If you were Zelenskyy right now, would you go to the Belarus border for a meeting right now? Highly risky
As mentioned yesterday, President Big Hat is due to commit forces over the next 48-72 hours and that has been confirmed by the Ukrainians this afternoon, who said they had reports of Belarus forces prepping. This might be an important addition because it potentially enables the opening of a new front, if the Belarus military can fight.
I don’t think he’s going . That would be far too risky and so I would have thought he’s sending representatives.
Even that's risky for tracking reasons. I suspect the Russians cant find him or his ministers as no indication of a deliberate strike against him. I thought the GRU operating incognito in Kiev might have given such an assault a crack early on but a lot of them appear to have picked up.
Just one other note: I see occasional comments about the idea of Russian poor conscripts who barely know the right end of a gun being thrown into this conflict. The Russian military in-theater is majority contract professionals.
An interesting clip here. A Russian column being turned around by a bunch of civilians refusing to get out of the road.
Maybe we should send t-shirts that the Russian troops could be offered. For all of us our best defence against all this crap is that you can't find people prepared to attack others at the behest of mad-men.
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
O man of peace; Could you just remind us what was the Russian concern which will be solved for them by an ultra violent invasion of a UN recognised non NATO sovereign country bigger than France?
Invasion was sadly a last resort...Putin felt he wasn't listened to and got angry and lashed out
I know. My two-year-old used to do the same when I told her she couldn't have things, so obviously I finished up giving her everything she wanted.
She launched wars of aggression ? Disturbing precocity.
:-) Yes, I see I phrased that poorly but you know what I mean....
Not sure it’s her decision to make. She’ll probably be out of office in September.
The polls show S+V usually ahead of M+KD+C by a few points, so a change probably depends on willingness of the Moderates to team up with the Sweden Democrats. Have they softened on that?
Oh goodness yes.
One of the several reasons I did not renew my membership 3 years ago (previously M councillor).
(It isn’t M+KD+C you should be looking at but M+KD+SD.)
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
O man of peace; Could you just remind us what was the Russian concern which will be solved for them by an ultra violent invasion of a UN recognised non NATO sovereign country bigger than France?
Invasion was sadly a last resort...Putin felt he wasn't listened to and got angry and lashed out
“I did not believe my threats were being taken seriously enough so I felt I had no alternative but to carry out a violent armed robbery.”
Thoughts on oligarchs, Kremlin officials and sanctions or asset seizures.
Maybe it does make sense to hold off with some of them.
The best hope for Russia and the rest of us is that someone on the inside instigates a palace coup and removes Putin. Then the way is open for a reset of relations with the West.
We know Russian government has become a Mafia racket. The trouble is I expect there are few of any senior politicians or military leaders who are a. capable of being Brutus, b. squeaky clean when it comes to snouts in the trough.
Somehow a bunch of pretty financially dubious individuals are going to need to conclude that life is better off without their protector Putin. That’s not going to happen if they think on day 1 after his fall the SEC, fraud squad or Italian fiscal police are going to be knocking on their door.
For the sake of world peace we might need to accept some don’t ask don’t tell murky deals here.
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
When you say no one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war I was just wondering how you know that. Do you get a database on all of us supplied to you? If you do it might need updating because I can think of one who definitely has and another who probably has and there may be others, but unfortunately I am not supplied with the info to confirm that.
Wow. That's absolutely huge. Good on BP shareholders for forcing the issue.
Who are they going to sell it to?
No one. They are writing it off.
Isn’t that effectively transferring a certain fraction of the worth of the company to the Russians?
Yes it all goes back to Rosneft. But the reason BP would have been involved was capital investment that was needed to run operations and upon which they get a return. By pulling out they are helping to isolate Rosneft from the investment sources they need to continue to operate. BP are taking a hit here but it seriously undermines the viability of Rosneft and their ability to operate.
Historically it goes back to the joint venture TNK-BP of which Putin was not a fan, and which was "bought" by Rosneft. On the question of the free gift to the Kremlin, yes, but sanctions are a blunt tool.
ETA using "it goes back" differently from RT, so not disagreeing with him.
I have some feeling the moment of worst danger is over. i hope I'm right,
Opposite here. It's all going too well. Expecting a great clunking fist, not nuclear but say an overnight carpet bombing of Kyiv.
That could still happen. I have some feeling that the nuclear danger has subsided slightly, though.
I wish I shared your confidence.
Am I the only one running through my plans for "what would we (Mrs. P and I) do in the event of a full-scale nuclear war"?
(Hint, none of the options involve long-term survival).
Yes, I’m just starting to do this. Need to work out when the trigger point would be to put into action. The sound of sirens would be somewhat too late.
Head of Russian delegation to UN climate conference,Oleg Anisimov, apologized to UN for Russia's aggression in Ukraine “Let me apologize on behalf of all Russians who were not able to prevent this conflict. Those who see what is happening cannot find any excuse to attack Ukraine” https://twitter.com/olganyc1211/status/1497678127279091717
If you were Zelenskyy right now, would you go to the Belarus border for a meeting right now? Highly risky
As mentioned yesterday, President Big Hat is due to commit forces over the next 48-72 hours and that has been confirmed by the Ukrainians this afternoon, who said they had reports of Belarus forces prepping. This might be an important addition because it potentially enables the opening of a new front, if the Belarus military can fight.
I don’t think he’s going . That would be far too risky and so I would have thought he’s sending representatives.
Even that's risky for tracking reasons. I suspect the Russians cant find him or his ministers as no indication of a deliberate strike against him. I thought the GRU operating incognito in Kiev might have given such an assault a crack early on but a lot of them appear to have picked up.
