Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Lineker has taken several refugees into his home, hasn't he?
Wasn’t Clarkson sacked from the BBC because of an assault not for what he said? If Lineker had punched a junior member of staff , he would also have been sacked.
Clarkson was employed directly by the BBC and presumably was sacked like any other employee would be if they assaulted somebody at work. He claimed there were mitigating circumstances but clearly that is an act that would breech most employment contracts.
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Well im sure the right will suggest building a nice refugee centre in Barnes. The refugees can take their boats on the river and wave to Gary.
Lineker's problem is that he has nowhere else to go. No other broadcaster is going to pay him THAT much, to be trouble in what he wants to say and in disrupting their pay grades for the rest of the talent. So he digs in.
But the Beeb can't back down - nobody is bigger than Auntie.
Maybe he could take an 80% pay cut to host a politics programme on BBC3?
Not so. There are plenty of organisations bigger and with far deeper pockets than the BBC. Clarkson got paid a lot more from Amazon. He will do alright.
Clarkson has a bigger international profile and directly generates revenue. Lineker is not in the same category at all.
Er no. He’s a World Cup Golden Boot winner.
Just like those household names Oleg Salenko, Hristo Stoichkov or Davor Suker.
Took you a while. All greats. Lineker is a unicorn. A footballer who reached the very top of the world game AND a charismatic broadcaster.
Anyway. I guess the more we talk about how much he’s made and less about the government dehumanising people and playing fast and loose with the law, the more it suits you.
The reason Lineker is getting so much support on here (all from precisely the people you'd expect) is because of his politics.
It has nothing to do with free speech.
Rubbish. If Lineker had tweeted: Glad to see that the government is doing something to stop the small boats. About time. Far too many illegal immigrants I would have disagreed with him but defended his right to say it. And he'd still be presenting MotD.
It's not rubbish in the slightest. The support he's getting on here is almost 100% predictable depending on people's political leanings, and we know this as there's lots of "The Tories" and "Rightists" on top.
Lineker is popular because he's putting the boot in to the Government and those same people agree with him. They don't give a shit about free speech.
"Amid the noise re @GaryLineker another disastrous move by the BBC in response to the Tory government political pressure and cuts — the abolition of BBC Singers and cuts to BBC orchestras. This is another resonance with 30s Germany — the assault on culture and the arts. 1/2"
Lots of the PB Tory glitterati who have been sheepishly and quietly hiding behind the sofa for the last twelve months, for the most part, are back posting copiously and with their boots on! Remainer traitor surrender monkeys? Go get 'em boys!
Oh dear, do you feel threatened by people with different political opinions to you posting on here?
"Amid the noise re @GaryLineker another disastrous move by the BBC in response to the Tory government political pressure and cuts — the abolition of BBC Singers and cuts to BBC orchestras. This is another resonance with 30s Germany — the assault on culture and the arts. 1/2"
The grown up resolution would have been for Lineker to have said I stand by my opinion that the government policy is wrong, but I should have been more careful about the language I used. I bet that is what the BBC top brass asked him to say and he simply told them to f##k off and its snowballed from there.
If we look at consistency of getting cancelled, I think the comparison with Piers Morgan is interesting. He said that Megan lied in her interview with Oprah (she did), a similar kind of retraction was demanded, which he did, and then he was sacked anyway.
He never said the policy was Nazi. He said the language was similar to 1930s Germany and it is.
Which is an astonishingly weak defence.
We all know who was in office in 1930s Germany. And that their language and policy were one and the same.
People aren't stupid.
Yes, but the language used in the run up to Hitler gaining power in 1933 was similar. It didn't really reach the point of mass violence until Kristallnacht in 1938. Until then the violence was mostly against political opponents, trade unionists etc.
The logical contortions people are going through in an attempt to defend Lineker are hilarious.
If it's a free speech issue, then it doesn't matter if he directly compared Braverman to Goebbels and Sunak to Hitler himself, does it?
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
If there aren't any commentators willing to work on Match of the Day, what will the BBC do?
Get on the blower to Keysie and Greyio. They'll do it and won't give a fuck.
There are plenty of people out there who neither like nor agree with Lineker, and some of them are even footballers.
It shouldn't be that hard. The issue is the timescale.
Perversely...MOTD may well prove much more popular without the punditry. It would be very funny if this proved to be the case.
More time watching football, less time watching others talking about football. What’s not to like?
It would be like Election Night programmes without the politicians, just the results.
Fantastic. More time checking your bets, and less time watching the inane drivel that goes for election night programming.
Right wingers, why stop there, just go full Trump, cancel any independent voices, question the results, follow the dear leader and storm the Capitol.
If I went back two months precisely the same people complaining on here about the "cancelling" of Lineker on the BBC would have been demanding the cancelling of Clarkson on Amazon & in The Sun for his remarks on Meghan Markle.
You might need to cite names. Many of us were quite happy to condemn Clarksons words but didn't call for him to be sanctioned.
Show me your post where you said that.
It is a bit difficult for me to show a post that I didn't make!
I have condemned many things over the years on this Forum, but I don't think that I have ever called for anyone at anytime to be sacked, other than via the ballot box.
The BBC need to get a move on and sort this Lineker situation out.
They are showing two live FA Cup matches next weekend as well as a regular MOTD.
If the boycott is still in place….
They've made a monumental f*ck-up of this and now haven't a clue how to resolve the issue.
Not sure we should be surprised at that though, given two tories, Sharp and Davie are in charge. Sack them both.
No, it’s Lineker who has really fucked this up. Because he is a vain and silly man. All he had to do was delete the tweet and apologise and say “yeah, the comparison with Nazi germany was a bit over the top, sorry, I just feel passionately on this issue”. And everyone agrees it was over the top. Coz it was. Just apologise and move on. Crisis resolved. End of story
But he is so in love with the moral adoration he gets on Twitter he refused to do even that. His obstinacy and narcissism has now badly damaged the BBC. Which is ironic as all those defending him on here are lefties who love the BBC
Exactly. Spot on.
It's a very clear example of the corrosive effect that Twitter can have on your psychy.
I expect he is in no doubt whatsoever that everyone agrees with him, except hideous racists.
I have said for a while I think its a modern form of male midlife crisis. Look at how many have become totally unhinged on social media, desperately wanting that validation / ego trip of being talked about on social media every day. And it seems like once they start to get sucked in, it gets more and more ridiculous e.g. Laurence Fox on woke, Jeremy Vine on everybody is nasty to cyclists, etc.
Yes absolutely. You and @casino are right. It’s obviously an addictive process (and addiction is something I know about)
Every like and retweet is a tiny dopamine hit. Which is addictive. If you have a big following you will get thousands of likes and retweets and that’s gotta be a MASSIVE dopamine hit. But like all addictions you get tolerant to the high - so the next toke has to be even bigger to give you an equal buzz
I’ve watched this happen to multiple people on Twitter. It’s sad to see. And it’s not a question of left or right or anything - it can happen to anyone
David Baddiel has talked about it. I saw it happen to him. In the end he was tweeting constantly - every ten minutes 24/7 - because he relished the attention. He’s admitted it and tried to kick the habit. But he’s back now…
But if you ARE political it is even worse because each tweet has to be even more woke/provocative/antiWoke than the last, which is not a happy route to take
Lineker is evidently on this drug of social media attention
The BBC need to get a move on and sort this Lineker situation out.
