Looks like Rhodes Won't Fall in Oriel College, tonight
Good. At some point the mob must be challenged, and pushed back
I understand Oriel have a Very Large (£100m) donation hanging on their decision.
Why would anyone try and leave a legacy as a philanthropist if they are going to be removed from history on a whim at a later date?
The rather wet Provost at the time this last came up (an ex civil servant) was hopeless and lost a lot of goodwill with old college members.
Hopefully the current Provost won't make the same mistake.
Ex-chaplain Nigel Biggar might have something to say (if he isn't a non-person by now).
You underestimate the emotional power of this strange, Dianas-death-like western spasm.
Everyone at Oriel will move in a world of liberal-left pieties, this is academe. They will have friends and colleagues on social media screaming at them to "do the right thing". Anyone who wants the statue kept will be terrified of speaking out, in case they get cancelled. Careers are ending around the world on this issue.
It would be hard enough for a private company to resist this intense pressure, but an Oxford college, with all its angry students and professors, seeking approval from their peers?
I predict they will yield, or they will quietly let some hoons do it for them
It's Karma of a sort after their disdain for Mrs Thatcher.
BTW has anyone consulted Oriel's distinguished fellows Newman, Keble and Pusey on the matter? Or will Keble College and Pusey House be razed to the ground anyway.
Not Pusey House any more - it's become Linacre College.
Are you sure of that?
Quite right to ask. Senior moment. I was thinking of St Cross College.
Ummm - I’m still not convinced. St Cross College is based in buildings owned by Pusey House, but I don’t think it’s a metamorphosis of it.
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
"Anti-Black racism" Starmer shows that Asians are no longer considered worthy.
I'm now of the belief that if you gave Starmer enough wine he'd start explaining how racism against Asians isn't as bad as racism against black people.
It's actually quite a shocking statement for all Asians in the UK that we're not considered worth protesting for by the Labour leader. I hope Patel, Javid and Sunak pick up on this.
What a stupid thing for Starmer to say. He could just have gone with "We kneel with all those opposing racism."
Is racism against black people worse than racism against Jews? I thought Labour had moved beyond this kind of stuff. I have to say this is incredibly disappointing.
FFS! “We kneel with all those opposing racism by whomever it is committed and against whomever” is what needs to be said.
And when are women going to get a look in in this identity Top Trumps game? Or is misogyny against women - even when committed by black men, say, just not important any more?
I think misogyny is a massive issue and the most "denied".
For example it is indisputably why Hillary Clinton is not POTUS.
Misogyny gave us Trump.
It’s not just misogyny. It’s dismissing women’s experiences or views or telling them what they should think. I see Daniel Radcliffe has climbed on the latest bandwagon and is busy telling women that he knows better than them what they should feel. Honestly, if men want to respect women, they should shut up for a bit and listen to them not talk at them.
I know plenty of Women (including my girlfriend) who would agree with what Daniel Radcliffe is saying.
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
It's gone way beyond BLM, it is now about vandalising all of British history, and trying to make white Britons feel guilty for simply being British. It is an attempt to deconstruct our identity, driven by a weird ragbag or anarchists, Marxists, greens, and Remainers (really, check the FBPE people egging this on).
Fuck them, I hate them, we have to fight back.
The Great Replacement, whether by the Muslamics or the Woke, seems to be a deep, nagging insecurity for the white (mostly male) right. Why are you so unconfident in your culture's ability to survive?
Eadric perhaps not a bad thing to deconstruct our identity in order to examine it a bit? Especially the bit which depends on the idea that the British Empire was deeply beneficial to the colonised. Because that leads to the idea that we are a Great Power who should be leading the world and not a middle sized European country. Sense of identity matters and ought not to be exempt from examination. If you have another British history you want to promote, let's hear it.
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
It's gone way beyond BLM, it is now about vandalising all of British history, and trying to make white Britons feel guilty for simply being British. It is an attempt to deconstruct our identity, driven by a weird ragbag or anarchists, Marxists, greens, and Remainers (really, check the FBPE people egging this on).
Fuck them, I hate them, we have to fight back.
The Great Replacement, whether by the Muslamics or the Woke, seems to be a deep, nagging insecurity for the white (mostly male) right. Why are you so unconfident in your culture's ability to survive?
Er its not that mate. Sod culture. Its the retribution coming our way.
The OJ Simpson trial suggested black people are more than happy to tolerate murder when race is a factor.
In the states more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa. That's with racist white cop forces protecting them.
Minneapolis is getting rid of that protection. Or 'open season on whites' as its otherwise known.
"In the states more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa."
