The polls have closed in the most important political event of the year - LD leadership election!!
Has Layla done it?!
No, it will almost certainly be Davey
I agree although that will be boring!
'No personality' LD leader as well as one for LAB
As opposed to a "lots of personality but no leadership or competency skills" leader for the Tories. Leading a political party or a country is not meant to be a gameshow. It is a serious business, but then those that have been gulled by the fat clown still don't get it.
Presumably that's why CON are still ahead in the polls!
Long wait for those who want to see LAB or LD in power...
World class mug celebrates living in a nation of world class mugs.
BORIS leading the way
Disappointment coming soon to Wokeristas in USA too as Trump does in again!
The question is how much should I pay attention to a pollster that said Trump would win by 5 in Nevada (result, Hilary won), that Cruz would win by 7.5 in Texas (he won by 2.5) or that Kemp would win by 12 whole points in Georgia(he won by 1.5).
Trafalgar have some great PR, politico is always puffing them, but their results are mixed at best. If you simply take a poll average and then add a GOP lean you start doing about as well as Trafalgar polling at accuracy.
In 2012 the pollster with the most Dem lean, PPP, was right and Obama was re elected, in 2020 if Trump is re elected then Trafalgar will likely be most right again.
Plus even had Trump won Nevada in 2016 he would have lost had he not won Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
All of the identity politics is being driven from the left and not the right.
The ultimate results of their campaigning? astonishingly, segregation. Black only spaces. Black only universities. Black only businesses with black only customers. A sort of reverse apartheid, if you will.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
A question asking you who each of these people were?
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
All of the identity politics is being driven from the left and not the right.
The ultimate results of their campaigning? astonishingly, segregation. Black only spaces. Black only universities. Black only businesses with black only customers. A sort of reverse apartheid, if you will.
That's race war. That's race conflict.
All fake news nonsense. You must have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Good grief.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
All of the identity politics is being driven from the left and not the right.
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
Obama made the point in a recent interview about how the US President has limited powers when it comes to many things, including what happens in the streets. So how does Obama get a free pass, yet it is all Trump's fault?
Is Obama running again? Can't believe I missed that.
Answer the question....
Political leaders, sometimes fairly and sometimes not, tend to get judged on what happens in their countries on their watch. Why should President Trump be exempt from this? For example, he was all set to claim the good economy (forgetting the eye popping public debt) was all down to him. As absurd a claim as that the race riots or coronavirus are all his fault. But that's politics.
I didn't say he was exempt. What I asked why Obama should be exempt for what happened on America's streets but Trump is responsible. The killing of Freddie Grey happened on Obama's watch. Did anyone say Obama was responsible? No.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
The polls have closed in the most important political event of the year - LD leadership election!!
Has Layla done it?!
No, it will almost certainly be Davey
I agree although that will be boring!
'No personality' LD leader as well as one for LAB
As opposed to a "lots of personality but no leadership or competency skills" leader for the Tories. Leading a political party or a country is not meant to be a gameshow. It is a serious business, but then those that have been gulled by the fat clown still don't get it.
Presumably that's why CON are still ahead in the polls!
Long wait for those who want to see LAB or LD in power...
That's all you Bozo apologists care about. Your understanding of the exercise of power is as vacuous and childish as his is. Not a care about whether the country is well run, but the polls. The Tory Party is a sad shadow of its once respectable self, and its membership is personified by dimwits who think the only thing that matters is "the polls".
I have been a Tory voter all of my adult life until the last election. Whatever the polls say now, there is a reasonable chance that the value vacuum that is Boris Johnson will, by the time of the next election deliver a massive no-deal induced recession and the breakup of the UK and a total collapse in Conservative support. After the next election the Tories may well be out for a generation.
And that's the fracture on the right of centre in the UK.
Everyone- from Gove downwards- knew that Johnson would be a disaster as PM. He would win, sure, but he would be incapable of governing effectively. And so it has turned out.
But what do you do with that information? Either you keep him out, or you let him in, and luxuriate in the win. Even as that win destroys all the things you thought you believed in. Fiscal prudence? Nah, it's unpopular. The union? Who cares, it Scotland falls off, our majority will be even bigger!
"But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless."
The most optimistic model for Trump has him currently at a 30% chance (538). And sure that's crept up from 27% on their last iteration. But the betting markets have him at a 46% chance, that difference is absolubtely mad on such a liquid market.
25 - > 33% of your betting bank (Depending on premium charge) should be on Biden according to the Kelly criterion.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
A question asking you who each of these people were?
As a polygraph is binary it would need to be " Would you prefer a white English speaking foreigner (eg Australian, New Zealander or American) in a position of responsibility to a black Briton in such a position? Yes or no" then look at the answers for honesty. Most of the honest answers would be where they brazenly said "yes", which I would expect to be the majority reply, particularly if it was done confidentially.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
All of the identity politics is being driven from the left and not the right.
The ultimate results of their campaigning? astonishingly, segregation. Black only spaces. Black only universities. Black only businesses with black only customers. A sort of reverse apartheid, if you will.
That's race war. That's race conflict.
Not only segregation but the people who suffer the most from these actions are poor inner-city Black families. Do you see BLM protesters out there shouting "Black Lives Matter" when Black children are gunned down in their homes by gangs in places like Chicago and Baltimore? No, Black Lives Matter only matter to them when it is a white cop shooting a black man. They couldn't give a damn about Black lives. Black people are there to be used as political tools.
The white middle class woke-ists screaming BLM don't care about black lives, they only care about how they can pontificate and demonstrate how good human beings they are.
If you want to call people despicable, that's the sort of person you should be focusing on.
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
On the watch of Democrat mayors and governors, many of whom have been quietly supportive of the rioters.
Trump has always said that federal resources are available to anyone who wants them to combat disorder.
Expect this to be hammered home by the Republicans in the coming weeks.
The biggest losers from rioting in the cities and the withdrawal of the Police has, in many cases, being poor black residents. And that is not including the stores that are shuttered permanently because shops won't open up in districts seen as prone to violence.
That will also be hammered home by the Republican. There is a reason why the advert on Baltimore has gone viral. It is because everyone knows, even if they don't want to admit it, that the facts speak for themselves.
Remember - the Democrats need the Black vote to turn out to win the swing states. If it doesn't, they lose.
I assume that the middle class white rioters are smart enough not to torch their own affluent neighbourhoods.
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
On the watch of Democrat mayors and governors, many of whom have been quietly supportive of the rioters.
Trump has always said that federal resources are available to anyone who wants them to combat disorder.
Expect this to be hammered home by the Republicans in the coming weeks.
The biggest losers from rioting in the cities and the withdrawal of the Police has, in many cases, being poor black residents. And that is not including the stores that are shuttered permanently because shops won't open up in districts seen as prone to violence.
That will also be hammered home by the Republican. There is a reason why the advert on Baltimore has gone viral. It is because everyone knows, even if they don't want to admit it, that the facts speak for themselves.
Remember - the Democrats need the Black vote to turn out to win the swing states. If it doesn't, they lose.
I assume that the middle class white rioters are smart enough not to torch their own affluent neighbourhoods.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
The “Race War” is coming from the Democrats and the woke left.
Trump and the Republicans are quite happy to quote Martin Luther King, who famously said that people should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
The polls have closed in the most important political event of the year - LD leadership election!!
Has Layla done it?!
No, it will almost certainly be Davey
I agree although that will be boring!
'No personality' LD leader as well as one for LAB
As opposed to a "lots of personality but no leadership or competency skills" leader for the Tories. Leading a political party or a country is not meant to be a gameshow. It is a serious business, but then those that have been gulled by the fat clown still don't get it.
Presumably that's why CON are still ahead in the polls!
Long wait for those who want to see LAB or LD in power...
That's all you Bozo apologists care about. Your understanding of the exercise of power is as vacuous and childish as his is. Not a care about whether the country is well run, but the polls. The Tory Party is a sad shadow of its once respectable self, and its membership is personified by dimwits who think the only thing that matters is "the polls".
