Probably the same as how Alistair just quoted them. You're already permitted to quote Tweets and they're just making clear in advance how they intend to use any Tweets.
Looking at the terms of service you are supposedly accepting they are claiming the full right to make derivative works of any tweet with the hash tag, not just reproduce the tweet.
So if you posted an original song or artwork with the hashtag Disney are claiming they could the use that in a movie without compensating you.
It is actually classical liberalism which is most keen on cutting spending, hence the Coalition was more keen on austerity than Boris is and hence the LDs had the most fiscally balanced manifesto last year.
The traditional Conservative right is more about social conservatism, patriotism and flag waving, a tough law and order agenda, immigration controls and an anti EU agenda with some tax cuts on top.
Cameron described himself as a "liberal Conservative". I'm far from convinced Johnson is a social conservative.
The Muslim call to prayer is a nuisance. I'd absolutely resist any move to introduce it in my area. I don't want to be woken up at 4am in the summer because my window is open. If Muslims want to do that then they can set their own alarms for it and turn on YouTube. If that's not acceptable then move to an Islamic country.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
a) Religious freedom is a contradiction in terms! Especially with a belief system with umpteen different and often strict rules!
b) Church bells are part of traditionally Conservative Britain. As opposed to loudspeaker calls to prayer!
The Muslim call to prayer is a nuisance. I'd absolutely resist any move to introduce it in my area. I don't want to be woken up at 4am in the summer because my window is open. If Muslims want to do that then they can set their own alarms for it and turn on YouTube. If that's not acceptable then move to an Islamic country.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
a) Religious freedom is a contradiction in terms! Especially with a belief system with umpteen different and often strict rules!
b) Church bells are part of traditionally Conservative Britain. As opposed to loudspeaker calls to prayer!
Militant atheists will be after the Churches next
Actually, post-Cold War, it's religious nuts who are more likely to be militant. Ask Salman Rushdie and Ariana Grande.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
a) Religious freedom is a contradiction in terms! Especially with a belief system with umpteen different and often strict rules!
b) Church bells are part of traditionally Conservative Britain. As opposed to loudspeaker calls to prayer!
Militant atheists will be after the Churches next
No religion should be allowed to intrude into the lives of others.
The Muslim call to prayer is a nuisance. I'd absolutely resist any move to introduce it in my area. I don't want to be woken up at 4am in the summer because my window is open. If Muslims want to do that then they can set their own alarms for it and turn on YouTube. If that's not acceptable then move to an Islamic country.
Aren't there apps that do it?
Yes, one of my friends uses it and he listens to live sermons on YouTube on Fridays because he can't go to the mosque.
One of the funniest phenomena on PB: a bunch of socially retarded no mates political geeks saying they would have no problem with a more or less permanent lockdown.
This thought crosses my mind daily. The most pro lockdown hardliners all exhibit introversion traits, unusually high financial security, or a combination of both.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
a) Religious freedom is a contradiction in terms! Especially with a belief system with umpteen different and often strict rules!
b) Church bells are part of traditionally Conservative Britain. As opposed to loudspeaker calls to prayer!
Militant atheists will be after the Churches next
There have been cases where incomers to rural villages have objected to the churchbells which had been there for centuries, and courts have required the bells to be silenced!
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
a) Religious freedom is a contradiction in terms! Especially with a belief system with umpteen different and often strict rules!
b) Church bells are part of traditionally Conservative Britain. As opposed to loudspeaker calls to prayer!
Militant atheists will be after the Churches next
Good. Why not?
Churches and Mosques should follow same rules as anyone else.
It is actually classical liberalism which is most keen on cutting spending, hence the Coalition was more keen on austerity than Boris is and hence the LDs had the most fiscally balanced manifesto last year.
The traditional Conservative right is more about social conservatism, patriotism and flag waving, a tough law and order agenda, immigration controls and an anti EU agenda with some tax cuts on top.
Cameron described himself as a "liberal Conservative". I'm far from convinced Johnson is a social conservative.
He is more of a traditional conservative than Cameron was, certainly on Brexit and national sovereignty.
Cameron could have been an Orange Book LD, Osborne certainly could have been, Boris could only be a Tory
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
a) Religious freedom is a contradiction in terms! Especially with a belief system with umpteen different and often strict rules!
b) Church bells are part of traditionally Conservative Britain. As opposed to loudspeaker calls to prayer!
Militant atheists will be after the Churches next
There have been cases where incomers to rural villages have objected to the churchbells which had been there for centuries, and courts have required the bells to be silenced!
Yes and I oppose that too and in most cases the vast majority of local people in those villages backed the ringing of the church bells
I have just watched 18 episodes of the Netflix series called Knightfall. It's about the end of the Templars in France. It takes a bit of liberty with history but within reason. So for example Pope Boniface XIII is killed by the chief adviser to the King of France. In reality he was beaten up by French soldiers and died a couple of days later. King Philip IV is killed by the hero Landry but was in fact killed during a hunting accident. But I have no explanation for Philip killing his wife Joan of Navarre. My knowledge of European medieval history has faded since A level but does anyone know what really happened?
One of the funniest phenomena on PB: a bunch of socially retarded no mates political geeks saying they would have no problem with a more or less permanent lockdown.
This thought crosses my mind daily. The most pro lockdown hardliners all exhibit introversion traits, unusually high financial security, or a combination of both.