You do realise that as there are a lot more whites than blacks that's basically inevitable, right? That's simple mathematics. It's almost impossible, when whites outnumber blacks 5-to-1, for whites to kill more blacks, than vice-versa.
That is wrong, isn't it? If red and blue people have an equal propensity to kill the other colour, say 1% of the population, and you have 5,000 reds and 1,000 blues, 50 blues will be killed by reds and 10 reds will be killed by blues.
That's assuming killing is 1:1; actually it's one to many and many to one quite often. If interracial killing is done by lone gunmen on killing sprees, then you are right, the smaller side will outperform. But as far as I can see it isn't.
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
It's gone way beyond BLM, it is now about vandalising all of British history, and trying to make white Britons feel guilty for simply being British. It is an attempt to deconstruct our identity, driven by a weird ragbag or anarchists, Marxists, greens, and Remainers (really, check the FBPE people egging this on).
Fuck them, I hate them, we have to fight back.
The Great Replacement, whether by the Muslamics or the Woke, seems to be a deep, nagging insecurity for the white (mostly male) right. Why are you so unconfident in your culture's ability to survive?
Er its not that mate. Sod culture. Its the retribution coming our way.
The OJ Simpson trial suggested black people are more than happy to tolerate murder when race is a factor.
In the states more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa. That's with racist white cop forces protecting them.
Minneapolis is getting rid of that protection. Or 'open season on whites' as its otherwise known.
"In the states more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa."
You do realise that as there are a lot more whites than blacks that's basically inevitable, right? That's simple mathematics. It's almost impossible, when whites outnumber blacks 5-to-1, for whites to kill more blacks, than vice-versa.
That's one of the more bizarre comments I've ever read.
At the extreme it would have made it impossible for the Hutus to kill more Tutsis or the Germans to kill more Jews than vice versa.
But throughout history the tendency is for the majority to do more violence to the minority.
But it's not systematic persecution. I'm simply addressing the original point about murder.
Not a huge fan of the government's handling of the crisis post Durhamgate and I too would come out against the stupidity of the hoi poloi rather than the shortcomings of government. So I am not entirely sure how this poll helps.
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
It's gone way beyond BLM, it is now about vandalising all of British history, and trying to make white Britons feel guilty for simply being British. It is an attempt to deconstruct our identity, driven by a weird ragbag or anarchists, Marxists, greens, and Remainers (really, check the FBPE people egging this on).
Fuck them, I hate them, we have to fight back.
The Great Replacement, whether by the Muslamics or the Woke, seems to be a deep, nagging insecurity for the white (mostly male) right. Why are you so unconfident in your culture's ability to survive?
Eadric perhaps not a bad thing to deconstruct our identity in order to examine it a bit? Especially the bit which depends on the idea that the British Empire was deeply beneficial to the colonised. Because that leads to the idea that we are a Great Power who should be leading the world and not a middle sized European country. Sense of identity matters and ought not to be exempt from examination. If you have another British history you want to promote, let's hear it.
They dont want to deconstruct they want to destroy/eradicate/erase
I have never heard any claim that britain has been wholly a force for good and we have done no wrong.
I have heard many claim everything Britain has done no good however.
The truth is there is not a country in the world that has not at some point done bad things. Listening to the woke though you would thing Britain is the font of all that is evil in the world
It’s not just racism. It’s dismissing BAME experiences or views or telling them what they should think. I see Cyclefree has climbed on the latest bandwagon and is busy telling BAME people that she knows better than them what they should feel. Honestly, if white people want to respect BAME people, they should shut up for a bit and listen to them not talk at them.
Their panel has concluded the cartoon isn't racist - an odd verdict for The Guardian, as I thought it was now the role of the victim to say whether they feel racially abused, rather than a panel of men 'whitesplaining' to them why they're wrong to be offended?
Their panel has concluded the cartoon isn't racist - an odd verdict for The Guardian, as I thought it was now the role of the victim to say whether they feel racially abused, rather than a panel of men 'whitesplaining' to them why they're wrong to be offended?
Six councillors from the previous ruling group have quit the party and formed their own United Spelthorne Group. They include the leader, deputy leader and three Cabinet members.
Spelthorne Council now has 17 Conservatives, 8 Liberal Democrats, 6 United Spelthorne Group, 4 Labour, 2 Green and 2 Independent
Highly unusual for a Group and a Council Leader, Deputy Leader, plus three Cabinet members, to defect from their backbenchers. Bizarre.
There are others on here who may know more but Spelthorne is a strange Council in some ways. It has borrowed a huge amount relative to its budget to invest in commercial property and obviously any deterioration in the commercial or retail estate market is going to have an impact.