I have been a Tory voter all of my adult life until the last election. Whatever the polls say now, there is a reasonable chance that the value vacuum that is Boris Johnson will, by the time of the next election deliver a massive no-deal induced recession and the breakup of the UK and a total collapse in Conservative support. After the next election the Tories may well be out for a generation.
A no-deal might lead to Tory defeat yes, breakup of the UK though would actually increase the chances of a Tory majority given the Tories won a majority of only 80 in the UK at GE19 but had a majority of 157 in England alone
Yes, but there would need to be a completely new constitutional settlement or Wales might go the same way. Also you are assuming that the Tory shires would forgive such astonishing incompetence as allowing the breakup of the UK on the Tory watch. Tories that assume an rUK would be automatically more Tory are as complacent as those in Labour who thought Scotland would always be their fiefdom
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
He's not foreign, he's Anglospherian!
Born in London! He is exactly the sort of reactionary amoral shit that will be a perfect cultural fit with the tories.
At least right wing windbags have stopped going on about Crawford Falconer as if he were the answer to anything.
In Scotland if someone has a surname as a first name, it usually means that they were born into the Prodocracy. He's got 2 of the feckers (Crawford Dunlop Falconer), pretty sure that means that he's the most Prod man breathing air on this sceptred isle.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
All of the identity politics is being driven from the left and not the right.
The ultimate results of their campaigning? astonishingly, segregation. Black only spaces. Black only universities. Black only businesses with black only customers. A sort of reverse apartheid, if you will.
That's race war. That's race conflict.
All fake news nonsense. You must have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Good grief.
As ever with you guys its name calling and not evidence.
This democratic party is the nastiest, most vindictive and most divisive incarnation of the beast that I can ever remember.
We saw that last night when Nancy Pelosi essentially called all republican politicians, not just Trump supporters, enemies of the state.
Its clear the democrats don;t just want to beat Trump, the want to dole out punishment to anybody that ever even thought about voting for him. Prosecution. Persecution.
Biden's talk of healing and light were among the biggest political lies that have ever been told to a voter population ever, and that's a crowded field.
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
Obama made the point in a recent interview about how the US President has limited powers when it comes to many things, including what happens in the streets. So how does Obama get a free pass, yet it is all Trump's fault?
Is Obama running again? Can't believe I missed that.
Answer the question....
Political leaders, sometimes fairly and sometimes not, tend to get judged on what happens in their countries on their watch. Why should President Trump be exempt from this? For example, he was all set to claim the good economy (forgetting the eye popping public debt) was all down to him. As absurd a claim as that the race riots or coronavirus are all his fault. But that's politics.
I didn't say he was exempt. What I asked why Obama should be exempt for what happened on America's streets but Trump is responsible. The killing of Freddie Grey happened on Obama's watch. Did anyone say Obama was responsible? No.
Trump claims 100% personal credit for lots of things that have either not really happened or that in reality have little to do with him. It's one of his irritating but less harmful traits. So I'm afraid it works both ways.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
All of the identity politics is being driven from the left and not the right.
The ultimate results of their campaigning? astonishingly, segregation. Black only spaces. Black only universities. Black only businesses with black only customers. A sort of reverse apartheid, if you will.
That's race war. That's race conflict.
Not only segregation but the people who suffer the most from these actions are poor inner-city Black families. Do you see BLM protesters out there shouting "Black Lives Matter" when Black children are gunned down in their homes by gangs in places like Chicago and Baltimore? No, Black Lives Matter only matter to them when it is a white cop shooting a black man. They couldn't give a damn about Black lives. Black people are there to be used as political tools.
The white middle class woke-ists screaming BLM don't care about black lives, they only care about how they can pontificate and demonstrate how good human beings they are.
If you want to call people despicable, that's the sort of person you should be focusing on.
It’s almost like you can criticise actions of some BLM supporters whilst also criticising Trump...? God forbid.
The polls have closed in the most important political event of the year - LD leadership election!!
Has Layla done it?!
No, it will almost certainly be Davey
I agree although that will be boring!
'No personality' LD leader as well as one for LAB
As opposed to a "lots of personality but no leadership or competency skills" leader for the Tories. Leading a political party or a country is not meant to be a gameshow. It is a serious business, but then those that have been gulled by the fat clown still don't get it.
Presumably that's why CON are still ahead in the polls!
Long wait for those who want to see LAB or LD in power...
World class mug celebrates living in a nation of world class mugs.
BORIS leading the way
Disappointment coming soon to Wokeristas in USA too as Trump does in again!
I thought Trumpsters were meant to be shy.
I'm off now as its very scary when people reply to my posts!
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
Obama made the point in a recent interview about how the US President has limited powers when it comes to many things, including what happens in the streets. So how does Obama get a free pass, yet it is all Trump's fault?
Is Obama running again? Can't believe I missed that.
Of the c.150m eligible Americans, he’s one of only three who are explicitly barred from running.
"Talking, and especially singing and shouting increase aerosol exhalation by factors of 10 and 50, respectively. Indeed, we are finding that outbreaks often occur when people gather in crowded, insufficiently ventilated indoor spaces, such as singing at karaoke parties, cheering at clubs, having conversations in bars, and exercising in gyms."
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
All of the identity politics is being driven from the left and not the right.
The ultimate results of their campaigning? astonishingly, segregation. Black only spaces. Black only universities. Black only businesses with black only customers. A sort of reverse apartheid, if you will.
That's race war. That's race conflict.
All fake news nonsense. You must have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Good grief.
As ever with you guys its name calling and not evidence.
This democratic party is the nastiest, most vindictive and most divisive incarnation of the beast that I can ever remember.
We saw that last night when Nancy Pelosi essentially called all republican politicians, not just Trump supporters, enemies of the state.
Its clear the democrats don;t just want to beat Trump, the want to dole out punishment to anybody that ever even thought about voting for him. Prosecution. Persecution.
Biden's talk of healing and light were among the biggest political lies that have ever been told to a voter population ever, and that's a crowded field.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
All of the identity politics is being driven from the left and not the right.
The ultimate results of their campaigning? astonishingly, segregation. Black only spaces. Black only universities. Black only businesses with black only customers. A sort of reverse apartheid, if you will.
That's race war. That's race conflict.
Not only segregation but the people who suffer the most from these actions are poor inner-city Black families. Do you see BLM protesters out there shouting "Black Lives Matter" when Black children are gunned down in their homes by gangs in places like Chicago and Baltimore? No, Black Lives Matter only matter to them when it is a white cop shooting a black man. They couldn't give a damn about Black lives. Black people are there to be used as political tools.
The white middle class woke-ists screaming BLM don't care about black lives, they only care about how they can pontificate and demonstrate how good human beings they are.
If you want to call people despicable, that's the sort of person you should be focusing on.
In Kim Klasic's amazing video about Baltimore, they actually featured some ordinary black people.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
Whoever is the best for the job, irrespective of where they come from or what they look like.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
All of the identity politics is being driven from the left and not the right.
The ultimate results of their campaigning? astonishingly, segregation. Black only spaces. Black only universities. Black only businesses with black only customers. A sort of reverse apartheid, if you will.
That's race war. That's race conflict.
All fake news nonsense. You must have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Good grief.
As ever with you guys its name calling and not evidence.
This democratic party is the nastiest, most vindictive and most divisive incarnation of the beast that I can ever remember.
We saw that last night when Nancy Pelosi essentially called all republican politicians, not just Trump supporters, enemies of the state.
Its clear the democrats don;t just want to beat Trump, the want to dole out punishment to anybody that ever even thought about voting for him. Prosecution. Persecution.
Biden's talk of healing and light were among the biggest political lies that have ever been told to a voter population ever, and that's a crowded field.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
The “Race War” is coming from the Democrats and the woke left.
