How do these donated weapons get to where they’re needed .
Won’t they be sitting targets crossing by road once they enter Ukraine .
They already are being delivered across uncontested crossings by military and unmarked vehicles. A quick look at the map will tell you where. There is, however, no clarity on how much kit has been sent & how it is getting them to the front line, that methodology is unclear.
There has been no attempt to interfere with it, yet, but, sitting south of Brest, that group of Russian and shortly Belarus military (reportedly 5am local time for their entrance to the party) , might have something to say about it in time.
This logistics is precisely my big fear now ☹️
Absolutely no chance from the air then?
This is a very ignorant and naive question but just how easy is it to assemble and operate this 'kit'?
I ask as someone who struggles with anything as complicated as a flatpack from Ikea.
One of the important things about the missiles kit we sent them is that they do not require much training. It is not as 'good' as other kit, but it can be used easily, and is fire-and-forget. Whether it is 'good' depends on the mission.
Of course, the Russians may be facing the same problems.
#Breaking: Swiss President @IgnazioCassis says it is "very probable" that Switzerland will follow the European Union tomorrow in sanctioning Russia and its freezing assets.
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
The amphibious landing force has probably helped them there. In general, I think that we're all celebrating the failure of the invason a bit prematurely - it's only been going for a few days and Kyiv is apparently surrounded. Not clear what the Russians plan next there, though - fighting for it street by street must sound unappealing to the most gung-ho general.
Yes you are correct Nick what you WANT to happen is not the same as what will happen
Are you still here? I hope you end up in the Hague with Putin and Lukeshenko. William Joyce of course got his comeuppance at Nuremberg.
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
I think peak ukrainian resistance is over
Are you still here?
I look forward to seeing you in the Hague alongside Putin and Lukashenko.
It didn't end well for William Joyce did it?
Joyce was actually tried at the Old Bailey, not at Nuremberg. Only senior members of the Nazi party were tried at Nuremberg.
Blimey you were quick off the blocks. Vanilla saves a post even after deletion hence the two quotes in my post. I had my doubts, checked and realised my error prior to posting, but it saved it regardless, but thanks anyway.
I am now forever humiliated in the face of Putin's number one misinformer. The shame!
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
Me. I've been reading post apocalypse sci fi so long, I want to know who was right. The Road? Riddley Walker? Leibowitz?
Philip K Dick - Dr Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb.
What's the consensus these days on the impact of an all-out nuclear holocaust?
End of life on earth? The human race? Civilisation as we know it? The EU?
Or just the TV licence?
Civilisation in the Northern hemisphere but still with pockets of life. Better in the South. Humanity and the planet will both survive.
Edit - the TV licence will stay obviously. Great value for money apparently
Although with just 23 viewers left alive in the UK the BBC will have to cut its budget somewhat.
EU announces it has agreed unanimously amongst all member countries to take in Ukrainian refugees fir up to 3 years without asking them to first apply for asylum. Just been announced following a meeting of EU Interior ministers
Yep it's not just the nuclear threat, we are right on the verge of a huge escalation dragging in other countries.
The western world, probably the whole world, stands right now on the edge of a precipice.
The best hope is that Russian generals see sense and remove the madman. We need to incentivise them to do so.
Yes. This feels awfully dangerous now. We are one or two geopolitical missteps from a massive war across eastern Europe. And a couple more errors from actual nuclear conflict
Agreed Leon russias concerns should have been listened to more before they invaded Ukraine...
That is perhaps true. I have argued as much here (to great unpopularity).
But .... it needs to be said clearly that there is no rational justification for this war.
Attempts to use the situation in Donbass as a pretext for launching a huge military operation are wrong.
The situation in the Donbass did need sorting, but not by a massive escalation of the conflict.
The war is unfair and frankly senseless.
It needs stopping before it gets completely out of hand.
We need to put pressure on both sides to talk and accept some sensible compromise.
That your second to fifth paragraphs are true is why the first sentence was wrong and thus unpopular. It supposes something could have been done to mollify Putin, yet his explanations for action argue against that being possible.
When the concerns expressed and demands made were not all rational (Ukraine is not a real country, NATO expanded 25 years ago and that means my aggression now makes sense...) there is not really a means to meet those expressing them halfway. An irrational concern cannot be sensibly addressed.
Ukraine is the weaker party and absent a lengthy guerilla war probably cannot expect to get out of this without conceding something it would rather not, so may find that the lesser evil to choose. But any such concession would not make the demands and concerns as set out in great detail by Putin as part of absurd historical grievances any more reasonable.
The sensible thing to do now is get the disputed areas (Crimea. Donetsk and Luhansk) demilitarised and under UN peacekeeping forces ... and hold a plebiscite.
New: Poland immediately rejects FIFA's ruling saying it won't play a Russia team regardless of the name it uses after the attempt at an "RFU" compromise name
How do these donated weapons get to where they’re needed .
Won’t they be sitting targets crossing by road once they enter Ukraine .
They already are being delivered across uncontested crossings by military and unmarked vehicles. A quick look at the map will tell you where. There is, however, no clarity on how much kit has been sent & how it is getting them to the front line, that methodology is unclear.
There has been no attempt to interfere with it, yet, but, sitting south of Brest, that group of Russian and shortly Belarus military (reportedly 5am local time for their entrance to the party) , might have something to say about it in time.
This logistics is precisely my big fear now ☹️
Absolutely no chance from the air then?
This is a very ignorant and naive question but just how easy is it to assemble and operate this 'kit'?
I ask as someone who struggles with anything as complicated as a flatpack from Ikea.
Why can’t you males just study the instructions first over a coffee like us girls do?
More seriously Once P Johnson posts his dream post of Kyiv and Khartick and others surrounded, sealed, to be delivered; nothing gets in nothing gets out? Not even blood and oxygen?