They are showing two live FA Cup matches next weekend as well as a regular MOTD.
If the boycott is still in place….
They've made a monumental f*ck-up of this and now haven't a clue how to resolve the issue.
Not sure we should be surprised at that though, given two tories, Sharp and Davie are in charge. Sack them both.
No, it’s Lineker who has really fucked this up. Because he is a vain and silly man. All he had to do was delete the tweet and apologise and say “yeah, the comparison with Nazi germany was a bit over the top, sorry, I just feel passionately on this issue”. And everyone agrees it was over the top. Coz it was. Just apologise and move on. Crisis resolved. End of story
But he is so in love with the moral adoration he gets on Twitter he refused to do even that. His obstinacy and narcissism has now badly damaged the BBC. Which is ironic as all those defending him on here are lefties who love the BBC
Exactly. Spot on.
It's a very clear example of the corrosive effect that Twitter can have on your psychy.
I expect he is in no doubt whatsoever that everyone agrees with him, except hideous racists.
I have said for a while I think its a modern form of male midlife crisis. Look at how many have become totally unhinged on social media, desperately wanting that validation / ego trip of being talked about on social media every day. And it seems like once they start to get sucked in, it gets more and more ridiculous e.g. Laurence Fox on woke, Jeremy Vine on everybody is nasty to cyclists, etc.
"Amid the noise re @GaryLineker another disastrous move by the BBC in response to the Tory government political pressure and cuts — the abolition of BBC Singers and cuts to BBC orchestras. This is another resonance with 30s Germany — the assault on culture and the arts. 1/2"
Alastair Campbell complaining about government pressuring the BBC, that can't be the same bloke who used to scream and shout at the BBC every day if they dared to criticised the government he worked for and of course came to a rather serious head when a top nuclear scientist killed themselves.....
"Amid the noise re @GaryLineker another disastrous move by the BBC in response to the Tory government political pressure and cuts — the abolition of BBC Singers and cuts to BBC orchestras. This is another resonance with 30s Germany — the assault on culture and the arts. 1/2"
Loads of clubs joining the BBC boycott. It’s pretty clear that the BBC are going to have to eat a super size humble pie if they want to continue having football in their output.
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Well im sure the right will suggest building a nice refugee centre in Barnes. The refugees can take their boats on the river and wave to Gary.
Housing illegal immigrants in LibDem constituencies is something I've suggested before.
They are after all advocates of freedom of movement.
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Lineker has taken several refugees into his home, hasn't he?
Wasn’t Clarkson sacked from the BBC because of an assault not for what he said? If Lineker had punched a junior member of staff , he would also have been sacked.
Lots of the PB Tory glitterati who have been sheepishly and quietly hiding behind the sofa for the last twelve months, for the most part, are back posting copiously and with their boots on! Remainer traitor surrender monkeys? Go get 'em boys!
Oh dear, do you feel threatened by people with different political opinions to you posting on here?
Maybe you should try Twitter instead.
How quickly those previously railing against the Cancel Culture adopt it for their own ends.
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Well im sure the right will suggest building a nice refugee centre in Barnes. The refugees can take their boats on the river and wave to Gary.
Housing illegal immigrants in LibDem constituencies is something I've suggested before.
They are after all advocates of freedom of movement.
So are the Tories, on the basis of the evidence of the effect of their policies.
He never said the policy was Nazi. He said the language was similar to 1930s Germany and it is.
Which is an astonishingly weak defence.
We all know who was in office in 1930s Germany. And that their language and policy were one and the same.
People aren't stupid.
The language used by the Nazis was along the lines of “plague rats”, “vermin”, “race polluters”, “bacilli”, “poisonous fungus”, “We think he committed suicide because he could no longer stomach his inherent racial stench” etc.
Deep down they know (and probably Lineker does too) that he called this badly wrong but they're so blinded by hatred for this Government and their desire to see it ousted that they don't want to lose such a public ally.
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
You can watch on catch up without a license but not receive live pictures.
It’s manifestly unfair in the modern broadcast era.
Six pages of fierce debate about the 1930's Germany language, and so far, nobody has produced any of the said language in the form of a quote. If the language has been uttered publicly, and recorded in the media, sufficient to warrant Tweets of protest from public figures, and whole articles in The Guardian, where is the language?
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Well im sure the right will suggest building a nice refugee centre in Barnes. The refugees can take their boats on the river and wave to Gary.
Many people in Barnes, including Gary Lineker, are offering shelter to refugees.
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Lineker has taken several refugees into his home, hasn't he?
Has he ?
If so he is to be commended.
I would be curious to know who they were and what happened to them.
The BBC need to get a move on and sort this Lineker situation out.
They are showing two live FA Cup matches next weekend as well as a regular MOTD.
If the boycott is still in place….
They've made a monumental f*ck-up of this and now haven't a clue how to resolve the issue.
Not sure we should be surprised at that though, given two tories, Sharp and Davie are in charge. Sack them both.
No, it’s Lineker who has really fucked this up. Because he is a vain and silly man. All he had to do was delete the tweet and apologise and say “yeah, the comparison with Nazi germany was a bit over the top, sorry, I just feel passionately on this issue”. And everyone agrees it was over the top. Coz it was. Just apologise and move on. Crisis resolved. End of story
But he is so in love with the moral adoration he gets on Twitter he refused to do even that. His obstinacy and narcissism has now badly damaged the BBC. Which is ironic as all those defending him on here are lefties who love the BBC
Exactly. Spot on.
It's a very clear example of the corrosive effect that Twitter can have on your psychy.
I expect he is in no doubt whatsoever that everyone agrees with him, except hideous racists.
I have said for a while I think its a modern form of male midlife crisis. Look at how many have become totally unhinged on social media, desperately wanting that validation / ego trip of being talked about on social media every day. And it seems like once they start to get sucked in, it gets more and more ridiculous e.g. Laurence Fox on woke, Jeremy Vine on everybody is nasty to cyclists, etc.
Yes absolutely. You and @casino are right. It’s obviously an addictive process (and addiction is something I know about)
Every like and retweet is a tiny dopamine hit. Which is addictive. If you have a big following you will get thousands of likes and retweets and that’s gotta be a MASSIVE dopamine hit. But like all addictions you get tolerant to the high - so the next toke has to be even bigger to give you an equal buzz
I’ve watched this happen to multiple people on Twitter. It’s sad to see. And it’s not a question of left or right or anything - it can happen to anyone
David Baddiel has talked about it. I saw it happen to him. In the end he was tweeting constantly - every ten minutes 24/7 - because he relished the attention. He’s admitted it and tried to kick the habit. But he’s back now…
But if you ARE political it is even worse because each tweet has to be even more woke/provocative/antiWoke than the last, which is not a happy route to take
Lineker is evidently on this drug of social media attention
Elon Musk comes to mind as well....The world's richest man with numerous massive companies to his name is constantly posting memes and getting into arguments. Being the richest man in the world (depending on which day of the week) is no longer enough, he needs the crazy reinforcement of getting traction on the tw@tter.
