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Off to PB’s 18th birthday party –



  • Options
    BigRichBigRich Posts: 3,489
    Scott_xP said:

    Belarusians are blocking the movement of the railway to complicate the movement of military cargo. As a result, queues formed at the Minsk railway station
    Photo Belsat TV

    O that is good news, well done to the brave people of Belarusia :)
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    AslanAslan Posts: 1,673
    MISTY said:

    Leon said:

    Imagine living in a city where THIS happens

    "Mark Kelly🇬🇧@MarkKL29·3mMoment when an airstrike hit city council building in Kharkiv, Ukraine"

    Never mind, the Ukrainian ambassador got a massive clap from the HoC, and that makes it all better.

    No, what will make it all better will be the withdrawal of abusive invaders, for a war to address the deep psychological issues of the flabby chested, doped up Russian despot.
  • Options
    MISTYMISTY Posts: 1,594

    MISTY said:

    MISTY said:

    kinabalu said:

    MISTY said:

    When Ronald Reagan proposed the STAR WARS program in the 1980s, it was a mad fantasy that would never have worked and should never have been proposed.

    But it served one purpose. It left the Warsaw Pact in no doubt that the West was packin' and had every intention of pulling them pistols if the Communists struck first. Every intention.

    A few year later, communism collapsed.

    Compared to that, today's messaging from the West is supine, gutless and cowardly. We clearly don't want to fight under any circumstances and so its highly likely that we will be asked to.

    Its also interesting that I am not the only poster picking up on this.

    The other one is Alan Partridge?
    No its you actually.

    There you were just now, desperately scraping around for assurances your hero Joe Biden would not leave Europe in the lurch in the event NATO was attacked.

    Where did you get the idea the man who saved you from 'NATO slayer Donald Trump could even contemplate such a thing?

    You got it from NATO's messaging. Which is gutless and cowardly.

    We don't want to fight, under any circumstances. And so we are going to be asked to, when we are done watching Putin slay innocent Ukrainians.

    You're a Putin shill just like PJohnson it seems.

    NATO is acting and aiding the Ukrainians who are fighting well. You trying to spread misinformation that its not happening doesn't make it right.

    Have fun everyone who goes.
    All I am trying to do is to agitate to get the Ukrainians some real help. Not virtue signalling claps in the House of Commons.
    Real help like the seven years of sending munitions and training to Ukraine from the UK?
    Real help like the vast amounts of munitions the whole of NATO is sending to Ukraine?
    Real help like the severe sanctions the whole of the West is imposing on Russia?

    Help is going, so the only reason to be opposing signalling our support seems to me that you oppose the support that is happening.
    I wholeheartedly support what we are doing.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,665
    Britain’s One Web satellite launch on Russian rockets (due this Saturday) has been SCRAPPED after Moscow demanded Britain sell their shares & guarantees given that satellites won’t be used for military purposes

    🚀 📡
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    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,798
    UK cases by specimen date

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    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,798
    UK R

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    AslanAslan Posts: 1,673
    BigRich said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Belarusians are blocking the movement of the railway to complicate the movement of military cargo. As a result, queues formed at the Minsk railway station
    Photo Belsat TV

    O that is good news, well done to the brave people of Belarusia :)
    Down with Putin. Down with Lukashenko. Glory to free Ukraine. Glory to free Belarus.
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    TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 41,977
    Sandpit said:

    BigRich said:

    Sandpit said:

    Ukranian official numbers for Russian casualties.

    Looks devastating for the Russian army, even if it cant be verified.

    I note there is no numbers for total captured. is this because using that number would be against the Geneva convention? or if not why not?
    Can’t say I’m too much of an expert of the Geneva Convention as it applies to prisoners of war. I’m better suited to searching obscure requests on Ukranian social media. Well, my wife is anyway…

    I don’t know if they even collate numbers of prisoners back up the chain of command.

    Apparently today the Ukranians have requested the UNHCR to collect Russian bodies from the border, as the Russians have decided they don’t want them back :cry: The cowards don’t even want to give their own soldiers and families the dignity of a funeral.
    I appreciate that you are involved via your family but that last point. I think a multitude of sins can hide behind "apparently". This one sounds unlikely, tbh.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,620

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Government agencies don't get to decide the seasons, which are set by the cosmos.

    The Met Office uses that date for statistical convenience, there is no science behind it.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 118,614
    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Yes but astronomical Spring is normally more accurate weather wise in my experience and that does not start until 20th March
    But then mid-December is still autumn, which is silly.
    Weather wise it largely is, you rarely get snow until after 21st December
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,798
    Case summary

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    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,620
    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Yes but astronomical Spring is normally more accurate weather wise in my experience and that does not start until 20th March
    Quite right. Well said.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,798

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    Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,068
    kle4 said:

    biggles said:

    Have a cracking night everyone!


    Erm…. the STEM folk are exactly the ones doing the lion’s share of the work on intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination; as well as assessments on the Russian kit and calculations around logistics. They also designed and built NLAW, Javelin and the other kit.
    As a history graduate, this is absolutely not the time I would seek to one up those with actually worthwhile education.
    "The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning, while those other subjects merely require scholarship"

    - Lazarus Long

  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,151
    TOPPING said:

    Sandpit said:

    BigRich said:

    Sandpit said:

    Ukranian official numbers for Russian casualties.

    Looks devastating for the Russian army, even if it cant be verified.

    I note there is no numbers for total captured. is this because using that number would be against the Geneva convention? or if not why not?
    Can’t say I’m too much of an expert of the Geneva Convention as it applies to prisoners of war. I’m better suited to searching obscure requests on Ukranian social media. Well, my wife is anyway…

    I don’t know if they even collate numbers of prisoners back up the chain of command.