But I’m guessing there will still be enough communications working Putin can’t stop, so can continue to organise the fight back in a joined up way?
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
If I was living in, say, Thailand then I would. I've craved getting back to nature and to the wild. Just not quite via this route.
I was watching Octopussy with my son earlier. Making our way through James Bond films.
I'd always considered the plot a bit far-fetched until today: you know, a deranged ex KGB officer who wants to set off a nuclear bomb in the west ...
There's probably a number of places in the world where one could continue post-apocalypse without it necessarily being post-apocalypse. Certainly though Britain isn't going to be one of those.
Been through Birmingham lately? Not sure how many would notice the difference.
(Seriously, it's a great city, and will be greater still when they finish building it.)
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
Me. I've been reading post apocalypse sci fi so long, I want to know who was right. The Road? Riddley Walker? Leibowitz?
Philip K Dick - Dr Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb.
What's the consensus these days on the impact of an all-out nuclear holocaust?
End of life on earth? The human race? Civilisation as we know it? The EU?
Or just the TV licence?
Civilisation in the Northern hemisphere but still with pockets of life. Better in the South. Humanity and the planet will both survive.
Edit - the TV licence will stay obviously. Great value for money apparently
Although with just 23 viewers left alive in the UK the BBC will have to cut its budget somewhat.
Dads Army on repeat for ever more.
Sods law says that all will survive in the archives is Mrs. Brown's Boys....
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groaths, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
So what?
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
New: Poland immediately rejects FIFA's ruling saying it won't play a Russia team regardless of the name it uses after the attempt at an "RFU" compromise name
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
I think peak ukrainian resistance is over
Are you still here?
I look forward to seeing you in the Hague alongside Putin and Lukashenko.
It didn't end well for William Joyce did it?
Actually the Old Bailey.
Blimey you were, along with Ydoethur also quick off the blocks. Vanilla saves a post even after deletion hence the two quotes in my post. I had my doubts, checked and realised my error prior to posting, but it saved it regardless, but thanks anyway.
I am now forever humiliated in the face of Putin's number one misinformer. The shame!
Zelensky’s starting point is going to be a Russian withdrawal to the pre-2014 borders, giving up Donbass and Crimea.
Zelensky can’t negotiate away the international sanctions, that are about to tank the markets and cause bank runs in Moscow tomorrow morning.
Oh, and by the way, he has another few thousand NATO-spec anti-tank weapons, and a few hundred NATO-spec anti-aircraft weapons, ready for the next few thousand tanks and few hundred aircraft that try and get to Kiev.
Negotiations difficult now both sides all in...Ukraine will have to put their egos aside a bit and listen to russias concerns...and vice versa
The only concern in this is when will Putin be deposed and put on trial for war crimes
We cannot base policy on wild hopes
Who is 'We'?
Most posters on PB know each other, in many cases personally but otherwise through reputation and thousands of posts. On the evidence of a handful of posts I should say you are a troll, and your views - if indeed they are yours - have attracted well-merited contempt.
You don't speak for anybody except yourself and whoever might be marking your card.
I speak from a deep knowledge of history and human concern is humanity as a whole...many posters on here are superficial
You noticed?
We like Sean. He’s like our own little pet tarantula. Vile, poisonous and icky. But strangely mesmerising.
Spiders are venomous, not poisonous, and no tarantula is venomous to mankind. They are mesmerising I agree. Indian ornamentals especially.
Ok. Fine. Sean is vile, venomous and icky. Happy now?
And our red under the Reading bed called us “superficial”? Pffff.
If a trans man or woman asked you to refer to them as “they” rather than by their birth gender I have no doubt you would do so out of politeness even if you disagree with their actions.
So when @Leon has requested you stop calling him “Sean” why do you insist on doing so?
EU announces it has agreed unanimously amongst all member countries to take in Ukrainian refugees fir up to 3 years without asking them to first apply for asylum. Just been announced following a meeting of EU Interior ministers
Great news . What a wonderful gesture of solidarity . God bless the EU .
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
I think peak ukrainian resistance is over
Are you still here?
I look forward to seeing you in the Hague alongside Putin and Lukashenko.
It didn't end well for William Joyce did it?
Actually the Old Bailey.
Blimey you were, along with Ydoethur also quick off the blocks. Vanilla saves a post even after deletion hence the two quotes in my post. I had my doubts, checked and realised my error prior to posting, but it saved it regardless, but thanks anyway.
I am now forever humiliated in the face of Putin's number one misinformer. The shame!
New: Poland immediately rejects FIFA's ruling saying it won't play a Russia team regardless of the name it uses after the attempt at an "RFU" compromise name
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groats, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
Not really. Sutherland and Caithness are pretty flat.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
Me. I've been reading post apocalypse sci fi so long, I want to know who was right. The Road? Riddley Walker? Leibowitz?
Philip K Dick - Dr Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb.
What's the consensus these days on the impact of an all-out nuclear holocaust?
End of life on earth? The human race? Civilisation as we know it? The EU?
Or just the TV licence?
Civilisation in the Northern hemisphere but still with pockets of life. Better in the South. Humanity and the planet will both survive.
Edit - the TV licence will stay obviously. Great value for money apparently
I wouldn’t be able to survive one nuclear winter without Emmerdale. 😔
New: Poland immediately rejects FIFA's ruling saying it won't play a Russia team regardless of the name it uses after the attempt at an "RFU" compromise name
Will still be the case even if FIFA rule they can play under "These are just Russian footballers but Putin is an insane murderous bastard FC", so think FIFA probably need to properly get with the programme on this one.
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
The amphibious landing force has probably helped them there. In general, I think that we're all celebrating the failure of the invason a bit prematurely - it's only been going for a few days and Kyiv is apparently surrounded. Not clear what the Russians plan next there, though - fighting for it street by street must sound unappealing to the most gung-ho general.