The BBC need to get a move on and sort this Lineker situation out.
They are showing two live FA Cup matches next weekend as well as a regular MOTD.
If the boycott is still in place….
They've made a monumental f*ck-up of this and now haven't a clue how to resolve the issue.
Not sure we should be surprised at that though, given two tories, Sharp and Davie are in charge. Sack them both.
No, it’s Lineker who has really fucked this up. Because he is a vain and silly man. All he had to do was delete the tweet and apologise and say “yeah, the comparison with Nazi germany was a bit over the top, sorry, I just feel passionately on this issue”. And everyone agrees it was over the top. Coz it was. Just apologise and move on. Crisis resolved. End of story
But he is so in love with the moral adoration he gets on Twitter he refused to do even that. His obstinacy and narcissism has now badly damaged the BBC. Which is ironic as all those defending him on here are lefties who love the BBC
Exactly. Spot on.
It's a very clear example of the corrosive effect that Twitter can have on your psychy.
I expect he is in no doubt whatsoever that everyone agrees with him, except hideous racists.
I have said for a while I think its a modern form of male midlife crisis. Look at how many have become totally unhinged on social media, desperately wanting that validation / ego trip of being talked about on social media every day. And it seems like once they start to get sucked in, it gets more and more ridiculous e.g. Laurence Fox on woke, Jeremy Vine on everybody is nasty to cyclists, etc.
Yes absolutely. You and @casino are right. It’s obviously an addictive process (and addiction is something I know about)
Every like and retweet is a tiny dopamine hit. Which is addictive. If you have a big following you will get thousands of likes and retweets and that’s gotta be a MASSIVE dopamine hit. But like all addictions you get tolerant to the high - so the next toke has to be even bigger to give you an equal buzz
I’ve watched this happen to multiple people on Twitter. It’s sad to see. And it’s not a question of left or right or anything - it can happen to anyone
David Baddiel has talked about it. I saw it happen to him. In the end he was tweeting constantly - every ten minutes 24/7 - because he relished the attention. He’s admitted it and tried to kick the habit. But he’s back now…
But if you ARE political it is even worse because each tweet has to be even more woke/provocative/antiWoke than the last, which is not a happy route to take
Lineker is evidently on this drug of social media attention
Could be worse in BBC Sport. With Frank Bough it was hookers and coke....
Lots of the PB Tory glitterati who have been sheepishly and quietly hiding behind the sofa for the last twelve months, for the most part, are back posting copiously and with their boots on! Remainer traitor surrender monkeys? Go get 'em boys!
Oh dear, do you feel threatened by people with different political opinions to you posting on here?
Maybe you should try Twitter instead.
How quickly those previously railing against the Cancel Culture adopt it for their own ends.
Lineker's problem is that he has nowhere else to go. No other broadcaster is going to pay him THAT much, to be trouble in what he wants to say and in disrupting their pay grades for the rest of the talent. So he digs in.
But the Beeb can't back down - nobody is bigger than Auntie.
Maybe he could take an 80% pay cut to host a politics programme on BBC3?
Not so. There are plenty of organisations bigger and with far deeper pockets than the BBC. Clarkson got paid a lot more from Amazon. He will do alright.
Clarkson has a bigger international profile and directly generates revenue. Lineker is not in the same category at all.
Er no. He’s a World Cup Golden Boot winner.
Just like those household names Oleg Salenko, Hristo Stoichkov or Davor Suker.
Took you a while. All greats. Lineker is a unicorn. A footballer who reached the very top of the world game AND a charismatic broadcaster.
Anyway. I guess the more we talk about how much he’s made and less about the government dehumanising people and playing fast and loose with the law, the more it suits you.
The reason Lineker is getting so much support on here (all from precisely the people you'd expect) is because of his politics.
It has nothing to do with free speech.
I am not convinced that you know my motivations better than myself.
You see, whenever you post something like that I know you know you're on weak ground about proving your consistency so you fall back on your "inner motivations" - entirely invisible to the rest of us and wholly subjective - instead.
Any poster for any reason could make the same claim whenever convenient for them.
Loads of clubs joining the BBC boycott. It’s pretty clear that the BBC are going to have to eat a super size humble pie if they want to continue having football in their output.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the initial Lineker situation I think the BBC need to stand firm on this. It is a separate issue to me to what was said and it is the usual suspects getting on their high horses again and demanding things are run their way.
Lots of the PB Tory glitterati who have been sheepishly and quietly hiding behind the sofa for the last twelve months, for the most part, are back posting copiously and with their boots on! Remainer traitor surrender monkeys? Go get 'em boys!
Oh dear, do you feel threatened by people with different political opinions to you posting on here?
Maybe you should try Twitter instead.
How quickly those previously railing against the Cancel Culture adopt it for their own ends.
Anti free speech. True colours.
It turns out no-one believes in free speech!
A few of us do. A few of us support the right of Lineker and Clarkson to say what they did.
"Amid the noise re @GaryLineker another disastrous move by the BBC in response to the Tory government political pressure and cuts — the abolition of BBC Singers and cuts to BBC orchestras. This is another resonance with 30s Germany — the assault on culture and the arts. 1/2"
Jesus Christ. What’s wrong with them?!
This is getting as bad as Ken “Hitler” Livingstone
Loads of clubs joining the BBC boycott. It’s pretty clear that the BBC are going to have to eat a super size humble pie if they want to continue having football in their output.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the initial Lineker situation I think the BBC need to stand firm on this. It is a separate issue to me to what was said and it is the usual suspects getting on their high horses again and demanding things are run their way.
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Lineker has taken several refugees into his home, hasn't he?
Has he ?
If so he is to be commended.
I would be curious to know who they were and what happened to them.
If they were staying with lineker they probably realised afghanistan wasnt so bad after all.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the two cases, the optics for the Tory Party are absolutely terrible.
Attempting to Cancel David Attenborough is truly astonishing, and the world knows that Gary Lineker has opinions, its what they pay him for, and even if he was a bit too forthright, to make a martyr of him is quite stunningly stupid. I think the backlash to the backlash may lead to a yet further fall in Conservative fortunes. The truth is, they have lost the plot: either this is an accident, in which case they are incompetent, or deliberate in which case they are malevolent.
If the Tories lose the football following vote, then that’s the Red Wall gone for sure.
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
Absolutely. Them's the rules, and if you watch or record anything "live" from a "recognised" broadcasting channel (youtube lives streams dont count, but something like watching live tennis on Prime does) or watch BBC iPlayer then you need a TV licence. You can watch any other On Demand stuff you want without a licence, so there's plenty to go at.
Lots of the PB Tory glitterati who have been sheepishly and quietly hiding behind the sofa for the last twelve months, for the most part, are back posting copiously and with their boots on! Remainer traitor surrender monkeys? Go get 'em boys!
Oh dear, do you feel threatened by people with different political opinions to you posting on here?
Maybe you should try Twitter instead.
How quickly those previously railing against the Cancel Culture adopt it for their own ends.
Anti free speech. True colours.
It turns out no-one believes in free speech!
