politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » It looks as though we’ll get an IndyRef poll from the firm that got the AV referendum right to within a fraction of a percent
Massive polling weekend to come from @ICMResearch in advance of defining week for British constitution. Maybe even something on #indyref
Read the full story here
When do we want it? Now
Think of the court cases.
And the argument over which court has the final say.
Bring it on...
Please say Lilo Lil, she is a tart.
The great thing about that show was, Freddie Boswell looked like Liverpool's owner, David Moores
David Moores here http://static.bbc.co.uk/programmeimages/608xn/images/p024bzxv.jpg
Freddie Boswell here http://theoriginalwinger.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/David-Moores.jpg
A narrow No vote, additional devolution given to Scotland and No answer to the West Lothian question would be a far, far worse result for rUK...
You seen Spurs are going to play a season away from the Lane - looking to share a ground....
Hope he's brushed up his CV.
As there's no chance of that now, I'd rather a narrow Yes win - and hoist Salmond on his own petard.
1) Currency and capital flight
2) Prolonged legal action in the courts, I voted for Yes because Alex Salmond we would get x, y and z, we haven't, we need a new referendum
3) We'd suffer economic instability in the interregnum whilst 2) was ongoing.
That @patrickharvie is far too fucking good. Why am I saddled with a team that stammer more than porky pig in a bacon factory? #indyref
That will not change. Every Scottish bank note is backed by a BoE one. (Obviously post official independence that will change. But on 19 September 2014 they will still legally be transferable to BoE notes.)
So: I repeat my offer to PBers, and anyone who wants to take me up.
Or perhaps Rizla will produce some commemorative roll-up papers?
They used to do Dollar Bill ones. I haven't seen Rizla papers in years.
roger scully @roger_scully 27m
@martinboon @ICMResearch Just 'maybe'?!
Martin Boon
@roger_scully @ICMResearch oh all right, a shed load....
roger scully @roger_scully 24m
@martinboon @ICMResearch So, voting intention, plus..?
Martin Boon @martinboon 22m
@roger_scully @ICMResearch A sumptuous feast of questions. You'll have to wait and see!
Language timothy ;-)
2) That would be an internal Scottish issue. Thankfully they have their own courts so would never reach rUK courts. The real problem will be that even if Scotland wanted to come back would rUK accept them (and once the divorce begins there is zero chance of that occurring).
Salmond has created a time-bombed mess, in the same way that Brown and Blair did in their own ways back in 1997... While we know it may be a problem for rUK its going to be far worse north of the border and I think we will take enough satisfaction from their additional pain to happily absorb the pain we receive...
I do think, however, that there may be some truth in the 'drunken crowd effect' post by SeanT on the previous thread. In particular, the last-minute surge towards Yes, for no particular reason (it's not as though Salmond has actually answered any of the big questions), does look rather like the Cleggasm, and perhaps will dematerialise in a similar way.
On balance I think No will win by a reasonable margin, but who knows?
There will be something of an inconvenience premium if everyone who wants to spend a McPound has to take a trip to Bank tube before they can cash them in
Hear that there'll be some much needed morale boosting news for the Union side this afternoon
I hate to say this of a fellow Telegraph blogger, but Dan Hodges is an idiot on this issue (a brave, well-meaning idiot, but an idiot). He's one of the pundits who has been blithely saying YES has no chance, all the way through, showing a total lack of insight or understanding. Andf adding to the dangerous complacency of NO. His idiocy has been dangerous.
Only in the last two days - TWO DAYS - as he acknowledged that he might have been wrong.
So his latest startling insights on indyref are utterly valueless, whatever his angle. Ignore. He is badly damaged as a commentator, and he knows it.
If only the telegraph had a blogger that was right on the indyref eh?
Mike Tyson brands Rob Ford 'the best mayor in Toronto’s history'
Plato said:
This is cheering me up a lot today.
» show previous quotes
We have just had a visit from a geologist who works with the oil majors on new oil and gas fields.
Currently he is working with the Russians who wish to exploit the potential fields around the islands in the Caribbean.
Somehow I don't think Uncle Sam will be happy with that situation - another potential Cuba crisis but economics instead of IBMs? - let alone environmental and tourism considerations. Apparently the Russian believe that the rustle of money will sway many of the governments there.
Let's face it, no one of sound mind is going to accept them outside Scotland now.
Sweet Lord above but Ford is the gift that keeps on giving.
Damn, this might give you a clue:
Could be worse, you could be a West Ham or Chelsea fan, they are teams who don't, and soon will not play in their own area.
You must surely be referring to Angus Reid?
(Only joking)
I suppose the Yardies in Jamaica might give some Putin gangsters a run for their money...
None of Chelsea, West Ham, QPR or Millwall play in the areas after which they are named. Neither do Everton or Forest for that matter.
Paul Hutcheon@paulhutcheon · 23m
Senior Labour source: 'John Prescott is a f****** moron.'
Paul Hutcheon@paulhutcheon · 10m
Why on earth did @uk_together think inviting Prescott was a good idea?
Sky News
Nicola Sturgeon @NicolaSturgeon 1m
Asked by @ScotlandTonight to debate live with @Ed_Miliband tonight. I said yes. Seems he's said no. #indyref
Indeed it is truly laughable - an argument you often also witness on here.
Thom @MrMoth 5 hrs
Bono promises to "shower Scotland with free albums if they vote Yes", making it unclear whose side he is on.
Others end up with results that look more like a Toblerone or a sweet wrapper. Not cool.
Christ,the no campaign should lock this guy away,if I was a undecided,he would send me to the yes camp.
"I'd rather be a Paki than a Turk"
Offering to bribe voters? Not a wise move.
A bit of tory-bashing from Prescott, surrounded by no posters is an excellent idea. It's probably been choreographed to coincide with dave's 'effing-tories' comments.
What he should have done was suggest the reinstatement of the Home International Championship. I'm sure the idea of ripping up Wembley and taking home chunks of Wembley goalpost would have persuaded some in the Tartan Army to vote 'No'