    Apparently today the Ukranians have requested the UNHCR to collect Russian bodies from the border, as the Russians have decided they don’t want them back :cry: The cowards don’t even want to give their own soldiers and families the dignity of a funeral.
    I appreciate that you are involved via your family but that last point. I think a multitude of sins can hide behind "apparently". This one sounds unlikely, tbh.
    Actually, it was the Ukranian UN representative, asking the Red Cross to collect the bodies.
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 54,917
    MISTY said:

    When Ronald Reagan proposed the STAR WARS program in the 1980s, it was a mad fantasy that would never have worked and should never have been proposed.

    But it served one purpose. It left the Warsaw Pact in no doubt that the West was packin' and had every intention of pulling them pistols if the Communists struck first. Every intention.

    A few year later, communism collapsed.

    Compared to that, today's messaging from the West is supine, gutless and cowardly. We clearly don't want to fight under any circumstances and so its highly likely that we will be asked to.

    Its also interesting that I am not the only poster picking up on this.

    It's really not. But please don't let that worry you.
  • Options
    turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,070

    Off topic, but I notice that today's reported deaths with/from Covid are 651 for the last seven days. I think this is the first time for several months that the weekly average has been under 100 per day. Some good news, at least.

    And it shouldn't need saying but the date of death has been under a hundred for a while.
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,328
    The Russian ministry of defence has given a casualty figure for the first time. According to them, 498 Russian troops have been killed so far.
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    SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,394
    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PB on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Don't start that nonsense.

    By that logic "midsummer's day" is the first day of summer.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,798

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    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 54,917
    Sandpit said:

    Ukranian official numbers for Russian casualties.

    Divide all numbers by five.

    Still. Even if you assume that, the Russians have taken quite a battering, particularly their armored vehicles. (And one would assume, the people inside them.)
  • Options
    MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 50,804

    The Russian ministry of defence has given a casualty figure for the first time. According to them, 498 Russian troops have been killed so far.

    That'll be as accurate as their Covid numbers then....
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 118,614
    Aslan said:

    HYUFD said:

    MISTY said:

    kinabalu said:

    MISTY said:

    When Ronald Reagan proposed the STAR WARS program in the 1980s, it was a mad fantasy that would never have worked and should never have been proposed.

    But it served one purpose. It left the Warsaw Pact in no doubt that the West was packin' and had every intention of pulling them pistols if the Communists struck first. Every intention.

    A few year later, communism collapsed.

    Compared to that, today's messaging from the West is supine, gutless and cowardly. We clearly don't want to fight under any circumstances and so its highly likely that we will be asked to.

    Its also interesting that I am not the only poster picking up on this.

    The other one is Alan Partridge?
    No its you actually.

    There you were just now, desperately scraping around for assurances your hero Joe Biden would not leave Europe in the lurch in the event NATO was attacked.

    Where did you get the idea the man who saved you from 'NATO slayer Donald Trump could even contemplate such a thing?

    You got it from NATO's messaging. Which is gutless and cowardly.

    We don't want to fight, under any circumstances. And so we are going to be asked to, when we are done watching Putin slay innocent Ukrainians.

    Biden is the most isolationist US President since Carter, his actions in withdrawing from Afghanistan and now his ruling out airstrikes and military involvement in Ukraine show that.

    However the US is weary after its post 9/11 wars and that is understandable and will not go beyond sanctions on Russia. That does not mean Putin is going to march through NATO nations but it does mean we may be entering another period of stand off as was the case in the Cold War with no sign of a Thatcher or Reagan on the western side on the horizon
    Biden is just a middle way interventionist between the peaceniks and the war mongers. Get out of stupid unwinnable wars for out if the way armpits like Afghanistan. Aggressively support democracies facing unprovoked attacks from right wing fascists like Putin.
    Biden may have been right to get out of Afghanistan and that the US had no need to be there once Bin Laden was killed (though return of AQ would destroy that argument).

    However he is not really aggressively supporting Ukraine, hence he has ruled out even airstrikes on Putin and just stuck to airstrikes, wary of Russia's nuclear weapons. Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney for example would have taken a tougher line on Putin than Biden did. Even Trump may have avoided a Ukraine invasion as he was so unpredictable and Putin would not have been sure of his response (even if for Trump China is the main enemy, not Russia)
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,798
    Age related data

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    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 118,614
    edited March 2022

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PB on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Don't start that nonsense.

    By that logic "midsummer's day" is the first day of summer.
    It is in my view. Summer for me is mid June until mid September
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,620

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PB on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Don't start that nonsense.

    By that logic "midsummer's day" is the first day of summer.
    That's right, it is. Although Midsummer's Day is a bloody stupid name as it's not the middle of summer under either measure of the seasons!
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,665
    The COP26 president was sitting next to Boris Johnson during PMQs this afternoon...
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,620
    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Yes but astronomical Spring is normally more accurate weather wise in my experience and that does not start until 20th March
    But then mid-December is still autumn, which is silly.
    Weather wise it largely is, you rarely get snow until after 21st December
    Again, that is quite correct. Well said.
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,328

    The Russian ministry of defence has given a casualty figure for the first time. According to them, 498 Russian troops have been killed so far.

    That'll be as accurate as their Covid numbers then....
    Yes, but if they're admitting to that many, it suggests the estimates from the Ukrainian side are in the right ballpark.
  • Options
    MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 50,804
    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Yes but astronomical Spring is normally more accurate weather wise in my experience and that does not start until 20th March
    But then mid-December is still autumn, which is silly.
    Weather wise it largely is, you rarely get snow until after 21st December
    Statistically, the coldest week of the year is the third week of February. That is "the bleak midwinter".