Yes you are correct Nick what you WANT to happen is not the same as what will happen
Are you still here? I hope you end up in the Hague with Putin and Lukeshenko. William Joyce of course got his comeuppance at Nuremberg.
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
I think peak ukrainian resistance is over
Are you still here?
I look forward to seeing you in the Hague alongside Putin and Lukashenko.
It didn't end well for William Joyce did it?
Joyce was actually tried at the Old Bailey, not at Nuremberg. Only senior members of the Nazi party were tried at Nuremberg.
Blimey you were quick off the blocks. Vanilla saves a post even after deletion hence the two quotes in my post. I had my doubts, checked and realised my error prior to posting, but it saved it regardless, but thanks anyway.
I am now forever humiliated in the face of Putin's number one misinformer. The shame!
Hanging him was a silly unnecessary piece of vindictiveness. My parents said nobody took any notice. A few listened because they thought he was funny.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
If I was living in, say, Thailand then I would. I've craved getting back to nature and to the wild. Just not quite via this route.
I was watching Octopussy with my son earlier. Making our way through James Bond films.
I'd always considered the plot a bit far-fetched until today: you know, a deranged ex KGB officer who wants to set off a nuclear bomb in the west ...
There's probably a number of places in the world where one could continue post-apocalypse without it necessarily being post-apocalypse. Certainly though Britain isn't going to be one of those.
Been through Birmingham lately? Not sure how many would notice the difference.
(Seriously, it's a great city, and will be greater still when they finish building it.)
So long as that ridiculous silver Debenhams monstrosity doesn't survive. Come to think of it, it already looks like the after from a direct nuclear hit.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groaths, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
So what?
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
After intense street battles on Sunday, footage verified by The Times showed the charred remains of Russian military vehicles on the outskirts of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv.
New: Poland immediately rejects FIFA's ruling saying it won't play a Russia team regardless of the name it uses after the attempt at an "RFU" compromise name
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
If I was living in, say, Thailand then I would. I've craved getting back to nature and to the wild. Just not quite via this route.
I was watching Octopussy with my son earlier. Making our way through James Bond films.
I'd always considered the plot a bit far-fetched until today: you know, a deranged ex KGB officer who wants to set off a nuclear bomb in the west ...
There's probably a number of places in the world where one could continue post-apocalypse without it necessarily being post-apocalypse. Certainly though Britain isn't going to be one of those.
Been through Birmingham lately? Not sure how many would notice the difference.
(Seriously, it's a great city, and will be greater still when they finish building it.)
So long as that ridiculous silver Debenhams monstrosity doesn't survive. Come to think of it, it already looks like the after from a direct nuclear hit.
I always remember Mike Harding saying that Hitler didn't bomb Wath on Dearne because he wanted to be able to see where he'd been attacking.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
Me. I've been reading post apocalypse sci fi so long, I want to know who was right. The Road? Riddley Walker? Leibowitz?
Philip K Dick - Dr Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb.
What's the consensus these days on the impact of an all-out nuclear holocaust?
End of life on earth? The human race? Civilisation as we know it? The EU?
Or just the TV licence?
Civilisation in the Northern hemisphere but still with pockets of life. Better in the South. Humanity and the planet will both survive.
Edit - the TV licence will stay obviously. Great value for money apparently
Although with just 23 viewers left alive in the UK the BBC will have to cut its budget somewhat.
How do these donated weapons get to where they’re needed .
Won’t they be sitting targets crossing by road once they enter Ukraine .
They already are being delivered across uncontested crossings by military and unmarked vehicles. A quick look at the map will tell you where. There is, however, no clarity on how much kit has been sent & how it is getting them to the front line, that methodology is unclear.
There has been no attempt to interfere with it, yet, but, sitting south of Brest, that group of Russian and shortly Belarus military (reportedly 5am local time for their entrance to the party) , might have something to say about it in time.
This logistics is precisely my big fear now ☹️
Absolutely no chance from the air then?
This is a very ignorant and naive question but just how easy is it to assemble and operate this 'kit'?
I ask as someone who struggles with anything as complicated as a flatpack from Ikea.
Its small arms and unguided anti armour weaponry mainly so not hard to start using it as its coming in pretty much ready to go out of the box. Someone can be taught the basic function of a LAW in a few minutes.
The Stingers and the likes of the Javelin Anti armour weapons do need some thinking & skill to operate well.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groaths, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
So what?
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
New: Poland immediately rejects FIFA's ruling saying it won't play a Russia team regardless of the name it uses after the attempt at an "RFU" compromise name
No team is going to agree to play Russia, so the last thing FIFA will want is for them to qualify for the World Cup finals.
Surely the obvious thing to do is to ban them now. Just ask Hungary (the next best placed Nations League team IIRC) to take their place in the play-off against Poland.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
If I was living in, say, Thailand then I would. I've craved getting back to nature and to the wild. Just not quite via this route.
I was watching Octopussy with my son earlier. Making our way through James Bond films.
I'd always considered the plot a bit far-fetched until today: you know, a deranged ex KGB officer who wants to set off a nuclear bomb in the west ...
There's probably a number of places in the world where one could continue post-apocalypse without it necessarily being post-apocalypse. Certainly though Britain isn't going to be one of those.
Been through Birmingham lately? Not sure how many would notice the difference.
(Seriously, it's a great city, and will be greater still when they finish building it.)
So long as that ridiculous silver Debenhams monstrosity doesn't survive. Come to think of it, it already looks like the after from a direct nuclear hit.
I always remember Mike Harding saying that Hitler didn't bomb Wath on Dearne because he wanted to be able to see where he'd been attacking.
It was said of Birmingham "what the Luftwaffe didn't destroy the town planners did".