Just one other note: I see occasional comments about the idea of Russian poor conscripts who barely know the right end of a gun being thrown into this conflict. The Russian military in-theater is majority contract professionals.
Sensible caution - but I don’t think Ukraine has many illusions about these negotiations. Here’s a message from the deputy defence minister to his Belarus counterpart (with whom he was in cadet school): https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1497983601887043584
IMV the longer Putin rants and raves about nukes in the manner he is, the less likely he is to be able to use them. Sane people in the Russian chain of command are more likely to see sense.
What worries me is a quick, impromptu usage.
The trouble is, that was the same argument I stood by in disbelieving Putin would actually invade. I thought it was militarily too dicey and that he couldn't be that stupid.
I was completely wrong. Mind you, I did at least change my mind when I saw that crazed speech to the nation. He's gone doolally.
I don't trust myself now to believe that the 'good natured' generals will hold back if Putin orders it, especially when Russian blood is being spilled.
It's disappointing that only 44% think being in NATO makes us safer.
I think people are about to associate it with solidarity against a threat again, having previously started to associate it with Afghanistan. Give it a few days.
I have some feeling the moment of worst danger is over. i hope I'm right,
Opposite here. It's all going too well. Expecting a great clunking fist, not nuclear but say an overnight carpet bombing of Kyiv.
That could still happen. I have some feeling that the nuclear danger has subsided slightly, though.
I wish I shared your confidence.
Am I the only one running through my plans for "what would we (Mrs. P and I) do in the event of a full-scale nuclear war"?
(Hint, none of the options involve long-term survival).
Given my own proximity to a likely nuclear target, my plan is to spread myself thinly over a radius of 3 square miles.
I'm right bang in the middle of a target, too. I remember staring mesmerised at a book as a child, meant for teenagers, about which parts of the country were most dangerous in the event of nuclear war, and having nightmares about it.
For some reason though, I feel as if that's about three times less likely than it was just a few hours ago. Let's hope so !
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
O man of peace; Could you just remind us what was the Russian concern which will be solved for them by an ultra violent invasion of a UN recognised non NATO sovereign country bigger than France?
Invasion was sadly a last resort...Putin felt he wasn't listened to and got angry and lashed out
I know. My two-year-old used to do the same when I told her she couldn't have things, so obviously I finished up giving her everything she wanted.
Your two-year-old threatened to nuke you if she couldn't have some sweeties?
Happened in my house all the time. Wake up of a Saturday morning, have to talk a toddler down from destroying half the universe because it was the wrong colour when she woke up.
Basic parenting stuff. You really get to know which is the red wire......
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
O man of peace; Could you just remind us what was the Russian concern which will be solved for them by an ultra violent invasion of a UN recognised non NATO sovereign country bigger than France?
Invasion was sadly a last resort...Putin felt he wasn't listened to and got angry and lashed out
Not sure having the government deciding who can or cannot broadcast is a good thing. An arms-length regulator is a much better idea.
I find this kind of wishy-washy sentimentalism over civil liberties when the whole western world is getting sucked into an actual war on the ground, which has just been taken to a whole different nuclear threat level, naive and touching.
Have you looked at the stuff coming out on RT? Some of it is utterly disgraceful. There is NO place for RT to be broadcasting at the present time.
When Putin removes Russian troops from Ukraine, fine they can re-broadcast.
Though it is worth pointing out that we never made it illegal to listen to Lord Haw Haw in WW2. I think you probably need to give people some credit for their ability to discern propaganda. The more important point is the one made earlier that a tit for tat would cut off many Russians from the BBC which is an important source of information.
That’s the one I posted? To be fair and honest I didn’t think it up - a Conservative MP tweeted it days ago when Starmer was insisting on immediate ban, and it made sense to me when I read it.
I've been to have a look on RT a couple of times during this crisis. Whilst it cannot be described as a neutral source, it's been reporting stories that are unfavourable to Putin in what I found to be a surprising semblance of a news outfit. It's certainly not portraying a joyous march toward liberation for Ukraine anyway.
I have some feeling the moment of worst danger is over. i hope I'm right,
Opposite here. It's all going too well. Expecting a great clunking fist, not nuclear but say an overnight carpet bombing of Kyiv.
That could still happen. I have some feeling that the nuclear danger has subsided slightly, though.
I wish I shared your confidence.
Am I the only one running through my plans for "what would we (Mrs. P and I) do in the event of a full-scale nuclear war"?
(Hint, none of the options involve long-term survival).
Given my own proximity to a likely nuclear target, my plan is to spread myself thinly over a radius of 3 square miles.
I'm right back in the middle of a target, too. I remember staring mesmerised at a book as a child, meant for teenagers, about which parts of the country were most dangerous in the event of nuclear war, and having nightmares about it.
For some reason, though, I suddenly feel as if that's about three times less likely than just a few hours ago. Let's hope so !
This whole business has resurrected my memories of being a child and discussing nuclear war with my parents. Basically “we don’t really have a plan because we’d be vapour” but in child friendly words.
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
When you say no one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war I was just wondering how you know that. Do you get a database on all of us supplied to you? If you do it might need updating because I can think of one who definitely has and another who probably has and there may be others, but unfortunately I am not supplied with the info to confirm that.
As a baby I and my family were shielding under a metal table in Manchester when one of Hitlers bombs hit a neighbour's house killing 6
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
O man of peace; Could you just remind us what was the Russian concern which will be solved for them by an ultra violent invasion of a UN recognised non NATO sovereign country bigger than France?