I've never said Lineker should be cancelled. I've put up with his shit for years without comment. But, he hugely crossed the line with that post, and then pompously turned up the volume to 11 and challenged the BBC to defy him - which he'd brought into disrepute. Previous BBC governors have also said that Davie had no choice but to act.
Like most things in life, it's not black or white.
The BBC need to get a move on and sort this Lineker situation out.
They are showing two live FA Cup matches next weekend as well as a regular MOTD.
If the boycott is still in place….
They've made a monumental f*ck-up of this and now haven't a clue how to resolve the issue.
Not sure we should be surprised at that though, given two tories, Sharp and Davie are in charge. Sack them both.
No, it’s Lineker who has really fucked this up. Because he is a vain and silly man. All he had to do was delete the tweet and apologise and say “yeah, the comparison with Nazi germany was a bit over the top, sorry, I just feel passionately on this issue”. And everyone agrees it was over the top. Coz it was. Just apologise and move on. Crisis resolved. End of story
But he is so in love with the moral adoration he gets on Twitter he refused to do even that. His obstinacy and narcissism has now badly damaged the BBC. Which is ironic as all those defending him on here are lefties who love the BBC
Exactly. Spot on.
It's a very clear example of the corrosive effect that Twitter can have on your psychy.
I expect he is in no doubt whatsoever that everyone agrees with him, except hideous racists.
I have said for a while I think its a modern form of male midlife crisis. Look at how many have become totally unhinged on social media, desperately wanting that validation / ego trip of being talked about on social media every day. And it seems like once they start to get sucked in, it gets more and more ridiculous e.g. Laurence Fox on woke, Jeremy Vine on everybody is nasty to cyclists, etc.
Yes absolutely. You and @casino are right. It’s obviously an addictive process (and addiction is something I know about)
Every like and retweet is a tiny dopamine hit. Which is addictive. If you have a big following you will get thousands of likes and retweets and that’s gotta be a MASSIVE dopamine hit. But like all addictions you get tolerant to the high - so the next toke has to be even bigger to give you an equal buzz
I’ve watched this happen to multiple people on Twitter. It’s sad to see. And it’s not a question of left or right or anything - it can happen to anyone
David Baddiel has talked about it. I saw it happen to him. In the end he was tweeting constantly - every ten minutes 24/7 - because he relished the attention. He’s admitted it and tried to kick the habit. But he’s back now…
But if you ARE political it is even worse because each tweet has to be even more woke/provocative/antiWoke than the last, which is not a happy route to take
Lineker is evidently on this drug of social media attention
Elon Musk comes to mind as well....The world's richest man with numerous massive companies to his name is constantly posting memes and getting into arguments. Being the richest man in the world (depending on which day of the week) is no longer enough, he needs the crazy reinforcement of getting traction on the tw@tter.
When they write the tortured history of the 21st century the invention of the “like” button - and things like retweets etc - will be seen as the catastrophes they are. Cleverly designed to fuck human brains
Loads of clubs joining the BBC boycott. It’s pretty clear that the BBC are going to have to eat a super size humble pie if they want to continue having football in their output.
Be interesting to see the Premiership Leagues view on this as there is a contract to fulfil and the clubs have obligations under that contract.
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
You can watch on catch up without a license but not receive live pictures.
It’s manifestly unfair in the modern broadcast era.
The BBC appears to be about the only broadcaster that has no +1 service. Presumably if it did, you wouldn't need a licence to watch it?
Lots of the PB Tory glitterati who have been sheepishly and quietly hiding behind the sofa for the last twelve months, for the most part, are back posting copiously and with their boots on! Remainer traitor surrender monkeys? Go get 'em boys!
Oh dear, do you feel threatened by people with different political opinions to you posting on here?
Maybe you should try Twitter instead.
How quickly those previously railing against the Cancel Culture adopt it for their own ends.
Anti free speech. True colours.
Yes, it's incredible how threatened @Mexicanpete feels by Tories coming on here and having the audacity to comment rather than keeping it a cosy Lefty echo chamber.
Herd behaviour. Dogma. No capacity for independent thinking. True colours.
It’s a strange day in British politics when @campbellclaret condemns an attack against Jeremy Corbyn.
"Alan Sugar’s post was outrageous 1,000 times worse and the BBC did absolutely nothing yet they’ll crack down against @GaryLineker for condemning the cruel and evil ‘stop the boats’ policy".
Worth noting that Corbyn backs Lineker, even though Lineker opposed him.
Labour on the other hand spent all day via Yvette Cooper and Emily Thornberry doing the opposite saying they disagreed with Lineker and any disciplinary measures were a matter for the BBC
Pivoted of course when it became obvious more people backed Lineker than didnt.
Another day of Groucho Marx Politics from the SKS Labour the Party of no principles.
Still they are saying the right thing now so small mercies
Football Focus (the BBC lunchtime preview show of the weekend's football) has also been pulled now.
And all this - ALL THIS - could have been avoided if Gary had just been a bit more mature, and a little less vain, and said “yeah sorry, the Nazi thing was a bit excessive, I got over emotional coz I care”
That’s all he had to do! What a wanker
Says the man known for maturity and never given to vanity, who would rather die than make an intemperate remark and who, if he were somehow to say something a little over the top, would certainly be quick to apologise.
Loads of clubs joining the BBC boycott. It’s pretty clear that the BBC are going to have to eat a super size humble pie if they want to continue having football in their output.
Be interesting to see the Premiership Leagues view on this as there is a contract to fulfil and the clubs have obligations under that contract.
As do all the presenters who are not working today.
Lineker's problem is that he has nowhere else to go. No other broadcaster is going to pay him THAT much, to be trouble in what he wants to say and in disrupting their pay grades for the rest of the talent. So he digs in.
But the Beeb can't back down - nobody is bigger than Auntie.
Maybe he could take an 80% pay cut to host a politics programme on BBC3?
Not so. There are plenty of organisations bigger and with far deeper pockets than the BBC. Clarkson got paid a lot more from Amazon. He will do alright.
Clarkson has a bigger international profile and directly generates revenue. Lineker is not in the same category at all.
Er no. He’s a World Cup Golden Boot winner.
Just like those household names Oleg Salenko, Hristo Stoichkov or Davor Suker.
Took you a while. All greats. Lineker is a unicorn. A footballer who reached the very top of the world game AND a charismatic broadcaster.
Anyway. I guess the more we talk about how much he’s made and less about the government dehumanising people and playing fast and loose with the law, the more it suits you.
The reason Lineker is getting so much support on here (all from precisely the people you'd expect) is because of his politics.
It has nothing to do with free speech.
I am not convinced that you know my motivations better than myself.
You see, whenever you post something like that I know you know you're on weak ground about proving your consistency so you fall back on your "inner motivations" - entirely invisible to the rest of us and wholly subjective - instead.
Any poster for any reason could make the same claim whenever convenient for them.
So it's fair game if I put your postings down to be defending any outrage or idiocy because you buy anything that comes with a blue rosette?
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
Absolutely. Them's the rules, and if you watch or record anything "live" from a "recognised" broadcasting channel (youtube lives streams dont count, but something like watching live tennis on Prime does) or watch BBC iPlayer then you need a TV licence. You can watch any other On Demand stuff you want without a licence, so there's plenty to go at.