The split seems between the Council group and the local Conservative Party as far as I can tell but the elections were only last year and oddly enough the Conservatives in Spelthorne did better than elsewhere in Surrey and kept control - well, until this evening.
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
It's gone way beyond BLM, it is now about vandalising all of British history, and trying to make white Britons feel guilty for simply being British. It is an attempt to deconstruct our identity, driven by a weird ragbag or anarchists, Marxists, greens, and Remainers (really, check the FBPE people egging this on).
Fuck them, I hate them, we have to fight back.
The Great Replacement, whether by the Muslamics or the Woke, seems to be a deep, nagging insecurity for the white (mostly male) right. Why are you so unconfident in your culture's ability to survive?
Eadric perhaps not a bad thing to deconstruct our identity in order to examine it a bit? Especially the bit which depends on the idea that the British Empire was deeply beneficial to the colonised. Because that leads to the idea that we are a Great Power who should be leading the world and not a middle sized European country. Sense of identity matters and ought not to be exempt from examination. If you have another British history you want to promote, let's hear it.
Just think about all the money we can save on overseas aid and Middle Eastern warmongering in return for losing a few statues.
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
And so it grows, as predicted
PB's resident apologist for slavers writes...
Seems to be more than one of them...
Was it worth breaking seven years' silence for low grade trollery like this?
Looks like Rhodes Won't Fall in Oriel College, tonight
Good. At some point the mob must be challenged, and pushed back
I understand Oriel have a Very Large (£100m) donation hanging on their decision.
Why would anyone try and leave a legacy as a philanthropist if they are going to be removed from history on a whim at a later date?
The rather wet Provost at the time this last came up (an ex civil servant) was hopeless and lost a lot of goodwill with old college members.
Hopefully the current Provost won't make the same mistake.
Ex-chaplain Nigel Biggar might have something to say (if he isn't a non-person by now).
You underestimate the emotional power of this strange, Dianas-death-like western spasm.
Everyone at Oriel will move in a world of liberal-left pieties, this is academe. They will have friends and colleagues on social media screaming at them to "do the right thing". Anyone who wants the statue kept will be terrified of speaking out, in case they get cancelled. Careers are ending around the world on this issue.
It would be hard enough for a private company to resist this intense pressure, but an Oxford college, with all its angry students and professors, seeking approval from their peers?
I predict they will yield, or they will quietly let some hoons do it for them
If I remember correctly, it was their donors threatening to pull the funding that killed it last time.
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
There is now a list of 60 statues that are unacceptable apparently.
Bet it doesn't contain any left wing antisemites or racists....
What percentage of statues in the UK have been erected in honour of people to the left of the political centre? 10% would be my guess and that could prove an overestimate
Their panel has concluded the cartoon isn't racist - an odd verdict for The Guardian, as I thought it was now the role of the victim to say whether they feel racially abused, rather than a panel of men 'whitesplaining' to them why they're wrong to be offended?
You would have thought that there could be a case made to remove it purely on aesthetic grounds given it’s a very bad cartoon.
But actually, I don’t think they should be forced to withdraw it just because Patel doesn’t like it and considers it racist. Even if it is. All other considerations aside, leaving it up shows very clearly how selective they are in their outrage.
Their panel has concluded the cartoon isn't racist - an odd verdict for The Guardian, as I thought it was now the role of the victim to say whether they feel racially abused, rather than a panel of men 'whitesplaining' to them why they're wrong to be offended?
Aren't cows sacred to Hindus?
A fact that I'm sure wasn't lost on Steve Bell. Who is a talented artist and caricaturist, but about as funny as cancer. He seems to prefer just to just drip bile.
I'm not in favour of it being deleted by the way, not for any other reason than that it's crap - I defend free speech. However, once again I'm just staggered at The Guardian's hypocrisy.
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
And so it grows, as predicted
PB's resident apologist for slavers writes...
Seems to be more than one of them...
Was it worth breaking seven years' silence for low grade trollery like this?
You're an apologist for slavers, Ishmael? Who knew!
Six councillors from the previous ruling group have quit the party and formed their own United Spelthorne Group. They include the leader, deputy leader and three Cabinet members.
Spelthorne Council now has 17 Conservatives, 8 Liberal Democrats, 6 United Spelthorne Group, 4 Labour, 2 Green and 2 Independent
Highly unusual for a Group and a Council Leader, Deputy Leader, plus three Cabinet members, to defect from their backbenchers. Bizarre.