    The Beast from the East (and the follow-up two weeks later) were both mid-late March.
  • Options
    FlatlanderFlatlander Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2022

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Government agencies don't get to decide the seasons, which are set by the cosmos.

    The Met Office uses that date for statistical convenience, there is no science behind it.
    True, although the dates aren't really set by the cosmos either.

    The Lesser Celandine and Early Dog-violets were in flower at the weekend. That's good enough for me.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,798
    COVID Summary

    - Cases are still falling, R is below 1 for age and region. Some signs that the fall is slowing further
    - MV Beds - seems to be plateauing, after the increase around the 28th Feb
    - In hospital - likewise
    - Admissions - spike on the 28th. Need to see more data to see what is going on
    - Deaths down

  • Options
    Richard_NabaviRichard_Nabavi Posts: 30,820
    Christo Grozev @christogrozev [Bellingcat]

    Wow. Russian @mod_russia admits 498 casualties, over 1500 wounded. You know what this means in Kremlinspeak.
  • Options
    FrankBoothFrankBooth Posts: 9,197
    I hope this doesn't sound too trite but it isn't necessarily irrelevant either. I know he described his own style as closer to Benny Hill but I like Zelenskyy's wit.

    In response to Putin's rambling 5000 word essay on Ukraine Zelenskyy said he was 'envious' that the leader of one of the world's great powers had so much time on his hands. On Putin's claim that the people of Russia and Ukraine were brothers, Zelenskyy said more like Cain and Abel.

    I saw an American general say that he thought Zelenskyy had driven Putin nuts. That may be about the EU/Nato, placing Putin's oligarch buddy under house arrest or many other things. But bullies don't generally like being laughed at.
  • Options
    LostPasswordLostPassword Posts: 16,752

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Government agencies don't get to decide the seasons, which are set by the cosmos.

    The Met Office uses that date for statistical convenience, there is no science behind it.
    Oh not this again.

    All season definitions are arbitrary, and can be useful in different ways with varying degrees of usefulness, but if you're going to base them on the solstices and the equinoxes, then those are the mid-points of the seasons. It's the cross-quarter days in between that mark the start/end points of the season (so the astronomical spring started near the start of February).

    There must have been an epic misunderstanding at some point for anyone to think that summer started on midsummer's day, but that's no excuse for propagating it.
  • Options
    Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 31,527

    kle4 said:

    biggles said:

    Have a cracking night everyone!


    Erm…. the STEM folk are exactly the ones doing the lion’s share of the work on intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination; as well as assessments on the Russian kit and calculations around logistics. They also designed and built NLAW, Javelin and the other kit.
    As a history graduate, this is absolutely not the time I would seek to one up those with actually worthwhile education.
    "The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning, while those other subjects merely require scholarship"

    - Lazarus Long

    Heinlein is full of great quotes. :smile:
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,716
    edited March 2022
    kle4 said:

    Interesting sign of Russia significantly walking back its demands:



    Are they? On day 1 they said with a straight face Ukraine needed to decide its own future.
    Not choose its own leaders, AFAIK ; that wasn't in the rhetoric.
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,904
    I don't know why, but there is quite often something striking in official pictures from the Commons. This one a bit more obvious reason for being striking

    Shame the place will probably fall to bits.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,309

    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Yes but astronomical Spring is normally more accurate weather wise in my experience and that does not start until 20th March
    But then mid-December is still autumn, which is silly.
    Weather wise it largely is, you rarely get snow until after 21st December
    Again, that is quite correct. Well said.
    Not true here in Scotland. I wouldn't be 100% sure for another 5-6 weeks that the road south won't be blocked at some point.
  • Options
    MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 50,804

    The Russian ministry of defence has given a casualty figure for the first time. According to them, 498 Russian troops have been killed so far.

    That'll be as accurate as their Covid numbers then....
    Yes, but if they're admitting to that many, it suggests the estimates from the Ukrainian side are in the right ballpark.
    I suspect that the Ukrainian numbers are really quite accurate (as far as is possible anyway in a war). They have been so adept at winning over the media, why lose that credibility by doubling their true numbers?
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,620
    edited March 2022

    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Yes but astronomical Spring is normally more accurate weather wise in my experience and that does not start until 20th March
    But then mid-December is still autumn, which is silly.
    Weather wise it largely is, you rarely get snow until after 21st December
    Statistically, the coldest week of the year is the third week of February. That is "the bleak midwinter".

    The Beast from the East (and the follow-up two weeks later) were both mid-late March.
    Indeed so.

    And it's worth noting that the 'thermal seasons' run approximately 10th of the month to the 10th – i.e. summer is 10 June to 10 Sep, winter 10 Dec to 10 March and so on.

    No wonder there is such an argument about the seasons – the thermal reality is slap bang between the astronomical definition and that used by the Met Office!

  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,620

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Government agencies don't get to decide the seasons, which are set by the cosmos.

    The Met Office uses that date for statistical convenience, there is no science behind it.
    True, although the dates aren't really set by the cosmos either.

    The Lesser Celandine and Early Dog-violets were in flower at the weekend. That's good enough for me.
    Yes, don't get me wrong, I like a daff as much as the next man. Great to see some springing up in my front garden!
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,328
    Serbia is voting for the UNGA resolution deploring the Russian invasion of Ukraine and calling for an immediate withdrawal. An important vote from a country usually friendly with Moscow.
  • Options
    Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 31,527

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Government agencies don't get to decide the seasons, which are set by the cosmos.

    The Met Office uses that date for statistical convenience, there is no science behind it.
    Oh not this again.