The law is so outdated that Sky News on YouTube that's illegal to watch without a licence, but any massive YouTuber / Twitch streamer who does live shows to much bigger audiences that's perfectly legal (because they aren't available over the air).
The reality of it, nothing is actually enforceable. The only people getting done for not having paid the telly tax are because they aren't very well educated and manage to basically incriminate themselves.
Lineker's problem is that he has nowhere else to go. No other broadcaster is going to pay him THAT much, to be trouble in what he wants to say and in disrupting their pay grades for the rest of the talent. So he digs in.
But the Beeb can't back down - nobody is bigger than Auntie.
Maybe he could take an 80% pay cut to host a politics programme on BBC3?
Not so. There are plenty of organisations bigger and with far deeper pockets than the BBC. Clarkson got paid a lot more from Amazon. He will do alright.
Clarkson has a bigger international profile and directly generates revenue. Lineker is not in the same category at all.
Er no. He’s a World Cup Golden Boot winner.
Just like those household names Oleg Salenko, Hristo Stoichkov or Davor Suker.
Took you a while. All greats. Lineker is a unicorn. A footballer who reached the very top of the world game AND a charismatic broadcaster.
Anyway. I guess the more we talk about how much he’s made and less about the government dehumanising people and playing fast and loose with the law, the more it suits you.
The reason Lineker is getting so much support on here (all from precisely the people you'd expect) is because of his politics.
It has nothing to do with free speech.
Rubbish. If Lineker had tweeted: Glad to see that the government is doing something to stop the small boats. About time. Far too many illegal immigrants I would have disagreed with him but defended his right to say it. And he'd still be presenting MotD.
It's not rubbish in the slightest. The support he's getting on here is almost 100% predictable depending on people's political leanings, and we know this as there's lots of "The Tories" and "Rightists" on top.
Lineker is popular because he's putting the boot in to the Government and those same people agree with him. They don't give a shit about free speech.
The depths of hypocrisy that you can squeeze into two paragraphs is really quite impressive CR.
“Given the Conservatives has wrecked the NHS, the BBC and filled the nations water with shit, it does beg the question, what were they trying to conserve?”
The answer seems obvious to me;
The only person wrecking the BBC is Gary “look at me and my tax avoiding saintliness” Lineker
The NHS was mediocre anyway and was fucked even more by lockdowns which Labour wanted to go on LONGER than the Tories
The shit in the rivers I cannot dispute
And you are at it again accusing Lineker of tax avoidance for apparently doing exactly what you do which is be a freelancer. OK we can put the last time you did this down to your ignorance and usual jumping to conclusions, but now you know better and yet you repeat it. Why don't you wait until a decision is made as whether he is a freelancer. On the face of it he is, like you. So what is he and you supposed to do about it then?
Lineker doesn’t deny he is a tax avoider (which is of course legal; evasion is the illegal stuff). His argument is that he is ONLY a tax avoider and hasn’t crossed any line
HMRC apparently disagrees
And I repeat how is he any different from you? The hypocrisy is obvious.
You rightly claim to be a freelancer, because you are.
He claims to be a freelancer, which on the face of it he is.
If he isn't, as HMRC claim, he should be taxed as an employee.
Honestly the fact you can't see this is mind boggling.
Why don't you wait until a decision is made before accusing others of tax avoidance and sneering at them when they do exactly what you do yourself, which by the way is not only legal, but proper. We would be in a proper mess if genuine freelancers weren't able to be so. I mean the economy would completely breakdown. I had at any one time 150 clients. Would that mean I had to have 150 employers.
Honestly stick to stuff you know something about.
He’s avoided £5m in tax and I have paid his salary as a Briton with a tv. On that basis alone I am entitled to an opinion
You seem curiously hysterical about all this. As do others. Odd
Because it is a subject I know something about and which you don't and you are talking out of your arse.
If he is found to be an employee of the BBC then all well and good, but if he is found to be a freelancer then he is exactly the same as you, you idiotic pillock.
The funny thing is you can just imagine the kind of discussion that took place.
"Prime Minister, in line with your cunning plan of getting tough with migrants to win back the racist vote, let's really get the BBC to crack the whip against broadcasters who aren't toeing the line. Good idea?"
"Amid the noise re @GaryLineker another disastrous move by the BBC in response to the Tory government political pressure and cuts — the abolition of BBC Singers and cuts to BBC orchestras. This is another resonance with 30s Germany — the assault on culture and the arts. 1/2"
Jesus Christ. What’s wrong with them?!
This is getting as bad as Ken “Hitler” Livingstone
They destroyed most of their content up to,the mid seventies.
Archive selector Pamela Nash said they were only obeying orders.
No defence.
Makes you wonder if the Beeb has always been like it !
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
I think the content of Lineker's Tweet was clumsy and poorly thought through. There was no need to reference 1930s Germany. Braverman's use of terms such as "invasion" and "betrayal" are pretty standard parts of the modern, hard right, nationalist playbook across Europe. That's all he needed to say. For me, he deserves criticism and if this hadn't become so polarised he might have reflected on what he had written and apologised - but politicians got involved, the BBC management got heavy handed and it's all got out of control.
What I do find bizarre, though, is that the standards applied to Lineker have not been applied to BBC presenter Alan Sugar - or to politicians who have routinely likened the EU to the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. There is a double standard at play here. And that applies especially to the BBC over its very different treatments of Lineker and Sugar.
As for Alastair Campbell's Tweet about the BBC Singers and 1930s Germany. That is unquestionably offensive. Piss poor managements make piss poor budgetary decisions all the time. That does not make them Nazis.
Lots of the PB Tory glitterati who have been sheepishly and quietly hiding behind the sofa for the last twelve months, for the most part, are back posting copiously and with their boots on! Remainer traitor surrender monkeys? Go get 'em boys!
Oh dear, do you feel threatened by people with different political opinions to you posting on here?
Maybe you should try Twitter instead.
Tbf I don’t think Pete has offered to fight someone in a pub car park. So far anyway.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the two cases, the optics for the Tory Party are absolutely terrible.
Attempting to Cancel David Attenborough is truly astonishing, and the world knows that Gary Lineker has opinions, its what they pay him for, and even if he was a bit too forthright, to make a martyr of him is quite stunningly stupid. I think the backlash to the backlash may lead to a yet further fall in Conservative fortunes. The truth is, they have lost the plot: either this is an accident, in which case they are incompetent, or deliberate in which case they are malevolent.
The Tories have been floundering ever Johnson became PM. They have no idea how to deliver on their promises (levelling up, immigration etc etc) and have no idea how to tackle the real problems we face so it reverts to a Daily Mail type agenda and try to stir up culture wars.
Lots of the PB Tory glitterati who have been sheepishly and quietly hiding behind the sofa for the last twelve months, for the most part, are back posting copiously and with their boots on! Remainer traitor surrender monkeys? Go get 'em boys!
Oh dear, do you feel threatened by people with different political opinions to you posting on here?
Maybe you should try Twitter instead.
How quickly those previously railing against the Cancel Culture adopt it for their own ends.