There are others on here who may know more but Spelthorne is a strange Council in some ways. It has borrowed a huge amount relative to its budget to invest in commercial property and obviously any deterioration in the commercial or retail estate market is going to have an impact.
The split seems between the Council group and the local Conservative Party as far as I can tell but the elections were only last year and oddly enough the Conservatives in Spelthorne did better than elsewhere in Surrey and kept control - well, until this evening.
Why did councils do that ?
IIRC Spelthorne was one of a handful of councils the Conservatives kept control of in the mid 1990s.
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
And so it grows, as predicted
PB's resident apologist for slavers writes...
Seems to be more than one of them...
Was it worth breaking seven years' silence for low grade trollery like this?
You're an apologist for slavers, Ishmael? Who knew!
I unequivocally condemn the English slave trade in all its facets.
On the plus side, if it hadn't existed I would have to work for a living.
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
There is now a list of 60 statues that are unacceptable apparently.
Bet it doesn't contain any left wing antisemites or racists....
What percentage of statues in the UK have been erected in honour of people to the left of the political centre? 10% would be my guess and that could prove an overestimate
Well if more left wing people did things worthy of statuehood I am sure there would be more.
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
And so it grows, as predicted
PB's resident apologist for slavers writes...
Seems to be more than one of them...
Was it worth breaking seven years' silence for low grade trollery like this?
You're an apologist for slavers, Ishmael? Who knew!
So can we take it that you'll be going down Vauxhall Bridge Road to protest against Mauritanian slavery ?
The police need to start tasering these vandals, or it will just go on, and on, and on
I think the police in Bristol took a self-preservation decision on Sunday.
They didn't want images of them forming a cordon ring around a slaver and defying a BLM crowd, with all the nasty headlines that would have followed the next day. Some of them might have then been targeted personally, and their families, and they worried Bristol might burn.
They didn't know they authorities would back them, the mayor and council equivocated afterwards and tacitly retrospectively supported the mob who pulled it down, and so they decided to play it safe and pass the buck.
This is how the Woke will win. They will make it impossible for the college to function (pandemic aside), the reputation will be trashed around the world for those who don't get the nuance.
I bet he will come down and the mob will move on to the next: the Winston Churchill mural in Croydon?
This is how the Woke will win. They will make it impossible for the college to function (pandemic aside), the reputation will be trashed around the world for those who don't get the nuance.
I bet he will come down and the mob will move on to the next: the Winston Churchill mural in Croydon?
Their panel has concluded the cartoon isn't racist - an odd verdict for The Guardian, as I thought it was now the role of the victim to say whether they feel racially abused, rather than a panel of men 'whitesplaining' to them why they're wrong to be offended?
Aren't cows sacred to Hindus?
A fact that I'm sure wasn't lost on Steve Bell. Who is a talented artist and caricaturist, but about as funny as cancer. He seems to prefer just to just drip bile.
I'm not in favour of it being deleted by the way, not for any other reason than that it's crap - I defend free speech. However, once again I'm just staggered at The Guardian's hypocrisy.
This is a rare occasion in which I agree with you wholeheartedly. It’s one of Bell’s viler efforts.
Their panel has concluded the cartoon isn't racist - an odd verdict for The Guardian, as I thought it was now the role of the victim to say whether they feel racially abused, rather than a panel of men 'whitesplaining' to them why they're wrong to be offended?
You would have thought that there could be a case made to remove it purely on aesthetic grounds given it’s a very bad cartoon.
But actually, I don’t think they should be forced to withdraw it just because Patel doesn’t like it and considers it racist. Even if it is. All other considerations aside, leaving it up shows very clearly how selective they are in their outrage.
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
And so it grows, as predicted
PB's resident apologist for slavers writes...
Seems to be more than one of them...
Was it worth breaking seven years' silence for low grade trollery like this?
You're an apologist for slavers, Ishmael? Who knew!
So can we take it that you'll be going down Vauxhall Bridge Road to protest against Mauritanian slavery ?
Its the Victoria line as I remember.
That doesn't quite follow, because I haven't actually attended any BLM events.
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
Yes, because sooner or later a statue of a person that's morally ambiguous will be in the crosshairs who symbolises something politically they sympathise with.
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
It's gone way beyond BLM, it is now about vandalising all of British history, and trying to make white Britons feel guilty for simply being British. It is an attempt to deconstruct our identity, driven by a weird ragbag or anarchists, Marxists, greens, and Remainers (really, check the FBPE people egging this on).
Fuck them, I hate them, we have to fight back.
The Great Replacement, whether by the Muslamics or the Woke, seems to be a deep, nagging insecurity for the white (mostly male) right. Why are you so unconfident in your culture's ability to survive?