On the one hand Anti-Lockdowners say the death rate is low enough for us to re-open all and sundry, but on the other hand, they forget that it is precisely because of the Lockdown that the curve has been flattened.
Personally, I look forward for the day when I can travel to Inverness and spend a maximum three nights there in order to "do" those last two trains heading west and north of there to complete the normal everyday National Rail network. But at the same time, I don't want to risk getting infected!
"Lockdown-free Stockholm 'could achieve herd immunity in May': Claim by Swedish ambassador as she reveals 30% of the city's population already have immunity"
An interesting claim. It would require that the IFR in Stockholm is a mere 0.17%.
It would be gratifying if true (and it should mean that, if the Rt in Stockholm was indeed 1.27, they passed effective herd immunity a while ago (at 21% - so a third of their deaths have come after herd immunity should have kicked in. However, possibly Rt there is higher than expected)).
New York City surely must have hit herd immunity even in the absence of restrictions, unless the death rate there, for some reason, is a multiple of the death rate in Stockholm.
As it stands, I'd class it as a rather extraordinary claim at the moment, requiring evidence to back it up.
I have just watched 18 episodes of the Netflix series called Knightfall. It's about the end of the Templars in France. It takes a bit of liberty with history but within reason. So for example Pope Boniface XIII is killed by the chief adviser to the King of France. In reality he was beaten up by French soldiers and died a couple of days later. King Philip IV is killed by the hero Landry but was in fact killed during a hunting accident. But I have no explanation for Philip killing his wife Joan of Navarre. My knowledge of European medieval history has faded since A level but does anyone know what really happened?
Wasn't there one wife of a French king who died suspiciously and then the king married soon thereafter. A brother of Isabelle wife of Edward II??
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
One of the funniest phenomena on PB: a bunch of socially retarded no mates political geeks saying they would have no problem with a more or less permanent lockdown.
This thought crosses my mind daily. The most pro lockdown hardliners all exhibit introversion traits, unusually high financial security, or a combination of both.
One of the funniest phenomena on PB: a bunch of socially retarded no mates political geeks saying they would have no problem with a more or less permanent lockdown.
This thought crosses my mind daily. The most pro lockdown hardliners all exhibit introversion traits, unusually high financial security, or a combination of both.
That would only seem logical. The people with the least to lose and the most to gain out of any innovation are almost bound to be amongst its most enthusiastic proponents.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Gardening Corner with @Cyclefree. Today's garden question - (13), I think.
I like hostas, as do slugs. My many clumps and pots of inherited hostas are about to break through. How do I protect them from slugs? Is it as simple as a band of eggshells on the soil (of which I have also inherited a fair quantity)?
My tips:- 1. Get some copper bands - available online from lots of places eg Harrod Horticultural - and put them around the base of the hosts so that they form a protective collar with no space underneath for the snails to creep in. Slugs don't like the shock they get from the copper. 2. Egg shells or grit inside the copper band or generally around the hosts helps because slugs don't like climbing over them. 3. Slug pellets work. You only need a few and you can mix them into the grit. 4. Nematodes: also available from Harrod Horticultural. A powder which mixes with water and gets poured over your garden. The nematodes eat the slugs before they have a chance to grow. You need to do a course with the company sending you the powder every few weeks so you get continuous coverage. 5. There is a spray which you can spray on your hosts- top and bottom of the leaves - which helps make them unpalatable to slugs. Cannot remember the name bit will try to look it up. 6. Going round every evening, picking the bloody things and drowning them. 7. Getting a hedgehog.
I do a combination of all these things.
Say hello to my hosta-protector:
I sometimes have one of those.
But the neighbour has currently blocked up the hole in the fence, which I need to talk to them about.
One of the funniest phenomena on PB: a bunch of socially retarded no mates political geeks saying they would have no problem with a more or less permanent lockdown.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
But Church Bells are actually part of traditional Conservative Britain.
LG Chem Triples Carbon Nanotube Production For Better Batteries .... LG Chem is investing 65 billion KRW ($53 million) to expand production capacity of carbon nanotubes (CNT) at its Yeosu plant in South Korea by 1,200 tons annually (from 500 tons to 1,700 tons) by Q1 2021.
Global demand for CNT was reportedly 3,000 tons annually, which means that LG Chem already controlled one-sixth of the market and now will increase its output by 240%.
The main reason for the expansion is lithium-ion batteries. In particular, batteries for electric cars....
They also just finalised financing for a massive battery plane in Poland.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
I have just watched 18 episodes of the Netflix series called Knightfall. It's about the end of the Templars in France. It takes a bit of liberty with history but within reason. So for example Pope Boniface XIII is killed by the chief adviser to the King of France. In reality he was beaten up by French soldiers and died a couple of days later. King Philip IV is killed by the hero Landry but was in fact killed during a hunting accident. But I have no explanation for Philip killing his wife Joan of Navarre. My knowledge of European medieval history has faded since A level but does anyone know what really happened?
Wasn't there one wife of a French king who died suspiciously and then the king married soon thereafter. A brother of Isabelle wife of Edward II??
Help me out here people.
Yes. That was the eldest son of Philip IV. His wife had been caught committing adultery and was imprisoned. She died, mysteriously and conveniently, just before he wanted to marry again.
