If our criteria for top jobs is 'never having made a mistake/overseen a disaster', then we will end up with inexperienced leaders.
I personally would distinguish between incompetence (people can learn from experience) and dishonesty (should be a bar).
Not just inexperienced, but unimaginative risk avoiders. Innovation and ambition would be lost.
The US military had to change its promotion policy to top levels from reserving these positions for those with spotless records towards those who had shown willingness to try new things and learn from failures. The former led to a leadership full of mediocrities.
Good statement by Johnson on merging DFID with the FCO, it makes sense that the UK overseas speaks with one voice.
No, terrible move.
It will please the rabid right-wingers / extreme right-wingers but the Tories showing us what they really are - the re-toxification of the Tory party is well underway and has been for quite a while now...
Every poll shows a majority of voters want overseas aid spending cut and more money spent at home
This isn't about cutting overseas aid you uncompassionate oaf.
In real terms there will be a cut in DFID spending so actually it is
No there won't. In real terms it is staying at 0.7% in GDP exactly where it was before.
The squeeze in the budget this year is because GDP has fallen as we're in recession. Pick up an economics textbook, listen to the PM, pay attention and then you might understand what's being talked about.
'There will be less money than the year before', the days of DFID being immune from austerity are over
The budget is 0.7% Of GDP.
This isn't austerity, this is a recession. Do you understand the difference. What is 0.7% of GDP if GDP goes down?
Throughout the Cameron years DFID along with the NHS were the only departments immune from cuts and which saw year on year increases in funds.
Those days are over, DFID will face a cut in funds and have to tighten its belt
Good statement by Johnson on merging DFID with the FCO, it makes sense that the UK overseas speaks with one voice.
No, terrible move.
It will please the rabid right-wingers / extreme right-wingers but the Tories showing us what they really are - the re-toxification of the Tory party is well underway and has been for quite a while now...
Every poll shows a majority of voters want overseas aid spending cut and more money spent at home
This isn't about cutting overseas aid you uncompassionate oaf.
In real terms there will be a cut in DFID spending so actually it is
No there won't. In real terms it is staying at 0.7% in GDP exactly where it was before.
The squeeze in the budget this year is because GDP has fallen as we're in recession. Pick up an economics textbook, listen to the PM, pay attention and then you might understand what's being talked about.
'There will be less money than the year before', the days of DFID being immune from austerity are over
Only because, under Tory leadership, we have been so spectacularly successful in reducing the denominator.
Good statement by Johnson on merging DFID with the FCO, it makes sense that the UK overseas speaks with one voice.
No, terrible move.
It will please the rabid right-wingers / extreme right-wingers but the Tories showing us what they really are - the re-toxification of the Tory party is well underway and has been for quite a while now...
Every poll shows a majority of voters want overseas aid spending cut and more money spent at home
This isn't about cutting overseas aid you uncompassionate oaf.
In real terms there will be a cut in DFID spending so actually it is
No there won't. In real terms it is staying at 0.7% in GDP exactly where it was before.
The squeeze in the budget this year is because GDP has fallen as we're in recession. Pick up an economics textbook, listen to the PM, pay attention and then you might understand what's being talked about.
'There will be less money than the year before', the days of DFID being immune from austerity are over
The budget is 0.7% Of GDP.
This isn't austerity, this is a recession. Do you understand the difference. What is 0.7% of GDP if GDP goes down?
Throughout the Cameron years DFID along with the NHS were the only departments immune from cuts and which saw year on year increases in funds.
Those days are over, DFID will face a cut in funds and have to tighten its belt
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
Indeed, @Cyclefree, indeed. The spectacular mediocrity of so much of our Establishment. The real one, I mean, not the "liberal elite" bogeyman that Cummings and Farage & Co have invented to whip up the plebs and get them thinking and voting the "right" way.
This really struck home to me after the Crash of 08. This event was foreseen by precisely none of the City talking heads who regularly appeared on TV in the years leading up to it, mouthing their sterile groupthink about this, that & the other.
Then it came - the Crash - and when people tuned in to catch the "informed" punditry as to why and how it had happened, and what should be done about it, guess who they saw?
Yep, the very same cast of characters. There they were and there they have duly remained, smoothly pivoting from the drivel they used to spout to the next iteration of it, updated for new buzz terms and nostrums but equally shallow and self-serving.