Er its not that mate. Sod culture. Its the retribution coming our way.
The OJ Simpson trial suggested black people are more than happy to tolerate murder when race is a factor.
In the states more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa. That's with racist white cop forces protecting them.
Minneapolis is getting rid of that protection. Or 'open season on whites' as its otherwise known.
"In the states more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa."
You do realise that as there are a lot more whites than blacks that's basically inevitable, right? That's simple mathematics. It's almost impossible, when whites outnumber blacks 5-to-1, for whites to kill more blacks, than vice-versa.
Well would it not then also be almost impossible for more blacks to kill other blacks than whites to kill blacks. Seeing as they are outnumbered 5/1 and all.
Of course you would be completely wrong in that assumption, because black on black crime is rampant and almost out of control, something that is completely ignored by black lives matter.
My point is that it's not exactly a killer argument to say that more white people are killed by blacks than vice versa.
If a black killer kills indiscriminately, there is a 15% chance he'll kill a black person and a 75% chance he'll kill a white person.
That's just a consequence of relative population numbers.
Is it really a contest?
Couldn't we just accept that all murders are unnecessary and wrong?
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
There is now a list of 60 statues that are unacceptable apparently.
Bet it doesn't contain any left wing antisemites or racists....
What percentage of statues in the UK have been erected in honour of people to the left of the political centre? 10% would be my guess and that could prove an overestimate
Well if more left wing people did things worthy of statuehood I am sure there would be more.
Well left wing years ago would be viewed as right wing now in many cases so hard to tell.- a lot of statues of Wilde , Shakespeare and other "woke at the time" greats so not sure this holds as an argument
Quickly gone from we can't have slave traders to can't have individuals whose relatives had slaves, regardless of the actions of the actual individual.
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
And so it grows, as predicted
PB's resident apologist for slavers writes...
Fuck off Sunil, there's a good chap
The truth hurts, Sean, doesn't it?
Sunil, have you not learnt your lesson from the other night yet?
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
There is now a list of 60 statues that are unacceptable apparently.
Bet it doesn't contain any left wing antisemites or racists....
What percentage of statues in the UK have been erected in honour of people to the left of the political centre? 10% would be my guess and that could prove an overestimate
Well if more left wing people did things worthy of statuehood I am sure there would be more.
Well left wing years ago would be viewed as right wing now in many cases so hard to tell.- a lot of statues of Wilde , Shakespeare and other "woke at the time" greats so not sure this holds as an argument
I was assuming that ollyT was using his own definition of left wing...so I doubt he would have classed shakespeare as left even though he was probably a luvvie in his own time
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
It's gone way beyond BLM, it is now about vandalising all of British history, and trying to make white Britons feel guilty for simply being British. It is an attempt to deconstruct our identity, driven by a weird ragbag or anarchists, Marxists, greens, and Remainers (really, check the FBPE people egging this on).
Fuck them, I hate them, we have to fight back.
The Great Replacement, whether by the Muslamics or the Woke, seems to be a deep, nagging insecurity for the white (mostly male) right. Why are you so unconfident in your culture's ability to survive?
Er its not that mate. Sod culture. Its the retribution coming our way.
The OJ Simpson trial suggested black people are more than happy to tolerate murder when race is a factor.
In the states more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa. That's with racist white cop forces protecting them.
Minneapolis is getting rid of that protection. Or 'open season on whites' as its otherwise known.
"In the states more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa."
You do realise that as there are a lot more whites than blacks that's basically inevitable, right? That's simple mathematics. It's almost impossible, when whites outnumber blacks 5-to-1, for whites to kill more blacks, than vice-versa.
That is wrong, isn't it? If red and blue people have an equal propensity to kill the other colour, say 1% of the population, and you have 5,000 reds and 1,000 blues, 50 blues will be killed by reds and 10 reds will be killed by blues.
That's assuming killing is 1:1; actually it's one to many and many to one quite often. If interracial killing is done by lone gunmen on killing sprees, then you are right, the smaller side will outperform. But as far as I can see it isn't.
Bingo - RCS's point relies on the unstated assumption that American blacks will commit a disproportionate number of murders, which is itself telling.
This is how the Woke will win. They will make it impossible for the college to function (pandemic aside), the reputation will be trashed around the world for those who don't get the nuance.
I bet he will come down and the mob will move on to the next: the Winston Churchill mural in Croydon?
This is how the Woke will win. They will make it impossible for the college to function (pandemic aside), the reputation will be trashed around the world for those who don't get the nuance.
I bet he will come down and the mob will move on to the next: the Winston Churchill mural in Croydon?