    All season definitions are arbitrary, and can be useful in different ways with varying degrees of usefulness, but if you're going to base them on the solstices and the equinoxes, then those are the mid-points of the seasons. It's the cross-quarter days in between that mark the start/end points of the season (so the astronomical spring started near the start of February).

    There must have been an epic misunderstanding at some point for anyone to think that summer started on midsummer's day, but that's no excuse for propagating it.
    Hence Imbolc on 1st/2nd February. :)
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,620
    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PB on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Don't start that nonsense.

    By that logic "midsummer's day" is the first day of summer.
    It is in my view. Summer for me is mid June until mid September
    Agreed – for me too and for most people I think.

    The idea that 1 September is autumn is demonstrable nonsense. September is often the loveliest of all the summer months.
  • Options
    On the filming/photographing of Russian POWs by some Ukrainians, I haven't seen anything yet that would seem to break the rather vague rules.

    The Third Geneva Convention, Part 2, Article 13 states that prisoners of war must be treated humanely and "Protected against public curiosity".

    "GC III, Art. 13 does not per se prohibit photographing a POW. The
    prohibition extends to photographs that degrade or humiliate a POW.
    With respect to POWs, there is some value added in disseminating
    photographs since it gives family members assurance that their loved
    one is alive. "

    According to this =

    I don't think I've seen anyone degraded or humiliated, just captured.
  • Options
    StillWatersStillWaters Posts: 7,289
    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It’s lovely here in Brussels. The Bulgarians have just communicated they only care about money.
  • Options
    MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 50,804

    Serbia is voting for the UNGA resolution deploring the Russian invasion of Ukraine and calling for an immediate withdrawal. An important vote from a country usually friendly with Moscow.

    Shit, that's more unlikely than Novak getting jabbed.....
  • Options
    CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,118

    Russia publishes its first casualty figures in Ukraine, admitting 498 soldiers killed and a further 1500 injured. That's a remarkable admission given they were claiming days ago to have suffered no casualties whatsoever.
  • Options
    JohnOJohnO Posts: 4,228

    Hope to see several of you at the PB party, although you might not immediately recognise me without my wig.

    Sorry not to be able to join you as I believe we are the only remaining PB Tories (those who won bets with tim). Have fun and photos please (in the best possible taste)....
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,665
    UN general assembly votes overwhelmingly for motion denouncing Russia's invasion of Ukraine. 141 in favour, 5 against, 35 abstentions.
  • Options
    MightyAlexMightyAlex Posts: 1,532
    edited March 2022
    rcs1000 said:

    Sandpit said:

    Ukranian official numbers for Russian casualties.

    Divide all numbers by five.

    Still. Even if you assume that, the Russians have taken quite a battering, particularly their armored vehicles. (And one would assume, the people inside them.)
    Not sure. I've watched more than my fair share of the videos out there. And people are tallying the Russian losses from online media.

    I imagine that Russia has lost at least half of what the Ukrainians are saying simply because not everything is filmed and what has been captured is substantial.
  • Options
    Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 31,527

    On the filming/photographing of Russian POWs by some Ukrainians, I haven't seen anything yet that would seem to break the rather vague rules.

    The Third Geneva Convention, Part 2, Article 13 states that prisoners of war must be treated humanely and "Protected against public curiosity".

    "GC III, Art. 13 does not per se prohibit photographing a POW. The
    prohibition extends to photographs that degrade or humiliate a POW.
    With respect to POWs, there is some value added in disseminating
    photographs since it gives family members assurance that their loved
    one is alive. "

    According to this =

    I don't think I've seen anyone degraded or humiliated, just captured.

    Indeed all the photos I have seen so far seem to show the POWs being well treated and (relatively) relaxed.
  • Options
    ChameleonChameleon Posts: 4,205
    Syria, Russia, Belarus, N.Korea, Eritrea voted against the UN resolution. Quite the alliance.
  • Options
    MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 50,804
    JohnO said:

    Hope to see several of you at the PB party, although you might not immediately recognise me without my wig.

    Sorry not to be able to join you as I believe we are the only remaining PB Tories (those who won bets with tim). Have fun and photos please (in the best possible taste)....
    I won a bet with tim. Bugger never paid though...
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,620

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Government agencies don't get to decide the seasons, which are set by the cosmos.

    The Met Office uses that date for statistical convenience, there is no science behind it.
    Oh not this again.

    All season definitions are arbitrary, and can be useful in different ways with varying degrees of usefulness, but if you're going to base them on the solstices and the equinoxes, then those are the mid-points of the seasons. It's the cross-quarter days in between that mark the start/end points of the season (so the astronomical spring started near the start of February).

    There must have been an epic misunderstanding at some point for anyone to think that summer started on midsummer's day, but that's no excuse for propagating it.

    Season =! totality of daylight.

    Seasonal lag (insolation) means that months with much less daylight are substantially warmer than those with more.

    September is notably warmer than May in the UK, despite having considerably less daylight hours!

  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,665
    The man next to BoZo at PMQs has Covid
  • Options
    StillWatersStillWaters Posts: 7,289

    Off topic, but I notice that today's reported deaths with/from Covid are 651 for the last seven days. I think this is the first time for several months that the weekly average has been under 100 per day. Some good news, at least.

    What’s Covid?
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,904


    Russia publishes its first casualty figures in Ukraine, admitting 498 soldiers killed and a further 1500 injured. That's a remarkable admission given they were claiming days ago to have suffered no casualties whatsoever.

    I hope there is a follow up question of whether they were lying then, or if they have had a massive upsurge in casualties.
  • Options
    Richard_NabaviRichard_Nabavi Posts: 30,820
    JohnO said:

    Hope to see several of you at the PB party, although you might not immediately recognise me without my wig.

