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  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,526
    chestnut said:

    The Corbyn Reshuffles should be up for a Best Comedy BAFTA this year.

    Is this a new reshuffle, or is he still finishing the one he started in March?

    The first two series were good but he ran out of material after that and started repeating himself.
  • Diane Abbott. Shadow Home Secretary.

    Shadow.. Home... Secretary..:.


    Let's hope shadow is as senior as it gets.
    Don't concern yourself on that score. As long as Jezza is safe then Shadow is as good as it gets. Still the pay increase might help with her private school fees.
    Do Shadow Cabinet minister get a pay rise? I thought only Leader of the Opposition did from the opposition party.
  • tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,995

    At what point does Diane Abbott get promoted to leader of the opposition?

    8 May 2020
  • SpeedySpeedy Posts: 12,100

    Spare a thought for Don Brind though. The Chief Whip gets sacked during his ' Labour Unity ' thread header. This is why I don't write thread headers.

    Replaced by arch brownite Nick Brown, Corbyn's revenge is sweet.
  • MTimTMTimT Posts: 7,034
    dr_spyn said:

    Herself has just come home. She has been shopping, including a visit to Waitrose. When did it become OK to add salt to chocolate, will someone please tell me?

    Not sure, but salted caramel ice-cream is vile.
    They've started adding chili pepper or cayenne too. Vile. Worse still, bacon chocolate. How to ruin two wonders of the culinary world in one go.
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Mr. Urquhart, perhaps during the Anglo-Zanzibar War.
  • Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,830
    edited October 2016
    Shami Shadow Attorney General - what was that Theresa May said yesterday about left wing human rights lawyers. Amazing how someone who has gone from generally respected to someone who is evasive and sends her child to a private school. Hypocrisy doesn't come close
  • MTimTMTimT Posts: 7,034
    edited October 2016

    Mr. Urquhart, perhaps during the Anglo-Zanzibar War.

    Wasn't that part of the Ice Cream war, though?

    PS Sorry, thought you ref was to the salty chocolate conversation.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    JackW said:

    Don't think Clinton needs to worry about getting Indiana.

    Alistair said:

    Romney won by 9 and Pence should be giving it a home town boost.

    My state betting is now looking rather conservative in it's nature.

    For debate watchers - the 'Neutral' Town Hall crowd is being selected by Gallup.

    This poll looks like an outlier. Trump 10+

    However if Trump implodes then Indiana, Georgia and South Carolina come into the mix.

    Indiana and South Carolina would be states too far ! If Trump implodes or explodes, Georgia could be interesting. After all, a lot of northern migration has taken place.
  • MikeSmithsonMikeSmithson Posts: 7,382

    Has there ever been a weaker opposition?

    IDS 2001 to 2003. He was worse than Corbyn failing to hold Blair to account over Iraq.

  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,526

    Has there ever been a weaker opposition?

    You've forgotten the quiet man and his sidekick Michael Ancram.
  • Spare a thought for Don Brind though. The Chief Whip gets sacked during his ' Labour Unity ' thread header. This is why I don't write thread headers.

    Yes such a brief outbreak of peace. Mr Brind needs to reconsider his contacts inside the party.
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,526

    Has there ever been a weaker opposition?

    IDS 2001 to 2003. He was worse than Corbyn failing to hold Blair to account over Iraq.

  • HurstLlamaHurstLlama Posts: 9,098
    dr_spyn said:

    Herself has just come home. She has been shopping, including a visit to Waitrose. When did it become OK to add salt to chocolate, will someone please tell me?

    Not sure, but salted caramel ice-cream is vile.
    I'll take your word for it, Doc. I think we are in the midst of a huge piss-take where lots of very "clever" people add salt to ice-cream and chocolate then laugh like drains when people in the Guardian wax lyrical about the vile concoctions.
  • SpeedySpeedy Posts: 12,100
    rpjs said:

    Speedy said:

    JackW said:

    National - Asian American Voters - NAA Survey

    Clinton 55 .. Trump 14

    What happened to the other half ?