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
Good statement by Johnson on merging DFID with the FCO, it makes sense that the UK overseas speaks with one voice.
No, terrible move.
It will please the rabid right-wingers / extreme right-wingers but the Tories showing us what they really are - the re-toxification of the Tory party is well underway and has been for quite a while now...
Every poll shows a majority of voters want overseas aid spending cut and more money spent at home
This isn't about cutting overseas aid you uncompassionate oaf.
In real terms there will be a cut in DFID spending so actually it is
No there won't. In real terms it is staying at 0.7% in GDP exactly where it was before.
The squeeze in the budget this year is because GDP has fallen as we're in recession. Pick up an economics textbook, listen to the PM, pay attention and then you might understand what's being talked about.
'There will be less money than the year before', the days of DFID being immune from austerity are over
The budget is 0.7% Of GDP.
This isn't austerity, this is a recession. Do you understand the difference. What is 0.7% of GDP if GDP goes down?
The key point is that the 0.7% will be diverted onto pet projects on the spurious grounds that it buys influence. As long as the money was ringfenced to the DfID, there was some chance of it fulfilling a real development purpose.
OT. But stocks surging on US retail data. Up 17.7% in May from April. But. Down 10.5% on previous year. How long can this bubble last?
Yeah, it is crazy. I am staying invested for now, but more defensive. I think the recovery in travel stocks is crazy in particular.
Attentive PB’ers might remember that I bought some Carnival shares during the depths of the market. A week or two later I was thinking I had been rash, but I have managed to sell them now for a decent profit.
The stock market is being propped up by lack of any decent alternative for people with spare capital to put their money, with interest rates at rock bottom. It’s a dangerous state of affairs that won’t take much to turn.
It is unusual to be able to see an investment so well:
My own comment under that thread isn’t very well disguised.
Personally I quite like seeing some of the world’s most impressive cruise ships moored offshore from my dining room window, or sailing up and down for want of anything better to do.
But the recent rebound in share prices suggests the market is a lot more optimistic about returning to the days when they would all sail past in a line each Sunday evening, than I am.
On this morning's ONS release (date of death rather than date of reporting), we seem to be on track for ~60ish by 1/july, ~20ish by 1/aug, with today's figure at 110.
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
What a f*cking joke we have become!
How wrong you are, on so many levels.
RobD - I actually like you even though I may press a few buttons. I think you'll find it is you that is wrong on so many levels.
Remember when we chatted about Johnson's suitability to be PM 7-8 months. Fair to say that I have been clearly vindicated.
You need to get your PB Tory blinkers off - hard I know for the cheerleader but it is worth doing my friend!
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
What a f*cking joke we have become!
How wrong you are, on so many levels.
RobD - I actually like you even though I may press a few buttons. I think you'll find it is you that is wrong on so many levels.
Remember when we chatted about Johnson's suitability to be PM 7-8 months. Fair to say that I have been clearly vindicated.
You need to get your PB Tory blinkers off - hard I know for the cheerleader but it is worth doing my friend!
I am pointing out you are wrong about xenophobic (check the polls from yesterday on this topic), and on being uncaring (compare aid spent as a proportion of GDP, the UK is sixth).
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
What a f*cking joke we have become!
How wrong you are, on so many levels.
RobD - I actually like you even though I may press a few buttons. I think you'll find it is you that is wrong on so many levels.
Remember when we chatted about Johnson's suitability to be PM 7-8 months. Fair to say that I have been clearly vindicated.
You need to get your PB Tory blinkers off - hard I know for the cheerleader but it is worth doing my friend!
I am pointing out you are wrong about xenophobic (check the polls from yesterday on this topic), and on being uncaring (compare aid spent as a proportion of GDP, the UK is sixth).
Not really. The country is becoming more xenophobic in my opinion.
Was called the 'P' word yesterday in a Waitrose car-park of all places. All because I parked too close (allegedly) to an oaf's Range Rover. This Government is giving racists carte blanche to do their worst. It's beginning to look like the 80s all over again!
When the man at the helm is a bit of racist, what do you expect?
Im in favour of the UK contributing a fair share of GDP as aid to other countries as both a moral and pragmatic thing to do. But I really cant get worked up by whether its done through the FO or not - all departments are essentially run by No 10 and Cummings anyway. Nor can I understand the totemic adherence to an arbitrary percentage. Why 0.7 and not 0.8 or 0.6?
