certain to be removed by the 22 in dishonour via vonc before the recess.
And if he goes to the Palace?
The Queen would be entitled to refuse a dissolution.
Sweden and Finland NATO accession ratification being fast-tracked through Parliament, before the recess.
Wonder how Magic Grandpa will vote...
Lammy says Labour will be supporting, as well as supporting the 2.5% target (up from 2%) of GDP on defence spending.
The few Russophiles still left in Parliament exposing themselves will be worth documenting. Yes, Magic Grandpa will be one of them.
No reversal of Brexit. No Single Market. No Customs Union. A boost to defence spending. The left are going to hate the next Labour Government quite quickly, and call them Tories aren’t they?
Giving the MoD more money is the same as burning it. Total waste. They should cut it to 1.5% and finally force some hard choices.
I find the attachment to a fixed percentage of GDP silly anyway. Do those in favour want to cut defence in a recession? I suspect not. As with anything, you decide what you want to achieve, check if you can afford it, and go from there. Like health, defence is a potential bottomless pit without a clear strategy.
What needs to happen now, is a move from innovation to production.
There’s an imminent threat, and we need to see increased manufacturing of current-generation weapons, and get them on the ground in Ukraine.
LOL, Corbyn on his feet in the Commons, asking why we’re not trying to negotiate a ceasefire in Ukraine.
Really? I'd love to hear what he's said.
Parliamentlive.tv. Go to the House of Commons session, and the video comes up. Rewind to 13:21.
Thanks. I've just listened to that. He's clueless. Or that's giving him the benefit of the doubt: he's intelligent enough to know that what he's calling for is all to Russia's advantage, and not Ukraine's.
Yes, it’s “I condemn the invasion, but shouldn’t we just let them keep what they stole?”
He is as thick as a fecking plank. It'll take me a while to forgive the idiots that gave us Boris Johnson, the most amoral person in parliament, but Boris Johnson was essentially facilitated by the complete fuckwits in the Labour Party that thought it was a good idea to make the most stupid man in parliament a candidate for LoTO
Gotta say this week he has pretty much won me round (more of less accepting Brexit, supporting NATO expansion and totally eviscerating Johnson)
Labour for me at next available opportunity I think - Tories need a period in opposition to sort themselves out.
Still a couple of years to do the job under a new leader.
Moving on from Boris is going to feel like a change of Government.
2010: Labour to Con/LD coalition
2015: Con/LD coalition to Con majority - Cameron
2017: Con majority to Con/DUP informal coalition - May
2019: Con/DUP informal coalition to Con majority - Boris
I don't know... I just feel like the Conservatives need a period in Opposition to get their act together. Maybe the new leader will be able to move things on but they're going to have a LOT of work to do to sort out this complete shambles.
Like that 87% of people say kill the protestors. But only 88% say kill someone vs their Amazon package delivery. I assume there’s a fair amount of satire in the responses. 86% say take out robots rather than humans.
All you need is Gove. Will He get there before old lady Brady? Gone gone gone. It is done.
It was Othello yesterday. Macbeth today.
"If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well / It were done quickly."
FFS. Get on with it.
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace till the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out! Out! Brief candle
I raise you "Man, proud man, dressed in a little brief authority, like an angry ape, play such fantastic tricks before high heaven as make the angels weep"
Been pondering. This is a potential mechanism for fast exorcism of Boris Corbyn.
1. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: the rebels are now a majority of the PCP. In a hypothetical vonc you would lose by a clear margin.
2. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: there will be an election to the 22. Because the rebels are a majority of the PCP, only pro-rule change candidates stand a chance of winning that 22 election. Therefore it is inevitable that there will be rule change to allow another vonc.
3. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: Go now, and resign in honour. Or you are certain to be removed by the 22 in dishonour via vonc before the recess.
Counter argument
Bojo is a liar
He thinks everyone else is a liar
He says to Brady: I don't believe you
Brady has no comeback to that because letters are confidential
Boris takes it down to the wire in the hope something will turn up
Presumably in that the scenario, the rebels could simply go public - make themselves known, so everyone could count the heads...
Gotta say this week he has pretty much won me round (more of less accepting Brexit, supporting NATO expansion and totally eviscerating Johnson)
Labour for me at next available opportunity I think - Tories need a period in opposition to sort themselves out.
Still a couple of years to do the job under a new leader.