    Wait I think it's crap:

    "Asia Americans strongly oppose Muslims from entering the U.S (page 28)
    Asian Americans oppose an anti-Muslim ban by more than a 3-1 margin and all national origin groups are more likely to oppose than favor such a ban "

    Knowing religious tensions in asia between muslims and non-muslims I think the above is definitely incorrect.
    "Asian-American" means people of East Asian background; Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Not cultures that have had much friction with Islam, and the whole talk of religious/racial immigration screening brings back memories of the Chinese Exclusion Act and the internment of the Japanese-Americans in WW2.
    They include in the survey all of those from asia, not just east asia.

    And the east asians are even more anti-muslim, I speak from personal experience.
    Though religious tensions are not as high as in India, islam still has a very bad reputation there.
  • chestnut said:

    The Corbyn Reshuffles should be up for a Best Comedy BAFTA this year.

    Is this a new reshuffle, or is he still finishing the one he started in March?

    Will the reshuffle be over by Xmas?
  • dr_spyndr_spyn Posts: 11,299
    Strengthening the hold over Labour's North

    London heartlands.
  • Has there ever been a weaker opposition?

    IDS 2001 to 2003. He was worse than Corbyn failing to hold Blair to account over Iraq.

    Yebbut IDS never EVER lost a GE as Tory Leader - FACT!
  • SquareRootSquareRoot Posts: 7,095
    edited October 2016
    Sky news here in Majorca running news on UKIP... ferrets in the sack are all fighting one another politically and literally and Banks threatening to leave and Hamilton coming in for particular criticism..
  • dr_spyn said:

    Strengthening the hold over Labour's North

    London heartlands.

    Map is out of date - Ilford North is Labour (Wes Streeting)!!!!!
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Mr. T, thanks for that explanatory note to an otherwise perplexing post.
  • Ishmael_XIshmael_X Posts: 3,664
    dr_spyn said:

    Herself has just come home. She has been shopping, including a visit to Waitrose. When did it become OK to add salt to chocolate, will someone please tell me?

    Not sure, but salted caramel ice-cream is vile.
    No accounting for tastes. I love it.
  • dr_spyndr_spyn Posts: 11,299

    dr_spyn said:

    Strengthening the hold over Labour's North

    London heartlands.

    Map is out of date - Ilford North is Labour (Wes Streeting)!!!!!
    Go on tweet it.
  • dr_spyn said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Strengthening the hold over Labour's North

    London heartlands.

    Map is out of date - Ilford North is Labour (Wes Streeting)!!!!!
    Go on tweet it.
  • FregglesFreggles Posts: 3,486
    dr_spyn said:

    Strengthening the hold over Labour's North

    London heartlands.

    Metropolitan elite
  • Sky news here in Majorca running news on UKIP... ferrets in the sack are all fighting one another politically and literally and Banks threatening to leave and Hamilton coming in for particular criticism..

    Hamilton sounded very vindictive on the radio today. Time the disbanded
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    If Don Brind predicts peace we should best assume that punch-ups will break out within Labour very soon....surely they won't let themselves be upstaged by UKIP (again)?
  • SpeedySpeedy Posts: 12,100
    tlg86 said:

    At what point does Diane Abbott get promoted to leader of the opposition?

    8 May 2020
    Well that would resolve the "Labour has never voted for a female leader" issue.

    Apart from joking, Abbott has been rising quietly through the ranks for some years now.
    Under more normal times I wouldn't rule it out, but these are not normal times.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504

    dr_spyn said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Strengthening the hold over Labour's North

    London heartlands.

    Map is out of date - Ilford North is Labour (Wes Streeting)!!!!!
    Go on tweet it.
    For some reason he is using the 2010 map
  • justin124justin124 Posts: 11,527
    Speedy said:

    The NEC situation has calmed a lot of nerves. Corbyn is going to find it very difficult to change things. That buys the moderates time, as does the fact that May does seem to be genuinely fixed on holding out until 2020. My reading of it is that Corbyn has two years to improve the party's fortunes or he will face another leadership challenge that he is likely to lose. Put another way, the Labour left has two years to find a unity candidate. I think it may be Lisa Nandy.

    Everyday that passes more Pro-Corbyn members become eligible to vote for a leadership campaign and fewer Anti-Corbyn members remain Labour members.

    Since Corbyn won by 59% and then 62%, in 2 years that may be up to 70%.