Surely longer term the answer isnt about what the UK itself does as we are only about 1% of the people of the planet, but what we can do to enhance and reinvigorate multi national bodies that have been failing the last couple of decades. Spending our whole aid budget encouraging richer countries elsewhere to get towards 0.5% might easily raise more money than we can provide ourselves.
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
What a f*cking joke we have become!
How wrong you are, on so many levels.
RobD - I actually like you even though I may press a few buttons. I think you'll find it is you that is wrong on so many levels.
Remember when we chatted about Johnson's suitability to be PM 7-8 months. Fair to say that I have been clearly vindicated.
You need to get your PB Tory blinkers off - hard I know for the cheerleader but it is worth doing my friend!
I am pointing out you are wrong about xenophobic (check the polls from yesterday on this topic), and on being uncaring (compare aid spent as a proportion of GDP, the UK is sixth).
Not really. The country is becoming more xenophobic in my opinion.
Was called the 'P' word yesterday in a Waitrose car-park of all places. All because I parked too close (allegedly) to an oaf's Range Rover. This Government is giving racists carte blanche to their worst. It's beginning to look like the 80s all over again!
When the man at the helm is a bit of racist, what do you expect?
I'm sorry that you were racially abused, that's just not on. Surveys do suggest the UK is a more tolerant place, especially compared with the 80s. Just check out the tabloid headlines from that era!
Im in favour of the UK contributing a fair share of GDP as aid to other countries as both a moral and pragmatic thing to do. But I really cant get worked up by whether its done through the FO or not - all departments are essentially run by No 10 and Cummings anyway. Nor can I understand the totemic adherence to an arbitrary percentage. Why 0.7 and not 0.8 or 0.6?
Surely longer term the answer isnt about what the UK itself does as we are only about 1% of the people of the planet, but what we can do to enhance and reinvigorate multi national bodies that have been failing the last couple of decades. Spending our whole aid budget encouraging richer countries elsewhere to get towards 0.5% might easily raise more money than we can provide ourselves.
0.7% is the OECD target, but it does seem to have been plucked from thin air.
For me, the fact that something goes seriously wrong when you are in charge is not per se a reason to resign. It is a good reason if it was your policies or decisions that caused the mistake but the idea that you carry the can regardless of personal fault I am less convinced of. What is more significant is how you respond to the error. Cover up (yes PO, I mean you) is clearly unacceptable as is thumping whistleblowers, etc. If, however, the fault is acknowledged, corrected and made good an executive should get credit for that, not the sack.
The other thing it reinforces to me is that the one thing, the one thing that was important enough to Johnson not to give way on, was holding on to Cummings over Escape to Durham and the Barnard Castle Eye Test.
Brexit on October 31st, Irish Sea border, shaking hands, lockdown, NHS Surcharge, Free School Meals for the summer, all positions Johnson has taken with declarations of certainty, all abandoned. But he doesn't dare sack Cummings for breaking the rules.
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
What a f*cking joke we have become!
How wrong you are, on so many levels.
RobD - I actually like you even though I may press a few buttons. I think you'll find it is you that is wrong on so many levels.
Remember when we chatted about Johnson's suitability to be PM 7-8 months. Fair to say that I have been clearly vindicated.
You need to get your PB Tory blinkers off - hard I know for the cheerleader but it is worth doing my friend!
I am pointing out you are wrong about xenophobic (check the polls from yesterday on this topic), and on being uncaring (compare aid spent as a proportion of GDP, the UK is sixth).
Not really. The country is becoming more xenophobic in my opinion.
Was called the 'P' word yesterday in a Waitrose car-park of all places. All because I parked too close (allegedly) to an oaf's Range Rover. This Government is giving racists carte blanche to do their worst. It's beginning to look like the 80s all over again!
When the man at the helm is a bit of racist, what do you expect?
There's no excuse for racism or the use of the P-word. I'm sorry that happened.
The evidence though is the country is becoming much less racist and less xenophobic as the survey discussed earlier this week that shows Britons overwhelmingly don't consider being white relevant to being British and a massive swing in the space of a decade.
Im in favour of the UK contributing a fair share of GDP as aid to other countries as both a moral and pragmatic thing to do. But I really cant get worked up by whether its done through the FO or not - all departments are essentially run by No 10 and Cummings anyway. Nor can I understand the totemic adherence to an arbitrary percentage. Why 0.7 and not 0.8 or 0.6?