    Sorry not to be able to join you as I believe we are the only remaining PB Tories (those who won bets with tim). Have fun and photos please (in the best possible taste)....
    That's a pity, I was looking forward to guessing which end-of-line train station you'd end up in early tomorrow morning...
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,665
    Magnificent theatre hall at the Ukrainian Institute in Przemyśl, now being used as a centre of refuge for those fleeing Ukraine. People arriving in a state of complete exhaustion and shock. Some barely move for hours or longer while they absorb what they’ve just experienced.
  • Options
    SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,713
    Chameleon said:

    Syria, Russia, Belarus, N.Korea, Eritrea voted against the UN resolution. Quite the alliance.

    The Axis of Evil 2022 edition.
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,904

    The Russian ministry of defence has given a casualty figure for the first time. According to them, 498 Russian troops have been killed so far.

    That'll be as accurate as their Covid numbers then....
    Yes, but if they're admitting to that many, it suggests the estimates from the Ukrainian side are in the right ballpark.
    I suspect that the Ukrainian numbers are really quite accurate (as far as is possible anyway in a war). They have been so adept at winning over the media, why lose that credibility by doubling their true numbers?
    Estimates will not be easy I imagine - what harm to their cause if they err on the generous side of things? So long as they are in the ballpark up they won't lose much credibility. And the view is so positive the ballpark will be generous.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,151
    Okay, let’s believe (ha!) for a minute that the Russians have lost 500 soldiers.

    How many more do we think might have been:

    A. Injured?
    B. Captured?

    Now, the Ukranians are claiming nearly 6,000 dead Russians.

    Can we scale up the injured and captured numbers in the same proportions, and if so what percentage of the 100k troops the Russians say have gone over the border, are no longer in play?

    The truth, as always in war, is going to be somewhere in the middle.
  • Options
    IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PB on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Don't start that nonsense.

    By that logic "midsummer's day" is the first day of summer.
    It is in my view. Summer for me is mid June until mid September
    Agreed – for me too and for most people I think.

    The idea that 1 September is autumn is demonstrable nonsense. September is often the loveliest of all the summer months.
    Wrong. Ripe apples = autumn
  • Options
    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,422

    Off topic, but I notice that today's reported deaths with/from Covid are 651 for the last seven days. I think this is the first time for several months that the weekly average has been under 100 per day. Some good news, at least.

    What’s Covid?
    One of my most well worn VHSs from my youth. Oh, no, wait, sorry that was “Coed Vid”.
  • Options
    CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,118
    By their friends yea shall know them:

    The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution demanding that Russia cease fighting in Ukraine and withdraw all troops.

    5 against:
    N Korea

    35 Abstentions, notably China & India.
  • Options
    numbertwelvenumbertwelve Posts: 6,007

    Interesting that it's now Lavrov giving out all the demands. If "Ukrainians must choose their own leaders" is classic Putin-speak, I'm Edna O'Brien.

    I wonder if Lavrov is on manoeuvres.

    If the baton gets dropped, as it were, over the coming months then there are two options: the full Kremlin apparatus gets dismantled and a new broom comes in (essentially revolution) or the people in positions of power try to rebuild and retain their power base by getting someone in the administration in (nothing to see here, Mr Putin’s just decided to take early retirement).

    Revolution doesn’t suit the Russian ruling class.
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,904
    Sandpit said:

    The truth, as always in war, is going to be somewhere in the middle.

    IDK, casualty estimates asides I think we can agree the truth of this war is not very close to the middle position of the two sides. Except on a technical basis, like saying the number 9 is in the middle between 1 and 10.
  • Options
    Luckyguy1983Luckyguy1983 Posts: 26,358
    Leon said:

    TOPPING said:

    Leon said:

    More terrible images from Ukraine

    Definitely NSFW

    Putin turns the country into a slaughterhouse

    Every conflict, road traffic collision, train or plane crash, murder, rape, etc has horrific images. It really does serve no purpose to post them.
    I utterly disagree. It is the images that have angered the world. Words do not cut it

    We NEED to see what is happening, and we NEED to be distressed and upset - and righteously furious

    Yes, of course, if this was just a random murder or a traffic accident, why post it? Macabre. But this is a deliberate unprovoked war on civilians and it is only the bloody brutal photos and videos that bring home the horror
    There is no good reason for ever being distressed or upset.
  • Options
    solarflaresolarflare Posts: 3,672
    kle4 said:


    Russia publishes its first casualty figures in Ukraine, admitting 498 soldiers killed and a further 1500 injured. That's a remarkable admission given they were claiming days ago to have suffered no casualties whatsoever.

    I hope there is a follow up question of whether they were lying then, or if they have had a massive upsurge in casualties.
    They might blame COVID, rather than those brave pesky Ukrainians.
  • Options
    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,422

    By their friends yea shall know them:

    The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution demanding that Russia cease fighting in Ukraine and withdraw all troops.

    5 against:
    N Korea

    35 Abstentions, notably China & India.

    When Iran thinks you might be a bit dodgy….
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,007
    edited March 2022
    HYUFD said:

    Aslan said:

    HYUFD said:

    MISTY said:

    kinabalu said:

    MISTY said:

    When Ronald Reagan proposed the STAR WARS program in the 1980s, it was a mad fantasy that would never have worked and should never have been proposed.

    But it served one purpose. It left the Warsaw Pact in no doubt that the West was packin' and had every intention of pulling them pistols if the Communists struck first. Every intention.

    A few year later, communism collapsed.