They had one daughter, who because her mother had been caught banging this courtier was rumoured to be illegitimate. And that was why France passed Salic Law saying a woman couldn’t inherit the crown. When her father died without a son it went as a result first to his two brothers (via a short-lived nephew called John the Posthumous) and then to a cousin, the Capetians.
If Salic Law had not been passed the French crown would unquestionably have gone to Edward III as Philip IV’s only living undisputed grandchild - and history would have been rather different.
"Lockdown-free Stockholm 'could achieve herd immunity in May': Claim by Swedish ambassador as she reveals 30% of the city's population already have immunity"
An interesting claim. It would require that the IFR in Stockholm is a mere 0.17%.
It would be gratifying if true (and it should mean that, if the Rt in Stockholm was indeed 1.27, they passed effective herd immunity a while ago (at 21% - so a third of their deaths have come after herd immunity should have kicked in. However, possibly Rt there is higher than expected)).
New York City surely must have hit herd immunity even in the absence of restrictions, unless the death rate there, for some reason, is a multiple of the death rate in Stockholm.
As it stands, I'd class it as a rather extraordinary claim at the moment, requiring evidence to back it up.
No herd immunity outside Stockholm though as much lower infection rate.
I don't believe Sweden has a high enough herd immunity to avoid a further wave. It is the nature of epidemics to burnout fairly quickly.
The absence of social distancing in first wave 1918 didn't stop a second wave.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
But Church Bells are actually part of traditional Conservative Britain.
One of the funniest phenomena on PB: a bunch of socially retarded no mates political geeks saying they would have no problem with a more or less permanent lockdown.
This thought crosses my mind daily. The most pro lockdown hardliners all exhibit introversion traits, unusually high financial security, or a combination of both.
On the one hand Anti-Lockdowners say the death rate is low enough for us to re-open all and sundry, but on the other hand, they forget that it is precisely because of the Lockdown that the curve has been flattened.
Personally, I look forward for the day when I can travel to Inverness and spend a maximum three nights there in order to "do" those last two trains heading west and north of there to complete the normal everyday National Rail network. But at the same time, I don't want to risk getting infected!
I keep telling you to go both ways on the sleeper but you keep talking about 3 nights in Inverness. Get the 92 and the pair of 73s in the book!
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
It is if the bell/loudspeaker break normal noise pollution rules.
Worth noting that normal noise pollution rules vary depending upon time of day so what is acceptable in the afternoon or evening may not be OK at 5am. For good reason.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
But Church Bells are actually part of traditional Conservative Britain.
So are pubs.
Doesn't mean a pub wanting to belt out music at 1am is permitted to. But it might be allowed to at 8pm.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
I don't have a problem with Hare Krishna people doing stupid singing. I don't have a problem with Hasidic Jews wearing odd outfits. I don't have a problem with people spilling out of nightclubs at 3am off their faces.
This is a free country. If they're not harming anyone, people can do what the fuck they like.
My god. The stupid on here is intense tonight.
The call to prayer is entirely different to Jews in bloody dreadlocks. It is a significant and constant intrusion INTO your daily life, whether you like it or not. You can’t avoid it.
I can only presume that the Pb-ers who happily accept this have never spent serious time in Muslim countries so they don’t know what the F they are talking about
Like I said. I find the prayer haunting and beautiful, but if you’re living in a flat next to a mosque and it happens five times a day, deafeningly loud. your attitude might sour
I went to the 2005 G8 protests in Scotland, ended up sleeping in a tent in a public park the night after. Sometime in the early morning light a small group of people turned a generator on and a very loud music system, kept the whole lot of us awake for the sake of a dozen people enjoying a party.
That right pissed me off, got myself into a scuffle after pulling plugs out of sockets. Heard later that some greater hero had killed their generator with sugar.
I'm not having anyone waking me up at an ungodly hour.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
I have just watched 18 episodes of the Netflix series called Knightfall. It's about the end of the Templars in France. It takes a bit of liberty with history but within reason. So for example Pope Boniface XIII is killed by the chief adviser to the King of France. In reality he was beaten up by French soldiers and died a couple of days later. King Philip IV is killed by the hero Landry but was in fact killed during a hunting accident. But I have no explanation for Philip killing his wife Joan of Navarre. My knowledge of European medieval history has faded since A level but does anyone know what really happened?
Wasn't there one wife of a French king who died suspiciously and then the king married soon thereafter. A brother of Isabelle wife of Edward II??
Help me out here people.
Yes. That was the eldest son of Philip IV. His wife had been caught committing adultery and was imprisoned. She died, mysteriously and conveniently, just before he wanted to marry again.
They had one daughter, who because her mother had been caught banging this courtier was rumoured to be illegitimate. And that was why France passed Salic Law saying a woman couldn’t inherit the crown. When her father died without a son it went as a result first to his two brothers (via a short-lived nephew called John the Posthumous) and then to a cousin, the Capetians.
If Salic Law had not been passed the French crown would unquestionably have gone to Edward III as Philip IV’s only living undisputed grandchild - and history would have been rather different.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Thankfully you don't represent the party. If you did I wouldn't support it.
They just hate Boris as much as they have hated any Tory leader since Thatcher because he ran on a right wing populist agenda that appealed to the provinces and utterly crushed the liberal left like Thatcher did.