Invasion was sadly a last resort...Putin felt he wasn't listened to and got angry and lashed out
Not sure having the government deciding who can or cannot broadcast is a good thing. An arms-length regulator is a much better idea.
I find this kind of wishy-washy sentimentalism over civil liberties when the whole western world is getting sucked into an actual war on the ground, which has just been taken to a whole different nuclear threat level, naive and touching.
Have you looked at the stuff coming out on RT? Some of it is utterly disgraceful. There is NO place for RT to be broadcasting at the present time.
When Putin removes Russian troops from Ukraine, fine they can re-broadcast.
Though it is worth pointing out that we never made it illegal to listen to Lord Haw Haw in WW2. I think you probably need to give people some credit for their ability to discern propaganda. The more important point is the one made earlier that a tit for tat would cut off many Russians from the BBC which is an important source of information.
That’s the one I posted? To be fair and honest I didn’t think it up - a Conservative MP tweeted it days ago when Starmer was insisting on immediate ban, and it made sense to me when I read it.
I've been to have a look on RT a couple of times during this crisis. Whilst it cannot be described as a neutral source, it's been reporting stories that are unfavourable to Putin in what I found to be a surprising semblance of a news outfit. It's certainly not portraying a joyous march toward liberation for Ukraine anyway.
RT should be banned by OFCOM, for actual, proven breaches of the conditions of broadcasting rights. If it breaches them.
The whole nuclear readiness thing gives the West opportunity.
The active Russian military is stretched, so start sending up aircraft and running exercises in the Arctic, in the Med opposite Syria, close to the Russian Far East and so on.
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
O man of peace; Could you just remind us what was the Russian concern which will be solved for them by an ultra violent invasion of a UN recognised non NATO sovereign country bigger than France?
Invasion was sadly a last resort...Putin felt he wasn't listened to and got angry and lashed out
That is remarkably restrained for the quality of analysis you were responding to - are you quite yourself?
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
O man of peace; Could you just remind us what was the Russian concern which will be solved for them by an ultra violent invasion of a UN recognised non NATO sovereign country bigger than France?
Invasion was sadly a last resort...Putin felt he wasn't listened to and got angry and lashed out
Come on, that is a pale imitation of your best.
Tell you what, set up a charity page - your choice. I'll donate a £1 every time you do a really good one of your rants. The ones with passion, humour and inventive grammar.
If you were Zelenskyy right now, would you go to the Belarus border for a meeting right now? Highly risky
As mentioned yesterday, President Big Hat is due to commit forces over the next 48-72 hours and that has been confirmed by the Ukrainians this afternoon, who said they had reports of Belarus forces prepping. This might be an important addition because it potentially enables the opening of a new front, if the Belarus military can fight.
I don’t think he’s going . That would be far too risky and so I would have thought he’s sending representatives.
Even that's risky for tracking reasons. I suspect the Russians cant find him or his ministers as no indication of a deliberate strike against him. I thought the GRU operating incognito in Kiev might have given such an assault a crack early on but a lot of them appear to have picked up.
Just one other note: I see occasional comments about the idea of Russian poor conscripts who barely know the right end of a gun being thrown into this conflict. The Russian military in-theater is majority contract professionals.
Detailed and credible reports that that is not the case in this instance, e.g.
The whole nuclear readiness thing gives the West opportunity.
The active Russian military is stretched, so start sending up aircraft and running exercises in the Arctic, in the Med opposite Syria, close to the Russian Far East and so on.
So, the DUP want us all reduced to smouldering cinders? Suppose that includes the Pope, so mission accomplished.
IMV the longer Putin rants and raves about nukes in the manner he is, the less likely he is to be able to use them. Sane people in the Russian chain of command are more likely to see sense.
What worries me is a quick, impromptu usage.
The trouble is, that was the same argument I stood by in disbelieving Putin would actually invade. I thought it was militarily too dicey and that he couldn't be that stupid.
I was completely wrong. Mind you, I did at least change my mind when I saw that crazed speech to the nation. He's gone doolally.
You were a fool.
His actions and rhetoric over the last two decades pointed to exactly this. The Maiden revolution lost him 'his' people in the Ukrainian government, so his every action towards them since then has been aggressive.
And there comes a stage where, after marching the troops to the top of the hill, battle becomes inevitable.
Not sure having the government deciding who can or cannot broadcast is a good thing. An arms-length regulator is a much better idea.
I find this kind of wishy-washy sentimentalism over civil liberties when the whole western world is getting sucked into an actual war on the ground, which has just been taken to a whole different nuclear threat level, naive and touching.
Have you looked at the stuff coming out on RT? Some of it is utterly disgraceful. There is NO place for RT to be broadcasting at the present time.
When Putin removes Russian troops from Ukraine, fine they can re-broadcast.
Though it is worth pointing out that we never made it illegal to listen to Lord Haw Haw in WW2. I think you probably need to give people some credit for their ability to discern propaganda. The more important point is the one made earlier that a tit for tat would cut off many Russians from the BBC which is an important source of information.
That’s the one I posted? To be fair and honest I didn’t think it up - a Conservative MP tweeted it days ago when Starmer was insisting on immediate ban, and it made sense to me when I read it.
I've been to have a look on RT a couple of times during this crisis. Whilst it cannot be described as a neutral source, it's been reporting stories that are unfavourable to Putin in what I found to be a surprising semblance of a news outfit. It's certainly not portraying a joyous march toward liberation for Ukraine anyway.
RT should be banned by OFCOM, for actual, proven breaches of the conditions of broadcasting rights. If it breaches them.