    I have missed quite a few buses in my life and I recognize when someone has missed it.
    Time has run out for those who want to oust Corbyn.
    Not accurate. Had Corbyn faced a single competitor in 2015 he would have polled above 62% - probably circa 65% against Burnham and 67/68% against Cooper.
  • SpeedySpeedy Posts: 12,100
    edited October 2016
    IanB2 said:

    If Don Brind predicts peace we should best assume that punch-ups will break out within Labour very soon....surely they won't let themselves be upstaged by UKIP (again)?

    Not sure:

    "This place is not big enough for both of us" tirade.
  • EssexitEssexit Posts: 1,956
    Speedy said:

    IanB2 said:

    If Don Brind predicts peace we should best assume that punch-ups will break out within Labour very soon....surely they won't let themselves be upstaged by UKIP (again)?

    Not sure:
    Well, he's not wrong.
  • RecidivistRecidivist Posts: 4,679

    This will have to be quick because Labour dont matter any more. Don Brind, understandably doesnt get what The Left are at. For a full idea of the Left Leadership thinking, consult The AWL site - essentially a "Mass" Revolutionary Party. The left followers just want to have fun, as long as its noisy & colourful they dont mind.
    The Left are in charge & they dont care what The Centrists do, Faux Unity suits them for now but splits would suit as well. Defections by MPs, a Formal Split, members leaving en masse, The Labour vote halving, they dont give a damn. The Left are after quality not quantity, a smaller, Redder Labour is what they want.
    The Centrists have zero leverage, there is nothing they can threaten The Left with. Whether the PLP majority give in or fight makes little difference in the end, from their point of view.
    For loyal Labour voters this must all be very tiresome, even painful, they have some decisions to make.

    Out of curiosity, on what do you base this analysis of this thing you call the Left with a capital L? I assume you are a current or recent member of it? Speaking personally, I belong to a small club, nothing to do with politics, and I can't even work out who will vote for who for next year's committe.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504

    Has there ever been a weaker opposition?

    IDS 2001 to 2003. He was worse than Corbyn failing to hold Blair to account over Iraq.

    +1 they were divided, mostly invisible, the few ideas they had were off the scale, and on the biggest most controversial issue of the day (and decade) almost all of them backed the government. Corbyn is running them close but IDS is still ahead, pending developments....
  • Hearing Damian McBride is going to replace Seamus Milne
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395
    Question: what do Diane Abbott and Shami Chakrabarti have in common? Answer: they both send their children to private schools while opposing grammar schools.
  • Hearing Damian McBride is going to replace Seamus Milne

    Kinder gentler politics....
  • HurstLlamaHurstLlama Posts: 9,098
    Just out of interest, does anyone know why this reshuffle in the shadow cabinet has been brought about? I do not recall it being mentioned or signalled in advance and am not sure why it was needed.
  • SpeedySpeedy Posts: 12,100

    Hearing Damian McBride is going to replace Seamus Milne

    First Nick Brown now McBride.
    Corbyn is bringing back the Brown team.
  • Hearing Damian McBride is going to replace Seamus Milne

    Kinder gentler politics....
    Damian is a friend of PB.
  • Labour MP: "Diane Abbott is now in charge of our response to security, terror and immigration. Do they want anyone to vote for us again?"
  • EssexitEssexit Posts: 1,956

    Just out of interest, does anyone know why this reshuffle in the shadow cabinet has been brought about? I do not recall it being mentioned or signalled in advance and am not sure why it was needed.

    Corbyn's in a strong position post re-election to do whatever he wants (like make Diane Abbot Shadow Home Sec, YOLO) and needs to replenish numbers on his front bench after resignations.
  • dr_spyndr_spyn Posts: 11,299

    Reminds me of that scene in Life of Brian, when Stan says he wants to be a woman.
  • dr_spyndr_spyn Posts: 11,299

    dr_spyn said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Strengthening the hold over Labour's North

    London heartlands.

    Map is out of date - Ilford North is Labour (Wes Streeting)!!!!!
    Go on tweet it.
  • SpeedySpeedy Posts: 12,100

    Just out of interest, does anyone know why this reshuffle in the shadow cabinet has been brought about? I do not recall it being mentioned or signalled in advance and am not sure why it was needed.


    Well Andy Burnham was out since he is now a candidate for Manchester.
    The Whips office needed to come under control.
    The MP's who surrendered to Corbyn need to be accommodated.
    The MP's who stayed loyal to Corbyn need to be rewarded.

    Those are 4 reasons.