Surely longer term the answer isnt about what the UK itself does as we are only about 1% of the people of the planet, but what we can do to enhance and reinvigorate multi national bodies that have been failing the last couple of decades. Spending our whole aid budget encouraging richer countries elsewhere to get towards 0.5% might easily raise more money than we can provide ourselves.
It will matter because the FO will spend the money for different purposes from the DfID. The UK has lost a lot of influence in the world thanks to Brexit and will, I think, aim to buy some of it back. Expect a chunk of this money to end up in Europe. The EU has 27 member states all with a veto vote...
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
What a f*cking joke we have become!
How wrong you are, on so many levels.
RobD - I actually like you even though I may press a few buttons. I think you'll find it is you that is wrong on so many levels.
Remember when we chatted about Johnson's suitability to be PM 7-8 months. Fair to say that I have been clearly vindicated.
You need to get your PB Tory blinkers off - hard I know for the cheerleader but it is worth doing my friend!
I am pointing out you are wrong about xenophobic (check the polls from yesterday on this topic), and on being uncaring (compare aid spent as a proportion of GDP, the UK is sixth).
Not really. The country is becoming more xenophobic in my opinion.
Was called the 'P' word yesterday in a Waitrose car-park of all places. All because I parked too close (allegedly) to an oaf's Range Rover. This Government is giving racists carte blanche to their worst. It's beginning to look like the 80s all over again!
When the man at the helm is a bit of racist, what do you expect?
I'm sorry that you were racially abused, that's just not on. Surveys do suggest the UK is a more tolerant place, especially compared with the 80s. Just check out the tabloid headlines from that era!
I lived through the 80s where abuse was common-place so yes it is far better now. But this *Tory* Government is bucking that good trend. That's the worry! The mood music is not good...
I like to think he actually operates both accounts and uses this one for the things the first one wants to, but should not, say
If that isn't social media advice it should be. Added benefit is that if the parody account you operate is good enough then it crowds out an independent attempt.
For me, the fact that something goes seriously wrong when you are in charge is not per se a reason to resign. It is a good reason if it was your policies or decisions that caused the mistake but the idea that you carry the can regardless of personal fault I am less convinced of. What is more significant is how you respond to the error. Cover up (yes PO, I mean you) is clearly unacceptable as is thumping whistleblowers, etc. If, however, the fault is acknowledged, corrected and made good an executive should get credit for that, not the sack.
100% agreed.
Sacking those who get things wrong means you encourage cover ups and not transparency, honesty and learning from mistakes.
Im in favour of the UK contributing a fair share of GDP as aid to other countries as both a moral and pragmatic thing to do. But I really cant get worked up by whether its done through the FO or not - all departments are essentially run by No 10 and Cummings anyway. Nor can I understand the totemic adherence to an arbitrary percentage. Why 0.7 and not 0.8 or 0.6?
Surely longer term the answer isnt about what the UK itself does as we are only about 1% of the people of the planet, but what we can do to enhance and reinvigorate multi national bodies that have been failing the last couple of decades. Spending our whole aid budget encouraging richer countries elsewhere to get towards 0.5% might easily raise more money than we can provide ourselves.
0.7% is the OECD target, but it does seem to have been plucked from thin air.
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
What a f*cking joke we have become!
How wrong you are, on so many levels.
RobD - I actually like you even though I may press a few buttons. I think you'll find it is you that is wrong on so many levels.
Remember when we chatted about Johnson's suitability to be PM 7-8 months. Fair to say that I have been clearly vindicated.
You need to get your PB Tory blinkers off - hard I know for the cheerleader but it is worth doing my friend!
I am pointing out you are wrong about xenophobic (check the polls from yesterday on this topic), and on being uncaring (compare aid spent as a proportion of GDP, the UK is sixth).
Not really. The country is becoming more xenophobic in my opinion.
Was called the 'P' word yesterday in a Waitrose car-park of all places. All because I parked too close (allegedly) to an oaf's Range Rover. This Government is giving racists carte blanche to do their worst. It's beginning to look like the 80s all over again!
When the man at the helm is a bit of racist, what do you expect?
Yes because the PM is really responsible for everyone in a Waitrose car park.
Philip, it is only polite of me to say I made reference to you at the end of the last thread (way after it should have been dead). I believe I represented you correctly, but thought I should tell you in case you hadn't seen it and disagreed.