Trump and the Republicans are quite happy to quote Martin Luther King, who famously said that people should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
Anyone that can right this sort of shit really does not have any idea. The ignorance is just astounding. "the race war is coming from the left"? Sure there may be some agitators who are stirring things up, but are you, and others like you so blind and ignorant that you didn't notice a black man was shot in the back seven times by a white US police officer? That a black man was choked to death by a white police officer? That black people in this country and others have significantly reduced life chances than white people? That there really are people in the US that still support the idea of white people owning black slaves?
Are you really THAT ignorant? The race war (if there is one - I have noticed protesters of all colours) is not "coming from the Democrats and the woke left" you ignorant numpties!! Wake up ffs.
The polls have closed in the most important political event of the year - LD leadership election!!
Has Layla done it?!
No, it will almost certainly be Davey
I agree although that will be boring!
'No personality' LD leader as well as one for LAB
As opposed to a "lots of personality but no leadership or competency skills" leader for the Tories. Leading a political party or a country is not meant to be a gameshow. It is a serious business, but then those that have been gulled by the fat clown still don't get it.
Presumably that's why CON are still ahead in the polls!
Long wait for those who want to see LAB or LD in power...
That's all you Bozo apologists care about. Your understanding of the exercise of power is as vacuous and childish as his is. Not a care about whether the country is well run, but the polls. The Tory Party is a sad shadow of its once respectable self, and its membership is personified by dimwits who think the only thing that matters is "the polls".
I have been a Tory voter all of my adult life until the last election. Whatever the polls say now, there is a reasonable chance that the value vacuum that is Boris Johnson will, by the time of the next election deliver a massive no-deal induced recession and the breakup of the UK and a total collapse in Conservative support. After the next election the Tories may well be out for a generation.
A no-deal might lead to Tory defeat yes, breakup of the UK though would actually increase the chances of a Tory majority given the Tories won a majority of only 80 in the UK at GE19 but had a majority of 157 in England alone
Yes, but there would need to be a completely new constitutional settlement or Wales might go the same way. Also you are assuming that the Tory shires would forgive such astonishing incompetence as allowing the breakup of the UK on the Tory watch. Tories that assume an rUK would be automatically more Tory are as complacent as those in Labour who thought Scotland would always be their fiefdom
Of course it would, England would swing further to the Nationalist right if the UK broke up to ensure no easy deal for the SNP and Edinburgh post Scexit much as the remainder of the EU has taken a tough line with the UK post Brexit. It was the breakup of the USSR which led to Putin in Russia after all as the Nationalist backlash there.
Labour only lost Scotland as its voters went to another leftwing party, the SNP, just a Nationalist one, the Tories would only lose England for the foreseeable future if their vote went to another rightwing party, the Brexit Party, also a Nationalist Party under Farage, as happened in the 2019 European elections. Labour has not won most votes in England since 2001 and the Tories won a majority in England in 2010 and 2017 so if Wales went the Tories would be even more likely to win given Wales is the last Labour fiefdom of the home nations.
Though Boris has made clear he will block indyref2 anyway
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
A question asking you who each of these people were?
As a polygraph is binary it would need to be " Would you prefer a white English speaking foreigner (eg Australian, New Zealander or American) in a position of responsibility to a black Briton in such a position? Yes or no" then look at the answers for honesty. Most of the honest answers would be where they brazenly said "yes", which I would expect to be the majority reply, particularly if it was done confidentially.
You would need to specify who these two people were or it would be impossible to answer.
But it was the very best one that this government could find.
The problem is that they wanted it to do two contradictory things at the same time.
So everybody was disappointed.
But that Boris! He is such fun!!! What a laugh.... Never mind....
Boris only came about because of the unwillingness of Parliament to go along with Theresa May’s deal. The Remoaners gambled that they could somehow overturn the referendum, but without actually voting for another one or no-confidencing the government - and everyone saw straight through it.
"Talking, and especially singing and shouting increase aerosol exhalation by factors of 10 and 50, respectively. Indeed, we are finding that outbreaks often occur when people gather in crowded, insufficiently ventilated indoor spaces, such as singing at karaoke parties, cheering at clubs, having conversations in bars, and exercising in gyms."
But it was the very best one that this government could find.
The problem is that they wanted it to do two contradictory things at the same time.
So everybody was disappointed.
But that Boris! He is such fun!!! What a laugh.... Never mind....
Boris only came about because of the unwillingness of Parliament to go along with Theresa May’s deal. The Remoaners gambled that they could somehow overturn the referendum, but without actually voting for another one or no-confidencing the government - and everyone saw straight through it.
Boris was literally the first person doing media interviews denouncing the deal in the seconds after it was announced, before he'd had a chance to read it.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
Whoever is the best for the job, irrespective of where they come from or what they look like.
That wasn't the question. It was "prefer". Not all Brexit supporters are xenophobes and racists, but it is a reasonable guess that most lean that way. I now await a "woke" type faux outrage from all Brexit apologists lol!
The polls have closed in the most important political event of the year - LD leadership election!!
Has Layla done it?!
No, it will almost certainly be Davey
I agree although that will be boring!
'No personality' LD leader as well as one for LAB
As opposed to a "lots of personality but no leadership or competency skills" leader for the Tories. Leading a political party or a country is not meant to be a gameshow. It is a serious business, but then those that have been gulled by the fat clown still don't get it.
Presumably that's why CON are still ahead in the polls!
Long wait for those who want to see LAB or LD in power...
That's all you Bozo apologists care about. Your understanding of the exercise of power is as vacuous and childish as his is. Not a care about whether the country is well run, but the polls. The Tory Party is a sad shadow of its once respectable self, and its membership is personified by dimwits who think the only thing that matters is "the polls".
I have been a Tory voter all of my adult life until the last election. Whatever the polls say now, there is a reasonable chance that the value vacuum that is Boris Johnson will, by the time of the next election deliver a massive no-deal induced recession and the breakup of the UK and a total collapse in Conservative support. After the next election the Tories may well be out for a generation.
A no-deal might lead to Tory defeat yes, breakup of the UK though would actually increase the chances of a Tory majority given the Tories won a majority of only 80 in the UK at GE19 but had a majority of 157 in England alone
Yes, but there would need to be a completely new constitutional settlement or Wales might go the same way. Also you are assuming that the Tory shires would forgive such astonishing incompetence as allowing the breakup of the UK on the Tory watch. Tories that assume an rUK would be automatically more Tory are as complacent as those in Labour who thought Scotland would always be their fiefdom
Of course it would, England would swing further to the Nationalist right if the UK broke up to ensure no easy deal for the SNP and Edinburgh post Scexit much as the remainder of the EU has taken a tough line with the UK post Brexit. It was the breakup of the USSR which led to Putin in Russia after all as the Nationalist backlash there.
Labour only lost Scotland as its voters went to another leftwing party, the SNP, just a Nationalist one, the Tories would only lose England for the foreseeable future if their vote went to another rightwing party, the Brexit Party, also a Nationalist Party under Farage, as happened in the 2019 European elections. Labour has not won most votes in England since 2001 and the Tories won a majority in England in 2010 and 2017 so if Wales went the Tories would be even more likely to win given Wales is the last Labour fiefdom of the home nations.
Though Boris has made clear he will block indyref2 anyway
The greatest trick the SNP ever pulled is to convince people it is left wing.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
A question asking you who each of these people were?
As a polygraph is binary it would need to be " Would you prefer a white English speaking foreigner (eg Australian, New Zealander or American) in a position of responsibility to a black Briton in such a position? Yes or no" then look at the answers for honesty. Most of the honest answers would be where they brazenly said "yes", which I would expect to be the majority reply, particularly if it was done confidentially.
You would need to specify who these two people were or it would be impossible to answer.
Of course not. It is a question based on skin colour and national identity. A binary preference question. A black face who is British or a white one that is not.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
A question asking you who each of these people were?
As a polygraph is binary it would need to be " Would you prefer a white English speaking foreigner (eg Australian, New Zealander or American) in a position of responsibility to a black Briton in such a position? Yes or no" then look at the answers for honesty. Most of the honest answers would be where they brazenly said "yes", which I would expect to be the majority reply, particularly if it was done confidentially.