    More interestingly is the shift towards a Corbyn-Brownite alliance.
  • chestnutchestnut Posts: 7,341
    If it's reshuffle week this week, next week must be resignation week.
  • YBarddCwscYBarddCwsc Posts: 7,172
    dr_spyn said:

    Reminds me of that scene in Life of Brian, when Stan says he wants to be a woman.

    As Cardiff Central is being wiped off the map, Jo Stevens may find it pretty useful to be Shadow Welsh Secretary.

    The number of seats is way fewer than the number of players when the Welsh Labour MPs play musical chairs for 2020.
  • MortimerMortimer Posts: 14,098
    Speedy said:

    Hearing Damian McBride is going to replace Seamus Milne

    First Nick Brown now McBride.
    Corbyn is bringing back the Brown team.
    Getting the band (which bottled one election and lost another) back together again.
  • AnneJGPAnneJGP Posts: 2,915

    Hearing Damian McBride is going to replace Seamus Milne

    ISTR I did not care for Mr McBride's approach or methods.
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395
    Diane Abbott as shadow home secretary is beyond parody.
  • MortimerMortimer Posts: 14,098
    Speedy said:

    Just out of interest, does anyone know why this reshuffle in the shadow cabinet has been brought about? I do not recall it being mentioned or signalled in advance and am not sure why it was needed.


    Well Andy Burnham was out since he is now a candidate for Manchester.
    The Whips office needed to come under control.
    The MP's who surrendered to Corbyn need to be accommodated.
    The MP's who stayed loyal to Corbyn need to be rewarded.

    Those are 4 reasons.

    More interestingly is the shift towards a Corbyn-Brownite alliance.
    Uniting two bands who never stood the chance of getting a number 1 record.

    Electoral non-aspiration at its finest.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541

    dr_spyn said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Strengthening the hold over Labour's North

    London heartlands.

    Map is out of date - Ilford North is Labour (Wes Streeting)!!!!!
    Go on tweet it.
    He's a red tory, surely? :D
  • @JBickertonUK: If Diane Abbott as shadow home sec is confirmed May could waterboard a puppy live on Sky News and still win in 2020 #LabourReshuffle
  • Black_RookBlack_Rook Posts: 8,905

    Labour MP: "Diane Abbott is now in charge of our response to security, terror and immigration. Do they want anyone to vote for us again?"

    The 2020 Labour manifesto on "security, terror and immigration":

    Security: A Tory construct, exposed as unnecessary in these more enlightened times. Forces to be disarmed, money spent on deploying crack teams of human rights lawyers to sue the US and Israel at every conceivable opportunity.

    Terror: A valid critique of racism, imperialism and xenophobia. Those killed and maimed victims of evil British state, for having provoked the uprising against it.

    Immigration: Complete open borders, entirely consistent with our view of human rights, universalism and essentially defunct nature of the nation state. All opposition = bigoted, racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, etc, etc.

    Vote Labour
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395

    When did clowns change from being fun to being scary?
  • AndyJS said:
    Since Tim Curry played Pennywise
  • foxinsoxukfoxinsoxuk Posts: 23,548

    dr_spyn said:

    Strengthening the hold over Labour's North

    London heartlands.

    Map is out of date - Ilford North is Labour (Wes Streeting)!!!!!
    There are 7 LD seats too.
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395
    Michael Crick: not certain there was a physical altercation.
  • DixieDixie Posts: 1,221
    MTimT said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Herself has just come home. She has been shopping, including a visit to Waitrose. When did it become OK to add salt to chocolate, will someone please tell me?

    Not sure, but salted caramel ice-cream is vile.
    They've started adding chili pepper or cayenne too. Vile. Worse still, bacon chocolate. How to ruin two wonders of the culinary world in one go.
    chocolate started with chilli in it in South America
  • ThreeQuidderThreeQuidder Posts: 6,133
    Dixie said:

    MTimT said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Herself has just come home. She has been shopping, including a visit to Waitrose. When did it become OK to add salt to chocolate, will someone please tell me?

    Not sure, but salted caramel ice-cream is vile.
    They've started adding chili pepper or cayenne too. Vile. Worse still, bacon chocolate. How to ruin two wonders of the culinary world in one go.
    chocolate started with chilli in it in South America
    I'm glad they ironed out that glitch in the beta testing.
  • NickPalmerNickPalmer Posts: 21,460
    Sarah Champion is an excellent promotion (to women and equalities) - one of the most talented of the new intake.
  • RazedabodeRazedabode Posts: 3,023
    AndyJS said:

    Diane Abbott as shadow home secretary is beyond parody.