Sweden to send Ukraine cash, helmets and anti-tank weapons.
Will Putin consider this to be military assistance? If so, this may be the last you’ll ever hear from this particular troublesome Jock.
was for these unintended consequences the phrase “give war a chance” was invented.
I may be drunk. I may be Christian. And this may be too deep. But this is God’s design. For all the pain, good can come from it too. Like people being brought back together, or finding each other for the first time, or seeing clearly, and connecting with their cause. (And cantankerous ex pat jocks with rubbish avatar they should have changed ages ago now disappearing off our site) good consequences. What befell Stephen may have been violent and horrible, but the consequence it proved catalyst to spread the good news around the world.
God designed the storms of winter, so we can know spring again.
Which Stephen? The protomartyr bloke? what has he to do with it?
Here's a feelgood piece of folklore
"In Ireland the holiday [boxing day] is sometimes called Wren Day, because in the past a wren would be killed and taken door-to-door by children asking for money in exchange for a wren’s feather, which people believed brought good luck."
I cannot imagine anything more sweet, harmless and deserving love and protection than a wren in the depths of winter. I wish the story were not true at all or at least not true of our neighbours.
And so we learn that as a result of the stoning of Stephen, Saul made havoc of the church, entering every house and dragging off men and women to prison. But those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the Word. How many times in church history has this happened, that God’s people are persecuted, and as a result the Word of God spreads? Countless times, from day of the Crucifixion until the present day.
Not sure having the government deciding who can or cannot broadcast is a good thing. An arms-length regulator is a much better idea.
I find this kind of wishy-washy sentimentalism over civil liberties when the whole western world is getting sucked into an actual war on the ground, which has just been taken to a whole different nuclear threat level, naive and touching.
Have you looked at the stuff coming out on RT? Some of it is utterly disgraceful. There is NO place for RT to be broadcasting at the present time.
When Putin removes Russian troops from Ukraine, fine they can re-broadcast.
Rt has its place as a counterweight to the propaganda of the bbc
My best case of NATO's response in the case of Putin using nuclear weapons is that it would be launch targeted Trident strikes on all Russian military and nuclear launch facilities to cripple its capability to fight, and would try and destroy Putin personally.
It wouldn't look to irradiate and destroy its major cities, although there would undoubtedly be major collateral damage.
It would depend on the target. If the targets are in Ukraine, I would *not* respond with nukes. I would get a worldwide moratorium on Russia and everything Russian. Make them a pariah state (more so than at the moment).
Sadly, we may need to respond with nukes if the targets were anywhere outside Ukraine.
What worries me is if Russia used chemical or biological weapons. They have the capability, and we don't. Our only response is nuclear.
Russia has already used nuclear and chemical weapons on our soil.
I don't think Putin has many boundaries.
As I've pointed out on here many times. Too many people - especially those on the left - seem reluctant to say the name 'Salisbury' , let alone think what it meant.
I mean, Putin isn't a good guy who has suddenly gone doolally. He's a bad guy gone evil. This has been clear for well over a decade.
The whole nuclear readiness thing gives the West opportunity.
The active Russian military is stretched, so start sending up aircraft and running exercises in the Arctic, in the Med opposite Syria, close to the Russian Far East and so on.
I would have expected them to be doing that anyway.
In fact any faction with a grouse against the Russians (form an orderly queue please) has a great opportunity to get frisky with minimum risk of reprisals.
I have some feeling the moment of worst danger is over. i hope I'm right,
Opposite here. It's all going too well. Expecting a great clunking fist, not nuclear but say an overnight carpet bombing of Kyiv.
That could still happen. I have some feeling that the nuclear danger has subsided slightly, though.
I wish I shared your confidence.
Am I the only one running through my plans for "what would we (Mrs. P and I) do in the event of a full-scale nuclear war"?
(Hint, none of the options involve long-term survival).
Given my own proximity to a likely nuclear target, my plan is to spread myself thinly over a radius of 3 square miles.
I'm right back in the middle of a target, too. I remember staring mesmerised at a book as a child, meant for teenagers, about which parts of the country were most dangerous in the event of nuclear war, and having nightmares about it.
For some reason, though, I suddenly feel as if that's about three times less likely than just a few hours ago. Let's hope so !
This whole business has resurrected my memories of being a child and discussing nuclear war with my parents. Basically “we don’t really have a plan because we’d be vapour” but in child friendly words.
If I ran from here to Devonport, that wouldn't be a marathon. My garden shed is a ww2 built bomb shelter, like an Anderson but slightly bigger, so I suppose I could retire to that.
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
O man of peace; Could you just remind us what was the Russian concern which will be solved for them by an ultra violent invasion of a UN recognised non NATO sovereign country bigger than France?
Invasion was sadly a last resort...Putin felt he wasn't listened to and got angry and lashed out
That is remarkably restrained for the quality of analysis you were responding to - are you quite yourself?
IMV the longer Putin rants and raves about nukes in the manner he is, the less likely he is to be able to use them. Sane people in the Russian chain of command are more likely to see sense.
What worries me is a quick, impromptu usage.
The trouble is, that was the same argument I stood by in disbelieving Putin would actually invade. I thought it was militarily too dicey and that he couldn't be that stupid.
I was completely wrong. Mind you, I did at least change my mind when I saw that crazed speech to the nation. He's gone doolally.
You were a fool.
No, he was.
I did argue that Russian military might was exaggerated. I said that he didn't have sufficient troops on the ground to guarantee victory. Tentatively this may be proving true.