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groaths, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
So what?
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groaths, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
So what?
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groaths, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
So what?
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
New: Poland immediately rejects FIFA's ruling saying it won't play a Russia team regardless of the name it uses after the attempt at an "RFU" compromise name
No team is going to agree to play Russia, so the last thing FIFA will want is for them to qualify for the World Cup finals.
Surely the obvious thing to do is to ban them now. Just ask Hungary (the next best placed Nations League team IIRC) to take their place in the play-off against Poland.
Russia made the play-offs via the qualifiers, so I think Slovakia (third in that group) are next in line.
The UN Security Council adopted a resolution to call for an emergency session of the General Assembly which will convene in the next 24 hours. It is the first time such a session has been called in decades, said U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, because “This is not ordinary moment. We need to take extraordinary action to meet this threat to our international system and to do everything we can to help Ukraine and its people.”
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
The amphibious landing force has probably helped them there. In general, I think that we're all celebrating the failure of the invason a bit prematurely - it's only been going for a few days and Kyiv is apparently surrounded. Not clear what the Russians plan next there, though - fighting for it street by street must sound unappealing to the most gung-ho general.
Yes you are correct Nick what you WANT to happen is not the same as what will happen
Are you still here? I hope you end up in the Hague with Putin and Lukeshenko. William Joyce of course got his comeuppance at Nuremberg.
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
I think peak ukrainian resistance is over
Are you still here?
I look forward to seeing you in the Hague alongside Putin and Lukashenko.
It didn't end well for William Joyce did it?
Joyce was actually tried at the Old Bailey, not at Nuremberg. Only senior members of the Nazi party were tried at Nuremberg.
Was he not technically British either, so really was wrongfully convicted?
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groaths, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
So what?
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
The amphibious landing force has probably helped them there. In general, I think that we're all celebrating the failure of the invason a bit prematurely - it's only been going for a few days and Kyiv is apparently surrounded. Not clear what the Russians plan next there, though - fighting for it street by street must sound unappealing to the most gung-ho general.
Yes you are correct Nick what you WANT to happen is not the same as what will happen
I think we can allow ourselves a cheer, though, that the invasion has gone much less well than we feared. Every day it goes on costs Vlad another $20bn. Every tank taken out of operation by the Ukrainians sets the Russians back. Five days ago, the fear was that the Ukraine would be the first domino, which would be followed by The Baltics, Georgia, Poland, Scandinavia... The heroism of the Ukrainians has made the second step that much more difficult for Vlad.
I debunked that number. Just about credible in Roubles.
$20bn a day is the entire Russian GDP in 11 weeks.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groats, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
Not really. Sutherland and Caithness are pretty flat.
Wasn’t there a discussion here, in which my fellow Essex man was involved, about a ferry between Inverness and Ullapool. Or similar!
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
Me. I've been reading post apocalypse sci fi so long, I want to know who was right. The Road? Riddley Walker? Leibowitz?
Philip K Dick - Dr Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb.
What's the consensus these days on the impact of an all-out nuclear holocaust?
End of life on earth? The human race? Civilisation as we know it? The EU?
Or just the TV licence?
Civilisation in the Northern hemisphere but still with pockets of life. Better in the South. Humanity and the planet will both survive.
Edit - the TV licence will stay obviously. Great value for money apparently
Although with just 23 viewers left alive in the UK the BBC will have to cut its budget somewhat.
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
The amphibious landing force has probably helped them there. In general, I think that we're all celebrating the failure of the invason a bit prematurely - it's only been going for a few days and Kyiv is apparently surrounded. Not clear what the Russians plan next there, though - fighting for it street by street must sound unappealing to the most gung-ho general.
Yes you are correct Nick what you WANT to happen is not the same as what will happen
Are you still here? I hope you end up in the Hague with Putin and Lukeshenko. William Joyce of course got his comeuppance at Nuremberg.
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
I think peak ukrainian resistance is over
Are you still here?
I look forward to seeing you in the Hague alongside Putin and Lukashenko.
It didn't end well for William Joyce did it?
Joyce was actually tried at the Old Bailey, not at Nuremberg. Only senior members of the Nazi party were tried at Nuremberg.
Was he not technically British either, so really was wrongfully convicted?
American by birth, I had thought him Irish. I learned that when I went to correct my error that Vanilla re-saved after deletion and posted anyway.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groats, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
Not really. Sutherland and Caithness are pretty flat.
Wasn’t there a discussion here, in which my fellow Essex man was involved, about a ferry between Inverness and Ullapool. Or similar!
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
Me. I've been reading post apocalypse sci fi so long, I want to know who was right. The Road? Riddley Walker? Leibowitz?
Philip K Dick - Dr Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb.
What's the consensus these days on the impact of an all-out nuclear holocaust?
End of life on earth? The human race? Civilisation as we know it? The EU?
Or just the TV licence?
Civilisation in the Northern hemisphere but still with pockets of life. Better in the South. Humanity and the planet will both survive.
Edit - the TV licence will stay obviously. Great value for money apparently
Although with just 23 viewers left alive in the UK the BBC will have to cut its budget somewhat.
End of Lineker methinks.
GBNews, like cockroaches, nonetheless survives intact.
One of my knitting group friends suggested buying patterns from Ukrainian designers, so I've bought several knitting patterns from designers on Ravelry and put some dollars into the accounts of Ukrainian women who could probably do with the money now.
Just read the speech Johnson gave at the Ukrainian church. He can be a strong orator, with substantial brainpower. Shame he's a lazy philandering tosspot 95% of the time, and that will never change.
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
The amphibious landing force has probably helped them there. In general, I think that we're all celebrating the failure of the invason a bit prematurely - it's only been going for a few days and Kyiv is apparently surrounded. Not clear what the Russians plan next there, though - fighting for it street by street must sound unappealing to the most gung-ho general.