You would need to specify who these two people were or it would be impossible to answer.
Nigel is postulating that many people WOULD be able to answer if it were a secret ballot.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
The “Race War” is coming from the Democrats and the woke left.
Trump and the Republicans are quite happy to quote Martin Luther King, who famously said that people should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
Anyone that can right this sort of shit really does not have any idea. The ignorance is just astounding. "the race war is coming from the left"? Sure there may be some agitators who are stirring things up, but are you, and others like you so blind and ignorant that you didn't notice a black man was shot in the back seven times by a white US police officer? That a black man was choked to death by a white police officer? That black people in this country and others have significantly reduced life chances than white people? That there really are people in the US that still support the idea of white people owning black slaves?
Are you really THAT ignorant? The race war (if there is one - I have noticed protesters of all colours) is not "coming from the Democrats and the woke left" you ignorant numpties!! Wake up ffs.
The polls have closed in the most important political event of the year - LD leadership election!!
Has Layla done it?!
No, it will almost certainly be Davey
I agree although that will be boring!
'No personality' LD leader as well as one for LAB
As opposed to a "lots of personality but no leadership or competency skills" leader for the Tories. Leading a political party or a country is not meant to be a gameshow. It is a serious business, but then those that have been gulled by the fat clown still don't get it.
Presumably that's why CON are still ahead in the polls!
Long wait for those who want to see LAB or LD in power...
That's all you Bozo apologists care about. Your understanding of the exercise of power is as vacuous and childish as his is. Not a care about whether the country is well run, but the polls. The Tory Party is a sad shadow of its once respectable self, and its membership is personified by dimwits who think the only thing that matters is "the polls".
I have been a Tory voter all of my adult life until the last election. Whatever the polls say now, there is a reasonable chance that the value vacuum that is Boris Johnson will, by the time of the next election deliver a massive no-deal induced recession and the breakup of the UK and a total collapse in Conservative support. After the next election the Tories may well be out for a generation.
A no-deal might lead to Tory defeat yes, breakup of the UK though would actually increase the chances of a Tory majority given the Tories won a majority of only 80 in the UK at GE19 but had a majority of 157 in England alone
Yes, but there would need to be a completely new constitutional settlement or Wales might go the same way. Also you are assuming that the Tory shires would forgive such astonishing incompetence as allowing the breakup of the UK on the Tory watch. Tories that assume an rUK would be automatically more Tory are as complacent as those in Labour who thought Scotland would always be their fiefdom
Of course it would, England would swing further to the Nationalist right if the UK broke up to ensure no easy deal for the SNP and Edinburgh post Scexit much as the remainder of the EU has taken a tough line with the UK post Brexit. It was the breakup of the USSR which led to Putin in Russia after all as the Nationalist backlash there.
Labour only lost Scotland as its voters went to another leftwing party, the SNP, just a Nationalist one, the Tories would only lose England for the foreseeable future if their vote went to another rightwing party, the Brexit Party, also a Nationalist Party under Farage, as happened in the 2019 European elections. Labour has not won most votes in England since 2001 and the Tories won a majority in England in 2010 and 2017 so if Wales went the Tories would be even more likely to win given Wales is the last Labour fiefdom of the home nations.
Though Boris has made clear he will block indyref2 anyway
And Boris, as you so affectionately call him, never changes his mind does he? "Oh right, yes, well, no, I meant stay in, but don't stay in..... I am sure I couldn't be clearer, er, well....."
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
On the watch of Democrat mayors and governors, many of whom have been quietly supportive of the rioters.
Trump has always said that federal resources are available to anyone who wants them to combat disorder.
Expect this to be hammered home by the Republicans in the coming weeks.
The biggest losers from rioting in the cities and the withdrawal of the Police has, in many cases, being poor black residents. And that is not including the stores that are shuttered permanently because shops won't open up in districts seen as prone to violence.
That will also be hammered home by the Republican. There is a reason why the advert on Baltimore has gone viral. It is because everyone knows, even if they don't want to admit it, that the facts speak for themselves.
Remember - the Democrats need the Black vote to turn out to win the swing states. If it doesn't, they lose.
This is what Republican strategists have worked out: hold the WWC base in the swing states and cut out Black turnout for the Dems.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
The “Race War” is coming from the Democrats and the woke left.
Trump and the Republicans are quite happy to quote Martin Luther King, who famously said that people should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
A question asking you who each of these people were?
As a polygraph is binary it would need to be " Would you prefer a white English speaking foreigner (eg Australian, New Zealander or American) in a position of responsibility to a black Briton in such a position? Yes or no" then look at the answers for honesty. Most of the honest answers would be where they brazenly said "yes", which I would expect to be the majority reply, particularly if it was done confidentially.
You would need to specify who these two people were or it would be impossible to answer.
Of course not. It is a question based on skin colour and national identity. A binary preference question. A black face who is British or a white one that is not.
Which is why I have doubts Sunak would get passed the members in a leadership ballot.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
The “Race War” is coming from the Democrats and the woke left.
Trump and the Republicans are quite happy to quote Martin Luther King, who famously said that people should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
Anyone that can right this sort of shit really does not have any idea. The ignorance is just astounding. "the race war is coming from the left"? Sure there may be some agitators who are stirring things up, but are you, and others like you so blind and ignorant that you didn't notice a black man was shot in the back seven times by a white US police officer? That a black man was choked to death by a white police officer? That black people in this country and others have significantly reduced life chances than white people? That there really are people in the US that still support the idea of white people owning black slaves?
Are you really THAT ignorant? The race war (if there is one - I have noticed protesters of all colours) is not "coming from the Democrats and the woke left" you ignorant numpties!! Wake up ffs.
On that I’m afraid I’m going to have to agree with you. There are enough videos out there of the sort of everyday racism that black people face, particularly in the US but also in the UK, that it’s hard not to.
But it was the very best one that this government could find.
The problem is that they wanted it to do two contradictory things at the same time. So everybody was disappointed.
But that Boris! He is such fun!!! What a laugh.... Never mind....
Boris only came about because of the unwillingness of Parliament to go along with Theresa May’s deal. The Remoaners gambled that they could somehow overturn the referendum, but without actually voting for another one or no-confidencing the government - and everyone saw straight through it.
Boris was literally the first person doing media interviews denouncing the deal in the seconds after it was announced, before he'd had a chance to read it.
If Labour had as much as abstained or allowed a free vote, they could have split the Tories in a vicious civil war - but they decided instead to start the chain of events that led to Boris Johnson being PM and a likely no-trade-deal exit from the EU.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
All of the identity politics is being driven from the left and not the right.
The ultimate results of their campaigning? astonishingly, segregation. Black only spaces. Black only universities. Black only businesses with black only customers. A sort of reverse apartheid, if you will.
That's race war. That's race conflict.
All fake news nonsense. You must have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Good grief.
As ever with you guys its name calling and not evidence.
This democratic party is the nastiest, most vindictive and most divisive incarnation of the beast that I can ever remember.
We saw that last night when Nancy Pelosi essentially called all republican politicians, not just Trump supporters, enemies of the state.
Its clear the democrats don;t just want to beat Trump, the want to dole out punishment to anybody that ever even thought about voting for him. Prosecution. Persecution.
Biden's talk of healing and light were among the biggest political lies that have ever been told to a voter population ever, and that's a crowded field.
Democrats nastier than Republicans? Really?
Perhaps it is why he has named himself "Contrarian". Generally contrarians have ridiculous points of view that are meant to be away from mainstream and they enjoy the notoriety that they think holding such positions give them. Jeremy Corbyn was a good example, and on here we also have Philip "24/7" Thompson.
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
Obama made the point in a recent interview about how the US President has limited powers when it comes to many things, including what happens in the streets. So how does Obama get a free pass, yet it is all Trump's fault?
Is Obama running again? Can't believe I missed that.