The problem and the flaw in my argument is that we're not dealing with someone rational. He has lost his marbles.
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
When it comes nuclear war will be quick - Hopefully governments in the west are toning down their (understandable) reaction so far and offering Putin a way out .Its sad but Ukraine holding out has made the world a more dangerous place. Escalation here can go exponentially within a couple of hours
Not another one!
No-one on this forum has experienced the horrors of war. Iam a man of peace and want a solution hence we must listen to russias concerns before disaster engulfs the west
O man of peace; Could you just remind us what was the Russian concern which will be solved for them by an ultra violent invasion of a UN recognised non NATO sovereign country bigger than France?
Invasion was sadly a last resort...Putin felt he wasn't listened to and got angry and lashed out
Come on, that is a pale imitation of your best.
Tell you what, set up a charity page - your choice. I'll donate a £1 every time you do a really good one of your rants. The ones with passion, humour and inventive grammar.
I'll do a penny. @malcolmg is good to go a £1 each time.
I have some feeling the moment of worst danger is over. i hope I'm right,
Opposite here. It's all going too well. Expecting a great clunking fist, not nuclear but say an overnight carpet bombing of Kyiv.
That could still happen. I have some feeling that the nuclear danger has subsided slightly, though.
I wish I shared your confidence.
Am I the only one running through my plans for "what would we (Mrs. P and I) do in the event of a full-scale nuclear war"?
(Hint, none of the options involve long-term survival).
Given my own proximity to a likely nuclear target, my plan is to spread myself thinly over a radius of 3 square miles.
I'm right bang in the middle of a target, too. I remember staring mesmerised at a book as a child, meant for teenagers, about which parts of the country were most dangerous in the event of nuclear war, and having nightmares about it.
For some reason though, I feel as if that's about three times less likely than it was just a few hours ago. Let's hope so !
I still feel quite nervous. Funny isn’t it, what gets you scared. I was on the complacent end of the spectrum with Covid, really found it hard to get worried even given the pretty obvious stats that suggested my parents were at risk. Whereas this…
There are a few options: head to a nearish part of the country that should escape the immediate impact of a London blast and take it from there; travel to our holiday home in France which is comfortably distant from a big city but uncomfortably close to a French airbase. Or hop on a flight somewhere upwind of fallout like Morocco. Latter obviously the safest but harder to sit it out for months on end.
Many now owe David Cameron a big fat massive apology. Remember the mockery and scorn he was subjected to when he said that peace in Europe is not something that can be taken for granted?
We are relying on the tact and diplomatic finesse of Liz Truss and Boris Johnson.
No we aren't.
The time for tact was before Russia invaded. Macron tried that and it was a disaster (no objection to him trying).
Boris has been through this wonderfully blunt and untactful. Between Macron and Boris there was a good cop/bad cop dynamic.
That last thing that is needed at the minute is tact.
You lived through the dick-shrivelling embarrassment of Lizzie Goes To Moscow, and you are still prepared to have a pop at Macron?
Your reading comprehension is letting you down once again Ishy.
I didn't have a pop at Macron. I explicitly said in case there was any doubt that I had no objection to Macron trying - it was a disaster because he was trying to negotiate with a madman, but there's absolutely no shame in him trying.
Him trying was the lesser role to Biden and Boris being the bad cops, but it was a perfectly valid role to play pre-invasion.
I have some feeling the moment of worst danger is over. i hope I'm right,
Opposite here. It's all going too well. Expecting a great clunking fist, not nuclear but say an overnight carpet bombing of Kyiv.
That could still happen. I have some feeling that the nuclear danger has subsided slightly, though.
I wish I shared your confidence.
Am I the only one running through my plans for "what would we (Mrs. P and I) do in the event of a full-scale nuclear war"?
(Hint, none of the options involve long-term survival).
Given my own proximity to a likely nuclear target, my plan is to spread myself thinly over a radius of 3 square miles.
I'm right bang in the middle of a target, too. I remember staring mesmerised at a book as a child, meant for teenagers, about which parts of the country were most dangerous in the event of nuclear war, and having nightmares about it.
For some reason though, I feel as if that's about three times less likely than it was just a few hours ago. Let's hope so !
I still feel quite nervous. Funny isn’t it, what gets you scared. I was on the complacent end of the spectrum with Covid, really found it hard to get worried even given the pretty obvious stats that suggested my parents were at risk. Whereas this…
There are a few options: head to a nearish part of the country that should escape the immediate impact of a London blast and take it from there; travel to our holiday home in France which is comfortably distant from a big city but uncomfortably close to a French airbase. Or hop on a flight somewhere upwind of fallout like Morocco. Latter obviously the safest but harder to sit it out for months on end.
I hope it doesn't kick off in the next half hour, as my hospital dinner is due to arrive.
The whole nuclear readiness thing gives the West opportunity.
The active Russian military is stretched, so start sending up aircraft and running exercises in the Arctic, in the Med opposite Syria, close to the Russian Far East and so on.
I would have expected them to be doing that anyway.
In fact any faction with a grouse against the Russians (form an orderly queue please) has a great opportunity to get frisky with minimum risk of reprisals.
My best case of NATO's response in the case of Putin using nuclear weapons is that it would be launch targeted Trident strikes on all Russian military and nuclear launch facilities to cripple its capability to fight, and would try and destroy Putin personally.
It wouldn't look to irradiate and destroy its major cities, although there would undoubtedly be major collateral damage.
It would depend on the target. If the targets are in Ukraine, I would *not* respond with nukes. I would get a worldwide moratorium on Russia and everything Russian. Make them a pariah state (more so than at the moment).