Yes you are correct Nick what you WANT to happen is not the same as what will happen
I think we can allow ourselves a cheer, though, that the invasion has gone much less well than we feared. Every day it goes on costs Vlad another $20bn. Every tank taken out of operation by the Ukrainians sets the Russians back. Five days ago, the fear was that the Ukraine would be the first domino, which would be followed by The Baltics, Georgia, Poland, Scandinavia... The heroism of the Ukrainians has made the second step that much more difficult for Vlad.
I debunked that number. Just about credible in Roubles.
$20bn a day is the entire Russian GDP in 11 weeks.
Assuming your figure is correct, it'll be the entire Russian GDP in around 20 weeks when markets open tomorrow and the Ruble tanks.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groaths, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
So what?
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
I have to say I am pleased how often geology is coming up in these discussions the last few days.
Well shouldn't we all be? Discussing geology rocks.
At the tail end of uni, I would have five hours of geology on a Friday afternoon. This was not universally popular amongst the students. One prof would allow us to take a half-hour break in the middle; another did not.
My leg was bad, and I was doped up to the eyeballs on painkillers. The second of these profs sent round another rock sample to identify, he asked me what it was.
I replied, "A rock, sir. Probably quite old. It's also hard."
For some reason he never liked me.
(The other prof was a great gent, sadly gone now. We went on a field trip and he picked up a fossil and said: "I remember this fellow!" We called him Slartibartfast.)
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groaths, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
So what?
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
One of my knitting group friends suggested buying patterns from Ukrainian designers, so I've bought several knitting patterns from designers on Ravelry and put some dollars into the accounts of Ukrainian women who could probably do with the money now.
Ironically onlyfans have deleted all Russian accounts which has destroyed the income of a large number of “innocent”. young Russian women.
Although innocent probably only works in a legal rather than “moral” sense but hey sex is money.
If Putin has come to the end of the road he might try to take the rest of us with him.
Russian state TV: “Our submarines alone can launch more than 500 nuclear warheads, which guarantees the destruction of the US and NATO for good measure. The principle is: why do we need the world if Russia won’t be in it?”
What we really need is some of those semi-mythical accounts of UFO's shutting down nuclear weapon systems. One or two of those accounts are quite interesting - where's Moonshine when you need him to discuss the details.
I am here. Was busy yesterday buying tinned and dry food. I’m still expecting cyber warfare to make life uncomfortable for us. Not planning for nuclear, what’s the point.
People irl have asked me about whether aliens would save us from nuclear war. I not aware of any evidence of aliens/ufo pilots taking any interest at all in reducing unnecessary human suffering century in the 20th century. Despite similar sightings to the tic tac being made at least as far back as WW2. Old stories about “angels” in the trenches in WW1 but not a lot of evidence to go on. Anyway perhaps if it’s Armageddon they’d take a different view and save us from ourselves, if we / life on earth are their creation for example. I wouldn’t hold out for it though. They could just wait a few half lives instead and try afresh.
And yes, there’s notable on the record accounts of UAP incidents coinciding with the sudden inexplicable disabling of nuclear weapons in both the U.S. and USSR. The story from the North Dakota silo particularly good. So they probably could if they wanted.
Interesting, because as you say the USSR seems to have had their own versions of the accounts of the USAF men's accounts, obviously very hard to verify.
"In 1982, one of the Soviet nuclear bases was brought online, and for no apparent reason a nuclear missile was ready to launch. After 30 seconds of panic and chaos, the launch was aborted as mysteriously as it had appeared. Witnesses claimed that there had been some UFO activity near the area of the base - thus the reason for the cover-up."
To be fair to her she realised halfway through she’d screwed up and started to back peddle
Liz Truss answered instinctively, and in the liberal tradition of England to be fair to her, didn’t she? A country that for centuries is happy to provide a safe haven to radical people of all sorts of views, who could be unsafe if they didn’t flee homeland, even Lenin and Stalin lived in London, in Chelsea I think.
Truss did mean whatever your views on this war, British passport holder, but with family ties with one of the protagonists, it’s okay to go and fight for them in this war and come back in afterwards. So politically and morally that is right, fits in with our history and what UK has always been about, just legally it’s tricky?
It would be how it all ties up legally would be a problem wouldn’t it. In this case it’s straightforward in layman’s eyes - Putin, and a few dozen bastards in a bunker, versus the rest of the world, but courts would need something for less clear cut cases where one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter?
She replied affirmatively to the question “does the Uk government support” and backpedal to “it’s an individual decision”.
She should have gone with “what Putin is doing is dreadful, we utterly condemn it. Clearly it’s a personal decision, but we would quite understand if…”
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
The amphibious landing force has probably helped them there. In general, I think that we're all celebrating the failure of the invason a bit prematurely - it's only been going for a few days and Kyiv is apparently surrounded. Not clear what the Russians plan next there, though - fighting for it street by street must sound unappealing to the most gung-ho general.
Yes you are correct Nick what you WANT to happen is not the same as what will happen
Are you still here? I hope you end up in the Hague with Putin and Lukeshenko. William Joyce of course got his comeuppance at Nuremberg.
More seriously (BBC journalist). Russian troops are in Berdyansk. They're getting closer to Mariupol. Also not clear about the northern direction - Volnovakha I heard was totally cut off by Russian troops. They're encircling Mariupol from all sides.
It certainly looks as if the southern front is the one that the Russians are winning. Hard to know whether by accident or design.
I think peak ukrainian resistance is over
Are you still here?
I look forward to seeing you in the Hague alongside Putin and Lukashenko.
It didn't end well for William Joyce did it?
Joyce was actually tried at the Old Bailey, not at Nuremberg. Only senior members of the Nazi party were tried at Nuremberg.
