While there’s been a lot of betting activity on Biden’s VP pick (£1.2m so far matched on Betfair) there’s been much less activity on Mike Pence being on the Republican ticket (just £12k) once again in November. He’s currently at 1.11/1.16 on Betfair which might be value for the lay.
Is it worth paying a £9bn fee to avoid £7bn in fees?
"Mike Pence is a TERRIBLE person, a real disappointment - couldn't even get ME to wear a mask."
Tell yer bookie that SeaShanty did NOT send yez!
1. Trump isn't *that* unpredictable, imho. He often does shocking things, but he tends to foreshadow them by publicly toying with the idea (or 'joking' about doing it). There's been no hint from Trump that he is unhappy with Pence.
2. I think Trump's pride would hold him back, in the same way it seems to be holding back other changes in strategy from his 2016 playbook. Making changes feels like an admission of failure or weakness which he can't stomach.
Inter alia that implies 1-2 million American dead and maybe 10-20m worldwide
Proper Spanish flu stuff
But Pence is the incumbent, and dumping him will needlessly infuriate a large amount of the GOP base.
Worrying prediction, nonetheless.
Oh, I see, not that kind of carrier.
He is much missed
It will be different and huge changes are on the way that may well confound all the naysayers over the years to come
Seriously, does anyone want to explain why we need to wear them a week on Friday onwards but not tomorrow?
They really are fucking clueless.
I mean, the guy is VICE PRESIDENT. And in this country, that and $3 will buy you an over-priced cup of coffee.
Nixon could have dumped Agnew in 1972 & still won. Same with every other president re-elected since.
AND Carter could have dumped Mondale in 1980, or Bush dumped Quayle in 1992, and still lost.
VP is simple way LESS important than some pundits & punters think.
In the words of FDR's first VP, John Nance Garner: "Ain't worth a pitcher of warm piss."
This is speculation on the extremes as admitted in the article
Every passing day, this Government proves it is utterly incapable of actually governing. It is Government by opinion poll. It follows opinion, it does not make it.
What an utter farce.
Covid-19 has the potential to be easily as bad as Spanish flu. It is more insidious, dangerous and unpredictable. On the upside, medicine is far advanced from 1919, and fatalities should be more limited (unless health systems are overwhelmed)
10m dead by the end of this is a Reasonable Worst Case Scenario
Maybe they think it has been made an olympic sport?
Anyways, another 11 days for them to change their minds yet. I wonder if they’ll include all the exemptions allowed with public transport?
But the question is - will the policeperson have to be wearing a mask when giving you your fine?
But as ever he will follow on this - and maybe write a letter on mask rules.
Mrs Thatcher was triumphant because she instinctively wanted what the Daily Mail wanted, and the Daily Mail is triumphant because they instinctively want what their readers want.
The current Downing Street team don't have a clue, which is why they're so slow to respond to anything. They have to wait for the polling data.
Of course ALL public education from preschool to senior advanced learning (drool-school?) is under SEVERELY fiscal pressure.
I would like a convincing explanation from HMG of what has changed since March though. Is being treated like a grown adult too much to ask? Oh wait, I forgot this is from the people that brought us £350m for the NHS...
They clearly feel we lap it up and the Johnson Cummings electoral record implies they are right.
In truth though, I don't think it's about waiting for polling. I think it's just straightforward incompetence and lack of leadership.
The US Marine Corps want to practically camp on the UK carriers - they want to bring at least a squadron of their own.
As I recall you didn't even vote for Brexit, so I don't know why you are trying to dress up billions of pounds of pointless red tape and needless impediments to trade with our neighbours as anything other than a ludicrous step backwards. The Tories' reputation as the party of business will never survive this, and nor should it.
Why would you go to Uni now, if it just meant endless Zoom-lectures and staying at home to wank, sorry, study webinars and complete online blah blah
University is all about enjoying the new social life, stay up all night drinking with smart new people, making lifelong new friends from around the world, who have great tits/abs.
No one will take on £50-100k of debt to do internet quizzes.
The western university business model is facing a world of pain.
Nobody has a right to tell anyone here what to do, end of story. I won't tell you what to do, you don't tell me what to do.
It's really not being helped by these cockwombles. A week on Friday I can go the gym and work myself into a sweaty mess indoors without a mask. Because it's safe. But cannot go indoors into a shop without a mask. Because it isn't safe.
Use your common sense? Come on. Some loon mentioned 4 years to an election - do you think I care about that? This is about our lives and sanity. Or lack of.
That said, it was interesting that in the video in which they pre-emptively criticised Republican leaders such as Ted Cruz whom they predicted would try to distance themselves from Trump regardless of having supported him to the hilt, the Lincoln Project said not a word about Pence. Maybe they felt they didn't have to.