    Compared to that, today's messaging from the West is supine, gutless and cowardly. We clearly don't want to fight under any circumstances and so its highly likely that we will be asked to.

    Its also interesting that I am not the only poster picking up on this.

    The other one is Alan Partridge?
    No its you actually.

    There you were just now, desperately scraping around for assurances your hero Joe Biden would not leave Europe in the lurch in the event NATO was attacked.

    Where did you get the idea the man who saved you from 'NATO slayer Donald Trump could even contemplate such a thing?

    You got it from NATO's messaging. Which is gutless and cowardly.

    We don't want to fight, under any circumstances. And so we are going to be asked to, when we are done watching Putin slay innocent Ukrainians.

    Biden is the most isolationist US President since Carter, his actions in withdrawing from Afghanistan and now his ruling out airstrikes and military involvement in Ukraine show that.

    However the US is weary after its post 9/11 wars and that is understandable and will not go beyond sanctions on Russia. That does not mean Putin is going to march through NATO nations but it does mean we may be entering another period of stand off as was the case in the Cold War with no sign of a Thatcher or Reagan on the western side on the horizon
    Biden is just a middle way interventionist between the peaceniks and the war mongers. Get out of stupid unwinnable wars for out if the way armpits like Afghanistan. Aggressively support democracies facing unprovoked attacks from right wing fascists like Putin.
    Biden may have been right to get out of Afghanistan and that the US had no need to be there once Bin Laden was killed (though return of AQ would destroy that argument).

    However he is not really aggressively supporting Ukraine, hence he has ruled out even airstrikes on Putin and just stuck to airstrikes, wary of Russia's nuclear weapons. Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney for example would have taken a tougher line on Putin than Biden did. Even Trump may have avoided a Ukraine invasion as he was so unpredictable and Putin would not have been sure of his response (even if for Trump China is the main enemy, not Russia)
    For Trump, BARACK OBAMA is the main enemy.
  • Options
    BigRichBigRich Posts: 3,489

    Christo Grozev @christogrozev [Bellingcat]

    Wow. Russian @mod_russia admits 498 casualties, over 1500 wounded. You know what this means in Kremlinspeak.

    That's a lot more than I thought they would admit. which might indicate that the Ukrainian numbers are broadly accurate.

    Did they release any more information, e.g. how many of their men have been captured? or how many Ukrainians they clamed to have killed?

  • Options
    pingping Posts: 3,804
    Notable abstentions;

    South Africa
  • Options
    geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,329

    PB is two days older than my nephew who I'm meeting in the pub on Saturday for a drink. It's the day after his birthday, but also the day before mine, and we always try to meet up on the 5th. First time he'll be able to buy me a drink!

    Happy birthday and have a fun night tonight :)

    PB is a week younger than my eldest granddaughter. Just emerging from the chrysalis,
    ready to take wing. Happy birthday!

  • Options
    Richard_NabaviRichard_Nabavi Posts: 30,820
    BigRich said:

    Christo Grozev @christogrozev [Bellingcat]

    Wow. Russian @mod_russia admits 498 casualties, over 1500 wounded. You know what this means in Kremlinspeak.

    That's a lot more than I thought they would admit. which might indicate that the Ukrainian numbers are broadly accurate.

    Did they release any more information, e.g. how many of their men have been captured? or how many Ukrainians they clamed to have killed?

    They claim to have killed 2,870 Ukrainian military. I don't think they've given a figure for how many civilians they have killed (not that they would be in a position to know even if they cared).
  • Options
    felixfelix Posts: 15,128
    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Yes but astronomical Spring is normally more accurate weather wise in my experience and that does not start until 20th March
    But then mid-December is still autumn, which is silly.
    Weather wise it largely is, you rarely get snow until after 21st December
    In Spain - AEMET - the national weather agency sticks to the solstices and equinoxes to mark the season changes - each time there's a change we get appropriate pictures to start the forecast - a snowy scene after dec 21st , etc.
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,328
    edited March 2022
    BigRich said:

    Christo Grozev @christogrozev [Bellingcat]

    Wow. Russian @mod_russia admits 498 casualties, over 1500 wounded. You know what this means in Kremlinspeak.

    That's a lot more than I thought they would admit. which might indicate that the Ukrainian numbers are broadly accurate.

    Did they release any more information, e.g. how many of their men have been captured? or how many Ukrainians they clamed to have killed?

    They claim around 2500 Ukrainians killed.
  • Options
    rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 59,584

    On the filming/photographing of Russian POWs by some Ukrainians, I haven't seen anything yet that would seem to break the rather vague rules.

    The Third Geneva Convention, Part 2, Article 13 states that prisoners of war must be treated humanely and "Protected against public curiosity".

    "GC III, Art. 13 does not per se prohibit photographing a POW. The
    prohibition extends to photographs that degrade or humiliate a POW.
    With respect to POWs, there is some value added in disseminating
    photographs since it gives family members assurance that their loved
    one is alive. "

    According to this =

    I don't think I've seen anyone degraded or humiliated, just captured.

    Indeed all the photos I have seen so far seem to show the POWs being well treated and (relatively) relaxed.
    But the document linked to has a footnote which specifically links to US Army Regulations which say:

    "Photographing, filming, and video taping of individual EPW, CI and RP for other than internal Internment Facility administration or intelligence/counterintelligence purposes is strictly prohibited."

    So this is not clear cut imho.

  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,904

    By their friends yea shall know them:

    The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution demanding that Russia cease fighting in Ukraine and withdraw all troops.

    5 against:
    N Korea

    35 Abstentions, notably China & India.

    Even most of the anti-fascist league Russia wants to put together abstaining, for shame. Who stands out with a surprising abstention though - South Afrtica?

