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  • Tim_BTim_B Posts: 7,669

    Ok fine lets rely on them like we rely on the Energy companies even though its becoming ever more likely that the lights will go out and the water companies who do not deliver sufficient water capacity.

    What will happen is slowly but surely coverage will only continue only where it is profitable for coverage to continue. There will be parts of the country that eventually will have poor, obsolete or non existent coverage.

    But hey who gives a toss as long as we don't need to pay the TV Licence!

    Energy companies - in the US I pay 1/3 what you pay for natural gas. I pay under 2 pounds per gallon of petrol. Similarly electricity is much sheaper here.

    My water company (county owned), has 300% capacity of current demand.

    In the UK all the utilities are hamstrung by government control as to what they can charge, and taxesand profit on their product. Blame the government for lack of investment. I give you the Labour promise to freeze utility prices.
  • Tim_B said:

    Ok fine lets rely on them like we rely on the Energy companies even though its becoming ever more likely that the lights will go out and the water companies who do not deliver sufficient water capacity.

    What will happen is slowly but surely coverage will only continue only where it is profitable for coverage to continue. There will be parts of the country that eventually will have poor, obsolete or non existent coverage.

    But hey who gives a toss as long as we don't need to pay the TV Licence!

    Energy companies - in the US I pay 1/3 what you pay for natural gas. I pay under 2 pounds per gallon of petrol. Similarly electricity is much sheaper here.

    My water company (county owned), has 300% capacity of current demand.

    In the UK all the utilities are hamstrung by government control as to what they can charge, and taxes and profit on their product. Blame the government for lack of investment. I give you the Labour promise to freeze utility prices.
    I understand that perfectly but it doesn't change where we are. Of course there is a big difference in that you have far greater energy reserves and far less population density (so the collection of energy is not so contentious) but I accept that a large part of the problem is national and international regulation. It won't stop the lights going out knowing that though..

    Its also ironic that this marvelous private sector internet infrastructure that is going to save us from paying the licence fee is in part going to be funded by the taxpayer (because parts of it will never be profitable)

    £1.7 billion government rollout takes superfast broadband to 1 million homes and businesses across the UK.

    So whether its through the dreaded licence fee or general taxation we still pay for it!
  • Daily Mail claims that Olymipic rower James Cracknell might be put in place by CCHQ to fight against Mark Reckless.
  • Daily Mail claims that Olymipic rower James Cracknell might be put in place by CCHQ to fight against Mark Reckless.

    So the Tories want to parachute in a TV /Sports celebrity A-lister when Reckless is going to fight a local campaign. CCHQ as ever develops a winning plan.
  • Regarding the Survation poll:

    ‘But today’s poll suggests Ukip’s support has increased much more in the South of England outside London than it has elsewhere in the UK – by a staggering 34 points.

    ‘If that level was recorded throughout the South, Ukip could win as many as 128 seats, with no less than 102 of them coming from the Conservatives, whose vote in the region is down 14 points. In that event, Cameron would be left with just 187 seats, almost as weak a position as the Conservatives were in after their calamitous defeat in 1997.

    Now assuming that in referring to the South the MoS is referring to the South East, Eastern & South West regions that gives us the following vote shares from 2010 of

    Con 47%
    LD 28%
    Lab 17%
    UKIP 4%
    Green 1%
    Other 3%

    Using the above we can project vote shares of

    UKIP 38% (+34)
    Con 33% (-14)
    Other 29% (-20)

    Now the seat distribution in 2010 for the three regions was

    Con 163
    LD 22
    Lab 11
    Grn 1

    Using the above we can project the following seat distribution:

    UKIP 128 (+128)
    Con 61 (-102)
    Other 8 (-26)

    If Tory MPs were reasonably chillaxed about the UKIP situation before they won't be now!
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