Moving on from Boris is going to feel like a change of Government.
2010: Labour to Con/LD coalition
2015: Con/LD coalition to Con majority - Cameron
2017: Con majority to Con/DUP informal coalition - May
2019: Con/DUP informal coalition to Con majority - Boris
I don't know... I just feel like the Conservatives need a period in Opposition to get their act together. Maybe the new leader will be able to move things on but they're going to have a LOT of work to do to sort out this complete shambles.
Oh, no doubt. But they may have a significant amount of goodwill to get on with the process.
Been pondering. This is a potential mechanism for fast exorcism of Boris Corbyn.
1. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: the rebels are now a majority of the PCP. In a hypothetical vonc you would lose by a clear margin.
2. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: there will be an election to the 22. Because the rebels are a majority of the PCP, only pro-rule change candidates stand a chance of winning that 22 election. Therefore it is inevitable that there will be rule change to allow another vonc.
3. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: Go now, and resign in honour. Or you are certain to be removed by the 22 in dishonour via vonc before the recess.
Whilst I agree with your three scenarios, I did wince about "Boris Corbyn". I know he is a deluded old fool who accidentally associates with so many anti-semites, but associating him with the Prime Minister is a low blow.
I am going away for a while but I feel compelled to point out that it is not a soft cock flounce. I am going to Cairo to do an Arabic teaching course. You will be untroubled by photos of my breakfast from Umm al-Dunya.
The big question now is whether the Torys have to end their run of "worst prime minister" at only 3. I reckon they could make it to 4 - certainly if they go for Priti or Nadine.
I was reminiscing with something approaching fondness the quiet dignity of Theresa May earlier today. Theresa May earns her place in the pantheon of ‘worst PMs of my life’ for one reason and one reason alone: the failure to win a majority against Jeremy Corbyn. Every failure of hers stemmed from that. I’d suggest almost anyone would have struggled as much as she did from 2017 onwards, and most would have struggled more. And her failure to win against Jeremy Corbyn was the result of many factors, but I’d suggest a big one was the Dementia Tax, which was a notable attempt to introduce an actual solution to the problem of adult social care which wasn’t either a) just putting it off, or b) extracting yet more from the working age population. It may not have been popular, but no-one’s yet made any better ideas work. So I retain some sympathy for her.
The thing about the Dementia Tax is that it was sprung on the population during the election campaign, and there was little attempt to argue its merits, or prepare the ground, to convince people it was the best compromise available. In this it anticipated May's failure to win support for her Brexit deal, which she attempted to pass by saying that none other was possible, rather than by convincing people of its merits.
The very basic task of a politician is to be able to convince people to support you, and May had no idea where to start with that requirement.
The big question now is whether the Torys have to end their run of "worst prime minister" at only 3. I reckon they could make it to 4 - certainly if they go for Priti or Nadine.
I was reminiscing with something approaching fondness the quiet dignity of Theresa May earlier today. Theresa May earns her place in the pantheon of ‘worst PMs of my life’ for one reason and one reason alone: the failure to win a majority against Jeremy Corbyn. Every failure of hers stemmed from that. I’d suggest almost anyone would have struggled as much as she did from 2017 onwards, and most would have struggled more. And her failure to win against Jeremy Corbyn was the result of many factors, but I’d suggest a big one was the Dementia Tax, which was a notable attempt to introduce an actual solution to the problem of adult social care which wasn’t either a) just putting it off, or b) extracting yet more from the working age population. It may not have been popular, but no-one’s yet made any better ideas work. So I retain some sympathy for her.
Also the Red Lines and Citizens of Nowhere. Colossal misjudgment which boxed us into a pretty dire Brexit
For that alone - and it is quite sufficient - she is condemned to the lowest rank of PMs
NEW: pound drops beneath $1.19 vs US dollar for the first time since March 2020.
BUT before anyone tries to attribute this to ongoing UK political chaos, this latest fall looks more like a story of dollar strength than sterling weakness. Still: we’re heading for v v low levels… https://twitter.com/EdConwaySky/status/1544663569207377920/photo/1
Pound is currently up against the Euro. So, Dollar strong, Euro weak is the current state of play.
Once the Euro has fallen below parity with the Dollar the currency speculators will start looking for another target.
Fact that UK pound has always been worth more than US dollar has always been source of envy and seen as an insult by right- (and wrong-) thinking, red- (and blue-) blooded Americans.