Oh dear, huge own goal by Labour claiming credit for the Rashford tweet and now getting bucketloads of abuse on twitter
Yes, a big error as far as all frothing PB Tories will be concerned.
No-one on the planet thinks that 1.3 million children go hungry in this stupendously wealthy country, and no-one on the planet thinks that if they did it would be solved with a trivial quantity of public money.
If SKS is seriously telling us that a after 100 years plus of Labour party influence in this country, including governing from 1997-2010, that kids are hungry in massive numbers he is confessing a gigantic fail.
Oh dear, huge own goal by Labour claiming credit for the Rashford tweet and now getting bucketloads of abuse on twitter
Yes, a big error as far as all frothing PB Tories will be concerned.
I called Boris and HMG out this morning over their response to Marcus's intelligent and well argued letter and for Boris to concede this to Marcus is a huge plus to him and it is stupid for Starmer to try to claim a victory thereby diluting Marcus's appeal
It should not have needed Boris to concede but full marks that he has
However, not sure 'frothing' PB tories adds to the debate
For me, the fact that something goes seriously wrong when you are in charge is not per se a reason to resign. It is a good reason if it was your policies or decisions that caused the mistake but the idea that you carry the can regardless of personal fault I am less convinced of. What is more significant is how you respond to the error. Cover up (yes PO, I mean you) is clearly unacceptable as is thumping whistleblowers, etc. If, however, the fault is acknowledged, corrected and made good an executive should get credit for that, not the sack.
100% agreed.
Sacking those who get things wrong means you encourage cover ups and not transparency, honesty and learning from mistakes.
But some mistakes are so serious - and in the case of the Post Office mentioned above directly involve a cover up - that those responsible really should not be allowed to continue in post and certainly should not be rewarded with more lucrative positions after they have either stepped down or been pushed.
By all means accept there can be honest mistakes but in most of the examples used by Cyclefree it went way beyond that.
Im in favour of the UK contributing a fair share of GDP as aid to other countries as both a moral and pragmatic thing to do. But I really cant get worked up by whether its done through the FO or not - all departments are essentially run by No 10 and Cummings anyway. Nor can I understand the totemic adherence to an arbitrary percentage. Why 0.7 and not 0.8 or 0.6?
Surely longer term the answer isnt about what the UK itself does as we are only about 1% of the people of the planet, but what we can do to enhance and reinvigorate multi national bodies that have been failing the last couple of decades. Spending our whole aid budget encouraging richer countries elsewhere to get towards 0.5% might easily raise more money than we can provide ourselves.
It will matter because the FO will spend the money for different purposes from the DfID. The UK has lost a lot of influence in the world thanks to Brexit and will, I think, aim to buy some of it back. Expect a chunk of this money to end up in Europe. The EU has 27 member states all with a veto vote...
Isnt the aid budget limited to developing countries as defined by the OECD?
It was a mistake for Cameron to ringfenced DFID spending and increase it year on year when most other departments were having to cut spending.
No more
DFID is still ringfenced at 0.7% of GDP.
There we go @RobD knew it wouldn't take long. He really doesn't understand this percentage of GDP idea does he?
So still no longer increasing year on year as it was for the last decade, thanks for the confirmation
You still don't understand maths.
The commitment was never to increase it year on year it was to keep it 0.7% of GDP. George Osborne and David Cameron would have cut it if there was ever a recession too.
PS just read your exchange with @kjh at the end of the last thread where I was namechecked by both of you. Needless to say, I agree with @kjh not you then too - though for the record I'd be spitting out my coffee, not my tea.
Global Britain being launched today - "we're a self indulgent xenophobic uncaring nation that has no time for the poor around the World" - that's the clear message being delivered today.
What a f*cking joke we have become!
How wrong you are, on so many levels.
RobD - I actually like you even though I may press a few buttons. I think you'll find it is you that is wrong on so many levels.
Remember when we chatted about Johnson's suitability to be PM 7-8 months. Fair to say that I have been clearly vindicated.
You need to get your PB Tory blinkers off - hard I know for the cheerleader but it is worth doing my friend!
I am pointing out you are wrong about xenophobic (check the polls from yesterday on this topic), and on being uncaring (compare aid spent as a proportion of GDP, the UK is sixth).
Not really. The country is becoming more xenophobic in my opinion.