Was he not technically British either, so really was wrongfully convicted?
American by birth, I had thought him Irish. I learned that when I went to correct my error that Vanilla re-saved after deletion and posted anyway.
Clearly I wasn’t there at the time, but I’ve always felt he was a bit hard done to. He took German citizenship and then broadcast for his (now) country. Executing him for treason feels wrong. No doubt passions were running high.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Highlands of Scotland?!?
I ought not be surprised after your pig-ignorance regarding Trident this morning.
Faslane is near the coast not the central Highlands.
Wow not your best post HYUFD. I was at Faslane in October. I can assure you it is indeed near the Highlands although I notice you have very, very, naughtily added the word 'central'!!!!
Faslane is at the top of Garelochhead and the start of the Trosachs.
Geologically Faslane is actually in the Highlands because the dividing line of the central belt runs along the Clyde, just south of Helensburgh.
Anyway, the point is that Faslane is very close to the Highlands, as I said. Geologically it's actually in them.
There are 265 miles from Faslane to John O'Groaths, all covered by the Highlands.
That is more than the distance from London to Manchester
So what?
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
How do these donated weapons get to where they’re needed .
Won’t they be sitting targets crossing by road once they enter Ukraine .
They already are being delivered across uncontested crossings by military and unmarked vehicles. A quick look at the map will tell you where. There is, however, no clarity on how much kit has been sent & how it is getting them to the front line, that methodology is unclear.
There has been no attempt to interfere with it, yet, but, sitting south of Brest, that group of Russian and shortly Belarus military (reportedly 5am local time for their entrance to the party) , might have something to say about it in time.
This logistics is precisely my big fear now ☹️
Absolutely no chance from the air then?
This is a very ignorant and naive question but just how easy is it to assemble and operate this 'kit'?
I ask as someone who struggles with anything as complicated as a flatpack from Ikea.
Its small arms and unguided anti armour weaponry mainly so not hard to start using it as its coming in pretty much ready to go out of the box. Someone can be taught the basic function of a LAW in a few minutes.
The Stingers and the likes of the Javelin Anti armour weapons do need some thinking & skill to operate well.
There's a story from the Falklands about Stinger - apparently the US sent some. It was entirely new and no-one had been trained on it. So a bunch of SAS blokes were sat in circle reading the instructions, working out how to switch it on etc. When an Argentine Pucará flew overhead. Which resulted, apparently, in a comic scene of people shouting ideas at the bloke who happened Ito be holding the missile....
IIRC NLAW was specifically design to be easy to use.
EU announces it has agreed unanimously amongst all member countries to take in Ukrainian refugees fir up to 3 years without asking them to first apply for asylum. Just been announced following a meeting of EU Interior ministers
Yes. The EU country vs UK policy is something that UK-based EU-twitter has been jumping on all day as the latest 'what can we diss them with today'.. Mainland continental twitter seems to be a little more grown up.
Personally I've made the argument for a more relaxed policy (than the somewhat more relaxed one they have introduced already) to my MP.
Just read the speech Johnson gave at the Ukrainian church. He can be a strong orator, with substantial brainpower. Shame he's a lazy philandering tosspot 95% of the time, and that will never change.
If Putin has come to the end of the road he might try to take the rest of us with him.
Russian state TV: “Our submarines alone can launch more than 500 nuclear warheads, which guarantees the destruction of the US and NATO for good measure. The principle is: why do we need the world if Russia won’t be in it?”
It really is an area where the UK is being shown up by the EU. Thankfully, other countries are happy to take unlimited refugees and we are far away, so it will hopefully only have a marginal impact. But it's not really in the spirit of the rest of our response.
Just read the speech Johnson gave at the Ukrainian church. He can be a strong orator, with substantial brainpower. Shame he's a lazy philandering tosspot 95% of the time, and that will never change.
If Putin has come to the end of the road he might try to take the rest of us with him.
Russian state TV: “Our submarines alone can launch more than 500 nuclear warheads, which guarantees the destruction of the US and NATO for good measure. The principle is: why do we need the world if Russia won’t be in it?”
If Putin has come to the end of the road he might try to take the rest of us with him.
Russian state TV: “Our submarines alone can launch more than 500 nuclear warheads, which guarantees the destruction of the US and NATO for good measure. The principle is: why do we need the world if Russia won’t be in it?”
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
If I was living in, say, Thailand then I would. I've craved getting back to nature and to the wild. Just not quite via this route.
I was watching Octopussy with my son earlier. Making our way through James Bond films.
I'd always considered the plot a bit far-fetched until today: you know, a deranged ex KGB officer who wants to set off a nuclear bomb in the west ...
There's probably a number of places in the world where one could continue post-apocalypse without it necessarily being post-apocalypse. Certainly though Britain isn't going to be one of those.
It is an error to think that “apocalypse” necessarily means “nuclear apocalypse”. There are several other possibilities.
One such possibility is rapid climate change. In some scenarios, the safest place to be could conceivably be… wait for it… Russia.
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
If I was living in, say, Thailand then I would. I've craved getting back to nature and to the wild. Just not quite via this route.
I was watching Octopussy with my son earlier. Making our way through James Bond films.
I'd always considered the plot a bit far-fetched until today: you know, a deranged ex KGB officer who wants to set off a nuclear bomb in the west ...
There's probably a number of places in the world where one could continue post-apocalypse without it necessarily being post-apocalypse. Certainly though Britain isn't going to be one of those.
It is an error to think that “apocalypse” necessarily means “nuclear apocalypse”. There are several other possibilities.
One such possibility is rapid climate change. In some scenarios, the safest place to be could conceivably be… wait for it… Russia.
Well, fair enough, but it was implicitly nuclear apocalypse I was referring to in this instance.
But certainly a cheery thought that other apocalypses exist.