There is nothing so bitter as a bad loser
Johnson defeated the Left - there was nothing liberal about Corbyn. Indeed, liberals backed Johnson to ensure Corbyn and his radical socialist nonsense was defeated.
Next time, with a record to defend and against a far more sensible Labour leader in Starmer and a far more reasonable policy programme, liberals may well consider Johnson the greater of the two evils.
Johnson did not just defeat the Corbynite left, he also defeated the anti Brexit FBPE LD crowd.
It was the biggest victory for the traditional conservative right in the UK since Thatcher beat Foot and Roy Jenkins
It's going to something of a pyrrhic victory for the "traditional conservative right" I suspect.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
@HYUFD would probably be straight onto the Parish Council demanding that the planning permission be objected to.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Thankfully you don't represent the party. If you did I wouldn't support it.
I am chairman of Epping and Theydon Bois branch of the party.
However as you are a libertarian rather than a conservative and we already have a libertarian party in the UK it would not bother me in the slightest of you did not vote Tory
Guessing it's about the Swedish covid app, there's some disagreement over it. Didn't seem enormously interesting from what I read.
There's no evidence of a hidden wave of deaths in Sweden though - it'd show in national death registrations. Certainly they have way more deaths than their neighbours, but that's pretty much a deliberate policy decision.
If they're going to have a problem it'll be that infections just keep growing endlessly.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Thankfully you don't represent the party. If you did I wouldn't support it.
I am chairman of Epping and Theydon Bois branch of the party.
However as you are a libertarian rather than a conservative and we already have a libertarian party in the UK it would not bother me in the slightest of you did not vote Tory
The libertarian party is meaningless fluff and the Conservatives have always been a realism party first and foremost and long had libertarian streaks. That's what appeals people like me - and libertarian PMs we've had including I would suggest Cameron, Johnson and Thatcher - to the party.
A recent study by an association of German health insurers found that doctors were lacking more than 100m single-use masks, almost 50m filter masks, more than 60m single-use aprons, and a similar number of disposable gloves
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
Religious freedom is about the freedom to worship not the freedom to irritate everybody else.
Freedom OF religion plus Freedom FROM religion would suit me just fine
Guessing it's about the Swedish covid app, there's some disagreement over it. Didn't seem enormously interesting from what I read.
There's no evidence of a hidden wave of deaths in Sweden though - it'd show in national death registrations. Certainly they have way more deaths than their neighbours, but that's pretty much a deliberate policy decision.
If they're going to have a problem it'll be that infections just keep growing endlessly.
Yeah, there is no iceberg of hidden Swedish deaths unless it turns out the SBC figures have a hilarious level of lag to them (spoiler: they do not).
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Thankfully you don't represent the party. If you did I wouldn't support it.
I am chairman of Epping and Theydon Bois branch of the party.
However as you are a libertarian rather than a conservative and we already have a libertarian party in the UK it would not bother me in the slightest of you did not vote Tory
The libertarian party is meaningless fluff and the Conservatives have always been a realism party first and foremost and long had libertarian streaks. That's what appeals people like me - and libertarian PMs we've had including I would suggest Cameron, Johnson and Thatcher - to the party.
Fine but you have to accept most members of the Conservative Party and most Tory MPs are not libertarians but conservatives
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
I’m an ageing devotee of house and techno.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
a I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Thankfully you don't represent the party. If you did I wouldn't support it.
I am chairman of Epping and Theydon Bois branch of the party.
However as you are a libertarian rather than a conservative and we already have a libertarian party in the UK it would not bother me in the slightest of you did not vote Tory
The libertarian party is meaningless fluff and the Conservatives have always been a realism party first and foremost and long had libertarian streaks. That's what appeals people like me - and libertarian PMs we've had including I would suggest Cameron, Johnson and Thatcher - to the party.
Fine but you have to accept most members of the Conservative Party and most Tory MPs are not libertarians but conservatives
It is also as irrelevant as your boasting to be "chairman of Epping and Theydon Bois branch of the party" as if that means diddly squat.
You are a blue Corbynite. The party is a big tent and includes classic economic liberals, libertarians and the like - and without our votes the party loses. Every majority winning Conservative PM of my lifetime could and has been called a libertarian.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
I’m an ageing devotee of house and techno.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
a I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Thankfully you don't represent the party. If you did I wouldn't support it.
I am chairman of Epping and Theydon Bois branch of the party.
However as you are a libertarian rather than a conservative and we already have a libertarian party in the UK it would not bother me in the slightest of you did not vote Tory
The libertarian party is meaningless fluff and the Conservatives have always been a realism party first and foremost and long had libertarian streaks. That's what appeals people like me - and libertarian PMs we've had including I would suggest Cameron, Johnson and Thatcher - to the party.
Fine but you have to accept most members of the Conservative Party and most Tory MPs are not libertarians but conservatives
It is also as irrelevant as your boasting to be "chairman of Epping and Theydon Bois branch of the party" as if that means diddly squat.
You are a blue Corbynite. The party is a big tent and includes classic economic liberals, libertarians and the like - and without our votes the party loses. Every majority winning Conservative PM of my lifetime could and has been called a libertarian.
I am not a Corbynite, I support lower taxes.