Was called the 'P' word yesterday in a Waitrose car-park of all places. All because I parked too close (allegedly) to an oaf's Range Rover. This Government is giving racists carte blanche to do their worst. It's beginning to look like the 80s all over again!
When the man at the helm is a bit of racist, what do you expect?
Yes because the PM is really responsible for everyone in a Waitrose car park.
Who is responsible for everyone in -
Aldi car parks Tesco car parks Lidl car parks Sainsburys car parks
For me, the fact that something goes seriously wrong when you are in charge is not per se a reason to resign. It is a good reason if it was your policies or decisions that caused the mistake but the idea that you carry the can regardless of personal fault I am less convinced of. What is more significant is how you respond to the error. Cover up (yes PO, I mean you) is clearly unacceptable as is thumping whistleblowers, etc. If, however, the fault is acknowledged, corrected and made good an executive should get credit for that, not the sack.
100% agreed.
Sacking those who get things wrong means you encourage cover ups and not transparency, honesty and learning from mistakes.
But some mistakes are so serious - and in the case of the Post Office mentioned above directly involve a cover up - that those responsible really should not be allowed to continue in post and certainly should not be rewarded with more lucrative positions after they have either stepped down or been pushed.
By all means accept there can be honest mistakes but in most of the examples used by Cyclefree it went way beyond that.
Absolutely if the mistake was serious and caused by something that should have been avoided and involved a cover up then those responsible really should not be allowed to continue.
However if the mistake was acknowledged, responded to and moved on from then that is good and should be rewarded.
To err is human. How you respond to it is what matters more.
It was a mistake for Cameron to ringfenced DFID spending and increase it year on year when most other departments were having to cut spending.
No more
DFID is still ringfenced at 0.7% of GDP.
There we go @RobD knew it wouldn't take long. He really doesn't understand this percentage of GDP idea does he?
So still no longer increasing year on year as it was for the last decade, thanks for the confirmation
You still don't understand maths.
The commitment was never to increase it year on year it was to keep it 0.7% of GDP. George Osborne and David Cameron would have cut it if there was ever a recession too.
PS just read your exchange with @kjh at the end of the last thread where I was namechecked by both of you. Needless to say, I agree with @kjh not you then too - though for the record I'd be spitting out my coffee, not my tea.
For the last decade DFID has had increased funds year on year while other departments have faced cuts, no longer.
You of course are a liberal not a conservative and represent Orange Books LDs rather than the core vote and membership of the Conservative Party
The lack of wealth in Yorkshire is a legacy of the Harrowing of the North*.
Should Normandy be giving us money?
Not asking for that. I think it's a daft idea. Nor do I think the Italians owe us, nor the Romans.
*For those wondering, it wiped out about thee-quarters of the population. Imagine England if there were about 15m more people, all in the north. Ok, that's a very rough and ready number, and it could well be more, but it does give an indication of the significance of the Harrowing on the population composition of England.
The US military had to change its promotion policy to top levels from reserving these positions for those with spotless records towards those who had shown willingness to try new things and learn from failures. The former led to a leadership full of mediocrities.
Those days are over, DFID will face a cut in funds and have to tighten its belt
Edit - Ignore - fake twitter account.
First mistake from him, silence would have been better even if she deserves it.
Note the two 'r's
This. Is. Not. Austerity.
In Cameron's years GDP was going up not down. This year GDP is going down. The 0.7% isn't changing.
What a f*cking joke we have become!
This really struck home to me after the Crash of 08. This event was foreseen by precisely none of the City talking heads who regularly appeared on TV in the years leading up to it, mouthing their sterile groupthink about this, that & the other.
Then it came - the Crash - and when people tuned in to catch the "informed" punditry as to why and how it had happened, and what should be done about it, guess who they saw?
Yep, the very same cast of characters. There they were and there they have duly remained, smoothly pivoting from the drivel they used to spout to the next iteration of it, updated for new buzz terms and nostrums but equally shallow and self-serving.
Bring on the revolution!
Personally I quite like seeing some of the world’s most impressive cruise ships moored offshore from my dining room window, or sailing up and down for want of anything better to do.
But the recent rebound in share prices suggests the market is a lot more optimistic about returning to the days when they would all sail past in a line each Sunday evening, than I am.
I intended to use Picard next time HYUFD says something silly. Probably won't be long.
Remember when we chatted about Johnson's suitability to be PM 7-8 months. Fair to say that I have been clearly vindicated.