Anti free speech. True colours.
Yes, it's incredible how threatened @Mexicanpete feels by Tories coming on here and having the audacity to comment rather than keeping it a cosy Lefty echo chamber.
Herd behaviour. Dogma. No capacity for independent thinking. True colours.
So you're fine with Lineker exercising his right to free speech then and the BBC is wrong to ban him?
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Well im sure the right will suggest building a nice refugee centre in Barnes. The refugees can take their boats on the river and wave to Gary.
Housing illegal immigrants in LibDem constituencies is something I've suggested before.
They are after all advocates of freedom of movement.
So are the Tories, on the basis of the evidence of the effect of their policies.
Different migrants have different effects.
Many in the last year will have been Ukrainians and Hong Kongers who are viewed sympathetically.
On my unscientific (but perhaps electorally useful) 'foreign voices in the supermarket' the number is if anything falling.
Partly by the steadily increasing integration of Eastern Europeans - after all its nearly twenty years since that influx began.
Maybe its different in the big cities which would be attracting more non European migrants.
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Lineker has taken several refugees into his home, hasn't he?
For about a week....
After being called out on social media for wanting the country to take in people but doing nothing himself.
Today, we have learnt that Lefties are thick, predictable, stupid, herd-like, hyberbolic, surprisingly sensitive, entirely lacking in self-awareness, dumb, possess no sense of irony, hysterical, brainless, and enthusiastic sheep.
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
You can watch on catch up without a license but not receive live pictures.
It’s manifestly unfair in the modern broadcast era.
The BBC appears to be about the only broadcaster that has no +1 service. Presumably if it did, you wouldn't need a licence to watch it?
Watching any +1 service counts as live TV so you need a TV licence.
Lots of the PB Tory glitterati who have been sheepishly and quietly hiding behind the sofa for the last twelve months, for the most part, are back posting copiously and with their boots on! Remainer traitor surrender monkeys? Go get 'em boys!
Oh dear, do you feel threatened by people with different political opinions to you posting on here?
Maybe you should try Twitter instead.
How quickly those previously railing against the Cancel Culture adopt it for their own ends.
Anti free speech. True colours.
Yes, it's incredible how threatened @Mexicanpete feels by Tories coming on here and having the audacity to comment rather than keeping it a cosy Lefty echo chamber.
Herd behaviour. Dogma. No capacity for independent thinking. True colours.
Herd behaviour is normal. Look at how people living in say Islington all have similar views yet regard themselves as independent thinkers.
Loads of clubs joining the BBC boycott. It’s pretty clear that the BBC are going to have to eat a super size humble pie if they want to continue having football in their output.
Be interesting to see the Premiership Leagues view on this as there is a contract to fulfil and the clubs have obligations under that contract.
These "arrangements" can be very "flexible" e.g. Sir Alex Ferguson never did the BBC for donkeys years because of falling out with them.
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Lineker has taken several refugees into his home, hasn't he?
Has he ?
If so he is to be commended.
I would be curious to know who they were and what happened to them.
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
Is that true? I thought this had changed.
You must have a tv licence to watch any LIVE content which is available over the air / consistently live (plus they managed to include Amazon LIVE streaming in this but not YouTubers / Twitch...if this actually stood up in court, that would be interesting).
You don't need a licence to watch non-live i.e streaming / catchup, except for iPlayer. So you can watch as much ITVx / 4OD / Netflix as you like without one.
The BBC need to get a move on and sort this Lineker situation out.
They are showing two live FA Cup matches next weekend as well as a regular MOTD.
If the boycott is still in place….
They've made a monumental f*ck-up of this and now haven't a clue how to resolve the issue.
Not sure we should be surprised at that though, given two tories, Sharp and Davie are in charge. Sack them both.
No, it’s Lineker who has really fucked this up. Because he is a vain and silly man. All he had to do was delete the tweet and apologise and say “yeah, the comparison with Nazi germany was a bit over the top, sorry, I just feel passionately on this issue”. And everyone agrees it was over the top. Coz it was. Just apologise and move on. Crisis resolved. End of story
But he is so in love with the moral adoration he gets on Twitter he refused to do even that. His obstinacy and narcissism has now badly damaged the BBC. Which is ironic as all those defending him on here are lefties who love the BBC
Exactly. Spot on.
It's a very clear example of the corrosive effect that Twitter can have on your psychy.
I expect he is in no doubt whatsoever that everyone agrees with him, except hideous racists.
I have said for a while I think its a modern form of male midlife crisis. Look at how many have become totally unhinged on social media, desperately wanting that validation / ego trip of being talked about on social media every day. And it seems like once they start to get sucked in, it gets more and more ridiculous e.g. Laurence Fox on woke, Jeremy Vine on everybody is nasty to cyclists, etc.
Yes absolutely. You and @casino are right. It’s obviously an addictive process (and addiction is something I know about)
Every like and retweet is a tiny dopamine hit. Which is addictive. If you have a big following you will get thousands of likes and retweets and that’s gotta be a MASSIVE dopamine hit. But like all addictions you get tolerant to the high - so the next toke has to be even bigger to give you an equal buzz
I’ve watched this happen to multiple people on Twitter. It’s sad to see. And it’s not a question of left or right or anything - it can happen to anyone
David Baddiel has talked about it. I saw it happen to him. In the end he was tweeting constantly - every ten minutes 24/7 - because he relished the attention. He’s admitted it and tried to kick the habit. But he’s back now…
But if you ARE political it is even worse because each tweet has to be even more woke/provocative/antiWoke than the last, which is not a happy route to take
Lineker is evidently on this drug of social media attention
Elon Musk comes to mind as well....The world's richest man with numerous massive companies to his name is constantly posting memes and getting into arguments. Being the richest man in the world (depending on which day of the week) is no longer enough, he needs the crazy reinforcement of getting traction on the tw@tter.
When they write the tortured history of the 21st century the invention of the “like” button - and things like retweets etc - will be seen as the catastrophes they are. Cleverly designed to fuck human brains
Wholeheartedly agree with all of this. Tempted to screengrab and post next time someone posts some racist crap on Twitter and many call it free speech. But instead I’ll just rely on you two being addicted to this place (and being admirably consistent in your views of these things despite your own politics 😊)
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
You can watch on catch up without a license but not receive live pictures.
It’s manifestly unfair in the modern broadcast era.
The BBC appears to be about the only broadcaster that has no +1 service. Presumably if it did, you wouldn't need a licence to watch it?
"Amid the noise re @GaryLineker another disastrous move by the BBC in response to the Tory government political pressure and cuts — the abolition of BBC Singers and cuts to BBC orchestras. This is another resonance with 30s Germany — the assault on culture and the arts. 1/2"
Jesus Christ. What’s wrong with them?!
This is getting as bad as Ken “Hitler” Livingstone
They destroyed most of their content up to,the mid seventies.
Archive selector Pamela Nash said they were only obeying orders.
No defence.
Makes you wonder if the Beeb has always been like it !
To be fair, this was mainly post-Birt. The '90s commercial-managerial ethos was to dump everything that couldn't immediately be monetised - out went a lot of accumulated programme-making expertise and interesting eccentrics, too ; this is, really, what Poliakoff's "Shooting the Past" was about.