Libertarianism encompasses slashing spending and a socially liberal agenda, certainly not what Thatcher won on in the 80s or Boris won on last year
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
I don't have a problem with Hare Krishna people doing stupid singing. I don't have a problem with Hasidic Jews wearing odd outfits. I don't have a problem with people spilling out of nightclubs at 3am off their faces.
This is a free country. If they're not harming anyone, people can do what the fuck they like.
My god. The stupid on here is intense tonight.
The call to prayer is entirely different to Jews in bloody dreadlocks. It is a significant and constant intrusion INTO your daily life, whether you like it or not. You can’t avoid it.
I can only presume that the Pb-ers who happily accept this have never spent serious time in Muslim countries so they don’t know what the F they are talking about
Like I said. I find the prayer haunting and beautiful, but if you’re living in a flat next to a mosque and it happens five times a day, deafeningly loud. your attitude might sour
I went to the 2005 G8 protests in Scotland, ended up sleeping in a tent in a public park the night after. Sometime in the early morning light a small group of people turned a generator on and a very loud music system, kept the whole lot of us awake for the sake of a dozen people enjoying a party.
That right pissed me off, got myself into a scuffle after pulling plugs out of sockets. Heard later that some greater hero had killed their generator with sugar.
I'm not having anyone waking me up at an ungodly hour.
Indeed. Broken sleep can send people mad with anger.
Some of the nastiest household arguments I’ve witnessed have happened when someone shattered the sleep of someone else.
The problem in India is serious, it’s an obvious source of friction
India is where I learned how bloody annoying it is. You're right as well, it's a huge source of friction and I wouldn't be surprised if Modi axes it nationwide when he wins next time.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
Why do numbers matter? If its OK for one it is OK for all. It is fundamentally unBritish to say otherwise.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
I’m an ageing devotee of house and techno.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
IIRC in Oxford, a request to use electronic amplification for the call the prayer was turned down on the basis that -
a) There is no religious justification for such amplification b) Church bells etc don't use electronic amplification
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
Why do numbers matter? If its OK for one it is OK for all. It is fundamentally unBritish to say otherwise.
No, the whole point of religion is community worship in part, blasting a loudspeaker for your own amusement only in breach of noise regulations does not encompass that
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
I don't have a problem with Hare Krishna people doing stupid singing. I don't have a problem with Hasidic Jews wearing odd outfits. I don't have a problem with people spilling out of nightclubs at 3am off their faces.
This is a free country. If they're not harming anyone, people can do what the fuck they like.
My god. The stupid on here is intense tonight.
The call to prayer is entirely different to Jews in bloody dreadlocks. It is a significant and constant intrusion INTO your daily life, whether you like it or not. You can’t avoid it.
I can only presume that the Pb-ers who happily accept this have never spent serious time in Muslim countries so they don’t know what the F they are talking about
Like I said. I find the prayer haunting and beautiful, but if you’re living in a flat next to a mosque and it happens five times a day, deafeningly loud. your attitude might sour
I went to the 2005 G8 protests in Scotland, ended up sleeping in a tent in a public park the night after. Sometime in the early morning light a small group of people turned a generator on and a very loud music system, kept the whole lot of us awake for the sake of a dozen people enjoying a party.
That right pissed me off, got myself into a scuffle after pulling plugs out of sockets. Heard later that some greater hero had killed their generator with sugar.
I'm not having anyone waking me up at an ungodly hour.
Indeed. Broken sleep can send people mad with anger.
Some of the nastiest household arguments I’ve witnessed have happened when someone shattered the sleep of someone else.
The problem in India is serious, it’s an obvious source of friction
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
Remarkable ignorance of your local area
There is a Hindu Temple in Chigwell, there are no Mosques in Epping Forest
Chancellor announces 100% loan guarantee by HMG for small businesses upto £50,000
A loan to be paid from non-existent income. Hmmm ......
Loans are paid with the income of the future.
Are you saying the future has no income?
For very many businesses affected by social distancing rules there will not be the income to repay any loan on top of all their other normal costs. So the answer, bluntly, is no.
Loans are yesterday's answer to today's and tomorrow's problems.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
Why do numbers matter? If its OK for one it is OK for all. It is fundamentally unBritish to say otherwise.
No, the whole point of religion is community worship in part, blasting a loudspeaker for your own amusement only in breach of noise regulations does not encompass that
But what if it's in Hackney Wick where there's thousands of people who go to warehouse raves every Friday night?
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
Why do numbers matter? If its OK for one it is OK for all. It is fundamentally unBritish to say otherwise.
No, the whole point of religion is community worship in part, blasting a loudspeaker for your own amusement only in breach of noise regulations does not encompass that
Same with music parties.
I've not seen many Churches or Mosques in practice with thousands of worshippers.
Presumably under your logic then if a hundred people wish to attend an Underworld House and Techno gig while say only 20 people wish to attend their local Church and only 50 people wish to attend their local Mosque then the hundred person party must take priority over the Church or Mosque?
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
Remarkable ignorance of your local area
There is a Hindu Temple in Chigwell, there are no Mosques in Epping Forest
Would you have chosen to live in Epping Forest if it was full of mosques?
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
I’m an ageing devotee of house and techno.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
I could easily arrange that. See you after lockdown for a solstice party in the Great Monk Wood...
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
I’m an ageing devotee of house and techno.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
I could easily arrange that. See you after lockdown for a solstice party in the Great Monk Wood...