    Lets be honest, he really doesnt care about reaching out beyond his core vote. Mind you, with Diane Abbott as shadow home Secretary some of his core vote must be getting tetchy.
  • Dixie said:

    MTimT said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Herself has just come home. She has been shopping, including a visit to Waitrose. When did it become OK to add salt to chocolate, will someone please tell me?

    Not sure, but salted caramel ice-cream is vile.
    They've started adding chili pepper or cayenne too. Vile. Worse still, bacon chocolate. How to ruin two wonders of the culinary world in one go.
    chocolate started with chilli in it in South America
    I returned from a trip to New Mexico a few years ago with Chilli Pecan cookies, they didn't taste bad at all.
  • HurstLlamaHurstLlama Posts: 9,098

    @JBickertonUK: If Diane Abbott as shadow home sec is confirmed May could waterboard a puppy live on Sky News and still win in 2020 #LabourReshuffle

    Well, quite Mr. Eagles. That is why I am struggling to to see Labour appoint that deranged, racist and hypocritical old bat as their Home Affairs person.
  • dr_spyn said:

    Strengthening the hold over Labour's North

    London heartlands.

    Map is out of date - Ilford North is Labour (Wes Streeting)!!!!!
    There are 7 LD seats too.
    Yeah, he's using 2010 map.
  • DixieDixie Posts: 1,221

    Dixie said:

    MTimT said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Herself has just come home. She has been shopping, including a visit to Waitrose. When did it become OK to add salt to chocolate, will someone please tell me?

    Not sure, but salted caramel ice-cream is vile.
    They've started adding chili pepper or cayenne too. Vile. Worse still, bacon chocolate. How to ruin two wonders of the culinary world in one go.
    chocolate started with chilli in it in South America
    I returned from a trip to New Mexico a few years ago with Chilli Pecan cookies, they didn't taste bad at all.
    the original and best
  • Sarah Champion is an excellent promotion (to women and equalities) - one of the most talented of the new intake.

    Didn't she previous do a resign / un-resign a few month ago?
  • DixieDixie Posts: 1,221

    Dixie said:

    MTimT said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Herself has just come home. She has been shopping, including a visit to Waitrose. When did it become OK to add salt to chocolate, will someone please tell me?

    Not sure, but salted caramel ice-cream is vile.
    They've started adding chili pepper or cayenne too. Vile. Worse still, bacon chocolate. How to ruin two wonders of the culinary world in one go.
    chocolate started with chilli in it in South America
    I'm glad they ironed out that glitch in the beta testing.
    coming back into fashion
  • welshowlwelshowl Posts: 4,464

    dr_spyn said:

    Reminds me of that scene in Life of Brian, when Stan says he wants to be a woman.

    As Cardiff Central is being wiped off the map, Jo Stevens may find it pretty useful to be Shadow Welsh Secretary.

    The number of seats is way fewer than the number of players when the Welsh Labour MPs play musical chairs for 2020.
    She'd be in pretty much a straight knockout between her and the current Cardiff South and Penarth MP, Stephen Doughty, for the new (rock solid Labour by projection) seat of Cardiff East. The loser probably gets a shot I guess at the new Vale of Glamorgan East which is very marginal. Would suggest Mr Doughty buys an A-Z of Barry, Dinas Powys, and the (deeply blue) villages of the Vale!
  • Sarah Champion is an excellent promotion (to women and equalities) - one of the most talented of the new intake.

    The make of Corbyn's left wing London centric elite plays entirely into Theresa May's description yesterday and the idea of Abbott as shadow home secretary is just perverse. Labour is lost as the Country moves to the new consensus and accepts Brexit.
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    Given Lewis' support for Trident and Angela Rayner's support for immigration controls, I can't see either being considered as alternative leaders to Corbyn this side of the general election
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395
    "Mrs Abbott once defended Chairman Mao as having done ‘more good than harm’ "
  • Black_RookBlack_Rook Posts: 8,905

    Sarah Champion is an excellent promotion (to women and equalities) - one of the most talented of the new intake.