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
You can watch on catch up without a license but not receive live pictures.
It’s manifestly unfair in the modern broadcast era.
The BBC appears to be about the only broadcaster that has no +1 service. Presumably if it did, you wouldn't need a licence to watch it?
Watching any +1 service counts as live TV so you need a TV licence.
Not very surprising, considering that you're expected to pay a licence fee for watching BBC programmes made - what? - 10, 20, 30, 40 years go?
Loads of clubs joining the BBC boycott. It’s pretty clear that the BBC are going to have to eat a super size humble pie if they want to continue having football in their output.
Be interesting to see the Premiership Leagues view on this as there is a contract to fulfil and the clubs have obligations under that contract.
These "arrangements" can be very "flexible" e.g. Sir Alex Ferguson never did the BBC for donkeys years because of falling out with them.
True, but the club a always put someone up to meet their obligations.
I think the content of Lineker's Tweet was clumsy and poorly thought through. There was no need to reference 1930s Germany. Braverman's use of terms such as "invasion" and "betrayal" are pretty standard parts of the modern, hard right, nationalist playbook across Europe. That's all he needed to say. For me, he deserves criticism and if this hadn't become so polarised he might have reflected on what he had written and apologised - but politicians got involved, the BBC management got heavy handed and it's all got out of control.
What I do find bizarre, though, is that the standards applied to Lineker have not been applied to BBC presenter Alan Sugar - or to politicians who have routinely likened the EU to the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. There is a double standard at play here. And that applies especially to the BBC over its very different treatments of Lineker and Sugar.
As for Alastair Campbell's Tweet about the BBC Singers and 1930s Germany. That is unquestionably offensive. Piss poor managements make piss poor budgetary decisions all the time. That does not make them Nazis.
Campbell does have meltdowns. Isn’t he famously manic depressive? And an ex alky
But still. He needs to delete that, and fast. Bonkers
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
You can watch on catch up without a license but not receive live pictures.
It’s manifestly unfair in the modern broadcast era.
The BBC appears to be about the only broadcaster that has no +1 service. Presumably if it did, you wouldn't need a licence to watch it?
Watching any +1 service counts as live TV so you need a TV licence.
I believe it because it comes about form a definition of consistently available over the air i.e. its a tv channel that is consistently broadcasting over the air. However, watching those same programmes via a catchup (one hour later than the broadcasted show) is absolutely fine.
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
Absolutely. Them's the rules, and if you watch or record anything "live" from a "recognised" broadcasting channel (youtube lives streams dont count, but something like watching live tennis on Prime does) or watch BBC iPlayer then you need a TV licence. You can watch any other On Demand stuff you want without a licence, so there's plenty to go at.
The law is so outdated that Sky News on YouTube that's illegal to watch without a licence, but any massive YouTuber / Twitch streamer who does live shows to much bigger audiences that's perfectly legal (because they aren't available over the air).
The reality of it, nothing is actually enforceable. The only people getting done for not having paid the telly tax are because they aren't very well educated and manage to basically incriminate themselves.
Yeah. The threatening letters Capita send out get ever more nasty, but the reality of it is that the letters hold no legal authority, and you can just ignore them. It's best to just go online and tell them you don't need a licence. Saves all the hassle, although I have had over 10 ever increasingly nastier letters from them at the house we own thar we're refurbing to move into, and can't be arsed to tell them again it doesn't need a licence.
The news we hear over the transistor wireless, from the centre of the fighting, gets ever more serious - the announcers from Final Score have pulled out too.
These are dark days for Europe, and we may not be able to find out whether Forfar Athletic beat Cowdenbeath over tea and muffins, as the late winter twilight arrives.
Well Sports Report dropped the classified results as the audience of people who need to wait til 5:00pm to find out the scores is basically nil. You can get live scores online easily. Even a late night highlights show seems antiquated when social media is full of clips mere moments after something interesting happens.
I would expect MOTD to have dismal audience share amongst young people like most BBC content nowadays. And the way football is covered in the UK is likely to get an overdue shakeup if more streaming services bid next time, that's assuming the leagues don't go over-the-top to take more of the money.
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
You can watch on catch up without a license but not receive live pictures.
It’s manifestly unfair in the modern broadcast era.
The BBC appears to be about the only broadcaster that has no +1 service. Presumably if it did, you wouldn't need a licence to watch it?
That’s a good point. I don’t know TBH
But you can pause BBC programmes and effectively watch +X. I haven’t checked but I’d imagine that there’s some clause about a licence needed to watch all content broadcast live on BBC.
"Amid the noise re @GaryLineker another disastrous move by the BBC in response to the Tory government political pressure and cuts — the abolition of BBC Singers and cuts to BBC orchestras. This is another resonance with 30s Germany — the assault on culture and the arts. 1/2"
Jesus Christ. What’s wrong with them?!
This is getting as bad as Ken “Hitler” Livingstone
They destroyed most of their content up to,the mid seventies.
Archive selector Pamela Nash said they were only obeying orders.
No defence.
Makes you wonder if the Beeb has always been like it !
To be fair, this was post-Birt. The late '90s commercial-managerial ethos was to dump everything that couldn't immediately be monetised - this is what Poliakoff's "Shooting the Past" was about.
The BBC destroyed its own output, on an industrial scale, up to around 1978.
After then they have desperately been trying to recover it.
I have friends who have recovered material and returned it to them.
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
You can watch on catch up without a license but not receive live pictures.
It’s manifestly unfair in the modern broadcast era.
The BBC appears to be about the only broadcaster that has no +1 service. Presumably if it did, you wouldn't need a licence to watch it?
That’s a good point. I don’t know TBH
+1 channels count as a normal live broadcast tv channel. The fact they are broadcasting content that is on a one hour delay is irrelevant, in the same way as watching any normal repeat on a tv channel doesn't exclude your need for a licence.
Lineker's problem is that he has nowhere else to go. No other broadcaster is going to pay him THAT much, to be trouble in what he wants to say and in disrupting their pay grades for the rest of the talent. So he digs in.
But the Beeb can't back down - nobody is bigger than Auntie.
Maybe he could take an 80% pay cut to host a politics programme on BBC3?
Not so. There are plenty of organisations bigger and with far deeper pockets than the BBC. Clarkson got paid a lot more from Amazon. He will do alright.
Clarkson has a bigger international profile and directly generates revenue. Lineker is not in the same category at all.
Er no. He’s a World Cup Golden Boot winner.
Just like those household names Oleg Salenko, Hristo Stoichkov or Davor Suker.
Took you a while. All greats. Lineker is a unicorn. A footballer who reached the very top of the world game AND a charismatic broadcaster.
Anyway. I guess the more we talk about how much he’s made and less about the government dehumanising people and playing fast and loose with the law, the more it suits you.
The reason Lineker is getting so much support on here (all from precisely the people you'd expect) is because of his politics.
It has nothing to do with free speech.
You are absolutely wrong. It is only about free speech. If you will note from my various comments in the past I am a strong supporter of exactly that for Clarkson, whom enjoy immensely. The BBC has no right to interfere in what either of them or others say outside of their BBC roles (except in the most extreme circumstances).