If I were the BNP I'd be praying for a Churchill statue to come down.
how long b4 the white working class have had enough.. this could get very nasty indeed
Nah, if 15 of them gather with any intent the police will be on them quick as you like.
They may have had enough but most will not be violent but continue to dismantle the Red Wall I would think at elections especially as if Labour seems to have had a collective breakdown (on one knee)
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
And so it grows, as predicted
PB's resident apologist for slavers writes...
Seems to be more than one of them...
Was it worth breaking seven years' silence for low grade trollery like this?
You're an apologist for slavers, Ishmael? Who knew!
So can we take it that you'll be going down Vauxhall Bridge Road to protest against Mauritanian slavery ?
Its the Victoria line as I remember.
That doesn't quite follow, because I haven't actually attended any BLM events.
Well you have a chance to make a name for yourself and prove you're not an internet frother.
A 'Down with modern slavery and railway lines for all' placard outside the Mauritanian embassy will make you a twatter sensation.
PB tories appear to have reached peak statue derangement.
Sorry? There are statues being vandalised, defaced, pulled down - or petitioned to be removed all over the country - seemingly with no discrimination, and you think *we're* the deranged ones?
It's views like yours which historians in 50 years time will look back and think..
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
There is now a list of 60 statues that are unacceptable apparently.
Bet it doesn't contain any left wing antisemites or racists....
What percentage of statues in the UK have been erected in honour of people to the left of the political centre? 10% would be my guess and that could prove an overestimate
Well if more left wing people did things worthy of statuehood I am sure there would be more.
You mean something worthy like becoming wealthy from the slave trade?
... I see Daniel Radcliffe has climbed on the latest bandwagon and is busy telling women that he knows better than them what they should feel.
Radcliffe merely expressed his position that he disagreed with JK Rowling. He also said that he hoped that people who disagreed with Rowling would not judge the books' positive message that love was the strongest force in the universe.
PB tories appear to have reached peak statue derangement.
Sorry? There are statues being vandalised, defaced, pulled down - or petitioned to be removed all over the country - seemingly with no discrimination, and you think *we're* the deranged ones?
It's views like yours which historians in 50 years time will look back and think..
I am horrified and appalled to see mob rule take hold in this country. One fears what this lot would do if they ever got into power.
Typical of BLM. Exercised by his father’s involvement in slaving, don’t care about the fact that he was a member of the government that saw millions die in a famine in Ireland. Bloody small minded xenophobes.
(Yes, I am trolling, but there is a serious point to that post as well.)
PB tories appear to have reached peak statue derangement.
Sorry? There are statues being vandalised, defaced, pulled down - or petitioned to be removed all over the country - seemingly with no discrimination, and you think *we're* the deranged ones?
It's views like yours which historians in 50 years time will look back and think..
I am horrified and appalled to see mob rule take hold in this country. One fears what this lot would do if they ever got into power.
They are acting like the Taliban when they pulled down or erased anything deemed un-islamic. How the world sneered then at them thinking of them as uneducuated zealots .Doubt if the woke would associate themselves with the Taliban but they have the same mindset it seems
But Robert Peel Snr was, so if follow the logic of Gladstone decision, Robert Peel.Jnr has to go too.
Also, if a son is responsible for the father's sins, why not a grandson? An entire dynasty, even unto the tenth generation? After all, they all might have benefited in some tiny way from money made in Barbados three centuries earlier.
Anyone who was *fine* with the Toppling in Bristol is partly responsible for this endless shit now.
... I see Daniel Radcliffe has climbed on the latest bandwagon and is busy telling women that he knows better than them what they should feel.
Radcliffe merely expressed his position that he disagreed with JK Rowling. He also said that he hoped that people who disagreed with Rowling would not judge the books' positive message that love was the strongest force in the universe.
I think his comments are entirely reasonable
I think that's reasonable although quite why you need to be associated with Harry Potter to have a newsworthy view on this I don't know
The Local Government Association's (LGA) Labour group has also announced that Labour councils across England and Wales are to review "the appropriateness" of monuments and statues in their towns and cities.
And so it grows, as predicted
PB's resident apologist for slavers writes...
Seems to be more than one of them...
Was it worth breaking seven years' silence for low grade trollery like this?
You're an apologist for slavers, Ishmael? Who knew!
So can we take it that you'll be going down Vauxhall Bridge Road to protest against Mauritanian slavery ?
Its the Victoria line as I remember.
That doesn't quite follow, because I haven't actually attended any BLM events.
Well you have a chance to make a name for yourself and prove you're not an internet frother.