You need to get your PB Tory blinkers off - hard I know for the cheerleader but it is worth doing my friend!
True but so, so sad!
No more
DFID is still ringfenced at 0.7% of GDP.
There we go @RobD knew it wouldn't take long. He really doesn't understand this percentage of GDP idea does he?
Was called the 'P' word yesterday in a Waitrose car-park of all places. All because I parked too close (allegedly) to an oaf's Range Rover. This Government is giving racists carte blanche to do their worst. It's beginning to look like the 80s all over again!
When the man at the helm is a bit of racist, what do you expect?
Oh dear, huge own goal by Labour claiming credit for the Rashford tweet and now getting bucketloads of abuse on twitter
Surely longer term the answer isnt about what the UK itself does as we are only about 1% of the people of the planet, but what we can do to enhance and reinvigorate multi national bodies that have been failing the last couple of decades. Spending our whole aid budget encouraging richer countries elsewhere to get towards 0.5% might easily raise more money than we can provide ourselves.
For me, the fact that something goes seriously wrong when you are in charge is not per se a reason to resign. It is a good reason if it was your policies or decisions that caused the mistake but the idea that you carry the can regardless of personal fault I am less convinced of.
What is more significant is how you respond to the error. Cover up (yes PO, I mean you) is clearly unacceptable as is thumping whistleblowers, etc. If, however, the fault is acknowledged, corrected and made good an executive should get credit for that, not the sack.
Brexit on October 31st, Irish Sea border, shaking hands, lockdown, NHS Surcharge, Free School Meals for the summer, all positions Johnson has taken with declarations of certainty, all abandoned. But he doesn't dare sack Cummings for breaking the rules.
The evidence though is the country is becoming much less racist and less xenophobic as the survey discussed earlier this week that shows Britons overwhelmingly don't consider being white relevant to being British and a massive swing in the space of a decade.
Sacking those who get things wrong means you encourage cover ups and not transparency, honesty and learning from mistakes.
USA 0.15%, Japan 0.21%, Canada 0.26%, Australia 0.26%, Spain 0.12%, Italy 0.21%, NZ 0.2%, South Korea 0.09%
Not sure why thats fair?
Haven't come on here for a while and this place is till littered by right-wing nutters!
Philip, it is only polite of me to say I made reference to you at the end of the last thread (way after it should have been dead). I believe I represented you correctly, but thought I should tell you in case you hadn't seen it and disagreed.
No-one on the planet thinks that 1.3 million children go hungry in this stupendously wealthy country, and no-one on the planet thinks that if they did it would be solved with a trivial quantity of public money.
If SKS is seriously telling us that a after 100 years plus of Labour party influence in this country, including governing from 1997-2010, that kids are hungry in massive numbers he is confessing a gigantic fail.
The ringfenced cash is still the same amount in percentage terms.
It should not have needed Boris to concede but full marks that he has
However, not sure 'frothing' PB tories adds to the debate
By all means accept there can be honest mistakes but in most of the examples used by Cyclefree it went way beyond that.
The commitment was never to increase it year on year it was to keep it 0.7% of GDP. George Osborne and David Cameron would have cut it if there was ever a recession too.
PS just read your exchange with @kjh at the end of the last thread where I was namechecked by both of you. Needless to say, I agree with @kjh not you then too - though for the record I'd be spitting out my coffee, not my tea.
Aldi car parks
Tesco car parks
Lidl car parks
Sainsburys car parks
However if the mistake was acknowledged, responded to and moved on from then that is good and should be rewarded.
To err is human. How you respond to it is what matters more.
we're still going to be sending billions abroad as millions in our country try to cope with bankruptcy, unemployment, poor health and destitution.
You of course are a liberal not a conservative and represent Orange Books LDs rather than the core vote and membership of the Conservative Party
LOL. The right-wing PB Tories never learn.
Haven't come on here for a while and this place is till littered by right-wing nutters!
And by posters who seem to get pleasure from mocking mental health and other divisive language
What has happened to the kinder gentler UK the late Joe Cox wanted
Should Normandy be giving us money?
Not asking for that. I think it's a daft idea. Nor do I think the Italians owe us, nor the Romans.
*For those wondering, it wiped out about thee-quarters of the population. Imagine England if there were about 15m more people, all in the north. Ok, that's a very rough and ready number, and it could well be more, but it does give an indication of the significance of the Harrowing on the population composition of England.