Sadly, we may need to respond with nukes if the targets were anywhere outside Ukraine.
What worries me is if Russia used chemical or biological weapons. They have the capability, and we don't. Our only response is nuclear.
Russia has already used nuclear and chemical weapons on our soil.
I don't think Putin has many boundaries.
I mean, Putin isn't a good guy who has suddenly gone doolally. He's a bad guy gone evil. This has been clear for well over a decade.
No I think this is wrong and a wrong mix of words.
He's an evil guy who has also now gone doolally. There's plenty of evidence for that.
I've been livid with Putin for years, deploring his evil acts, but it's the last few weeks which have seen him go crazed, losing his marbles. The address to the nation was like nothing else he's delivered. Just nuts.
I have some feeling the moment of worst danger is over. i hope I'm right,
Opposite here. It's all going too well. Expecting a great clunking fist, not nuclear but say an overnight carpet bombing of Kyiv.
That could still happen. I have some feeling that the nuclear danger has subsided slightly, though.
I wish I shared your confidence.
Am I the only one running through my plans for "what would we (Mrs. P and I) do in the event of a full-scale nuclear war"?
(Hint, none of the options involve long-term survival).
Given my own proximity to a likely nuclear target, my plan is to spread myself thinly over a radius of 3 square miles.
All your worries will turn to vapour ;-)
We used to live very close to Upper Heyford airbase back in the 80s - at times it was weirdly comforting to know that we'd never have to face a post-Armageddon world.
BREAKING: Putin just fired his most decorated general whose war strategy has been the basis for all sorts of military nastiness. This is a significant external validation of how badly things are playing out for Russia in this invasion https://twitter.com/billneelyreport/status/1497989705903788036
Norwegian government has decided that Norway's sovereign wealth fund (the worlds largest fund) will freeze its investments in Russia and intend to fully divest its Russia holding.https://twitter.com/matsbenestad/status/1497997524640096256
BREAKING: Putin just fired his most decorated general whose war strategy has been the basis for all sorts of military nastiness. This is a significant external validation of how badly things are playing out for Russia in this invasion https://twitter.com/billneelyreport/status/1497989705903788036
Yup, he's under a lot of pressure, probably both from China and disenchanted siloviki. Negotiating because he has to accomodate the challenges somehow.
Like their US GOP comrades assembled at CPAC, UK Tories would rather rave about dangers of Woke than wake up to the Putinist threat abroad AND at home.
Thus bending over backwards giving aid and comfort to their spiritual leader - Vladimir Putin.
Side note - keep your eye on Hungary, where Viktor Orban is clearly hoping to get some goodies out of the deal now going down. Including (I'm guessing) "autonomy" for Sub (or Trans) Carpathia, part of which has ethnic-Hungarian majority.
Perhaps you should stick to commenting on Washington politics?
Don't be be like that! We all comment on other countries' politics all the time. Not as important as the Bristol South Town Council by-election, true, but still vaguely interesting, and SSI's US perspective is as interesting as anyone's.
The perspective isn’t interesting when it is totally wrong.
Seems that yours truly has really touched a nerve here?
If Boris Johnson and 45 are NOT Putinists in mind & spirit, then I'm the Grand Rabbi of Kyiv.
The whole nuclear readiness thing gives the West opportunity.
The active Russian military is stretched, so start sending up aircraft and running exercises in the Arctic, in the Med opposite Syria, close to the Russian Far East and so on.
I would have expected them to be doing that anyway.
In fact any faction with a grouse against the Russians (form an orderly queue please) has a great opportunity to get frisky with minimum risk of reprisals.
They aren't yet though.
Best not to dwell on the opportunity for the likes of IS to cause chaos here whilst we are looking the other way as well.
We are relying on the tact and diplomatic finesse of Liz Truss and Boris Johnson.
No we aren't.
The time for tact was before Russia invaded. Macron tried that and it was a disaster (no objection to him trying).
Boris has been through this wonderfully blunt and untactful. Between Macron and Boris there was a good cop/bad cop dynamic.
That last thing that is needed at the minute is tact.
What’s your view of the endgame? Not sure we should be putting all our eggs in the basket where Putin changes his mind or suddenly throws his hands up and says he’s had enough.
At some point, someone, somewhere will have to be clever. Hopefully they are doing that now.
Is there a Russian general who doesn’t like this, who needs reassurances?
Its dangerous because we're not dealing with someone sane.
Today I can foresee four credible paths.
1: Russia wins the war, but its very bloody, and they fail to keep a successful occupation. 2: A negotiated settlement with the Donbas rebel areas being recognised and Russia withdraws from the rest of Ukraine. 3: Putin finds a face-saving reason to pull out. 4: Putin has an 'accident' and someone else in the Palace negotiates a truce.
None of them seem particularly likely today, number 1 did at the start but not anymore.
Up until 24th Feb Ukraine was reporting close to 300 deaths a day “from Covid”. Obviously no update since then.
Since the invasion we get estimates of deaths to date, but (thus far only obviously - could well get much worse rapidly) of a couple of hundred (from the war, I mean)
Just an observation, could comment on it from a number of different angles.
Many now owe David Cameron a big fat massive apology. Remember the mockery and scorn he was subjected to when he said that peace in Europe is not something that can be taken for granted?
Was that before or after he decided to start the process of separating us from our European friends?