A 'Down with modern slavery and railway lines for all' placard outside the Mauritanian embassy will make you a twatter sensation.
Although outlawed in most countries, slavery is nonetheless practised secretly in many parts of the world. Enslavement still takes place in the United States, Europe, and Latin America,[75] as well as parts of Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.[76] There are an estimated 27 million victims of slavery worldwide.[77] In Mauritania alone, estimates are that up to 600,000 men, women and children, or 20% of the population, are enslaved. Many of them are used as bonded labour.[78]
It gets terribly predictable at this time of the evening it’s like moths gathering round a blue lamp
This isn't happening in your country. Our country has been seized with a frightful and dangerous lunacy
And we all thought that Jezza being defeated at the GE had put an end to its possibility.
The people trying to have Churchill's statue removed are no more connected to the Labour Party than Tommy Robinson's racist mob are connected to the Tory Party.
Then as now, it was a way of redefining our relationship with the past, and having a fresh start.
Not the first, or the last one in our history, of course, and not unique to us. Muslims object to the artistic depiction of the human form. Indeed the Abrahamic tradition of destroying idols goes back to Moses.
It seems a little ironic that our Imperial past is under siege at the very time that we are redefining our place in the world, and under a Tory government.
I suspect that the motive to smash "The Blob" and bring down the "Liberal Elite Establishment" comes from the same atavistic impulse to redefine the country.
When people decide to think the unthinkable, they very often find people doing unthinkable things. The dogs that get released don't always bite the intended...
It’s not just misogyny. It’s dismissing women’s experiences or views or telling them what they should think. I see Daniel Radcliffe has climbed on the latest bandwagon and is busy telling women that he knows better than them what they should feel. Honestly, if men want to respect women, they should shut up for a bit and listen to them not talk at them.
It gets terribly predictable at this time of the evening it’s like moths gathering round a blue lamp
This isn't happening in your country. Our country has been seized with a frightful and dangerous lunacy
And we all thought that Jezza being defeated at the GE had put an end to its possibility.
The people trying to have Churchill's statue removed are no more connected to the Labour Party than Tommy Robinson's racist mob are connected to the Tory Party.
Posted down thread Labour councillor calling for removal of Churchill.
Could this revolution possibly devour its children? I hope it does so before burning the Bodleian and Cambridge University Library to the ground rather than after.
There is now a list of 60 statues that are unacceptable apparently.
Bet it doesn't contain any left wing antisemites or racists....
What percentage of statues in the UK have been erected in honour of people to the left of the political centre? 10% would be my guess and that could prove an overestimate
Well if more left wing people did things worthy of statuehood I am sure there would be more.
Well left wing years ago would be viewed as right wing now in many cases so hard to tell.- a lot of statues of Wilde , Shakespeare and other "woke at the time" greats so not sure this holds as an argument
Shakespeare was a classic trimmer. Neither right nor left, if those terms even vaguely apply.
PB tories appear to have reached peak statue derangement.
Sorry? There are statues being vandalised, defaced, pulled down - or petitioned to be removed all over the country - seemingly with no discrimination, and you think *we're* the deranged ones?
It's views like yours which historians in 50 years time will look back and think..
I am horrified and appalled to see mob rule take hold in this country. One fears what this lot would do if they ever got into power.
PB tories appear to have reached peak statue derangement.
Sorry? There are statues being vandalised, defaced, pulled down - or petitioned to be removed all over the country - seemingly with no discrimination, and you think *we're* the deranged ones?
It's views like yours which historians in 50 years time will look back and think..
I am horrified and appalled to see mob rule take hold in this country. One fears what this lot would do if they ever got into power.
How does a group of protesters "get into power" exactly? Are they standing in the next GE?
PB tories appear to have reached peak statue derangement.
Sorry? There are statues being vandalised, defaced, pulled down - or petitioned to be removed all over the country - seemingly with no discrimination, and you think *we're* the deranged ones?
It's views like yours which historians in 50 years time will look back and think..
I am horrified and appalled to see mob rule take hold in this country. One fears what this lot would do if they ever got into power.
How does a group of protesters "get into power" exactly? Are they standing in the next GE?
Starmer and dozens of Labour MPs have already bent the knee to them today - literally.
It gets terribly predictable at this time of the evening it’s like moths gathering round a blue lamp
This isn't happening in your country. Our country has been seized with a frightful and dangerous lunacy
And we all thought that Jezza being defeated at the GE had put an end to its possibility.
The people trying to have Churchill's statue removed are no more connected to the Labour Party than Tommy Robinson's racist mob are connected to the Tory Party.
Posted down thread Labour councillor calling for removal of Churchill.