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
I’m an ageing devotee of house and techno.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
IIRC in Oxford, a request to use electronic amplification for the call the prayer was turned down on the basis that -
a) There is no religious justification for such amplification b) Church bells etc don't use electronic amplification
There are not that many Muslims in Oxford anyway, certainly compared to London or Birmingham and it depends on how loud the bells or loudspeakers are in relation to noise regulations
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
So I'll take that as confirmation that you don't want a Mosque in your street.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
Why do numbers matter? If its OK for one it is OK for all. It is fundamentally unBritish to say otherwise.
No, the whole point of religion is community worship in part, blasting a loudspeaker for your own amusement only in breach of noise regulations does not encompass that
But what if it's in Hackney Wick where there's thousands of people who go to warehouse raves every Friday night?
A rave is not religious worship but if people want to go to warehouse raves I have no problem with that
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
So I'll take that as confirmation that you don't want a Mosque in your street.
There is no need for one, there are not thousands of Muslims here unlike in East London
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
Why do numbers matter? If its OK for one it is OK for all. It is fundamentally unBritish to say otherwise.
No, the whole point of religion is community worship in part, blasting a loudspeaker for your own amusement only in breach of noise regulations does not encompass that
Worship of repetitive beats at 128bpm is as valid as any other.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
I’m an ageing devotee of house and techno.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
IIRC in Oxford, a request to use electronic amplification for the call the prayer was turned down on the basis that -
a) There is no religious justification for such amplification b) Church bells etc don't use electronic amplification
There are not that many Muslims in Oxford anyway, certainly compared to London or Birmingham and it depends on how loud the bells or loudspeakers are in relation to noise regulations
The judgement ((IIRC) was based on the doctrine of equality - church bells were considered the standard, accepted by the community.
There were (again IIRC) some intricate arguments about dB, pitch etc.
Chancellor announces 100% loan guarantee by HMG for small businesses upto £50,000
A loan to be paid from non-existent income. Hmmm ......
Loans are paid with the income of the future.
Are you saying the future has no income?
For very many businesses affected by social distancing rules there will not be the income to repay any loan on top of all their other normal costs. So the answer, bluntly, is no.
Loans are yesterday's answer to today's and tomorrow's problems.
I had a lot of sympathy with that point of view when the loans were expected to pay people's wages, that was utterly unreasonable.
But given the primary costs of almost any business (wages and COGS) are essentially nil right now as are business rates for the worst affected a loan to absorb the rest for continuance (and grants available for some) seems reasonable.
Without any Cost of Goods Sold, without any wages and without any business rates the costs of any business that is furloughed should be a fraction of normal turnover.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
I’m an ageing devotee of house and techno.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
I could easily arrange that. See you after lockdown for a solstice party in the Great Monk Wood...
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
So I'll take that as confirmation that you don't want a Mosque in your street.
There is no need for one, there are not thousands of Muslims here unlike in East London
There never used to be many mosques in East London either.
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
No unless you have thousands attending your blast on Friday evenings as attend London Mosques
Why do numbers matter? If its OK for one it is OK for all. It is fundamentally unBritish to say otherwise.
No, the whole point of religion is community worship in part, blasting a loudspeaker for your own amusement only in breach of noise regulations does not encompass that
Worship of repetitive beats at 128bpm is as valid as any other.
No it is not, there is no mass community worship involved to need it
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
The Muslim population in the UK is very concentrated in a few areas like East London, Slough, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester in areas like Surrey, Sussex and Bucks thete are hardly any Muslims at all so there is not the demand for more Mosques or loudspeakers.
If you choose to live in East London you have to accept it has a large Muslim population and the cultural influence that follows in the area
What about the rights of non-Muslims?
Nobody is forcing them to convert to Islam and go to Mosque
Is anybody forcing Muslims to adhere to Islam and go to Mosque? Why do you seem to only care about Muslims?
I care about religious freedom and Christian Churches right to ring Church bells too
So long as its the same as other businesses then so do I.
Some people don't want to live next door to a pub because of a pub's loudspeakers. These things happen in a free society. There is a balancing act between letting people do what they want and not harming others.
I agree but in a predominantly Muslim area I do not see the call to prayer as harming many local people
And the huge number of non Muslims in the area?! Just shit out of luck for living in the ghetto. No thanks. Sometimes I don't understand how we're in the same party.
If you live in a predominantly Muslim area you must accept the wishes of the majority just as if you live in a traditional village ringing of the church bells is part if the culture.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
Bollocks. This isn't a Muslim country and we shouldn't pander to that kind of thinking anywhere in the country. People mustn't accept anything, if the majority of people in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets wanted to live by Sharia law would that be acceptable? They are the vast majority in the borough.
This is predominantly a secular country now but that does not mean we ban worship in Mosques or Churches or the practice of religious tradition and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
How far do you live from the nearest Mosque?
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
There are no Mosques in Epping Forest, the nearest are in Enfield and Leytonstone.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
So I'll take that as confirmation that you don't want a Mosque in your street.
There is no need for one, there are not thousands of Muslims here unlike in East London
There never used to be many mosques in East London either.
Well if we ever get to be a majority Muslim nation we will have to get used to Mosques and even Sharia law everywhere but that is not the case here and I doubt ever will be unless we had open door immigration from Muslim nations which I would not support
Gardening Corner with @Cyclefree. Today's garden question - (13), I think.