Edit. Rhetorical. Don't let's get that one started again
BREAKING: Putin just fired his most decorated general whose war strategy has been the basis for all sorts of military nastiness. This is a significant external validation of how badly things are playing out for Russia in this invasion https://twitter.com/billneelyreport/status/1497989705903788036
Maybe he said no. With respect to the endgame. Generals are about the only people who could unseat Putin. Our policy should keep that possibility open.
The whole nuclear readiness thing gives the West opportunity.
The active Russian military is stretched, so start sending up aircraft and running exercises in the Arctic, in the Med opposite Syria, close to the Russian Far East and so on.
I have some feeling the moment of worst danger is over. i hope I'm right,
Opposite here. It's all going too well. Expecting a great clunking fist, not nuclear but say an overnight carpet bombing of Kyiv.
That could still happen. I have some feeling that the nuclear danger has subsided slightly, though.
I wish I shared your confidence.
Am I the only one running through my plans for "what would we (Mrs. P and I) do in the event of a full-scale nuclear war"?
(Hint, none of the options involve long-term survival).
Given my own proximity to a likely nuclear target, my plan is to spread myself thinly over a radius of 3 square miles.
All your worries will turn to vapour ;-)
We used to live very close to Upper Heyford airbase back in the 80s - at times it was weirdly comforting to know that we'd never have to face a post-Armageddon world.
I sed to go bowling on the base. The night of the coup in Moscow, we got cleared out. That was entertaining. They said t wasn't a big deal later, but they were scrambling the aircraft.
I have some feeling the moment of worst danger is over. i hope I'm right,
Opposite here. It's all going too well. Expecting a great clunking fist, not nuclear but say an overnight carpet bombing of Kyiv.
That could still happen. I have some feeling that the nuclear danger has subsided slightly, though.
I wish I shared your confidence.
Am I the only one running through my plans for "what would we (Mrs. P and I) do in the event of a full-scale nuclear war"?
(Hint, none of the options involve long-term survival).
Given my own proximity to a likely nuclear target, my plan is to spread myself thinly over a radius of 3 square miles.
I'm right bang in the middle of a target, too. I remember staring mesmerised at a book as a child, meant for teenagers, about which parts of the country were most dangerous in the event of nuclear war, and having nightmares about it.
For some reason though, I feel as if that's about three times less likely than it was just a few hours ago. Let's hope so !
I still feel quite nervous. Funny isn’t it, what gets you scared. I was on the complacent end of the spectrum with Covid, really found it hard to get worried even given the pretty obvious stats that suggested my parents were at risk. Whereas this…
There are a few options: head to a nearish part of the country that should escape the immediate impact of a London blast and take it from there; travel to our holiday home in France which is comfortably distant from a big city but uncomfortably close to a French airbase. Or hop on a flight somewhere upwind of fallout like Morocco. Latter obviously the safest but harder to sit it out for months on end.
I hope it doesn't kick off in the next half hour, as my hospital dinner is due to arrive.
If it's anything like the food at Derriford, that is a reason for hoping the opposite.
BREAKING: Putin just fired his most decorated general whose war strategy has been the basis for all sorts of military nastiness. This is a significant external validation of how badly things are playing out for Russia in this invasion https://twitter.com/billneelyreport/status/1497989705903788036
When we say fired, do we mean sacked or do we mean literally fired, as in out of a cannon?
We are relying on the tact and diplomatic finesse of Liz Truss and Boris Johnson.
No we aren't.
The time for tact was before Russia invaded. Macron tried that and it was a disaster (no objection to him trying).
Boris has been through this wonderfully blunt and untactful. Between Macron and Boris there was a good cop/bad cop dynamic.
That last thing that is needed at the minute is tact.
You lived through the dick-shrivelling embarrassment of Lizzie Goes To Moscow, and you are still prepared to have a pop at Macron?
He is an absolute moron
Is anyone not a moron in your eyes, aside from yourself and in-the-pay-of-Russia-sex-pest Salmond?
(Gets ready for the usual stream of ill-directed verbal diarrhoea).
Moderator might want to have a think about that one.
It's true, though, isn't it? Or does Swedish society have different norms when it comes to the way they treat women?
Is it unprovoked racial smear night?
I'm not sure you should be protesting tongue in cheek comments like this given your language last night.
And Salmond's defence, afaik, was that his behaviour was unacceptable but not criminal.
You obviously don't know very much, I assume you are a spotty youth who does not read newspapers. Not guilty on all counts you dunderheided moron by a jury of manly women. Get an education so you can read about stuff and understand what facts are.
BREAKING: Putin just fired his most decorated general whose war strategy has been the basis for all sorts of military nastiness. This is a significant external validation of how badly things are playing out for Russia in this invasion https://twitter.com/billneelyreport/status/1497989705903788036
Maybe he said no. With respect to the endgame. Generals are about the only people who could unseat Putin. Our policy should keep that possibility open.
I think it is some what reassuring that Russian high command has been leaking like a sieve, such that the US / UK have known about all about the detail plans for a long time.
One of the several reasons I did not renew my membership 3 years ago (previously M councillor).
(It isn’t M+KD+C you should be looking at but M+KD+SD.)
General of the Russian army rumoured to have been sacked.
As excuses go, it lacks a certain something.
Maybe it does make sense to hold off with some of them.
The best hope for Russia and the rest of us is that someone on the inside instigates a palace coup and removes Putin. Then the way is open for a reset of relations with the West.
We know Russian government has become a Mafia racket. The trouble is I expect there are few of any senior politicians or military leaders who are a. capable of being Brutus, b. squeaky clean when it comes to snouts in the trough.
Somehow a bunch of pretty financially dubious individuals are going to need to conclude that life is better off without their protector Putin. That’s not going to happen if they think on day 1 after his fall the SEC, fraud squad or Italian fiscal police are going to be knocking on their door.