By the way, this isn't mere play. If you talk to the residents around Faslane they are acutely aware that it would be the No.1 nuclear target.
So, no, some of the Highlands are certainly not the safest place to be.
(I'm assuming everyone knows it's the home of our Trident nuclear subs)
The warheads are actually in underground magazines on the other side of the loch. The subs have to go round the headland into Loch Long to get loaded up.
There are all sorts of mysterious rail lines and big fences around Arrochar too. And some weird stuff north of the Skye Bridge on Raasay and Applecross. And at Torridon.
Zelensky’s starting point is going to be a Russian withdrawal to the pre-2014 borders, giving up Donbass and Crimea.
Zelensky can’t negotiate away the international sanctions, that are about to tank the markets and cause bank runs in Moscow tomorrow morning.
Oh, and by the way, he has another few thousand NATO-spec anti-tank weapons, and a few hundred NATO-spec anti-aircraft weapons, ready for the next few thousand tanks and few hundred aircraft that try and get to Kiev.
Negotiations difficult now both sides all in...Ukraine will have to put their egos aside a bit and listen to russias concerns...and vice versa
The only concern in this is when will Putin be deposed and put on trial for war crimes
We cannot base policy on wild hopes
Who is 'We'?
Most posters on PB know each other, in many cases personally but otherwise through reputation and thousands of posts. On the evidence of a handful of posts I should say you are a troll, and your views - if indeed they are yours - have attracted well-merited contempt.
You don't speak for anybody except yourself and whoever might be marking your card.
I speak from a deep knowledge of history and human concern is humanity as a whole...many posters on here are superficial
You noticed?
We like Sean. He’s like our own little pet tarantula. Vile, poisonous and icky. But strangely mesmerising.
Spiders are venomous, not poisonous, and no tarantula is venomous to mankind. They are mesmerising I agree. Indian ornamentals especially.
Ok. Fine. Sean is vile, venomous and icky. Happy now?
And our red under the Reading bed called us “superficial”? Pffff.
If a trans man or woman asked you to refer to them as “they” rather than by their birth gender I have no doubt you would do so out of politeness even if you disagree with their actions.
So when @Leon has requested you stop calling him “Sean” why do you insist on doing so?
It's a tease and he sets himself up for it. No need for toys out of the pram on this one.
Tsar Nicholas II was not overthrown because the war was going badly, although it could have been going somewhat better.
He wasn't overthrown because he was a rich man and all the Russians were poor, although this was probably suboptimal.
He wasn't overthrown because of his wife's emotional reliance on a sex crazed drunken starets, although that didn't help.
No, the actual reason was that the points had frozen on the main railway line into Petrograd, leaving both its people and the military garrison short of flour and therefore bread. Once those two groups began rioting, he was finished.
I wonder if this might be the start of something similar.
Fortunately for the world, Nicolai Alexeivitch didn't have nuclear weapons. Unlike Putin...
Apologies if this unnerves people but we're dealing with a madman and anything is possible, especially with the escalations.
The safest places to live in the event of a nuclear attack are obviously the most rural areas and coastal areas far from military bases eg Isles of Scilly, the Highlands of Scotland, the Yorkshire Moors, Snowdonia and Mid Wales, East Kent etc.
Though obviously if Putin did launch nukes on the UK we would also be send Trident nuclear missiles to attack Moscow and St Petersburg from UK submarines within a few hours
Yes, but who the fuck wants to survive a nuclear war?
Me. I've been reading post apocalypse sci fi so long, I want to know who was right. The Road? Riddley Walker? Leibowitz?
Philip K Dick - Dr Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb.
What's the consensus these days on the impact of an all-out nuclear holocaust?
End of life on earth? The human race? Civilisation as we know it? The EU?
Or just the TV licence?
Civilisation in the Northern hemisphere but still with pockets of life. Better in the South. Humanity and the planet will both survive.
Edit - the TV licence will stay obviously. Great value for money apparently
Although with just 23 viewers left alive in the UK the BBC will have to cut its budget somewhat.
Dads Army on repeat for ever more.
Private Godfrey’s slipper stamping on a human face, forever.
The UN Security Council adopted a resolution to call for an emergency session of the General Assembly which will convene in the next 24 hours. It is the first time such a session has been called in decades, said U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, because “This is not ordinary moment. We need to take extraordinary action to meet this threat to our international system and to do everything we can to help Ukraine and its people.”
NY Times
The General Assembly vote has no binding effect, but will give an indication of how isolated Russia has become. Though, frankly, you wonder whether, should Nutjob discover that he has almost the whole world against him, he might try to kill absolutely everyone in revenge. It's extremely scary.
By the way, this isn't mere play. If you talk to the residents around Faslane they are acutely aware that it would be the No.1 nuclear target.
So, no, some of the Highlands are certainly not the safest place to be.
(I'm assuming everyone knows it's the home of our Trident nuclear subs)
Kay word 'parts', as I pointed out the distance from the top to the bottom of the Highlands is longer than the distance between London and the North of England.
Plus of course the whole reason at least 1 submarine with Trident nuclear missiles on board is always on patrol 24/7 is that in the event of nuclear war the UK PM from his bunker could still order a nuclear missile attack on Moscow or whereever the nuclear attack on the UK came from even if Faslane had been hit (though in reality it would almost certainly only be Moscow or Bejing being the 2 capitals of our potential enemies with nuclear weapons). 1 Trident nuclear missile is the equivalent of 8 Hiroshimas on its own
Wow. Hopefully the US gives them some drones as well.
That's pointless for immediate use, given crew (pilot and ground) training times. Unless Germany and others still have some serviceable MIG-29s?
I think some of the post soviet countries still have them - Romania, Poland and Slovakia at least from a quick google. But drones, operated by 'Ukrainians' very close, or say just over the Polish border would be exceptionally usful.