I like hostas, as do slugs. My many clumps and pots of inherited hostas are about to break through. How do I protect them from slugs? Is it as simple as a band of eggshells on the soil (of which I have also inherited a fair quantity)?
My tips:- 1. Get some copper bands - available online from lots of places eg Harrod Horticultural - and put them around the base of the hosts so that they form a protective collar with no space underneath for the snails to creep in. Slugs don't like the shock they get from the copper. 2. Egg shells or grit inside the copper band or generally around the hosts helps because slugs don't like climbing over them. 3. Slug pellets work. You only need a few and you can mix them into the grit. 4. Nematodes: also available from Harrod Horticultural. A powder which mixes with water and gets poured over your garden. The nematodes eat the slugs before they have a chance to grow. You need to do a course with the company sending you the powder every few weeks so you get continuous coverage. 5. There is a spray which you can spray on your hosts- top and bottom of the leaves - which helps make them unpalatable to slugs. Cannot remember the name bit will try to look it up. 6. Going round every evening, picking the bloody things and drowning them. 7. Getting a hedgehog.
I do a combination of all these things.
Say hello to my hosta-protector:
I sometimes have one of those.
But the neighbour has currently blocked up the hole in the fence, which I need to talk to them about.
Grazers anti-slug spray is what I was referring to in item 5. A useful addition but don't just rely on it. Works best for slightly more established plants.
Chancellor announces 100% loan guarantee by HMG for small businesses upto £50,000
A loan to be paid from non-existent income. Hmmm ......
Loans are paid with the income of the future.
Are you saying the future has no income?
For very many businesses affected by social distancing rules there will not be the income to repay any loan on top of all their other normal costs. So the answer, bluntly, is no.
Loans are yesterday's answer to today's and tomorrow's problems.
I had a lot of sympathy with that point of view when the loans were expected to pay people's wages, that was utterly unreasonable.
But given the primary costs of almost any business (wages and COGS) are essentially nil right now as are business rates for the worst affected a loan to absorb the rest for continuance (and grants available for some) seems reasonable.
Without any Cost of Goods Sold, without any wages and without any business rates the costs of any business that is furloughed should be a fraction of normal turnover.
That is simply not correct. Rent, electricity, gas, pension contributions, insurance, telephone etc costs still need paying. Unless a business has ceased trading altogether, it still has costs. With no or very low income it has no way of repaying a loan.
The grant goes nowhere near providing compensation for a government decision to shut it down, very possibly for the best part of a year. Or even longer.
I don't have a problem with it, just as I don't have a problem with church bells chiming every hour and ringing every Sunday
You haven’t travelled much, have you? The call to prayer is very intrusive and divisive, where it is allowed in multicultural countries
In India it’s one of the main causes of Hindu-Islamic tension, which has led to horrible violence. Hindus often cite it as one reason they dislike their Muslim neighbours.
I’d rather we avoided Indian style anger. Because that noise, heard 5 times a day, every day, for the rest of your life, drives people nuts
I heard it regularly when I was in Bethlehem and Nablus only last year.
If we are a nation which allows religious freedom, as we do, then that has to include allowing full respect for religious tradition, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Hindu and in areas with a large Muslim population such as London that would include the call to prayer from Mosques
So you’d be OK with it five times a day, every day, starting at dawn, for the rest of time?
How about the rights of non-Muslims in that neighbourhood not to have this wailing enforced on them?
Lots of Muslims dislike the imposition of the call to prayer, and think it is too much via loudspeakers.
Yes, in East London and Birmingham up to half of the local population or more is Muslim in some areas so there would be strong demand for the call to prayer from the local mosque.
If we allow non-Muslims to stop the call to prayer we could also end up with non-Christians stopping the ringing of church bells in country villages and market towns
And what about the half of people who aren’t Muslim? Are they allowed to object to a very loud wailing waking them up every day at 5am? Or do they have to accept it because it is ‘religious’
If they don't like it move out of East London, to Richmond on Thames or the Home Counties for example where the Muslim population is very small, not that difficult
Ah. So the non Muslims who don’t like it should just move. Out of their own neighbourhood. Brilliant.
And what if they move to a small Home Counties town, well stocked with hot broth, but Muslims move in next door and start praying? Where do they move then? America? The moon?
I don't have a problem with Hare Krishna people doing stupid singing. I don't have a problem with Hasidic Jews wearing odd outfits. I don't have a problem with people spilling out of nightclubs at 3am off their faces.
This is a free country. If they're not harming anyone, people can do what the fuck they like.
My god. The stupid on here is intense tonight.
The call to prayer is entirely different to Jews in bloody dreadlocks. It is a significant and constant intrusion INTO your daily life, whether you like it or not. You can’t avoid it.
I can only presume that the Pb-ers who happily accept this have never spent serious time in Muslim countries so they don’t know what the F they are talking about
Like I said. I find the prayer haunting and beautiful, but if you’re living in a flat next to a mosque and it happens five times a day, deafeningly loud. your attitude might sour
Same happens if you live next door to a pub etc
That's what regulations are for.</blockquote Slightly off topic but I found out today that if you want to buy a property next to a pub then most high street lenders will not give you a mortgage.