Of the c.150m eligible Americans, he’s one of only three who are explicitly barred from running.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
Indeed, I am not backing Trump but I do still think he could win and we know how much Plato was mocked on here in 2016 when behind Trump but she was correct.
I know a handful here like MrEd and Ave It are backing Trump and are entitled to their views as much as any other poster as long as they are civil
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
Obama made the point in a recent interview about how the US President has limited powers when it comes to many things, including what happens in the streets. So how does Obama get a free pass, yet it is all Trump's fault?
Is Obama running again? Can't believe I missed that.
Of the c.150m eligible Americans, he’s one of only three who are explicitly barred from running.
But it was the very best one that this government could find.
The problem is that they wanted it to do two contradictory things at the same time.
So everybody was disappointed.
But that Boris! He is such fun!!! What a laugh.... Never mind....
Boris only came about because of the unwillingness of Parliament to go along with Theresa May’s deal. The Remoaners gambled that they could somehow overturn the referendum, but without actually voting for another one or no-confidencing the government - and everyone saw straight through it.
Sad but true. And I'd go further. There were many possible courses of action by many possible actors that would have prevented the Boris Johnson Project coming to fruition. But none were taken and now he is where he is (in Downing St with a big majority) and we are where are (up the proverbial creek without a semblance of the proverbial paddle).
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
Whoever is the best for the job, irrespective of where they come from or what they look like.
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
Obama made the point in a recent interview about how the US President has limited powers when it comes to many things, including what happens in the streets. So how does Obama get a free pass, yet it is all Trump's fault?
Is Obama running again? Can't believe I missed that.
Of the c.150m eligible Americans, he’s one of only three who are explicitly barred from running.
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
Obama made the point in a recent interview about how the US President has limited powers when it comes to many things, including what happens in the streets. So how does Obama get a free pass, yet it is all Trump's fault?
Is Obama running again? Can't believe I missed that.
Of the c.150m eligible Americans, he’s one of only three who are explicitly barred from running.
It’s four or has carter died?
Carter only served one term, he's still eligible to stand again to be President. He is still alive at 95. Bush Jr, Clinton and Obama served two terms and are barred from standing.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
Whoever is the best for the job, irrespective of where they come from or what they look like.
Unless they are Polish plumbers.
What's wrong with Polish plumbers? When I was last in the UK they had a reputation for being more efficient and cheaper than British plumbers.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
No we cannot. Trump is a truly disgusting person and those who actively cheer on his race baiting and his sullying of American democracy itself deserve all the contempt they get.
It has nothing to do with betting. There’s a very good chance indeed that Trump will win again, but that’s a separate discussion.
The polls have closed in the most important political event of the year - LD leadership election!!
Has Layla done it?!
No, it will almost certainly be Davey
I agree although that will be boring!
'No personality' LD leader as well as one for LAB
As opposed to a "lots of personality but no leadership or competency skills" leader for the Tories. Leading a political party or a country is not meant to be a gameshow. It is a serious business, but then those that have been gulled by the fat clown still don't get it.
Presumably that's why CON are still ahead in the polls!
Long wait for those who want to see LAB or LD in power...
That's all you Bozo apologists care about. Your understanding of the exercise of power is as vacuous and childish as his is. Not a care about whether the country is well run, but the polls. The Tory Party is a sad shadow of its once respectable self, and its membership is personified by dimwits who think the only thing that matters is "the polls".
I have been a Tory voter all of my adult life until the last election. Whatever the polls say now, there is a reasonable chance that the value vacuum that is Boris Johnson will, by the time of the next election deliver a massive no-deal induced recession and the breakup of the UK and a total collapse in Conservative support. After the next election the Tories may well be out for a generation.
A no-deal might lead to Tory defeat yes, breakup of the UK though would actually increase the chances of a Tory majority given the Tories won a majority of only 80 in the UK at GE19 but had a majority of 157 in England alone
Yes, but there would need to be a completely new constitutional settlement or Wales might go the same way. Also you are assuming that the Tory shires would forgive such astonishing incompetence as allowing the breakup of the UK on the Tory watch. Tories that assume an rUK would be automatically more Tory are as complacent as those in Labour who thought Scotland would always be their fiefdom
Of course it would, England would swing further to the Nationalist right if the UK broke up to ensure no easy deal for the SNP and Edinburgh post Scexit much as the remainder of the EU has taken a tough line with the UK post Brexit. It was the breakup of the USSR which led to Putin in Russia after all as the Nationalist backlash there.
Labour only lost Scotland as its voters went to another leftwing party, the SNP, just a Nationalist one, the Tories would only lose England for the foreseeable future if their vote went to another rightwing party, the Brexit Party, also a Nationalist Party under Farage, as happened in the 2019 European elections. Labour has not won most votes in England since 2001 and the Tories won a majority in England in 2010 and 2017 so if Wales went the Tories would be even more likely to win given Wales is the last Labour fiefdom of the home nations.
Though Boris has made clear he will block indyref2 anyway
The greatest trick the SNP ever pulled is to convince people it is left wing.
Well on that it is probably a bit confused. The clue is in the word "nationalist". Not exclusively right wing historically, but it is essentially a right wing divisive sentiment that appeals to those that are reactionary. The thing that amuses me is when they say they are "progressive nationalists" which is oxymoronic, or maybe we should just remove the oxy bit
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
I don't think many were criticising those that were betting on him, just those that seem to be supporting him, which I think it is fair to say, are two different things.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
Whoever is the best for the job, irrespective of where they come from or what they look like.
Unless they are Polish plumbers.
What's wrong with Polish plumbers? When I was last in the UK they had a reputation for being more efficient and cheaper than British plumbers.
Absolutely. Except we had a vote in 2016 which was predicated on not allowing Polish plumbers to come to the UK.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
Oh do stop it. No-one is judging people who are betting on Trump. The judgment is of people who are politically rooting for him to win. And those sort of critical and sometimes personal comments are par for the course on this site in my experience.
For example there was someone who opined on here that those campaigning for Corbyn would have "blood on their hands" if he were to become PM. Can you recall who that was?
As for the betting on WH2020 just follow me and you'll be fine. Same as with GE19. Same as with Brexit. I'm spooky.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
No we cannot. Trump is a truly disgusting person and those who actively cheer on his race baiting and his sullying of American democracy itself deserve all the contempt they get.
It has nothing to do with betting. There’s a very good chance indeed that Trump will win again, but that’s a separate discussion.
It's the same discussion. I've begun hedging my Biden for POTUS position and part of why is because his race baiting, democracy sullying appeals to some Americans who live in key swing states. Understand that is important to my betting strategy and if people who post here have insight into the mindset then I want to hear from them. PB doesn't have cancel culture, it's one of the few places that doesn't, any move to start one should be resisted.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
No we cannot. Trump is a truly disgusting person and those who actively cheer on his race baiting and his sullying of American democracy itself deserve all the contempt they get.
It has nothing to do with betting. There’s a very good chance indeed that Trump will win again, but that’s a separate discussion.
Every time I hear Trump speak I shudder. But then again every time I hear, say, Len McCluskey speak I shudder also.
My problem with criticising Trump is that he was voted in as POTUS by the American people. I think it is a tricky path to head down to be so dismissive of the choice of a people which was arrived at democratically.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
A question asking you who each of these people were?
As a polygraph is binary it would need to be " Would you prefer a white English speaking foreigner (eg Australian, New Zealander or American) in a position of responsibility to a black Briton in such a position? Yes or no" then look at the answers for honesty. Most of the honest answers would be where they brazenly said "yes", which I would expect to be the majority reply, particularly if it was done confidentially.
You would need to specify who these two people were or it would be impossible to answer.
Of course not. It is a question based on skin colour and national identity. A binary preference question. A black face who is British or a white one that is not.
Which is why I have doubts Sunak would get passed the members in a leadership ballot.
Indeed. Racism was not very well concealed when I was a Tory activist. Now that the party has lurched massively to the right I would imagine it is quite a lot more overt.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
Indeed, I am not backing Trump but I do still think he could win and we know how much Plato was mocked on here in 2016 when behind Trump but she was correct.