We don't have a TV licence, not because I'm anti BBC but because we genuinely don't watch any content on any platform that requires one. So I'm not really bothered by its tribulations, anti/pro Government bias or how it pays its talent-I dont pay for it, so it's none of my business. I do feel that Lineker should be able to say whatever he wants on social media-as should we all- and then be accountable for what we say. Lineker's word might have been a bit strong for some, but what I take from it was that he was concerned by the words spoken by the government, not actually comparing the government to 30s Germany. He shouldn't be sacked or suspended, and for a government so unpopular, picking manufactured fights with people more popular than them, and then conducting those fights so ineptly that a major BBC programme like MOTD is disrupted is beyond Darwinism!
The problem is if you want to watch non-BBC channels you still have to pay the BBC licence fee, even if you never watch BBC programmes.
You can watch on catch up without a license but not receive live pictures.
It’s manifestly unfair in the modern broadcast era.
The BBC appears to be about the only broadcaster that has no +1 service. Presumably if it did, you wouldn't need a licence to watch it?
Watching any +1 service counts as live TV so you need a TV licence.
Well, that's a bit of a weird definition of "live"! I wonder what the justification is.
Incidentally has Lineker, or anyone else spouting about 'dehumanizing' or '1930s Germany', said anything constructive about what to do with refugees / illegal immigrants ?
Lineker has taken several refugees into his home, hasn't he?
Has he ?
If so he is to be commended.
I would be curious to know who they were and what happened to them.
Today, we have learnt that Lefties are thick, predictable, stupid, herd-like, hyberbolic, surprisingly sensitive, entirely lacking in self-awareness, dumb, possess no sense of irony, hysterical, brainless, and enthusiastic sheep.
Gary Lineker posted a Tweet
Lineker is popular because he's putting the boot in to the Government and those same people agree with him. They don't give a shit about free speech.
"Amid the noise re @GaryLineker another disastrous move by the BBC in response to the Tory government political pressure and cuts — the abolition of BBC Singers and cuts to BBC orchestras. This is another resonance with 30s Germany — the assault on culture and the arts. 1/2"
Don't work for a taxpayer funded supposedly impartial broadcaster, then be as free as you like.
So if I work in the BBC lunch kitchen I can't speak about politics outside of work? On what planet are these morons on?
Maybe you should try Twitter instead.
If we look at consistency of getting cancelled, I think the comparison with Piers Morgan is interesting. He said that Megan lied in her interview with Oprah (she did), a similar kind of retraction was demanded, which he did, and then he was sacked anyway.
Fat lot of respect for free speech you have.
If it's a free speech issue, then it doesn't matter if he directly compared Braverman to Goebbels and Sunak to Hitler himself, does it?
I have condemned many things over the years on this Forum, but I don't think that I have ever called for anyone at anytime to be sacked, other than via the ballot box.
Every like and retweet is a tiny dopamine hit. Which is addictive. If you have a big following you will get thousands of likes and retweets and that’s gotta be a MASSIVE dopamine hit. But like all addictions you get tolerant to the high - so the next toke has to be even bigger to give you an equal buzz
I’ve watched this happen to multiple people on Twitter. It’s sad to see. And it’s not a question of left or right or anything - it can happen to anyone
David Baddiel has talked about it. I saw it happen to him. In the end he was tweeting constantly - every ten minutes 24/7 - because he relished the attention. He’s admitted it and tried to kick the habit. But he’s back now…
But if you ARE political it is even worse because each tweet has to be even more woke/provocative/antiWoke than the last, which is not a happy route to take
Lineker is evidently on this drug of social media attention
He’s seriously deluded.
They are after all advocates of freedom of movement.
And also the Falklands number plate
Anti free speech. True colours.
It’s manifestly unfair in the modern broadcast era.
Can anyone help?
But so what? He's tweeting in a personal capacity, the free speech brigade don't seem to want to acknowledge this
If so he is to be commended.
I would be curious to know who they were and what happened to them.
Any poster for any reason could make the same claim whenever convenient for them.
This is getting as bad as Ken “Hitler” Livingstone
I wonder who else they can drag out of Mos Eisley's cantina in order to defend Lineker?
a "recognised" broadcasting channel (youtube lives streams dont count, but something like watching live tennis on Prime does) or watch BBC iPlayer then you need a TV licence. You can watch any other On Demand stuff you want without a licence, so there's plenty to go at.
Like most things in life, it's not black or white.
When they write the tortured history of the 21st century the invention of the “like” button - and things like retweets etc - will be seen as the catastrophes they are. Cleverly designed to fuck human brains
Herd behaviour. Dogma. No capacity for independent thinking. True colours.
Pivoted of course when it became obvious more people backed Lineker than didnt.
Another day of Groucho Marx Politics from the SKS Labour the Party of no principles.
Still they are saying the right thing now so small mercies
The reality of it, nothing is actually enforceable. The only people getting done for not having paid the telly tax are because they aren't very well educated and manage to basically incriminate themselves.
If he is found to be an employee of the BBC then all well and good, but if he is found to be a freelancer then he is exactly the same as you, you idiotic pillock.
"Prime Minister, in line with your cunning plan of getting tough with migrants to win back the racist vote, let's really get the BBC to crack the whip against broadcasters who aren't toeing the line. Good idea?"
Sunak grins inanely.
Phone call to BBC ...
.. And now this ...
Archive selector Pamela Nash said they were only obeying orders.
No defence.
Makes you wonder if the Beeb has always been like it !
What I do find bizarre, though, is that the standards applied to Lineker have not been applied to BBC presenter Alan Sugar - or to politicians who have routinely likened the EU to the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. There is a double standard at play here. And that applies especially to the BBC over its very different treatments of Lineker and Sugar.
As for Alastair Campbell's Tweet about the BBC Singers and 1930s Germany. That is unquestionably offensive. Piss poor managements make piss poor budgetary decisions all the time. That does not make them Nazis.
So far anyway.
Many in the last year will have been Ukrainians and Hong Kongers who are viewed sympathetically.
On my unscientific (but perhaps electorally useful) 'foreign voices in the supermarket' the number is if anything falling.
Partly by the steadily increasing integration of Eastern Europeans - after all its nearly twenty years since that influx began.
Maybe its different in the big cities which would be attracting more non European migrants.
Actually, maybe we already knew that.
Did I mention they were idiots?
Anyway, my day beckons.
Happy frothing everyone.
Will Richard Sharps memoirs be called How to trash a beloved brand in 3 easy steps (or 800,000)
You don't need a licence to watch non-live i.e streaming / catchup, except for iPlayer. So you can watch as much ITVx / 4OD / Netflix as you like without one.
You no longer need a licence for radio.
And Peter Shilton:
politics 😊)
But still. He needs to delete that, and fast. Bonkers
I would expect MOTD to have dismal audience share amongst young people like most BBC content nowadays. And the way football is covered in the UK is likely to get an overdue shakeup if more streaming services bid next time, that's assuming the leagues don't go over-the-top to take more of the money.
After then they have desperately been trying to recover it.
I have friends who have recovered material and returned it to them.