    The make of Corbyn's left wing London centric elite plays entirely into Theresa May's description yesterday and the idea of Abbott as shadow home secretary is just perverse. Labour is lost as the Country moves to the new consensus and accepts Brexit.
    When the reshuffle is finished (however long that takes this time) it would be interesting to know what proportion of the entire shadow cabinet are London MPs. We now know that the shadows to the PM, Chancellor, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary are all from North London, and three of the four represent immediately adjacent Parliamentary constituencies.

    Others more learned than I have pointed out, politely, that at least part of the reason for this is that so many MPs from outside of London refuse to serve the leadership - but this only leads one to ask why this should be the case. Could it - just possibly - be that Labour is morphing into a narrow sect which reflects the world view of, and is answerable principally to, a few hundred thousand radical left-liberals and Marxists who are disproportionately concentrated in inner London and some of the university towns?
  • HurstLlamaHurstLlama Posts: 9,098

    Dixie said:

    MTimT said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Herself has just come home. She has been shopping, including a visit to Waitrose. When did it become OK to add salt to chocolate, will someone please tell me?

    Not sure, but salted caramel ice-cream is vile.
    They've started adding chili pepper or cayenne too. Vile. Worse still, bacon chocolate. How to ruin two wonders of the culinary world in one go.
    chocolate started with chilli in it in South America
    I returned from a trip to New Mexico a few years ago with Chilli Pecan cookies, they didn't taste bad at all.
    Avast, Cap'n Doc! Chile Pecan Cookies, what ever they are, be damned. I was talking about chocolate with salt and from bloody Waitrose not sodding New Mexico. I am a tolerant man as things go but there are limits.

    Belike, else.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited October 2016
    Hold on I thought all Brexit supporters were xenophobic Little Englanders who hated the Poles....
  • foxinsoxukfoxinsoxuk Posts: 23,548

    Sarah Champion is an excellent promotion (to women and equalities) - one of the most talented of the new intake.

    The make of Corbyn's left wing London centric elite plays entirely into Theresa May's description yesterday and the idea of Abbott as shadow home secretary is just perverse. Labour is lost as the Country moves to the new consensus and accepts Brexit.
    When the reshuffle is finished (however long that takes this time) it would be interesting to know what proportion of the entire shadow cabinet are London MPs. We now know that the shadows to the PM, Chancellor, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary are all from North London, and three of the four represent immediately adjacent Parliamentary constituencies.

    Others more learned than I have pointed out, politely, that at least part of the reason for this is that so many MPs from outside of London refuse to serve the leadership - but this only leads one to ask why this should be the case. Could it - just possibly - be that Labour is morphing into a narrow sect which reflects the world view of, and is answerable principally to, a few hundred thousand radical left-liberals and Marxists who are disproportionately concentrated in inner London and some of the university towns?
    Didn't London vote for Owen whatshisname and the provinces for Jezza?
  • foxinsoxukfoxinsoxuk Posts: 23,548

    Hold on I thought all Brexit supporters were xenophobic Little Englanders who hated the Poles....
    Perhaps he wants to be deported.
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Miss JGP, McBride's appointment might be seen by some as absolutely bloody brilliant, but that is definitely not my view either.
  • MarkHopkinsMarkHopkins Posts: 5,584

    So Corbyn is shuffling is Cabinet.


  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited October 2016
    And the barrel scraping continues...

    Dawn Butler – Shadow Minister for Minority Ethnic Communities

    For those who aren't familiar, she had super dodgy expenses and previously faked a letter from Obama.
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Mr. Hopkins, only in a nightmarish parallel universe. In this one, it's the Shadow Cabinet :p
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395
    "After handing Dawn Butler the shadow minister for black and minority ethnic communities portfolio, Jeremy Corbyn said: “I am very proud that the Labour party now has five MPs in our shadow cabinet from the BAME community - the highest number ever in any cabinet or shadow cabinet.”
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871

    Sarah Champion is an excellent promotion (to women and equalities) - one of the most talented of the new intake.

    The make of Corbyn's left wing London centric elite plays entirely into Theresa May's description yesterday and the idea of Abbott as shadow home secretary is just perverse. Labour is lost as the Country moves to the new consensus and accepts Brexit.
    When the reshuffle is finished (however long that takes this time) it would be interesting to know what proportion of the entire shadow cabinet are London MPs. We now know that the shadows to the PM, Chancellor, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary are all from North London, and three of the four represent immediately adjacent Parliamentary constituencies.