I know a handful here like MrEd and Ave It are backing Trump and are entitled to their views as much as any other poster as long as they are civil
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
A question asking you who each of these people were?
As a polygraph is binary it would need to be " Would you prefer a white English speaking foreigner (eg Australian, New Zealander or American) in a position of responsibility to a black Briton in such a position? Yes or no" then look at the answers for honesty. Most of the honest answers would be where they brazenly said "yes", which I would expect to be the majority reply, particularly if it was done confidentially.
You would need to specify who these two people were or it would be impossible to answer.
Of course not. It is a question based on skin colour and national identity. A binary preference question. A black face who is British or a white one that is not.
So, we think people will vote Trump to protect them from civil disorder that has escalated and has been escalated on his watch?
Obama made the point in a recent interview about how the US President has limited powers when it comes to many things, including what happens in the streets. So how does Obama get a free pass, yet it is all Trump's fault?
Is Obama running again? Can't believe I missed that.
Of the c.150m eligible Americans, he’s one of only three who are explicitly barred from running.
It’s four or has carter died?
Carter only served one term, he's still eligible to stand again to be President. He is still alive at 95. Bush Jr, Clinton and Obama served two terms and are barred from standing.
Indeed, Stephen Colbert even produced a 'Carter 2020' t shirt when interviewing him but Carter said he was too old
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
Indeed, I am not backing Trump but I do still think he could win and we know how much Plato was mocked on here in 2016 when behind Trump but she was correct.
I know a handful here like MrEd and Ave It are backing Trump and are entitled to their views as much as any other poster as long as they are civil
She did not predict a trump win.
I for one certainly want to hear good reasons why Trump may win etc. As said, it is a betting site.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
The “Race War” is coming from the Democrats and the woke left.
Trump and the Republicans are quite happy to quote Martin Luther King, who famously said that people should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
Anyone that can right this sort of shit really does not have any idea. The ignorance is just astounding. "the race war is coming from the left"? Sure there may be some agitators who are stirring things up, but are you, and others like you so blind and ignorant that you didn't notice a black man was shot in the back seven times by a white US police officer? That a black man was choked to death by a white police officer? That black people in this country and others have significantly reduced life chances than white people? That there really are people in the US that still support the idea of white people owning black slaves?
Are you really THAT ignorant? The race war (if there is one - I have noticed protesters of all colours) is not "coming from the Democrats and the woke left" you ignorant numpties!! Wake up ffs.
On that I’m afraid I’m going to have to agree with you. There are enough videos out there of the sort of everyday racism that black people face, particularly in the US but also in the UK, that it’s hard not to.
For every black man shot in the back by a white police officer. and for every black man unlawfully killed by a white police officer, how many are slain by other black men? How many are cheated, robbed intimidated or otherwise abused by their own kind?
10? 20? 50?
Black on black crime dwarfs white on black crime, especially murder.
Black on white crime also occurs, by the way, but is totally and utterly ignored by the left. That;s not a 'race war' apparently,even though the numbers are not insignificant. No white people are protesting because their kind are getting slain by blacks.
This whole thing is being trumped up by an organisation of often white people who cannot get what they want through the ballot box. Black people are being royally used, and I think they are starting to realise that.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
How many are backing him with money and how many are backing him with just words.
I made loads back Trump for the nom in 2016. I also think he is a horrific human being whom I wish ill upon.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
Whoever is the best for the job, irrespective of where they come from or what they look like.
Unless they are Polish plumbers.
What's wrong with Polish plumbers? When I was last in the UK they had a reputation for being more efficient and cheaper than British plumbers.
Absolutely. Except we had a vote in 2016 which was predicated on not allowing Polish plumbers to come to the UK.
The archetype of the Polish Plumber arrived in the discourse in the late 1990s when Poland was not in the EU, and there was no freedom of movement between Poland and the UK. They came on work visas.
This is not to say that you are wrong about the motives in 2016, of course.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
It's about the best person for the job. No idea if Tony Abbot is that person, but I certainly have no objection on the basis of him being an upstart colonial.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
No we cannot. Trump is a truly disgusting person and those who actively cheer on his race baiting and his sullying of American democracy itself deserve all the contempt they get.
It has nothing to do with betting. There’s a very good chance indeed that Trump will win again, but that’s a separate discussion.
It's the same discussion. I've begun hedging my Biden for POTUS position and part of why is because his race baiting, democracy sullying appeals to some Americans who live in key swing states. Understand that is important to my betting strategy and if people who post here have insight into the mindset then I want to hear from them. PB doesn't have cancel culture, it's one of the few places that doesn't, any move to start one should be resisted.
I’m not advocating that they should be “cancelled”. I’m just informing them of my contempt for them, and rightly so.
Whatever you think of that scientist's views, he is an incredibly effective communicator. Would that British or American TV news programmes would give that much time to an individual to explain complex and nuanced issues.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
How many are backing him with money and how many are backing him with just words.
I made loads back Trump for the nom in 2016. I also think he is a horrific human being whom I wish ill upon.
Do I wish there was a better apologist for republicanism than Donald Trump? hell yes.
Do I support this version of the Democrat party beating him? and more importantly sweeping the congress to boot?
Absolutely not.
Biden is a cardboard cutout of a candidate, hiding a nasty and vindictive party with a nasty and vindictive agenda. And I really hope they get beat.
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
The “Race War” is coming from the Democrats and the woke left.
Trump and the Republicans are quite happy to quote Martin Luther King, who famously said that people should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
A contender for the most braindead PB post of 2020.
Is it the heat out there?
As I warned: Satire.
Too many people think that Twitter is representative, and because 95% of people on Twitter think Trump is Lucifer the election result is a foregone conclusion.
I'm trying to read around the news in the US, looking at more impartial sources away from the MSM narrative and opinionating.
One thing that's really clear is that there's ongoing riots and looting in many cities, and the national media are desperately trying to downplay the violence. The original BLM protests have been in many cases taken over by 'Antifa', a group of rich white anarchist lefties who want to abolish the police.
The people living in and around these cities (and many others) are genuinely scared that the violence is coming their way, and see the local politicians at best being agnostic, and many are unofficially supporting the 'protests'.
This is a betting site, and I'm trying to bring some balance to the debate. If the riots continue as we get closer to the election, it will help Republicans.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
No we cannot. Trump is a truly disgusting person and those who actively cheer on his race baiting and his sullying of American democracy itself deserve all the contempt they get.
It has nothing to do with betting. There’s a very good chance indeed that Trump will win again, but that’s a separate discussion.
It's the same discussion. I've begun hedging my Biden for POTUS position and part of why is because his race baiting, democracy sullying appeals to some Americans who live in key swing states. Understand that is important to my betting strategy and if people who post here have insight into the mindset then I want to hear from them. PB doesn't have cancel culture, it's one of the few places that doesn't, any move to start one should be resisted.
Agreed. Trumpsters - those who want him to win for political not betting reasons - have a right to post their views on here and they should because it's important to hear them. Likewise people who are bemused by the above or are angered or have contempt for it have a right to express that. Which is where we are, I think. I'm not seeing a big problem.
Polling query - someone here commented how odd it was that some US polling institutes are openly aligned with one party. I agree, but for betting purposes it would be nice to know what it means in practice?
- That the company may do more polls than it publishes and only publish the ones it likes? - That it selects voters in a less than random way? - That it asks slanted questions?
If it merely means that they also do polls for the party they're close to, that's hardly worth mentioning - YouGov in Britain will no doubt poll for anyone respectable who is willing to pay for it.
In general, US polls have inadequate sample sizes and I don't think they have an equivalent of the British Polling Institute to require certain standards. I doubt if they research each state's demography thoroughly to ensure a balanced sample. But with the exception of Rasmussen they don't seem especially erratic or out of line with each other beyond the MOE arising from small samples.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
No we cannot. Trump is a truly disgusting person and those who actively cheer on his race baiting and his sullying of American democracy itself deserve all the contempt they get.
