It has been a remarkably good few days for Joe Biden in the White House race betting as can be seen in the chart above. He is now as strong a favourite as he ever has been with the money going on him and punters becoming more sceptical about the incumbent.
Then hopefully retire quite quickly as he's clearly got some form of mental difficulties. But the alternative is worse.
Game, set and match to Ms Patel.
Just another crisis exposing him, I think.
Tweeting LAW AND ORDER! because somebody has told him about Nixon in 68 is unlikely to butter many parsnips.
It's fortunate that he has done nothing utterly catastrophic for the USA and the World in general. He hasn't triggered a nuclear war, for example. I'm not sure he wouldn't do something like that in his second term.
I agree with you. It's very important he is not given another term, whatever Biden's limitations.
People use the colour of their skin as a defence mechanism for personal failures and there are very few Asians who will agree with that stance.
The next step is the left minimising racial discrimination and attacks that Asians have faced ever since we arrived in the UK, attacks and discrimination that Priti Patel describes well and that all of us recognise. It is to minimise the fact that millions of Indians were put into indentured servitude after the banning of slavery. It is to minimise the hardships of Indians due to the decisions made by the East India Company.
Asians are an inconvenient truth that the left can't stand and many of them wish we didn't exist as it disrupts their narrative. As I said yesterday, I'm much more likely to change the racist attitude of a BNP fascist than a lefty liberal who loathes my very existence because I don't subscribe to their culture of blame and grievance.
Bit like the default of left in 80s, when dealing with Thatcher was to fall back to misogynistic stereotypes for powerful women.
I agree; it's extremely important that he not be there to do any more damage.
In a strongly worded, two-page statement, Blackfords, the London-based criminal law specialists, alleged that the US Department of Justice (DoJ) had effectively rejected offers of help volunteered by the prince.
Maybe we all need to show her more respect as she gets little on this forum
What about the demonstrations in white small town America ?
I think it's possible that a generational shift is underway (not in terms of the presidency, of course
So that means you should almost certainly pile in on him now.
We have the prospect of Bottoms on the bottom of the ticket for the Dems.
Sitting on a small profit looking for the moment to go back in. Come on and do some gaffes Joe, get it back to evens for me.
As a Jew (on my father's side), the idea that I face the same level of discrimination as a black person in modern Britain is utterly laughable. I can't imagine how self-centred I'd have to persuade myself otherwise on the basis of past persecutions.
But setting aside his hyperbole he does have at least half a point.
Narratives are never quite as simple as the zealots on either side believe.
As you may know, an African American man died in Minneapolis after a police officer pinned the man to the ground and put his knee on his throat for about eight minutes. There have now been a number of protests,some of which have turned violent. Although both may be of concern to you, which one concerns you more...
The actions of the police and the death of an African American man: 59
Protests that have turned violent: 27
Best save up all their ammunition for Johnson. There's always another crass quotation to dredge up from his back catalogue.
Apparently this played on John Oliver.
The fact that Jews can - by not practising - disappear into the population, means that many secular people of Jewish descent (such as myself) don't experience this.
Talk to the people who scrub the walls outside synagogues, though....
Biden was the default choice in a crowded field. He had flaws, but none of them appeared disqualifying. Everyone else made a reasonable case in some respects but none of them were uniquely compelling enough to build momentum.
Why risk another female candidate when there's always Biden? Why risk a radical when there's always Biden? Why risk a gay candidate when there's always Biden? Why risk a maverick billionaire when there's always Biden?
Similarly with Harris - she's a solid choice, a known quantity who won't move the polls much. But with everyone else, you've got the same, why risk X when there's always Harris?
I suspect you're actually thinking of the idpol-obsessed box-tickers who I wouldn't really call left at all since they're opposed to any significant shift of power or wealth in society.
But then he is a Corbynista who has no care for business
There is also a shitload of projecting about "the left" - what they "think" about race - why they "can't stand the truth" about Asians - right through to the (to me) upsetting claim that the left loathe your very existence because you are a can-do person who does not play the victim card.
Well I'm on the left and I don't think or feel any of those things. Neither does anybody who I know on the left - and I know a fair few. Seriously, it's a nonsense from where I'm standing. I cannot think where you are drawing this stuff from.
And there is a serious specific charge in there - that the left deliberately minimize the racial discrimination faced by Asians. If you have evidence of this, I would like to see it. Or rather I wouldn't - since it would be an uncomfortable experience - but I did ought to be disabused of my conceptions where they are wrong.
I've experienced racism from many types of people but those who purport to be anti-racists are the worst racists IMO. Tbh, I've got quite a few Jewish friends who agree.
Let us see how she develops
SEarch traffic Around the Charlotteville demonstration is basically line noise compared to recent search volumes.
It's a tremendous gamble. Presumably he is preparing to blame Sunak for winding down the furlough scheme for the imminent death of the Welsh tourism sector? Anyway, if England gallops on ahead with unshuttering and then has a major second spike in hospitalisations then he'll be vindicated. If it doesn't then he'll have a lot of explaining to do.
Resisted so far, but Trump really must go.
And midway between the other two
I'm also not minimising the discrimination faced by other races, nor would I wish to. What I'm saying is that skin colour is not a bar to success in the UK. There are millions of Asian and Black people in this country who have proved it isn't. I have a lot of time for anyone has suffered from racial discrimination and I've helped many of my friends who are not white with discrimination issues with advice on how best to handle it.
I also have a lot of sympathy for the original intent of the protestors at the moment, the police in the UK are racist towards black people. When I walk down the street and see a black person it just is what it is, for some police when they see a black person they see a potential criminal. Until that attitude is changed the police will always have a problem with racism.
What I have no time for is people wallowing in perpetual victim status. We live in a country where the chancellor and home secretary are BAME and the Mayor of London is BAME that's something to be proud of. As I said yesterday, we've reached a situation where the previous BAME chancellor was replaced with another BAME chancellor. I'm very proud to live in a country where that is possible, I could never see it happen in the US or anywhere in Europe. Not being white is my source of strength, the adversity I faced as a younger person has shaped who I am today, those experiences have made me a more successful person, I don't resent people who hate me for the colour of my skin, I pity them.
Importantly, the DOJ advised us that the Duke is not and has never been a ‘target’ of their criminal investigations into Epstein and that they sought his confidential, voluntary co-operation.
In the course of these discussions, we asked the DOJ to confirm that our co-operation and any interview arrangements would remain confidential, in accordance with the ordinary rules that apply to voluntary co-operation with the DOJ. We were given an unequivocal assurance that our discussions and the interview process would remain confidential.
The Duke of York has on at least three occasions this year offered his assistance as a witness to the DOJ. Unfortunately, the DOJ has reacted to the first two offers by breaching their own confidentiality rules and claiming that the Duke has offered zero cooperation. In doing so, they are perhaps seeking publicity rather than accepting the assistance proffered.
On 27th January 2020, Mr Geoffrey S Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, chose to make a public statement about the Duke. This led to worldwide media reports that there had been “a wall of silence” and that there had been “zero co-operation” by the Duke. These statements were inaccurate, and they should not have been made.
So, just over 3 weeks after first asking for his help they announce there had been “a wall of silence” and that there had been “zero co-operation” by the Duke....
Much as I have a low opinion of the Duke of York, grandstanding prosecutors are several tiers lower....