For the sake of world peace we might need to accept some don’t ask don’t tell murky deals here.
ETA using "it goes back" differently from RT, so not disagreeing with him.
The Kyiv Independent
⚡️⚡️⚡️Air raid alert in Kyiv.
People must urgently go to the nearest shelter.
6:05 PM · Feb 27, 2022·Twitter Web App
“Let me apologize on behalf of all Russians who were not able to prevent this conflict. Those who see what is happening cannot find any excuse to attack Ukraine”
Here’s a message from the deputy defence minister to his Belarus counterpart (with whom he was in cadet school):
I was completely wrong. Mind you, I did at least change my mind when I saw that crazed speech to the nation. He's gone doolally.
I don't trust myself now to believe that the 'good natured' generals will hold back if Putin orders it, especially when Russian blood is being spilled.
I think we're on the edge of a precipice.
For some reason though, I feel as if that's about three times less likely than it was just a few hours ago. Let's hope so !
Basic parenting stuff. You really get to know which is the red wire......
* Opinium/The Observer; 23-25 February; 2,068 (For @Gardenwalker : SNP+Grn = 55%, SLab+SLD = 24%)
The active Russian military is stretched, so start sending up aircraft and running exercises in the Arctic, in the Med opposite Syria, close to the Russian Far East and so on.
(Gets ready for the usual stream of ill-directed verbal diarrhoea).
Tell you what, set up a charity page - your choice. I'll donate a £1 every time you do a really good one of your rants. The ones with passion, humour and inventive grammar.
“I’ve stood in lines for an hour, but foreign currency is gone everywhere, just rubles,” said Vladimir
His actions and rhetoric over the last two decades pointed to exactly this. The Maiden revolution lost him 'his' people in the Ukrainian government, so his every action towards them since then has been aggressive.
And there comes a stage where, after marching the troops to the top of the hill, battle becomes inevitable.
And so we learn that as a result of the stoning of Stephen, Saul made havoc of the church, entering every house and dragging off men and women to prison. But those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the Word. How many times in church history has this happened, that God’s people are persecuted, and as a result the Word of God spreads? Countless times, from day of the Crucifixion until the present day.
I mean, Putin isn't a good guy who has suddenly gone doolally. He's a bad guy gone evil. This has been clear for well over a decade.
In fact any faction with a grouse against the Russians (form an orderly queue please) has a great opportunity to get frisky with minimum risk of reprisals.
I did argue that Russian military might was exaggerated. I said that he didn't have sufficient troops on the ground to guarantee victory. Tentatively this may be proving true.
The problem and the flaw in my argument is that we're not dealing with someone rational. He has lost his marbles.
"I asked Bobby Dylan,
I asked the Beatles,
I asked Timothy Leary
but he couldn't help me either"
An American doctor who espoused the benefits of hallucinogenic drugs in the 1960s as I recall.
Anyway, courtesy of the lovely Daily Star here is a map of where Putin might nuke in the UK and the safest places to be.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
There are a few options: head to a nearish part of the country that should escape the immediate impact of a London blast and take it from there; travel to our holiday home in France which is comfortably distant from a big city but uncomfortably close to a French airbase. Or hop on a flight somewhere upwind of fallout like Morocco. Latter obviously the safest but harder to sit it out for months on end.
Oh! Forget it.
For some reason this brought to mind the image of Putin queued at the bank trying to get his umpteen billions of stolen loot out in dollar bills. :-)
Putin needs an off-ramp, but I don’t think the west is in the mood to give him one.
Dangerous times.
I didn't have a pop at Macron. I explicitly said in case there was any doubt that I had no objection to Macron trying - it was a disaster because he was trying to negotiate with a madman, but there's absolutely no shame in him trying.
Him trying was the lesser role to Biden and Boris being the bad cops, but it was a perfectly valid role to play pre-invasion.
And Salmond's defence, afaik, was that his behaviour was unacceptable but not criminal.
He's an evil guy who has also now gone doolally. There's plenty of evidence for that.
I've been livid with Putin for years, deploring his evil acts, but it's the last few weeks which have seen him go crazed, losing his marbles. The address to the nation was like nothing else he's delivered. Just nuts.
We used to live very close to Upper Heyford airbase back in the 80s - at times it was weirdly comforting to know that we'd never have to face a post-Armageddon world.
Though Aberystwyth wouldn't be the worst place to live after the Bomb...
ill-directed - tick
verbal diarrhoea - tick
If Boris Johnson and 45 are NOT Putinists in mind & spirit, then I'm the Grand Rabbi of Kyiv.
There were armed and fuelled nuclear bombers lined up on the runway here in the Flatlands in the 1960s, so whatevs.
Today I can foresee four credible paths.
1: Russia wins the war, but its very bloody, and they fail to keep a successful occupation.
2: A negotiated settlement with the Donbas rebel areas being recognised and Russia withdraws from the rest of Ukraine.
3: Putin finds a face-saving reason to pull out.
4: Putin has an 'accident' and someone else in the Palace negotiates a truce.
None of them seem particularly likely today, number 1 did at the start but not anymore.
Since the invasion we get estimates of deaths to date, but (thus far only obviously - could well get much worse rapidly) of a couple of hundred (from the war, I mean)
Just an observation, could comment on it from a number of different angles.
Edit. Rhetorical. Don't let's get that one started again
He may be able to go and live in some obscure hell hole or choose prison.
In fact wasn't his defence basically saying that he was, but just not in an illegal way?