For example, when Ugly Americans blindly following Rick Steves to the tourist traps of Olde Englande discover to their horror that the "bargains" they think they're getting are in actuality outrageous rip-offs when converted into real (or "true") money.
By helping tank the pound, Boris Johnson is strengthening The Special Alliance!
Insane restaurant view over the entire Bay of Kotor. Photo doesn’t really capture it. I can see 100 miles
You must be on a very high mountain or attached to a weather balloon (curvature of the earth and all that - Max distance 3 miles on relatively flat land)
Been pondering. This is a potential mechanism for fast exorcism of Boris Corbyn.
1. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: the rebels are now a majority of the PCP. In a hypothetical vonc you would lose by a clear margin.
2. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: there will be an election to the 22. Because the rebels are a majority of the PCP, only pro-rule change candidates stand a chance of winning that 22 election. Therefore it is inevitable that there will be rule change to allow another vonc.
3. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: Go now, and resign in honour. Or you are certain to be removed by the 22 in dishonour via vonc before the recess.
Counter argument
Bojo is a liar
He thinks everyone else is a liar
He says to Brady: I don't believe you
Brady has no comeback to that because letters are confidential
Boris takes it down to the wire in the hope something will turn up
Presumably in that the scenario, the rebels could simply go public - make themselves known, so everyone could count the heads...
Bit of a bell-the-cat issue. What happens if the Spartacuses suddenly dry up before the magicv number is reached? They'd need a mutually signed round robin.
The '22 Committee - how much power does Mrs Brady have? Its abundantly clear that this crisis is both tearing the party apart and leaving the bloodied chunks of it a laughing stock.
This is way beyond any factional bickering surely. Does he have the authority to say "fuck this" and change the rules so that an leadership election simply happens tomorrow?
He will certainly have the support of his exec colleague who skewered the PM over his disgraceful comments about MPs in the Carlton Club?
Insane restaurant view over the entire Bay of Kotor. Photo doesn’t really capture it. I can see 100 miles
Fuck it, reminds me how wonderful travelling can be.
I'm going to look into that self-promised trip to Madagascar.....
Full disclosure: the food is seriously mediocre up here at “Ristoran National Belveder” (as it is in most of Montenegro: the only major black mark against a wonderful destination) also the insect life is “vivid”
But the view is STUPENDOUS, overlooking the entire Lovcen National Park and the whole of sublime Kotor Bay. I can practically see Puglia
Insane restaurant view over the entire Bay of Kotor. Photo doesn’t really capture it. I can see 100 miles
You must be on a very high mountain or attached to a weather balloon (curvature of the earth and all that - Max distance 3 miles on relatively flat land)
He’d need to be at 6600 feet to have a horizon 100 miles away. Although the tops of big and distant mountains 100 miles away might be seen from somewhat lower.
An old ally of @boris_johnson tells me the mood among Conservative MPs is turning against the PM rapidly and decisively. This person tells me: “It is moving very quickly. We have passed the tipping point.”
This ally describes the tearoom after prime minister’s questions: “In the tearoom Nadine Dorries is sitting with a handful of loyalists. On every other Tory table MPs are plotting how to get rid of Boris Johnson. That includes ministers who haven’t resigned.”
All you need is Gove. Will He get there before old lady Brady? Gone gone gone. It is done.
It was Othello yesterday. Macbeth today.
"If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well / It were done quickly."
FFS. Get on with it.
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace till the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out! Out! Brief candle
Correction - should read "THE creeps in this petty place"? The Bard being remarkable prescient.
A point to be made. We now require him out, not resigning and staying in place whilst a leadership contest occurs. Hes not shitting the bed for a month on our tab nor 'scheming'. Fat cuckoo shoot required.
Been pondering. This is a potential mechanism for fast exorcism of Boris Corbyn.
1. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: the rebels are now a majority of the PCP. In a hypothetical vonc you would lose by a clear margin.
2. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: there will be an election to the 22. Because the rebels are a majority of the PCP, only pro-rule change candidates stand a chance of winning that 22 election. Therefore it is inevitable that there will be rule change to allow another vonc.
3. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: Go now, and resign in honour. Or you are certain to be removed by the 22 in dishonour via vonc before the recess.
And if he goes to the Palace?
Her Maj is currently indisposed. If you'd like to leave a contact number ?