It has nothing to do with betting. There’s a very good chance indeed that Trump will win again, but that’s a separate discussion.
It's the same discussion. I've begun hedging my Biden for POTUS position and part of why is because his race baiting, democracy sullying appeals to some Americans who live in key swing states. Understand that is important to my betting strategy and if people who post here have insight into the mindset then I want to hear from them. PB doesn't have cancel culture, it's one of the few places that doesn't, any move to start one should be resisted.
I’m not advocating that they should be “cancelled”. I’m just informing them of my contempt for them, and rightly so.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
No we cannot. Trump is a truly disgusting person and those who actively cheer on his race baiting and his sullying of American democracy itself deserve all the contempt they get.
It has nothing to do with betting. There’s a very good chance indeed that Trump will win again, but that’s a separate discussion.
It's the same discussion. I've begun hedging my Biden for POTUS position and part of why is because his race baiting, democracy sullying appeals to some Americans who live in key swing states. Understand that is important to my betting strategy and if people who post here have insight into the mindset then I want to hear from them. PB doesn't have cancel culture, it's one of the few places that doesn't, any move to start one should be resisted.
Agreed. Trumpsters - those who want him to win for political not betting reasons - have a right to post their views on here and they should because it's important to hear them. Likewise people who are bemused by the above or are angered or have contempt for it have a right to express that. Which is where we are, I think. I'm not seeing a big problem.
The latter does get tiresome to scroll past, we get it you're outraged. Get over yourselves because no one else cares.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
Whoever is the best for the job, irrespective of where they come from or what they look like.
That wasn't the question. It was "prefer". Not all Brexit supporters are xenophobes and racists, but it is a reasonable guess that most lean that way. I now await a "woke" type faux outrage from all Brexit apologists lol!
I think what is most on display with your posts on this matter are your own petty prejudices. I come from a strong remain perspective but I don't have so much hate for those with a different view that I seek to comfort myself by ascribing a whole load of vileness to them.
Can we cut out the judging of those who are betting on Trump please or who don’t necessarily think he’s the antichrist?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
I don't think many were criticising those that were betting on him, just those that seem to be supporting him, which I think it is fair to say, are two different things.
Yes. We'll be off and over the hills and far away on a false premise if this key distinction is not made.
I mean, I backed the big Tory win in GE19 for heaven's sake!
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
Whoever is the best for the job, irrespective of where they come from or what they look like.
Unless they are Polish plumbers.
What's wrong with Polish plumbers? When I was last in the UK they had a reputation for being more efficient and cheaper than British plumbers.
Absolutely. Except we had a vote in 2016 which was predicated on not allowing Polish plumbers to come to the UK.
There's a massive difference between being in favour of employing the best person for the job of those who interview and are eligible, and support for a political system that led to a 10% increase in population in less than a decade - many of whom were unskilled and a net burden to society, leading to the British poor finding it much more difficult to get on in life.
But it was the very best one that this government could find.
The problem is that they wanted it to do two contradictory things at the same time.
So everybody was disappointed.
But that Boris! He is such fun!!! What a laugh.... Never mind....
Boris only came about because of the unwillingness of Parliament to go along with Theresa May’s deal. The Remoaners gambled that they could somehow overturn the referendum, but without actually voting for another one or no-confidencing the government - and everyone saw straight through it.
Sad but true. And I'd go further. There were many possible courses of action by many possible actors that would have prevented the Boris Johnson Project coming to fruition. But none were taken and now he is where he is (in Downing St with a big majority) and we are where are (up the proverbial creek without a semblance of the proverbial paddle).
I note my blame table of 2018 when May's deal was being voted down in the first impasse. It elevated the ERG's rejection of May's deal in the event of remaining, it elevated those trying to stop Brexit by rejecting May's deal in the event of hard Brexit landing. The important thing was to be right. We now know the result.
The polls have closed in the most important political event of the year - LD leadership election!!
Has Layla done it?!
No, it will almost certainly be Davey
I agree although that will be boring!
'No personality' LD leader as well as one for LAB
As opposed to a "lots of personality but no leadership or competency skills" leader for the Tories. Leading a political party or a country is not meant to be a gameshow. It is a serious business, but then those that have been gulled by the fat clown still don't get it.
Presumably that's why CON are still ahead in the polls!
Long wait for those who want to see LAB or LD in power...
That's all you Bozo apologists care about. Your understanding of the exercise of power is as vacuous and childish as his is. Not a care about whether the country is well run, but the polls. The Tory Party is a sad shadow of its once respectable self, and its membership is personified by dimwits who think the only thing that matters is "the polls".
I have been a Tory voter all of my adult life until the last election. Whatever the polls say now, there is a reasonable chance that the value vacuum that is Boris Johnson will, by the time of the next election deliver a massive no-deal induced recession and the breakup of the UK and a total collapse in Conservative support. After the next election the Tories may well be out for a generation.
A no-deal might lead to Tory defeat yes, breakup of the UK though would actually increase the chances of a Tory majority given the Tories won a majority of only 80 in the UK at GE19 but had a majority of 157 in England alone
Yes, but there would need to be a completely new constitutional settlement or Wales might go the same way. Also you are assuming that the Tory shires would forgive such astonishing incompetence as allowing the breakup of the UK on the Tory watch. Tories that assume an rUK would be automatically more Tory are as complacent as those in Labour who thought Scotland would always be their fiefdom
Of course it would, England would swing further to the Nationalist right if the UK broke up to ensure no easy deal for the SNP and Edinburgh post Scexit much as the remainder of the EU has taken a tough line with the UK post Brexit. It was the breakup of the USSR which led to Putin in Russia after all as the Nationalist backlash there.
Labour only lost Scotland as its voters went to another leftwing party, the SNP, just a Nationalist one, the Tories would only lose England for the foreseeable future if their vote went to another rightwing party, the Brexit Party, also a Nationalist Party under Farage, as happened in the 2019 European elections. Labour has not won most votes in England since 2001 and the Tories won a majority in England in 2010 and 2017 so if Wales went the Tories would be even more likely to win given Wales is the last Labour fiefdom of the home nations.
Though Boris has made clear he will block indyref2 anyway
The greatest trick the SNP ever pulled is to convince people it is left wing.
Well on that it is probably a bit confused. The clue is in the word "nationalist". Not exclusively right wing historically, but it is essentially a right wing divisive sentiment that appeals to those that are reactionary. The thing that amuses me is when they say they are "progressive nationalists" which is oxymoronic, or maybe we should just remove the oxy bit
You have to be truly despicable to want Trump to win. It has nothing to do with being “woke” or “left vs right”.
Grow up
The guy openly fans the flames of race war and panders to white supremacists. He is a despicable human being and anyone who “supports” him is just as despicable.
Wanting to piss off some “wokists” is no excuse.
The “Race War” is coming from the Democrats and the woke left.
Trump and the Republicans are quite happy to quote Martin Luther King, who famously said that people should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
Anyone that can right this sort of shit really does not have any idea. The ignorance is just astounding. "the race war is coming from the left"? Sure there may be some agitators who are stirring things up, but are you, and others like you so blind and ignorant that you didn't notice a black man was shot in the back seven times by a white US police officer? That a black man was choked to death by a white police officer? That black people in this country and others have significantly reduced life chances than white people? That there really are people in the US that still support the idea of white people owning black slaves?
Are you really THAT ignorant? The race war (if there is one - I have noticed protesters of all colours) is not "coming from the Democrats and the woke left" you ignorant numpties!! Wake up ffs.
On that I’m afraid I’m going to have to agree with you. There are enough videos out there of the sort of everyday racism that black people face, particularly in the US but also in the UK, that it’s hard not to.
For every black man shot in the back by a white police officer. and for every black man unlawfully killed by a white police officer, how many are slain by other black men? How many are cheated, robbed intimidated or otherwise abused by their own kind?
10? 20? 50?