It gets terribly predictable at this time of the evening it’s like moths gathering round a blue lamp
This isn't happening in your country. Our country has been seized with a frightful and dangerous lunacy
And we all thought that Jezza being defeated at the GE had put an end to its possibility.
The people trying to have Churchill's statue removed are no more connected to the Labour Party than Tommy Robinson's racist mob are connected to the Tory Party.
We literally just had a Labour Councillor trying to get a Churchill mural taken down.
PB tories appear to have reached peak statue derangement.
Sorry? There are statues being vandalised, defaced, pulled down - or petitioned to be removed all over the country - seemingly with no discrimination, and you think *we're* the deranged ones?
It's views like yours which historians in 50 years time will look back and think..
I am horrified and appalled to see mob rule take hold in this country. One fears what this lot would do if they ever got into power.
Touch of hyperbole there.
Pretty certain that a lot of people in that rabble came close to taking over the Labour party and winning an election.
Woke-ism is a mental illness. It will end in tears. And, with a bit of luck, tear gas.
That's assuming killing is 1:1; actually it's one to many and many to one quite often. If interracial killing is done by lone gunmen on killing sprees, then you are right, the smaller side will outperform. But as far as I can see it isn't.
As always.
I have never heard any claim that britain has been wholly a force for good and we have done no wrong.
I have heard many claim everything Britain has done no good however.
The truth is there is not a country in the world that has not at some point done bad things. Listening to the woke though you would thing Britain is the font of all that is evil in the world
Their panel has concluded the cartoon isn't racist - an odd verdict for The Guardian, as I thought it was now the role of the victim to say whether they feel racially abused, rather than a panel of men 'whitesplaining' to them why they're wrong to be offended?
The split seems between the Council group and the local Conservative Party as far as I can tell but the elections were only last year and oddly enough the Conservatives in Spelthorne did better than elsewhere in Surrey and kept control - well, until this evening.
What will they do this time?
But actually, I don’t think they should be forced to withdraw it just because Patel doesn’t like it and considers it racist. Even if it is. All other considerations aside, leaving it up shows very clearly how selective they are in their outrage.
I'm not in favour of it being deleted by the way, not for any other reason than that it's crap - I defend free speech. However, once again I'm just staggered at The Guardian's hypocrisy.
IIRC Spelthorne was one of a handful of councils the Conservatives kept control of in the mid 1990s.
On the plus side, if it hadn't existed I would have to work for a living.
That takes balls.
Gladstone was one of the greatest PMs in UK history. A titan of the 19th century.
Will someone stop this nonsense before we eat ourselves?
Its the Victoria line as I remember.
They didn't want images of them forming a cordon ring around a slaver and defying a BLM crowd, with all the nasty headlines that would have followed the next day. Some of them might have then been targeted personally, and their families, and they worried Bristol might burn.
They didn't know they authorities would back them, the mayor and council equivocated afterwards and tacitly retrospectively supported the mob who pulled it down, and so they decided to play it safe and pass the buck.
Now, the whole UK will suffer.
It’s one of Bell’s viler efforts.
Couldn't we just accept that all murders are unnecessary and wrong?
Givers them something to clutch their pearls over and provides a nice break from trying to defend the government's latest pandemic cock ups
Though in his case, I think it might be more a sublime contempt for the opinions of others.
I get my results in a few weeks. Hopefully it’s all gone well!
A 'Down with modern slavery and railway lines for all' placard outside the Mauritanian embassy will make you a twatter sensation.
what I liked most was that they didn't even break stride.
all statues must fall.
It's views like yours which historians in 50 years time will look back and think..
I think his comments are entirely reasonable
(Yes, I am trolling, but there is a serious point to that post as well.)
Has anyone dried him off yet, or will he be residing in the octopus’s garden for a further night?
Then as now, it was a way of redefining our relationship with the past, and having a fresh start.
Not the first, or the last one in our history, of course, and not unique to us. Muslims object to the artistic depiction of the human form. Indeed the Abrahamic tradition of destroying idols goes back to Moses.
It seems a little ironic that our Imperial past is under siege at the very time that we are redefining our place in the world, and under a Tory government.
I suspect that the motive to smash "The Blob" and bring down the "Liberal Elite Establishment" comes from the same atavistic impulse to redefine the country.
When people decide to think the unthinkable, they very often find people doing unthinkable things. The dogs that get released don't always bite the intended...
Neither right nor left, if those terms even vaguely apply.
Log-off, and have a think about that.
Fingers crossed for your results.
Woke-ism is a mental illness. It will end in tears. And, with a bit of luck, tear gas.