    Others more learned than I have pointed out, politely, that at least part of the reason for this is that so many MPs from outside of London refuse to serve the leadership - but this only leads one to ask why this should be the case. Could it - just possibly - be that Labour is morphing into a narrow sect which reflects the world view of, and is answerable principally to, a few hundred thousand radical left-liberals and Marxists who are disproportionately concentrated in inner London and some of the university towns?
    Didn't London vote for Owen whatshisname and the provinces for Jezza?
    No, only Scotland and 18-24 year olds and pre-2015 members voted for Smith, though London was close
  • ThreeQuidderThreeQuidder Posts: 6,133

    Sarah Champion is an excellent promotion (to women and equalities) - one of the most talented of the new intake.

    The make of Corbyn's left wing London centric elite plays entirely into Theresa May's description yesterday and the idea of Abbott as shadow home secretary is just perverse. Labour is lost as the Country moves to the new consensus and accepts Brexit.
    When the reshuffle is finished (however long that takes this time) it would be interesting to know what proportion of the entire shadow cabinet are London MPs. We now know that the shadows to the PM, Chancellor, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary are all from North London, and three of the four represent immediately adjacent Parliamentary constituencies.
    McDonnell is West London, not North...
  • mattmatt Posts: 3,789

    Sarah Champion is an excellent promotion (to women and equalities) - one of the most talented of the new intake.

    The make of Corbyn's left wing London centric elite plays entirely into Theresa May's description yesterday and the idea of Abbott as shadow home secretary is just perverse. Labour is lost as the Country moves to the new consensus and accepts Brexit.
    Unlike you, I remain unconvinced that London automatically equals elite.
  • GIN1138GIN1138 Posts: 21,910

    Hold on I thought all Brexit supporters were xenophobic Little Englanders who hated the Poles....
  • MarkHopkinsMarkHopkins Posts: 5,584

    Mr. Hopkins, only in a nightmarish parallel universe. In this one, it's the Shadow Cabinet :p

    is => his


  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    edited October 2016
    Robert Moore on Trump on ITV now. Former manufacturing workers in Ohio say he is the man they have been waiting for
  • On Burnham aka FlipFlopAndy

    ((Dan Hodges)))✔ @DPJHodges
    Whatever people think of Diane Abbott, she's displayed greater consistency over 30 years than the previous incumbent managed over 30 days.
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    ''Robert Moore on Trump on ITV now. Former manufacturing workers in Ohio say he is the man they have been waiting for ''

    Careful, you'll have the site's Clinton rampettes on your case.
  • SpeedySpeedy Posts: 12,100

    Didn't London vote for Owen whatshisname and the provinces for Jezza?

    In a reverse from 2015 indeed Corbyn's worst areas was London and scotland
  • JackWJackW Posts: 14,787
    HYUFD said:

    Robert Moore on Trump on ITV now. Former manufacturing workers in Ohio say he is the man they have been waiting for

    Retired gay steel workers for Trump ..

    Who knew ?!?!?
  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207
    Abbott? Shadow home secretary?

    Has it really come to this.
  • Black_RookBlack_Rook Posts: 8,905

    Sarah Champion is an excellent promotion (to women and equalities) - one of the most talented of the new intake.

    The make of Corbyn's left wing London centric elite plays entirely into Theresa May's description yesterday and the idea of Abbott as shadow home secretary is just perverse. Labour is lost as the Country moves to the new consensus and accepts Brexit.
    When the reshuffle is finished (however long that takes this time) it would be interesting to know what proportion of the entire shadow cabinet are London MPs. We now know that the shadows to the PM, Chancellor, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary are all from North London, and three of the four represent immediately adjacent Parliamentary constituencies.
    McDonnell is West London, not North...
    I clarify: North of the Thames :-)
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,411

    Sarah Champion is an excellent promotion (to women and equalities) - one of the most talented of the new intake.

    Talk about damning with faint praise....
  • HurstLlamaHurstLlama Posts: 9,098

    Miss JGP, McBride's appointment might be seen by some as absolutely bloody brilliant, but that is definitely not my view either.

    Mr. Dancer, this business of McBride being given a post within the Labour Party is a joke, isn't it?
This discussion has been closed.