Of course, the Russians may be facing the same problems.
I am now forever humiliated in the face of Putin's number one misinformer. The shame!
scleroticEU announces it has agreed unanimously amongst all member countries to take in Ukrainian refugees fir up to 3 years without asking them to first apply for asylum. Just been announced following a meeting of EU Interior ministers
More seriously Once P Johnson posts his dream post of Kyiv and Khartick and others surrounded, sealed, to be delivered; nothing gets in nothing gets out? Not even blood and oxygen?
But I’m guessing there will still be enough communications working Putin can’t stop, so can continue to organise the fight back in a joined up way?
(Seriously, it's a great city, and will be greater still when they finish building it.)
The Highlands are a big place.
You are completely wrong about this HY and if I were you I'd just back out now. Or take a look at the map of the Highlands which has Faslane in them.
The geological fault, which is so interesting, runs right down the Clyde, well to the south of Faslane.
I do know what I'm talking about. And if you don't believe me then a geologist will explain it to you in this Michael Portillo programme. The geologist Dr Ian Neill, Geologist and Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Your re-education begins at the 3 minute mark:
I am now forever humiliated in the face of Putin's number one misinformer. The shame!
So when @Leon has requested you stop calling him “Sean” why do you insist on doing so?
EVERYONE: That is some f'ing weak tea, FIFA, sort yourself out.
UK HOME OFFICE: Hold my beer...
He had zero impact on the war.
Highland boundary fault or not the distance between Faslane and John O'Groats is bigger than the distance between London and Manchester as I said.
Indeed the existence of mountains in the Highlands of Scotland adds just further to that distance effectively
NY Times
The Stingers and the likes of the Javelin Anti armour weapons do need some thinking & skill to operate well.
I'm glad you have dropped that. Faslane is in the Highlands. And, yes, the Highlands is a big place.
Along with Thailand it's my favourite place on earth.
No team is going to agree to play Russia, so the last thing FIFA will want is for them to qualify for the World Cup finals.
Surely the obvious thing to do is to ban them now. Just ask Hungary (the next best placed Nations League team IIRC) to take their place in the play-off against Poland.
NEW: Boris Johnson announces any Ukrainian settled in the UK will be allowed *immediate* family members fleeing the war to join them.
But PM stops short of saying *any* family members could come, which I'm told was under discussion earlier.
Will be under pressure to do more.
The Kyiv Independent
⚡️Klitschko's spokesperson denies that Kyiv is 'encircled.'
In an interview with AP, Kyiv’s Mayor Vitali Klitschko said that ‘Kyiv was encircled’ but ready to fight.
His spokesperson said that he misspoke, and that such information is “a lie and a manipulation.”
I was very tempted to mention tectonics ...
Ny Times
$20bn a day is the entire Russian GDP in 11 weeks.
My leg was bad, and I was doped up to the eyeballs on painkillers. The second of these profs sent round another rock sample to identify, he asked me what it was.
I replied, "A rock, sir. Probably quite old. It's also hard."
For some reason he never liked me.
(The other prof was a great gent, sadly gone now. We went on a field trip and he picked up a fossil and said: "I remember this fellow!" We called him Slartibartfast.)
"Vlad, there is no money left."
When I pointed out to him, gently, that Faslane is actually in the Highlands he then moved the goalposts.
Although innocent probably only works in a legal rather than “moral” sense but hey sex is money.
"In 1982, one of the Soviet nuclear bases was brought online, and for no apparent reason a nuclear missile was ready to launch. After 30 seconds of panic and chaos, the launch was aborted as mysteriously as it had appeared. Witnesses claimed that there had been some UFO activity near the area of the base - thus the reason for the cover-up."
So, no, some of the Highlands are certainly not the safest place to be.
(I'm assuming everyone knows it's the home of our Trident nuclear subs)
She should have gone with “what Putin is doing is dreadful, we utterly condemn it. Clearly it’s a personal decision, but we would quite understand if…”
Wow. Hopefully the US gives them some drones as well.
IIRC NLAW was specifically design to be easy to use.
Personally I've made the argument for a more relaxed policy (than the somewhat more relaxed one they have introduced already) to my MP.
But they own it as much as Abramovich owns CFC
Someone needs to stop this madman. And fast.
One such possibility is rapid climate change. In some scenarios, the safest place to be could conceivably be… wait for it… Russia.
But certainly a cheery thought that other apocalypses exist.
There are all sorts of mysterious rail lines and big fences around Arrochar too. And some weird stuff north of the Skye Bridge on Raasay and Applecross. And at Torridon.
I wonder how shares will go.
Are there guidelines on how to deal with it? Talk to them first?
He wasn't overthrown because he was a rich man and all the Russians were poor, although this was probably suboptimal.
He wasn't overthrown because of his wife's emotional reliance on a sex crazed drunken starets, although that didn't help.
No, the actual reason was that the points had frozen on the main railway line into Petrograd, leaving both its people and the military garrison short of flour and therefore bread. Once those two groups began rioting, he was finished.
I wonder if this might be the start of something similar.
Fortunately for the world, Nicolai Alexeivitch didn't have nuclear weapons. Unlike Putin...
I was chatting to a friend in Surrey today about this exact point. There are both Russian and Ukrainian children in the same school.
Plus of course the whole reason at least 1 submarine with Trident nuclear missiles on board is always on patrol 24/7 is that in the event of nuclear war the UK PM from his bunker could still order a nuclear missile attack on Moscow or whereever the nuclear attack on the UK came from even if Faslane had been hit (though in reality it would almost certainly only be Moscow or Bejing being the 2 capitals of our potential enemies with nuclear weapons). 1 Trident nuclear missile is the equivalent of 8 Hiroshimas on its own