The big question now is whether the Torys have to end their run of "worst prime minister" at only 3. I reckon they could make it to 4 - certainly if they go for Priti or Nadine.
I was reminiscing with something approaching fondness the quiet dignity of Theresa May earlier today. Theresa May earns her place in the pantheon of ‘worst PMs of my life’ for one reason and one reason alone: the failure to win a majority against Jeremy Corbyn. Every failure of hers stemmed from that. I’d suggest almost anyone would have struggled as much as she did from 2017 onwards, and most would have struggled more. And her failure to win against Jeremy Corbyn was the result of many factors, but I’d suggest a big one was the Dementia Tax, which was a notable attempt to introduce an actual solution to the problem of adult social care which wasn’t either a) just putting it off, or b) extracting yet more from the working age population. It may not have been popular, but no-one’s yet made any better ideas work. So I retain some sympathy for her.
Also the Red Lines and Citizens of Nowhere. Colossal misjudgment which boxed us into a pretty dire Brexit
For that alone - and it is quite sufficient - she is condemned to the lowest rank of PMs
The Citizens of Nowhere quote represents an intellectually respectable if pessimistic view of human cognition. The subsequent ersatz outrage shows the danger of politicians actually engaging with arguments rather than sticking to vacuous sound bites. Similar treatment to Maggie's "no such thing as society" which became totally distorted by her opponents. (It was an attack on reification.) I comment as a strong anti-Tory but it depresses me to see opportunistic and unprincipled attacks from any quarter.
All you need is Gove. Will He get there before old lady Brady? Gone gone gone. It is done.
It was Othello yesterday. Macbeth today.
"If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well / It were done quickly."
FFS. Get on with it.
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace till the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out! Out! Brief candle
I raise you "Man, proud man, dressed in a little brief authority, like an angry ape, play such fantastic tricks before high heaven as make the angels weep"
"It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury Signifying nothing."
The '22 Committee - how much power does Mrs Brady have? Its abundantly clear that this crisis is both tearing the party apart and leaving the bloodied chunks of it a laughing stock.
This is way beyond any factional bickering surely. Does he have the authority to say "fuck this" and change the rules so that an leadership election simply happens tomorrow?
He will certainly have the support of his exec colleague who skewered the PM over his disgraceful comments about MPs in the Carlton Club?
If they want him gone, (and they do) they'll find a way.
Has nobody done one of those Hitler downfall parody videos yet?
Didn't that stop a while ago (as in no longer able to access the location to do it?)
The site that was doing them, one guy, got a copyright action from the movie studio, which in theory he would have won, but had no ability to defend.
I was going to say surely it could be argued that it was transformative, which is protected from copyright claims in places like the US.
Yes, but there was no transformation of the actual work. It was totally unedited, apart from the subtitles. The copyright holder, with a million dollar legal budget, managed to shut them down.
What would you do if it were your site, with maybe a few hundred dollars a month in advertising revenues from people accessing it directly, while the output from the site drove millions of dollars in advertising on other platforms?
I am going away for a while but I feel compelled to point out that it is not a soft cock flounce. I am going to Cairo to do an Arabic teaching course. You will be untroubled by photos of my breakfast from Umm al-Dunya.
100 miles was a wild oratorical guess, but I’ll try and work out how far I can see. There are many mountains in the far distance but I am only at 2200 feet
I am going away for a while but I feel compelled to point out that it is not a soft cock flounce. I am going to Cairo to do an Arabic teaching course. You will be untroubled by photos of my breakfast from Umm al-Dunya.
Ah - lunch pics then?
And dinner. Please. Anything rather than the current chundercarpet that is Westminster.
Not posted this recently due to the bank holidays, but it's interesting that non-COVID deaths are running at around 1,000 more than the five-year average.
Week-ending | 5-year average | COVID deaths | non-COVID deaths | non-COVID deaths in excess of the 5-year average
The big question now is whether the Torys have to end their run of "worst prime minister" at only 3. I reckon they could make it to 4 - certainly if they go for Priti or Nadine.
I was reminiscing with something approaching fondness the quiet dignity of Theresa May earlier today. Theresa May earns her place in the pantheon of ‘worst PMs of my life’ for one reason and one reason alone: the failure to win a majority against Jeremy Corbyn. Every failure of hers stemmed from that. I’d suggest almost anyone would have struggled as much as she did from 2017 onwards, and most would have struggled more. And her failure to win against Jeremy Corbyn was the result of many factors, but I’d suggest a big one was the Dementia Tax, which was a notable attempt to introduce an actual solution to the problem of adult social care which wasn’t either a) just putting it off, or b) extracting yet more from the working age population. It may not have been popular, but no-one’s yet made any better ideas work. So I retain some sympathy for her.