Black on black crime dwarfs white on black crime, especially murder.
Black on white crime also occurs, by the way, but is totally and utterly ignored by the left. That;s not a 'race war' apparently,even though the numbers are not insignificant. No white people are protesting because their kind are getting slain by blacks.
This whole thing is being trumped up by an organisation of often white people who cannot get what they want through the ballot box. Black people are being royally used, and I think they are starting to realise that.
Having the police being less likely to kill you than murderers are is not what I would call a high bar.
What's with asking a foreigner to lead our trade negotiations? Eh?
I think if you put most Brexiteers on a polygraph and asked them if they would prefer a white English speaking foreigner over a black British person we know what the results would be.
A question asking you who each of these people were?
As a polygraph is binary it would need to be " Would you prefer a white English speaking foreigner (eg Australian, New Zealander or American) in a position of responsibility to a black Briton in such a position? Yes or no" then look at the answers for honesty. Most of the honest answers would be where they brazenly said "yes", which I would expect to be the majority reply, particularly if it was done confidentially.
You would need to specify who these two people were or it would be impossible to answer.
Of course not. It is a question based on skin colour and national identity. A binary preference question. A black face who is British or a white one that is not.
Which is why I have doubts Sunak would get passed the members in a leadership ballot.
The tories elected two woman leaders before Labour have chosen one. Two Asian chancellors and a home secretary - how many from Labour?
At least right wing windbags have stopped going on about Crawford Falconer as if he were the answer to anything.
Plus even had Trump won Nevada in 2016 he would have lost had he not won Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin
The ultimate results of their campaigning? astonishingly, segregation. Black only spaces. Black only universities. Black only businesses with black only customers. A sort of reverse apartheid, if you will.
That's race war. That's race conflict.
Everyone- from Gove downwards- knew that Johnson would be a disaster as PM. He would win, sure, but he would be incapable of governing effectively. And so it has turned out.
But what do you do with that information? Either you keep him out, or you let him in, and luxuriate in the win. Even as that win destroys all the things you thought you believed in. Fiscal prudence? Nah, it's unpopular. The union? Who cares, it Scotland falls off, our majority will be even bigger!
"But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless."
Is that really all there is?
25 - > 33% of your betting bank (Depending on premium charge) should be on Biden according to the Kelly criterion.
The white middle class woke-ists screaming BLM don't care about black lives, they only care about how they can pontificate and demonstrate how good human beings they are.
If you want to call people despicable, that's the sort of person you should be focusing on.
Trump and the Republicans are quite happy to quote Martin Luther King, who famously said that people should be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
Trigger Warning: Satire.
This democratic party is the nastiest, most vindictive and most divisive incarnation of the beast that I can ever remember.
We saw that last night when Nancy Pelosi essentially called all republican politicians, not just Trump supporters, enemies of the state.
Its clear the democrats don;t just want to beat Trump, the want to dole out punishment to anybody that ever even thought about voting for him. Prosecution. Persecution.
Biden's talk of healing and light were among the biggest political lies that have ever been told to a voter population ever, and that's a crowded field.
Boris was at a school today giving a speech in front of a bookshelf.
I think that the librarian had fun choosing the selection of books on the top shelf.
The problem is that they wanted it to do two contradictory things at the same time.
So everybody was disappointed.
But that Boris! He is such fun!!! What a laugh.... Never mind....
"Talking, and especially singing and shouting increase aerosol exhalation by factors of 10 and 50, respectively. Indeed, we are finding that outbreaks often occur when people gather in crowded, insufficiently ventilated indoor spaces, such as singing at karaoke parties, cheering at clubs, having conversations in bars, and exercising in gyms."
They wanted more policing. Not less.
Are you really THAT ignorant? The race war (if there is one - I have noticed protesters of all colours) is not "coming from the Democrats and the woke left" you ignorant numpties!! Wake up ffs.
Labour only lost Scotland as its voters went to another leftwing party, the SNP, just a Nationalist one, the Tories would only lose England for the foreseeable future if their vote went to another rightwing party, the Brexit Party, also a Nationalist Party under Farage, as happened in the 2019 European elections. Labour has not won most votes in England since 2001 and the Tories won a majority in England in 2010 and 2017 so if Wales went the Tories would be even more likely to win given Wales is the last Labour fiefdom of the home nations.
Though Boris has made clear he will block indyref2 anyway
Is it the heat out there?
This is a betting site, not an echo chamber.
We in the UK are generally rather poor at understanding American politics.
The last thing I want is valuable information and insight disappearing from this forum because those who are backing Trump are intimidated into silence, and decide it’s just not worth the bother.
If that does happen, and I lose money as a consequence, I will be billing the culprits the difference.
I know a handful here like MrEd and Ave It are backing Trump and are entitled to their views as much as any other poster as long as they are civil
It has nothing to do with betting. There’s a very good chance indeed that Trump will win again, but that’s a separate discussion.
For example there was someone who opined on here that those campaigning for Corbyn would have "blood on their hands" if he were to become PM. Can you recall who that was?
As for the betting on WH2020 just follow me and you'll be fine. Same as with GE19. Same as with Brexit. I'm spooky.
My problem with criticising Trump is that he was voted in as POTUS by the American people. I think it is a tricky path to head down to be so dismissive of the choice of a people which was arrived at democratically.
For every black man shot in the back by a white police officer. and for every black man unlawfully killed by a white police officer, how many are slain by other black men? How many are cheated, robbed intimidated or otherwise abused by their own kind?
10? 20? 50?
Black on black crime dwarfs white on black crime, especially murder.
Black on white crime also occurs, by the way, but is totally and utterly ignored by the left. That;s not a 'race war' apparently,even though the numbers are not insignificant. No white people are protesting because their kind are getting slain by blacks.
This whole thing is being trumped up by an organisation of often white people who cannot get what they want through the ballot box. Black people are being royally used, and I think they are starting to realise that.
I made loads back Trump for the nom in 2016. I also think he is a horrific human being whom I wish ill upon.
This is not to say that you are wrong about the motives in 2016, of course.
Do I support this version of the Democrat party beating him? and more importantly sweeping the congress to boot?
Absolutely not.
Biden is a cardboard cutout of a candidate, hiding a nasty and vindictive party with a nasty and vindictive agenda. And I really hope they get beat.
Too many people think that Twitter is representative, and because 95% of people on Twitter think Trump is Lucifer the election result is a foregone conclusion.
I'm trying to read around the news in the US, looking at more impartial sources away from the MSM narrative and opinionating.
One thing that's really clear is that there's ongoing riots and looting in many cities, and the national media are desperately trying to downplay the violence. The original BLM protests have been in many cases taken over by 'Antifa', a group of rich white anarchist lefties who want to abolish the police.
The people living in and around these cities (and many others) are genuinely scared that the violence is coming their way, and see the local politicians at best being agnostic, and many are unofficially supporting the 'protests'.
This is a betting site, and I'm trying to bring some balance to the debate. If the riots continue as we get closer to the election, it will help Republicans.
- That the company may do more polls than it publishes and only publish the ones it likes?
- That it selects voters in a less than random way?
- That it asks slanted questions?
If it merely means that they also do polls for the party they're close to, that's hardly worth mentioning - YouGov in Britain will no doubt poll for anyone respectable who is willing to pay for it.
In general, US polls have inadequate sample sizes and I don't think they have an equivalent of the British Polling Institute to require certain standards. I doubt if they research each state's demography thoroughly to ensure a balanced sample. But with the exception of Rasmussen they don't seem especially erratic or out of line with each other beyond the MOE arising from small samples.
I mean, I backed the big Tory win in GE19 for heaven's sake!
You want a right wing nationalist? Look in the top right corner.
The SNP is just left of centre - actually rather les leftist than Labour which surprises me but maybe I'm used to SLAB.
And while we are on the subject of resigning I see Phil Hogan, The EU Trade Minister, has done a Cummings and is refusing to resign
I do not expect Goodall to comment as it does not fit his agenda