    Surprised Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo doesn't cause more confusion though.
  • Options
    solarflaresolarflare Posts: 3,672

    Leon said:

    TOPPING said:

    Leon said:

    More terrible images from Ukraine

    Definitely NSFW

    Putin turns the country into a slaughterhouse

    Every conflict, road traffic collision, train or plane crash, murder, rape, etc has horrific images. It really does serve no purpose to post them.
    I utterly disagree. It is the images that have angered the world. Words do not cut it

    We NEED to see what is happening, and we NEED to be distressed and upset - and righteously furious

    Yes, of course, if this was just a random murder or a traffic accident, why post it? Macabre. But this is a deliberate unprovoked war on civilians and it is only the bloody brutal photos and videos that bring home the horror
    There is no good reason for ever being distressed or upset.
    Bizarre comment.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,151

    BigRich said:

    Christo Grozev @christogrozev [Bellingcat]

    Wow. Russian @mod_russia admits 498 casualties, over 1500 wounded. You know what this means in Kremlinspeak.

    That's a lot more than I thought they would admit. which might indicate that the Ukrainian numbers are broadly accurate.

    Did they release any more information, e.g. how many of their men have been captured? or how many Ukrainians they clamed to have killed?

    They claim to have killed 2,870 Ukrainian military. I don't think they've given a figure for how many civilians they have killed (not that they would be in a position to know even if they cared).
    Ukraine is saying 2,000 of their own civilian deaths, FWIW.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,620
    felix said:

    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Yes but astronomical Spring is normally more accurate weather wise in my experience and that does not start until 20th March
    But then mid-December is still autumn, which is silly.
    Weather wise it largely is, you rarely get snow until after 21st December
    In Spain - AEMET - the national weather agency sticks to the solstices and equinoxes to mark the season changes - each time there's a change we get appropriate pictures to start the forecast - a snowy scene after dec 21st , etc.
    And quite right too. Seasonal lag is pretty extreme in much of Spain so the proper seasons are the ones to use, not this claptrap propagated by the Met Office.
  • Options
    turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,070

    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Leon said:


    Be warned: the weather down here in The Smoke is absolutely vile. Cold wet drenching rain. Certainly doesn't feel like the 2nd day of spring...

    It isn't. Spring does not start until 20th March.

    I am in Oxford today and also won't be able to go but congrats PM on its 18th birthday and to OGH for launching it and hope those going have a good time
    Just for the pedantry: Meteorological Spring is 1st March.
    Yes but astronomical Spring is normally more accurate weather wise in my experience and that does not start until 20th March
    But then mid-December is still autumn, which is silly.
    Weather wise it largely is, you rarely get snow until after 21st December
    Statistically, the coldest week of the year is the third week of February. That is "the bleak midwinter".

    The Beast from the East (and the follow-up two weeks later) were both mid-late March.
    Not quite - the original beast was end of Feb start of March (about 26th to the 3rd). Second blast was two weeks later.
  • Options
    ChelyabinskChelyabinsk Posts: 489
    edited March 2022

    Leon said:

    TOPPING said:

    Leon said:

    More terrible images from Ukraine

    Definitely NSFW

    Putin turns the country into a slaughterhouse

    Every conflict, road traffic collision, train or plane crash, murder, rape, etc has horrific images. It really does serve no purpose to post them.
    I utterly disagree. It is the images that have angered the world. Words do not cut it

    We NEED to see what is happening, and we NEED to be distressed and upset - and righteously furious

    Yes, of course, if this was just a random murder or a traffic accident, why post it? Macabre. But this is a deliberate unprovoked war on civilians and it is only the bloody brutal photos and videos that bring home the horror
    There is no good reason for ever being distressed or upset.
    Isn't that a quote from Brave New World?
  • Options
    Richard_NabaviRichard_Nabavi Posts: 30,820
    Sandpit said:

    BigRich said:

    Christo Grozev @christogrozev [Bellingcat]

    Wow. Russian @mod_russia admits 498 casualties, over 1500 wounded. You know what this means in Kremlinspeak.

    That's a lot more than I thought they would admit. which might indicate that the Ukrainian numbers are broadly accurate.

    Did they release any more information, e.g. how many of their men have been captured? or how many Ukrainians they clamed to have killed?

    They claim to have killed 2,870 Ukrainian military. I don't think they've given a figure for how many civilians they have killed (not that they would be in a position to know even if they cared).
    Ukraine is saying 2,000 of their own civilian deaths, FWIW.
    Yes, and no doubt that figure will be increasing rapidly given today's shelling of various cities.
  • Options
    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,422

    Chameleon said:

    Syria, Russia, Belarus, N.Korea, Eritrea voted against the UN resolution. Quite the alliance.

    The Axis of Evil 2022 edition.
    Is Eritrea still at war with Ethiopia? Perhaps we now know which side to pick.
  • Options

    On the filming/photographing of Russian POWs by some Ukrainians, I haven't seen anything yet that would seem to break the rather vague rules.

    The Third Geneva Convention, Part 2, Article 13 states that prisoners of war must be treated humanely and "Protected against public curiosity".

    "GC III, Art. 13 does not per se prohibit photographing a POW. The
    prohibition extends to photographs that degrade or humiliate a POW.
    With respect to POWs, there is some value added in disseminating
    photographs since it gives family members assurance that their loved
    one is alive. "

    According to this =

    I don't think I've seen anyone degraded or humiliated, just captured.

    Indeed all the photos I have seen so far seem to show the POWs being well treated and (relatively) relaxed.
    But the document linked to has a footnote which specifically links to US Army Regulations which say:

    "Photographing, filming, and video taping of individual EPW, CI and RP for other than internal Internment Facility administration or intelligence/counterintelligence purposes is strictly prohibited."