She was totally right, but bought the issue up suddenly in an election campaign, with the worst possible background and no prior kite-flying. It was immeditely disparaged and she never recovered.
The one thing the Dementia / Death Tax did was kill off any chance of Teresa winning an overall majority. Big fundamental announcements like that need to be trailed in advance....
I wonder whether there will now be a rush for the exit. It'd be a bummer if you wanted to be a virtue signalling resigner and Johnson beats you to it! You would forever be labelled a Johnson apologist
100 miles was a wild oratorical guess, but I’ll try and work out how far I can see. There are many mountains in the far distance but I am only at 2200 feet
*checks map*
Maybe 50 miles?
So your horizon is theoretically 57 miles away, but it would be so hazy looking along so much ground that in practice something would need to be at a little altitude to be seen that far away.
Insane restaurant view over the entire Bay of Kotor. Photo doesn’t really capture it. I can see 100 miles
Fuck it, reminds me how wonderful travelling can be.
I'm going to look into that self-promised trip to Madagascar.....
Full disclosure: the food is seriously mediocre up here at “Ristoran National Belveder” (as it is in most of Montenegro: the only major black mark against a wonderful destination) also the insect life is “vivid”
But the view is STUPENDOUS, overlooking the entire Lovcen National Park and the whole of sublime Kotor Bay. I can practically see Puglia
Madagascar is amazing, BTW: go if you ever can
Clearly kind of restaurant that folks (esp. locals) go to for the atmosphere rather than the grub.
Do you think it would be suitable for Boris & Carrie in exile? Does UK have extradition treaty with MNG?
All you need is Gove. Will He get there before old lady Brady? Gone gone gone. It is done.
It was Othello yesterday. Macbeth today.
"If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well / It were done quickly."
FFS. Get on with it.
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace till the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out! Out! Brief candle
I raise you "Man, proud man, dressed in a little brief authority, like an angry ape, play such fantastic tricks before high heaven as make the angels weep"
"It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury Signifying nothing."
Back to Hamlet And yet, to me what is this quintessence of dust? Boris delights not me. No, nor Nadine neither. Though by your smiling you seem to say so.
100 miles was a wild oratorical guess, but I’ll try and work out how far I can see. There are many mountains in the far distance but I am only at 2200 feet
*checks map*
Maybe 50 miles?
So your horizon is theoretically 57 miles away, but it would be so hazy looking along so much ground that in practice something would need to be at a little altitude to be seen that far away.
The big question now is whether the Torys have to end their run of "worst prime minister" at only 3. I reckon they could make it to 4 - certainly if they go for Priti or Nadine.
I was reminiscing with something approaching fondness the quiet dignity of Theresa May earlier today. Theresa May earns her place in the pantheon of ‘worst PMs of my life’ for one reason and one reason alone: the failure to win a majority against Jeremy Corbyn. Every failure of hers stemmed from that. I’d suggest almost anyone would have struggled as much as she did from 2017 onwards, and most would have struggled more. And her failure to win against Jeremy Corbyn was the result of many factors, but I’d suggest a big one was the Dementia Tax, which was a notable attempt to introduce an actual solution to the problem of adult social care which wasn’t either a) just putting it off, or b) extracting yet more from the working age population. It may not have been popular, but no-one’s yet made any better ideas work. So I retain some sympathy for her.
She was totally right, but bought the issue up suddenly in an election campaign, with the worst possible background and no prior kite-flying. It was immeditely disparaged and she never recovered.
The one thing the Dementia / Death Tax did was kill off any chance of Teresa winning an overall majority. Big fundamental announcements like that need to be trailed in advance....
And yet. Precious few spotted that loss of majority except in hindsight.
A point to be made. We now require him out, not resigning and staying in place whilst a leadership contest occurs. Hes not shitting the bed for a month on our tab nor 'scheming'. Fat cuckoo shoot required.
1. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: the rebels are now a majority of the PCP. In a hypothetical vonc you would lose by a clear margin.
2. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: there will be an election to the 22. Because the rebels are a majority of the PCP, only pro-rule change candidates stand a chance of winning that 22 election. Therefore it is inevitable that there will be rule change to allow another vonc.
3. Brady Old Lady says to Boris: Go now, and resign in honour. Or you are certain to be removed by the 22 in dishonour via vonc before the recess.
Tho I seem to remember you saying about three weeks ago “I have done my travelling and I have no fucking intention of fucking going fucking anywhere ever a-fucking-gain”
I may have missed an expletive
Moving on from Boris is going to feel like a change of Government.
2010: Labour to Con/LD coalition
2015: Con/LD coalition to Con majority - Cameron
2017: Con majority to Con/DUP informal coalition - May
2019: Con/DUP informal coalition to Con majority - Boris
Have fun
There are negatives for any policy, but some negatives are hugely worse than others.
5. Brady: blah blah blah rule change within the hour blah blah blah VONC at 6pm blah blah blah.....
Bojo is a liar
He thinks everyone else is a liar
He says to Brady: I don't believe you
Brady has no comeback to that because letters are confidential
Boris takes it down to the wire in the hope something will turn up
But only 88% say kill someone vs their Amazon package delivery. I assume there’s a fair amount of satire in the responses.
86% say take out robots rather than humans.
I'm going to look into that self-promised trip to Madagascar.....
The very basic task of a politician is to be able to convince people to support you, and May had no idea where to start with that requirement.
For that alone - and it is quite sufficient - she is condemned to the lowest rank of PMs
For example, when Ugly Americans blindly following Rick Steves to the tourist traps of Olde Englande discover to their horror that the "bargains" they think they're getting are in actuality outrageous rip-offs when converted into real (or "true") money.
By helping tank the pound, Boris Johnson is strengthening The Special Alliance!
Because it is.
This is way beyond any factional bickering surely. Does he have the authority to say "fuck this" and change the rules so that an leadership election simply happens tomorrow?
He will certainly have the support of his exec colleague who skewered the PM over his disgraceful comments about MPs in the Carlton Club?
Now what pearls of wisdom have I missed?
But the view is STUPENDOUS, overlooking the entire Lovcen National Park and the whole of sublime Kotor Bay. I can practically see Puglia
Madagascar is amazing, BTW: go if you ever can
This ally describes the tearoom after prime minister’s questions: “In the tearoom Nadine Dorries is sitting with a handful of loyalists. On every other Tory table MPs are plotting how to get rid of Boris Johnson. That includes ministers who haven’t resigned.”
If you'd like to leave a contact number ?
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing."
What would you do if it were your site, with maybe a few hundred dollars a month in advertising revenues from people accessing it directly, while the output from the site drove millions of dollars in advertising on other platforms?
*checks map*
Maybe 50 miles?
Not posted this recently due to the bank holidays, but it's interesting that non-COVID deaths are running at around 1,000 more than the five-year average.
Week-ending | 5-year average | COVID deaths | non-COVID deaths | non-COVID deaths in excess of the 5-year average
01-Apr-22 | 9,672 | 853 | 8,987 | -685
08-Apr-22 | 10,316 | 960 | 9,727 | -589
15-Apr-22 | 10,591 | 1,003 | 8,916 | -1,675
22-Apr-22 | 10,158 | 1,042 | 9,638 | -520
29-Apr-22 | 10,278 | 1,125 | 11,316 | 1,038
06-May-22 | 9,494 | 735 | 9,206 | -288
13-May-22 | 9,840 | 719 | 11,329 | 1,489
20-May-22 | 10,104 | 547 | 10,973 | 869
27-May-22 | 9,864 | 410 | 10,450 | 586
03-Jun-22 | 8,086 | 186 | 6,639 | -1,447
10-Jun-22 | 9,989 | 284 | 11,458 | 1,469
17-Jun-22 | 9,400 | 264 | 10,580 | 1,180
24-Jun-22 | 9,296 | 285 | 10,551 | 1,255
Do you think it would be suitable for Boris & Carrie in exile? Does UK have extradition treaty with MNG?
Senior Tory MPs are saying that Chris Heaton-Harris, the chief whip, is telling PM the game is up
And yet, to me what is this quintessence of dust? Boris delights not me. No, nor Nadine neither. Though by your smiling you seem to say so.
Oh, and we’ve all seen her in a swimsuit.
Precious few spotted that loss of majority except in hindsight.