So if you posted an original song or artwork with the hashtag Disney are claiming they could the use that in a movie without compensating you.
I do not think so.
1) how have they come up with the 30% figure
2) forcibly closing down restraunts doesn't sound that free.
Churches and Mosques should follow same rules as anyone else.
Cameron could have been an Orange Book LD, Osborne certainly could have been, Boris could only be a Tory
Makes you proud to be Scottish.
Personally, I look forward for the day when I can travel to Inverness and spend a maximum three nights there in order to "do" those last two trains heading west and north of there to complete the normal everyday National Rail network. But at the same time, I don't want to risk getting infected!
It would be gratifying if true (and it should mean that, if the Rt in Stockholm was indeed 1.27, they passed effective herd immunity a while ago (at 21% - so a third of their deaths have come after herd immunity should have kicked in. However, possibly Rt there is higher than expected)).
New York City surely must have hit herd immunity even in the absence of restrictions, unless the death rate there, for some reason, is a multiple of the death rate in Stockholm.
As it stands, I'd class it as a rather extraordinary claim at the moment, requiring evidence to back it up.
Help me out here people.
You are clearly on the libertarian ring of the party, I most certainly am not
But the neighbour has currently blocked up the hole in the fence, which I need to talk to them about.
LG Chem Triples Carbon Nanotube Production For Better Batteries
.... LG Chem is investing 65 billion KRW ($53 million) to expand production capacity of carbon nanotubes (CNT) at its Yeosu plant in South Korea by 1,200 tons annually (from 500 tons to 1,700 tons) by Q1 2021.
Global demand for CNT was reportedly 3,000 tons annually, which means that LG Chem already controlled one-sixth of the market and now will increase its output by 240%.
The main reason for the expansion is lithium-ion batteries. In particular, batteries for electric cars....
They also just finalised financing for a massive battery plane in Poland.
They had one daughter, who because her mother had been caught banging this courtier was rumoured to be illegitimate. And that was why France passed Salic Law saying a woman couldn’t inherit the crown. When her father died without a son it went as a result first to his two brothers (via a short-lived nephew called John the Posthumous) and then to a cousin, the Capetians.
If Salic Law had not been passed the French crown would unquestionably have gone to Edward III as Philip IV’s only living undisputed grandchild - and history would have been rather different.
I don't believe Sweden has a high enough herd immunity to avoid a further wave. It is the nature of epidemics to burnout fairly quickly.
The absence of social distancing in first wave 1918 didn't stop a second wave.
and faith.
Allowing church bells to ring and the call to prayer is not the same as overturning UK law and replacing it with law based on the Bible or the Koran
Worth noting that normal noise pollution rules vary depending upon time of day so what is acceptable in the afternoon or evening may not be OK at 5am. For good reason.
Doesn't mean a pub wanting to belt out music at 1am is permitted to. But it might be allowed to at 8pm.
Same rules for everyone.
That right pissed me off, got myself into a scuffle after pulling plugs out of sockets. Heard later that some greater hero had killed their generator with sugar.
I'm not having anyone waking me up at an ungodly hour.
And if one opened in your street would you be happy for them to blast out the call to prayer?
But Svenska Dagbladet is paywalled, so not much beyond the headline.
However as you are a libertarian rather than a conservative and we already have a libertarian party in the UK it would not bother me in the slightest of you did not vote Tory
There's no evidence of a hidden wave of deaths in Sweden though - it'd show in national death registrations. Certainly they have way more deaths than their neighbours, but that's pretty much a deliberate policy decision.
If they're going to have a problem it'll be that infections just keep growing endlessly.
As there are very few Muslims here there is no demand for one, if I had chosen to live in an area with a Mosque and high Muslim population I would have no complaints about the call to prayer
Freedom OF religion plus Freedom FROM religion would suit me just fine
Presumably you’ll be defending my rights to follow my religion when I bomb into the middle of Epping Forest with a giant sound system and blast out Underworld at 100 decibels at 2355 on Friday evenings?
You are a blue Corbynite. The party is a big tent and includes classic economic liberals, libertarians and the like - and without our votes the party loses. Every majority winning Conservative PM of my lifetime could and has been called a libertarian.
Libertarianism encompasses slashing spending and a socially liberal agenda, certainly not what Thatcher won on in the 80s or Boris won on last year
a) There is no religious justification for such amplification
b) Church bells etc don't use electronic amplification
That would have absolutely nothing to do with the anti-muslim government of India. No, nothing at all. Look - squirrel!
Loans are yesterday's answer to today's and tomorrow's problems.
I've not seen many Churches or Mosques in practice with thousands of worshippers.
Presumably under your logic then if a hundred people wish to attend an Underworld House and Techno gig while say only 20 people wish to attend their local Church and only 50 people wish to attend their local Mosque then the hundred person party must take priority over the Church or Mosque?
There were (again IIRC) some intricate arguments about dB, pitch etc.
But given the primary costs of almost any business (wages and COGS) are essentially nil right now as are business rates for the worst affected a loan to absorb the rest for continuance (and grants available for some) seems reasonable.
Without any Cost of Goods Sold, without any wages and without any business rates the costs of any business that is furloughed should be a fraction of normal turnover.
been served with a noise abatement order
The grant goes nowhere near providing compensation for a government decision to shut it down, very possibly for the best part of a year. Or even longer.