    So this is not clear cut imho.

    I wonder how much thought the US Army Regs gave to what they'd let their home guard do if Russians illegally invaded them, rather than their own army visiting other continents on arguably dubious legal bases.
  • Options
    BigRichBigRich Posts: 3,489

    By their friends yea shall know them:

    The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution demanding that Russia cease fighting in Ukraine and withdraw all troops.

    5 against:
    N Korea

    35 Abstentions, notably China & India.

    Venezuela is showing a blank? does this mean they did not show up for the vote? or is it a mistake? or what?
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,620
    edited March 2022
    kle4 said:

    By their friends yea shall know them:

    The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution demanding that Russia cease fighting in Ukraine and withdraw all troops.

    5 against:
    N Korea

    35 Abstentions, notably China & India.

    Even most of the anti-fascist league Russia wants to put together abstaining, for shame. Who stands out with a surprising abstention though - South Afrtica?

    Surprised Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo doesn't cause more confusion though.
    Beyond the pedantic quirk of the Vatican/Rome those two also have the closest capital cities in the world – Kinshasa and Brazzaville are just a mile apart at their nearest point. Which rather adds to the ludicrous sense of confusion and mistaken identity.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,151
    BigRich said:

    By their friends yea shall know them:

    The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution demanding that Russia cease fighting in Ukraine and withdraw all troops.

    5 against:
    N Korea

    35 Abstentions, notably China & India.

    Venezuela is showing a blank? does this mean they did not show up for the vote? or is it a mistake? or what?
    12 blanks in that list. Presumably marked as absent from the vote, rather than formally abstaining.
  • Options
    numbertwelvenumbertwelve Posts: 6,007
    biggles said:

    By their friends yea shall know them:

    The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution demanding that Russia cease fighting in Ukraine and withdraw all troops.

    5 against:
    N Korea

    35 Abstentions, notably China & India.

    When Iran thinks you might be a bit dodgy….
    And Myanmar!
    TimS said:

    I just read this on the BBC, in connection with the talks. To me the second paragraph sounds like quite a significant and surprising concession by Russia:

    "Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said earlier on Wednesday that Moscow remains committed to the "demilitarisation" of Ukraine and added there should be a list of specified weapons that can never be deployed on Ukrainian territory.

    But he said that Vladimir Putin's regime recognised the Ukrainian people's right to chose their own leader and that Russia accepts Volodymyr Zelensky as the legitimate president."

    Is the wily old fox Lavrov going increasingly off-message? Or is this just Russian trickery?

    I am starting to wonder if at least for the adults in the Russian government a concession on NATO membership and agreement not to station weapons in Ukraine might be enough.
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 93,904
    biggles said:

    Chameleon said:

    Syria, Russia, Belarus, N.Korea, Eritrea voted against the UN resolution. Quite the alliance.

    The Axis of Evil 2022 edition.
    Is Eritrea still at war with Ethiopia? Perhaps we now know which side to pick.
    No, they made peace. It was one reason the Ethiopian PM got the Peace Prize. Good timing too, before a rebellion and civil war ensued.
  • Options
    pingping Posts: 3,804
    edited March 2022
    biggles said:

    Chameleon said:

    Syria, Russia, Belarus, N.Korea, Eritrea voted against the UN resolution. Quite the alliance.

    The Axis of Evil 2022 edition.
    Is Eritrea still at war with Ethiopia? Perhaps we now know which side to pick.
    No. The Horn of Africa alliance business got shaken up a year or so, ago. Ethiopia kicked the Tigrayans out of government - then Eritrea and Ethiopia buried the hatchet, got awarded the Nobel peace prize, then jointly went to war with the Tigrayans.

    Plus ca change.
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    MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 50,804
    TimS said:

    I just read this on the BBC, in connection with the talks. To me the second paragraph sounds like quite a significant and surprising concession by Russia:

    "Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said earlier on Wednesday that Moscow remains committed to the "demilitarisation" of Ukraine and added there should be a list of specified weapons that can never be deployed on Ukrainian territory.

    But he said that Vladimir Putin's regime recognised the Ukrainian people's right to chose their own leader and that Russia accepts Volodymyr Zelensky as the legitimate president."

    Is the wily old fox Lavrov going increasingly off-message? Or is this just Russian trickery?

    Maybe we are seeing the military's demands for Putin to stay in office....
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    Andy_CookeAndy_Cooke Posts: 4,870

    COVID Summary

    - Cases are still falling, R is below 1 for age and region. Some signs that the fall is slowing further
    - MV Beds - seems to be plateauing, after the increase around the 28th Feb
    - In hospital - likewise
    - Admissions - spike on the 28th. Need to see more data to see what is going on
    - Deaths down


    The BA.2 bump feeding through.

    It's why Northern Ireland has such high prevalence in the ONS infections survey and why Scotland has had admissions and hospital figures going up (but after NI):

    Probably won't be very visible on the cases data; that's now less and less reliable. Watch the ONS survey and the hospital data.

    Infections are bumping upwards in the oldest categories (most vulnerable) and this will feed through into hospitals.

    Personally, I'm expecting more a "bump" than a "surge." NI look to be on their way down from the BA.2 bump. Scotland still rising but should plateau soon (I hope). We're now just starting that rise in England, but I'm expecting (hoping?) it'll be less severe because England's had longer for BA.1 to make its way around so immunity should be wider-spread (and vaccine coverage is better in England than NI).

    Expect 2-3 weeks of a reversal in the drop in infections and admissions, though.
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